Prayer: Overcoming the Lies of the Enemy – Seek Truth

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You may be experiencing the works of the enemy in your life. Things are not going your way. Everyone is condemning you. Despite your prayers, your health isn’t where you would like it to be. Your family appears to be falling apart. Work is difficult to find.

But don’t lose faith. The Holy Spirit continues to work within you to build your faith and make you an overcomer. Your victory is near.

Continue in prayer and studying the Word daily. With God on your side, you will overcome the lies of the enemy.

As this day begins (or ends), take the opportunity to let go of all unforgiveness and hatred. Give room for the Holy Spirit to work in your life. Your blessings are being manifested in your life!

So, this week’s declaration is: I am an overcomer, more than a conqueror. I am the head, not the tail. I am above and not beneath. Let’s pray.

Prayer to overcome the lies of the enemy

Almighty God, thank You for the many blessings You continue to pour out upon my family members and myself.

As I worship and praise Your mighty and powerful name, help me to overcome the lies of the enemy and to seek truth.

The devil continues with his conniving tactics, to try to make me believe his lies. Sometimes, the images I form in my mind are so believable that I tend to reflect on the negatives, instead of what I know You, my God, has prepared for me.

Isaiah 59:19 So shall they fear the name of the Lord from the west. And His glory from the rising of the sun. When the enemy comes in like a flood, The Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him.

John 8:31-32 Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him: “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

Confessing your victory

From this day forward, I will condemn the thoughts that the devil sends to penetrate my mind. I will confess that I will defeat the enemy, by the blood of Jesus and the Word of my testimony.

I pray, just as You promised, Abba Father, that every weapon formed against me shall perish. The Holy Spirit will raise a standard against all strongholds. They will be cast down and destroyed!

Ephesians 6:14-16 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.

My declarations today:

  • I have redemption over the lies of the enemy.
  • In all things, I am an overcomer and more than a conqueror.
  • I am the head and not the tail, above and not beneath.
  • Therefore the enemy will not bring harm to my loved ones or myself.

(For more declarations read: Prayer: I Declare I am Made Whole! and be transformed by the power of speaking God’s Word over your life.)

You, King of Glory, are my God and, because I glorify You, I boldly confess that I am a child of the Most High God and I reject the lies of the enemy!

The Lord makes me the head and not the tail, above and not beneath. God blesses me and surrounds me with favor as a shield.

In Jesus’ name, I continue to be blessed forevermore. SO BE IT…Amen and Amen!

Revelation 12:10-11 Then I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, “Now salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of His Christ have come. For the accuser of our brethren, who accused them before our God day and night, has been cast down. And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death.

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  1. Your prayer site came at the best time ..couldn’t have been better timed.. I think it was the Lord. Tried to leave a prayer response earlier but had a lot of trouble getting your website to be found by the internet .
    after I posted my prayer.. nonetheless.. I turned a new corner.. or turned over a new leaf.. because I tithed the complete full 10% on my Social Security- which is a big deal as I’m not working and I’m 69 years old. I committed to the Lord that I want to be part of His plan.. not my plan.. I burned my ships-, and as I have no money now.. the Lord is my portion. I have been Afflicted with a case of shingles as being in the proximity of someone here, the landlord, who had to Pfizer Jabs 2 years ago.. and I have been subjected to shedding from him. It is very painful and humiliating. I know where to get supplements that will treat it but I don’t have the money.. a patriot doctor in Tulsa Oklahoma. I am also signing up for United Healthcare here in southern california.. but I do not know if they will acknowledge the source of my affliction. So I have been able to acknowledge the Lord every time I have the Temptation or burden to not be at peace.. I’m not doing it perfectly but it’s a great step forward. Please pray for me continually. I really enjoyed one of your articles today but I have already lost which one it was due to the internet reception problem and I prayed with it.
    Blessings to all,
    Herb Johnston

  2. Wow I couldn’t agree any more with that prayer awesome I totally agree I’m going threw something similar god bless you and that prayer AMEN..🙏

  3. I am not sure how to pray for what I need but today I ask that God please help my family to heal …to stop hateing on each other an unite an become a stronger unit …to stop with the greed an take pleasure in the time we still have left with my mother here on earth …for my mother to rid her heart of the pain an suffering she has insured throughout her life an forgive those whom have trespassed on her heart an restore her faithin the people she felt justified in confirming

  4. I pray my family will be released from generational curse’s
    I pray my feelings of love for Jesus will return to me as I have lost my love for him a long time ago. I know it’s based on his love for me and they say it’s not based on feelings but I would like to feel something for him as I did strongly in the past and this hurts me so much and I know he deserves better
    my love has gone please pray for me

  5. Dear God,
    Today,I pray for You,Lord Jesus,May The Holy Spirit help me to overcome the lies of the enemy and seek truth.
    I am a child of the most High God.
    I am an overcomer,more than a conqueror.
    I am the head and not the tail.I am above and not beneath. Amen.
    Today,I reject the lies of the enemy and seek truth.
    I will triumph over every situation that is presented to me.
    Today,I am made whole.
    Thank You Lord,for the gift of this life.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

    1. Abba Father I pray for the faith to dwell in me and replace the fear in me.Heal me from the anxiety I’m having it’s overwhelming it’s taking all my energy

  6. I overcome the lies of the enemy I am a child of God I am the head and not the tail
    Gods Grace protects me as well as the blood and the 39 stripes Jesus died for my sins and bore on the cross
    And came back to save me
    No weapon formed against me shall prosper
    I am a child of my Father God
    Thy will be done
    Amen & Amen

  7. Thank you Father for waking me up every single morning and letting me see a new day. Father, help me to overcome the lies of the enemy and to seek truth. Father I am going through so much in my life right now. I pray today Father I reject the lies of the enemy and seek truth. I pray that I have redemption over the lies of the enemy. I bodly confess Father I am am a child of the most High God.I am an overcomer, more than a conqueror. I am the head,and not the tail. I am above and not beneath. From this day forward, I will condemn the thoughts that the devil sends to penetrate my mind. I will confess that I will defeat the enemy, by the blood of Jesus and the Word of my testimony. Father I will not let the devil win. I will overcome this storm Father. I pray Father that every weapon formed against me shall perish. The Holy Spirit will raise a standard against all strongholds. They will be cast down and destroyed!. Father give me the strength, guidance, wisdom and courage to face everyday to the see the blessings you have gave to me. Father I asked that you guide me and show me your way for my life. Father I declare and decree that I am heal and I am whole again. Father I prayed that free from the devil. Father I pray that you remove greed, jealousy, anger, bitterness, selfishness from my family members. Father help to see the value of family. Father help to see material things is not important. Father open up their hearts to learn how to help a person in the time of need. Father bless me with a job and financial breakthrough. Father bless me with an opportunity to get back in to school to a further my career. Father I pray for a peace of mind, love and happiness in my life.
    Father in your name I prayed Amen.?

  8. My dear Lord Jesus Christ,
    Today,I boldly confess that,
    I am a child of the most High God.
    I am an overcomer,more than a congueror.I am the head,and not the tail.I am above and not beneath. Amen.
    So today,In Jesus blessed name:I reject the lies of the enemy and seek truth.
    I pray that today,
    May the Holy Spirit help me to overcome the lies of the enemy and seek truth.
    The Holy Spirit will raise a standard against all stronghold.
    I declare that today,
    I am made whole.
    I will triumph over every situation that is presented to me.
    Thank You Lord Jesus,for our Lord is faithful always,do everything good for us all.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

  9. Abba Father, I praise your name and thank You for the prayer to overcome the lies of the enemy by the blood of Jesus so now I pray against failure in the lives of my family members, my loved ones and myself by the blood of Jesus in the precious name of Jesus, Amen and Amen.

    1. Heavenly Father ,I thank you for this Precious moments,for your mercy and love,continue being with me and showing me the way where seems to be no way.Be a provider in my Family for we have no other one but you.Bless them Spiritually and Financially.I Pray this Short Prayer In the Name Of Jesus Christ Amen……………..

    2. Dear Lord
      I thank you for your wonderful love. Bless me with a Job and financial break though. Help me to finish my PHD. Above all save my husband, my Children & my grand children provide for them & give them wonderful jobs health to serve you. In Jesus mighty name amen.

  10. I am asking for prayer for peace of mind and heart. I have been so stressed out over lies that have been told about me; these lies are being told by people that I was very good to and trusted. This should not be anything new to me though, as I have been betrayed by people I trusted most of my life. I am very hurt and went to the one person I thought might have some sensitivity toward me and this situation. (little does this person I went to know, she has been lied on too, by this very same person.) Sadly, I did not receive a warm reception from her, apparently satan’s workers of iniquity had got to her before I did; she had truly been very deceived and I left feeling even worse. Please pray that the truth will come out ; I am not perfect, but God knows my heart better than anyone. I can barely sleep over all of this and my stomach is in knots most of the time. Please pray for me; may God bless you all.

  11. The Lord holds us and our loved ones in the palm of His Loving & Guiding Hand and will not Abandon us or Forsake us… our Prayers have been Heard and will be Answered.

  12. We Thank You, Father for Your revelations, We thank You, for Your forgiveness and Your amazing love.

  13. Thank You Father for the gift of another day. Thank You Father for the blessings You have bestowed upon me. Let me not be distracted by earthly things but to keep my eyes on the prize which is You Father and Your Holy Kindom and the purpose You have given me to fulfill for Your Glory Father … AMEN!

  14. Thank you all for your prayers and for the prayers that you send via the internet, I love you all. once again thanks and may God Bless!

  15. Thanks so much much for all this prayer are specifically for me am going through so much in my life. Thank God that I have overcome the obstacles and temptations I have been in my life. All this prayer are my sources of strength. And I pray that my will see me through and redeem me all this trouble am passing through in Jesus mighty name I pray Amen. thank God I am more than conqueror.

  16. Thank you for another wonderful prayer. Every prayer you sent is exactly what I need to pray. Thank you and may our loving God continue to bless all of you and I pray that many people would be blessed through this ministry.

  17. Thank you Father for loving us even when we didn’t love ourselves or wanna give up in life. Hold on to Gods promises,cause he will deliver us out of our storms/battles. We must continue to Trust God and know that he’s working everything out for our good. We must believe that we’re healed, free and delivered. No weapon formed against us will be able to prosper. I thank God for his son Jesus Christ dying for my sins and my salvation. I pray God that you will defeat the enemy from all lies, strongholds, and negativity spoken against me. I’m walking in Victory. In the mighty name of Jesus. Amen!!

  18. I declare I am developing a grateful heart which is abundant in Love, peace, joy, and Prosperity.
    I declare I am a servant of the Lord God and I rejoice in his commandments.
    Thank you christianstt for such great contents I am extremely grateful and I appreciate the daily prayers and declarations.

  19. I sincerely enjoy praying the prayers that God has anointed you to share. They are uplifting, inspiring, and courageous.

    There are times when people feel as though they are at a lost for words to pray. Your anointed prayers help fill the gaps when we feel we are at a loss of words to pray due to the enemy’s bombarding attacks.

    I pray and ask God to keep blessing you to do His will.

  20. Thank you , for this inspiring prayer and declarations , I am the child of God who believes in him any time and any where , God is my shelter , My home and protector in Jesus name Amen .