Fertility Prayer – Prayer to Conceive -Open The Womb

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Sweet and merciful Jesus, I bow before You with a heart’s desire. Many have come against me, speaking ill thoughts into my life and my infertility. I have been called barren, infertile and unfruitful. I have become a shame in society because others think what good is a woman who can’t conceive?

Lord, I have disappointed my life partner who is becoming frustrated on waiting for a child from me. I have become my own enemy because I feel worthless sometimes as my womb was shut.

My own love ones have laughed at me. But today I seek You for healing, deliverance and hope.

Psalm 37:5 “Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass.”

Psalm 127:3 “Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward.”

Praying for Supernatural Conception and Fertility

You are the God of my fertility. I pray and hold faith to your word for a supernatural conception and healthy full pregnancy.

I beg that You plant a seed into my womb Lord. Not just any seed, but a holy and healthy seed of God.

You said to go forth and be fruitful. So God, I ask this day that You open my womb, so that I can bring forth a child and even children.

Just as You opened the womb of Sarah after so many years, I believe that You are and will do the same today. I have the faith that You will keep Your promises to Your children.

I know You will quench my desire. Lord, even as Hannah was without a child, You give her a son after her prayer unto You. You heard her supplication. And this day I know my prayer will not be void unto You but it will be heard and answered.

Lord, even as you remembered Rachel and she conceived, listen to my prayers and me and my family. Enable me to conceive and bare child.

Genesis 30:22 Then God remembered Rachel; he listened to her and enabled her to conceive.

You said to ask and it shall be given. This day I ask for fertility in the womb. I break the spirit of barrenness and I come against every attack of the enemy to prevent my pregnancy.

2 Corinthians 4:18 “We fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.”

Genesis 25:21 “Isaac prayed to the LORD on behalf of his wife, because she was childless. The LORD answered his prayer, and his wife Rebekah became pregnant.”

Trusting For My Miracle Baby

There will only be fruitfulness in the name of Jesus and every tongue that spoke wrong will not stand but rather You Jesus will prove them wrong. You withhold no good thing from those who do You right Lord and You know my heart today Jesus.

You know my hurt and struggles but yet I believe and trust in You for my miracle baby. I believe it is already done, in no other name but the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Psalm 113:9 He gives the childless woman a family, making her a happy mother. Praise the LORD!

Luke 1:36-37 “And behold, your relative Elizabeth in her old age has also conceived a son, and this is the sixth month with her who was called barren. For nothing will be impossible with God.”


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  1. Please can you pray for my wife amy and me to concieve this year. We have been trying for 4 years to conceive without success and we turn 38 this year and we are getting down. Also Satan is attaching a lot at the moment.

  2. My wife is currently undergoing IVF treatment, and we are hopeful for a positive outcome. The critical moment is approaching, as we are awaiting the results of her treatment on May 30th. We pray for a positive result that will bring joy and a new beginning to our lives.

  3. We have had three losses with a total of four children. We have a child now ptl who is 22 years old. We have going through secondary infertility for the last 18 years. We are asking God for twins again and know he can heal my reproductive organs.

  4. Thanks very much for the prayers I have been trusting God for children. I have been going through pain at work, relatives and others. It’s so painful when I think about it sometimes tears just flow down from my eyes even in public l can’t be able to control them. Please stand with us in prayer 🙏.

  5. My name is Rasmita Das.i am 42 year old with low AMH and blocked fallopian tubes . Doctor suggested me to do IVF with donor eggs but I want my own baby.so please pray for me to be blessed with a miracle baby by prayer only

  6. I have been trying for so many years to conceive but it’s not working. I keep praying and have faith that God will bless my womb with a child in the name of Jesus Amen 🙏

  7. I have been trying to concive but is not working i’m praying that God should help and bkess my womb.

  8. Dear God please open my womb that I may able to conceive a healthy baby or babies. Please bless my Husband and to have a family. I pray and I declare in the name of Jesus Your Son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.

    1. Kindly pray for me and my husband. We are married for 8+years and expecting to receive our Miracle babies by faith. We have already named them as Rafayel Caleb and Rachel Calida (Twins – boy and girl). We know our God is a faithful father. I pray and I declare that my womb will open and our miracle babies be answered in the mighty name of Jesus. We will glory, testify and serve Jesus with our children on this earth and one day in heaven. This is happening in the name of Jesus.

  9. I am praying that Jesus Christ open my womb and bless my husband and I with a strong & healthy pregnancy. And strong & healthy rainbow baby or babies (twins). I pray and I declare in the name of Jesus to please hear my prayer and that my miracle baby or babies be answered in Jesus name.

  10. Jesus Christ to please open my womb and bless us with a child or twins. I pray and I declare in the name of Jesus Christ that prayer will be done in Jesus name
    Amen amen

  11. I was in an abusive relationship with my kids father and out of fear decided to get my tubes tied. Years later I met and married a wonderful man of God. He does not have children of his own and I desire to give him a child (or children). Getting my tubes untied and IVF are too expensive. We are believing for a supernatural miracle and for God to open my womb to conceive with my husband. In Jesus name.

  12. Please pray for my daughter to conceive. She has 1 miscarriage already and they tried IvF but it didn’t succeed. They spent too much already, and my daughter losing hope to get pregnant. She really needs prayers 🙏

  13. Please God, I pray in the name of Jesus Christ to please open my womb and bless us with a child or twins. I pray and I declare in the name of Jesus Christ that prayer will be answered in May 2023 or June 2023.

  14. Please pray for me to conceive this month. I want to hold a baby in my arms.
    i’m praying and declaring that God will answer my prayer today.

  15. Lord please help me pray for me i get pregnant this year please Lord answered my prayer and grand us in name of Jesus Christ Amen🙏🙏🙏

      1. Lord Jesus I pray in ur mighty name
        Jesus Christ to please open my womb and bless us with a child or twins. I pray and I declare in the name of Jesus Christ that prayer will be answered in May 2023 or June 2023.

  16. Pls God let me get conceive, pls pray for me, that I should this year. And hold a baby in my arms ..

    1. Dear God ,Please bless my womb with twins baby boy in this year 2023 December in Jesus name Amen 🙏

  17. It’s has been 8 years I have a child been trying to conceive another beautiful baby in the name of you lord it is done it is my time in the name of Jesus Amen 🙏🏻 my faith is strong and i believe it’s done

  18. Dear God, please bless my womb with a miracle baby boy tonight in the month of January2023 in Jesus’ mighty name…amen

    1. Sweet and merciful lord I have come to marry as your word is spoken in the Bible, we have also come to conceive as you said “ to go and be fruitful and multiply” that is what I now come in prayer before you my lord. Please remove any barrenness over my reproductive system and allow me and my husband to bring forth a child of your kind. I pray that 2023 is our time thank you my lord.

  19. Please pray for gestational sacs for each of my daughters twins during her high risk pregnancy after long IVF journey it finally happened

  20. I thank God for everything his so wonderful
    Pray 🤲 for me to receive this year 2022 please I need your prayers and forgiveness 😭

  21. Please pray for me to conceive fast. I am eagerly waiting for this moment to hear a good news soon. Bless me with a miracle baby.

  22. I trust you almighty god..I will wait until your gift of new life into my womb is ready.thank you for always listening to our prayers, Amen.

    1. I have been married for 14 years and no children. My husband and I want a baby in the past I went to doctors who did nothing but gave me the run around. Now I have a good job and health insurance I found a doctor who listens and is helping me but only God can plant the seed of healthy and precious baby in me. I’m asking for a boy only because my husband is the last to carry our name. God is still on the throne and He is for me. He is powerful, merciful and gracious.

      1. I connect with you dear sister.. Mine is 16 years.. I trust and believe by his mercy our God will show up for us this year in Jesus name

  23. Dear God , bless my womb with your gift of healthy child. I have conceived in the mighty name of Jesus. Bless our family with lots of happiness.

  24. I trust you Lord that I will bee fruitful again. I love you and I have that faith no matter what people say..

  25. Dear God , I’m in my two weeks waiting period and I believe that I have conceived through your power and will .
    Please forgive me for my sins and accept to make me a mother this month, please put back my first lost embryo back into my uterus in Jesus name…
    I believe nothing is impossible to you and there’s power in prayer.
    God please bless my womb with a baby for my husband has forsaken me and opted having a family with someone else, please bring peace and love back to my life in Jesus name

    1. Please pray for me, I want to convince in this year and month 2022/30/11 🙏, I know there is nothing God can not do.

  26. Lord bless my womb this month. Let yr blessing fall upon me. Bless my womb with twins this month o lord. Thank u Jesus because I know u have answered me amen

  27. Dear God I am praying you and begging you to make me a mother. Tonight was my fertile day and I am begging you God bless my womb with a child! I dream of being a mother to a healthy and happy baby. You know what’s in my heart and how desperate I am to have a child.
    I would do anything in this world to have a child to dedicate to you my lord. Please bless me with the miracle of life in my womb. Please father, I pray to you to help me please God please… I am begging you lord answer my prayers.

  28. I have wanted a child of my own for so long. To be a mother to create and feel the growth of life inside me and raise a good little human into a good person. That would fulfill my heart’s desire. I pray that my only egg becomes fertilized and implanted and that I may carry and deliver a healthy baby. I have hope and I have faith that this reward will come to me. Amen

  29. I’ve made a mistake and got on birth control. Now I want a 2nd child I want to expand my family.
    May you please pray I get blessed with a miracle of fertility and Strong and powerful conception.
    Thank you

  30. It’s been 5 years that me and my husband was married but still I didn’t conceived, because I’m facing problem with irregular periods and pcos, thyroid. So please put me in your prayers that “In the name of Jesus” I needed to conceive with a healthy womb. Amen

  31. Prayer Requests

    Ectopic pregnancy and fibroids. I am childless mother. I am widow alone. I am looking for right man in my future as remarry

  32. My prayer is that the Lord will bless my husband and I with a child / children in the near future. We are newly weds and i suffer with PCOS which makes it harder to conceive but i know that the God I serve is bigger than any disease and He will bless us soon. I’m claiming it in Jesus name. Please pray for us.

  33. Please pray for my boyfriend and I of 4 years. We know that we want to be married and serve God but sometimes/mostly it looks financially impossible. He is unhappy in his work which is also not paying enough. I’m not happy in my work and feel unappreciated.
    We desperately want to settle down together, build a home and have children. We know NOTHING is impossible for the Lord. We pray that He hears our prayer. Amen

  34. My husband and I have been married for 4 years and we’ve been trying for 2 1/2 years. I’ve tried everything. I also did an iui a month ago with no success. My prayer is for my husband to be able to be fruitful and multiplied. I know that God hasn’t counted us out. I thank the Lord in advance for the healthy child: children he’s about to bless us with.

  35. I need prayer for me and my husband, we have tried having a child it’s not that am barren but I have one child before with another man before I married him, he has been putting me on pressure to have a child. I have moved from one hospital to another and am tired of taking the drugs they have been giving me because there’s no any sign of pregnancy, my marriage is already falling apart because all his friends and family believe I want to use my husband to raise my child.

  36. Jesus lord I come today for you to heal me and my husband. I suffered from miscarriages and I do want to be bless again with twins baby anything from you I accept. Please God make this pregnancy coming this July that I will carry my babies in full term and that I will not have any problem anymore. Goodbye to miscarriages for good, your not enter my life anymore. Devil is a lier and you cant win this time cuz I will win my baby twins. please God make this pregnancy show up soon and make this pregnancy test show 2 line in Jesus mighty name amen

  37. Really need help concerning prayers to cancel the barrenness. Pray the almighty to answer my prayers as I am planning to start fasting for conception. Pray God should hear my prayers as he did for Sarah, Hannah, Rachel and Elisabeth in Jesus name is pray. Amen

  38. Praying for my Sister and her husband to have their miracle baby. With God all things are possible. Trusting in Jesus. Amen.

    1. I need prayer to conceive a baby. Last year I am six months pregnancy and lost the baby, my husband was very angry with me and always argue with because he want a baby. Lord I now put my trust in your name my womb is heal and I will conceive a baby in your holy name like Sarah, Elizabeth, Hannah and Rebecca. Lord open my womb and plant the seed Lord. I pray in Jesus name Amen

  39. Dear God for years and every minute I have been praying alot I have be hurt to many times very badly but whenever I pray to. You I never receive any answer any help but something is pushing me to help others in some other manner I am tired Lord of this life asking help praying to U nothing is ever happening. I tired Lord

  40. I’m 23 and I’ve been trying to cnceive to no success. But this time I’m doing everything in faith becoz I believe God the giver of life will do something for me and for u all who want a baby. Believe in Him. May your hearts desires reach God’s ears today and may he bless our wombs

  41. My God in your mercies oh Lord remember my womb today plant a seed in my womb not any seed but a holy and healthy seed in Jesus mighty name. In your word you said life and death lays in the tongue today my Lord I speak life in my womb in Jesus name.

  42. Lord Jesus ,I beg you to bless my womb and plant me a holy seed and praying to conceive soon and bare a healthy child.Thank you my Lord. Amen

  43. My Lord Jesus, I repent for my sins. Show your mercy on me. Bless me with a child. Send me the Holy Spirit on me to conceive a healthy child. Lord you have said “ask and you shall receive” Father I’m asking with faith, please Lord mercy on me and let me conceive now, and make me a living testimony of your mercy. Thank you Lord Jesus I know you don’t abandon your child’s humble request.

  44. Lord, I asked today for your instant mercy and miracle on my life… Let ur mercy speak for me and let me conceive. Lord you said we shall asked and you will answer… And you look upon your words untill it’s fulfilled… Lord have mercy on me and let me conceive now… Do not let this month of January to pass me by… I believe in you lord… Let my battle seed speak for me concerning my conception all lord… People have started talking… Please have mercy on me and let me conceive this month so that when I do pregnancy test it will be positive… And I will carry a healthy baby to term in Jesus name Amen… and Amen… Thank you Jesus for prayer answered…

    1. God is good, he will help you. I’m 47 and I just found out I am pregnant. God loves you, it will happen. Just pray and don’t think about it so much. God is amazing

      1. Praise the Lord for this wonderful blessing. May you carry this baby to term and may he/she grow strong in the knowledge and faith of God and do mighty things in his name.

      2. Hi sister I m 47yrs I am still not pregnant almost 7yrs of marriage my periods have been stopped bcoz of fibriods I m very much disturb don’t know what to do plz keep me in prayers.

  45. Lord my Saviour and my Heavenly Father, you how much I have been yearning for a baby for many years. I am asking you to open my womb, open my fallopian tubes, place my eggs in order, my uterus look at it. Father, this journey of TTC has not been a walk in the path. Please, my dad, the devil had punished me for a long time. This DECEMBER, FATHER get me pregnant and let me carry a healthy baby to term…. let me hold a baby in my arms in August late or September early. I refuse curses and barrenness in the might name of my Lord. Praying and believing in Jesus Name AMEN…..

    1. I having broken waiting years to give my hudband a child and I believe and this in God that this will child will be a Christmas present to my husband I name her Faith.i DECREE and DECLARE in Jesus that I’m pregnant right at this very moment. AMEN

  46. Father God you know my desire. I have been trying for so long and doctors can’t find a reason why I am having trouble getting pregnant. Today I leave everything in your hands and I pray that you will destroy the curse and make me fruitful. Bless my womb heavenly with healthy children. It is the last month in 2020.This year came with many challenges and heartaches but I pray that it will end memorably for me as you will make this year be the year that I conceive in your sweet mercies I pray Amen. Thank you Jesus

  47. Lord, I ask that you look upon me with your mercy & bless my womb with healthy children. Father Lord please put an end to the strong man behind powers monitoring my ovulation & feeding me in the dream. Please Lord bless my womb with healthy children, wipe away my tears & make me fruitful for in Jesus Christ name I have asked…. Amen

  48. Lord i come to you today so that i can be bless with my miracle baby. Like you say as and it shall be given well lord im now beggin you to give me a baby. I trust in you lord and i know you hear my prayer. Thank you God in advance.

  49. lord you know my needs and wants in this life. God i want the bleesing of motherhood.Lord please open my womb open and allow any blockage in my womb to past .IN THE NAME OF Jesus i have faith you will guide with this new chapter of motherhood in my life . lord please guide me for healthy birth and healthy baby IN THE NAME OF Jesus I TOUCH AND AGREE AMEN

  50. I have been ttc with my husband for some years now. We’ve had many marital challenges and lived apart for some time. Finally we have been reunited and are back together. We have given our lives to Christ and made serious lifestyle changes. We come to God humbly to ask that He will bless us with a family. We pray for a double anointing and to receive the blessing of twins in Jesus holy mighty name! Amen.

  51. Lord I humbly pray and petition for a supernatural blessing. I believe you for a healthy womb and to conceive a healthy and holy baby this year in the name of Jesus. The devil and his tricks of confusion, discouragement, and unbelief is defeated in the name of Jesus! Standing on the promises of God and His word.

  52. Please pray for me. I really want to get pregnant this year 2020. We being married with my husband for 4 years now struggling to have a baby of our own. Please pray for us. God bless

  53. I have had my Fallopian tubes removed and I have found my soul partner who I will cherish for the rest of my life. I am Begging you lord Jesus, hear me please. Plant the miracle seed of life inside my womb for I want to be with child and give my life partner his hopes and dreams are for us to be forever successful

  54. I never really knew the true blessing to have a child, I have three beautiful children but I’ve always had a desire in my heart to have one more baby, this was of course after having my tubes tied. I have prayed and cried and begged for God to have mercy on me and blesss me to conceive one more time. After years of disappointment I asked God to give me a sign. For the first time ever I got a positive pregnancy test January 23,2020. I was speechless I haven’t had a cycle since November of last year though I want to be thrill I really don’t have any other symptoms but I’m trusting in my Faith in God that he will plant a seed in my womb. Please pray for me I want to be a living testimony for God.


  56. Lord Jesus heal my infertility. These 15 years of marriage have been hard without being able to father children with my beloved wife. Thank you for my stepson and the blessing he is. I ask now for children to be born of my wife and I. In Jesus name Amen.