Prayer for Husbands – Respect, Faithfulness and Love

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Heavenly Father, You deserve my praise, because You are faithful. You are the same yesterday, today and forever. Thank You for Your Word, which is so powerful and enriches my life.

Lord, today, I ask for your grace and guidance for all husbands. I pray for all my brothers in Christ who are having challenges in their marriages and trust You to renew their commitment towards their respective wives.

1 Corinthians 10:12 Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall. No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it.

Prayer for Husbands – Respect, Faithfulness and Love

Guide My Married Brothers – Husbands In The Family

Guide my married brothers, Father. Teach them to be patient, loyal and understanding, as they were in the beginning, but even more so now. May they be faithful to their wives and have the respect, commitment and emotional connection necessary for growth.

Where intimacy issues arise, show them Your glory as it pertains to their sexual desires. May these couples grow together in intimacy and be comforted in times of need.

Preserve their marriages and keep it free from the evil forces that lurk. Help them to be humble and to give all the gratitude and praise to You.

Hebrews 13:4 Marriage is honorable among all, and the bed undefiled; but fornicators and adulterers God will judge.

Proverbs 15:1 A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.

Prayer for Husbands - Respect, Faithfulness and Love

Praying For My Marriage

Almighty God, in the name of Jesus, I command every mountain that has come against our marriage be torn down! Holy Spirit, speak to us and help us to recognize Your voice.

Continue to bless us with the marriage relationship You intended for us to have. May my husband seek after you in all things and be the spiritual header of our household.

Remove anything he may be struggling with. May he be guided by the Holy Spirit and seek your counsel everyday. I declare that our marriage is preserved to eternity. In Jesus’ name, SO BE IT…AMEN!

Ephesians 5:25-29 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her, that He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word, that He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish.

So husbands ought to love their own wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as the Lord does the church.

prayer for husbands

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  1. I am Sagar and I am from Nagpur my prayer request is my life partner Kajal For the sake of parents, if people agree only for Christian marriage, then people agree to get married only with the blessings of God…

  2. Please pray for my Husband Edgar that he come back home with a clean mind, no hate, loving man that he once was, loving father and drug free. We have lost respect for one another. I’m a strong believer of god and I still love my husband over everything. I don’t want a perfect man, I want a loving father and a man that can walk with me thru gods steps and loves me with no hate and verb abuse.

    1. Hi please help my husband Sekgalo to stop abusing alcohol and being abusive and one thing about him when he’s sober he is such a loving husband when he only changes when abused alcohol he starts being abusing swearing at me,he misuses money…

  3. Blessed virtuous woman of God, I really appreciate these prayers,I pray God supernatural presence continue to empower you as you do His will in Jesus mighty name amen

  4. Please grant favor in a good healthy, prosperous, loving marriage. Please grant favor in marriage with brass.thank you for everything dear lord god and please forgive my sins. And give me a peaceful day at work. And please let my words come out perfect for the sales pitch. AMEN

  5. Please pray that my fiancee noel will turn his heart and desire time once more .He has become a stranger and cheating.Please pray he will return home and be faithful and caringas he once was .help him to see clearer and let their be restoration in our lives

    1. Hello Kim,

      I am so sorry to hear what you are going through, I want to pray for you and your fiancé Noel. I pray that there is restoration in your relationship and Noel comes home himself. May all the demons and evil possessing this thoughts and actions escape every bone and thought in his body. I also pray for you Kim, as I am newly married and have been going through something very similar I know it takes so much incredible strength. You will have low days and on those low days pray, pray every second god will be there he will always be there and will always love you. Take care Kim you are in my heart and my prayers

      1. Kim after thinking of you last night I wanted to offer some advice which I wish was suggested to me before, please seek out a counselor. Though my husband and I have yet to see one it would help tremendously if you decide to forgive him and start to build trust again. Thinking of you and praying the right counselor comes your way.

    2. I pray that noel will turn to christ the devil is a liar from the pit of hell contine to pray God answers prayer

  6. Please God take the enemy out of my marriage and husband. Have my husband open his eyes and soul for the love of his family. God put your cross and blood over my husband and s to be separated. Have your blood and cross to guide my husband to his family with softened heart for love. He is lost in himself help me guide him into our marriage. I have forgiven him I love him with all my heart and soul. Tell death to us part

    Thank you Jesus.

  7. I hate my Marriage as I don’t have any Peace my husband don’t understand me in all the situations he did not treat me any more he don’t have respect for me I don’t have any respect …………..what shall I do

    1. My sister pray for your husband never give up on your marriage. I was once there where u are. Trust God give all your troubles to God. God will make a way where the seems to be no way. Pray without ceasing. Marriage is of God and from God. From the beginning of time God new that u and your husband will be husband and wife. You are blessed. Keep praying everything will work according to Gods perfect plan for your husband and yourself. God plan for the future is not to harm us but to prosper us. I will be praying for and with u.

  8. Dear Please pray for my Marriage we have been together for the last 4 years and we have two boys but thanks to God however we don’t have peace in our home ,we don’t have love , we don’t have respect to each other …..due to this I don’t have interest to my marriage May God give to my husband to get enough knowledge and wisdom to follow Jesus to lead his home together with me. Let the Love of God flow through our life. May all the marriages be Blessed with full of Love and understanding…as I loss this in my Marriage so what shall I do ??

    1. Pray without ceasing. Pray this spiritual warfare prayers. Dont let the enemy steal your joy peace love and happiness. Continue to trust God. God has done it for me our Heavenly Father can do it for you. Believe it is done. Believe in your prayers. Have Faith in God. Amen

  9. Please pray for my marriage. After 8 months of rarely speaking I left.
    I do want my marriage. I’m praying and asking God to reconcile us to a new marriage with each other.
    Next month 6/7/19 will be our 4th anniversary. I’ve asked forgiveness & he has to me. We both are wearing our rings. I try to express my heart but he isnt receptive to me at all.
    He hasn’t told me to not message or reach out but he isn’t responding.
    I’m not giving up on us !!!
    I wished I’d never left.
    Please be in agreement with me.

    1. Continue to trust God. Allow God to soften your husband heart trust the process. God is forever faithful. Your husband will reach out to you. Just keep on praying and trust God.

  10. Please read Ephesians 6:11-12 every day. Satan, I command you in Jesus name to take your hands off of these marriages and we bind your hands. You lost your power at the cross 2,000 years ago. Ladies, I am praying with you. Our husbands are under attack of the Jezebel spirit. This is warfare. Put on the WHOLE armor of GOD. Don’t let Satan have your husband. His main objective is to destroy families. Remember EVERYTHING GOD loves the devil hates 150% more. Don’t give up; if you do He wins.

    1. Thank you! I’m stand in agreement with you for my marriage and everyone’s marriage to be saved by Jesus Christ! We win!!

    2. In my case my wife is the one under attack by the devil. I’m doing all i can to have my family back together but she tells me she doesnt love me any more. We have been married for 12 years and we have 3 beautiful children.

  11. GOOD DAY

  12. I pray that me and my husband can come to one accord dealing with finances. I Love him I really do but since he started this new job it’s like he doesn’t show me a lot of affection like he did before we got married. He doesn’t text me, call me when I’m at work. He’s not very understanding like he once was. I know we all go through things but my heart is hurting. I feel like he hides his the amount that he makes, pays our Bill’s and his but gets made when I ask to borrow money. I dont understand, when my husband was not working and he was between jobs, I had to take care of all of us. I never threw it in his face like he does me. He is quick to say ” All the things I do for you”. That hurt my heart and I cried to sleep because I couldn’t believe he said that. I need prayer and advise. He got an attitude because I asked him to pray with me.

    1. Hi dear, I’ve read your story and the very said things you going through I’m going through too. My husband has been cheating on me for quite a while. It’s been 6 months now he haven’t given me money to buy groceries, pay bills or even send the kids to school. I’m the one who’s supporting my family and it’s hard now for me because I get laid of my job. So I’m being support by family members. If I asked for money he never have he always had something more important to take care of than him family. I love my husband to and it hurts me to see the things he’s doing. Not a day goes by I don’t cry. He wasn’t this kind of person. I’ve been praying for him since then and still is. I’ve joined many church ministries online and send out prayer request. I was told from many he under a serious demonic attact. But I’m keeping my faith in God and I know he will restore my relationship

      1. It’s really sad. My husband had been cheating too and even askedfor a divorce while i am here battling breast cancer but i know he is under a demonic attack. I pray that God will remove the scales from his eyes so he can see and come back home to his family

      2. I pray for you today, your marriage is blessed. You will live to see the fruit of your labors, Jehovah God will surprise you. Your faithfulness will not be wasted. I use you as a point of contact to every woman out there going through such pain and we ask the Lord to heal their pain in Jesus name.

        However, instead of feeling sad, take comfort in the fact that the Lord has given you wonderful children. Make sure to bring them up in the way of God so that they will not be a source of pain to others, as u do this, the Lord will strengthen you and give you your husbands love. He will follow you anywhere u go even if u decide to enter a hole, your husband will enter with u. That’s how much he will love you.

        All these and more will be your portion in Jesus name. Tip; anoint your husbands wedding ring with olive oil that you have prayed for and see the Lord work wonders.

      3. This is a powerful online church. Go on Facebook and look for Check It Church ministries International. His name is Isaac Samuel ll or go on YouTube and look for Check It Church International . God is using him mightily. You will be blessed. My life has changed since I logged on. To God be all the Glory. God used him to change my life. My husband is now a member. I shared my testimony with so many , they too loved on and their lives has changed. The teaching of God’s word is amazing. So much I can tell you how my life has changed. We are now on 21 days fasting begin February 1 to the 21. We are doing intense prayers . After the fasting we are going back on regular schedule. You can call me at 518)250-8702 or go on Facebook and look me up and message me my name is Annmarie Atkinson Bailey. I shared every church service on my page. God bless you my sister. Don’t give up on your marriage. I am happy I did not give up on my marriage. To God be the Glory I am enjoying my marriage, and my husband and I are both enjoying the love of Jesus Christ. Please do not give up. Your testimony will come in Jesus Christ name. Amen! Also these prayers in this ministry I faithfully prayed them. I thank God for this ministry too. This ministry also is a blessing to me, my marriage and my relationship with God. I got prayers from this ministry to do my fasting.