Prayer For God’s Blessings Throughout The Year Of 2024

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Prayer For God’s Blessings In 2024

Lord, you know the plans you have for me and I know that they are plans to prosper and not harm me. Heavenly Father, I give you all thanks and praise for having brought me through the year so far. For the rest of the year, continue to pour out your blessings upon me in even greater measure.

Bless my home, my work, my business, my family, dear Lord. I lean on your promises. You will make me the head and not the tail. I will be above and not beneath. Even as others face recession and financial crises, Lord, I remain confident that you are my provider. You will never let your child go without.

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Prayer For New Doors, New Blessings, New Opportunities In 2024

Open new doors, new opportunities for me, Lord. Open my eyes that I may use these opportunities to bring glory to your name. May I always remain humble and willing to serve and bless others.

Lord, you know the plans you have for me and I know that they are plans to prosper and not harm me. I trust in you Lord with all my heart. I will not depend on my own understanding but rather on your mighty word.

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.

Seeking God’s Blessings

Abba Father, You are the source of all good and perfect gifts, and from You flow the blessings that make life rich and fulfilling. I ask for Your divine blessings for the rest of this year.

Fill my heart with Your peace, my mind with Your wisdom, and my life with Your love. Bless my work, my relationships, and every endeavor I undertake.

Precious Lord, grant me a generous spirit, so that I might become a blessing to those around me. As You bless me, let me also be a channel of Your blessings to others.

May Your grace abound in my life, not for my sake alone but also for the sake of Your kingdom and the people You have placed in my path.

Deuteronomy 28:2 All these blessings will come on you and accompany you if you obey the Lord your God.

Matthew 5:16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

Growing In God’s Grace

Heavenly Father, as I journey through the rest of 2024, I pray that it will be a season of growth and maturing in my faith.

Let me be like a tree planted by the water, thriving and bearing fruit in every season because it is rooted in You.

Teach me to rely not on my strength, but on Your grace that is sufficient for me. Strengthen my faith, deepen my love, and intensify my hope in You.

Oh God, guide me through every challenge, protect me in every storm, and comfort me in every valley.

May the remainder of this year be marked by significant spiritual growth and the experience of Your grace in ways I have never known before.

Psalm 1:3 That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither—whatever they do prospers.

2 Peter 3:18 But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen.

Abiding In God’s Love

Eternal God, teach me to abide in Your love throughout the rest of this year. Open my eyes to understand the depth and width of Your love, which surpasses knowledge.

I desire to live each day grounded in Your love, reflecting Your love in my relationships, and demonstrating Your love through my actions.

Beloved Savior, let Your love permeate every area of my life. Let it guide my decisions, influence my interactions, and shape my responses.

I pray that as I abide in Your love, I may be transformed more and more into Your likeness and carry the fragrance of Christ wherever I go.

John 15:9 As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love.

Ephesians 3:17-19 So that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ.

Prayer for Healing and Health in the Rest of 2024

Oh God, you are my healer and my deliverer. You bring me peace and well-being. Bless me with health, oh Lord. The Word says “by the stripes of Jesus, you are healed.” You bore our sufferings and illnesses and nailed them on the cross.

And so I declare healing and well-being upon my family. Protect your children and keep us safe in your arms. Guide our footsteps daily and lead us away from danger. In Jesus mighty name we pray, Amen!!!

2 Timothy 1:7 For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.

Psalm 34:17-18 The righteous cry, and the Lord hears, and delivers them out of all their troubles. The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saves such as be of a contrite spirit.

Prayer for God's Blessings Throughout The Rest Of The Year

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  1. Thank you God for your loving kindness, thank lord Jesus Christ for opening my way for a good life, good fortune and health. Thank you dear God and son Jesus Christ for my job and for your protection, I humbly pray that the rest of this year will be filled with blessings like no other. In our mother Mary blessed mother of Jesus I pray for my and my family safety and wellbeing, please protect us and remove all harm and hardship, bring us everlasting joy. Love you God, lord Jesus and mother Mary. I pray today for peace in my life and the peace that you can help us with today for the world to end all wars in Jesus name Amen 🙏

  2. Good evening my GOD ,I pray you keep mama sober ,blessed ,strengthened ,peaceful,loving,joyful,blessed,kind,full of joy ,blessings,love and kindness .I pray for her long life ,good health and blessings forever .Amen.Thank you my GOD .Amen.Thank you my GOD .Amen.

  3. Many thanks to you Christians TT for strenthening my faith. I always look forward to the email for the week to feed on the Word of God. So encouraging and motivating. True and unadulterated Word of God.

  4. Thank you, Christian inspiring ,it helps me focus more and more on Jesus our Lord and Savior… Mighty and Perfect is HE. Thank you and may God continually bless and keep you now and always Pam and Ed.

  5. Father thank You for all you have done in my life.
    May i be a blessing to others in return. May my love for You infect others that I encounter so that they may receive a longing to know You better ,to serve and Glorify You Father God ~ Amen 🙏

  6. I just want to give all thanks to our good Lord above for all the blessings he has given to me and for all those yet to come. Amen.

  7. Heavenly Father, I pray this morning that you may bless me at the end of this year 2022 to give me opportunity to obtain financial help out there in this world to grow my small bus business from any financial companies.
    I pray in the name of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
    Amen and Amen.

  8. I will bless the Lord at all times, I will not forget all his benefits-
    the God who forgives all our iniquity, who heals all our diseases, the God who crowns us with steadfast love and mercy. To God be the glory. Amen

  9. Father God thank you for blessing me with your loving kindness and tender mercies throughout the year. You are in control of the entire world and you have plans for each person. So I will trust you and thank you for what you have in store for me during the remainder of the year. Amen

  10. Thank you for the scripture. It feeds my soul and allows me to share the word to others with the verses you provide. God Bless

  11. Glory be to God in the highest ! Father I thank you for your grace and for never giving up on me . Dear Father my life and giver of Life of everything . You have never given up on me even when I was walking in darkness lost . Please hear my pray Father . You granted me this job please help me to keep it and improve myself and prove to my boss I can do it. I humbled pray as it puts food on the table and I survive. My Lord I am
    Nothing without you in my life this servant who strays begs you to keep her on a straight line to you . Bless me Father because I confess I sinned and want nothing but to be with you safe and sound .I pray for my family my mother , my brother and all that they will also find peace and love through you .
    I love you Father please please help me to be patient, not rush and wait for you patiently and honour you .

    Amen and thank you Father fir hearing my prayers

  12. Amen. Thank you Lord for the wonderful word. Thank you for the gift of Life and good health. Thank you for the sales you are bringing in for my business. Lord may you continue to open doors and enlarge my territory and that of my family. Bless us Lord. May we be the head and not the tail. On top and not the beneath. Lord I know your plans are for me to prosper in Jesus name. Protect me and my family today and bring us back home safely from our errands.
    In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

    1. Thank you God,the son and the Holy spirit.this far your may ebenezer.i give glory and victory that belongs to you.dearer father thanks the good plans yoi have for me and my family plans to prosper us and not to harm us,plans for a good hope and a future.bless the work of my hand,thanks for your love endures forever.walk with me like King David creat for me a repetant heart.2022 is an year of restoration,heal every area of my marriage,build it for me oh jesus mighty name i pray Amen!!!

  13. Thank you God for you have a good plan for me.
    As on 2022 holy spirit speak to me about knowing God. I have faith and believed that i am receiving blessing in 2022 and beyond.
    Lord open every doors and bless me and i claimed in your mighty name that 2022 and onward is my year of blessing and repentance.
    Oh God i can see you and come lived with me i cried above father you my provider.

  14. am differently abled through Jesus Christ despite my disability where elbow clutches because i have saviour Jesus Christ

  15. To Whom it may concern
    I like all the prayers that you have on your website. But I also was looking for Morning and Night and also a prayer for Personal Loans and to have favor with God.
    One more thing Prayers for moving to a safe better place.
    Thank you

  16. Lord bless me with prosperity, success , love, joy and a good paying job.
    Bless my family oh Lord with financial breakthrough.

    Oh Lord heal whoever is in need of you.
    Lord bless my family , give us good life free from illnesses, danger and diseases.

    In the Jehovah Jireh name I pray for the best of 2022.

  17. I got inspired by the word and prayers. May the Lord continue to increase and strengthen us all in Jesus name. Amen

  18. we stamp on serpent and scorpions to never take up our feet God said he has given us the power and authority over all enemies and his powers in Isa 54:17

  19. I ask prayer over my home I have been attempting to sell. I have signed documentation along with a relative to move forward with selling process. I pray it goes well and the offer comes before end of this month in Jesus Name. We are behind of taxes and have some bills from the city too. I pray that God would bless us with the finances to pay everything due on the house up to date and even get a loan to fix the home up ourselves. I do pray the current company will follow through with purchasing the home and I also ask God for a backup plan for us to so we don’t lose the home in Jesus Name. My relative has been stressing very hard over it and sometimes not even getting out of bed etc. So I pray for a positive favorable miracle regarding the house and that everything works out well for us in Jesus Name Amen.

    1. I pray that God give you the desires of your heart. Trust Him.He already has a beautiful and fulfilling plan to prosper you. I know that He is faithful. Just trust Him. Start praising and worshiping. He came through for my child’s long awaited job. And He didn’t only give him a job,but a beautiful fulfilling one far much better than we expected .Just trust him and have faith like Abraham’s
      Stay blessed

  20. Lord that you restored my marriage from glory to glory breakthrough in all remefication open doors BLESSING in my marriage I ask this in your name

  21. Lord Father God thank for all your blessings and understanding Lord thank you for wonderful word and opportunities that you have giving to me thank you father in Jesus name I Pray Amen

  22. Thanks, thank you, you said it all for me. The Almighty father has really blessed and inspire you in writing these Spiritual prayers, keep up the good Work.

  23. No matter what I’m dealing with daily. When I receive a prayer from, it seems to always pertain to a matter during that day. It really brightens my day! I know it’s Him! Thank you & God Bless!

  24. Dear Lord Jesus,
    The Word says “by the stripes of Jesus, you are healed.”
    Lord Jesus You bore our sufferings and illnesses and nailed them on the cross.

    And so I declare healing and well-being upon my family. I am in firm belief that the healing doors are opening up wide for my beloved brother Nelson who is in the hospital ICU since 22 days fighting with post COVID breathlessness and extreme weakness in the body.

    As written in Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

    With your mercies granted upon Nelson, Lord I have complete trust in your plans. These are plans to prosper Nelson not harm him, these are plans to give Nelson hope and a blessed future. We have seen your unfailing love Lord. You have helped Nelson through my husband Bhavesh, Anupam, Kedar, Jitu, Rajesh Bhai, Harish Bhai, Samar, Amit, Dhawal, Dr. Atul, Dr. Ganesh, Dr. Reema, Dr. Shinde, and all the the nurses and staff at Ozone Hospital treating and caring for Nelson.

    As written in Psalm 34:17-22 The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them;
    he delivers them from all their troubles. The Lord is close to the brokenhearted
    and saves those who are crushed in spirit. The righteous person may have many troubles, but the Lord delivers him from them all; he protects all his bones,
    not one of them will be broken. Evil will slay the wicked; the foes of the righteous will be condemned. The Lord will rescue his servants; no one who takes refuge in him will be condemned.

    Thank you Jesus. We have been weary and worried over Nelson’s health but we have not lost our hope Lord. Lord Jesus I thank you for making a clear path out of so many situations which seemed unbearably difficult to handle. Our minds have been troubled with so many things happening at once and when things are not in our control we put our trust in you Lord to handle things and we know everything will be done according to your will. You only can stand beside us and cast away all the troubles and difficulties we come across.

    I pray for protection with your precious blood for me my Mother, my brother, my husband, my two children and all our well wishers. Rescue and protect us from every evil or negative forces attacking us in the mighty name of Lord Jesus. Thank you Jesus, we love you Jesus, we praise you Jesus. Amen Hallejuah, Amen

  25. Ameen and Ameen thank you Lord Jesus for us to see another day glory be to God.I say thanks and praise to you king of kings Lord of Lord you are warding to be Praise I give all the honor my Lord you deserve all the praise. All thanks and praise goes to You.Lord bless me and my family through out the year give us strength and healing power see us through our struggles .Lord God you know my problems see me through I rest all my case to you deliver me and my family oh Lord are thank you Lord .In Jesus pressures name I pray Ameen and Ameen. Thanks for all the prayers I appreciate so much. May the blessings of God pure upon all of us Ameeeeeeen.


  27. Dear Heavenly Father I give such sincere thanks for taking away my worries,anxieties knowing that you are with us. And only you can stand beside us and cast away these troubles. I truly thank you in Jesus name Amen

  28. Good night, Father God. Thank you for today and thank you for protecting my family loved ones. While we sleep, protect us and watch over us Father God . I pray in Jesus name amen. I love you father God and thank you

  29. Good day. Please pray for our family. We are renting now for many years and we are praying to become home owners, in Jesus Name. In this year 2021, I want my own house.

  30. This is so awesome and inspiring, I believe and know for sure without doubt that God will do me wonders in this week as I fast and pray. And for sure my prayers will be answered and my 2021 will be a great year full of blessi6 like never before… Amen

  31. I want to confess as l humble myself before the throne of grace and mercy, casting all my diseases, pain, struggles, delays and desires to my lord Jesus, l believe that forgiveness and healing come from the lord, as l ask in faith believing that God will heal me, oh lord have mercy on me, forgiveness me all my sins and sins of my ancestors, wash me lord with the blood of Jesus. Deliver me lord from evil, bitterness, unforgiveness, jealousy, and envy, oh yes lord l come to you according to your words in exodus 15 vs 26 , lam the lord who heals you, Thank you lord that you never fail us, your words brings joy and peace in our lives lord, you have been there lord and you know lord where l am coming from and where am going, lord l ask for your forgiveness because l have failed you all my life, l have made decisions with asking according to your will and l have failed, but one thing l know is that you arethe lord who love me more and there is no any limit for your love. Amen

  32. Lord Jesus you remain the pillar of our strength in every step we take and your word spoken over our lives manifest day and night because you said in Psalm 119:105 ,” Your word is the light in my path ” Continue to guide is Jehovah Shammah because you reveal yourself in us in.many forms..Heal our land as we appeal to you oh God who said in 1 Chronicles 7:14 If my people who are called by my name can humble.tjemselves and turn away from their wickedness ,I the Lord will heal their land .We bow down to you the Holy of the Holiness and.prounounced your Lordship ,worthy is your name Jehovah who is relational.Father .Empower us spiritual ,guide us and in Jesus name so let it be

  33. ChristiansTT your website is my daily bread. You have really helped me to get back into my morning prayers. Back in sync with the word of God. You have really helped me in my commitment to spending quality time in the word. Your prayers have really been life changing for me and I truly appreciate you. God Bless

  34. Thank you for chrome subscription option because it gives me instant notification about every new prayer. Thank you for creating very good, helpful, effective website. Praise the Lord.

  35. Beloved of Christ:
    May God richly bless you and your inspirational, encouraging, and uplifting ministry with 1000 fold blessings in Jesus Christ Holy and Righteous name. Evangelist Dr. Evans