Prayer for Blessings and Guidance in 2024!

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“Behold, I will do something new; now it will spring forth; you will know it. I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert for your sake”. (Isaiah 43:18-19)

Blessings to you and your family throughout this year! Glory to God in the highest, peace on earth and goodwill to all men! We praise your name, Lord.

As we enter the new year, we wash away the things of the past – stress, anxiety, disappointment, disease, corruption, hate, unforgiveness, setbacks, failures, regrets and chaos.

And we look to Jesus for all new things He has in store for us – health, success, prosperity, wealth, peace, love, positivity, calm, wisdom and so much more. Let us pray.

Nehemiah 8:10 – Then Ezra told them, Go your way. Eat the fat, drink the sweet drink, and send portions to him for whom nothing is prepared. For this day is holy to our Lord. And be not grieved and depressed, for the joy of the Lord is your strength and stronghold.

Guidance And Protection

Guide and protect us, Father God, in these uncertain and perilous times. Remind us to not worry about what is happening around us, but to trust You. For You are our Father, to shield us, clothe us and feed us.

We know that the joy of the Lord is our strength and, as we meditate on Your Word, saturate our hearts.

Teach us to confess what the word says so we can see the manifestation of our prayers. Your word will not return to You void of fulfillment, but it will accomplish everything for which You sent it.

Romans 13:13-14 -Let us behave decently, as in the daytime, not in carousing and drunkenness, not in sexual immorality and debauchery, not in dissension and jealousy. Rather, clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the flesh.

Blessings – Trusting The Lord

Heavenly Father, we thank you. Thank you for the many wonderful gifts you have given us and for the blessings we have not yet received.

We trust You Lord, our beacon of light, our hope, our provider, our all in all. These things I pray in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, So Be It, Amen and Amen.

2 Corinthians 5:17 – Therefore if any person is ingrafted in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has passed away. Behold, the fresh and new has come!

Prayer for Blessings throughout the New Year!

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  1. Please pray 🙏 for hours to increase at taco Bell 🔔 please pray for my moving forward and going to an area that’s full of decent job pay and for my bonding time with Billy Miller in 2023
    I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me amen hallelujah 🙏💖

  2. Lord I thank you for everything you’ve granted me,everything you’ve withheld from me I thank you for the person who created this prayer app Lord I think you for this very minute that I am writing this prayer. To you be all honor glory and peace Amen

  3. Dera God..we thank you for all that you have done for us to keep us safe loved and protected at all times from all adversities. You have been our light on the path younare directing us and through all the pain and endless torment your hand of love and compassion has been second to none. How much you must love and care for js that you put the word in our hearts to strengthen us on our journey. The spirit of God is mighty in our lives and for that we are very very thankful.

    We ask for your continual blessings and mercy on us as we move into the New Year with boldness confidence and with a clean mind and heart. We also thank you in advance for all the beautiful things this year will bring us into, the abundance it’s showering us with and the many wonderful opportunities there are up ahead. Please connect us with your destiny helpers and angels so that we have a sound social life and good contacts. All praise glory and thanksgiving be to you Lord. Please grant us good health and a free mind from all enemy attacks. Isaiah 54:17 ne our defence. In the mighty name of Jesus we pray.. Amen. Amen and Amen 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🎊🎉

  4. Bless me lord with peace, love , financial breakthrough,
    I want to construct a home for my mother in this coming year 2022.
    My hope is in you my sweet God my Lord .
    Please help me get a good paying job in this coming year 2022

  5. Oh My God in this coming year 2022 may I get a good, well paying job .
    Bless me with financial breakthrough .
    Bless my family with finance breakthrough, love harmony peace and good life .
    Put us in very better condition so that we can praise and worship your holy mighty name better and better. AMEN AMEN AMEN .
    BLESS us oh lord and let your will be done in everything.
    I love you sweet Jesus Jehovah Jireh

  6. Good morning Father God thank you for another day . Thank you for your night protection for me and my family . As I go on about my day I ask you to protect me and my decisions makings protect and guide my family and develop us lord . Make us what you want us to be in the world and let others experience you through us , in that’s majestic name amen.?so it is.?

  7. Thank you lord for this day and life I ask for your will in all that I do and bless my wishes and dreams with success. To help find that good paying job that I desire and will like and be comfortable that is a good healthy environment

  8. Dear God,
    I thank You,Father,for the gift of this life,for the many blessings You have given to me today and always.
    Thank You Father,for bless me to have the chance to enter The New Yesr 2021.
    I pray that today,dear God,
    May You,Lord Jesus,continue to bless me to have the chance to enter The New Year 2021.
    May The New Year 2021 bring me joy and happiness,and You,Lord,will
    help me to overcome whatever this life may bring my way.
    Thank You Lord,for take full complete control of my life and bless me with Your peace,love,joy in my daily life
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen.and Amen.

  9. Oh Lord Jesus, help us always to remember our persecuted brothers and sisters throughout the world: strengthen and preserve them, give them strong supernatural resilience and form standing their ground, no matter what. Above all help them to want your glory and testimony above all else in Jesus name.

  10. Thank you soooo much brothers and sisters for all your personal prayers here, for the new year and the future. I spoke these outloud for me, my family and all my brothers and sisters throughout this world.

  11. Thank you Lord for the gift of life you have given me and my family.
    I ask you God to help my family we are in finacial crisis please remember us in Jesus name.

  12. thank you guys for your testimonies, they uplifted my spirit and gave courage to my life, I have a lot of things going through my life by just reading all of your testimonies I became a better person, thinking positively and gaining strength each day when I meditate on God’s word. amen

  13. I praise and give You many thanks my dear Heavenly Father.for I can through this year 2019.
    I thank You Father,for the many blessings You have given to me.
    So right now Today:
    I pray that today,dear God,
    May the New Year 2020 bring me joy and happiness,and You,Lord,will help me overcome whatever this life may bring my way.
    And I may find peace and hope in knowing that You,Lord,never leave me,and always on my side. Amen.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

    1. I am praying for a blessed 2020 I am leaving behind hurt, betrayal, fake and Jealousy friends thanking god for removing and showing me. Cover my marriage, blessed my family I am praying for a financial breakthrough and guide me along with my career decision. Praying for my cousin as he is waiting for a kidney since his stop working cover him in Jesus name. Cover my husband help him to stay focused and blessed his family amen

      1. I pray that your brother gets well. I plead the precious powerful blood of Jesus all over him. The blood of Jesus is flushing the disease out of his kidneys right now in Jesus Mighty Name. I claim his healing. It is the will of God to heal us ,to deliver us and to bless us. Let u believe the finished works of the Cross and that by His stripes we are healed
        We were healed two thousand years ago.Let us be in agreement with His word and claim healing. It is done. Meditate the verses of healing and be made whole in Jesus Name. Dwell on the word until symptoms fade. The word is alive active and powerful, sharper than the double edged sword. I also declare the same Word and that I am healed from diabetes and hypertension. Decree and declare and get your healing in Jesus Mighty Name.


  15. Heavenly father I am Grateful for your prayer. Thank you for your blessing into our life
    This year 2019 is a fresh start in the name of Jesus amen

  16. My dear Heavenly Father.
    I give You honor today my dear Lord Jesus Christ.
    I thank You for this blessed new day,a blessed New Year 2019.
    Let the peace of Christ Jesus,rule in my heart today and always.
    I begin this new day with prayer.
    Praise Be To Our Lord,The Father,The Son and The Holy Spirit.
    Thank You God,for all You have done for me in past year.
    So that today,I ask You dear God, Please bless me with Your love,protect me,heal me,comfort me and give me the strength to get through out the New Year 2019.
    Thank You Lord,for reminding me to trust You with my life.
    In Jesus mighty name i pray.
    Amen and Amen.

  17. Thanks so much for this lovely prayer. Hope that we will forget about all those past memories. HAPPY New year 2019 to all of you. May 2019 brings Peace, love, faith, happiness and prosperity to all of you and family. God heal my body and save my son from the bad influence from friends. Guide him to be the boy that he was before. Help me Lord. Amen.

  18. Dear Father God,
    We praise Your Holy Name our dear Lord Jesus Christ.
    As we begin this New Year 2019.
    We thank You for working everything good,and the many blessing You given for us all.
    And always being here for us. Amen.
    We honor Your Name today dear God,my Savior.
    Through our Lord Jesus Christ.
    We start this year 2019 with a grateful heart.
    In Jesus mighty name
    Amen and Amen.

  19. I glorify His holy name.I have seen His goodness and is still waiting on Him for His blessings of this year.Praise be His name,Amen

  20. Thank you Bevjoy! Your prayers have been an inspiration in my life and I have shared them on our prayer page to encourage family and friends.

    God bless xox

        1. Its officially January 1, 2020 I’m ready Lord Jesus for your precious mercies upon my life
          By the precious blood of Jesus, I claim a new Denise, a new life, a new beginning
          Amen & Amen?❤❤?

  21. Glory to God! Lord teach everyone of us to live by your ways and not by the is empty and nothing with out you Jesus ,Lord and the Holy Spirit! You are amazening and so loving! 119:105 Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.GOD LOVES EACH AND EVERYONE OF US WITH EVERYTHING HE IS! TRUST IN HIM ALWAYS AMEN

  22. I give Glory to dear Lord God,in the highest,peace on earth and good will to all men
    We praise Your name Lord,as we begin this New Year 2018.
    We wash away the things of the past. And we look to Jesus
    for all new things.He has in store for us,love,prosperity,peace and so much more.
    We know that joy of the Lord is
    our strength and as we meditate on Your word,saturate our heart.
    Teach us to confess what the word says.Your word give joy in my heart and light in my eyes.
    Thank you for the wonderful gift You have given us and for the blessings.We trust You Lord,You are my all.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

    1. I want to get married but right now I don’t even have a job no house too and I don’t even know who to marry pls I need prayer that God should come to my help me plz he should help me out of this stagnation… In Jesus name.