Powerful Prayers For Money And Financial Breakthrough

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Prayer For A Financial Blessing

I praise You, Oh Mighty King, I bless Your Holy Name. Thank You for providing all my needs, according to Your riches in Glory.

You never fail me, even in these difficult times, when finances are low and worry invades my mind. Help me to be at PEACE, Father, confident in Your blessed assurance that You will supply all my needs, out of your rich abundance.

Psalm 35:27 27 Let them shout for joy and be glad, who favor my righteous cause. And let them say continually,“Let the Lord be magnified, who has pleasure in the prosperity of His servant.”

Ecclesiastes 5:19 As for every man to whom God has given riches and wealth, and given him the power to eat of it, to receive his heritage and rejoice in his labor – this is the gift of God.

Prayers For Money And Financial Breakthrough

Praying For A Financial Breakthrough

My God, my ability to generate wealth comes from You. And so, I pray for wisdom and guidance in managing the resources You’ve given me, that I might not be wasteful but be a faithful steward of Your blessings.

Grant me a financial breakthrough, Lord, that I might be free from debt and lack, able to more effectively serve You and others.

Thank You, Lord, for the promise of Your word that the blessing of the Lord makes rich, and You add no sorrow with it. I claim this promise over my financial situation, believing in faith for a breakthrough.

Proverbs 10:22 The blessing of the LORD makes rich, and he adds no sorrow with it.

Deuteronomy 8:18 But remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your ancestors, as it is today.

Praying For Money, Relief From Loan, Credit Card Debt And Financial Burdens

Lord, I’ve made financial mistakes. I’ve mismanaged my money. My debts are out of control. But Lord, I know you can open a way where there seems to be no way. I pray for a financial breakthrough in my life right now!

Grow my finances and bestow on me wisdom to manage Your blessings righteously. Open my eyes today to job opportunities and profitable business ventures. Bless me that my credit cards and loans are paid off.

May I be a good steward of all that You provide. Help me to not depend on money but only on You, Jehovah Jireh, my Provider. Don’t allow money to destroy my relationships through tension and disagreements.

Proverbs 3:9-10 Honor the Lord with your possessions, and with the first fruits of all your increase; so your barns will be filled with plenty, And your vats will overflow with new wine.

Psalm 118:25 Save now, I pray, O Lord; O Lord, I pray, send now prosperity.

Prayer for Monetary Wisdom

I pray that the greed of money would not entrap my heart but I will only hunger and thirst after You and Your righteousness. May I shrewdly use what You have provided for me.

Help me to remember that as I am blessed, I should bless others as well. Remind me to lend a helping hand to those who are less fortunate. In Jesus’ mighty name, I declare my financial breakthrough is here!! Amen.

Psalm 1:3 He will be like a tree planted by the streams of water, that produces its fruit in its season. Whose leaf also does not wither. Whatever he does shall prosper.

1 John 5:14-15 Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him.

Declaring God’s Promises Over My Finances

With faith in my heart, I declare Your promises over my finances, Oh Lord. I am blessed because I love You and seek Your righteousness above all else. I believe that as I put You first in everything, all other things, including financial breakthroughs, will be added unto me.

I pray that my financial life will reflect the health and prosperity of my soul, just as John prayed in his third letter. As I walk in obedience to Your Word and commit my ways to You, I trust that You will cause prosperity and financial breakthrough to follow me all the days of my life.

I seal this prayer in the powerful name of Jesus, trusting in Your promise, expecting a financial breakthrough, and rejoicing in Your faithfulness. Amen!

3 John 1:2 Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul.

Matthew 6:33 But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.

Powerful Prayers For Money And Financial Breakthrough

The Debt Prayer

Oh Lord, I confess I’ve made mistakes. I have accumulated too much debt, and now I can not imagine overcoming it without your help. Please, Lord, I beg of you to intercede on my behalf.

Provide me with the financial means to be able to breathe again. Please forgive my sins, Lord. Walk with me and help me to make the right decisions throughout my life. In Jesus mighty name, I pray, Amen.

Matthew 6:12 – And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.

Deuteronomy 28:12 – The Lord will open the heavens, the storehouse of his bounty, to send rain on your land in season and to bless all the work of your hands. You will lend to many nations but will borrow from none.

Prayer for money and financial blessings

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  1. Sorry Tyson! I noticed loads of typos so having gone through it I added to it! Thanks for your comment. The tendency to promote: a “health, wealth and happiness gospel” in contrast with the “turn or burn gospel” over the last 25 years both of which use individual verses pulled out of context – and will lead people down false roads and leave them feeling inferior, inadequate, and insecure.

    1. God does not promise us riches or wealth but says blessed are the poor for they will inherit the earth. He will provide our needs for us if we ask for them, but that is not the same as fulfilling our desires; and there may be times of extreme need eg in times of war or the loss of your job, you may even find you don’t even have a roof over your head, or enough money to buy food one day. These hardships, like all hardships, may not be our fault and may be hard to understand why we personally must experience them; however, everything we have, was given to us by God; with the hardships occur, or we appreciate & recognise the converse blessings when we have them.
      It’s important to never forget when times are tough, that the Lord is with you always; He will help & give you the strength you need to carry on.
      Remember to keep your dialogue open with God, as Jonah did: He did the complete opposite to what God asked him to do.
      He believes the Ninevites would ridicule him & ignore God’s message. So Jonah goes West to Tarsus, in Spain, instead of Ninevah. He moans, groans & complains to God about his hardships, as they worsen – boat-ride in stormy seas; he & his belongings are tossed into the stormy waters; is swallowed by big fish, 3 days in its dark, damp, cold, smelly, fishy stomach; coughed onto a scorching beach. Then God blesses him by growing him up a leafy tree, a comfy place for Jonah to recover in the shade. Once relaxed; forgets to thank God for the shade (simple pleasure); So, God gives him reasons to moan (a reminder to talk); provides a very hungry worm to eat & kill the tree!!
      So Jonah goes to Ninevah to convey God’s message; they actually accept it straight off; realises he could have foregone all his discomfort by just obeying God’s instructions!!
      So if you were Jonah, God’s ambassador (prophet in pre-Christ Israel), how would you feel if you were like him, and asked to do something you are not comfortable doing it; or you feel you are not able to do; or are too busy to do it? How do you keep talking to God when you are out of words?
      Ps 64:1 ; 64:9-10 The Message (Bible paraphrased for young adults)
      Listen and help, O God. I’m reduced to a whine And a whimper, obsessed
      with feelings of doomsday.
      Note: the contrast, once God hears the Psalmist’s concern, is enormous!
      “Everyone sees it. God’s work is the talk of the town. Be glad, good people!
      Fly to God! Good-hearted people, make praise your habit.”

  2. God does not promise us riches or wealth but says blessed are the poor for they will inherit the earth. He will provide our needs for us if we ask for them, but that is not the same as fulfilling our desires; and there may be times of extreme need eg in times of war or the loss of your job, you may even find you don’t even have a roof over your head, or enough money to buy food one day. These hardships, like all hardships, may not be our fault and may be hard to understand why we personally have to experience them; however everything we have, was given to us by God; He maybe gave us hardships to toughen us up for when the converse hardships occur or appreciate and recognise the blessings we have.

  3. God of mercy I know you are our strong tower have mercy on me as I am a blind sinner forgive my sin oh lord as you have forgiven others and change my life through Jesus Christ, Jehovah Rafa I will no longer be the same because you are with me and problems in your loving hands Amen 🙏🙏🙏

  4. These powerful prayers have given me the confirmation and confidences that I will never be poor so long as God has a lot of promises about my financial provisions so long as I will not rely on my physical strength.

  5. Thank you Father for being there for us, I am an orphan with wife n 7seven children, l need ur support in prayer request for break through financially nd otherwise. Thank you, God bless you.

  6. I’m healed by the faith I have in my almighty God and I know shall not lack any more,my God is rich according to his riches and glory in heaven.l will always put my trust in him. hosanna Christ Jesus. Amen.

  7. Good morning my loving GOD .I am grateful for you never let me down.i come to you Almighty to please give me a financial breakthrough ,high paying job . blessings financial blessings and successful studies plus business .I claim all good LORD .I thank you my GOD .Amen

  8. Hello how are you doing my Heavenly Father I would like to pray for favor and seek you first the kingdom of God and pray for blessings to run over in my life and bless my relationship and my kids and family in Jesus name Amen!

  9. Dear GOD
    I obediently Pray to you for me and my family Heavenly Financial Miracle Blessings Deliverance and Mercies,,Amen and Amen Lord 🙏

  10. Please Pray for me/Family,
    We are in need of a financial Blessing! For our property taxes and our electric is to be turned off 4/1/2024

  11. Dear brothers and sisters
    Please pray for me to overcome from my financial problems. I need a miracle to be taken place in my life. Vexed in my life. Please pray for me.


    1. LOrd jesus .tulungan nio po ako wala po ako trabaho nd kopo alamkung saan ko kukunin ang mga pambayad ko sa kuryente at tubig at pag kain ko sa arw 2 wala po ako mapasukan na trabaho matanda npo ako mai maliit po ako tindahan malapit n po maibos ang konting puhunan ko ako po’y nakikiusap sa ino na tulungan mo ako sa panggastos ko sa araw2

      Lord Jesus, please help me. I don’t have a job and I don’t know where to get the money to pay for my electricity, water, and daily food. I can’t find any work because I am already old. I have a small store, and my little capital is almost gone. I am pleading with you to help me with my daily expenses.

  13. Hi my name is Kimberly and I wanted you all to pray that God will bless me with money everyday so that I can find a good house to stay in because I dant want my husband to go back to a nursing home anymore Aman.

    1. Remember if GOD CAN MOVE MOUNTAINS AND PATED THE RED SEE, gave you breath, he can DO What we think is IMPOSSIBLE! The BIBLE SAYS ASK AND BELIEVE!
      Trust in the LORD!!

  14. Please pray for a financial miracle in my life, my bills are back up. I am trying to be strong for myself and family. Dear lord please send a miracle so I could be able to be free of debt, lord I thank you in advance. Amen

  15. Please pray for a financial miracle. If I do not get help, my utilities will be cut off. Please help me pray. I have have been praying for help for months. Dear God, please have mercy on me and give me a financial miracle.
    Please, help me. Dear God, just a small miracle, I pray. Please.

  16. Lord, thank you that you graciously provide all my needs according to your riches in glory (Philippians 4:19). Thank you that I am worth more than many sparrows. If you provide for the birds of the air, help me to trust that you will provide and meet the needs of me and my family.

  17. My loving Savior, I come to You in the courts of heaven and Your holy kingdom and ask that You give me a miraculous financial blessing today. Open up the doors to my heavenly bank and grant me my needs, oh Lord.
    I am disabled with two types of leukemia and my husband left me for another woman.
    My son stays with me to help, but I want him to go, find his girlfriend, get married, and not feel he has to take care of me anymore. I need Your divine intervention, Father Abba God, and a financial miracle so I can take care of myself but give to the kingdom first, Jesus.
    I humbly accept this financial blessing as already being said and done, by the power of my Lord Jesus Christ. Amen and amen.
    Thank You, God, for all You have done for me, and I know You will fulfill Your promise to me. You said ask and you shall receive. You are a gracious, kind, and loving God and I know You will never leave me or forsake me.
    Oh Lord, hear my plea, I cry out to You for forgiveness of my sins. Grant me my financial miracle so I may bless others in need and my family, and get me out of this situation I’m in. In Jesus’ Mighty Holy Name, I pray. Amen.

  18. please pray for me

    Dear God my husband lost his job. i am disabled and only on disability.
    My husband also sent me divorce papers, because he is seeing another woman.
    please pray for a financial miracle so i can not only survive but may possibly help others in similar situations.


  19. I have faith that through my Almighty Father, I’m going to over come all financial problems

    1. Good day my name is Athwina and my partner is Shepard. We have 4 kids we dont have no money to buy a house. We are from place to place. People treat us bad and myself is going to night school. My 2 big sons is in High school, the first born is in his last year at school. We rent a house but the people asking us a lot of money and stuff is broken and it’s a lot on my shoulder. Really I feel so drawn out. The worse part is it’s not they house.

  20. Thank you for restoring hope in me.I have faith that i will overcome debt and find assurance to take merit of God’s abundance in Jesus’ name.Amen

  21. My Dear Heavenly Father, Jehovah I thank for the many blessings we have received. I thank you for our health and for our families. I’m asking for a financial breakthrough. my husband Gabriel is struggling to make ends meet he has tried so many times over these past years to be successful in his small business and provide for us. But he keeps running into obstacles and negativity, loosing financially ever time he try’s. He has been through so much we have been through this together. I’m working but it is not enough with all the inflation in the cost of living, we are in debt. I pray to you Jehovah to Please remove this negativity that is blocking him, us from receiving a financial breakthrough. I pray for your guidance to help find a way and to bless us financially. I pray and ask this through your precious son Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Amen and Amen 🙏

  22. I pray for you to break the financial demons of lack and disappointment.
    In Jesus name I bind all evil spirits over your personal life and the lives of your family.
    Thank you Jesus.

    1. Please help in my hour of need Bless me with finances I need to set me even with my debtors through the blessing of Jesus Christ my salvation and LAST

  23. These prayers are truly helpful especially in the dark times we live in. May the word of God pierce the hearts of all who believe in the power of our mighty lord and savior Jesus Christ and never loose hope or faith. Just believe without seeing, for blessed are the ones who truly believe in him

  24. Thank you father God for abundance. I ask in your name to bless me and child financial. Cleanse me with the previous blood of Jesus Christ. Amen

  25. FATHER GOD I ask in your mighty name to bless my finances make me dept free… Please provide a home for me and my family…
    I thank you Father God

  26. God please break this finances curse of my family,be with me in this hard times and protect me and my loved ones in Jesus name Amen!

  27. I have been living in a nightmare for years with no end insight. This nightmare has been made worse given the current financial climate of the country I live in and has truly taken a toll on my physical health due to the stress of it all. And while I believe in God I have very little faith or hope that He will ever have my back and help me out of this nightmare. Any extra prayers will be helpful and appreciated.

    1. Good will help you. But you must believe. Believe is like having a positive attitude. That is faith.
      You get what you believe in.
      But pray this prayer.
      Father God. I ask for your mercy 🙏. Please forgive me for being so doubtful.
      Forgive me for all of my sins.
      I accept you as my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
      I believe your blessings can comes from anywhere you choose to send it to me.
      I thank you Lord for helping me.
      As I wait in praising you Lord, until your appointed time is here to bless me.
      Thank you Lord for helping me and meeting my needs. Amen.

  28. Times are tough with me but God has always been faithful.
    I need Divine intervention now as I’m afraid of what next could happen.
    I need God to wipe away all my debts and bless my finances.

  29. Father God I ask in The Mighty Name Of your son Jesus Christ to bless my finances, give me the job that you have for me, please break this curse off my finances and restore my financial life, Lord I have Faith and I thank you in advance for restoring my finances. Amen!

  30. Please pray for me..I am battling cancer and besides being sick alot i am faced with financial debts..Ohhh Jehovah God please heal me and bless me and enlarge my territory..in Jesus name..amen

    1. Father in the Name of Jesus Christ, I asked for healing for this person and strength to overcome this process in thier life .Amen

    2. Almighty Father, I come before you, humbled and exalting Your name. Jehova, please stretch your healing hand to Donnalee, stretch and open your blessings on Donnalee and bless with a financial breakthrough. Amen.

  31. Thank you so much for the powerful and helpful prayers and petitions and I hope. May the Lord hear my prayers and prosper me financially according to his will in the mighty name of Jesus christ Amen

  32. Lord Jesus, I’m disabled and I am praying for a financial blessing. I’ve struggled all of my life. I lived in poverty, with rats and no money. Please Lord help me. I’ve also lost my emotional dog Sussie and my mom.

  33. I have been unemployed for now 5 months since I lost my job, my family and other dependants have gone through a most difficult financial crisis with lots of debts, as of now I feel like we are at the end of the rope, for everything we touch nothing fruitful comes out of it, I badly need a miracle to happen before we are brought to shame before our enemies, God, Jesus and the Holy spirit kindly intervene.

    1. May the lord we serve bless you greatly. I pray for supernatural favor right now on your behave. God will provide your blessing in on the way. stand still and know that he is God.

    2. Praising and faith bring down blessings. So praise him and thanks him.
      Thank You Father for your blessings. I received it now. As I wait on you. I bless you Almighty God.
      How majestic is your name. Your name is beautiful as the rose of Sharon. You are alpha and omega. There is none like you. What a mighty God we serve. This is the day that you made and inspite of my sicknesses, inspite of my disability, inspite of my circumstances I am going to praise you. Because you are more precious than gold or silver. You said love your neighbor as yourself self. So I all the need is your love in my heart. You shall increase inspite of my sicknesses inspite of my situation. I know you are moving all negative things from my life. And placing the good and positive things in my life. Your are Jehovah my provider. And thank you for your mercy and grace. Thank you for renewing me this morning.thank you for all you are about to do for me. I believe you can do it. And I received it in Jesus Almighty Name. Amen 🙏

      1. I agree totally with you in praying for financial uplifting to our situations. God is able to provide all that we ask for and receive them with a grateful heart. In Jesus name I humbly pray!

  34. I pray to God to flourish my home and marriage with financial blessings, since I go married 3years ago it has struggling from financial debt , and happy and blessed that in every struggle God fills me and my husband with joy and happiness in our home… so thank you Lord…. Lord have mercy on us and bless us with divine finances and riches… hear our heart desires and wishes in Jesus name , I ask all this through Christ our Lord

  35. I am currently going through a battle with my ex employers and they want to settle my case but are trying only to underpayment me for the damages in which they’ve caused me. I’m praying that the lord blesses them and that he blessed me with a financial breakthrough in my time of need and that he doesn’t allow them to hurt and keep doing people the way they’ve done me and that he gives them a clean heart and teach them how to treat others and that I keep an open mind and keep forgiveness in my heart against them. Lord I pray that in this season I am blessed with whatever you want to bless me with in order to help myself and others who are in need and for great health and healing. Amen

  36. Please I need financial miracle.
    I have huge debts from my business and I need suppliers to continue with business. I receive financial miracle before this day ends in Jesus Name. Amen.

    1. Thankyou Lord Jesus for all that I have and I receive.. I am thankful for my mother, grandmother, fiancé, new job. I trust God. I am ready to make the next move. The Lord is merciful and gracious. Take time out to love those who love you.. Love you Grandma Annie

  37. Please pray for a financial miracle as we really need it due to our financial diffculties and also because we are at the end of our rope.

  38. Father God I lift you up and give you all the praise and all the glory i ask you Lord that you will remove every obstacles that is blocking and sitting on my financial blessings be removed as you have already promise that you will restore unto all that that devil has taken I 🙏 in your name Amen

  39. I am elderly and in debt. I need a miracle from God. I keep borrowing from Peter to Pay Paul. This does not work. My ss check does not meet my bills. I have misused what God has given me. I have asked forgiveness and God has done that. I need a miracle. If someone can help me please do.

    Protection, prosperity, miracles, wisdom, freedom, bigs gains,
    winner’s life of bigs gains, favor of God, blessings, grâce of God, business’s prosperity, finance, chance success healthy healing for pastor Thieringo, all this things must be covered by the blood of Jesus, in Jésus name.

    1. Goodmorning Pastor

      Can you please do a powerfull prayer for me?
      Iam in alot of debt my salary is not enough to cover everything😢Iam praying for forgivnss and our father’s help but nothing yet i really need it right now i made mistakes but i just want n chance to start over debt free.i have to children and it break my heart because i cant provide for them for the past months now please help

  41. Thank you lord..I’m grateful..you never put me ashamed and you will never do..
    I need your financial help..I have been trying on my own to get riches and I have been neglecting your words..but please God forgive me..for I lost my sense..I didn’t know what I was doing..
    Lord I know I I did and do commit huge sins ..please lord forgive me me..and open my door of grace,blessings and everlasting mercy..
    Lord let your miracle start happening in my life

  42. I Ask first to be forgiven of all my sins and ask that you my dear Lord Bless us a new life and home for our new family in the mighty name of Jesus Christ Amen Thank you my Lord for my Blessings Amen 😎

    Protection prosperity miracles wisdom, bigs gains, winner’s life of bigs gains, favor of God,
    blessings, finance, business ‘s prosperity, finance, grâce of God, favor of God, blessings, chance success healthy healing for pastor Thieringo, all this things must be covered by the blood of Jesus, in Jésus name.

  44. Great God, Ever present Father
    I am greatful to you each day for your unfailing love . And the presence of the Holy Spirit you have instilled in my life. For the family I have and for my life .

    Help me to continually be greatful and patient even at times when I loose hope in myself . I am confident in you . Meet me at my point of needs provide for me a God fearing life partner and make me fruitful . As I patiently wait for my miracle . Thank you Jesus for answered prayers

  45. Thank you lord for helping me time after time, I know your loving, kind hands are always with me in times of trouble. I know I made many mistakes i know I have not been good to others please forgive me and helping heal the wounds and also help me find my way home. I need financial help that only you can provide no other. I tried my self to find the riches in life but have failed I need your healing hands on me and my finances to find my break through financial freedom and my way home safely. I thank you lord for saving me time after time from all trouble, I always thank you for your protection to me and my family during all times we thank you God and your son our lord Jesus and mother Mary for always looking after us.please lord rain down your blessings on me and my family we need financial help at the earliest time possible we have been waiting for your kind hands to touch us and heal us, we have faith and we know you are coming soon to help us. Please lord keep the enemy away from us keep us from all evil and bless everything we do at work and home keep us from all struggle and always bless our work and hands in Jesus name

    1. Thank you God for being at my side I need to ask of you a miracle for financial help and I will promise always to respect your word and always be kind to others oh sacret heart of jesus I place all my trust in thee 🙏💕

  46. Pray for me as I pray for whoever is reading that God Blesses you and your situation I need prayer for Peace Healing Abundance forgiveness… Lord please help your child3 over come well all need u Jesus I TRUST U ABD SAY YES TO YOUR WILL ….I NEED YOU I NEEDU WE NEED U HELP PLEASE…AMEN

  47. First, I want to thank Jehovah for waking me up everyday to have the opportunity to read scriptures and heart warming prayers.

    My father who is in heaven hallowed be thy name. You are my king and the one true God who sent his son into this world to die for my sins. Thank you for loving me so much and counting me worthy despite my numerous sins.

    I appreciate you God and I will continue to bless your holy name, in Jesus mighty name. (Amen)
    Father Lord, you know my needs and aspirations but I will rest in the fact that your will is utmost, MAY YOUR WILL BE DONE! not mine.

    God, give me the strength and confidence to wait on you at all times, may I not be swayed/derailed by devil and his antics in Jesus name. Amen.

    Thank you God for answered prayers. May you never cast me away from your presence, In Jesus mighty name.

    Your faithful servant

  48. Thank you so much for sharing these awesome prayers. They are a blessing , and comforting , to me, and my family, keep on sending you are helping me and so many people. May God bless and keep you in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.

  49. Lord, I thank you for your protection to my family God, Father you know well about our struggles, my wife and I have no job both since many years ago, We need your miracles upon our lives. We are unable to pay for the rent without job father, please send to us your miracle in term financially father , I thank Lord!

    Alex Mahoro

  50. Thanks to All who write these prayers they really and truly help me!! Some of my depths are dealing with so far and I know all will be done in time by gods help!! Lord I thank you for all your help and comfort, Amen

  51. O my Lord, be merciful and forgive my mistakes. I need you my God, help me and get me out of financial trouble, let life improve by your will.
    Protect and protect my family, my children, who need you and have mercy on you.
    Get rid of the debts that are choking us and let our good life improve our life. Health to all.
    God bless the children

  52. Pray that my daughter and I can be able to go to Portland, ME and other parts of Maine. She really wants to go see the ocean. She didn’t get to go last year and in 2020. Please have my car in excellent condition, plenty money for the trip, hotel, etc. Pray for a safe travel, in Jesus name!

  53. Thankyou Lord for i know you are going to bless me financially ,your bible says you will bless the work of our hand and whatever we ask for we shall receive ,dear Lord break all the chain of debt and poverty in my life ,i pray for financial breakthrough in jesus name ,amen

  54. Good morning my heavenly father, is me your daughter, please I and my family need you in our lives, please forgive us for anything we have done, we need your help in our prayers, protect, guide, provide and give us wisdom and knowledge to manage our finances well, I soak everything I have in your care daddy, thank you for I know you know what is in my heart and mind daddy, help me and my family, thank you once again, in Jesus name I asked all these things, amen and amen

  55. God i claimed prosperity in your name that year 2022 of June month and onward all the blockage and barriers in my life is broken in your name.
    Doors are now open in Jesus mighty name and i am receiving a financial blessing today in your mighty power name Jesus AMEN.

  56. God, I thank you for the gift of life. I also thank you for the assurance that my financial breakthrough is coming. Nobody does it better than You.

  57. Dear Lord Jesus,
    I am in trouble and my debt is piled up. Please help me out, please Lord.
    I am very sorry for what I’ve done. Please forgive me and help me to repent. Only YOU can help Lord.
    In your precious name I pray!

  58. Dear God I pray that You will open the flood gates of heaven and let it rain in my life. Pour water upon my barren ground, for I am humble Lord, your servant is listening. Amen

  59. I kindly pray to the Lord to give a financial breakthrough, Lord to open up business opportunities and provide wisdom for proper management of the same in Jesus mighty name. Amen.

  60. Dear Lord Jesus,
    I am wrong and my debt is piled up. Please help me out, please Lord.
    I am very sorry for what I’ve done. Please forgive me and help me to repent. Only YOU can help Lord.
    In your precious name I pray!

  61. God please help me with alot of money so I can move back to California and start a new chapter in my life,and help friends.

  62. I pray to start going back to church and to continue readingmy scriptures evernight and praying everynight and day I pray for a financial break through and i pray for a workers compensation court case to be won and i pray for faith peace inner peace love forgiveness guidance wisdom knowledge understanding joy courage confidence strength energy i pray for house with a back yard and garage car and a truck in nice neighbor hood

  63. Good morning,for the first time I’m here as I read all the comments to see how our god work on our behalf it’s amazing,I just want to become a strong woman of god by trusting in him.

  64. Hello,
    Would you stand in prayer with me for my husband to find a better paying job as a mortgage advisor and for him to have success in job interviews for this role and have a permanent role/job offer.

  65. Thank you father GOD for another day of life. I worship praise your name. I love you father. I thank you for your existence in my life. Thank you father. I love you so much. In JESUS name I pray amen

  66. This website is great and I hope that money want be a problem for me anymore. I can take the money and help myself but also help poor. I been trying for years to get my credit score in the 800. Thanks again.

  67. Good morning need prayers for my husband and my children and my family and my self. In financial break through in the might name of Jesus amen

  68. God, I thank you for everything you have bless me with (family,job and unknown blessings)I pray for a HugE Breakthrough of my financials,my career,Dreams and closer stronger relationship with you and my family. My BREAKTHROUGH IS DONE IN JESUS NAME AMEN

  69. I praise and give You thanks my dear Father in Heaven,for You give me wisdom and knowledge to manage my finances.
    So as I enter in the year 2021,
    I ask You,Father,please bless me and give me peace and make this year 2021 a year of financial breakthrough. Amen.
    I pray for a financial breakthrough in my daily life right now. Amen.
    Thank You Father,I know that nothing is impossible for You.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen..

  70. Thank you for everything you do for me and my family and another day of life. Please give financial breakthrough and let me have a good peaceful week without any drama. And please bring my husband to me and close to me.

  71. Dear lord Jesus Thank you for new day new week for Protect my family
    I pray for financial breakthrough Good health in my family and discernment, peace
    Lord i know you will never fail me
    And Thank you for you has done it for me Amen……….‍

  72. Good morning Father God thank you for another day pls protect my day and my family in this glorious day that you have provided for us . Protect us against evil in Jesus mighty name I pray amen…

  73. I would like to express my cordial thanks to all those who have posted their prayers and prayer requests. It is truly encouraging to each one of us knowing that our God the loving Heavenly Father will always hear and grant our humble prayers. To the owner of this website keep up the good work.

  74. I give You many thanks my dear Lord Jesus Christ, for You always take care me, be with me, lead me to manage my finances.
    I thank You Lord, for all the blessings I have receive today and always.
    I pray for a financial breakthrough in my life right now. Amen.
    Thank You Lord, for You are meeting all of my need today and everyday.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

  75. Dear Lord I have failed you before many times when you have blessed me financially, please give me the grace for a financial blessing that I will be obedient and responsible for and prove not to self sabatoge myself and take for granted or be careless, I ask and claim this blessing by the precious blood of Jesus
    I can’t do it without you Lord
    Help me
    Thy will be done
    Amen & Amen

  76. Amen. Thank you Lord. I don’t need to worry because You My Lord is my Great Provider. Thank you Lord for the tax returns, the job and more breakthroughs this year and incoming years! Hallelujah! Thank you Jesus! Bless me more Oh Lord, and make me a blessing to others. Let Your work be done, guide my mind, my heart, my hands and my soul in everything I do, in Jesus Name, Amen. I declare all the declarations for today to start manifest in my life. Glory to You Oh Lord.