Prayer For Dealing With And Overcoming Addictions

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Freedom From Addiction Through Christ’s Power

Heavenly Father, I come before You with a heart weighed down by my struggles. My addiction has gripped me, and I feel powerless against its pull. I recognize that I cannot break free from this bondage on my own, and I humbly turn to You, seeking Your strength, grace, and intervention.

Lord Jesus, You came to set the captives free, and I believe in Your power to break every chain. I lay my addiction at Your feet and ask for Your transformative power to cleanse and renew me.

I confess the times I’ve willingly walked into temptation, and I repent for allowing this addiction to become an idol in my life.

I long for the freedom that comes from living in Your will, unburdened by the weight of this affliction. Give me the determination and perseverance to overcome, and the wisdom to avoid situations and triggers that lead me astray.

Romans 6:14 For sin shall no longer be your master, because you are not under the law, but under grace.

1 Corinthians 10:13 No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.

Renewing My Mind and Heart

Oh God, Your Word tells me that by the renewing of my mind, I can be transformed. I seek this transformation now, Lord. Let Your Holy Spirit fill me, pushing out the desires that are not of You and replacing them with a hunger and thirst for righteousness.

Replace the pleasure I derive from my addiction with a deeper, purer joy found in You alone. Guide me to scriptures that will speak to my situation, and give me understanding and revelation as I meditate on them.

May Your Word be the sword I use to fight against temptation. Surround me with believers who will support me, encourage me, and hold me accountable. Give me the humility to confess my struggles and seek help when needed.

Romans 12:2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Psalm 119:11 I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.

Restoring What Was Lost

Oh Lord, this addiction has taken so much from me. Relationships have been strained, opportunities missed, and my communion with You has been compromised.

But I believe in Your power to restore. As I work towards breaking free from this addiction, I pray that You will work in the areas of my life that have been damaged. Mend broken relationships, restore my health, and revive my spirit.

I also ask for Your protection against relapse. May I always be vigilant, recognizing the schemes of the enemy who seeks to ensnare me again.

I declare that no weapon formed against me shall prosper and that with You, I am more than a conqueror.

Let my testimony of freedom be a beacon of hope to others who are trapped in the grip of addiction, pointing them to the ultimate Healer and Deliverer.

Joel 2:25 I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten—the great locust and the young locust, the other locusts and the locust swarm—my great army that I sent among you.

Isaiah 41:10 So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

DELIVERANCE From The Control Of All Addictions!

Almighty God, I thank You for Your unfailing love and mercy. Even in my weakest moments, You have never forsaken me. I lean on Your strength and grace as I embark on this journey towards complete freedom from addiction.

I declare DELIVERANCE from the control of all addictions! I know that the road may be long and filled with challenges, but with You by my side, I am confident in my victory.

Lord, be my guide, my protector, and my strength. I declare that in You, I am set free, and whom the Son sets free is free indeed. In the mighty name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.

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  1. Lord please have mercy on me.. I have so much anxiety.. I need to rest in your arms..I need to stop worrying about my health & trust you more.. Please help me rest Jesus🙏 ❤

  2. Dear Heavenly Father please help me with my thinking, thinking that I need a cigarette it’s a mind game and I know I can win with you by my side as long as I come to you when I’m tempted I know I’ll have this beat in no time. In Jesus name I pray Amen 🙏

  3. Thank you Father for always being there for us even though we don’t deserve it
    You are the same today tomorrow and always I love you Lord

  4. I love these prayers and scriptures thank you for they bring such joy and peace. I want to become a subscriber and will join today! Thank you. Teresa Schellman

  5. Father GOD I come before your thrown of grace in the name of JESUS to give you praise and worship lord . Thank you for everything for all the doors that you have opened in my life . Thank you for all the protection in every area of my life and my family life thank you for putting yourself forward in everything that we do . Your words says stand still and know that I am GOD father give me and my family your peace love confidence and struggle in this times . Abba I trust you in JESUS name I pray amen amen amen . So it is . Thank you abba father for always listening to my prayers I love you

  6. Thanks you Jesus for taking me away from lustful desires and thoughts, pornography, masterbation, stealing and forging. JESUS CHRIST, as i confess my above sins, have mercies on me. I am righteous, am a child of God in Jesus name.


  8. Thank you Lord for rescuing me from sigarette and porn addiction I stand under the blood of my Saviour Jesus Christ and fear nothing!

  9. Lord of Mercy, Love and Compassion
    We lift up those caught in addiction
    Help them Lord in this weakness
    Set them free from this temptation.

    May Your spirit touch them in deliverance
    We pray for their rehabilitation and transformation
    May they feel the Power of Your Love
    And in healing feel the joys of Your redemption.

  10. Dear God,
    I thank You Father,for You take care me and loving me.
    I know that for You are the God of peace which surpasses all understanding.
    Help me to rest in Your love,and feel Your love and comfort.
    So today, I surrender myself to You,Lord.
    I will continue to believe that Your love and Your grace never fail me and Your mercies endures forever.
    I thank You Lord,for bless me with Your love that surpasses all undestanding.
    Today,I declare Peace is mine. Amen.
    So,I am truly blessed.I am healed.I am set free. Amen.
    Thank You Lord,for guide my everyday step and take care me with Your love and comfort.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

  11. My name is Kelsey and i am in desperate need for strength in mind and will to resist the temptation of addiction. Please pray for me to be delivered from this addictive spirit that’s causing me to keep falling back and forth. I keep stumbling im having trouble resisting. I know Jesus has delivered me its my own mind and will i keep falling because of . Thank you for your prayers. In Jesus name Amen Amen Amen

  12. I pray for deliverance from the enemy for God to protect my soul and help me not to just after the flesh give me strength to fight this depression renew my mind holy spirit controlled my thought in Jesus name.

    1. Dear Father God.
      I thank you Lord Jesus,for this blessed day.I need You,Father,each and everyday,to be with me all day long.
      I surrender myself to You,Lord.
      I will continue to believe that Your love and Your grace will never fail me,and Your mercies endures forever.
      Through Our Lord Jesus Christ
      I am blessed.
      I am healed
      I am set free.
      I declare that today.
      Peace is mine today.
      I thank you Lord,for bring me safety throughout my day.
      In Jesus mighty name.
      Amen and Amen.

  13. I praise You my dear Heavenly Father for You are my God,my comforter and my Rock in all my life.
    We will continue to believe that Your love and Your Grace will never fail us and Your mercies endure forever.
    I am healed through Christ Jesus.I surrender my self to You dear Lord Jesus.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

  14. Thank you Lord I am held by the blood of Jesus I have the full body of armor on daily
    Amen & Amen

  15. Dear Lord Jesus Father God «»
    I pray for my husband. He has been spending a lot of time thru internet. playing games with ps4 en any other online activities that causes our time to divide. B4 he can listen good to the video preached that I’ve been watching every night bt now it seems that his mind and time is occupied. Pls. help him to stay focus in you my Lord and help him to grow his Faith towards you. I need you and he needs you en my family needs u too.whatever addiction that we have pls. God remove that in our lives. kindly continue to light our way en lead our path so we can alwyz follow according to your richess in Glory «» to my fellow Christian pls.pray for us too «» I want to get better of my health. Thank you so much in. Advnce fr the help prayer support. God Bless

    1. God bless you Imelda. I am praying for you and your family that God may touch and repair any areas in your lives that need repair; and may His love and light be with you always as He showers you with His grace and unmerited favor. Amen.

    1. God bless all God’s children especially his key chosen may you know peace of mind and body heart and soul.