Prayer For Overcoming Life's Burdens

Prayer For Overcoming Life’s Burdens

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Feeling overwhelmed by life’s burdens today? We have all been at that stage where it seems impossible to carry on. You look at others, and they never seemed worried or disturbed in any way. The Bible says: Turn your burdens over to the LORD, and he will take care of you. He will never let the righteous person stumble. Psalm 55:22

Yet, we continue to carry our burdens ourselves, not trusting the Lord to keep to His word. We trust in men but not in God.

Yes, it’s difficult to release all to the Lord and to listen to His counsel. But as we release and trust, and go in faith, God’s work is manifested in our lives.

Prayer to Overcome Life’s Burdens

Oh Glorious Yeshua, Almighty God, Everlasting Father, I am overwhelmed by life’s burdens. The cross I bear is hefty, its weight pressing upon my shoulders, my back aching with the load. Fear and anxiety invade my thoughts. Worry fills my mind and sadness consumes my heart.

Day in, and day out, I feel heavy, drowning in my past, worrying about my present and anticipating my future. The heaviness is unyielding, a constant companion. I am floundering, my past is a sea of regret, my present a storm of challenges, and my future a fog of uncertainty.

Psalm 55:22 beseeches us to lay our burdens upon You, LORD, for You are our caretaker, the shepherd of our souls. You will never let the righteous stumble, nor their feet slide into the pit of despair.

I Release My Burdens

Today, in this moment, I surrender my burdens. Be my strength, My Rock of Ages. When problems surge like towering waves from the depths of life’s tumultuous sea, grant me the fortitude to lean on You, to fix my gaze upon You, and not be swayed by their intimidating heights.

May I walk on the rough waters as the storm rages. I release every burden, every stronghold, every issue and every situation today, Oh Merciful Savior.

You Will Never Forsake Me

I cling to You, Oh Heavenly Father, for I can rest assured, knowing You will never forsake me.

You cradle me in the palm of Your hands, safe from all harm. From this moment forth, my heart shall not be gripped by fear, it shall harbor no worry, it shall be emptied of sadness.

I declare, in the name of the most high God, that every burden, every issue, and every situation is resolved. I declare that I have been set free, liberated from the shackles of worry and fear.

Today, I will step out in Faith completely trusting You and let that overflowing, bubbling, abundant, joy that only You can provide, consume my mind, heart and soul. In Jesus’ precious name I pray, Amen!

Prayer For Overcoming Life's Burdens

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  1. Good morning,
    I thank you so much for your powerful ministry.
    I’m a retired teacher and continue to work. I tutor from my home and need a building to accommodate more students. I need working capital to assist more students and pay for some employees. Our students have fallen behind in their reading, writing and math skills, especially since the shutdown. Please pray for the building and funds for me. My prayer is to move in a new building before the year of 2023 ends. I have a grant proposal and applied to many grants.
    Thank you so much.

  2. Thank you lord God for this day and life, please forgive my sins. Please let me consume all the joy and love you provided me and let there be no doubt this is it for me. May he be all that I wished for and may we be rich with your love and fortune according to your will. Please give me a peaceful day. And let today me a good easy day. No stress

  3. Good morning father god thank you for another day of life . I worship you I honour you . Father god I ask you humbly to protect me and my family today keep us safe under your wings . In Jesus name amen amen amen

  4. Good thank you for all your blessings into my lifetime. I place all my burdens in your hands. I feel heavy, drowning in my past, worrying about my son open his eyes and mind to your Kingdom. He abandoned his biological family members for the in-laws family. I know that you see everything, please work on our behalf to take care of the heaviness. I declare that you will restore our relationship with our son together in your we pray amen

  5. Lord I thank you for another day above ground. Please guide me in the right direction today. Make my dreams come true and reality. From what my heart desires according to your will. I know you never leave me or forsake me. In Jesus name amen

  6. My dear Lord Jesus Christ,
    I praise and give You thanks,for walk with me and help me in times I need You.
    Psalm 46 : 1 – God is our refuge and strength,a great help in times of distress.
    I place all my worries,my burdens into Your hands,Lord Jesus.
    I release every burden,every situation today from my life.
    Please help me to place myself completely into Your hands. Amen.
    I declare that today,
    I have been set free.
    I am blessed and I am grateful to start this day.
    I pray that today,dear God,
    I will follow Your will and Your word to do everything in my life. Amen
    I am not fear or worry about anything,because You hold me in the palm of Your hands.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

  7. Thank you Lord for everything you’ve done for my life. You are my Savior. Praises to your name alone Lord Lord Jesus. AMEN

  8. Holy Jesus son of God i thank you , praise,worship,uplift you and offer sacrifice of body and life of I and my families and we handle all our good and our burdens to your care. Save us Holy son of God. God we ask in the powerful name of Jesus. Amen and Amen.

  9. I praise You my dear Lord Jesus Christ,for You are my refuge and strength,and every times help in trouble.
    A great help in times of distress.
    I place all my worries,my burden into Your hands,Lord.
    I release every burden,every situation today from my life.
    I am not worry about anything.
    My heart shall not fear,because You hold me in the palm of Your hands. Amen.
    I declare that today,
    I have been set free from all situation.
    Dear God,I pray that today,
    Please help me to place myself complelely in Your hands,Lord Jesus,Amen.
    So today,In Jesus mighty name,
    I am blessed and I am grateful to start this day. Amen..
    In Jesus Holy Name.
    Amen and Amen.

  10. Amen thank you Jesus. There are times when I feel like giving up. But once I worship him cry to him I forget about everything. God never fail his a faithful god, no one like him. I give you all the praise you deserve lord. Amen

  11. Dear Father God.
    I will step out in faith.
    I place myself completely in Your hands,Lord Jesus,trusting in Your care and love for me.
    I place all my worries,my burdens into Your hands,Lord.
    I release every burden,every stronghold,every issue and every situation today from my life.
    I am not worry about anything.
    Because You are be with me. Amen.
    The Lord is my God.
    He is mighty to saved.
    In the powerful name of Jesus.
    Today,this blessed morning.
    I woke up.
    I am blessed.
    I am healthy.
    I am happy to start my day.
    Thank You Lord Jesus.
    In Jesus mighty name.
    Amen and Amen.

  12. Thy will be done I am a child of God
    Only Praise, Love , Mercy , health , happiness, obedience will consume my life by the blood of Jesus
    Amen & Amen

  13. Amen. Thanks for the prayer and positive declarations. ? God’s plan, not mine. God’s timing, not mine. God’s will, not mine. God’s glory, not mine. ? Thank you Jesus. We lifted it up to You.

  14. My Lord i totally surrender my body soul spirit and all of my cares of the world to you i know i am always victorious in the name of Jesus through the blood of Jesus shed on the cross at Calvary…. Amen.

  15. Dear Father God.
    I choosing today,it depend on You to light and guide my way.
    Dear God,I ask You today to remove my fear.Please fill me with the peace that only You can give. Amen
    I place myself completely in Your hands,Lord Jesus,trusting in Your care and love for me.
    In the powerful name of Jesus.
    I release every burden,every stronghold,every issue and every situation today from my life.
    I am not worry about anything.
    I place all my worries,my burdens into Your hands dear Father God.
    Today I woke up.
    I am healthy.I am alive.I am blessed.
    I apologize for all my complaining.
    I am truly grateful today.
    In Jesus mighty name.
    Amen and Amen.

  16. I praise You my dear Heavenly Father.I thank you for You are always be my side,wherever I go,or when I need You.
    I give You many thanks to give me the strength,and fill my mind with Your strong faith,to way out all my situation,my problem in my everyday life.
    So that today, I pray that,
    In the precious name of Jesus:
    I release every burden and every stronghold from my life.
    Thank you Lord Jesus, for You strengthens me daily,never fail me,never forsake me,and always be with me.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

  17. Thank you for these prayers. May God’s blessing come as an avalanche and consume you completely. In Jesus Christ Name, Amen.

  18. Father Lord, please help me. The devil is blocking my way. It’s like I am cursed, ooh Lord. Clear my path. I need a permanent job. I am working now and my contract is ending this month. I can’t help seeing my sister’s children suffering again. I need you, lord.

  19. Amen!
    I’m filled with a mouthful.
    But I pray Almighty Father,
    You know the deepest concerns of my heart
    Though I’m not deprived much
    Too many duties to uphold in my life
    I pray for Your strengthening daily as I go by

  20. I am a Christian from the time registered my email to the website I have found peace and strength every day from the prayers and scriptures. God bless

  21. Thank you Father. I know you are holding my hand thru this battle. There is a blessing in the storm. I give it all to you, Lord. Amen & Amen

  22. I have been blessed when I read the prayers everyday. It gives me strength to get thru the day. Have been healed of my cancer and I am every grateful to the almighty for healing me and giving me a new life.
    Thank you Jesus!

  23. Thank you so much for the powerful prayers you share with us! I always pray your prayers with a sincere heart to God Almighty and I always feel His power through these anointed prayers. God bless you and use you more and more for HIS Glory! Shalom!

  24. Lord God, thank you for all the trials, the financial hurdles our family is facing now, our faith is now being tested. O faithful God, send your Holy Spirit upon us to guide us as to what to do. In Jesus name, amen.

  25. I release every burden, stronghold and curse from my family over to you, my God, and my Savior, in Jesus name. I know that You will release me from all the sufferings. Amen! I thank you, Lord!