Prayer For A New Beginning

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New beginnings in our lives are marked by the transitioning of seasons. When one season ends, another one begins. But what about when an undesirable season lingers?

Maybe you have been in a situation for too long. You have been procrastinating, putting off the changes you need to make in your life. Or, you feel your life is simply going around in circles.

Deuteronomy 2:3 “You have circled this mountain long enough. Now turn north…”

The children of Israel spent 40 years on a journey they were supposed to complete in just 11 days. Sometimes we dwell in situations longer than we should. 

Maybe you went through a breakup, but still struggling to move on. You were hurt or disappointed by a loved one, but now you don’t want to give any person a chance to love you. 

Sometimes, all we need is a new beginning. A new job. A renewed purpose. Sometimes, we just need a fresh outlook on life!

Isaiah 43:18-19 “Do not remember the former things nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.”

Let Us Pray

Heavenly Father, in the beginning, You brought order in a world that was disordered. You called forth light out of darkness and separated water from the land. You have always been, and You will always be.

Father, I pray for a new beginning in my life. You said that I should not remember the former things, for You will do a new thing in my life. 

Lord, I open my heart and I let go of all hurt, pain, and bitterness. I forgive those who disappointed me and I release them from my heart. 

2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!

Give Me A New Beginning

Please, give me a new beginning and lead me into a purposeful and loving relationship, in Jesus’ name.

Father, I pray for a new beginning in my spiritual life. I know I have failed You before, but I pray for the renewal of my mind. 

Renew my mind, by the cleansing with Your Word, and give me the grace to serve You wholeheartedly. 

Give me a new beginning in my prayer life and restore to me the joy of your salvation. Ignite my prayer life with your fire. 

Ecclesiastes 3:1 – To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.

Let Me Burn For You, Lord

Ignite my word life with fire. Let me burn for You. Let me burn for intercession and soul winning. In the name of Jesus Christ.

Lord, every unsuitable situation in my life that has refused to go, bring it to an end. Give me a new beginning.

Let there be a new beginning in my health, in my finances, in my marriage, in my education, and in my workplace. 

I break loose the chains of procrastination. I set myself free from every negative circle in my life, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

~ Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.

Praying For Wisdom

Lord, as I embark on a new chapter of my life, I pray for wisdom to succeed in whatever I am doing in this season. 

Give me the gift of the right people. People who will hold my hands at every point as I journey. 

I pray for destiny relationships. Connect me to the right people, who will lead me to the birthing of your purpose for my life, in the name of Jesus Christ.

I pray for clarity of purpose. I pray that I will not fail, I will not be stranded and my energy will not go to waste, in the name of Jesus Christ. Thank You, Lord Jesus. Amen.

Philippians 4:7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

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  1. Gracious and wonderful God we thank you for your mercy and grace.Lord I’m praying for the renewal of my mind,my son boitumelo,my daughter lerato and husband Sammy so that we can be able to forgive my inlaws.Father Lord renew my heart so that I can be able to praise you everydays of my my spiritual eyes to see u’re goodness and spiritual ears to hear you when you call my name like Samuel Father Lord I thank you this afternoon for healing my son boitumelo and supplying our needs according to you’re Glory.Thank you Lord for keeping on and on doing great and wonderful things in my family and life in Jesus Christ name amen and amen


  2. Thank you lord Jesus for caring my family, my son and myself in the whole year of 2023 even I interact alot of troubles from time to time I thank you this message from this ministry that guide me so many encouragement and strength to believe in Jesus Christ that I really received a peaceful in my heart.I pray that God always give wisdom for all the members in this ministry.Amen

  3. We agree, we believe, and we receive this prayer by faith. LORD let our heart burn for intercession and soul winning. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ for a new chapter in our life, we pray for wisdom and strength to bear it all to succeed in Jesus name.
    Let there be a new beginning in our health, in our finances, in our marriage, in our education, and in our workplace.
    We break loose the chains of procrastination. We set ourself free from every negative circle in our life.
    Yes LORD we break loose the chains of procrastination.
    In Jesus name, we set ourselves free from every negative circle in our life.
    For such a time as this, it is so by faith, in Christ Jesus name we pray, thank God, Amen.
    Thank you

  4. I’m currently on forced seperation with my spouse. My prayer request is for the restoration of our marriage and true reconciliation. I also desire a new beginning for our lives. Thanks.

  5. How amazing is this? I mean these are almost the words I prayed last night! My magnificent Father I am believing for a new change in my life and looking forward to serving you with heart & soul ❤️ I let go of all anger, unforgivness and pettiness, thank you for showing me what i needed to do and giving me the gace to do it and not casting me out. I realize what the devil has been doing and I fell for it. These words I speak are from my ❤️ heart Lord. ~ 🙏 Amen

  6. Thank you, Lord for this prayer.

    Father bless me with new job, good health, and new friends this season in Jesus Christ’s name Amen.🥰🙏🙏🙏

  7. Thank you so much for your I pray may God protect you and favor you, for this prayer request has been helping me with so much love and peace of mind.

  8. I really look forward to seeing your emails! I’m signed up for the prayers email from you too! I love you guys! T.Y.& may G-D bless you & may HE bless this ministry w/great expansion!

  9. Please pray for me. I need the Lord to give me peace. Mental illness, anxiety, panic attacks, unloved, used, thrown on the streets by my daughter, two shelter detox. Lord, I ask you to save me, surround me with loving people, for the Lord to remove the isolation, physical health with my body.

    1. I ask the Lord for guidance, understanding , knowledge , wisdom of his word. Father I
      give you the glory ,I magnify your name .Continue Lord to keep my family covered with the blood ABBA I love ❤you you’re the best Father .AMEN