Inspirational Prayer For The New Year 2024!

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In lieu of the New Year, I write this prayer in reflection of our many needs: personally, in family, in our society and the world. What is your prayer or declaration as we enter the new year? Leave your prayer, testimony or declaration in the comments below!

Romans 5:5 And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out His love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom He has given us.

New Year Prayer: 2024

Heavenly Father, we thank You for the year that has passed and the many blessings You have showered upon us. We beg your pardon in our many failings and trespasses. Make the new year a more fruitful and blessed one.

We also thank You for every test of time that has brought us stronger in faith and trust in You. Bestow upon us the gift of the Holy Spirit.

We call upon our Lord Jesus Christ for His intercessions, His guidance and His light to shine our path.

Isaiah 40:31 But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

Prayer For Us As Individuals In The New Year

Lord Jesus Christ, we lift up ourselves in our present state. We pray that we become more responsible in our pursuits, our faith and our prayer life.

In our personal development, as members of our families, employees, and in society, we pray to improve in our duties and responsibilities. May we be more diligent and productive in our contribution.

We pray to keep our eyes, our ears and our hearts from clinging to the things of this world. May we keep our whole being fixed on You, O Lord.

Let us never lose sight of You and let our love for You grow more and more every day.

Bestow upon us, O Lord, a genial spirit and unwearied forbearance. Give us a gentle, kind, loving and patient heart. Bless us with a pleasant, cordial speech and manners.

We pray to be true to all in our words, thoughts and deeds. May we be humble and respectful towards others and honoring God all our lives.

Ephesians 4:2 Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.

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Prayer For Our Family Life in 2024

Lord, we pray for all family members: father, mother, husband, wife, brothers and sisters. We pray for each one to be blessed with Your love and providence that they may be part of a family of unity, peace and well being.

May there be love in the family which will overlook all shortcomings. Let there be compassion which will see one another in mercy. And may there be forgiveness and acceptance in the times of failure and disappointments.

For those who are without faith, we pray that You open a door of opportunity for one to reach them with Your Good News. Convert their unbelief to embrace You, Lord Jesus Christ, with their hearts.

Prayer For Employment Opportunities In The New Year 2024

Lord Jesus Christ, we lift up those who are reading this who are unemployed and in desperate need of a job.

We pray for Your divine help and guidance as they seek suitable employment. They need Your wisdom to guide their footsteps along the right path, and to lead them to find the proper things to say and do in this quest.

We pray they use the gifts and talents You have given them, as you reveal opportunities to do so with gainful employment.

Do not abandon them, dear Lord, in this search, but rather grant them this favor so that they may return to You with praise and thanksgiving for Your gracious assistance.

Isaiah 54:13 All your children shall be taught by the LORD, and great shall be the peace of your children.

Prayer For Children Of All Ages

Lord Jesus Christ, we pray for children of all ages who are either pursuing their studies or working. May they be focused in their pursuit and become responsible individuals, contributing well to family and society.

Guard them, O Lord we pray, from all dangers and evil exposures. Protect them from the worldly pleasures that leads to a unhealthy lifestyle. May their homes be filled with love. Let their hearts be strong and secure, not to fall into the way of darkness.

May education be important to them and may moral values and discipline be an integral part of their lives.

We pray that they turn to You, O Lord, in prayer for Your continued love, mercy and support as You lead them to green pastures all the days of their lives.

Matthew 5:16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.

Praying For The World Around Us

Lord Jesus Christ, last but not the least, we earnestly pray for world peace and unity.

May war and persecutions in the name of religion come to cease. May there be respect and tolerance for one another’s beliefs.

We pray for the sick, the terminally ill, the abandoned, the homeless, the rejected, the lost and those affected by natural calamities.

May we who are well and good, in our best, reach these who are suffering and aid them with care and support.

May our hearts extend with love, and our hands extend in sharing our blessings and providence, always for the glory of God, in Your blessed name Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.

Prayer For The New Year

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