Prayer For A God-Chosen Life Partner, For Marriage

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I wrote this prayer for all those who are alone and looking for a suitable life partner. Many have asked for prayers concerning marriage. I pray that this year, your wishes and dreams are fulfilled by God Almighty as we lift up our every desire daily, through Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Prayer: Searching For A Life Partner

Almighty Father, We pray for all those waiting and searching for life partners. You know the deep longings of their hearts and You know what is best for them in life. Lord, help them as they desire a good companion in life.

If it is Your will, guide them, Lord, to the partner You have chosen for them. Give them the wisdom and direct them in their pursuit to choose the right person.

Everyone deserves a loving and God-fearing partner, for a happy life. We ask You to remove all obstacles in their way and perfect everything for them.

Guide Them To The Right Person

Lord, You said that it is not good for man to be alone. We ask You to listen to the hearts looking for a life partner. Put their yearning for marriage in the right perspective.

Lead them to the one You choose and reveal Your plans for them so that they prepare themselves better.

Lord, teach and guide them to seek You first and to learn to give love more than expecting to receive it.

Help them to remember that whatever journey their life leads them on, You are always present, always offering companionship, and always filling their deepest need.

Fill Them With Love And Understanding

At all times, may they observe quiet prayer-time and turn to You in all joy and afflictions. May each of them address their areas of weaknesses and be strengthened in Your love and light.

We pray that understanding and loving each other be their utmost desire and may they believe in a marriage that ends only when death do they part.

Genesis 2:18 Then the LORD God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone; I will make him a helper suitable for him.”

Proverbs 18:22 He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the LORD.

See also: 7 Powerful Prayers for Marriage Restoration

Prayer For The Man Searching For A Wife

Lord, I pray for a woman of God, beautiful in heart, mind, and soul. May she be faithful, loyal, sincere, and noble in her thoughts and deeds.

Grant her patience. Let her be filled with love, humility, and understanding for me and the family we will commit.

Give me the wisdom to make and keep her happy and feeling protected. May she be one fearful in Your sight and be a woman faithful to prayer, praise, and worship for You our God.

Let her heart be not worried or afraid of her past which is history and may her present self be in Your way of life. May she be devoted to prayer, family life and know the values of a family of God.

Peter 3:7 “You husbands in the same way, live with your wives in an understanding way, as with someone weaker, since she is a woman. And show her honor as a fellow heir of the grace of life, so that your prayers will not be hindered”

Personal Prayer:

Lord, help me assure my woman that I am responsible and able to provide for her needs.

Help me prove that I am a gentleman and God-fearing and would be able to take care of her and protect her in all aspects of life, in good times and in bad.

May I daily make amends in all my shortcomings and make myself ready to give myself wholly and truly to a relationship.

May I grow in deeper love for You, my God, which will allow me to grow deeper in my relationship with her. Amen.

Prayer For The Woman Seeking A Husband

Lord, I pray for a God-fearing, humble, gentle, faithful, and loving man. May he be one filled with respect for women and protect them in all harm, trouble, and afflictions. May You come first in his life and may he be one who leads a family to God.

Lord, I am willing to accept a man despite whatever his past is. May he come fully done away with his old bad habits. May His past be history as we take each other from the day we come together in a relationship.

In the same way, I pray Lord that he too will not see the old me but as someone good and renewed in Your hope and blessings.

May my past never be a hindrance to living my present life as a wife as I make amends to my old self and give myself wholly and truly to him.

Colossians 3:18 “Wives, be subject to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord”

Personal Prayer:

Help me understand that You Lord are the Godhead of the family and my man, the head of the household. Help me to submit myself truly and wholly to him in my family life.

May I give him due respect as head of the family. I commit myself to understanding and helping him in all aspects of life as he provides for the family.

Oh Lord and our God, be first and foremost in all decisions and promises we make as husband and wife. We pray this prayer and lift up our heartfelt desires in the blessed name of Jesus, Amen.

Prayer for Marriage, for a God-chosen partner

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  1. God please give me a God fearing man who love Jesus, please God give me the bones of my bones not the bones of my flesh, Please God give me a good job in Jesus name amen

  2. Please Lord, grant to me that lovely, God fearing and wonderful wife you have made for me. The bone of my bone, please let me locate her speedily. Amen Thank you Jesus for answered prayers.

  3. Lord Jesus I thank You for giving me this opportunity to speak out here, Lord please YOU said it that its not good for a man to be alone likewise a woman to be alone, Please Lord Bless me with my own life partner, a man filled with your Love that had your Fear in his life, an open minded man, a man with respect, dignity and full of Your grace, Lord please 🙏🏻 do not bless me with a married man, but Bless me with the bone of my bone, a man that will honor and cherish me and our children Amen 🙏🏻

  4. I am asking God for a God fearing man that will has the fear of God in him that love think about God that will understand me love and we both make a home that gives glory honun to God please send me your prayer point and Varese of Bibla thank you God bless you

  5. Father in heaven. She truly did love me and even shed tears for me saying that she never wanted to hurt me. But then she did anyways. I’ll never understand why. But I still love her regardless. My heart breaks more and more every day for her Jesus. I understand that you worked through her to lead me towards my salvation, but please go back for her. Please don’t leave her behind and give me away to someone else while she lingers on to live in the world. The thought haunts me. My heart can’t take much more of this. I need you now more than ever Jesus. – Amen

  6. Dear God I thank you for your love and your great mercy, thank because you are the finisher of my faith

    Lord i ask you for your strength and for your guidance and for your help let me not take my eyes of you but always lean on you

    Please i ask that you Lord will sent me my partner someone who is God fearing humble and loves you just my self someone who can motivate some prayer loving. And caring and loves me for iam and love him for he is let him be musicians so he can help me I pray for a partner being very prayerful God I know Im asking alot. But already said that anything we ask in your name you will give us the dires of our heart so I thank im thanking you in advance thank you Jesus Amen.

    1. Please pray for my relationship to work out with a Korean person named “J.S.” whom I am about to meet soon and that she could become my spouse in the future. Please pray as well that J.S. can meet me soon and more often, especially during this summer. That J.S. seems to be a very nice and important person to me, so I hope you can also pray that J.S. can become my family.

      I was also hoping that I could more patient as I could and give J.S. more time (without giving her pressure) before meeting me, which if I could be prayed that I can be less stressed about this relationship with J.S., it would be great too. That J.S. means a lot to me. God bless. Amen 🙏

  7. I am 68 been married twice were abused and hurted by both life threatening by the last one seems like the wrong men just keep coming into my life seems like I’m never going to find the right partner I’m praying asking God to send me a loving caring and kind man into my life

  8. I am 43 and have been dating boys not men.They have used me and hurt me and it seems like I will never find the right partner no matter how hard I try. 💔

    1. I’m a single mom of two girls,
      I truly need your prayers for a marriage if that is even possible,or atleast the wisdom to accept life as a single parent

  9. O lord, I’m not a Christian.. But do believe that prayers to lord are definitely answered. I am blessed with a living husband and a lovely son. I have brought him up with virtue and value. Now my son wishes for a loving and caring companion. God is listening to my prayers. Can anyone please share a prayer to the lord for quick and successful marriage of children (sons and daughters) and help them be united with their heaven made soulmates.

  10. Thank you so much for the prayer. Indeed God is faithful and knows what’s best for everyone. I’m single and praying for a God chosen life partner. May God grant my desire. Amen!

  11. Thanks for the wonderful prayer. Being a single mother of two little boys, I pray God blesses me with a chosen husband. AMEN
    God bless you.

  12. Heavenly Father you know I am waiting for the one who was revealed to me. I pray that I wait patiently and fruitfully. That God molds me into the right wife for this man whom i love in Jesus name i pray amen

  13. I am a God fearing Christian woman,and I am asking God to send me a husband of the same faith.I want to get married,and be married to a man that put’s me,and my children first.That is very important to me.Pls send me daily prayers for a God fearing husband.Also I would like to receive prayers how to become a good wife in God’s eyes.

  14. Praying for my marriage and Financing and my son to come home to pray for healing from my mom and I just won’t thank you God thank you

  15. Thank you father GOD for this prayer . I worship you father I praise you I glorify you lord Jesus . I feel blessed to have you in my life and my family life help us strengthen our relationship with you lord . Give us wisdom and discernment . We seek your kingdom first daily and everything will be added to us on Jesus majestic name amen . Father GOD help me md my family with financial breakthrough I feel the doors are locked pls open the doors of opportunity blessings and over overflown blessings from heaven I pray this in Jesus majestic name amen so it is . Thank you father GOD for this prayer . I love you so much praise GOD

  16. Dear lord name is anusha I have loved pagala suresh..we are in love from 5 years know we get some issues with other my jesus..know we are want to married eachother anusha and pagala suresh…jesus please do some maracle to marry my loved one pagala suresh with me tobe want to marry with God blessings..iknow my jesus you are hearing my prayer …seeing my tears with my eyes…I trust on u my jesus…what I am asking you have done for me …..I trusted on u my lord jesus in the name of my jesus my god name ……amen…..

  17. Lord JESUS I pray may you reveal to me your plans for Daniel and I open my eyes to see if he is the man for me reveal to me deep things I know nothing about, help me to keep to my promises to be a better wife and help him to work of his anger so together we will serve you diligently and we will be settled in marriage come march 2022 in JESUS NAME AMEN

  18. Dear Lord,
    Thank you for loving me and choosing me to be the wife to my future husband. My prayers is to be chosen and found by the man of God. May we walk the same direction towards you and a Godly marriage. May everything go right and every day be well. Allow us to have a example marriage and all surrounding us love and pray for us. Let us lead a good and faithful life. Let us show forth the love for a God Chosen life partner. Let marriage happen soon. Let love last forever. Thank you God!

  19. God our Father, I am praying for a godly marriage soon. I am praying that the man of God you have for me love me as much as I love you. I pray he findth me and do the right thing which is marriage. May he be all that you want for your daughter. May no distractions or hindrance come our way as we want to please you Lord. Come forth now in the name of Jesus. Husband find me God soon!

  20. Prayers for the Heavenly Father to lead, guide, and protect a God ordained marriage for me and all my daughters. Please hear our cries and prayers as you send who you have prepared for us to lead this Christian life. Allow us to have all that we can think or image in showing forth your will and purpose.

  21. Being an Indian Christian in Malaysia and having grown up daughters and waiting for the right marriage partner is so difficult. All the Christian boys are taken by the unbelievers. So, what is left for the Christian girls? God, hear our pleas! Amen

    1. Esther God always has got his remnants. Every christian girl whose desire is to get married will not lack a mate. It may appear like all christian men are taken but it is not so. Keep trusting in God for your daughters. Am also waiting on God for a husband and I know in the fullness of time he will make everything beautiful.

  22. A prayer request for my life. I’m 40 years old single lady. 7 years back I was supposed to get married to a person but he ruined my life and since then I have lost my job my finances and my lifeis full of miseries. Now I need a companion and want to start my life fresh. But I can’t get any help. Please help me God. In your precious name I ask you.

  23. Dear Father God,
    I praise You and thank You for all Your amazing ways for me.
    I thank You for carrying me to fulfill the plan You have for me in my life.
    Today,I am looking for a partner for a God chosen life partner.
    I surrender my all to You.
    I am not lean on my own understanding.
    In all my way,I acknowledge You,Lord Jesus,Amen.
    I always stand by Your Words to do everything.
    Let Your will be done in my life,as it is in Heaven. Amen.
    I pray that today,dear God,
    May You,Lord Jesus,help me meet a good life partner,a good person,believe in our Almighty.God,always stand by Your Words,Lord Jesus,Amen.
    Thank You Lord Jesus,for blessing me with wisdom and understanding and give me the desire in my heart.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

  24. lord i know you have plans for me.. guide me to find a right man that god fearing,and accepting my past … im 37 yrs old and my relationship is complicated since 12yrs ago.. im still wiating for the man who will be there for lifetime.. i try to search before but i will surrender all you lord what its you will.. i know you have plans for me and ill surrender it to you lord in Jesus name…amen

  25. Praying for a fellow sister who was betrayed and denied and mentally abused, who has had to live with a betraying spouse cheating on her with a Filipino woman living in the Phil. Her husband claimed to be a kind of Pastor & minister in America, but living in lies, committed sin and crime in the Phil with a catholic woman.

  26. I am pleading with our ever merciful Father with a heavy heart to give me the one that will compliment me fully .. I am 42 and I have been travelling this windy long road all alone..praying earnestly for His mighty power to bless me with a companion for life as I am filled with love to share. In Jesus mighty name I ask not to look into my past sins but in grace and mercy answer your daughter’s humble prayer. Amen.

  27. I am truly blessed to be loved by God he woke me up this morning spoke to my heart and lead me to pray. Im blessed to be chosen by God almighty I’m favored to be a witness to speak of his goodness and mercy…I live today because God cares for me thank you believers of God for sharing!!!

  28. Good prayers by the author. I am an old guy who never got married. Recently I caught the marriage bug. The problem is that I have been going from one potential partner to another. I don’t know what God’s end game is here. Does he want to lead me to my future wife or does he want to rid me of any desire to get married? It is a mystery to me.

  29. My dear Lord Jesus Christ,
    Today,I am bleesed,because You are a forgiving God and understanding God.
    I surrender my all to You.
    In all my way,I acknowledge You,Lord Jesus. Amen.
    I am not lean on my own understanding.Let Your will be done in my life,as it is in Heaven. Amen.
    I know,I can depend on You,Lord Jesus,for always stand by Your word.
    I can do anything with You,by my side,Lord Jesus,Amen.
    We pray that today,dear God,
    May our Lord Jesus help us all to looking for a partner,for God chosen life partner.So today,we all can meet a good person. Amen.
    Thank You Lord Jesus,for our Lord is faithful,always do everything good for us all.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen..

    1. holy father thanx for this prayer it’s fills lyk ur talking to mi about my marriage partner really thnx for intervening in my life nd showing favour in my life a bless ur name I glorify u coz u deserve all the praise nd honour thnx mighty father for speaking in Jesus name Amen

  30. Dear Heavenly Father and my Lord and savior set me and my right companion on the right path to meet each other and start a relationship and get marriage in Jesus name Thank you !!

  31. Lord Jesus lead me and guide me, the past is fine may it never come back to hinder my today, my tomorrow my future, by the precious blood of Jesus
    I claim Live, health and happiness, no weapon formed against me shall propsper, Thy will be done
    Amen & Amen??❤❤

  32. God i thank you for the gift of life.i need you guidance that you will direct me to aright person for future marriage.

  33. I turned 37 two weeks ago. I have never been married. I am getting weary of praying of my God chosen husband. Please keep me in prayer I would like to get married and start a family.

      1. I am the first daughter of my parents without no husband or a child but my other younger siblings have married and giving birth to their second child. Thought I am still waiting and praying to God for right man but the pressure from my parents and the rest of family is killing me slowly.💔💔
        Dear God in Heaven please please let me meet my rightful husband in Jesus mighty name amen.

  34. Thank you for the beautiful prayer, I am 27yo and waiting for God to reveal and send me my other half. I believe as I am praying, He is preparing his (my future husband) heat. Whoever and wherever he is, please know I am praying for you in my life.

    God bless you all.

  35. Lord, you said it is not good for man to be alone. Listen to my heart and hear the cry from my heart. It’s being 3 years now since my wife departed from the surface of this earth I have endured but loneliness is taking my happiness I would like to stay in a committed long term relationship that will lead to marriage. I’m 59 years of age I would like someone who lives in the states and has my age range. If interested please kindly reply back. to me.

  36. Please pray for me. My family has been putting me under pressure. I have two guys coming for my hand in marriage. One I like but he sees fornication as normal and is not ready to repent from it. But he claims to pray a lot and is close to God. The other I’ve not met but have been talking with. He is flying into the country soon to see me, but doesn’t go to church on Sundays because he works on Sundays. My family has given me a short time to decide if I want the first guy, so that the second doesn’t waste money flying in or the second guy, so I should break up with the first and let the second go ahead with flying in. I’ve been praying about it but I don’t feel I’ve gotten any directions from God.

    1. Get rid of the first guy because sexual immorality is sin (Heb 13:5). Try working with the second guy and see if there is another day or time he can go to church (Rom 14:5) and pray God changes his schedule.

  37. Please pray that my marriage should get fixed immediately without any delay. I am 33 years now. I am facing hurdles in my marriage, fixation, losing my hopes, praying a lot, my family upset on me, please pray for me.

    1. Mary Salini, I bring your case before the throne of God and ask him to Intervene in your situation immediately, In Jesus Name Amen

  38. I want God to answer my prayer and give me a life partner that will love and cherish me all the days of our lives. A man that will love God exceptionally. Any delay or hinderance or past sin, please God forgive me. If the man that has come is the one for me, Lord please let it happen. Amen

  39. Oh lord I’ll be 30 june and I can’t wait to be married my God please in any way I have sin against you in my past that is delaying my marriage king of glory may you forgive me and send my darling husband to me in Jesus name

      1. Dear Father God.
        We thank you Father,for Your great plan for us all.
        Our Lord Jesus Christ,is so good,thank you,for always help us all,to looking for a partner.So that today.We all can meet a good person,for God chosen life partner.
        I surrender my all to You.
        In all my way,I acknowledge You,dear Lord. Amen
        I am not lean on my own understanding.
        Let You will be done in my life,as it is in Heaven. Amen.
        Our God is faithful.
        God will privide everything good for us all.
        I know I can depend on You,Lord,for always stand by Your word.
        I can do nothing without You.
        I can do anything with You,by my side.dear Lord.
        Thank You Father.
        In Jesus mighty name.
        Amen and Amen.

  40. Lord God in heaven only you are the perfect match makes.I come to you with a request to direct me and you only can direct the right partener to me .Forgive me my past sins as you are preparing me to be a better let me findthe right partener who loves me ad my child remove disapointments in my life for I know you are going to remember me like what you did to Dorcus.

  41. am looking for a companion who loves God and worships Jesus CHRIST. Some one who lives in Texas or even better–near Austin. Also, am a musician, a drummer looking for a praise band who might need a drummer
    Please agree with me in prayer for the right lady to come into my life who is not ashamed of Christ to give God glory to Him.Thank you in advance

  42. Please my beloved brother and sister pray for me.that God will break me out from every stronghold cursing me not to see and know my marriage partner.that before the end of this year 2019,I will get married with my soul mate and also I need God financial breakthrough. thank

  43. Kindly pray for Carol James and Archana James…we looking for them a life partner.. kindly pray that may God bless these girls and may God show them his a good life partner for marriage..they both will settle down . Amen

  44. Dear Heavenly Father,
    I would so love to be a wife Lord. I thank you Lord for putting the desire in my heart to not be alone anymore. I thank you Lord for guiding me by the Holy Spirit and preparing me for my future husband. Lord I would also love to be a mother and I thank you for the desire in my heart. Thank you Lord for preparing me for my future husband and for preparing my husband to be for me. In Jesus Name, Amen. ?

  45. Lord’
    Thank you for the blessings everyday
    Forgive me Lord for what ever sins I committed to you
    Im asking Lord to guide me and lead me to the right person you choose for me to be my life time partner in the future.. A man that trully accept me as i am’ accept my family too as he his own..
    I have faith lord that one day you will lead him to me
    Thank you lord for hearing my prayer

  46. Marriage can be beautiful provided that your spouse doesn’t change after Marriage so if your single count your blessings or be patient and wait for God to put you with the your soul mate I thought he did that with me but he changed after we got married.I thought that I knew my Lords voice

  47. Abba Father, you see me and know what it is my heart. Thank you that you are in charge and you are making a way so I may have the love I desire. You put these desires inside me and you have the perfect partner in store for me. Please help me be ready for my best friend. Please comfort me in the meantime. Thank you God. In Your Son Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen.