Prayer For A Deeper Relationship With God

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How is your relationship with God? Have you been taking time to spend in prayer and fellowship with the Lord? Don’t wait unto a crisis hits to call upon the name of the Lord. But rather, in good times as well as bad times, let us glorify His name!

“So do not fear, for I am with you. Do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10

Prayer For A Deeper Relationship With God

Seeking Intimacy With God

Great and Mighty is Your name, Lord! You are worthy of all my love, respect, honor and praise. You are my Strong-tower, my Deliverer, my Refuge and my Strength. In You, I put my confidence and trust.

Oh God, my Creator and Sustainer, I approach Your throne of grace with a desire to know You more. I yearn for a deeper relationship with You, a connection that goes beyond mere religion or routine. Father, I recognize that You desire a personal, intimate relationship with me – one that is real, authentic, and life-changing.

There is a longing in my heart that only You can fill, a thirst that only Your living water can quench. I want to experience the richness of Your love, the depth of Your mercy, and the tenderness of Your care. In the quiet place of prayer, I seek Your face, longing to know You as Abba, Father – loving, gentle, and kind.

James 4:8 Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.

Jeremiah 29:13 You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.

Prayer For Revelation Of God’s Character

Heavenly Father, I ask for a fresh revelation of who You are. As I read Your Word, open my eyes to see the truth of Your character. Let the words leap off the pages and come alive to me, revealing facets of Your nature I have not known or understood.

Show me Your heart, Lord, in the pages of Scripture. Reveal to me Your character in a way that is real and personal. Help me to understand Your love, Your grace, Your mercy, and Your righteousness. I want to know You for who You truly are, not just who I imagine or want You to be.

Exodus 34:6 The LORD, the LORD, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness.

Psalm 86:15 But you, O Lord, are a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness.

Deeper Relationship With God

Almighty God, I pray that I will be taken into a deeper, more meaningful relationship with You, where I will grow in faith and hear the still small voice within my soul.

Help me to be attentive to Your call, that will cause me to walk in Your righteousness. Open the eyes of my heart. May I see the many blessings you bestow on me, especially the very small ones that I sometimes take for granted.

Psalms 50:23 Whoever sacrifices a thank offering honors Me, and whoever orders his conduct, I will show him the salvation of God.

Psalms 18:2 The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my deliverer, my God, my mountain where I seek refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.

Closer Walk With You

Walk with me Father and take me to new levels where I can experience an outpouring of Your love and mercy. I hunger and thirst for the things of You!

I believe in You Lord and I thank You for giving me what I need, according to Your will. These things I pray in the name of Jesus Christ, my Lord and my Savior, SO BE IT… Amen and Amen!

DECLARATIONI take captive of and remove every negative thought that keeps me from receiving and fully tapping into all that God has in store for me.

Nehemiah 1:11 Please, Lord, let Your ear be attentive to the prayer of Your servant and to that of Your servants who delight to revere Your name. Give Your servant success today, and have compassion on him in the presence of this man.

1 Chronicles 16:34 Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, His faithful love endures forever.

Prayer: Deeper Relationship with God

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  1. can someone pray for me? I have a fire for God but I want a deeper connection and a thirst for him. I want to know him more and more. I want to represent him and to live for him.

  2. Dear Heavenly Father thank you for everything, in Jesus Almighty Name Amen!🙏✨️🙌❤️

  3. Great and mighty king I blessed and glorify your holy and precious name please help me to know you deeper more and more,and please give unto me the strength and Grace I need, in Jesus Christ precious name

  4. Walk with me Father and take me to new levels where I can experience an outpouring of Your love and mercy. I hunger and thirst for the things of You!
    This devotion has blessed my life.
    We need to go deeper in the lord and with this, we will be able to identify his small voice. We will know when he calls. And we will answer. For his sheep know his voice.
    May the Lord continue to bless you, ChristiansTT Patreon

  5. Walk with me Father and take me to new levels where I can experience an outpouring of Your love and mercy. I hunger and thirst for the things of You!
    Amen and Amen.
    Thank you so, ChristiansTT Patreon.
    This devotion has blessed my life.
    We need to go deeper in the lord. With this, it will be easier for us to identify his small voice. His sheep know his voice. Stay blessed.

  6. Thank you Lord for this new evening
    I claim a Outpour of your love and Glory.
    Thy will be done
    Amen & Amen

  7. Thank you for these inspirational prayers. I need more guidance with God. I pray for a better year and life with christ. Blessings to is all! May I find that job that I so desperately need to replace the current one.

  8. God help me to be attentive to your call and open my eyes to see your blessings. Amen. Thanks for the prayers you send to us its a blessing.God bless you and everyone who is praying this prayer.

  9. Heavenly Father, you are great! Mighty in all you do. You move mountains, walk waters and so much more, I love you, honor you and praise you every day. There is no other like you. I pray daily to be the person you want me to be. I pray for my family, friends and those around me, to receive what they’re prayers are set out to be. Thank you for giving me the mind to understand you, and be able to receive your word. Father thank you for your continued protection, thank you father for all the blessings received in my house and those I know. Prayers for those trying to fix or create a household. Lord I know to praise you through everything and I do because without you, nothing is possible, but with you, everything is possible, no matter the situation. Lord I will continue to study your word, to educate more of the right path. Praying for favor and prosperity, thank you in advance. Amen

  10. I praise You my Father in Heaven.
    You are my Awesome God.
    I love You with all my heart and soul.
    I thank You Father,for You are always be with me,strengthens me and help me,and uphold me with Your righteous right hand.(Isaiah 41 : 10 ).
    I pray that today,dear God,
    May my relationship with my Father God will become more meaningful each and everyday and may become a deeper relationship and be my first focus. Amen.
    I believe and trust in You,my Father,my Lord and my Savior.
    I thank You for giving me what I need,according to Your will.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

  11. Dear Father, thank you for the many blessings that you have bestow on me. Father forgive me for the things i have took granted. Father forgive for all my sins and wrong doings. Father forgive for breaking your heart. Father I come before you asking you to pull me closer to you every day. Father I am ready for a change in my life. I want to be more like you every day. Father you are my everything and i love you. Without you Father nothing is possible. Father help me through this journey. Father give me the wisdom, guidance, courage to make it every day. Father i pray that my relationship with you gets deep and deeper. Use me Father to help others. Father i prayed that you helped others that going through some difficulties in their life. Father removed all the evilness and racism in this world. Father pull them closer to you. Father helped us all. In Your Name I Pray Amen

  12. Dear God,
    I am so grateful to know You,Lord Jesus.
    How generous is Your mercy.
    How tender is Your touch.
    I thank You Lord,to give me the opportunity to grow my faith in You,and walk closer with You,walk inYour righteousness.
    I set aside this time to open the eyes of my heart to see the many blessings You bestow on me.
    I pray that today,dear God,
    May my relationship with my Lord Jesus,become more meaningful each and everyday and to be my first focus. Amen.
    Thank You Lord,for the many blessings You have in store for me.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

      1. Lord, in time like this when the world is faced with a crisis we feel the need o seek you and be more focsed on you because you are our sovereign God who knows everything we face right now. We come to you for your peace to calm our hearts and open our ears to your words for direction. Speak to us Lord we ask
        We love youand honor you and praise your Holy name. Please keep us in the center of your will. This is my prayer in the name of Jesus my Lord and my savior. Amen! So be it Lord!