Prayer for Healing – Brain Tumor

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Matthew 7:7 “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you”

Heavenly Father,
We pray for our sister, who is with great sorrow and heartache to hear of her condition of an inoperable tumor in her brains.

We pray today that great faith, perseverance, patience and endurance are among the first fruits of the Spirit that you may grant her, in this time of great pain and anticipation of healing.

Lord Jesus Christ, Healer of all diseases and our Great Physician of all times, we intercede for this beloved sister. She is in traumatic condition, not knowing the depth of her illness. Nor does she know the length of her ordeal in her recovery.

We pray and ask You to come and take Your place, in spirit, in the doctors, nurses and specialists. Bless all those who will aid her in her medical needs.

We believe nothing is impossible in Your hands of power. In Your hands of healing and in Your heart of love, mercy and compassion.

Matthew 18:20 “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them”.

Praying for complete healing, for a clean bill of health

Lord Jesus, we remember Your assurance as we come together in prayer. Hear O Lord Jesus, the cries of our beloved sister, who asks for a clean bill of health, that she may live the rest of her life in testimony of You, a Great Lord of miracles and a life Giver.

We ask You Lord Jesus, to hold her in Your loving arms in all instances, as she breaks down in various points of test, treatment and recovery.

In the assurance of believing and holding on in faith in You, there’s nothing to be afraid of. There’s nothing to worry about, as all will happen according to Your will. All will end in a good cause, for those who believe in You.

Lord Jesus, may Your will be done. In Your perfect timing, may everything take its place, as we wait in faithful prayer and perseverance.

May she receive healing, through Your precious blood and in Your blessed name Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!

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  1. My dearest son Michael
    Had a tumor removed in September 2022. He has had serious episodes of hydrocephalus and has VP shunt. He has brain damage and in a nursing home in Buffalo , NY
    He has new areas of concern. Please pray for him. He is a very good person.
    Thank you

  2. Please pray for my daughter susanne braganza 8 years old diagnosed with brain tumor.

    She has to undergo a surgery tomorrow which is very complex.

    Please pray.

    1. God is a BIG physician , as Jesus healed my mother From brain tumor, The Holy Spirit blood of Jesus will heal your daughter also,
      Hallelujah, thank you Jesus you given new life to my mother and Her brain tumor healed completed, love you Jesus,

  3. Please pray for my mother jyoti shivnani she has brain tumor cancer her vision is blurry Voice is gone no movement in the body she is on bed
    She wants to live lord
    Please pray for complete healing
    She has stopped eating
    Lord I love my mother & I want her to live & be free from the tumor & have a healthy life in the name of Jesus amen ??

    1. You are a child of God so is your mother the Bible says that sickness is not of God your mother is healed in Jesus PRECIOUS MIGHTY NAME we pray Amen and Amen!!! go on and testify how awesome our good GOD is… Jesus loves you and your family remain blessed in Jesus MIGHTY NAME we pray Amen and Amen…

  4. May the Good Lord continue to strengthen and use you mightily to reach many people and to bring them to the eternal life.

  5. Pray for Bill that the blood on his brain clears up and there will be no permanent damage. Please Lord heal his brain. He is such a good person. Please keep him in your prayers.

  6. Keep your faith. It is all you have during these troubled times. The Lord is with you and his will, will be done.
    Blessings my brothers and sisters.

  7. My wife she got surgery on her brain but she is suffering from some sound she is not well please pray for her Amen from Hyderabad

  8. My mother is suffering from paralysis .she is not walking and talking please pray for my mother .everything will cured in his name.please pray for my mother her name is kanaka

  9. Pray for my mom. Just completed a long journey of chemo. Within this time, she was hospitalized twice and stopped chemo but now done and taking chemo pills thereafter.

    She recently started having blurry vision and loss of coordination; things like cooking, ironing, writing have been very limited.
    Had an MRI and now waiting for results, please pray together for better news as she has gone through much.

    Aside from that 3 brothers are at war with each other. I thought they would have the heart to show mercy on her illnesses.

    Pray for her that the results will be taken care of. Thank you all.

  10. Dear geevetha Mary Samuel,
    Please pray for my friends…
    She having brain tumor since 5 month…
    Her name is jasmine magdalene and she is 20years old
    I believe that she will get healing from our god…
    Nothing is impossible in his name… AMEN

    1. Our God is living God, dear brothers and sisters nothing impossible infront of God, we just need to be prayer with faith

  11. My very good friend Tina that is a wonderful mother and most loving caring grandma of 7 grand babies.Last year she started feeling like she couldn’t breathe and her body started swelling.She immediately got taken to emgergency room.He was diagnosed with hypertension heart disease with no cure in the near future.She wears a pump on her hip that intervines medication in her body through a tube inserted into her stomach.Tina is a real trooper and hides her pain el well she doesn’t ask for help and continues in her daily routine .I know she is scared to die and she is strong minded and wants to live.The only way that would happen is if GOD blessed Tina with a miracle and curing her from all diesese in her body.please help me in a group prayer asking the Lord if it is possible at this time for Tina to stay here with her family and loved ones.Could you also please pick the prayer to be read.I thank you for letting me to express my troubled heart and concern for the pain I see in my dearest friend Tina. Amen