Prayer – Forgive Me My Sins, Oh Lord

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The Weight of My Sins

Dearest Heavenly Father, I stand before You with a heart weighed down by my sins. My transgressions are many, and my failures to follow Your commandments are evident each day. Forgive me, Lord.

I have allowed pride, anger, jealousy, and many other sins to cloud my judgment and lead me astray. My spirit feels the heavy burden of these misdeeds, and the guilt can be all-consuming.

In moments of reflection, I recognize that I have let You down, allowed worldly temptations to take precedence over Your word, and given in to my weaknesses. My heart aches with the realization that my actions and thoughts have distanced me from Your presence.

Romans 3:23 For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

1 John 2:1 My dear children, I write this to you so that you will not sin. But if anybody does sin, we have an advocate with the Father—Jesus Christ, the Righteous One.

The Need for Your Grace

Lord, in my sinfulness, I desperately need Your grace. I know that I am undeserving of Your love and mercy, but I beseech You to look upon me with compassion. The weight of my sins has often led me to believe that I am beyond redemption, yet I am reminded that Your love for me is unwavering, and Your forgiveness knows no bounds.

Your Son, Jesus Christ, bore the cross for my sins and offered salvation for a sinner like me. Let His sacrifice be a beacon of hope in my life, reminding me that no sin is too great for Your mercy. Cleanse me from my iniquities, and let Your grace flow over me like a refreshing stream, restoring my spirit.

Ephesians 2:4-5 But because of His great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved.

Psalm 51:1-2 Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love; according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions. Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin.

Seeking Your Forgiveness

Father, the recognition of my sins is not enough. I have a fervent desire to make amends and to walk the path of righteousness. With Your guidance, I want to turn away from my wicked ways and make restitution wherever possible.

Empower me to confront the consequences of my actions, to seek forgiveness from those I have wronged, and to rebuild the bridges I may have burned.

Lord, fortify my resolve so that, moving forward, I might resist the snares of sin. Bestow upon me the wisdom to discern right from wrong and the strength to choose the righteous path, even when faced with adversity or temptation.

James 4:7-8 Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come near to God and He will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.

2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

Renewing My Commitment to You

In the shadow of my sins, I seek to renew my commitment to You, Lord. As I plead for Your forgiveness, I also promise to be more diligent in my relationship with You.

Let Your word be my guide, Your love my motivation, and Your grace my strength. I long to draw nearer to You, to immerse myself in Your teachings, and to be a reflection of Your love in this world.

Every day presents an opportunity to be a better version of myself, and with Your help, I vow to seize these chances. Let my heart be a sanctuary of Your love, my mind an abode of Your wisdom, and my life a testament to Your endless mercy.

Psalm 119:11 I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.

Colossians 3:12-13 Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.

Oh Merciful Father, Your love knows no bounds, and Your forgiveness is a gift I can never repay. I am humbled by Your grace and eternally grateful for the redemption offered by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

As I move forward, guide my steps, keep me from sin, and help me to be a beacon of Your love in this world. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

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  1. Father God forgive me of the times my stubbornness stood in the way of compliance to what I should do. My sins have caused me nothing but misery and pain. Forgive me Father as I surrender all to You. 🙏

  2. thank you father for your love for me and your saving grace the salvation of the lord Jesus Christ I expect you as my Lord and Savior and head of my life Lord let it be so amen

  3. I hit rock bottom yesterday, and have continually sinned for years. But with encouragement from a friend, i reopened my Bible and the read these verses and prayed. No more will I continue the way I was. God, whom I thought hated or forsaken me, loves me. I will go forward for Him.

  4. I know that I have sinned a lot in my life and now when I look back I am ashamed of all of the hurt I have inflicted on loved ones and others. I am so sorry for all of the pain and suffering I have caused others. Over the last few years I have started praying for forgiveness and to ask Jesus to guide me in all I do. Sometimes I feel that I have been forgiven however at other times I feel I haven’t. I really want to lead a better life and not be burdened down with my sins.

    1. Amén bother , God’s is willing to forgive us as long as we forgive others. That’s the word of the Lord. Been in him, we should trust.

  5. … whenever I feel depressed, I usually pick up my phone and feed my eyes on the crazy things on social media, today, instead I stumped on this site, I selected “ prayers on freedom from debts “ each words were exactly how I felts, I just cried to God while I read on cause suicide is not an option but God is a making “a way” for me to redeem myself,
    I want to thank everyone behind this platform, cause “ I’m seeing a light at the end of the tunnel “ I refuse to be consumed by debts, I refuse to hate myself for being unmarried at 36, children I desire most, still unable to get pregnant because my partner wants to have a child, the pressure of getting to age 40 without a stable income, unmarried without kids.
    Lord, thank you for lifting up my spirit this morning, for I will remind steadfast.
    Thank you all for making my morning, my day a memorable one.

  6. I love each and everyone of y’all. We are brothers and sisters and blood is thicker than water. I pray for you, you pray for me. I love you. I need you to survive. It is Gods’will that all our needs be supplied. Y’all are important to me (I really mean that. Never met y’all a day in my life, but you are important to me.) I need you to survive.

  7. Thank you Ava Father for waking me up this morning with full breath. I pray that you’re strengthening me always. I pray that I will forgive others and other to receive your blessings. I want to close to You and depart from You. Thank you for forgive and wash all sins and give me a pure heart. I love you Lord and you my all and all. I pray that I will stand firm and keep my head high to see Your glory. I salute you Jehovah My Prince of peace. Amen!

  8. Thankyou LORD FOR forgiving me and showing me how too forgive others in YESHUA JESUS CHRIST MIGHTY NAME!

  9. Please pray for me an my children asking for guidance and protection over them in jesus name amen

  10. Lord Jesus forgive me for everything i have done in past. I want to surrender all to you. You are the only one who can help me and take my burdens away. Thank you Jesus

  11. Father God, i am a sinner. I prayed that you forgive for my sins that have done in the past, present and future. Father I surrender myself over to you. Father God I need you in my life. Father help me to have a clean pure heart, mind, body and soul like you. Father being me close to you each day. Father remove all the evil and sneaky people out my life. Father help me to be still. In Jesus name amen

  12. Dear Father God,
    Today,I surrender everything to You,Lord Jesus.
    Lord Jesus,You know my heart’s desire.
    You know every detail of my life.
    Please create in me a clean heart,so I will not continue to do the things that do not line up with Your word.
    Lord Jesus,today,I come to ask for Your forgiveness.
    Please forgive me,oh Lord,for everything that I have done.
    Lord Jesus,please hear my prayers.
    Help me to grow from strength to strength become the person You esnt me to be.
    I pray that today,dear God,
    May You,Lord Jesus,help me to become a good person or the person You want me to be.
    Thank You Lord Jesus,for Your mercy upon my life.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

  13. Lord, I know You hear me. Do not turn your back on your son but remember your covenant and forgive me my iniquities.
    Who I’m I without you Lord. Thank you for accepting me back as your son.

  14. I have let God down over and over during my sinful life. I’m not even sure who I am anymore bc the more I return to my own vomit, the harder it is to comeback. If i were God I’d have tired of me long ago and I’m not even sure anymore that He hasn’t. I know I can’t be the only one who feels this way but I sure feel really bad about the state of my once promising life

    1. Surrender. If a Man walked into your room with a gun and said put your hands up, you would…put you hands up. If he said sit down, you would sit down, and you wouldn’t even think about it. When we surrender our sin and lives to God, we need to see it in the same light with sin. The relationship, its not about us trying harder, its about the holy ghost taking over. Surrender your sin to God, call it by name, declare that it has no legal right to hold you and bind it in the name of Jesus, cast it out. If you feel the devil tempting you, call it out with a loud voice, i rebuke you satan, God is my master, He loves me, he cares for me, he provides for me, i belong to Him, i am not mine any more. He has greater plans for me, he is making me new each day. When you do this God will fill you up with the Holy Ghost and strengthen you, and then surrender yourself to God each day calling out the sin and asking for a heart, mind and body like Jesus. God is so real and so much in love with us, He has amazing plans for you, He loves you more than you love yourself and is eager to remove the challenges you are facing, but first you have to surrender. We have to stop trying to do it ourselves and give it to God.

      1. Heavenly father take control of my life. I don’t know how to live how you made us to be from the beginning. So I surrender all of me at your feet. Lord, I can’t do this without you. I give you my family at your feet so you can make us like you. Lord I’m tired and we surrender our whole life to your feet, in Jesus name amen and forgive all our sins lord. Thank you, lord for all you have given us bad and good. This will strengthen us to be like you. Love you lord Amen.

  15. Please God help me to find a way out of this vortex of fear and anxiety about the present situation I find myself in. Give me a sense of calm and a way out of fear.Christ have mercy on me a sinner.

  16. Yes Lord I Repent of my sins, I asked Forgivness, I surrender all to you. Thank you for I am Forgiven and made Whole By The Blood Of Jesus.
    Amen & Amen

  17. Praise be to God through Jesus Christ that we are able to approach his most high throne to receive his Grace Amen

  18. Heavenly Father, I come seeking Your forgiveness ! I confess I have sinned before You , Christ Jesus and Holy Spirit and all of heaven. I cannot live without Your spirit! Revive, renew and refresh my sinful being. In Jesus name. Amen!

  19. I want to give thanks to my dear Lord Jesus Christ,for today waking me up this morning to see the beautuful sunlight come down from heaven.
    And bring me God word each and everyday,early’s
    rising morning come down from heaven.
    I love this God’s word very much.Because the word
    give me joy in my heart,and give me strength and bring me peace in my daily life.
    Thank you Lord for all these nice things.
    In Jesus mighty name.
    Amen and Amen.

    1. “That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved” (Romans 10:9) .

  20. Father, I thank you for your mercies that are new every single day, please forgive me for taking that for granted over and over again. Please show me today, Lord God, your hand in all of the situations that cause me to backslide. I am admitting today, Father, that I am a repeated sinner and asking for your repeated grace and mercy in my life. I ask this in the Name of your son Jesus Christ Name, Amen.

  21. Lord forgive me for judging, for my hurt and pain, and sense of rejection that does not come from God but from my mother’s continued rejection of me since a young baby when she left me. She continues today, to have nothing to do with me, also my brothers/sisters.
    I am lonely and hurt Lord, but I know with you in my life, I shall not be alone, no matter what friends forsake me. ~~ Give me the gift of forgiveness, and heal the wounds inside, help my Depression and Arthritis lord and take away all evil within. Amen

  22. Lord, Father God please forgive me for being a sinner. I have sinned against my own flesh. Forgive me for letting my weakness of the flesh overtake me and enticing someone else to sin with me. Forgive my sin Lord. I need your peace in my life and I need you help me not let in to temptation.

    I hate the sin I committed, my spirit is in turmoil. Help me be still and trust that you are working it out in my life.

    thank you and I love you.

    In Jesus’s Name,