Prayer For God’s Overflowing Blessings

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Heavenly and Most Gracious Father, we come before you in prayer, to magnify and glorify your precious name and to give all the praise, honor, and glory you deserve. We humbly request your overflowing blessings upon our lives.

We also take this opportunity to thank you for those blessings you have bestowed upon us that we take for granted and the numerous ones on the way.

Matthew 6:33-34 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

2 Corinthians 9:6 But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully.

Blessings of the Lord

Bless us with love, joy, peace, and happiness. Bless us spiritually, financially, and also with good health. Keep us safe, Oh loving Lord. Those among us who lack wisdom, bless with knowledge. Those who are weak, bless with strength.

Shower with energy those who are weary. Those who are blind, bless with sight. And those who are burdened, set completely free.

Jeremiah 32:27 Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh: is there anything too hard for me?

Deuteronomy 28:2 And all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you, if you obey the voice of the Lord your God.

Blessings on family members

Shower these blessings on our family and friends, as well. Help us all to remember that we are blessed to be a blessing to others. Help us to help others even when we’re struggling with our own difficulties.

Lord, you know the desires of our hearts and you also know what we deserve. Bless us, with what you know is truly best for us. Thank you for all you have done for us and we declare that your overflowing blessings will rain down upon us, today. In Jesus’ most precious name, AMEN!!

Proverbs 16:3 Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established.

Psalm 20:4 May he grant you your heart’s desire and fulfill all your plans!

Opening My Heart to Receive

Heavenly Father, Creator of the Universe and Author of every good and perfect gift, I come before You today with a humble and expectant heart. I acknowledge that every blessing – be it small or great – comes from You. You are the source of all that is good, and I long to partake in the abundance of Your provision.

As I step into this new day, I consciously open my heart and my hands to receive from You. I pray that my life becomes fertile ground for Your blessings to not only take root but to flourish and bear fruit that will nourish others.

James 1:17 Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.

Matthew 13:8 Still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop – a hundred, sixty, or thirty times what was sown.

Lord, Align My Desires with Yours

Father, I recognize that not every desire of my heart aligns with Your will. Often, I find myself wanting things that may not be beneficial for me in the long run. Therefore, I pray that You refine my desires so that they reflect Your perfect plans for my life.

As I submit my wishes, dreams, and needs to You, help me remember that Your blessings go far beyond material wealth. You offer peace, joy, and love that the world cannot give or take away. Align my heart with Yours, so I desire these eternal blessings more than temporary comforts.

Psalm 37:4 Delight yourself in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart.

Matthew 6:33 But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.

Overflowing Blessings to Serve Others

Gracious God, You have promised that blessings will overflow for those who walk in Your ways. I don’t seek these blessings for selfish reasons but rather as tools to fulfill Your calling for my life. Equip me to be a channel of Your love, grace, and providence to those around me.

As You bless me, may I become a blessing to others – helping the needy, comforting the distressed, and sharing the Good News of Your love. May the abundance You provide be used for Your glory and the expansion of Your kingdom.

2 Corinthians 9:8 And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.

Genesis 12:2 I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing.

Gratitude for Your Boundless Generosity

Lord, Your blessings are immeasurable and Your love incomprehensible. Even when I didn’t deserve it, You’ve poured out grace upon grace in my life. My heart overflows with gratitude for Your boundless generosity. May my life be an offering of thanksgiving to You, a testament to Your endless love.

In this moment of prayer, I pause to count my blessings, acknowledging that each one is a manifestation of Your grace. Forgive me for the times I’ve taken Your generosity for granted, and fill me with a spirit of eternal gratitude.

Father God, I am humbled and grateful for Your promise of overflowing blessings in my life. As I navigate this journey called life, may I continually sense Your guidance, experience Your love, and be a conduit of Your blessings to others.

I trust that You will fulfill Your word and shower Your blessings in Your perfect timing and wisdom. In Jesus’ mighty name, I pray, Amen.

1 Thessalonians 5:18 Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

Psalm 103:2 Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits.


DECLARATION – I DECLARE God’s incredible blessings over my life. There will be an explosion of God’s goodness, a sudden widespread increase. I will experience the surpassing greatness of God’s favor. It will elevate me to a level higher than I ever dreamed of. Explosive blessings are coming my way.
This is my declaration.

What is your prayer today? Do you have a request or a declaration of thanksgiving? Leave your comments below!

Psalm 23:5 Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.

Prayer for Overflowing Blessings

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  1. A prayer for the children of this earth, it is now of abomination and desolation. So children are growing up knowing nothing good about life, but bad things that are creating bad characters in their lives, so Jesus may have a way that these children grow in His authority.

  2. Oh God don’t understand why people that know me I don’t go no where. All I do is go to work work a 12 hour shift and come home people always saying didn’t think you’d like me if I didn’t like you would be in my house? I really don’t understand that, why would people say that so make me understand that and my daughter get upset when people tell me that and she be on the side that make me and her get into it she say I have the face the people
    My face till it all but my mind don’t say in my heart. I have a good heart, so why would they come to me with that word I don’t like them make me understand that me and my husband get into it

  3. Good Morning GOD!!!!!

    Thank you for waking me up this morning. Thank you for everything you have done for me. Please remove all anxiety, depression and continuous negative thoughts. In your name Jesus Christ.

  4. Hi. Please pray for financial breakthrough for our company. Financial breakthrough for my child…increase in his sales.
    Also for my husband and child to get to know the Lord better. Devine Provision/ for a huge medical bill. Thank you Jesus for your faithfulness

  5. Praying for God almighty to bless my daughter (Amanda) with a suitable husband and a good job .God please wipe my tears away and let me rejoice and testify of your goodness in the land of the living.

  6. Dear Lord I Jennifer Barbour thank for healthy, strength, your neverending love, and everything you have done for me. I thank you for my hearts desired prayers you about to answer bountifully, in no other name but in Jesus Almighty Name Amen 🙏
    Thank you blessed father!🙌

  7. Thank you Lord for blessings and all you are doing in our lives. I pray Lord for guidance, directions, financial breakthrough and healing. So I can be stable again and for anyothers who are in the same situation. Lord I ask you help to trust in you and the plans you have for me and others that need it. Thank you, in Jesus name amen 🙏 🙌

  8. Praise God, Kindly pray for my son and daughter who are becoming unruly during there teenage age… Am also looking for a new job that can sustain me as a single mother am struggling to make ends meet…I have alot of debts l pray that God makes a way for me to pay them off..Thank you

  9. My name is Marian Campbell, I’m asking for prayer for my grandfather; he is very sick and in a lot of pain.

  10. I pray for Michael’s and mine and Chelsea’s souls, minds, spirits, and health. There is much sickness and despair in this house. I pray for healing in all aspects of our lives and for our friend Darren who is quite ill. Please pray for us

  11. I am so greatful for the prayers. Everyday each prayers lift up heart and draw me closer to God. I share them with family as well. Amen

  12. I declare in the mighty name of Jesus that I, my children and my children’s children are protected and blessed and covered by the blood of the Lamb …
    Praise 👏 🙌 👏 🙌 be to God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit 🙏 🙌 💙

  13. Blessings are on the way for waiting for the financial that i am facing will gone within few days lord in your mercy hear my prayer

  14. I want to thank you Dear Lord for the many blessings you have bestowed upon me in the past and the blessings which are yet to come. I am humbly seeking prayers for my son who is financially unstable. Prayers for my grandson who is a freshman in college. Please Almighty God order their steps keep them safe

  15. My name is Saroja Sanichar
    Thank you for your prayers. It is a blessing to me. I pray God will bless you and your family also your ministry in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and saviour Amen.
    Lord thank you for your blessing on me help me Lord to be strong take away all my sickness and pain and my depression. Help me to let go of my past and the hurt that it brings. Help me to be strong and trust you Lord. I know you have a plan and purpose for my future. I leave everything in your hands Lord gave me the peace that I need. Thank you Lord for your grace and mercy on my life. I know that the world is in a lot of trouble. Grant peace to all who are hurting and suffering and all who loose their children and love ones. Gave them grace to go on in Jesus name Amen.

  16. Father God, thank you for your protection during the past night Thank you for the blessings of a new day.
    Please continue to bind our family members together in love. May the peace of God dwell in our lives forever more.

  17. Declaration:

    I decree and declare Almighty God’s Supernal Favour, Elevation, Speed, Grace and Mercy for my son and myself, ALL FOR HIS GLORY!!!!

  18. I give thanks and praise to God Almighty for how far He has brought all of us. I pray that He makes us feel His presence and make His face shine upon us through this Easter triduum, for the passion, death and resurrection of our Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

  19. I declare that all thr troubles that has been following me are coming to an end today. Sickness, financial problems, work and family problems ends today. In Jesus precious name, AMEN!

  20. I give thanks to my Lord for healing all whom are in the Hospital with dangerous sickness and diseases and now by the blood of jesus Christ all are healed and all are returned back home and regenerate their bodies to protection from deadly diseases and lasting life and Health through our Lord jesus thank you Lord jesus Christ amen

    1. Father God I come to you in humility and with thanksgivings and supplications I let my request be known, I requested, I declare that the burden of debt, loneliness, poverty, and homelessness, sickness be lifted from me,asI desire a better legacy for my kids,grandchildren and my life, as I ask you Father God in Jesus name to receive abundance and prosperity, love,joy,happiness healing, restoration blessing breakthroughs, favor, peace and more than enough esphesians 3:20,if it is your will to open the doors of heaven and bless me so I can be a blessing to others in need and the Glory honor and praise and testimony be to you Father God in Jesus name I ask amen.

  21. I am thanking you for all the in the Hospital you healed them now all over the they released for you have restored their good health and your power and spirit too keep regenerating their organs etc. too keep them healthy and an longer life amen

  22. I humbly thank GOD for his swift answer to my prayers, and asking more in abundance so that I can be a blessing for the needy in society, I ask this through our LORD and Savoir JESUS CHRIST the son of the living GOD Amen and Amen.
    I also thank the community of Christians TT for powerful prayer guidance, may GOD bless with great wisdom to continue with your good job of intercession.

  23. Thank you God for walking with me and my family. We’ve seen your hand Almighty God. We praise you, bless you, lift you and glorify your name. We need you always and forever. Please do not leave us as we totally depend on you. Thank you for many answered prayers. I love you my Father, Amen.

  24. Thank you lord for this day and life please forgive my sins.grant favor spiritually, financially and also with good health, and a loving m. Please give me a peaceful day at work AMEN

  25. Dear God,
    I thank You Father God,for everything You have blessed me today and always.

  26. Good morning father god thank you for another day of life . Thank you for your night protection father god please protect me and my family as we do our daily duty today . Help us to be kind and generous even to our enemies . Help us to have a closer relationship with you . Take us away from anything that is not of you . Help us to be focus and discipline on your word . Keep us on that narrow path that bring us to you always in Jesus name I pray amen

  27. Great Jehovah mighty is your name. Great are you God I honor you , Father forgive us of our sins known and unknown Lord we seek your help in time we ask of your guidance, protection, strength, healing and deliverance in this time Lord we are struggling but Father you are still in control so we come to you knowing that you will do the best for us thank you Father for giving us life and watching over us I am great full for you I pray you continue watch over us all and I say thanks for what you have done already what you are doing now and what you are about to do I say thanks in Jesus precious name amen.

  28. I give thanks and praise to God Almighty for making us see this day and allowing us to claim all the blessings He has for us in Jesus name.

  29. Thank you a Lord for your over blessings and also blessings are friends and family as well. Thank you Father for never change Lord. Thank you for our heaths and protection Lord. Thank you Lord for showing us your love Father. Thank you Lord for making a lot of things possible in our life Lord. Glory is your name and We give you all the Glory Father. In Jesus name!!


  30. Dear God,
    I thank You Father,for the gift of a new day and the gift of this life.
    And thanks again for bless me with overflowing blessing and supply all of my needs.
    And also bless me with good health. Amen.
    I always remember if I am blessed,I will be a blessing to others as well. Amen.
    I declrare that today,
    My relationship with my Father God is my first focus. Amen.
    Thank You Father,for the gift of this life and for loving me unconditional.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

  31. I thank Jesus my savior for all my known and unknown blessings. I am blessed in so many ways and thankful for everyone of them. I know I am a sinner and have so much more work to do in the name of Jesus. I do have a prayer request and I know I will be blessed in God’s timing. I struggle with the wait but I also know it is coming in Jesue name I pray he sends me the Godly man he has for me. I pray for him to be my best friend, God fearing, a great leader of our home, and a husband God what’s him to be. I Jesus name I pray Amen

  32. Thank God for his blessings. and favor he has granted me and my. family. Jesus you are so great great to us give the continued strength when trouble and trials consume our lives Thank you LORD..

  33. Lord Jesus ,You are the most High God Glorious Father ,Alpha and Omega ,The mighty warrior ,our Protector ,our Salvation and Redeemer ,We thank you for the power of the Holy spirit.You are Elohim the creator of all the universe , Merciful , wonderful ,Loving Abba who is Yahweh ,our Strong tower ,the light in the darkness ,the first and last born of God ,seated Father in the throne whose voice is like the thunder .Holy of the Holiness .Jehovah Shammah who resides in our hearts covenant keeping Father ,King of Kings ,Lord of Lord .The author and Finisher of our Faith .Blessing Father .Thank you for being my Father the heir of God ,lion of Judah ancient of the day Pillar of our strength .Thank you the Son of living God .Jesus is your name our Messiah ,Leadership in Righteous.Worthy of praise and honour Favourable Father . Amen

  34. Father God I thank you for blessing me and all those around me affect by your blessings.
    I love you.
    You do so much for us and even though I am impatient at times you have always always been my main stay.
    I may not understand your plans at times….but I Know that they are exceptional and for this you must always know my deep fathomless love for you.
    I thank you for being in and part of my life everyday.
    I thank you for being with me even when I may question this within myself.
    Your love surpasses any other love in this world … You truly are amazing my God of all Creation and I love You.

  35. Father Lord, I am grateful for the gift of a new day and for life. Am grateful for the family and friends you have blessed me with, and am grateful to ChristianTT for feeding us with prayers and God’s Word each and every day—thank you for allowing God to use you (ChristianTT) to help us enrich our spiritual life and relationship with God.

  36. Please pray money that belongs to our family be released, God blesses my son and I with new positions with excellent pay, benefits and close to our home. Pray that God would give me wisdom ,discernment, creative ideals and witty inventions for MULTIPLE STREAMS OF INCOME so I will be able to be a blessing to my family and others as God directs.

    Please pray that God would send me an honest handy man to make repairs on my home.
    Please pray that God would lead me to the right Denist that will be a blessing to me. in Jesus name I pray.

  37. The prayers are so powerful. I need prayers for my son Julius so that he will change his life completely. My life is so miserable as a mum because of the way he’s behaving at school.

  38. I love the Lord with all my heart and all my soul. Please be with me as I’m going through this rough time and after the rough times I still want you to be with me. Please give me the strength and remove all anxieties I am feeling. I need a blessing and I need You Lord to comfort me as well as send me a blessing.

  39. Dear God,
    I give You many thanks my dear Father in Heaven,for You bless me with overflowing blessings and supply all my everday needs.
    I thank You so much dear Father,for also bless me with spiritually,financially and with good health. Amen.
    I always remember,if I am blessed,I will be a blessing to others as well. Amen.
    Thank You Lord,for everything You have done for me.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

  40. Dear Father God, I thank You for another new day. Father I come before You in prayer to magnify and glorify your precious name and to give all the praise, honor and glory you deserve. Father I want to thank You for the blessings you have bestowed upon me and even the ones I took for granted. Father I am asking for Your Forgiveness. Father bless me with Bless us with love, joy, peace and happiness. Bless me spiritually, financially and in good health. Father bless that I can reconcile with my family and siblings. Father help my family to understand the meaning of love and family. Father give me the knowledge, strength,guidance to get through this journey. Father show,me Your will for my life. Father I give You all my burdens, in Your name I am completely heal. Father bless me with a job and my own vehicle. Father bless me to be able to bless others in a time of need. Father You know my heart. Father You come first in my life. Father I surrender myself to You. Father I Love You. Father I trust and believe in You. Let Your name be glorified Lord. In Jesus’ Name I pray Amen

  41. My dear Father in Heaven,
    I praise You,I give You thanks,
    I bless Your Holy Name forever.
    I give You many thanks for bless me with Your overflowing blessing upon my life today and always. Amen.
    I thank You Father,for bless me spiritually,financially and also with good health.
    So today,I am blessed.
    Help me to remember,if I am blessed.I will be a blessing to others as well. Amen.
    I pray that today,dear God,
    May Your overflowing blessing will rain down upon my life today,Amen.
    Thank You Lord Jesus,for You bless me to be at peace,and supply all my everyday needs.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

  42. Hello ,Thank you for your continued prayers and inspiration messages, God bless you beyond measures. I must confess that am i n another level spiritually.I would like you to pray for me to get a Job.Hallelujah.

    1. Thank you God for the overflowing blessings thatwe are about to receive. We claim it in Jesus mighty name and Lord we need you to help us grow more in our faith to receive your bountiful blessings with our finances and better management of our health issues. Please Lord restore us back to normal health according to your will. Jesus thank you for your loving kindness and tender mercies to my family and friends. In your name I pray to the glory of God almighty! Amen!

      1. Thank you God for your incredible blessings over our life today and the months ahead. We need you more than ever now as we face financial difficulties and Lord you k now what they are. Please bestow upon us your loving mercy to be able to meet our obligations. You have all the power and are limitless and we ask for a portion of your bounty to see us through hard times. You said Lord to ask and it shall be given unto us. Father I plead by the blood of Jesus to sustain us and show us the way. To remove our fears and worries and replace them with peace that you alone can provide. God thank you for the blessings that we expect to come our way through the mighty power of Your love and divine mercy. Praises and honor to you Lord. I magnify your Holy name. Jesus you are Lord. Amen

  43. Thank You Father for the favor and blessings You have bestowed upon my children, my children’s children, my loved ones and myself. Thank You for meeting our needs and restoring our brokeness. Praise be to God.

  44. Lord, whatever the outcome ….YOUR WILL BE DONE. Mighty, merciful glorious Father , my children, my grandchildren and my life are in Your hands and I ask for Your favour and blessings upon us all so that we may become complete in Your purposes for our lives … AMEN

  45. Dear Father God,
    I thank You Father,for this day,Your overflowing blessing rain down upon me today,from the highest place,from You,Lord
    I am really blessed. Amen.
    I thank You,dear Lord Jesus,let me start this day to be positive,that happiness will bless my life.
    Help me to remember.If I am blessed.
    I will be a blessing to others as well. Amen.
    Thank You Lord Jesus,for bless me spiritually,financially and also with good health.
    Keep me safe to through out my day.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen..

  46. I am asking for prayer over my family. My husband had to massive seizure and can’t drive, which is what he does for a living. My unemployment will run out next week and I can’t find a job. With very little income we will not be able to handle it. I am asking for God to please send out a overflow blessing.
    I prayer every night and cry myself to sleep every night. I don’t know what to do. Please God Help us. Amen

  47. Pliz Pray For My Wife To Have Understanding And Wisdom,may The Almighty God Grant Her Journey Mercy Back Home,we Had Some Misunderstanding So She Ran Away To Her Parents

    1. Thank you for another day Lord basking in the glory of your love and Peace
      Favorable Grace
      You know my heart
      Thank you for carrying me thru these storms
      I know there is a Blessing in the storm Lord Jesus
      Restore me Peace Love health happiness, forgiveness, financial blessing
      No weapon formed against me shall prosper
      I claim the declaration of Peace, Prosperity, be a blessing to others
      I claim this by the precious blood of Jesus
      Tby will be done
      Amen & Amen

  48. Heavenly father, I thank you for your overflowing blessing you have showered upon the life of my father, and I thank you for more you’re going to do on the way. LORD I PRAYED ALSO FOR MAKING ME A BORN AGAIN SOUL.. I CALL FOR YOUR GUIDANCE AND PROTECTION IN MY LIFE.. IN Jesus PRECIOUS NAME I HAVE PRAYED., AMEN


  50. Please pray with me for the reconciliation of my family a d my marriage. I’m praying that my husband’s heart is turned to God and his heart us turned back to me his wife. I’m praying for my daughters who are looking for love in the wrong places. One of them is dealing with identity confusion and I pray that Jesus becomes their source. Please pray with me. We know that the enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy but it is God’s will that we have life and that more abundantly. Thank you

  51. Amen. Bless my family lord so that we can be close to each other. Especially my son and my husband who are so aggressive. Help them to be calm.

  52. Thankyou lord for your promise of overflowing blessing for me and my family. I claim it in the name of our lord and saviour Jesus christ Amen

    1. Dear Father God.
      I thank you Father,for blessing me with a new day.
      Bless me with love,joy,peace and happiness. And with Your overflowing blessing in my life.
      I declare that today.
      Your overflowing blessings will rain down upin us today,dear God. Amen
      Help us to remember that,
      We are blessed to be a blessing to others.
      Thank You Lord Jesus.
      Let me start today,to be positive,that happiness will bless my life.
      In Jesus mighty name I pray.
      Amen and Amen.

      1. Yeah thank you God and heavenly father for listening to prayers. I believe I’m always in good hands and trust amen from Canada Nunavut, from a inuit but the race is iunk. The old version is known as eskimo.

  53. Youur prayers are a blessing thank you. Sometimes when I dont know how to prayer or what to say they help me. God bless

  54. I pray that god will remember me I’ve been suffering for finding a job hunting for almost 6years. Now lord I’m giving all I have please have mercy on me let your favor follow upon my life. Amen

  55. My name is Joyce, thank you for all your prayers and encouragement it help me each. I need prayer for my daughter and boyfriend. They have a 4 year old daughter and that man don’t treat her with respect and arguing cursing in front of that baby. I work for him and he don’t have any respect for me as his daughter grandmother. Only God can bring a change in his life. He don’t have any fear for God are the people of God. Please pray him that God take that vail from his eyes. Also my daughter needs God in her life too.thank you for praying for me in Jesus name

  56. My Prayer request is follow:
    1. I want to have a personal relationship with my Heavenly Father.
    2. I want to speak the Heavenly Languish (tongue).
    3. I need Wisdom and Understanding in knowing the words of God.
    4. I want a relationship to establish, settle and to live for God.
    5. Lastly, I want to be a good giver.

    1. Peace, Love, Health, Happiness, Wisdom, Obedience, Financial Blessing
      All the joy one can bring to everyone
      With the Peace and Joy that comes with serving The Lord
      Walk by Faith not by sight
      Thy will be done
      Amen & Amen

  57. Since I have joined this team, I feel more closer to God then ever. He is my savior and I can feel the presence of the Holy Spirit in my life as if he is holding my hand. He reminds me of his love forevermore, every second. GLORY BE TO GOD. BLESS THOSE WHO ARE DOING THIS AMAZING WORK OF PRAYING AND CONTINUOUSLY SENDING US THE WORD DAILY. IN Jesus NAME. AMEN

  58. I pray that krissy gets better. I pray that the two little boys would go to school cause they will need it and i pray that i can focus. And i pray for my mom and dad.

  59. I pray for my marriage to be sealed with the blood of Jesus and to be blessed with children. I thank God for blessing me with such a wonderful husband who is selfless. I pray that we find our purpose in God’s kingdom and understand him well.

  60. Ever since I came upon your side and app I am hooked I pray the prayers aloud
    Thank you for praying for us around the globe we are in need of intercertion prayer
    My God multiply in all your needs for this is a blessing to me
    God bless

  61. Oh gracious Lord, please come into our marriage, hearts and home. Let it be your will to restore our marriage and relationship to one another. Allow us to forgive and believe in one another and never stray from our commitment to each other or you. I ask this in your precious name, Amen.

  62. Thank you Lord for all my blessings. I thank you for the troubles in my life now as well, because without them I know I would take for granted all that you give me. Lord, I pray that you restore my marriage and give my husband a heart of flesh and fill it with love again. If this isn’t your will, please direct me in the right way. Pray for my children as we go through this storm as well. Give me peace and fill us all with love. Thank you Lord! I know I am not worthy, but you give us so much grace always, even when we don’t deserve it. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU! I rebuke any bad thoughts and negative feelings and I know I put my trust and faith in you, and I pray that the Devil will flee my thoughts and marriage and stop ruining our marriage.

    1. Thank you Tara for this prayer. Just as you, I’m also praying for restoration of my marriage, for God to guide my husband back to our family, to me and our children. I’m asking God to fill his heart back with love and kindness, to guide me in changing my flaws and giving me humility, wisdom, patience, and strength to endure this storm. I’m also asking God to help my two teenage daughters weather this storm, to give them strength, guidance and the reassurance they are loved despite what is going on with their parents.

  63. Dear lord. I need more of you in my life and family. I want to know the power of your resurrection. ABBA help my family and I in areas of our life. Grant me a good permanent job cause me to rejoice everyday of my life. Thank you Jesus

  64. Dear Father God.
    I thank you Lord,for Your overflowing blessings in my life.I thank you for blessing me with a new day.
    I believe in You dear Lord,for blessings me,bring peace,and remove the heaviness within my heart.
    I place my life into Your hands,depend on You to light and guide my way.
    Dear Father,I love You and I will do my best to please You,from this day forward.
    Thank You Lord Jesus.
    In Jesus mighty name.
    Amen and Amen.

    1. Thanking God for a financial breakthrough and for the power of God to manifest more in my life in Jesus name

  65. My prayer request is for salvation for my family, my job that God will direct me in my career, special prayer for my dad that was recently diagnosed with cancer, my brother that’s incarcerated. For debt cancellation, my bills paid my finances, it’s so much but also believe there is nothing impossible for God…

  66. Amen I thank the lord that I’m still alive. Although I’m still suffering with peace in my heart but I trust god will release me and set me free and I’m trusting him about job breakthrough it shall come to pass. Amen

  67. When I work to help out my mother and father and arts that are sick going through a lot doing this by myself also I am lonely I’m struggling also I wish I had that person I’m thinking about in my life to support me what I’m going through so pray for me please

  68. I thank God for the far He has taken me. My prayer request is to pray for God to give me a better job shift from being a housegirl and bless my daughter and family and also bless us financially and spritually in Jesus name i trust and believe AMEN

  69. I pray that the Lord to bless me with love, joy, peace, happiness and financially. in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

    1. Explosive Blessing I decree and declare are coming my way by the precious blood of Jesus
      Which I will then bestow
      Among Family friends, neighbors and enemies
      And whom ever my path crosses
      I love you Lord
      Peace be still
      Thy will be done
      Amen & Amen

  70. Help me to let go lord this is hard i cant let go of the past i cant live this way every day as much as it hurts i need to walk away give me the streatgh lord i cant deal with any more pain any more lies disloyalty or all the secret’s i wish him the best,in life thank you lord Amen

  71. I pray that God should turnaround my present predicament and my son’s into a make-over of an abundant blessings from lack and want and from murmuring into joy and as we celebrate our Lord Jesus Christ today may our lives be transformed from nobody into somebody of celebration in Jesus our Lord and saviour AMEN

  72. I pray for Gods blessings upon my family that he will bless my parents with good health,long life and prosperity,that he will bless them financially and also bless me and me of all sicknesses and make me whole again

  73. Hi thanks for sharing. It’s an inspiration to my families n friends. Please pray for my family as we have applied for our PR. Thank you and may God bless u always.

  74. Hi! This is really nice and I appreciate the effort in sharing. Please pray for my brother Daniel that may he start having a stable source of income through his job. Thank you so much and God bless you.

  75. I Pray for Ancy who has met with an accident
    I pray for all the youth
    I pray for all the troubled teens and adults
    Give them rest, O Lord

  76. Lord Hear Our Prayers. Amen.
    Especially pray for Billy and Bella,
    My family my girls the Munson family the Russo family God Bless Everyone ❤️

    1. I claim Love, Joy, Peace and Happiness
      All by way of Jesus Christ
      Thy will be done
      Amen & Amen??❤❤

  77. Our God is faithful. He remains faithful even in my unfaithfulness. As I and my wife continue to trust Him to provide a good job for our son who graduated as a Chemical Engineer in Toronto, we implore you all to join us in prayer and faith that the hand of the LORD will work it out without delay in Jesus name,

  78. I am so grateful for your humble prayers to God for His blessings.I praise God for the blessings that He bestowed upon me/us.Please uphold me by your personal and fellowship prayers. I too pray for you all.Thank you all.

  79. I praise You my dear Heavenly Father,my comforter,my strength and my everything.
    I am nothing without You,You are my joy. Amen.
    I thank you for the gift of this life,for the gift of another beautiful day,for Your mercies are new each and everyday.
    As the sun rises,the pain of the night fades away and Your joy emerges with the light.
    May the joy of our Lord,fill our heart,and let us be a blessings for the those around us.
    We declare that today dear God,Your overflowing blessings will rain down upon us today.
    Thank you Lord Jesus,for You guard our lives each and everyday,and keep us safe.
    In Jesus mighty name we pray.
    Amen and Amen.

  80. I thank the Lord for all the many blessings namely allowing me to wake up in the morning and see another day and his protection through the night. Amen

  81. Prayer for giving thanks yo the lord our god..oh mighty n powerful god I come before u today in the name of your son Jesus..I thank u for keeping me lord ,I thank you for my children,my family,my grandkids,my job,food on my table ,I thank you for the clothed I have to put on the shoes I have to put on my feet. Lord god I thank you for victory ,salvation,I thank you for who you are n I bless your holy name,,I thank you for delivering me from the hands of the enemy, calling me out of darkness into your marvelous ate so worthy of this praise in Jesus most precious and mighty name .. AMEN

  82. Amen! Thank you Cheryce and Martin Forgenie. God bless you.

    Almighty Father,
    Thank you Lord for Your abundant blessings
    I truly have nothing to complain
    But I pray You continue these blessings
    As we bless others with what we have

  83. I give thanks and praise to the Almighty God,our merciful father for overflowing blessings. May He continue to bless us all with good health and answered prayers in the precious name of Jesus. Amen and Amen

    1. ” Amen ” And Also for All the wonderful and mavelous things He has done in our lives and also in the life of our Families, May God Be Praise

  84. Prayer for over flowing blessing. And for his Divine grace and protection upon my children and family.

    1. Blessings a and prayers Amen .May our Father In. Heaven Bless and Protect My Lost Daughter As Well.praying in Jesus mighty name Amen

  85. Praise Jesus Christ, I am asking for prayer that I will have a very intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. Knowing HIS word, knowledge, understanding. Having the seal of the Holy ghost that I will be Christ like. No fear, no in security or lacking confidence. Boldness to do the will of God. Boldness in the workplace . Pray for my husband to be a man after God’s own heart. Eradicate his distractions, Putting God first in everything he does, loving me his wife, respecting me & let us praying together; building our marriage our relationship on the foundation of Jesus Christ.My health our finances. We are from paycheck our debts are more than we earn, Help us Lord. Teach us to be good stewards, debt free, Deliverance and Restoration.Christ Love Peace & Joy in our relationship, I ask in the powerful name of Jesus Christ. Thank you Lord Jesus Christ

  86. I praise You my dear Heavenly Father.I love You with all my heart.You are my Lord,my strength,my everything.
    I thank you for I still alive today,still can see a beautiful new day.
    I thank you for bless us with Your love,joy,peace,and happiness,and keep us safe.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

  87. I ask for prayer , soo many battles going on in my life, I need MIRACLES!! I know the good Lord along with prayer – can answer my request!!!
    Thanks sooo much for praying, May you be BLESSED as well!!!

    1. This pray said it all for me. I’m going through many battles within my home. Only God can render the miracles that I need.

  88. As me and my house we desire to serve the Lord with all our heart, our mind, our body our soul and everything that we have . Let God grace be sufficient for us not to missed out from God’s plan. I want God to deliver us from every secret battle going on in our lives

  89. Lord you prepare a table before me, in the presence of my cup runs over.. By your glory, your mercies and your grace i managed to complete my Masters degree. I will honor you till the end of time..this is breakthrough for Job appointment as i have struggled a lot and you prepared me now. Lord intervene into my Job hunting and bless me with a permanent Job.You advised us Ask, and it shall be given to us; seek, and shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto us : 8 For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh. findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.
    Matthew 7:7–8
    I bind this unto your hands

  90. We thank you oh lord for the mind you have given us ,may we use it wisely so that we can experience you in all that we do,may you supply all our needs according to your riches in glory bless us abundantly that we never lack anything and that we we can be a blessing to others.We trust that it is done through your son Jesus christ . Amen

  91. I thank God for gift of life,and waiting upon financial,traveling. breakthrough in Jesus name Amen

  92. I want to prayer for my son Shane as he wants to be a football player, and as a parent we want him to continue his studies, I want god to give him wisdom and bless him in plans that the Lord has in store for him

  93. Thank you Loving Father, for I can do nothing without you
    Thy will be Done.
    Amen & Amen

  94. I have been praying for months for God to deliver my husband from drugs (using and selling), end his “relationship” with an also drug-addicted prostitute, bring him home and restore our marriage. As I cried out to God this morning in utter desperation, my husband called to tell me he was taking the woman to rehab. He dropped her off, came home and is planning to go into rehab himself tomorrow. God told me all along He was going to restore my husband and our marriage and I thank Him for the manifestation that He is showing me day by day. Please pray that I will continue to trust Him even if things don’t happen as quickly and in the manner I want.

    1. Be patient, in our waiting time on God Is not easy. God will allow us to go through terrible times to build character in us.for us to get to the palace we have to go through the valley so don’t give up hopes keep fighting the bottle is not yours its the lord. Keep your eyes on God not on the problem that is before you. The devil is a liar we are over comer.hope you will be encouraged with these few words

  95. Yes Lord shower us with , Love ,Joy ,peace , Health , Happiness , wisdom, financial blessings, Let us always be a Blessing to others. Let me always be a witness a vessell for you Lord, for i have a testimony
    I give you all the glory, Thank you for your Tender Mercies and Favorable Grace. thy will be done.
    Amen & Amen

  96. Amen Proverbs 19:21 You can make plans,but the LORD’s purpose will prevail.1Corinthaians 10:31 Whether therefore ye eat, or drink,or whatsoever ye do,do all to the glory of God.Romans 2:11 For there is no respect of persons with God.

  97. Please pray that my husband & I will find employment, and that they will be the right jobs, at the right time (God’s timing), at the right places, with the right pay, and that we will be where God wants us, to serve Him and others. We are in our late 50’s/early 60’s, laid off/unemployed for awhile and our saving are getting low….BUT we know that the LORD has provided before and will provide again! We also have friends and relatives who are on disability and are having a tough time staying afloat. Pls pray for them as well, and I have prayed for y’all. THX!!

  98. I praise and give thanks to my dear Father in Heaven.I thank you for all You have done for us all.
    Dear God,We declare Your overflowing blessings will rain down upon us today.
    I request to pray for my daily life,to have a peaceful day and a rest peaceful night.
    Dear Father,Help us to remember that ,We are blessed to be a blessings to others.
    Give us a heart like Jesus to take care others.
    Thank you for this wonderful prayer.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen..

  99. I ran from God from in my youth as soldier. My wife Bobbi has always walked with the Lord. Yet I would poke her in church and tell to pick me up at the NCO Club. Bobbi is blessing my in disguise. She has shown me many times How Great God is toward us. She is my blessing from the Lord everyday. James Brown.

  100. Please include me/us in your prayers.
    May we pass our IELTS Exam on Friday(20th April,2018) in Jesus name.
    I entrust everything to God and I believe in the power of prayer. Thank you so much. May God Bless us all with LOVE❤.

  101. Please .pray for Patrick Blake, he has a 9 o’clock appointment with Immigration tomorrow morning. He needs God’s intervention. he also need Salvation.

  102. Prayers for me and my wife against spiritual warfare .and remove any spiritual the precious name and blood of Jesus Christ Amen

  103. Thank you guys for your powerful prayers. I do have a prayer request, I have my younger brother who is not saved, and he still believe in traditional Doctors. Now i am busy praying for him to find a way easy to accept Jesus christ as lord and savior of his life. Please people help me in this prayer for Madews Tau. To be born again. For he is busy looking for a job since almost five years back but till now he did not find one. So please dear brothers and sisters, i trust God Amen.

  104. I welcome 2018 with a renewed strength in the Lord. I thank God for my children and siblings. The peace I enjoyed today, his blessings upon my life yesterday, today and tomorrow.

  105. I praise You my dear Lord Jesus Christ, for You are my reason to wake up everyday,in the morning.I am alive today ,You are the reason,because You are with me,I am everything,without You I am nothing.
    And You are my Rock on which I stand.
    Thank you Lord, for Your abundant blessings.
    We declare that Your overflowing blessings
    will rain down upon us today.
    May the joy of our Lord, fill my heart and be a
    blessings for those around me.
    Father,Bless us with love,joy, peace and
    happiness.Guard our lives each and every day.Keep us safe, oh,my loving Lord,
    Thank you in everything You have done for me.In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

  106. Dear lord i pray for a financial blessing to fulfill my 2018 goals, another piece of land to be bought is awaiting , i pray for the much needed funds. Jesus HELP ME.

  107. Dear Lord,
    We claimed it!That this year will be a full of blessings in our life.Good opportunities and open doors for us to go on.Help us to walk hand on hand to you.Help us to trust you and stand strong with our faith. Always father give us Wisdom,Peace,Joy and happiness in our Life.That no weapon can formed against us can ever be prosper.Guard our lives Oh Lord in every minute of the Day.In your Name i pray. Amen

  108. Yes Father God, i claim it, recieve it and to all those that read the prayer, may it manifest in their lives, we thank you, we love you, we give you all the praise and the Glory in Jesus precious name, Amen

  109. Thank you for your blessings already and the rest to come,pray that get my USA visa soon so that I can travel abroad, in Jesus Mighty name I pray Amen so let it be….

  110. I am beyond thankful to my Father God, he has done so many miracles in my life and my children’s lives!! I serve an awesome mighty and power God! Thank you Lord for protecting and providing for me and my husband and my children.

  111. Father in Heave,Thank You for the life u gave me,l kneel before Your Holy name Father,let Your will be done on earth as it is in Heave upon my life,let Your overflowing blessings rain upon my life Oh God.Protect me from the evil for the Word says “No weapon shall formed against me shall prosper”,LORD Thank u for Your everlasting love upon my life,put Your Glorious hands in every area of my life in Jesus Name l pray. Amen and Amen.

  112. Please pray for my family, right now we are going through tough time as we have deaths whose root cause are difficult to explain, me and my sisters have embark on a spiritual journey to cast out the demonic attack in the clan which make people to commit suicide through prayers and fasting. I am asking you to pray for us so that we continue to get strength in order to overcome and win this battle.

  113. I thank you Dear Heavenly Father,for this beautiful wonderful morning,bring me very lovely’s rising morning prayer to start my day.
    May the joy of our Lord fill my heart and be a blessing for those all around me. And we declare that Your overflowing blessing will rain down upon us today.In Jesus mighty name. Amen.

  114. Thank you Jesus for blessing me with a wonderful job. One that you chose for me. Thank you in Jesus Christ’s Precious name. Amen.. & Amen. For it is well it is well with my soul. Hallelujah!!!!!!!!!

  115. Thank you Lord for everything you are doing in my life right now.I am so happy to have this wonderful relationship with you

  116. Thank you Lord for waking me up this morning to see another Blessed day. That was a Blessing all by itself. Thank you Father God my Heavenly Father for everything. I Love you Lord of Lords. King of Kings. My Lord and Saviour. Amen

  117. Thank you Lord your always right on time, It is Good that one should wait quietly and patiently for the Salvation of The Lord
    Thank you Lord
    Amen & Amen

  118. I give thanks to God for his faithfulness over my life. For his directions, his miracles. I pray the songs of praise will not cease from my mouth in Jesus Mighty Name.

  119. In all the things I have been going through I give thanks to God. I’m believing His control over my situation in Jesus mighty name. Amen

    1. I pray God’s blessing upon all prayer requests…most of all that they will bring honor and glory to His marvellous Name…that others will be drawn to an intimate relationship with him as a result. That as we are blessed we bless others and testify of His goodness toward us.
      I pray for the salvation of each of my family members, friends, myself etc without exception. I pray for the sale of my home to allow me to relocate near to family, for health and strength and also for godly companionship.
      I trust God and wait expectantly upon Him. I give him all honor, glory and praise. Amen and Amen.

  120. My dear sweet Hevenly Father. I thank you for your promises and for continued and complete healing of this disease that has invaded my body, I ask you to remove it Completely in the name of Jesus Christ my Savior’ I thank you for my family, my husband, my 2 amazing sons, their loving, beautiful wives and the blessing of 2 very special grandchildren, that I Love with all my heart and I pray that I will be here to watch them grow up; graduate high school and watch them follow their dreams Love them all so much! And I Pray that you would give us wisdom as we deal with these health issues, if we need to go somewhere else for better care, please show us when and where to go! Please watch over my family and bless us! Because you have not given us a spirit of fear, but of POWER AND OF LOVE AND OF A SOUND MIND!!!ps:I would love to be here to hold my great grandchild, sometime in the future.”For I have promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep”

  121. All praises and thanks to mighty God for prayers answered.
    I was in debt…wondering how am i going to pay off my debt. It was a court matter.
    I prayed for a miracle to happen because i am on medical leave for almost 2 years.
    And indeed my prayers was answered.
    The matter was withdrawn.
    God ….i want to give all the praises and glory
    You are indeed a miracle working God.
    Thank you…thank you …thank you.

    1. Thank you, dear Lord for every blessing You have bestowed upon my life. I am so blessed to be a part of your holy family. Please continue to look after my children and grandchildren. Let our lives continue to be guided by You. I look forward to blessing others with the gifts you’ve given me and I will continue to follow your lead all the days of my life.

  122. Lord, I lift up my husband to you for anointing and healing regarding a family matter. Show him mercy and allow him to forgive himself and another relative.. In Jesus’ precious name. Amen.

  123. Bless the Lord oh my soul «» Thank you Lord fr all the blessings that you bestowed upon us and continuing rainfall of blessings are still on the way«» I am so grateful fr everything. May I alwyz know your kindness and goodness in my heart 🙂
    God Bless Us All.. Amen

    1. God is not a man and there is nothing too hard for Him . Thank you Lord for the many blessings upon our union and the many more that are yet to come . Glory be unto your name . Amen .

  124. A timely prayer for me right now. A reminder that there is nothing too hard for our Father to do for us. Thank you Father for all the blessings you continue to shower into our lives. Amen