Prayer – To Dry My Tears

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There are moments when we do cry, when our tears overwhelm us. When all we can do is cry out to the Lord: “Dry my tears!” The Word tells us there is: A time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance (Ecclesiastes 3:4).

But we can take solace knowing that: weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning (Psalm 30:5).

What a mighty God we serve! This prayer reminds us of the continued love the Lord has for us. We can trust in His mighty word.

Dry My Tears!

Sovereign Savior, my Gentle Jesus, my heart cries out to thee, Oh Lord, my God. Dry my tears. Ease the hurt, relieve the pain, I release it unto You.

These tears that fall and glisten, as the sun rises, long for that unspeakable joy they once knew.

These tears that fall and glisten, as the sun rises, long for that unspeakable joy they once knew.

Psalm 120:1 In my trouble I cried to the LORD, And He answered me.

Romans 8:39 Nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in creation will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Wipe Away My Tears

Lord Jesus, You know the depth of my pain, the source of my tears. You, who wept at Lazarus’ tomb, understand my suffering. I am not alone in my sorrow; You are here with me. I ask, oh Lord, for Your healing touch, for Your tender hand to wipe away my tears.

Holy Spirit, Comforter and Guide, fill me with Your peace. As a child finds comfort in their parent’s arms, so I find comfort in You. Replace my sorrow with Your joy, my tears with Your peace. Let me rest in Your presence, secure in Your love.

Revelation 21:4 He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.

John 14:27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

My Strength And Joy

Be my strength, for I am weak when I try to go it alone. Be my joy when sadness arises. Oh Lord, be my guide when I go astray and my comforter in these difficult times.

Dry my tears, Heavenly Father. This ache in my heart needs to go. I cannot go on without You. Holy Spirit, please draw near. I am down on my knees. I need You now more than ever. You, my Lord, have never failed me, and I am guaranteed that You never will.

Psalm 119:146 I cried to You; save me And I shall keep Your testimonies.

Psalm 34:18 The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.

Make Me Whole, Brand New

Though the storms arise and the water rages, I will soar with You and even though I feel shattered and broken, You, Lord, will make me whole and brand new.

Dancing in this rain as I await You, Lord, is truly a pleasure. From this day forth, I speak joy, love, peace, and happiness into not only my life but my family and friends as well.

As You listen to my humble cry, my precious King, I can see abundant blessings on its way, in Jesus’ Mighty name I pray, Amen!

Psalm 126:5 Those who sow in tears shall reap with shouts of joy!

2 Corinthians 7:10 For godly grief produces a repentance that leads to salvation without regret, whereas worldly grief produces death.

Prayer - To Dry My Tears

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  1. Dear Lord I thank you for your love your love endures for ever
    Thank God for being my shelter in the time of my storm help me oh God not to lean on my own strength but to always know that you are there so that I can lean on you to get my strength from I trust you alone God because I know you never leave me neither will you forsake me because that is your promise you had l made Anen

  2. God i cry in your might name.
    And i have faith in you that i will never be crying again.
    Hoping in you that your plan in me will be prosper in your name Lord.

  3. I praise and seek You my dear Lord Jesus Christ,this morning with my humble heart.
    I come to You this morning,
    Lord Jesus,I ask You for strength.Please give me the strength to stand strong in the times when I feel so weak and broken.
    Please be my comforter in my difficult times. Amen.
    I pray for peace in my heart,in my mind and in my soul. Amen.
    I thank You Lord,for always be with me,take care me,take control my life and comfort me,dry my tears with Your unfailing love.
    So today,I can stand strong to throughout my difficult times and to face my day.
    Thank You Lord,to grant me the strength to stand strong to face the day.
    And thank You my prayer be answered.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

  4. Lord, I know I had to let that go and it wasn’t easy, but thank you, God because it wasn’t that hard either. I belong to you, Lord and I want to exemplify that in everything I say and do.
    I pray tonight that you comfort Chris and cloak him in strength. I pray for his mind tonight God. Let him not drift to familiar thoughts of pain or disappointment but rest his mind and remember he is an over-comer.
    Thank you, God, for permitting me this freedom to walk away from what feels good. I can put my trust in you. Lord, I am trusting that as I walk away from this situation, you will bring me closer to what you have in store for me.
    Lord, I am again praying tonight you prepare me, mind, body, and spirit to receive my husband. And I pray you are preparing him to receive me, mind, body, and spirit.
    Lord, please continue to block all distractions brought in by the enemy. Let me always see things for what they are and not what I want them to be.
    I pray tonight Proverbs 23. Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.
    Lord, continue to keep me courageous and lion hearted in all affairs concerning my heart. Keep my mind steadfast on you lord your ways your precepts. My only desire is to please you Lord. Remove every dead thing that does not honor your will and your way. Guide me unto paths of righteousness for your names sake. You are my fortress and my refuge. Of whom shall I be afraid?
    Thank you for being with me through everything Lord. My struggles. My pains. My ups. My downs. My lows my highs. You have wiped every tear and fought every battle. I know even now you are my Lion Of Judah. My shepherd. My great comforter. Keep my eyes fixated on you, so I do not slip and do not fall.
    Thank you for being with me as I studied and I pray you are with me again on my next exam this Saturday Lord.
    You are an awesome God and I love you wholeheartedly. I want to be planted in you. I repent of all the woes and sorrows I’ve caused you and ask for your forgiveness.
    I pray my daughter is not led by the enemy. I pray you break any strongholds the enemy tries to create in my daughter’s mind and show me oh God how to always lead by example.
    I have so much anxiety, God please help me rest easy in you because your yoke is easy and your burden is light.
    Commit to my remembrance all the things I have studied leading up to Saturday. I pray for those that are struggling in their own tribulations and pray you increase their faith and strength in these times.
    You are an awesome God and I thank you for choosing me. I can’t do this life without you. In all things, I pray in your son’s most precious and mighty name, Jesus Christ, Amen

  5. In the name of Jesus
    I rebuke all spirit anger
    Lord give me peace of mind
    Thank you for breathing me and my family this morning I surrender my rest of the day in your hand ,Lord protect my children’s direct our path Guide us.

  6. Please dry my tears. I lost both my parents within days of each other. My spouse has not been supportive and has said my unkind things to me. My children are suffering from mental illness and are having difficultly finding what treatment works for them. I have cried so much I am surprised I have any tears let. Please pray for over flowing abundance of love, joy, health, and financial wealth for us that my children an I can be free of pain my husband causes us and that we may use our God given talents to help others. Thank you and may God bless you also.

  7. Amen! What a comforting prayer…
    Almighty Father,
    The tears of a widow are so much
    Only You truly know the aching heart
    Dry my tears Lord with Your Love
    Ever watch my steps and be my light in darkest hours.

  8. Jehovah Nissi, I bow before You today, may You dry my tears an console my heart. Give me Your peace and change me for the glorification of Your Holy name Amen

  9. God Bless us all Today this beautiful New Day Tuesday January 21, 2020. My all the Love, Peace and Joy, YOUR heart can hold be yours today, and always, God Bless you My ChistiansTT Brothers and Sisters.
    Amen & Amen❤❤

  10. Those who Sow With Tears, Shall Reap With Shouts Of Joy! All Glory Be to God our Previous King, The Alpha and Omega, The Beginning and the End. God Is Love.
    Praise him! Thank you Jesus
    I give my life to you!
    Let Go and Let God!
    Amen & Amen❤❤

  11. Thank you heavenly Father for giving me and family constant victory that will never dry, for giving us unshakable faith, for giving us beauty for ashes, for giving us oil of joy for mourning, for giving us the garment of peace and take away the spirit of heaviness. The Lord that is above all the thrones, kings, kingdoms,virtues and above all the riches. i refuse to be attached to the riches of the world that will lead us astray but i choose and declare to dwell in His presence seek His face and experience God’s love that will never cease for your word says the Love of God that will never cease, the mercies that will never end and your mercies are new every morning. Weather devil likes or not your purpose will prevail. Father thank you for restoring my marriage that was stolen by the enemy past ten years but nothing is impossible with you. anything that has been joint by God let not man separate it. thank you for restoring the milk and honey of marriage and make it whole and fruitful again. In deed those who sow in tears will reap in joy.

  12. My dear Lord Jesus,
    Today,I have found You and Your grace.I come to You this morning with my humble heart.
    I ask You for help,please do not leave me alone,when I need You.In the the times when I am lonely and tired.
    Lord Jesus,I pray this day, may You being my strength,when the times I feel so weak and broken.
    Be my guide when I go astray and my comforter in these difficult times.
    Sometimes I try to go it alone.I do not fear for everything.Because I have a great God be by my side.
    He take care me,comfort me and dry my tears with His love.
    He will help me find a way out.
    Thank You Lord,for answered my prayer.I feel confident that my prayer will be granted.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen..

  13. Dear heavenly father,I offer my tears,sorrows and pains to you. Jesus had victory over sorrows and death. Please father wipe my tears and bless your daughter.You said that I should cast my burden on you,that I lay before your throne of mercy. Grant my request through Christ Our God.

  14. Dear Father God.
    I Thank You Father,for You always being there for me.
    Being my strength,when the times I feel so weak and broken.
    Sometimes I try to go it alone.
    I do not fear for everuthing.
    Because a great God be with me.
    He comfort me and dry my tears with His love.
    I need You,Father,now,more than ever.
    I cannot go on without You. Amen.
    Thank You Lord Jesus,for answered my prayer,in my trouble times.
    I love You,Father God,forever and ever.
    In Jesus mighty name.
    Amen and Amen.

    1. Thank u lord for been there in my heavy storms and all of others sad days and happy days. I’m nobody without u in my life. Thank u for crying with me. I’m not alone. You are my refuge and the light of my life. Amen.