Prayer for Favor in Court Matters (Legal Battles)

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Father, as I stand before the judge and jury today in the court matter, let no deceit befall me. Allow me to speak the truth, not only in this case but also in the ones ahead, for the truth will set me free.

Allow all the evidence at hand to work in my favor, to emerge victorious, and let no weapon, formed against me by the opposing side, prosper.

Psalm 84:11 For the Lord God is a sun and shield; the Lord bestows favor and honor. No good thing does he withhold from those who walk uprightly.

Jeremiah 33:3 ‘Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.’

Remove all fear in this Court matter

I cast out any fear and anxiety in my heart that would hinder my victory. Let no false witness that rise up against me prosper.

I will cling to You, Oh Heavenly Father, for You are my strength in the midst of these legal battles. Help me to be calm and to think clearly. Ease my mind of the noise within. Quiet my soul so that I can hear and follow Your instruction.

Psalm 5:12 For you bless the righteous, O Lord. You cover him with favor as a shield.

Colossians 4:6 Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one.

Take control Lord, and guide me

I thank You in advance, for I know with You by my side the battle is already won. I pray that You will grace me with Your favor within the courtroom.

Take control Lord, and guide me accordingly. I declare and decree that I will emerge victorious and give You all the praise, honor and glory You deserve, in Jesus’ mighty name, Amen!

Matthew 18:18 “Assuredly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”

Isaiah 58:11 And the Lord will guide you continually and satisfy your desire in scorched places and make your bones strong. And you shall be like a watered garden, like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail.

Prayer for Favor for those involved in Court Matters (Legal Battles)

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  1. I found your guidance “Prayer For Favour in Court Matters (Legal Battles),” to be of great help that Spiritually God’s Truth will not Falter. I am falsely accused in the Court System, but God’s has in the past many times Rescued me from difficult situations. I am Innocent and
    I strongly Trust and Believe God that He will be there for me. Amen and Hallelujah 🙏🙏🙏

  2. Lord heavenly father you my life story i am asking that you have favor over Carl David Griffin pls lord walk him out of the bond of being sent back to prison Lord pls i ask this of you to have favor over him Jesus in your name father i ask this of you amen

  3. I ask for prayers as my Attorney seeks a settlement with Southwest Airlines on my behalf. The anxiety and stress is overwhelming.

  4. Please come into agreement with Bobby. He goes to court, 10/03/2023. He is a Quadropalegic and former first responder. Hurt in the line of duty. His ex wife wants to take full custody away from
    Bobby. His boys are 8 and 13. She is using lying tactics to get what she wants. She wants for her new husband, to have say over how the boys are raised. And to take her new husbands last name..
    She would like Bobby removed from the picture.. The boys don’t want his. Neither does Bobby.
    I pray for the Courts to show favor over Bobby and restore back all that has been taken from him and more! In Jesus name! Amen!

    1. I don’t know the date of this prayer request but as your sister in Christ my Heart breaks to read this, I’m in tears and stand in the gap with God’s words of Isaiah 54:17 and I stand in the gap for God to be his battle fighter to come against all who are evil and call it good!

  5. Please help me pray for my daughter as she is appealing a case – so that she can be admitted as a lawyer in high court.
    She is also looking for work

  6. Please pray as I go to court against my abusive husband. Help the judge to see through all his lies he will spew out, and help the judge see and know who the real victim is here, it’s me not my husband Help the judge to believe me and to see and understand all that I have been through help this judge to hate abuse and to help me win with alimony help this judge to not let him get away with every inhumane thing he has done to me and my kids. Please god help this judge to shut him down and not believe or side in his favor but Mine. Help his attorney to get him to give me what I need and deserve in alimony and health insurance. Help this to be over soon so I can move on with my life and be happy for the first time in 26 years

  7. please father God bless and help my son 🙏 give have him favor with you and man put the right judge da lawyer or whomever let them have my child best don’t let them father get over or lie on him let the truth only the truth in Jesus name it is done no weapons against will prosper the blood of Jesus covering him amen 🙏

  8. Dear Lord I need your help so desperately right now. You know I am acting as my own lawyer against the police of Mesilla NM. Dear Lord Help me please. Please send me someone that can help me. Please Lord time is running out for me. If it is your will that I lose this case please make me understand. Because Lord I am tired, I am broken, and I cannot go on like this. Please help me or bring me home. I just cannot go on anymore alone. In Jesus name Amen,

  9. I love you Jesus. You are the most important person in my life. Without you I’m nobody. You are my strength forever, more than anything. I love you my father. Thank you for all you do for us. I pray for everyone in jail, also give them good outcome also, Amen.

  10. Please pray for my family and I during these challenging times. I am survivor of domestic violence and needing extra prayers and love. I’m praying for everybody who has written their prayer request here and I hope everything has worked out in your favor.

  11. Please would you pray for my son alex he has 2 daughters 2and 3 he and the mom had split up he came to see me with a lady 10 years his senior had dreadlocks past her knees she had been sexually abused as a child on the visit she said she was pregnant showed me her stomach in my heart i knew she wasn’t telling the truth a name of somebody she didn’t like came up she started slandering the person with glea I changed the conversation. A few weeks later I was invited to my sons flat prayed for an opportunity to minister
    The opportunity came led her through a prayer of repentance led her to the lord jesus christ gave her her 1st Bible she started devouring it hadn’t heard off my son for a while sent her a book of a lady abused then an addict prostitute now a pastor nikki said she enjoyed it so I sent another book on prayers from the courts of heaven dealing with abuse witchcraft familiar spirits Aug 19 my son was arrested remanded in custody awaiting trial for 8 aiiegations of assaults she started phoning authorities building cases false allegations she had been to prison for perjury as soon as my son was in custody she was contacting everyone including my sons ex the mom of his daughters using emogies smiley faces saying she intends on getting him a long time in prison very deviant could you please pray for my son she hasn’t been through any healing for the many soul ties my son was taken with her unfortunately she’s on the darkside with intension to destroy him I pray he doesn’t get convicted please pray and for her healing and salvation in the name of jesus 🙏🏻❤️🔥

    1. In Jesus name I pray for his son. Jesus, you are lord of lord and king of kings. There is nothing impossible for you. So I ask that anything bad coming his way send it back to the pits of hell where it began. Open all good doors, close all bad doors for his son. In Jesus name I pray 🙏 amen.

  12. Please pray fir me that lawyers will work with judge to help me have favorwith my probate and bankrupcy case i file two years ago jesus intercede

  13. The Lord’s will be done and that I accept what He allows concerning me and my children regarding domestic abuse. Safety, peace and financial income and new home.

    Protection prosperity miracles wisdom freedom, bigs gains,
    winner’s life of bigs gains, favor of God, blessings, chance success healthy healing for pastor Thieringo in Jésus name

  15. Please pray for my family as me and y wife will stand in court tomorrow because of a protection order she has against me. I pray that my wife make the right decisions and see the changes in me. I also pray that she gives me another chance and let our family be restored un God. I pray this in Jesus name

  16. Lord, I ask you to go before my nephew in court room on tomorrow. Please send the right person to help him in the court proceedings. That he would have good presentation, Holy Spirit breathe on him. In Jesus Christ Name Amen

  17. Please pray for my husband who has to go to court. He is all alone in a foreign country and has little legal advise. This because our bank account has been suspended so we cannot afford a lawyer. I would also like to ask you to pray for a financial breakthrough so my husband can come home. Thank you. Amen

  18. Ian Holness please pray for me to Reunite and regain custody of my 3 children Ashley Deandre and James Holness. I am asking God to release my Finances for me to secure a Family Home for their return in Jesus name. I Decree and Declare in unison over this matter, so it is so shall it be in Jesus name Amen.

  19. Please pray for me to win my child custody case (hearing is this month). My son wants to get away from his abusive and lying father and return home to me immediately. I need favor from the judges and to win sole custody now.


  21. I was unfairly dismissed from work for contacting covid ,my manager did not get on well with me ,so this was his moment to fire me ,the union lawyer is meeting with us to fight our case, need breakthrough prayers.

  22. Good morning, I helped someone to get a loan of 4 million the person is no where to be found.He blocked all my numbers. The case is now in court,pls I need your prayers.

  23. Today I feel every body has tern against me i have been sued by Progressive and another Collection company that’s asking for 1000000 of dollars my case was dismissed for one but I simply feel every time I try to do right I’m just not Good enough I help anybody and I’m clearly asking God for a Miracle my boyfriend of 7 years has left me and cheated on me publicly my life has really been going threw hell I only wanted my Drivers license and a Career a home and to simply achieve something I never had before but tell me even when I change for my good it doesn’t stop BIG problems and bring my Fiancé back home or if God even here me when I say help me like he help some many around me I think ppl don’t care about my feelings because my parents or dead all
    I can say is Lord right now I’m
    Asking for your help please help me

  24. I commited a crime. I stole money from my company and they press charges. I was looked up for 4 days and got bail to return home to my 6 year old daughter. I am all she has and I am seeking devine prayers for my next court case next tuesday. God help me

  25. I committed crime, I am guilty of that crime. I am asking for your prayers so that God intervenes and the evidence is not found. I am confessing that I committed the offence. I dont know if God protects me, because I committed the crime.

  26. February 7, 2021

    DEAR ALL and EVERYONE who have the heart and soul.

    Please pray for my son Daniel who DID NOT commit any, any, any crime

    and was placed into Federal Prison in MCC New York for:

    so called run away from Half- Way House 20 DAYS BEFORE TOTALLY COMPLETING

    his sentence!!!

    No one in the world do that but NO BODY wants to analyze the truth.

    He cannot prove that he did NOT runaway – he fainted on the street and came back

    after regained consciousness.

    No one wanted to hear any explanations. And he was put back to Federal jail.

    Tuesday, February 16 th he has a Court ( SENTENCING )

    ( please note that an original “crime” was supposed to be stolen books from college.)

    Very difficult to believe to all this.



    His Mother


  27. God of power, please take up my cause. Please defend me from these ungodly people who are using the law of the land to bind me and break me.
    Rescue me from these unjust liars!
    Set me free from these allegations and assumptions.
    Hear my plea of justice.
    Declare me innocent, for You know those who do right. You see my heart and know my situation. I pray for victory in court. I pray for divine touch from You in my legal case. I proclaim victory in the courtroom. I pray peace in my mind.l will not lose, for You are fighting in my corner, Amen.

  28. My husband who abused me for years is seeking spousal support. He is going around to family court. When thought i have an order of Protection against him and i filed for divorce in Supreme court. He is and abuser and lier. Please pray no weapon form against shall prosper. In Jesus name Amen.

  29. Please pray for my son, he is going back and forth to court with this young lady saying that he body-slammed her 3 times and broke her bed. First of all, my son is a heavyweight professional boxer weighing 260lbs. Solid, he is a vegan, he stands 6’0″ tall he is undefeated 5kos under a minute in the first round!!! She weighs about 140lbs. No injuries, no Dr. Visits or er visits. She lied about other things as well. She is trying to extort money from him as well!!! Please pray for him, he also has 2 children! Son 20yrs. Old and 1 daughter 17 yrs. Old!!! That’s not fair to them either!!! Please pray!!! God bless you all!!!

  30. Please pray for my uncle, he is going through an unfair divorce settlement battle. His wife is claiming more than what she is supposed to get. She wants to destroy him financially and he is now so stressed. Please pray for his victory in this case and for God to give his lawyer devine wisdom to turn things around. Thank you and God bless you..

    1. Prayers for your uncle . Father I ask of you to Relieve this man’s anxiety fears and stress. Lord you and Only you know these two peoples hearts and the court room. Please show a great victory for Thabile’s uncle so he can rejoice in your name and move forward with his life . Thank you Jesus for your many blessings.

  31. Please pray for my Husband. This is his 3rd deposition to try to get opposite side to pay for damages by their client in car collision. Its been 2 years and has put us in debt. since. He is an emotional wreck. I can only pray everything works out for us.
    Prayers please.

    1. Ruby, It is normal to go through this unfortunately. The lawyers want you to be so frazzled & afraid that you settle for fear you will end up with nothing. If this much effort is put in then you are in for a win fall of money & they are hoping to use your fear to reduce it to a fraction of what you are entitled to. Easy to say for me now. Looking back I regret settling for so little. You rest easy you will get your money & have more than you even thought. What they are doing is a tactic. Slimy lawyers my dear. Now look up similar settlements & don’t settle for less. Get what you deserve. GOD is on your side so who can be against you. Don’t fret Jesus is in court with you. Remember it is just a sleazy lawyer tactic to say you are a liar and are fine. You Fight the Good FIght my dear

  32. Please pray for my soulmate Sean – he has Been sitting in jail for 6 months for something that he did not do. He’s young facing an uphill battle. Please pray that his lawyer do a great job and get him off. We need a good outcome For him for this case. Please keep him in your prayers he is a good person and working on himself.

  33. I have a son you was Accused of a crime that he did not do We only took a plea because of the abuse that he was enduring in the jail little did we know that taking this plea would ruin his life He got a your house arrest and 4 years of probation he did the house arrest hes done everything he was post to do his sister went into a diabetic coma and we forgot to call his colors in the next day I called his parole officer and she said he was OK too late 2 days later they arrested him even though his sister was in the hospital dying there has to be something about done about this court system he is being abused to heritably in a jail he was post a have a hearing they keep sending him back to the jail so he can’t hear it have this hearing a guard has also said that they are abusing Josh and they are going to put so many felony charges on him that he will never get out of jail this is so sad and I do not know how to help him so please keep him in your prayers

    1. I pled the blood of Jesus over him. No weapons for against him shall prosper. Lord, have mercy and grace over him. Protect him and cover him that they can not hurt him. It is so!!!!

  34. Please pray for my nephew Marlon – he has a court date today. He’s young and facing an uphill battle. Please pray we are able to find the right lawyer and a good outcome for him.

  35. Dear Lord, we need your help to protect my son Adrian d that is in jail right now facing 18 to life. Please send us a miracle. He’s being falsely accused. We really need prayer and I pray for all these people that are asking for prayer to that their prayers get answered. We need powerful prayers for my son.
    Please, dear Lord, free him. Please stop this DA. She is building a case that isn’t there. But she can get away with it because it’s her job.
    We don’t have money for a lawyer and with God, we don’t need one. Please pray for my son and God bless everybody that needs prayer and that needs God. Bless you all thank you so much.

  36. Hi guys my name’s juane, Im serving a life sentence, My attorney will be conducting my appeal tomorrow, Pls pray for God’s favour over my life and in the courtroom tomorrow. Thankyou

  37. I’m praying for my nephew for something that he didn’t do he’s taking a cover for his friends I wish you luck and I pray for him all good come to heM

  38. Facing the toughest battle of my life and my lawyer says he doesn’t think he can win in court so if i lose….life in prison….please saints pray for me….i have a new baby on the way and about to get married

    1. I pray that the mercy and favor of God will rest, rule, and abide with you. Seek God early in the morning between 12am – 3am. Cry out to him repent and ask for mercy. Pray Psalm 64,75,31,42 for favorable judgments. Rise early to command your morning and set the heavenlies to shine favorable upon you. Make sure when you pray the Word of God. ex. Lord your Word says no weapon formed against me shall prosper. I decree and declare it over my life. Find scriptures to stand on. Give the angels amunnition to do battle on your regards with. I pray that the Lord with incline his ear to your prayer, be your sheild and buckler, that the Lord will smile down upon you in the Name of Jesus. I pled the Blood of Christ over Lamar from the top of his head to the soles of his feet, I pled a Blood Line perimeter around him that cannot be penetrated be the devil. I decree and declare you did not give him a Spirit if fear but of power love and a sound mind. He shall live and not die…he is above and not beneath….you word says you will withhold no good thing from him…I decree and declare in Jesus name. I decree and declare peace is in his borders and he has the finest of wheat……I decree and declare his enemies shall come in one direction and flee in seven directions in Jesus Name….thank you Lord for your a wonderful counseler, Faithful and True, The Lord our Peace thank you Jesus give him peace and he is victorius through Christ Jesus. In Jesus Holy and Righteous Name I pray Amen. Meditate on his Word….with the enemy tries to attack your recite a scripture and meditate on it….the devil cannot stay in the presense of God…they are just like oil and water they do not mix…..