Prayer For Good Dreams – For God To Revive Your Dreams

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Throughout the Bible, we see evidence of God speaking to us via dreams whenever He desires to send a message. You have had great dreams but you have, over time, allowed these dreams to die. It’s time to revive these dreams that God has placed upon you.

In Jeremiah, our Heavenly Father speaks to us about the plans He has for us. Jeremiah 29:11 – For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Now, here is the knowledge that is lacking. Just as we pray against bad dreams, it is equally important to pray for pleasant dreams to manifest. Many times, we fail to pray for those beautiful dreams until they come to pass.

And never forget that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom (Proverbs 9:10). It is the will of God for us to be happy and victorious in Christ, our Lord, our Savior.

When We Pray

There are a few points to consider before you set yourself to pray. They will help to bring encouragement and put you in the right posture inwardly in preparation for prayer.

  • A way when there seems to be no way – At times, we may get discouraged, not knowing how or if things will work out for us, forgetting His promises (Isaiah 43:16-19).
  • God can revive dreams – In Genesis chapters 37 to 40, we see Joseph having dreams, and they actually came to pass.
  • Dreams give directions/instructions – In Matthew 2:13, we see Joseph receiving a dream that gave him instructions to flee because of impending danger.
  • Dreams are a promise for the times that we are in – God promises to pour out His Spirit on His people, some will prophesy, some will have visions and others will have dreams (Acts 2:17).

Matthew 2:13 Now when they had gone, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, “Get up! Take the Child and His mother and flee to Egypt, and remain there until I tell you; for Herod is going to search for the Child to destroy Him.”

Acts 2:17 “‘In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.

Prayer To Revive My Dreams

My God, My Lord and personal Savior, thank You for the way You father me. Thank You for giving us Your Only Son, Jesus Christ, and thank You for the forgiveness of my sins.

Thank You, Heavenly Father, for the person I have become. I used to be many things that were not pleasing in Your eyes. But now I have made you my God and my only reliable strong tower. Therefore, I can proudly boast, in Your wonderful, victorious, and everlasting name, that I am a child of God.

Daniel 2:19 Then the mystery was revealed to Daniel in a night vision. Then Daniel blessed the God of heaven;

A Way When There Seems To Be No Way

It is written, according to 1 John 1:8, “If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.” Please forgive me wherever I have fallen short and did things that are displeasing in your sight.

Heavenly Father, You made a way where there seemed to be no way in so many circumstances in my life. And Your right hand still continues to reach out to me. And for that, I am eternally grateful.

Because of Your mercy and grace, I have become blameless and shameless, as I testify every day that there is indeed no condemnation for those in Christ.

I am now determined to please You in every situation I go through. Lord, I know it’s not by power nor by might, but by Your Spirit, Lord Jesus.

I remember the dreams that You had given me in times past. Therefore, Lord, I pray, just as You kept Joseph’s dream alive, that the same would be my portion. May the dreams that You’ve deposited into my Spirit continue to be revived until the time of their fulfillment.

May You begin to commission my partners and destiny helpers at Your perfect timing in Christ, in order to realize every dream bestowed upon my life.

(Mention specific dreams that have been bestowed upon your life and ask God to revive them).

Revive The Dreams Of Others

There is a purpose that I am here, Lord. As I humbly come before Your throne, it is my greatest desire that You revive the dreams of every woman and man reading this prayer. May they start seeing the gifts that You have bestowed upon their lives.

I pray that the lies of the enemy will not prevail against them. Let Your will be done. May their thoughts be heavenly vindicated by the fire of Your purpose.

Father God, there is nothing hidden you cannot reveal. So, reveal and revive, Father God.

Destroy The Seeds Of The Enemy

Destroy every seed that the enemy is using to hide and create fear for these great women and men to fully acknowledge You as their Lord and personal Savior.

Remove the lies the enemy has been feeding them for such a long time. They have started believing his lies and are losing hope and touch of the reality of Your true and pure love.

May ALL lies, such as discouragement, addiction, suicidal thoughts, unforgiveness, stagnation, limitation, failure, disappointment, unbelief, and other contrary spirits, be arrested, uprooted, bound, and destroyed forever, Father God in Jesus’ mighty name.

We dedicate all these requests upon Your holy altar. We thank You for You are our great help in times of distress. Thank You for the strength You give us to seek Your presence day and night.

We thank You for the administration of angels in our homes, schools, workplaces, and wherever we are. Because You are our mighty protector and warrior in battle. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit we pray. Amen

Job 33:14-18 For God does speak – now one way, now another – though no one perceives it. In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls on people as they slumber in their beds, he may speak in their ears and terrify them with warnings, to turn them from wrongdoing and keep them from pride, to preserve them from the pit, their lives from perishing by the sword.

Prayer For Good Dreams - For God To Revive Your Dreams

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  1. May the good Lord bless my prayers to night and fulfill the good dreams that I dreamt about last night for I have prayed trusting and believing in Jesus might name 🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️

  2. My dear father I thank for every blessings you bestowed upon me and my offspring, and all to come. I love you Lord.
    Without you I’m nothing. Thank you heaven father!
    From my mouth to your ears in Jesus Almighty Name. Amen

  3. Thank You Father God in advance for restoring every dream that You have deposited into my dreams and spirit and by faith I will wait for them to manifest. In the matchless name of Jesus Christ Amen and Amen. And it is so!

  4. Thank You Sweet Jesus For Continue Grace And Blessings I Thank You Lord For Reviving My Dreams And Vision In Jesus Name Amen

  5. Thank you Lord for the gift of life . Please revive to me what my purpose is and please guide me in my earthly plans.

  6. Lord, I thank You that You minister to Your people in various ways and having dreams is one of them. I pray that You will start speaking to me Lord in dreams like You used to do. In Jesus’ name. Amen. ,

  7. Dear God,
    I give You thanks and praise for this day,that You have blessed me with many blessings.
    I always love You,Amen.
    I believe and trusting Your care and love for me.
    I place myself completely in Your hands.
    I shall follow You all day long in my life,Amen.
    I pray for You,Lord Jesus,to revive my dreams come true. Amen.
    Thank You Lord,for today that You fulfilled my dream come true.
    And bless me with Your strength,Your joy and keep me under Your watchful eye entire day.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

  8. Lord I acknowledge you are my father and my best friend . Please forgive me for all the wrongs I have done yesterday and today. Lord please revive my dreams now in Jesus mighty name i pray Amen

  9. Tell me, Show Me, Teach Me Dear Lord, what you have in store for my life, I know I am a child of God, and you have beautiful plans for my life
    May I fulfill each and everyone, by Gods Grace
    Thank you Lord Jesus
    Thy will be done
    I claim this all by the precious blood and 39 Stripes of Jesus!!
    Amen & Amen

  10. As for these four children. God gave them knowledge and skills in all learning and wisdom and Daniel had understand in all vision and dreams….. Daniel 1:17..
    . Affirmatiom. I am enjoying the best.
    God is increasing my greatness and comforting me on every side.

  11. Great is the Lord:
    Lord i ask in the name of Jesus Christ show me the purpose I need fulfill and Revive my Dreams Now in Jesus name Amen.

  12. I thank you father for bringing me safely during the day. Today my prayer is that you fulfilled my dreams. Pls help my dreams to come true. Amen

  13. Heavenly Father I acknowledge that you are GOD and that you are in full authority over all that concerns me. today my prayer is that you revive my dreams just as you revived and kept Joseph’s Dreams alive and put all my dreams to fulfillment in Jesus Christ name… Amen