Prayer On Becoming A Christian

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Heavenly Father, in this sacred moment, I approach You with a heart open and ready for transformation. Today, I make the decision to turn towards You, to step into the light of Your love, and to begin my journey as a Christian.

I stand at the threshold of a new beginning, yearning for the truth, peace, and love that comes only from knowing You. With humility and hope, I confess that I have lived apart from Your grace, seeking fulfillment in places where it cannot be found.

I acknowledge Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, believing that He died for my sins and rose again, conquering death and offering eternal life to all who believe in Him. I confess my sins before You, Lord, trusting in Your promise of forgiveness and redemption.

1 Corinthians 11:1 Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ.

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him. And he will make straight your paths.

Seeking Guidance And Strength

As I embark on this journey, I ask for Your guidance, Lord. Teach me Your ways, and help me to walk in them. Open my heart to Your Word, that I may find wisdom, comfort, and instruction in its pages.

Fill me with Your Holy Spirit, that I may grow in faith, hope, and love, and be empowered to live a life that glorifies You.

Grant me the strength to face the challenges that come with this new path. Help me to stand firm in faith, to remain steadfast in the face of temptation, and to radiate Your love to those around me.

Professing Christ

Help me to remember that when I confess I am a Christian, it does not mean I do not sin and will not stumble. It does mean I am forgiven, and You will catch me where I fall.

When I profess to the world that I am a Christian, help me not to have pride. Rather, may I be humble, allowing you, God, to be my guide.

When I confess I am a Christian, I am not saying this to prove I am strong. Instead, I am professing that I am weak and need You, my Savior, to carry on.

When I say I am a Christian, I should not brag about success but admit I have failed and need Jesus to clean the mess.

Romans 6:4 We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life.

1 John 3:2 Beloved, we are God’s children now. And what we will be has not yet appeared. But we know that when he appears we shall be like him, because we shall see him as he is.

As Christians We Have Received Grace

When I say I am a Christian it doesn’t mean I am perfect. Help me to remember my flaws are far too visible, yet You believe I am worth it.

When I say I am a Christian, I will still feel the sting of pain, share of heartaches, betrayals, and temptations. But when I call upon Your precious name, You’ll lead me straight to salvation.

Help me to remember when I say I am a Christian, I am not holier than thou, I am just a simple sinner who received Your good grace somehow.

John 15:20 Remember the word that I said to you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you. If they kept my word, they will also keep yours.

Praying For Wisdom And Understanding

Help me not to forget that religion is not of You, it is man-made. They list the dos and don’ts. Give me knowledge and wisdom, Oh Father, to understand Your Word so You can teach me right from wrong.

Help me to remember You are merciful, oh Loving Lord, so when I sin I am forgiven with repentance. For by Your stripes we are saved, healed and delivered from the enemy. In Jesus’ powerful, mighty name. Amen!!

Romans 6:4 We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life.


Prayer on becoming a Christian

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  1. let not your heart be troubled Jose, in the MIGHTY NAME OF Jesus! You will be helped!! He will never forsake his children …. be strong my brother.

  2. God Bless You All-

    My name is Vanessa and I recently accepted the lord into my heart as my lord and Savior (May 11th). My husband and I recently lost our jobs within a week of each other. We felt like a failure to our 3 kids. So many things went through our minds, how will we pay our rent, car note, groceries, light bill next month. How will we go on..

    I cried and cried for days. I didn’t like the person I was becoming. I began to pray to God.. the day after accepting the Lord into my heart, I had this sense of faith in me that everything WILL be ok!!! My attitude changed and I put a smile on my face for the kids.

    I began to pray more and writing everything down in a little note pad. I started to learn more about God and started reading the Bible and the more I learn, the bigger my faith has gotten. Both my husband and I got hired for new jobs (thank you Jesus). We start next week. I prayed to God heavily for our financial struggles and I know he is up there working on something greater, more rewarding for us. I am trying my hardest to become a changed person and become a woman of God.

    I ask that you all pray for myself and our family to get through the next month financially until our money starts flowing in. Although, we don’t have 2 pennies to rub together, my faith is at an all time high!! I know he is working on answering my prayers and to Jose, on your earlier post. I am so glad everything is working out for you. I pray to God for your strength for your family and may he continue to bless you abundantly. God bless you all.

    1. My story is so similar to yours except my husband has a job with not enough to pay all of our bills monthly. It has been so hard and I do feel like I failed my 3 daughters even though they say different. I had a lot of people I helped and I feel useless to anyone a lot. I have thought suicide was a cowardly move but I now know what it is like because I think of it often. I am so depressed I can pray for others but barely can pray for myself. I will pray for you and your family and God is going to restore what you lost 10 times over.

    2. Dearest Father,Please in Your abundant Mercy help Vanessa and her husband to trust in You Lord as they walk away from stress, anxiety, financial hardship and the stronghold of the enemy. I pray Lord that Vanessa and her family have now moved on to a much more secure place in their lives. Lord God we know that Your Divine law operates within Vanessa as she speaks, thinks and acts with Faith, with Love and with Courage. Please Father move in this families life so they will know that just as in Bible times, You are still able to Heal the Sick and pour Your Peace upon the stormy waters of all distressing situations. In the Beautiful name of Your Son, Christ Jesus I pray. Amen.

  3. Dear Jose, I am truly sorry that you have been struggling with finances so much over the last month. But I would encourage you to persevere, because I am confident that God has heard every one of your cries for help.

    I believe with all my heart that God is going to provide for you in a mighty way if you are willing to wait on Him. I believe that you are 100% a child of God, because I have seen evidence of your faith already, and your status before God is not based on your history of smoking but on the blood of Christ. I pray in the Mighty Name of Jesus that He will protect you and your family from the lies of Satan that tell you you are not worthy of God’s love, or that you are a disappointment to God and your family, and especially that life is not living.

    I don’t know what your pain is like, but I have lived with depression for much of my life and I know the excruciating pain of believing you have let everyone down and that nothing good can come from my life. Please believe me when I say that those are absolute lies. Please keep clinging to Jesus, because He can get you through this.

    No matter what you think right now, Jesus loves you more than you can imagine, and He delights in you as His son. Lord Jesus, please reveal yourself to Jose today and remind Him how proud you are of him. Please provide for his family’s financial needs and remind him that you are a God who makes the impossible possible. I entrust Jose’s life to You, Father, and trust You to protect him, guide him, encourage him, and provide for him as You Alone can. I pray all these things in the Powerful Name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

    1. God bless you dear Karen for your uplifting words of wisdom to Jose. I to have lived with Depression Karen and it is a soul distressing affliction and the evil one delights in filling your head with thoughts of unworthiness and suicide is the worst of them. Thank you so much for reaching out to Jose and please know I will remember you also in my family prayers and thanking God for people like you. Evie

  4. “AMEN”, & “Hallelujah!!!!!!!!”!
    “Praise Him in the name of Jesus!!!!!!!”

  5. Good day. I really truly need prayer and I am at the point of commuting self murder. However, I have three children and a wife I love with all my heart and that way I could not go thru with it. God, please assist with my financial problem I have currently. Please let me be able to pay all my monthly debts to all I’m owing money. Jesus, I am in the point of losing my house. God, I am praying, please don’t let this happen to me. I don’t know if I can look my family in their eyes if ever this would happen. Father, I tried business opportunity and not succeeding.

    God, today is a of wonders and your name is higher than any other and I breakdown any negative forces in the name of Jesus. I pray for wonders on the interview I had in the week and Lord please give me guidance on how to use money wisely. I also pray to pay my Ty’s. In the name of Jesus Christ or all-mighty Father. I also pray that my prayer will help other people in the future. Bless them, God, bless them, in Jesus mighty name. AMEN

    1. People I must tell you all God is good I just received I phone call from someone advise me about my business opportunity. Now its not confirmed as yet but I trust in God it will come thru today the latest tomorrow. People you do not understand how much this means to me and my family. God I pray for you to guide me and for my to assist and help other people in need. I pray for me to use the money wisely and bless others in need. God I would like to help others please please assist me to do so. I pray for this deal on a break thru in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. I pray for the holy spirit to guide me in making the wright decision in life. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ its time for people to know the wonders God can do. AMEN

    2. Oh Lord, please bless Jose and his family. Let know learn to depend on you and appreciate you. Show him your love… Amen!

    3. Dear God, I’m asking you to bless and protect Jose. May you send you angels to difflect the evil temptations of suicide and give Jose the strength to continue on with life. Make his family be the best strength for him, and so be it, Amen! Jose, may God bless you and your family always! Whenever possible Jose, go and give your wife and children a warm hug and let them know how much you really love them and feel Gods blessing when doing so!

      1. Amen! Beautiful prayer Ken. And thanks for the update, Jose. May God continue to bless and guide you and your family and all your prayers be answered, according to His will and to His Glory, Amen!!!

      2. I stand in 100% percent agreement, in one accord, and in unity with my brother Ken’s prayer over Jose and his familit’s good and well-being in the name of Jesus amen. ♡♡♡

    4. Hello Jose. You r in my thoughts and prayers. Understand no matter how hard life hits or can be, God is hurting along with you. God understands ur heart and pain and as long as your faith in him grows and you continue to fight and never give up, he will always be there 4u. God would never want you to give up. u need to fight like a Christian and fight and pray for ur life and struggles and pain. God is here and will never leave u, never.

    5. Hi people its almost a month now. My things are just not coming on board. I still sit with no income to provide for my family. I still can’t pay all my debts.

      Now I am not saying I am a 100% child of God because I am still smoking but tonight at 23:43 the 18/05/2016 I stand before God and all of you as witness. God, I will quit smoking now as from 24:00 on the 18_05_2016. Now I am putting any obligations in front of God. I am busy with a deal now for trucking but it just don’t seems to get write or come thru. God, please help me get back on track.

      My biggest problem is finance. Now I am not asking for donations but I will honor all my father work as head of the house well God is the only one now to help me out. Truly speaking, I can’t anymore. It seems to me death is my only way out, but what about the people I leave behind: three children, a wife and mother plus father and sisters.

      Lord, I am asking for strength and mercy. I thank you for everything Father, but I do not see any point of living anymore if I can’t even pay doe bread. God, its time for me to leave this earth. I love you my wife, sorry but I can’t take it anymore, I am just a disappointment.

    6. Dear Jose, I just came across your posts today and the last one is 7 months old and I am praying that by now the Lord Jesus Christ has moved in your life in a MIGHTY way and your circumstances have improved greatly. Please know you and your family were held up in heavy Prayer today. I praise Karen for her heartfelt words of wisdom to you. Jesus CAN and WILL see us through every tough trial we endure. Rest on Him Jose, lean on Him, keep Praying and dont stop. God is the One that loves you the most and He is the One who will bring you through your darkness out into the light, please do not give up, give in or stop as that is what the evil one wants you to do, but greater is He that lives inside of you Jose that lives in this fallen world.

  6. BirthName: EllenLittlesparrow WhiteName: RuthStalker

    I’ve known the Lord well since a Teenager. I am Native American and most people find it hard to believe we are the Savages they feel we are. We worship Mother Earth, The Four Winds, The Grandfather and the Sky in Our Ancestral Ceremonies.
    Our first Religious Teachers were Jesuit Priests who migrated to America and built Monastaries on Native land to teach Natives to speak English and Convert to Catholasism. The name called upon in Worship does’nt really matter , we all worship the same Holy Entity, It is only the names are Different.

  7. It’s so wonderful to know that when I’m down or unhappy I can easily go to this website and read a daily prayer..thank you Oh father for allowing me to stumble upon this website so that I can go on with life with the grace of god….in Jesus name.amen!!

  8. Oh how wonderful this site is, I stumbled on the site earlier this morning and I must admit.. it’s a God sent! Thank U so much! it has open a new path ,new ways, new ideas,the prayers and words of wisdom is absolutely what I need to help me on My way..Thank U father for your love and mercy..all praises and Glory is your forever more.

  9. Hello, I recently stumble upon this website and have to say the daily prayers are wonderful. I continue to return to this website to review the daily prayers listed.

    Thank you for all the blessings heavenly father.

  10. Thank you for all the beautiful meaningful prayers this week. It has been a awesome journey in the Lord.
    God bless you more.