Spiritual Warfare Prayer for Breakthrough and Success

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Heavenly and most merciful Father, I bless and honor Your mighty name. Thank You for all the breakthroughs in my life. I give You all the praise, for You have done great things in my life. And there is even greater to come.

Jehovah Shalom, I bend my knees before Your throne of grace, casting all my cares, my troubles, my doubts, my fears and my weaknesses on You, the Almighty God who sits upon the Throne.

Every negative entity will flee at the sound of Your mighty name. These trials and temptations that strikes me when I am most vulnerable shall vanish completely.

My dawn is approaching and my breakthrough is near as they are all transformed into lessons that will only make me stronger.

1 Corinthians 10:13 No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it.

Spiritual Warfare Prayer For Breakthrough And Success

I Speak Favor and Breakthrough Into My Life

Deliver me from satan and his fallen angels, Oh Lord. I speak favor into my life as the overflow of Your abundant blessings pour down upon me. I embrace it, I embrace You, as the Holy Spirit draws near to me.

No man can ever convince me that my breakthrough will never come, for who God blesses no man curse.

I see my victory ahead. It is so clear to me that doubt and fear flee at the thought of it. All fear is gone at the thought of You bringing it to pass, Jehovah Nissi.

Proverbs 4:25-27 Let your eyes look straight ahead, and your eyelids look right before you. Ponder the path of your feet, And let all your ways be established. Do not turn to the right or the left; Remove your foot from evil.

Isaiah 60:1 Arise, shine; For your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you.

Seeking Wisdom in Every Endeavor

O Lord, as I press towards my breakthrough, grant me the wisdom to make choices that align with Your will. Let my decisions be not just based on worldly wisdom or short-term gains, but on eternal truths and lasting impact.

In every project I undertake, in every relationship I form, and in every goal I set, may I be guided by Your wisdom, seeking first Your kingdom and Your righteousness.

With the world offering countless paths and numerous definitions of success, help me discern the path You have set for me. Remind me that true success is not just in worldly accomplishments but in fulfilling the purpose for which You have created and called me.

Proverbs 2:6 For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.

Joshua 1:8 This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.

Strengthening My Resolve and Trust

In the face of setbacks and delays, strengthen my resolve, O Lord. Let patience take root in my heart, understanding that Your timing is perfect. Help me trust in Your plans, knowing that they are to prosper me and not to harm me, to give me hope and a future.

As I wait on breakthroughs and success, let my trust in You deepen, and my character be molded to reflect Christ more and more. When doubts arise, let me cling to Your promises.

When others tell me it’s impossible, let me remember that I serve the God of the impossible. As I inch closer to the success You have in store for me, let my testimony be that it was not by might nor by power, but by Your Spirit.

Zechariah 4:6 Then he said to me, ‘This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel: Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord of hosts.’

Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Prayer to Remove All Negativity

Wipe out any signs of oppression, depression, sickness, negative thoughts, negative suggestions from those around me. Grace me with eternal love, joy, peace and happiness until the day I see You.

Show me how to dance in the rain and smile at the storm knowing that You are in the vessel. I declare a complete breakthrough in my life, for we are victorious through Christ Jesus, Amen.

Isaiah 54:17 No weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue which rises against you in judgment You shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is from Me,” says the Lord.

Ephesians 6:12 – For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.

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  1. Please pray for my health, that God will remove endometriosis and every disease out of my body from its root and it will not return.
    Pray for my spiritual life and my job.

    I also pray that everyone’s prayer request be answered and God will heal their every need.

    I pray for you, God’s continuous blessings and rich favor be upon you. As you do God’s work, that God will move more in your life to complete His mandate and touch souls.

    Love you guys (Hebrews 12.2)

  2. Please pray for me and my spouse he broke up with me the devil came in like a flood over my relationship and as easily as it came was as easily as it left. Signs after signs he’s my kingdom spouse, Ive been shown in the supernatural our purpose and god has whispered to me both him and I are youth pastors . Leading the younger generation to christ. I’m praying for restoration, reconciliation and marriage and the will of God to overflow our lives. Please help me fight the war

  3. Please pray for me the job that I was doing has ended so I need the right job for me because I have disabilities so please pray for me for the Lord the Ancient of days to find me a job very soon that I’m able to do. I ask this in Jesus name Amen 🙏

  4. Thank you so much for sharing your breakthrough prayers….I’m going through some tough times presently…Waiting for God for my breakthrough… I’m so encouraged by this model prayers…I know our God is still working on it…Thanks and praise to our God almighty..

  5. Blessed day my heavenly Father, thank you for waking me up with health and strength in you, Father I am forever grateful for your patience and love for me like no other, I give you all the Glory thanks and praise, dear Heavenly Father, in Jesus Almighty Name Amen 🙏 🙌❤️

    1. I Pray for forgiveness of my sins through Jesus Christ, I pray for deliverance and protection, I pray for breakthrough and success in my life and I pray for the grace of God to dwell in me. Amen

  6. Hallelujah 🙌 Amen & 🙏
    Thank You Abba Father.
    I’m not quite where I need to be but I’m not where I used to be my precious Saviour paid the price
    Glory be to God 🙏

  7. Praying that the charges against my son is dropped.. that the police officer was over bearing and it is known.. thank you 🙏

  8. Almighty God, our Father, thank You for today ‘s prayers. I really need a breakthrough and manifestation of the answers to my long awaited prayers. Father, You are faithful and I trust in You, strengthen my faith as I wait with expectation. Thank You in advance, in the precious name of Jesus , Amen

  9. I thank you father God for Blessing me for another day
    You are a Faithfull God ,No one like you Jesus
    Your mercy are new every morning
    You are worthy to be Praised Lord Jesus
    Amen and Amen

  10. To God be the Glory. This reading has blessed my morning and has given me the blueprint to my breakthrough. God bless everyone that is reading and the creators behind this. I prayer an abundance of overflow in the creators readers workers listeners developers Sowers writers publishers and every hand that help this ministry flow that no lack will ever come nigh to thee in Jesus Holy Name. 🙏 Amen

  11. Pls, help pray for fruit of womb for my wife and I believe He will do it as u join me in praying to God. Jesus is Lord.

    1. Receive your grace in the name of Jesus according to his promises in Deut 28:4 “Blessed shall be the fruit of thy body, and the fruit of thy ground, and the fruit of thy cattle, the increase of thy kine, and the flocks of thy sheep.”

      1. Please my marriage is in shambles,we are separated and I’m going through a rough time.Rejection starting from the ones I hold dear in my heart,hatred,discouraged.Enemies are everywhere.Help me in prayers.

        1. Then it’s time to rise up in your power and trust God believe him he is a God of impossible and whay God joins on earth is bond in heaven if it is from God no man can break it you just have to learn to listen to his voice trust and obey what he’s asking from you to chnage your situation. Be blessed

  12. Thank You Father for meeting my needs and everything that you have done in my life. With You at the helm of my life i do dance in the rain and smile at the storm because i am the daughter of a King ~ My Precious Father 🙏

  13. Heavenly Father. All honour and Glory is you in the name of Jesus.
    I stand firm Lord Jesus in your promises and I come before you for our abundant financial blessing Give us all your wisdom and knowledge to be good Stewart’s of our money you have blessed us with. Help us to do your Will here on earth as it is in heaven. Forgive us for not managing our finances as your Will. Help us with this Jesus. No can’t do it without you.
    Help us become the head and not the tail. Help us become the lenders and not the borrowers. Help us become the owners and not the renters any longer. Bless us going in and going out. Fill our body’s mind and soul with right choices and lots of health and strength so we can better do your Will here in earth. Teach me Jesus according to your Will in all areas of my life and my husbands life which we have been married
    48 years. It’s never to late Jesus Prosper us in health and wealth and let all man see it is from you Lord. Help me grow the money you I
    Entrusted me with and help me do good with in for your honour prayer and glory Lord Jesus. Guide me Father. Let me hear you. Protect me my husband our 3 sons their wives and 10 grandchildren. Put your hedge of protection around all of us. Keep evil and harm away so we do no harm to ourselves or others.
    Heavenly Father bless us indeed
    Enlarge our territories
    Expand our boundaries
    Increase our finances so huge that we would be able to bless all those you put in our path abundantly
    Put your arms around us Jesus. Let all this be from you and through you
    Keep evil away from us so we do no harm to ourselves or others
    I ask all this in Jesus Mighty name. Amen.
    Thank you Jesus. For all your love and blessings

  14. Pray for my break through.My job stopped am at home not earning for months now and I need to go back and complete my degree

  15. Am happy to found this because I was so depressed for some weeks now but these prayers give me hope that everything will be fine.

  16. I am really in need of a financial blessing and my car notes due. I have other bills past due that need to be paid. I am almost to E in my car and don’t have a dime to my name. I went to a job interview today where the woman had me waiting for nothing and didn’t even come out to see me. There was a so called mix up about interview times and I end up leaving with nothing but words said. I have a negative bank account balance and no one to help with anything. I pray I keep all my possessions and not lose nothing. I am not hopeless and have remain in peace through it all. Just waiting for this to past through and all the positive stuff begins to come in Jesus Name Amen

    1. Sending you prayers, hope and healing Tahara! I’m proud you have remained strong in your faith. He will take care of you!

  17. Thank you fatter GOD. I worship you and Praise you ABBA. I love you please father protect my day and my families day today as we go out into the world to do our daily duties . Be with us and let your holy spiritual be the light in our path in JESUS majestic make amen amen amen Thank you father for listening to my prayers I love you ❤️

  18. Blessed Saturday to you.
    I have not seen my son for many years. He hated me for some or other reason, he was involved with the wrong people, drugs etc.
    Last year he contacted me for help as he had sued for divoced. I helped him stayed in his house for 6 months keeping an eye on everything, the wife removed everything left him with hardly nothing.
    My son Chris asked me to help him in his business which i should maybe not done. He has used terrible language to me, he has abused me and belittled me in many ways as well as his staff. I have tried to talk with my son but he has told me he is not interested and does not care I have since walked out of his business. What worries me is that he always said that he wanted me to move closer to where he lives which i have done and he pays the monthly rent, as i can not afford it, I am a 74 year old pensioner and tried to make ends meet on the little money i receive from the government, i am afraid now that he will stop the rent payment.
    I just need him to help me to continue the rent payment and to support me with little money for food
    Please may i ask you to pray for me and for my son for God to help him so that he may see the light abd become more caring.

  19. Pls pray for me for healing in my upper back in between shoulder blades ; maybe acid reflux , I ate something greasy and felt pain in my back .. or heart burn ; thanks for praying for healing

  20. Please pray for me. I am a single mother with my job on the line due to new policies. I have no help from my daughter’s father, my mom is elderly and I’ve given all my years to this company. I am scared…I am lost…Please pray for me.

  21. I was under spiritual attack 3 years ago. I was hearing voices and chanting. I went to sleep and heard this chanting and I woke my husband to pray for me and he touched me and heard the chanting and saw the witch. He and others prayed for me and I was delivered. However, our son died and I got very depressed and begin to hear the voices again. Would you please pray for me?

  22. Please pray for my son to win his court cases. He has been incarcerated for 17 years but the enemy is trying to do everything to keep him bound. Pray for my peace of mind and that my heart receives joy unspeakable.

  23. Please pray for my son to win his court cases. He has been incarcerated for 17 years but the enemy is trying to do everything to keep him bound. Pray for my peace of mind and that my heart receives joy unspeakable.

  24. Please pray for a friend Amanda that God would bless her and keep her close to him give her the gift of healing and be used of God here in our church

  25. Good morning father god thank you for another day of life . I thank you for taking care and protect me and my family . You are our light our heart we worship you father god . No one is like you . Help us to serve you better for your glory in jests mighty name amen

  26. Prince of peace just be with us all you build and you destroy you know who we are my lord i trust you always have I made it this far I know it was you which my help came from and those who you sent to uphold my soul father god of this earth let us ever be thankful through your name jesus our redeemer amen…forward is where we wanna go as believers

  27. Amen thank you for the prayers. God give me the strength to face all the troubles. Please lord help me to pray for all the obstacles in my life. I’m struggling so much with my kids especially my son. Theres lots of persecutions at work. Grant me the strength as I stand before you. Amen

  28. Thank you for the prayers you send to us.i can see my victory is coming.let us continue praying together and God will hear our prayers and bless us in a mighty way.

    1. Your prayers here are a God sent miracle for me I so look forward to praying thses prayers so uplifting and on time you re gifted. I also want to pray for all of us here to be lifted up and answered prayers. Glory to God.

  29. Thanks a lot Cheryce for the great prayer as I stand with all my brothers and sisters who we are in the same boat as we put the full armour of God so we come against every strongholds, every territory demons, and give us the strength Lord to stand strong against the devil ‘s schemes, against all attacks of evil, against the power of this dark world ,against the spiritual forces of evil as I Declare’ Wisdom 3:1-9
    1 But the souls of the upright are in the hands of God, and no torment can touch them.
    2 To the unenlightened, they appeared to die, their departure was regarded as disaster,
    3 their leaving us like annihilation; but they are at peace.
    4 If, as it seemed to us, they suffered punishment, their hope was rich with immortality;
    5 slight was their correction, great will their blessings be. God was putting them to the test and has proved them worthy to be with him;
    6 he has tested them like gold in a furnace, and accepted them as a perfect burnt offering.
    7 At their time of visitation, they will shine out; as sparks run through the stubble, so will they.
    8 They will judge nations, rule over peoples, and the Lord will be their king forever.
    9 Those who trust in him will understand the truth, those who are faithful will live with him in love; for grace and mercy await his holy ones, and he intervenes on behalf of his chosen.
    and also Declare Psalms 125:1-51 – [Song of Ascents] Whoever trusts in Yahweh is like Mount Zion: unshakeable, it stands for ever.
    2 Jerusalem! The mountains encircle her: so Yahweh encircles his people, henceforth and forever.
    3 The sceptre of the wicked will not come to rest over the heritage of the upright; or the upright might set their own hands to evil.
    4 Do good, Yahweh, to those who are good, to the sincere at heart.
    5 But the crooked, the twisted, turn them away, Yahweh, with evil-doers. Peace to Israel!

      1. God you are able and you are always with us.
        Pray for me be to have a financial breakthrough so i can be able to clear all the debts i have.

  30. Please keep me lifted in prayer. As I read some of the comments and prayer request I bind my faith with the men and women trusting and believing that our needs will be provided and restoration and healing will happen. Pray for me as well.

  31. I’m expecting God’s breakthrough, I know with this wonderful prayers it will happen in my life. Praise master Jesus.

  32. Dear Father God.
    I thank you Lord,for always be with me,guide my life and help me to do Your will.
    So today,I glory in Your presence,dear Father,Amen.
    Thank You Lord,to give me the strength to stand strong,against all attacks of evil.
    I pray that today,dear Father,
    Please help me to have a complete breakthrough in my life. Amen.
    Through Our Lord Jesus Christ.We all are victorious.
    Yes Lord Jesus,as I go through this trying times,please create in me a pure heart,oh Lord.
    Renew a steadfast spirit within me.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

  33. I thank GOD for my breakthrough,All glory and honor to HIM….In Jesus name my savior and my advocate…… AMEN

  34. I thank you Father God in Jesus the Christ’s name for Who you are and all that you are doing!
    I love you! I thank you and I readily receive the manifestation of your promised word; Pressed down shaken together and running over, in Divine Order and under Your Grace I believe and do receive!!
    Have an Awesome day,
    In Jesus’s Name!
    Your daughter,

  35. I thank and praise you my God for my permanent and complete breakthrough against the devil and all fallen angels now and forever. I thank you God that you have mafe them my footstool all of the days of my life in the name of Jesus and by the blood of Jesus shed on the cross at Calvary….. Amen .

  36. Thank You for sending the wisdom of God to me Lord knows My Family need a Breakthrough ,We need more of Jesus Christ

  37. I pray that we keep HIM as our GPS not for this year only but, forever! HE will lead us to the pasture and take care of all our needs. For HE knows everything about us even before our parents dealt with been pregnant (Jeremiah 1:5).

  38. Please Lord Jesus, show us the way. Forgive us all. Help us in our time of need and keep us safe,strong and happy. Your will always be the way. Lord, help me find real,true love for the rest of my life.
    Love being the greatest.

  39. Beautiful prayers. Thank you for being directed by The Holy Spirit in prayer to share so that we as your sisters and brothers in Christ can come into agreement with each request and say yes and amen to each decree. God richly bless you,
    Your sister in Christ
    Vickie Miller

  40. Amen – This Is A God Sent Website – I, Too Am Lifted, Inspired and Spiritually Motivated By Fellowshipping With The Prayer Warriors Who Are Followers of This Website.
    Amen and Amen.
    Be Blessed.

  41. I want to give thanks to my Dear Almighty Lord God, for today the beautiful bless morning. Grace me with eternal love, joy, peace and happiness, until the day I see You. And I declare a complete breakthrough in my life, for we are victorious through Christ Jesus. Amen and Amen.

  42. I’m happy that I am a part of this group, the prayers are so strong, I weep in asking the lord for my needs. He has done it for me already and I know more blessings is on its way to me.

  43. Thank you heavenly father for the song of praise. Thank you heavenly father for the gift of helps. You make me stronger Lord I love you so many. Thank you for allowing me to see my 66th birthday in Jesus name Amen

  44. Thank you heavenly father for the song of praise. Thank you heavenly father for the gift of helps. You make me stronger Lord I love you so many. Thank you for allowing me to see my 39th birthday in Jesus name Amen

  45. Amen thank you father for my breakthrough. You are my deliverer and as the word said be obedient to him and also walk in obedience.

  46. I am so happy I found this website…it has helped me in my prayer life and seems to be just what I need when I need…thank you Lord all praises to You! Amen!!

  47. Thank you God for your word. Your word is true, it is the way and the light. Bless who ever is inspired to share these daily prayers in Jesus` name!
    Please let your perfect will be done in our lives even as we continually declare these prayer points into our lives in Jesus`name!

  48. Thank you lord for the one that is inspired to do these prayers. Bless him or her as these prayers bless us Amen.