Prayer Points To Break Strongholds In My Life

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In the spiritual journey of every believer, there are moments when we face challenges that seem insurmountable, obstacles that persist despite our best efforts to overcome them. These barriers, often referred to as strongholds, are not just physical limitations but are deeply rooted in the spiritual realm.

The Bible tells us in 2 Corinthians 10:4 – For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds.

It is through prayer, our most powerful weapon, that we can break these strongholds in our lives. Here are some prayer points to guide you in this spiritual warfare.

Prayer Points To Break Strongholds

Prayer For Spiritual Awareness And Strength

Heavenly Father, I pray for spiritual discernment to recognize the strongholds in my life. Grant me the strength and wisdom to confront these challenges, not in my power but through the guidance of Your Holy Spirit. Help me to put on the full armor of God so that I can stand against the devil’s schemes. (Ephesians 6:11)

Prayer for Deliverance from Specific Strongholds

Lord Jesus, I come before You to seek deliverance from the stronghold of [name the specific stronghold, e.g., fear, addiction, anger, etc.]. I believe that You have already won the victory on the cross. I claim that victory over my life and ask for Your power to break these chains that bind me.

Prayer for Healing and Restoration

Almighty God, I ask for Your healing touch upon every area of my life that has been affected by these strongholds. Restore my spirit, soul, and body. Replace my pain with Your peace, my weakness with Your strength, and my despair with Your hope.

Prayer for Renewal of Mind

Abba Father, renew my mind through Your Word. Help me to focus on what is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy (Philippians 4:8). Let Your truth uproot every lie and deception planted by the enemy in my mind.

Prayer for Breaking Generational Curses

Oh Lord, I recognize that some strongholds may have generational roots. In the name of Jesus, I break every generational curse and declare freedom for my lineage. Let the blessings of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob flow in my family from this generation forward.

Prayer for Divine Intervention in Relationships

Heavenly Father, I pray for Your divine intervention in my relationships. Break any stronghold that is causing division, misunderstanding, or strife. Teach us to love as Christ loves us, forgiving and building each other up in faith and unity.

Prayer for Financial Breakthrough

My God, I ask for Your provision and wisdom in my finances. Break the stronghold of debt, lack, and poverty. Open the windows of heaven and pour out a blessing I cannot contain as I trust in You and Your principles for financial stewardship.

Prayer for Protection and Guidance

Oh Lord, protect me from the schemes of the enemy. Guide my steps and decisions so that I may live in Your will and purpose. Surround me with Your angels and cover me with the blood of Jesus.

Additional prayer points:

  • Praying for my marriage, I am on the verge of a divorce.
  • Prayer for a financial breakthrough. I am in a critical, critical, financial crisis, about to lose my family.
  • Praying for breakthrough in a job or business, (and for pending orders to come through ).
  • Pray for a restoration of my marriage, dignity, as well as my possessions.
  • Praying for spiritual restoration.
  • Pray for favor from God and man.
  • Praying for a turnaround of my dire situation, due to which I am almost losing it.
  • Prayer against witchcraft.
  • Praying for the health of my wife, because the situation has really killed her inside. She is broken and needs strength.
  • Praying for a restoration of my beautiful, joyful and happy family.
  • Above all, destroy every evil spirit or gathering against my progress and breakthrough. Destroy every evil spirit gathered to destroy me, my wife, my marriage and breakthrough.

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  1. Hazel
    Hi, I need prayer for my daughter she is with her baby father for over 15 years he don’t believe in marriage he have it the wrong way if you love each other you don’t have to. She wanted to but nothing she can do he is controlling don’t like to admit to his fault. And love to argue my daughter leave so many time and he keep going back for her this is strong hold so please help me pray for him that God will change his ways I told my daughter only God can change him no one else.saints I want to see God miracle in this

  2. Please can you pray that I can stand against the enemy as I have a battle with negative thoughts constantly. Thoughts of destruction, hurting people. I want more of God. I struggle to read the word, I can’t concentrate. I fall asleep when listening to the word. I need a breakthrough. I also have women problems where I can’t please my husband. I am told it could be depression or hormonal problems. I also suffer from a low zero tone and a low estrogen. And ringing in my ears. I want to be free. Please stand with me. Thank you

  3. Pls pray 4 financial breakthrough. Also pray 4 my salvation, that strongholds since early childhood and spiritual bindings be broken. Pray that personal probs be resolved in my favor! Pray that I no longer be a bondman whether 2 sin or ppl, literally and proverbially! Sincerely grateful, Tina!

  4. Please pray for my self Pammy and my family husband Rajesh son Randy daughter Roshanna. Let the Lord Jesus protect us from every attack from the enemy