Prayer – Healer Of The Broken-Hearted

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Adonai, Almighty God, Everlasting Father, heal me for I am broken-hearted. Let not depression, despair, dismay or sadness get the better of me. Father, this pain I have has shattered my heart.

Make me whole and brand-new once more. For the pain may endure only for the night, but joy will surely rise with me in the morning.

Oh Lord, this broken-hearted pain has left me deeply afflicted with depression. My God, with depression comes so many other related problems. I feel stressed, worried, unable to eat. May I find solace in Your great love and by Your healing, may I be restored fully, removing all my fears.

Psalms 34:18-19 –The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart, And saves such as have a contrite spirit. Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all.

Psalm 51:17 My sacrifice, O God, is a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart you, God, will not despise.

Prayer to heal my broken-heart

Heavenly Father, catch these tears that fall. Embrace me with Your open arms and Your warm, undying love, for I feel so alone. Lord, you heal the broken-hearted. You bind my wounds.

Be my guide and my comforter in these difficult times. And, when the darkness surrounds me and fear creeps in, be that light that pierces through my heart and fills it with joy.

Psalms 147:3-5 – He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. He counts the number of the stars; He calls them all by name. Great is our Lord, and mighty in power; His understanding is infinite.

Romans 8:39 Nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in creation will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Please Rescue Me

I will be confident and put all my faith and trust in You, for all things, good or bad, always work together for my good.

Lord, You know what the future has in store for me. Therefore I will not fear, for You hold my world in the palm of Your hands.

Savior, please rescue me from this situation, this painful broken-heart. Deliver me into my victory. Hold my hand as You walk beside me through it all, for in the end I will overcome. Amen!

Isaiah 61:1 The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners.

Prayer – Healer Of The Broken-Hearted

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  1. Good morning father god thank you for all the blessings and those which are coming . Holt spirit take your will today teach how to please and serve our god almighty in Jesus name amen amen amen

  2. Dear Jesus, My relationship with you has come close only because of my brother Nelson who has shown me the way to you Jesus. I am deeply grateful to Nelson for opening my mind and heart and teaching me the word of God. I have started reading the Bible daily and have been really blessed to know more and more about the Word.
    I feel broken because my brother Nelson is in the hospital due to Covid-19. He is on the road to recovery but is on the slow path as his lungs need to be healed and his breathing has to be without the oxygen cylinder.
    Lord Jesus I am grateful for your blessings Lord as Nelson obtained quick admission to the hospital and my Mother who had been also hospitalised is now recovered from her illness. Praise you Jesus. I Thank You Jesus.

    I have strong faith that with your healing touch and the power of the Holy Spirit Nelson will soon be on a quick path to recovery. With your grace and mercy upon him there is nothing which is impossible Lord. I have full faith and trust in your plan Lord which is being done all according to your will.

    I thank you Jesus, I love you Jesus, I adore you in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen Amen Amen

  3. Dear Jesus, I am struggling with pain, hurt, depression, anxiety, past hurt and pain. Loneliness, not having my mother’s love and time all these years and it affects me. My bf of 20 years from high school, now my husband, was my best friend and he was always there. But after he started keeping friends, cheating, which I had found out, he apologized. But things were never the same. We built our lives from zero to something. Then things kept going wrong. He had to leave us for work. Now the path we’re on is not an easy one. Being miles away, arguing a lot, crying, the kids not spending no quality time with us, and it hurts so much. Lord, I really need you. I love how you always comfort me when I talk to you. There’s so much. All I ask is for your prayers for my son to speak clearly. Also for me to be able to get my visa to travel overseas and for doors to be opened. God, I’ve been faithful with my body and promise to you, please restore our marriage and family and please, anyone seeing this, pray us up. Thank you Jesus Amen.

  4. The Lord is close to the broken hearted, he will repair my spirit
    Give me peace Lord Jesus
    I love you
    Thy will be done
    Amen & Amen

  5. There is a lady who is a friend, but for whom my feelings go infinitely beyond friendship; she is a thousand miles away and has just started a relationship, so the odds of being with her are scant; if I can’t be with her, then I pray, and I need prayers, for acceptance and letting go so that I might have some peace of mind.

  6. I praise You dear Heavenly Father.I thank you to give me strength and help me to remember for You are always there for me.
    I put my trust in You ,dear Lord,You know what the future in store for me.
    I will not fear for all the bad situation in my daily life,because You always hold my hands and walk beside me.
    In the end I will overcome.
    I am forever grateful for everything You have done for me.Guide me as I go out into this harsk cruel world.
    Thank you for this beautiful prayer,help me to brighten my day.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

  7. Lord Jesus Christ, I pray that I will have the strength, courage and determination to put in all the effort to move past this horrible episode of betrayal, abandonment, cheating and verbal emotional abuse. God I am sorry for being a lesbian for the past fourteen years. I know this betrayal she had caused me is your intervention and my mother’s prayers to change me. Please guide me to the path you have created for me and the right path that will shower me with happiness and success and with beautiful children. Please help me your stubborn and disobedient daughter in my worst and most painful time of my life.i am alone in this country that I had moved to be with her. Please continue to guide me and forgive me for my sins.thank you Father. Maria

  8. Hi and please pray for me as I am a Born again Christ like child of the most Holy Lord and I have been broken and crushed by my partner who left me with my two kids without proper reason.I have always tried my best to be the very best husband as Christ exspect from me.I don’t want to have a restored relationship as my partner is not saved and started drinking and going out and I stay with the kids and go to church and she has moved out to persue her wordly desire.I pray every night and do devotion with my two kids so I can raise them in the way of the Lord..I have always tried to be an example to her in the things of Christ yet nothing was good enough and I just need prayer for strength because my partner told me she will never submit under me and if a woman cant submit under her husband,she wont even submit under the Lord,and I cant stay in such a marriage.I need prayer for restoration because I know my worth in the Lord and who I am in the Lord and pray that the Lord will carry m through this …

  9. Thank you for this prayer as I am really in need of prayer because I am currently going through a separation and my partner left me with my two kids and it is the hardest thing I have ever experienced and the pain is so intense and so hard to bear. I pray and cry and cry and pray and cry and I feel too broken and just can’t seem to get it togather and I pray and pray that God will rather restore me and help to go through this process as I need help …Please pray for me and my kids please for strength and to move on as well as I know my marriage is over as my partner could not even say she loves me …I am empty and just need to Lord to hold me,

  10. In Jesus’s name, please hear our prayers. Almighty Jesus, help me. Everything has fallen on me this week. I feel lost.

  11. I feel I am a lost case, everything in my life is just a big mess. I’ve cried out to the Lord so many times. I don’t know if He is even hearing my prayers. I don’t see why I still have to live while I’m alive living in a dead person’s body. God has helped so many people, but why can’t He help me? I don’t know what to ask for anymore, because I’ve lost all hope.

    1. Im Praying for you Lucia, keep your faith and hold on ,help is near ,threw your struggles you are going to
      come out strong and share your story with others . Our Father is with you, you are not alone ,he hears you,
      be patient and always in prayer because ,our Father will see you threw. Bless our Fathers day in everything you
      do ,no matter what make the the best of each day and smile because i will be praying for you .

  12. I am praying that I win my court case, that God should grant me my leave to remain in this country. God should grant me Dominion over this Land. As His words said, were ever the sole of my foot shall thread He will grant me Dominion over it. Let His words manifest in my life in Jesus mighty name.

  13. To my fellow Christians I would like to us to pray fr me and esp fr my children whose having unsolved issues to each other.that they have compassionate, under
    standing,forgiveness and Love in.their heart.
    That they must understand the value of giving without asking in return.that their hearts full of knowledge about Jesus about God.on this moment I am doing my best to give them a good advice about generosity, forgiveness, humility. One of my daugther is a religious person too. I’m praying that she will be a good example to her siblings. That she is strength enough to lead them in righteousness instead of arguing.praying the she is willing to listen. I need your prayers coz I don’t want my family will fall apart.Thank you in advance fr the support and prayers. God Bless Us All

  14. I Harriet, praying for a good, honest, kind , faithful, presentable and Godly man and right man to settle with and grow old together.

  15. I am so fervently praying for a good, kind, honest, faithful and Godly man to cross my daughter Lea’s path and bring love, light and Joy to her heartbroken being. She has for many years hoped for a husband to share her life with. I pray, Lord, that you will see the wonderful and loving person that she is and complete her life for her. Thank you, Lord. I will praise your name forever.

    A loving mother

  16. Almighty God the giver of life will touch his heart and he will return to you and his children. God is able!

  17. The father of my two kids left me and does not want to talk to me, he neglected the kids and does not want anything to do with them, please Lord, I pray that you may restore some sense on his mind, God you have said seek and you shall be given, here I am, I need your guidance.

  18. Father in the name of Jesus Christ, I pray for all the sick. I speak healing over their mind and body. You said with these stripes we are healed, I speak it over the sick in the name of Jesus. Thank you Lord.

  19. God will not turn away anyone who comes to Him. It doesn’t matter at first how you pray, the act of praying itself is “faith as small as a mustard seed” and the Bible says that’s all you need. Turn to God ask him what you will in Jesus’ name and he will hear your prayers. continue to seek Him, reach out to Him and read the Bible so that you may pray more properly to him. When you pray, no matter how simply or how humbly, your soul cries out to God as well and speaks for you. Just Praise the Lord for all he has done and is about to do for you. God will hear you and understand.

    Father God we are all reaching out to You, seeking your love, wisdom, guidance, understanding, presence and healing in our lives. Please be with us now and forever. Thank you Lord for your mercy and for your written word, Thank you for your Son Jesus from who all blessing flow. We thank you, praise you and pray in Jesus mighty name, Amen & amen.

    1. Dear Father in heaven, we thank You with all our hearts for showing Your power in us and for overcoming so much that is hostile and that threatens to harm our life. We thank You for the countless wonders You do for our sake. We rejoice and thank You most of all for allowing us to know that You are writing our names in heaven. Where our names are, there we are too. Where
      our Lord Jesus Christ is, there we want to be too, and our words and our actions should come from him. Keep us faithful in this, and let us serve you with gladness on every path we tread. In Jesus Name Father we ask You this. Amen.

  20. I pray for those who are suffering – be healed in the mighty name of Jesus! Where God himself will restore and pour out His great love to those who are hurting. Amen

    1. I will be glad and rejoice in your love, for you saw my affliction and knew the anguish of my soul.

  21. I just found out that my husband of 28 yrs has been cheating on me with another woman. We have been together for 45 yrs. He said that he can’t stop seeing the way that he will God has to intervene. He doesn’t want me to leave but he will not talk about this affair to me. He is still seeing her & he expects me to continue to stay with him & say nothing. I am tired. He disrespects me & thinks that this is a marriage. I am tired. I am trying to keep my mind on the right path. I have let it go & put it in Gods hands. I don’t deserve this treatment, I am hurting.

    1. Lord, Francina. gives You TOTAL control of this personal situation Father. she gives You control of her life..Francina knows that You have solutions that she does not have. .she knows that You can work in her husbands heart when she can’t. Lord, this dear one asks that You speak to her loved one and show him the right way to go, and open his eyes to the sadness & unhappiness that Francina is carrying in her heart today…please deliver this couple Father from the heartache they are both existing in today. In Jesus Gentle Name I pray/ Amen. God Bless You Francina. Evie.

    2. Dear Father in heaven, we come before your presence with thanksgiving and rejoice that you are with us on earth. Even though we have many struggles and temptations and even though problems crowd in upon us, we know that we are in Your hands and that everything must go according to Your will. Hold us securely in Your hand. Help us to bear all that we find hard, for we know You are in control and You lead everything to a good end. The darker and more difficult it may seem, the more clearly Your hand will reveal the victory in those whose lives are founded in eternity, whose lives cannot end in sorrow but will end in your glory. Please lift up Francina and hold her firmly in your arms today and every day You are her Rock…Fortress and Strong Tower and I do prayer by this time You have moved in her life and she is experiencing happier times…… Amen.

  22. Lord…I pray that my Heroin Addicted Daughter will feel your presence in her life…I pray that you will take her in your almighty arms and protect her… And please Lord…give her the wisdom to know this horrible addictive drug that has caused her to lose everything…even my precious grandsons does not have the answers to her problems…only Jesus Christ our Savior is The Answer…

    1. Dear Lord Our God,Please keep Joyce in the grace that is hers through Jesus Christ. Uphold others also in this grace. Reveal Yourself everywhere to those who trust in You and who await your kingdom. May Your blessing be on her household and on her broken-heart. We thank You for helping Joyce, and with Your help she wants to be faithful to You. Then when hardships comes like they do now, Joyce can be certain of Your presence. She knows and trusts You.She knows and trusts the Savior, and she knows and trusts the Holy Spirit, in whom she can have community and be strengthened to serve Your glory. In the Gentle Name of Christ we Prayer. Amen.

  23. I am very scared and hurting i dont know the source of this pain i am praying for healing from god the almighty from whom all things come and all things possible i keep praying every single opportunity i get please Jesus heal me and save me in Jesus mighty name i pray amen

    1. Dearest “Heavenly Father, You are intimately aware of the struggle Celia is experiencing the pain and the despair. You know the desire of her heart to be healed of this illness. I ask now for Your healing touch. I know that You are able and that just like in Bible times, You can heal her.
      “I also understand that You will chose what is best fo rCelia. I pray that through this trial, she will draw close to You and You will be her comfort and strength. I pray that ultimately, whatever happens, You will be glorified through Celia. I pray this in Jesus’ Gentle name, Amen.”

  24. Amen!
    Almighty Father,
    We earnestly pray for those afflicted in depression
    For from it comes many other related problems
    May these find their solace in Your great love
    By Your healing may they be restored on getting over their lost and fears

    1. I lack the courage of faith, I don’t know how to pray, I feel lost, but I believe that Jesus is alive, I just can’t seem to reach Him

      1. Even when we are in darkness he is not. We cannot rely on emotions and feelings and past sins or current struggles to shape our standing before him. He is your God and has total control, a control which you cannot shake, a love and grip on your spirit that he has placed, and will not let go of until you are in his presence.

      2. Maura, Pilgrim is right, in the end your Faith and Courage will be stronger than ever because the One that loves you the most will make it so.
        You have been established,anointed and sealed by God and you are His.
        even a disciple of Jesus asked Him for instructions about how to pray and Jesus taught them the Lords Prayer. Perhaps,the first prayer you need to make is one of faith, asking Christ to come into your life and giving yourself to Him. Christ Jesus has opened Heaven’s door for us by His death on the cross, and when we know Him, we know God hears our prayers. He hears you Maura, He hears every word.