Prayer to Fill Me Up With The Holy Spirit

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JEHOVAH SHAMMAH, The Lord Is There, I seek your face today. I give You praise, shouting your name and worshiping you. Lord, I cry out unto you to hear my prayer. Bless my soul, fill me with Your Holy Spirit.

Holy Spirit, teach me how to pray in order for me to open the gates of heaven. I need you, ABBA FATHER. I thirst for you and you alone. Help me to not be consumed by worldly desires. Let them fall away, oh Lord, so my soul can fall more in love with you.

Fill Me Up With Your Holy Spirit

Help me not to take part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead, expose them. ELOHIM, I pray that your spirit revives me and gives me strength to press through to victory.

Heavenly Father, renew and refresh me. Fill me up with your Holy Spirit. My Lord, I need you more than ever in my life. Everything around me needs your special attention right now. Deliver me from the path of destruction I seem to be on. Help me to walk in your direction only.

Luke 11:13 If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!

Acts 2:17 And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams.

Speaking Peace To Others

JEHOVAH NISSI, may I refrain from speaking guile. Empower me to forsake evil and do good. I speak PEACE unto my brothers today, Hallelujah! Majestic Creator, I know that you give ear to the effectual, fervent prayers of the righteous.

Beloved Father, I rest in the assurance that the unceasing prayer of the righteous, is powerful and will work, with a little faith and a lot of patience.

James 5:17-18 Elijah was a human being, even as we are. He prayed earnestly that it would not rain, and it did not rain on the land for three and a half years. Again he prayed, and the heavens gave rain, and the earth produced its crops.

Acts 2:4 And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit was giving them utterance.

Taking Refuge Behind Heaven’s Gates

EL SHADDAI, I take refuge under Your Wings, not losing heart, oh loving Lord, but persisting and finding peace even within the raging waters. Lord, Your name is my Strong Tower, and nothing is impossible for me, through Christ Jesus, who is my strength.

I declare that as I pray, heaven’s gate will swing open wide for my soul to enter, as the angels sing beautifully and melodiously, giving you all the praise, honor, and glory you deserve, in Jesus’ most loving and precious name I pray, Amen!!

Romans 8:31 What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?

2 Corinthians 13:14 May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.

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  1. Father just when I feel I am sinking You lift me up. Your spirit sustains me, Your love covers me. My God You are AWESOME!!! I will worship and sing praises to You with my dying breath ~ I ❤️ You Father God 👏 🙌 🙏 ❤️

  2. Thank God for Jesus..we just cannot survive without Him. All Praise..Honor and Glory belong to Jesus

  3. amen!!glory to YOUR NAME FATHER in heaven.thank you for everything youve done to my life LORD.thank you JESUS for dying on the cross for my sins,thank you HOLY SPIRIT OF the living for the wisdom and guidance of my daily lives.hallelujah.LORD,YOUR will be done in my life!i surrender everything to YOU O JESUS NAME.AMEN.

  4. Thank you father GOD majestic creator I bless your name . I worship you and I praise you for all that you have done in my life and my family life . I love you so much father . Thank you Holy Spirit if GOD for always guiding and protecting me and my family to do good for the glory of the glorious GOD. In JESUS majestic name I pray amen amen amen thank you lord for always listening to my prayer amen I love you

  5. Thank you lord for everything please forgive my sins and please let me cross with out any issues and be successful in today

  6. Good morning father god thank you for all the blessings . Father god I love you so much thank you for keeping me and my family safe healthy and provided for . Thank you god. Holy Spirit of god take your will in Jesus name amen amen amen

  7. I give You thanks,I praise You my dear Lord Jesus Christ,for You always be with me,guiding me,lead me to walking in Your way of truth,of righteousness.
    Lord Jesus,I ask You,today,
    May You fill me with Your Holy Spirit and bring peace in my daily life.
    Please help me,teach me to do good with everyone and forsake evil. Amen.
    My dear Lord Jesus Christ,I love You,I need You,more than ever.
    Without You,I have nothing.
    I have everyrhing if I have You.
    I can do everything,with You be by my side. Amen.
    Thank You Lord,for bless me with Your love and filled me with The Holy Spirit wherever I go.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

  8. Thank you my Father for your unconditional love for me that I cannot dear comprehend. Thank you for your precious blood that was shed not only for me but the rest of the world as many as received your love and forgiveness. Today I gave you all the praise , glory and honour.
    Lord you are the Lion if the tribe of Judah and there is NONE there compare to you . You are awesome my king , you’re the breath of life . Let everything that has breadth praise your holy and glorious name king Jesus .
    We love and exalt you far above the heavens of heavens Lord . ❤️
    Let your light shine through us and pierce through every darkness because you Father are light and in you there is no darkness Amen!.

    Father thank you for your meeting our daily needs , keeping sickness and all form of pestilence away from us all your children Lord . Help us in our weakness and fill us with your Holy Spirit.
    I prayer for all those who are ill and suffering including my wife Lord . Gave us strength in our weakness your strength is made perfect Lord .
    Today I decree and declare healing and deliverance from every lack that in you Father we will be filled laying down in the green Paster .
    I come against EVERY blockage that’s hindering us from your love to prosper us in all areas in our life in Jesus mighty name Amen..

    I prayer for each and every one who are , who can , who is and who is afraid of helping and healing the sick in this global change. Thank you father that you are the one that controls everything and not a needle can fall without you allowing things to happen for our own good, for I know as it is written all things work together for a good to those who love you and are called according to your purpose. I prayer that you call every one for your mercy is so rich daily and your love in infinite ❤️
    Beyond our imagination.
    May you continue to gave your angels Charge of us to keep us up in all thy ways.
    May you widen our boarders and sealed us with your precious blood of shelter and ultimate protection. Your blood Lord Jesus is so powerful it is incomprehensible, beyond the infinite.
    Thank you father for your Precious blood.
    I declare and decree every strongholds is broken and uprooted by your consuming fire from your mouth father and the full force of the precious blood of the lamb of the most high Amen..
    May you will be done on earth as it is in heaven Lord Amen..

    NO weapon formed against us shall ever prosper in the name of Jesus I declare all the weapons and The kingdom of Satan be nullify and brought to nought powerless in Jesus name Amen..
    Thank you for the countless times you have saved and rescue myself and my family from harms way, thank you Jesus my Lord for your Angels around us .

    Myself Barry, my loving and the one you have created for me Nirmalla and our loving and kind children you have blessed us with Felisha, Melissa and Brandon. ❤️❤️.. Amen.

    We love you Lord Jesus. ❤️❤️❤️❤️….✝️✝️✝️

    We love you Lord Jesus
    Soon we would not need any Sun or moon for light that you created because you Father are so bright the Sun is only a little spark compare to you THE ULTIMATE LIGHT OF THE UNIVERSE.


  9. Good morning Father God. Thank you for another day. Bless my day and my family day protect us and fill us with your Holy Spirit in Jesus majestic name amen

  10. Dear God,
    I thank You, Father, for this day, for You make all things new and for You filled me with Your Holy Spirit.
    Thank You, Father, for protecting and guiding me, lead me to walking in Your way of righteousness.
    I pray that today, dear God
    May You fill me with The Holy Spirit, bring peace in my daily life. Empower me to forsake evil and do good.
    My Lord, I need You, more than ever in my life.
    May You continue to keep me covered under The Blood of Jesus.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

  11. Heavenly Father, I am weak in body and of the spirit, I am lonely without your voice. I know I sin again and again, but please help me, please bless Tina and my efforts. Amen

  12. I praise YOUR HOLY and FAITHFUL name Father God. This is a new year and I ask that YOU grant YOUR children New Vision, New Faith, New Dreams and a Fresh Anointing. In 2020, help us to rely faithfully on YOUR WORD. Let us take the limits off of YOU &remove our natural limited thinking. For we know YOU are Mighty and Powerful. There is nothing too difficult for YOU. YOU parted the Red Sea for YOUR children before and we ask that YOU do it again. Help us to cross over to the other side in safety and we walk into a new level. Fill us with YOUR HOLY SPIRIT and surround us with YOUR Divine Protective Angels of War. Give us a strong desire for YOUR WORD. Fill us to overflow. As YOU bless us, allow YOUR blessings to pour out on those around us. We know that YOU are our GOD of Abundance and what YOU have for us shall come to pass in a Great and Mighty way. In the name of Jesus, I rebuke every blessing blocker and demonic antagonist.

    Help us to be obedient to YOUR voice and YOUR WORD each and every day. Let us not conform to the ways of this world. In faith, we hold on to YOUR unchanging hand. I praise YOU that YOU shall fulfill YOUR Divine Purpose for our lives. Thank YOU LORD, for creating us in YOUR likeness. Thank YOU for this new day, new year. Thank YOU for never leaving nor forsaking us. I praise YOU because even though we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, YOU are here with us every step of the way. Thank YOU for being our WAYMAKER. In the mighty name of Jesus CHRIST I pray, amen

  13. Thank you father for your supporting my family.
    I will warship you for ever, i will be always praise you.
    Your indeed God for everything we want in our time of troubles.

    May the good God be with us evertime.

  14. O Heavenly Father God I come before you this morning lord to give you thanks and praise for sparing my sinful life to see another day in your holy land. Father God I ask you to provide for me. Father, protect me and my family from the surrounding enemies. Lord, shield me under your precious blood. Father I asked these things in your name Amen

  15. Thank you for the powerful words of encouragement through these prayers. I am blessed this morning….thank you Jesus….