Prayer – I Surrender All Unto God

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It is the will of Our Heavenly Father for every child of God to come before His Holy throne and to surrender everything, no matter how big or small it is. Our loving Father is always there, just waiting for us to lay down our prayers in faith and obedience. What is it that You want to tell Our Father today?

Take a step of faith and talk to Him now. There is nothing hidden under heaven nor earth that God does not know. My prayer is that You find rest in Jesus and surrender all unto Him.

Ecclesiastes 12:14 For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.

Prayer Of Surrender

Beautiful, wonderful creator of heaven and earth, I give You praise and all the glory. I thank You for my life. Lord, I don’t know where I would be, had it not been for Your saving grace.

Father God, I humbly kneel down before Your throne, as I ask for forgiveness of my sins, in the Mighty name of Jesus Christ.

  • Psalm 9:1 I will give thanks to You Lord with all my heart. I will tell of all Your wonderful deeds.
  • Ephesians 6:18 Pray in the Spirit at all times, with every kind of prayer and petition. To this end, stay alert with all perseverance in your prayers for all the saints.

Pray Also Prayer of Surrender: Surrender All to Jesus

Surrender All Unto Jesus

I surrender all to You: my life, family, children, friends, career, finances, my prayer life, my relations. I surrender it all Lord Jesus.

Father God, I am holding nothing back, as I come before Your throne. Search my heart and mind for all inequities. Strip me of all my unrighteousness, as I to come to You as I am.

All my hidden, secretive thoughts, reveal and direct me, and rebuke me, Jesus. You are the only one who truly knows my inner thoughts, Father God. You are the only one who knows what is imprinted in my heart.

Saturate My Thoughts

Saturate my thoughts in Your anointing so that I may be like You, think as You do, give as You do. But most of all, to love as You do.

Take control of my thoughts. Rebuke the evil one from anything to do with my life and those in my life. May Your great will for my life and others be the very thoughts and actions I carry out in order to only please You, my Lord.

  • Job 11:13-15 Surrender your heart to God, turn to Him in your prayer, and give up your sins- even those you do in secret. Then you won’t be ashamed; you will be confident and fearless.
  • Matthew 16:24-25 Then Jesus told his disciples, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.”

Pray Also Prayer – Count Your Blessings

Declaring The Goodness Of God Over My Life

I am just a mere human. I can do nothing without You. But with You, all things are possible. May Your great mercy overshadow me and protect my ways.

Let Your glory overwhelm my enemies and may they scatter with fire as I walk in Your path. May the enemy that has been targeting my salvation be cast down in Jesus’ Mighty name.

Let every bad dream be canceled by the blood of Jesus. My life belongs to You and surely as it is written whoever the Son of God has set free is free indeed.

Pray Also Prayer: Overcoming the Lies of the Enemy – Seek Truth

Surrender my thoughts and plans

I lay out my thoughts and plans before you and I surrender them all unto You for Your blessing. Your precious love in my life is what I count most precious in my life.

May Your mercy continue to follow my family and me all the days of my life, as I harken unto Your Holy voice. I am in awe of the wonderful gift of the Holy Spirit.

And so, I pray that everyone reading this prayer is blessed with the gift of the Holy Spirit and that their lives will be led by Your will. And that they will learn to be obedient to the voice of the Holy Spirit.

  • Romans 12:1 Therefore, I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship.
  • Galatians 2:20 I no longer live, but the Messiah lives in me, and the life that I am now living in this body I live by the faithfulness of the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.

Pray Also Prayers To Let Go and Let God

Giving Thanks

I worship You, my Alpha and Omega. I lift my hands in admiration because of Your greatness, as I thank You for hearing and answering my prayers.

Oh Heavenly Father, I thank You for Your constant and deep love that has enabled me to come before Your holy throne. Oh, Father, You are indeed my rest, nothing and nobody is like You. I am grateful. Thank You Abba Father in Jesus Mighty name I pray. Hallelujah. Amen.

Job 11:13 If you would direct your heart right And spread out your hand to Him.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Pray Also Powerful Prayer of Gratitude – Giving Thanks

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  1. Gracious and wonderful father I thank you for ure love and mercy. And for being the good God. For keeping doing great things in our lives my life. Thank you lord for you’re tender mercies that are renewable every day, for the beautiful family that you have given to me. For protection the joy of the lord and the peace of God that surpasses all the understanding in Jesus christ name amen amen amen amen

  2. Praise be to God!
    Father I love You with all my heart & soul.
    I cannot thank You enough for all that You’ve done and continued to do for me. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  3. Father God thank you for being a caring and loving Father.
    I ask you to take my life and make it wholly thine, fill my poor heart with your great love divine, take all my will, my passion, self and pride,
    I now surrender all, in me abide.

  4. Thank you for father GOD fir this beautiful prayer I feel blessed to have your presence . I worship you father I praise you . You are an amazing GOD. A present help in every situation . I love you so much and I aprichiate you in my life and my family life . Father carry on working on us to be more like JESUS. All fir your glory . Use us as vessels for your glory . Protect us from the enemy and deliver us from evil . Give us our daily bread and protect us from all deseaseabd Illness . Keep us healthy strong confident and positive to do your work fir your glory . Less of us and more of you father . You are pure then while snow no one is like you . You are unique special kind of love . I desistetti need you in my life and my family life we are nothing without you . I pray this in JESUS name amen amen amen so it is thank you father for listening to my prayer . I love you ❤️

  5. Dear lord god, thank you for another day, please forgive my sins. Please guide me in the right direction. And may he not be a false prophet, and grant favor that you let me know or give me sign this is it for me and I found him. AMEN

  6. Good morning father god thank you for another day of life . Father god help me and my family and friends to surrender into you only . The enemy is bringing all kind of distractions please help is to only be on that narrow path that brings to you . Give strength to say no. In Jesus mighty name amen

  7. I thank very much for your Monday and Thursday prayers. God bless you so much for your work. Please why have you locked some important prayers?

  8. Thank you for the prayers. Lord I place my son Julius in your hands. Help him and direct him to change his life. So that he can be closer to you . He’s so disobedient and didn’t want to listen. Amen

  9. Thank you for letting me read your prayers. I want God in my life. I want to know him. And I need my sins to be forgiven. Thank you.

  10. Hi Roxanne,
    Be not afraid neither let your heart be troubled. Jesus Said these words to us and I must tell you that after I have been in jail few times for protecting my wife ! I can tell you that in jail a lot or most people are closer to Jesus than been outside. I am not by any way saying anyone should be happy in there but rather the presence of The Almighty Is closer to your daughter than you may know. Every time I was in jail God always had and have a plan. I was able to share Jesus with quite a few people who were not doing well at all loosing all hope.
    They were reunited to their families by the power of God’s unfailing love . Some of these people were gangsters and such who cried like a child after hearing of Jesus as he is the word himself.
    The word touch even the toughest and cause them to see clearly making positive good decisions and returning to their love ones.
    Keep in mind when I first met these people they were lost , angry and have bad intentions of vengeance and all sorts of ill and violence thinking about everyone even their families.
    They at first expect me to be scared myself been much smaller than them…as they are tough and bad ! But I am a good listener as the bible says be quick to listen slow to speak and slow to anger, that took me years to practice and are still doing so. The same broke as a child hug me in tears after sharing God’s love for them.
    I thank Jesus my Savior by the power of his blood those who fear him are washed by his precious blood and are righteous in his sight.
    Be still and know that God is who he says he is God, the great I am, El , Jehovah Jireh , The lion of the tribe of Judah, the greatest warriors and our waymaker who makes a way where there is none.
    He is the Alpha and Omega, kings of kings and Lord of Lords, omnipotent.. omnipresent..all powerful and Almighty there is none like him.
    In the mighty name of Jesus I prayer that God almighty causes his face to shine upon you and yours. Heal all your infirmities by the blood of Jesus, I uprooted every fear, every anxieties by the power and force of the precious blood of Jesus.
    I ask the Lord yo set your daughter free and rebuke any and all fear in the mighty name of Jesus.
    Whatever you are going through I claim victory over your lives and the power of the love of Jesus the living Christ break every strongholds in your daughters life and your entire family.
    I declare and decree that this is done and made manifest by the mighty power of God almighty in Jesus name. I thank Jesus for his love for us all and whom the son ( Jesus ) set free is free indeed.
    In Jesus name it is done . Amen..
    God bless you and keep you all, God cause his face to shine upon you and yours and his favour be with you . In Jesus name amen.
    Praise the Lord Jesus for who is and there is none like him..❤️

  11. My dear Lord Jesus Christ,
    I surrender all unto You my life today and everyday.
    I thank You to give me the strength to understand of Your Word,and filled me with wisdom and knowledge of Your true words. Amen.
    I will never giving up with this life. Amen
    Lord Jesus,if You are with me,for me,in me,I can handle everything with You be by my side. Amen
    I love You,Lord Jesus,I praise You,for You are my Lord,my Savior and my Lord of Peace.
    Thank You Lord,for fill my heart with kindness and compassion,as I seek You and draw closer to You.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

  12. Thank you ABBA father for your unmerited gifts and unlimited blessings .Stay with us Lord Jesus as we continually journey in this life, Amen

    1. Amen knowng God is in control we can have peace to let go and trust him in our lives. Thank you for loving us so much XXXO

  13. I surrender my life to you Lord Jesus, take me, make me whole.
    I can do nothing without you.
    I claim peace, love health, joy, obedience by the precious blood of Jesus
    Thy will be done
    Amen & Amen

  14. He is glorious God, the Father of Universe whose blood is cleansing our sins, He is the merciful one who is our strong tower, He is worth our worship because He is our Protector, the Lion of Judah, our cornerstone, the lamb of God which is seated in His throne, His eyes are on fire, His voice is like thunder, He rules and is the King of Kings, The Lord of Lords, the Prophet of all Prophets, our Teacher, Master Planner, Almighty, Provider, Rose of Sharon, Holy of the Holiness.
    Glory be to Him the Son of living God.