Prayer: Heal Our Land, Heavenly Father

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Precious Saviour, we bless Your holy name. Oh Lord, heal our land. Reach into our hearts and minds and withdraw the darkness that lurks deep within our soul. Replace it with that wonderful glorious light that comes from You through love, sacrifice, grace and mercy. Allow it to beam out from us so we can touch the lives of many.

In times of turmoil, uncertainty, and distress, we turn our eyes to You, the Author of peace and the Healer of nations. Our land aches from division, suffering, and injustice, crying out for Your healing touch. We confess our communal failures and shortcomings, seeking Your mercy and forgiveness.

Pour out Your Spirit of reconciliation and restoration upon us. Heal the divisions that separate us, mend the brokenness that afflicts our communities, and restore the harmony that has been lost. We acknowledge our need for Your divine intervention to renew the face of our land.

Romans 12:19 Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath. For it is written, vengeance is mine. I will repay, says the Lord.

Prayer for Wisdom and Justice

Grant wisdom and integrity to our leaders, that they may govern with justice, equity, and compassion. Inspire them to make decisions that promote the well-being of all, protecting the vulnerable and uplifting the downtrodden. May their actions reflect Your righteousness and contribute to the flourishing of our society.

We also pray for unity among our citizens, that despite our differences, we may recognize the value and dignity in each other, working together for the common good. Let love be the bridge that overcomes division, and understanding the tool that dismantles prejudice.

Peace Amidst The Chaos

Jehovah Shalom, deposit Your overflowing peace in the midst of this chaotic land. Cleanse the minds and hearts of the ones responsible for the crime in the nation.

Oh great Prince of Peace, the violence, the gang wars, the robberies, and the murders are increasing daily and we ask that You bind every evil entity that is responsible for this! In Jesus’ Name!

Matthew 5:38-39 You have heard that it has been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth. 39 But I say unto you, That you resist not evil. But whosoever shall smite you on your right cheek, turn to him the other also.

Healing And Mending For Victims

Jehovah Rapha, heal those who have been victims of these crimes. Mend the broken hearts of those who lost loved ones in these tragic situations.

Be near to them. Let them feel Your warm and tender love as You comfort them, Oh Gentle Father.

John 14:15 – If you love me, keep my commandments.

Declaring Victory Over Evil

Invade the minds of those who are contemplating committing, or have committed, crimes, oh Elohim. May they turn from their wicked ways and seek Your Face. For those who seek You will find You and will be greatly rewarded on earth as well as the kingdom of heaven.

We declare that every evil force manipulating the minds of Your people will flee when we call upon Your great name.

The devil cannot win for victory is ours! In Jesus’ most precious, powerful name, AMEN!!!

John 14:26 – But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.

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  1. God eternal, Creator of Heaven and Earth, we beseech you, O God to heal our land. Save us from ourselves and the many things we see and speak of that are not of you. Forgive this nation of its many sins, particularly idolatry, racial discrimination and political reprisals. Father you know all our sins, wash us and set us free, in a Jesus Name we pray. Amen

  2. Father in Jesus mighty name, we come to you laying our petition at your feet. Lord Jesus, you said ask anything in your name and you will do it. We ask of you oh lord in Jesus name, to
    heal our land Guyana. Stop the crimes oh God, the murders, robbery and rape and also the racial division the enemy is causing. I also ask you to heal the hearts of the victims, save the souls of the people and heal this land. I thank you, my God, in Jesus name, amen.

  3. Lord
    We pray for our land
    Your creation and all it holds
    In abiding by Your commandments may we
    Make this our land a peaceful and wonderful place to be
    In Jesus precious name I pray, Amen

  4. Lord
    We pray for our land
    Your creation and all it holds
    In abiding by Your commandments may we
    Make this our land a peaceful and wonderful place to be
    In Jesus precious name I pray, Amen