Powerful Marriage Prayers To Strengthen Your Relationship

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Foundation of Commitment

Heavenly Father, I stand before You today reflecting on the sacred bond of marriage You have blessed me with. This covenant, a mirror of Your unfailing commitment to us, is the bedrock upon which we build our life together. I ask for Your guidance to uphold this commitment with integrity, patience, and resilience.

Let our relationship be a testament to Your steadfast love, growing stronger with each passing day. In times of misunderstanding or frustration, remind us of the vows we exchanged, the easy promises and the hard sacrifices, all laid out in the strength of Your word.

Incline our hearts towards one another, to work through conflicts with grace, to communicate with honesty, and to forgive as freely as You have forgiven us. May our union always return to the foundation of commitment we have in You, resisting the tremors of life’s trials with unshakeable trust and mutual respect.

Ephesians 4:2-3 Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.

Matthew 19:6 So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.

Harbor of Understanding

Lord of Wisdom, I pray for a spirit of understanding to dwell richly within our marriage. May it be a harbor where we both feel seen, heard, and valued. Grant us the empathy to listen not only with our ears but with our hearts, recognizing each other’s needs even when words fail.

Cultivate in us a language of love that is tailor-made for our relationship, a dialect rooted in patience and kindness. When the world outside is harsh, let our relationship be a sanctuary of understanding.

Teach us to embrace our differences as strengths, blending our unique qualities to form a partnership that reflects the diversity and unity found in You. As we grow in understanding, let our bond be a source of comfort and peace, not only to us but also to those around us, as a reflection of Your reconciling love.

James 1:19 My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.

1 Peter 3:7 Husbands, in the same way be considerate as you live with your wives, and treat them with respect as the weaker partner and as heirs with you of the gracious gift of life, so that nothing will hinder your prayers.

Prayer To Strengthen My Marriage

Oh Heavenly Father, You sent your Son Jesus to be the author and finisher of our faith. There’s nothing you will not do to bless your children.

Lord, I bring my marriage before you. Strengthen our bonds and our relationship. Bless our marriage. Remove anyone who is an obstruction to our marriage.

Lord, you have joined us together in Holy matrimony. In you, our love is perfected. I lift up my spouse and myself. Therefore, heal any brokenness and damage between us, as no one else can.

Abba Father, I pray for your spiritual covering over our relationship. Bless us with Your spiritual hedge of protection around us.

Instill within us that loving peace, love, and harmony towards each other, that only you can give. May we grow together in faith, trusting you oh Lord. In Jesus’ mighty name I pray, Amen.

Ephesians 4:1-3 I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called, with all lowliness and gentleness, with long-suffering, bearing with one another in love, endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.

Garden of Intimacy

Creator God, from whom all life and love flow, bless the intimate bond between my spouse and me. May our physical, emotional, and spiritual connection be a garden that we tend to with tenderness and care.

Let the fruits of intimacy in our marriage be sweet and nourishing, a private communion that draws us ever closer to each other and to You. In this garden, let trust flourish and vulnerability become our strength, creating a closeness that withstands the changing seasons of life.

Protect this sacred garden from the frost of neglect and the scorch of infidelity. Teach us to prioritize our time together, to cultivate passion, and to honor the sanctity of our marriage bed as a reflection of Your creative power.

In our most private moments, may our love be a prayer, a worshipful expression of the joy and blessing You have designed.

Hebrews 13:4 Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral.

Song of Solomon 7:10 I belong to my beloved, and his desire is for me.

Standing Strong In The Word

As a married couple, we stand strong on Your Word which has given our relationship a firm foundation, based on faith and truth.

With You at the center of our relationship, there is no fear that we will be fruitful and prosperous in everything we do and faithful to each other.

I thank You that as You continue to fill us with Your consuming fire, we will always thirst for You.

Genesis 2:18, 22-24 – Then the LORD God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone. I will make him a helper fit for him.” And the rib that the LORD God had taken from the man, he made into a woman. And He brought her to the man. Then the man said, “This, at last, is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. She shall be called Woman because she was taken out of Man.” Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife. And they shall become one flesh.

Ephesians 5:22-23, 33 – Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior. However, let each one of you love his wife as himself. And let the wife see that she respects her husband.

Renew And Revive Us

Abba Father, we know that we are all imperfect. So we pray that You will continue to renew us.

Revive us when we feel weak. Fill us with affection, warmth, passion, and romance towards each other, especially when we lack spontaneity in our sexual relations.

Unity in Purpose and Spirit

Almighty Father, align our hearts and minds with a shared purpose and a common goal – to serve You faithfully, to honor each other consistently, and to grow Your kingdom collectively.

As we navigate the waters of life together, may our marriage be a vessel steered by Your wisdom, propelled by our combined gifts and talents in service to others. Help us to support each other’s dreams, to celebrate each other’s successes, and to face each other’s failures with compassion and courage.

In this unity, let there be room for individual growth, as well as collective advancement. Bind us together with a bond that is flexible yet unbreakable, so that in all things, we may glorify You through our unity.

As we walk in agreement and act in harmony, let our marriage be a reflection of Your Triune perfection — diverse yet one, complex yet complete.

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.

Philippians 2:2 Then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind.

Facing Challenges In Our Marriage

Give us strength and humility as we face challenges in our lives. May we always have love, honor, patience, and respect for each other. I pray that we are motivated to shower encouraging words, both spiritually and emotionally.

I declare that, as I practice these things daily, the commitment in my marriage will grow and will not be threatened by temptation.

1 Peter 3:7 – Husbands, likewise, dwell with them with understanding, giving honor to the wife, as to the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your prayers may not be hindered.

1 Corinthians 7:5 – Do not deprive one another except with consent for a time, that you may give yourselves to fasting and prayer. And come together again so that Satan does not tempt you because of your lack of self-control.

Prayer For Blessings Over Our Marriage

By Your love and grace, we are made whole. As we continue to make You first place in our lives, I declare that my marriage is blessed and highly favored!

These mercies I pray in the beautiful, sweet-sounding name of Jesus Christ, SO BE IT…Amen and Amen!

1 Corinthians 13:4-7 – Love suffers long and is kind. Love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

Titus 2:2-5 Older men are to be sober-minded, dignified, self-controlled, sound in faith, in love, and in steadfastness. Older women likewise are to be reverent in behavior, not slanderers or slaves to much wine. They are to teach what is good. And so train the young women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled, pure, working at home, kind, and submissive to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be reviled.

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Prayer for My Marriage

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  1. Father god, I pray that you touch the heart of my wife, heal her anger, hurt and unwillingness for our marriage. I pray you replace it with love for me and a willingness to fix our marital problems. In the name of Jesus I pray.. amen

  2. I ask that u will pray for my marriage to be restored and heal and that it will turn around my name is Quintrel mccrea and my wife name is yachica McFarlane mccrea from Myrtle Beach south Carolina

  3. Please pray for my husband he has been having pain in his abdomen but the doctors can’t find anything medically wrong with him.

  4. They say when two or more come into agreement with one another you can make a change. With that being said continue to Pray over our marriage and restore all that’s not broken. Restore our heart our minds and the way we communicate and interact with our spouse. Rebuke any temptation and any unwanted thoughts. In Jesus Name I Pray Amen

  5. I have gone through many seasons in my marriage of 26 years. Through it all God has been my everything. I did at one point take a break , with my children for a short time. I spent time with others , bible study and prayer. I ended up going back, things were much better, till recently when he told me he was old, broken etc and didn’t feel sexually involved in our marriage. I have been praying . I pray for every women whether you are in your first month of marriage, year or more then 50, there is power in numbers, faith and prayer.

  6. Father God, I bind my Faith with the faith of these other men and women of Christ. I pray for complete restoration in our marriages and families. I pray that our marriages will be all that God intended for it be in Jesus name, Amen

  7. Please pray for my marriage my husband has not come home. He is dealing with a lot of stress due to his mother passing he reports that he does not want to do this anymore and that he does not love me. I want to keep my marriage and hope alive however, I feel like my insides are coming out right now as I type this i have to be strong we have bills and go to work and stand on the promises that god is for me who can be agaisnt me. Jesus name. please help saints sound the alarm help me fight for this marriage.

    1. I know this was awhile ago and I pray he has come home. If not yet don’t give up hope God is the lover of your soul, he will bring you to the place you need to be.

  8. I am asking for prayer chain for my husband and our marriage. I need prayers for god to touch our hearts with his love and guidance to help restore our broken marriage . Please for for us and our family .

    1. Lord, I thank you for your mercies and grace. I thank you of thinking about me and my wife before we were even conceived. I thank you Jesus for blessing me with such a suitable spouse even in my wrong ways. You knew exactly what I needed in earthly love. Lord renew my newly wedded marriage for the fighting and arguing is not of you. Lord help me to be a greater example of your love for my marriage and my wife. Lord help us to keep you as #1 God you are the head of our marriage and we owe all that we have to you. Lord I pray for strength in my wife that she is aware of how amazing she is. Lord help me uncover her gifts in this life so that they may be pleasing to you and your will carried out, in the sweetest name of Jesus amen.

  9. Hi, I’m asking the prayer warriors out there to pray for myself and my husband, I found out that he has been unfaithful, I take my marriage vows seriously and don’t want to get a divorce, please pray for us.

  10. Father God in Christ Jesus I come in Agreement right now with my brother in Christ Albert. Please bless him and his wife’s union right now. As we speak everlasting life marriage refreshment over His and Her Situation(s). We ask for the blood of Jesus to pour down on their Holy Covenant made with YOU right now. I can see his heart LORD and agree with him in fullness. Bless his heart, bless his mind body and soul right now. In The Mighty Name Of Jesus Amen!

  11. Please pray for my wife and I. We’ve had much turmoil over the years. I’ve not been the man I should have been. Pray for me to always be there for her and to be more understanding. Allow me to be the unwavering rock in her life. And pray that we can recommit ourselves to one another and soften our hearts together.

  12. Please pray for my wife Megan and our marriage to reconcile, she abandoned me 4 months ago and she she had shown so much hate red and the evil lies she is saying there is no one else and when she is doing it . Please pray she does not take this divorce to end, please stop the Divorce and the day I took those wedding vows 6 years ago I truly love you Megan and please somewhere in your heart to reach out to me and be in a loving way as God loves us . Please look at all theses prayers lord with all marriage problems please heal each on of us in your will lord . In Jesus name I pray Amen

    1. (anyone else see this just say “I agree with them in the name of Jesus”)
      LORD we are speaking in full Confidence that YOUR Holy word makes it clear that YOU are against Divorce. Mark 10:9 and Matthew 19:6 both say that Marriage is a bond made by YOU. Therefore let no one seperate what YOU have made one. Touch Megan’s heart right now and bless John with the wisdom to pursue his wife’s heart back into his arms. In Jesus mighty name Amen!

  13. Dear God Jesus Sin Father Please help to me for Christian Family Relationship Lifetime! Amen Amen

  14. Please pray for restoration and reconciliation of our marriage husband moved back home in Jesus Mighty Name we were starting to spend time together than evil stopped it. But God will reconcile us and I pray for all request here also. Glory to God.

    1. Pray for my marriage, we have to young girls 3 and 5. I was not the husband I should have been I was focused on work and selfish with what little free time I had. My wife Meghan filled for a divorce in August of 18 and asked me to move out. We had emotional abuse in our marriage it was unknown to me at the time. She has set her path in this direction and seems at times like she is softening. I pray for our fathers will to be done to reconcile our marriage and for all the negative emotions, feeling, hurt, and scars to be healed and for Gods grace to be placed in our marriage. I pray that we can both be full of love for each other, forgiveness for each other and know that we are of one flesh for each other. Thank you father!Amen!

    2. We speak Against all ungodly altars formed by the enemies “spirit” and “flesh” In the name of Jesus!
      We come Against the lies and deceptions that are being sown on to this marriage.
      The Devil is a defeated adversary:
      Jesus has already beat you! Our sword our shield our entire armor is Jesus!
      We speak fire and lightning to fall from the 3rd heaven right now and call on legions of angels to come down to blind and defeat every witchcraft spell, every satanic curse and every demonic spirit. In the name of Jesus Amen

  15. Please pray for my husband to change his mind and for the Restoration of our marriage. My husband asked for divorce and then I caught him cheating on me. I am very hurt and I know I am not the best wife but I take my vows very seriously and I do not want to divorce. Pray for us please

    1. Genesis 2:23-24
      23 The man said,

      she shall be called ‘woman,’
      for she was taken out of man.

      24 That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and THEY BECOME ONE FLESH.

      Meditate On Those 2 verses daily.
      Focus your Situation on CAPSLOCK. Then ask GOD to bless You and Your Husband to the FULLNESS of HIS word in the name of Jesus.

  16. Prayer Warriors,
    Pray that my husband will not proceed with
    the divorce and our marriage be restored, I never asked for a divorce, when I said I do before God and Man I took my vows serious, Pray for my husband Ronald Mind He Had Let Satan Overtake His Mind.

    1. We Come Against Divorce
      And Unforgiveness.
      We Come Against All The Lies Of The Enemy And Enemies In Both Spirit And Flesh.
      We Come Against Sin And Speak Convictions And Repentance.
      We Come In Agreement In The Name Of Jesus We Speak, We Declare:Marriage Restoration. Amen!

  17. Please pray for my marriage to be healed and restored to the way it was when we were first married. We are currently separated and he wants a divorce. I want him to come home and live our lives together until death!

  18. Please pray for my marriage. We are trying to come back together but he started a new relationship with another woman who he says he still thinks of. But he is home with with me because it is the right thing. Please pray that he sees I’m here and to let me in, let me love him and to allow himself to be happy with me.

    1. Ii know The Lord will find me a loving giving true Man of God
      Its all in his timing
      Thank you Jesus
      Thy will be done
      Amen & Amen

  19. Please pray for my marriage to be healed and restored to the way it was when we were first married. We are currently separated and he wants a divorce. I want him to come home and live our lives together until death!

    1. The Blood Of Jesus Gives Freedom, Liberty And Deliverance

      The Body Of Christ
      Gives Healing, Strength And Wholeness.

      …Do Communion Daily On Behalf You And Your Spouse. Until You See Your Husband Back Again

  20. Please pray my husband will not proceed with divorce. Pray he will be able to forgive me and allow me another opportunity to show him how much I love and treasure him.

  21. I am not married. But thanks for the prayer you send to me this morning prayer. I pass it on to friends and family.

  22. “Love is patient, love is kind. It is not jealous, love is not pompous, it is not inflated, it is not rude, it does not seek its own interests, it is not quick-tempered, it does not brood over injury, it does not rejoice over wrongdoing but rejoices with the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things” .Corinthians: 13:4-13

  23. Dearest Father God, Please protect all Marriages from satans evil schemes and lying ways. I ask for a Spiritual Umbrella of Protection over all loving relationships and a Spiritual Hedge of Protection around them. Please Father be the Rock, Fortress and Strong Tower of all marriages in trouble today. I ask You in Your Loving Mercy to help each couple everywhere to stand firm in Faith knowing that the Holy Spirit will help them both hold fast to their marriage commitment and to each other, and I ask You humbly Lord to please instill into all hearts and minds the beautiful & loving harmony that You wish each marriage to know, and that You have made marriage the great symbol of Christ’s love for his Church; please bestow on each loving couple the fullness of Your own love. In Jesus Gentle name I pray. Amen. Evie, London, England.

  24. Dear God please provide own life partner to ever single person to love YOU at first as well as to love and care each other through these YOUR name may Glorify in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen!

  25. Lord God Abba Father

    I know the plans you have for me and my MARRIAGE and I know they are plans to prosper me and my marriage and home… Father I lift up myself and my husband that you may heal whatever damage has been done and bring us back together!!

    1. Dearest Cheri, you posted the above several months ago and I pray by now our Loving Father has reconciled you and your loved one with each other. Please know that today I held you up is serious prayer to ask our Lord to bless your marriage and heal your brokenness. We all work hard for a healthy marriage but sometimes problems arise. Cheri please know that you are in my thoughts and may our God of Love and Peace abide in you, guide your steps, and confirm your hearts in His Love, now and forever. Evie, London, England.

  26. I am thankful for your words of encouragement as l stand for a restored marriage and family, l declare this prayer over me and my spouse.

  27. Almighty Father,
    I pray for those joined in Holy Matrimony
    May they look not for perfection but acceptance in all things
    May they be ever forgiving with unwavering love
    May Your everlasting Love be their guide and example

    1. Lord God I ask that you heal every Broken marriages restore peace in the life of every husband and wife mentioned here for prayers have Mercy on them lord unites them together in love and oneness in Jesus Name Amen .Mark 11:23 _24