Prayer Requests

(View all testimonies and Thanksgiving here)

Prayer Requests

AMINA: Heavenly Father, I pray for physical and mental health for my son Ishmael. I pray that you will lay your mighty hand on him and heal him.
Praying for the rest of my kids and for myself for emotional, physical and financial healing in your precious name I pray.
The storms in our lives keep increasing oh Lord, Please bring a Peace and Answered Prayers as you Calm them all; This I ask in your Mighty Name AMEN.

SHAZ : Pray with me for restoration of my marriage. We have been separated for 4 months. We have a lot of anger and hurt. I pray for softening of hearts to be able to work on our issues. For our little girl who is caught in between. I pray for peace and for God’s reconciling and healing touch on our marriage.

Samuel Kingston Amen. Your messages, impressive. Please do remember me in your prayers.

Jennifer Bucc Grace and peace be unto you. I need prayer for my family restoration in my marriage and Jesus’ name.

Dornice Ambani Prayer Request – Dear family. I can’t seem to truly relax. I have a huge financial crisis that only looking up to God our Heavenly Father can get me out. ” I look up to the mountains, where will my help come from. My help will come from the Lord who created heaven and earth”. I request you kindly and with humility to join me in praying, worship and thanksgiving to our Father for the financial breakthrough! Amen Dorn.

Perkins, Makeysha Prayer Request – Thank You for reaching out to me…. I’m praying for a miracle for $8,000 to get my son released for the holidays. He’s 20 years old, he’s my youngest I just miss him so much drowning. Can you please say an extra prayer for Thomas Perkins to be able to spend Christmas and New Years with me and his brother. My job is taking up a collection for him but I know it won’t be near the funds. But I do have faith and been praying for whatever the balance. I know we serve and an awesome God. Waiting on God’s response to seeing who I should give or help as well. God bless you all.

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  1. I’ve been searching for a job for over a year. Please pray that I’ll be able to get a suitable job soon.
    Prayers for everyone struggling to get a job in this world.
    Thank you.

  2. Prayer for strength and to remove obstacles

    Lord I ask you to bring healing ❤️‍🩹 over myself and family
    I pray 🙏 that situation in my life will begin to change
    In Jesus name Amen 🙏

  3. Prayer for continued protection around my family, as we endure a big life change. Prayer for a more positive mindset, self talk. Prayer for healing over my body and to know I am not alone. You are with me and I need to remember to come to you in times of anxiety of not know what’s going on. Prayer for continued protection over my families health. Prayer to remember to be grateful because I am so truly blessed. This life would not be possible without you father god. I pray this in your name, amen.

  4. Please pray for me for good health, I need a job, praying to god for a house to purchase right price, right mortgage, right location and low closing in the name of Jesus. Prayer for my three children, Ricardo Dominique and Jessica also my sister in Jesus name. Amen

  5. Heavenly Father I come to you today for pray for Diana who is going to have bone marrow biopsy on oct 16, 2024. I am asking pray for my grandson Kayden who is autistic is having problem in school he is five year old in kindergarten who is having behavior problems. I am asking for pray to not worry and that God is in control and with his help I will be okay

  6. As we face this new day, we thank you for waking us up again today. Jehovah Ropheka, Our great healer, l bring before You, my unwell loved ones. Mend every thing that is broken in their body. Make them whole again. For by your victory they are healed so be it amen.

  7. Please pray for my son he has hypotonia he is 20months old not sittin up yet or walking…I am born again and I am trusting God for a miracle for him

  8. Heavenly Father. Thank you for this bright new day which I know has wonderful blessings in store for me. Lord I come before you and pray for my daughter. That you may help her as she prepares to relocate. That you will be at the center of everything and work everything for her good. May it be successful dear heavenly Father. Bless her, enlarge her territory and keep her from any harm. Amen

  9. I come before God today and everyday with great full heart,requesting from God to bless the business that I am currently running and to provide me with cistomers.As the Bible says His plans are to prosper us,not to harm us,I request breakthrough and financially prosperity in my business. I belief that all things will work for my good because I love You Abba the provider of all our needs.I ask all these in Jesus mighty name.Amen

  10. I greet you in the name of Jesus Christ our savior. My prayer request is restoration of peace, prosperity, power to pray and reveal people within those bad dreams and favor in my life and family. Am constantly having bad dreams like am back in primary doing exams and failing, dreams about snakes. I earn but ever spending and never save anything for my own and future. Need your constant prayers 🙏🏾.

  11. Lord Jesus,I pray for my daughter mercy to find accomodation in her new school place. The great I AM, there is nothing too hard for you. I thank you in advance because king of kings youre making a way where there seems to be no way for me.Amen
    Lord may you also see same students facing accomodation and many other problems they cannot say, may you Jehova our provider meet each one of them at their point of need in JESUS mighty name I pray,AMEN

  12. Please pray for me. We are going through a divorce. I do not want this. I pray that the Lord will give me his peace and strength.

  13. Thank you Lord for this beautiful day praise you lord! Lord as you know I’m getting scared to drive the car also i can’t do any parking and all my family says i can’t drive but i have my trust in you please be with me as I’ll take the car tomorrow for work please pray for me in jesus name i pray give me strength and courage to drive my car this i ask in the name of jesus Christ Amen.

  14. Hi I need a prayer for youngest brother for alcohol and substance abuse ,he started drinking when he started High School , today he’s 35 His name is Anele Samuel Majola.

  15. Please pray for me. I was in the emergency on 9/31/2024 I woke up and find myself couldn’t breath I was in the hospital for two days. I have a few test to be done on 10/16, 10/17, 10/14, 10/31 and 11/8/2024. Endoscopy, Colonoscopy, MRI of the Pancreas, Barium Swallow and Ultrasound of my neck, also my heart and my stomach. Please pray for me for healing in my body and good report from all my test if there is anything there for it to show up that I can be treated and heal from whatever is happening in my body, also MRI of the Renal. Please pray for me in Jesus name. Amen

  16. I pray for financial breakthrough to break evil chains of debt and depression to rise and lend to other not borrow please pray that I can live normal life no debt but savings, also pray for good health and protection for me and my family in Jesus Christ lord name

  17. I’m praying for my family’s healing from physical ailments ie: cancer, high blood pressure, mental illness, depression, anxiety, worry and stress to be removed in the mighty name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen 🙏🏽.
    I’m also praying 🙏🏽 for a financial miracle of $6500 to become current on all of our bills because of a significant hardship that hit me and my family.
    I thank all of God’s children who would join me in prayer 🙏🏽. I thank you in advance, in Jesus Christ’ holy name, Amen 🙏🏽 and May God bless you abundantly 🙏🏽

  18. I’m73 years old praying for a creative miracle because l have a “prolapsed bladder” and it’s causing me to be ashamed and embarrassed because I wet myself and have to use sanitary pads at night so I need agreement iin prayer that God will fix this problem for me in Jesus Name Amen.

  19. Prayer for my family to come back to JESUS Pray for my son who is addicted with drugs and drinking alcohol,
    My children should be clean from drugs, drinking and spirits of stagnate

  20. Thank You Jesus, Lord God Heavenly Father I ask of Prayer for myself that You will Bless in Your Word and Holy Spirit I haven’t been reading my Bible as I should, forgive me and lead guide and strengthen me in Your Word. Since divorce from husband and the way I left please forgive me, Bless me with Discernment and Wisdom direct my path, restore me in this lost and confused way I am in. Also Mom has Cancer asking You Father God Most High God to bring healing of this, Bless our family too know she is being heal by Jesus stripes Bless with medicine and or herbs as long with the doctors who tend to her, Bless her and the family not to be depressed or angry because of this, Lord grant my family peace, restore me and grandchildren, deliver me from obstacles and anxiety give me provisions and protect me and family from evils of the wicked, Bless my children sisters, brothers, nieces and nephews my grandchildren and great grandchildren In Jesus Mighty Name I Pray Amen and Father Bless those who seek you, the homeless, hungry, sick, hurting, addicts, inmates, police, abused, politicians, animals, plants everything that You created Amen thank You Lord for my Financial Blessings In Jesus Name Amen Praise Your Name Hallelujah Amen

  21. I’m in adventuring on a new endeavor to start my own clothing business just asking for God’s blessing God going forward as well as financial blessing to get my own place to live for the glory of his name and that of his will amen 🕊️🙏

  22. Good morning Abba Father, I thank you for waking us, “my family and I” up to see another wonderful and blessed day, with health and strength.
    As I come to you on this precious blessed day, I thank you for your patience and understanding.
    Your mercies upon us are countless, and
    appreciated. Abba Father I ask of you to examine our entire bein, spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and carnally cleansed us to your likeness, reform us Abba Father as we go through our daily life, fighting against principalities in high places we cannot reach.
    You DULY REQUIRE us to continue serving you. Abba Father please give us courage, continue to cover us from all trouble, harm, and danger, as we serve you in every avenue of our blessed lives, and with our whole bein.
    Abba Father I request health, strength, and prosperity for us, In no other name but in your namesake Jesus Almighty, Amen and Amen.

  23. Good morning my heavenly Father l thank you for waking us up again today. Lord Jesus, for blessing me with another year to my age. Let my heart be filled with peace and happiness amen and amen 🙏🏾💖🙏🏾

  24. Please Lord forgive me all my sins, I have disappointed myself and you for sins too many times against myself and you
    Please God have mercy on me and forgives me and restore me back to your family and you and restore your Spirit of HOLY SPIRIT back to me again and help me not go back sin anymore in JESUS CHRIST NAME AAAAMEN
    Thanks for forgiving me and restore back home and filling me your HOLY SPIRIT in me to do your WORKS and your wishes in JESUS CHRIST NAME AAAAMEN OOO AAAAMEN OOO AAAAMEN OOO AAAAMEN OOO AAAAMEN OOO AAAAMEN OOO AAAAMEN OOO AAAAMEN OOO AAAAMEN

  25. I pray for my daughter who has been experiencing bad dreams and nightmares. I ask that God removes these dreams and she is able to have restful sleep and peace.

  26. In the name of Jesus I come against every Which craft spirits that’s continuously attacking me and bring Devision in my family I come against every confusion in the in of Jesus and ask you God to bring peace ✌️ help us to bring love and respect towards one another in Jesus name Amen 🙏

  27. I am asking for prayers.for the community project , potential sponsors and donors are coming to view the centre and promise to come back and never come..
    2) My marriage is not doing well.

  28. Gracious father I thank you for protection in my family and myself.Lord I come before you this morning praying for the deliverance of my daughter lerato from the spiritual husband.i cancel the relationship between her and this secret man who just takes for days without our permission.Lord give her the reliable husband who is the child of GOD who respect her and us.with good health, work or business.whobwill love and take good care of her .Lord also let her pass her diploma,graduate and give her a good job

  29. Please pray for my children grand and great grandchildren that God will break every generational curse off our lives that God will deliver my family from unforgivness strife anger bitterness and division. Pray that God will save them give them eyes to see ears to hear and a heart to hear what the Spirit of the Lord God is speaking to them that each one will have an encounter with the Risen Savior Jesus Christ. Amen

  30. Wonderful and merciful father I thank you for a well spent day thank you for your keeping care and tender mercies Lord tonight I pray for a complete deliverance from all whichcraft spirits I also pray against every infirmities against my body and pray for healing in Jesus name 🙌🏻🙌🏻

  31. God please forgive me if my sins. I ask that you have mercy on me and that you can spare me and allow those that I might have hurt to have mercy on me. As I will forgive those that have hurt me. I beg of you lord to come into my life and touch my soul with your forgiveness. Take this burden of guilt off of my spirt. I am truly sorry and repent for my sins.

  32. Please pray for my friend Kamil so he will overcome health and relasionship problems soon as possible! He can use all the prayers!
    Also please pray for me, Malgorzata for health and financial support!
    In the name of God, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen

  33. We are in tight situation. We moved to another state and are trying to get approved for a loan. The first attempt was denied and we are waiting on a another broker . Our closing is on oct 8 and we haven’t heard anything. We are living in a room with our three dogs in my brother in law house and have all out things in a storage. We need this loan to move to our own home. Please pray for loan approval. Thank you 🙏

  34. I have a prayer request.
    I can feel, hear, sense, and see monitoring, hindering, harassing, and controlling spirits trying to associate with me and my life and surroundings of falsely. The people committing these demonic acts against me are satanically oppressed if not the devil in the flesh working through these people himself.
    I have a prayer request for freedom in each area of my life from these spirits and these demonically oppressed individuals as a single woman who has not met the man I am going to marry struggling financially tithing and living beyond my means with bills and living expenses far exceeding the amount of income I have monthly. I am unsuccessfully trying to start a business/charity/ etc. and I have a prayer request that I find sponsorships, funding, and ability to be successful in my business and travel endeavors as well, and the financial ability to live alone.
    I have been being illegally harassed and criminally abused in an invisible hard way to gain physical evidence matter. This criminal abuse has been constant, and reoccurring. This has hindered near every area of my life ever since it began. These people are sent on assignment from the devil to try to control my progress and hinder my freedoms and ability to excel and move forward and violate my privacy. I am being abused by people overcome by darkness and demonic spiritual oppression and influences causing them to harass me illegally and try and control or hinder my success, future, and rights to my privacy, identity, and single relationship status. I need protection from them, and I need restoration from everything they have hindered, delayed, taken or attempted to take from me or my life or any way shape or form. These people and their activities are sinful, evil and demonic. As we all know that all acts of harassment, violation, control, deception, and pervasion are I need them to be brought to justice and I need justice over every area of my life that their abuse and crimes have continued to negatively impact. They are demonically possessed and must do these things against me intentionally and maliciously to lie, cheat, steal and try to gain false recognition/validation after rejection. Whatever the reason or the intention is behind it is demonic, and an expression of satanic oppression and they need serious mental help and to be reprimanded by the law and the promise that Christ has for my life if they continue to refuse to repent and change their ways. Thank you for your prayers.

  35. Prayer for my family. For my children mental health and peace with in our family. To come together as brothers and sisters should. To remove all addictions and most importantly to come to our lord . To get Jesus back in their life. Without our lord there is no way for happiness and growth. For financial battles and forgiveness. 🙏🏼❤️

  36. Please pray and stand in agreement with me that God’s will be done in my marriage. We’ve been together for 14 years and married for 7, we need to do marriage God’s way. A year and a half ago I fully surrendered to the Lord and that brought division and strife in my marriage, my husband said I changed. I did, I’m a new creation. Pray that he becomes a new creation too and that he is set free from the spirit of pride and unforgiveness. Soften his heart Lord. Please restore everything we have lost, love, compassion, finances and time. Give me the wisdom to navigate in the season of restoration. Let us both individually be whole in you so that we can be one in you.

  37. I’m in desperation.
    I have been with my husband since I was 17, and married for four years. Unfortunately I have struggled with my mental health for those four years, anorexia, and last year ended up in hospital. Last year when doing my masters I struggled with depression, anxiety, panic, and was a mess. I blamed my husband for lots; shouted and screamed; cried; we only argued; and I think he had enough. He left. He told me he’s done, he no longer wears a ring, and we are no longer speaking.
    The hardest thing is there is so much love between us; I feel the ground shakes between us; I can think of nothing else; I am utterly, wholly and compltely in love with him; but my heart and through became hardened with hate.
    I pray for God’s miracle. I pray for God to reach the heart of my spouse, soften him, let him know my love, and show him hope for a way through; for a new future for us ; for a marraige, not filled with hate, but with love, and worthy of God. I pray for God’s will, he does not want Seperation, I pray he can reach us both and heal us.

  38. Please pray for my son, that God would bring good people into his life. That he would seek the help he needs to not continue with his addiction. In the mighty name of Jesus. Please set him free.

  39. I pray: that God will give me a strong, stressed-free mind during this time of employment and going to school; for a job that will enable me to go to school while working; my daughter to have retentive memory and be more focused in school; my boys to become better each day and grow up be wonderfully blessed gentlemen who will live God-spirit-filled lives; for God’s divine intervention in my family; binding every evil eye, finger or plan against my life and lives of anyone related to me; better understanding of God’s purpose for my life, my wife’s and our kids! Thank You, Lord for your blessings!

  40. Dear Prayer WARRIORS,

    Please pray for my Company owner – Mr. AB.
    The company is going through a challenging phase specially pertaining to finances. I ask you all to pray for Mr. AB that God give him the wisdom to navigate through this phase; that God send favours his way and straighten his crooked path, may God the Provider shower his blessing and open up doors and opportunity for him; may God give him the strength, courage and passion to triumph and come out successful.

  41. Greatings in the Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

    Please pray for my marriage restoration and reconciliation with my wife Scolastica please pray to God Almighty to touch her heart and soften it towards me and for her to change her mind about ending our 7 years of marriage, please pray for our young sons, to not suffer a broken family, please pray to God Almighty to touch, heal, mend, bind and protect our marriage and bless us with, unity, love, joy, health and financial resources

  42. Dear heavenly father
    today I would ask you frist for your forgiveness I know sometimes we may act not according or not in aline ment with your word but today I come in repentance asking you forgiveness. Secondly God am asking for much strength and grace so that I will not become weak in this warfear battle but help me stand strong on your promises what ever obstacles that continue to stand in my way that I would not become to fix stated on but I will remember that you are there fighting on behalf of me and others who are going through the same today I pray that every arrows obstacles will be returned to back sent back to its sender with no returns and every obstacles will be removed in jeuse name Amen

  43. Please pray for health issues for my husband and myself. To live in the name of Christ. To surrender my worries to God. Pray for recently departed and all departed friends and family. For world peace, political leaders, that they all see sense and compassion for the people of the world. For my children and grandchildren. For all the people who help us, and for all the people who have nobody to pray for them. Keep danger and enemies far from our door. In Jesus name I pray 🙏

  44. Heavenly father i pray for financial breakthrough, am struggling to job. open please for me doors of employment. let me not be a laughing stock in my family, in this village in this townm. i pray in the name of Jesus Christ amen

  45. Heavenly Father God, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. I pray that you grant me peace and solace tranquility. Lord Jesus, my life is on raging situation, peace I need Amen

  46. Hello all I feel very overcome by the chains of slothfulness, laziness, elitism, pride, haughtiness and impossibility. I know all you prayer warriors must have defeated greater demons, please help

    I thank all of you and pray that your rewards include $300 million minimum in valid current year currency

  47. My name is Betty George am requesting prayers to remove all the hindrances from my life path way. I need a better life to achieve my goals. So much things are coming my way and just going back. Money is leaving my hands as soon as it reach food stuff is finishing in my kitchen. Just my husband and me. So can you please ray to remove hindrance. These and other mercies I ask in Jesus name Amen thank you in advance

  48. Praying for peace 🕊️ between my daughter Dalaina Angelle Young and myself and peace between myself and my 2 Grand kids Jamyhn Angelle and Jamire Angelle the disrespect putting me on social media talking bad and down on me also I want prayer for Tanya evette Mitchell Jones to please leave me alone

  49. A prayer request,
    I pray that my dream of winning over the conspiracy against me in the office. May all those conspiring against me be exposed and their evil plans be arrested in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen

  50. I would like prayers so my nightmare will stop. It’s getting so bad it’s trying to kill me in my dream, last one I felt I wouldn’t wake up and it scared me,

  51. Please pray for jobs and businesses for my sons Tsepang and Lejone and for a bursary for my son Pitso and pray for unity in my family in Jesus mighty name 🙏

  52. Pastor pray for jobs and business for my children.gabidi, boitumelo lerato gomotso nomthandazo and my husband Sammy.i pray for the good marriage for my children boitumelo and Lerato in Jesus Christ name amen 🙏🙏

  53. Hello my name is Tamisha,
    Today thank the Lord for waking me up. However, I’m longing for my womb to open to receive my miracle baby. I’m married and I’m praying that im pregnant soon with my baby. So my prayer requested is that God bless me with twins…Girls or boy and for the devil to take his hand off of me. I ask that my job shall be a peacefull environment to work in. I pray that all of my debts will be paid in full. God cover my husband with a hedge of protection….allow him to be more focus on me and our marriage. All this I ask in Jesus name….amen

  54. Pray for me and family for good health and getting the Permanent residence in Canada. And to pass the Rn exam for uplift the name of Jesus christ

  55. Please pray for me and my family we have been trying some business end up on financial debts and now this is taking a straining in our marriage. Also, I asked prayers that our business must do well so that we can be a blessing to kingdom of God in the name of Jesus.

  56. I need help in overcoming an addiction. It has given me anxiety. And am having a hard time dealing with it. Any prayers that you could pray for me would be greatly appreciated.

  57. Father in Jesus name, I pray for my sister Joanne who has stage 4 cancer and is in hospice, to be healed or go to be with you for eternity. Whatever your will is, Father. In Jesus name amen.

  58. Please pray for my husband who have been in the hospital for over six weeks,that God will give him complete healing nothing is two hard for God I pray for a “suddenly” healing experience. In Jesus name.

  59. Please pray for me and my family and the strong holds of the enemy that tries to divide and sow discord confusion and fear amen and thank you

  60. I pray for restoration and healing in my marriage. We have been separated 3 months now. Lord restore everything that satan has stolen from us and let us make you the centre of our lives rather than each other. I pray for your love and forgiveness to cast out all fear and doubt and claim your restoration.

  61. Please pray for my family. There is soo much hate, anger, division that has been ongoing for a long time now and last week things spiralled out of control between my elder sister and myself and this has affected our elderly mother.
    My sister has not spoken to my other brother who lives abroad even though my mother and I have attempted to make her talk to him.
    I pray and ask the Lord to forgive me for the words I said to my sister during an extremely heated argument.
    I ask the Lord to help me to be silent even when the words said to me are painful.
    My heart is broken such that I have not visited my mother since last week.
    Lord, I pray for forgiveness and the courage to ask my mother and sister for forgiveness.
    Help me to also forgive my mother and sister for the things they said and did to me.

  62. Prayer for peace and reconciliation in my family
    Prayer for my mother’s reconciliation with my sister in law and also for brothers marriage restoration

  63. Heavenly Father I come you on bended knees knowing that in the beginning You created heaven and earth, and all other things happened according to Your will.

    Father I pray and ask from the communion of Christ to pray formy dysfunctional family believing that we are broken, we have hurt each other and very divided.

    I pray that my relationship with my mother be restored in Jesus Name.

    I pray for families that are going through the same disunity, I pray for restoration of unity and love of purpose. In Jesus Name, I pray Amen.

  64. Please pray for my family, friends ,love ones, even prayer for strangers & people that label themselves my enemies. Pray for understanding, help along the way, mercy & grace. Thank you!!!! Amen!

  65. Please pray for Angela, she had a fall 2 yrs ago, and broke both of her legs. She is unable to walk without extreme pain.
    Praying that the Lord will miraculously heal her body, touch her spirit woman, and lift her up emotionally to overcome this injury, in Jesus’s precious name.

  66. Oh Jehovah Nissi, l thank you for all that you do for us. Gracious Father program our minds for victory not defeat. I pray for my children and loved ones that You will guide them wherever they go. Let us always remember to praise and worship You for your mercy amen and amen 💖🙏🏾💖

  67. Brethren please 🙏 with me for God to restore my peace, heal my heart, strengthens my faith in Him. My wife left me with no reason it’s been 9 months now. Just need God to heal me

  68. Oh Lord I asked for a special prayer request I asked that you remove all evil spirit and voodoo and black magic and witch craft on my life and every thing br removed

  69. Pray for me. My wedding ring was stolen from home and I pray that God will bless it back to me supernaturally. It seems impossible but I’m believing for a miracle.

  70. Please help pray for me I am desperately in need of money to solve family problem. I have faith that God will hear our prayers.

  71. I help prayer because I have a mountain and Red Sea in front of me my sisters in Christ pray for my finances the spirit of poverty trying to attack me

    In Jesus name amen

  72. I was betrayed by my business partner that has jeopardized put the entire business. I am praying for restoration and removal of blockages and jealousy. The was so unexpected it almost destroyed my livelihood. I struggle with unforgiveness and am also, praying for guidance and discernment.

  73. Praying and believing in total restoration of what the locusts have relentlessly eaten my whole life …joy, years of lost sleep, job, finances. Father God please release me and my family from the enemies’ webs of attacks, all negativity and curses ever spoken over us and set us free in Jesus’ mighty and precious name. No weapon formed against us shall prosper and may those that rise up against us fall on their own swords. Amen.

  74. I need prayers to stop watching pornography and masturbating. I would like God to deliver me. I’m tired of feeling disgusted after doing the act.

  75. Father YHWH, light a path and clear it so that i may return to the fire that was in me when i first sought you out. I want that fire, conviction and persistence i once had! Give me the mind of Yeshua. Do not let the region i am in dampan my flame and heart for you. In Yeshua’s mighty name amen

  76. I give thanks to my lord Jesus Christ for watching over me and my family I thank God for everything he haves giving me I pray to remove every blockage curse and evil people who talk about me remove people from my life

  77. Heavenly father I know that prayers work.If only you believe
    in what you ask it will be given.
    Father you are the god who created the heaven and the earth.Father the whole universe
    belong to u.Father let your will be
    done our life ,renew restore, and
    bring back to that same love when it was four of us.Thank you
    👨 father for hearing my cry.
    That s in the mighty name that
    we pray. amennnnnnnn

  78. I need prayer for my self and my 3 children and 4 grand kids lord
    you know us.We use to live as one .in peace and harmony.
    Thank god you have bless us with more than enough.Where we can give 🙏 thank u for that.There is no love among ❤️
    us.Father I know that my sins
    have way me down.So father I
    pray for forgiveness over my life
    and 🙏 restore our relation with
    my family just as when it was four of us .And I 👏 praise you
    Father for hearing my cry I give you thanks ,praise honour in the
    might name 🤔 of jesus that we pray amen 🙏. Father let your will
    be done for me Father.I promise
    you 🍞 bread for the poor.Thank
    you Father for hearing my 😢 cry
    That,s it,s in the mighy name of
    jesus that we prayer,amen,amen.

  79. Father God I pray for restoration of thembhekiles marriage Lord give her peace and love.father God restore her joy ,her life ,her childrens and her husbands life.change Steven cancel every spirit of fornication in Jesus Christ name amen and amen

  80. Dear Lord,
    Thank you for your blessing and for providing for me and my children whenever I was in need.
    Heavenly father , please forgive me for every sin I committed. Almighty God, deliver me of anxiety and cure my daughter of her disability. In the blessed name of Jesus.Amen

  81. Praise the Lord, Please pray for me that my UK student visa will be granted. I have faith that the Almighty God will change my situation. Every seed breakthrough that I have planted with my hard work will be sown in Gods perfect time. My story is about to change in the Mighty name of Jesus. Every thing that I lost in the past I will be granted double in Jesus name. What the locust stole from me I will receive it back in Jesus name. I thank you Lord for the Testimonies that I am about to share with my friends and family. I praise you and glorify Your name because you are the most high God. Lord thank you for answering my prayers. Amen

  82. Dear Jesus, I am in desperate need of a financial breakthrough. I need work and to be able to pay my bills, not just future ones but the ones that I am behind on. I have been searching for work for months and am limited to certain types f work due to my age and disability. Please send me online teaching work. Amen!

  83. Prayer request
    I have for last 11 years trained my friend in the knowledge of God. However, today, the Spirit has released me to pray for the infilling of the Hole Spirit in Him, a big thing as he is a Catholic. His heart is ready but Im so nervous, I do not want to mess this huge opportunity up. Ive prayed for supernatural wisdom and for my lips and tongue be touched and led by the Spirit. He is not an easy man and one wrong word may deflate this life and death opportunity.

  84. Praise God you are worthy to be
    honoured and praise.Father I come to you believing that you
    are the god of yesterday ,today
    and tomorrow. Father you are my
    comforter,my shield and you are
    my healer.Father I have disappointed you,but you oh father have never let me down
    Father hear my heart,s 😢. Father
    please restore,revieve us again
    Heavenly father 🙏 take us back
    to that time where we use to share ,love and pray together as
    one in christ.Father let your will
    be done in the mighty name of
    jesus I prayer. Father I thank you
    in advance..,And let it be done at
    your way and time.Father I promise you bread for the poor.
    Father thank you praise you .
    And I want to continue my life’s
    journey in you my Heavenly father.Amen,amen,and 🙏 🙏 🙏

  85. Heavenly Father ,God of Glory and favours ,I approach your throne of Grace to interceed for my children ,Spouse and all men of God out there who are genuinely serving you that by the same hand that saved David against Goliath be our portion.As you extend your helping hand to all men let us not be forgotten for our children in schools,Orphans under shoulders,construction meant for your souls ,feed us in multiplying bread,sustain us in this live and open opportunities meant for us who trust in you .In the same mind and soul of Lord Jesus I pray and by the power of the Holy ghost locate us now.

  86. I want prayer for deliverance from the hands of wicked enemies witchcraft blockage chains of darkness my home my son Shern my relationship with my partner Michael

  87. My dear and merciful Jesus. I am sitting on your mighty promises because I know they are yet to be fulfilled. I refuse to walk over the line of truth into the enemy’s camp to demand justice instead I cry to you and you will deliver it at the right time and the right place. The greatest test of faith has come with my rebel’s heart on fire for the justice of God and I wait on you as your word states because then I shall mount up on eagle’s wings and soar up into the clear skies. You and you alone can and will deliver justice to me and my family. I remain in total and complete faith and in anticipation of the truth. Let there be peace joy and hope throughout the process.

    I will continue to knock on your door Father till I receive what I’ve asked for. Amen.

  88. I want the people of the lord to pray for me for the bone of my bone and the flesh of my flesh as I am not getting younger and my introvert life doesn’t seem to help. That God should send the man to locate me in Jesus name (Amen)

  89. Blessings Dear Christians TT,
    Praying that the Lord will bless each and everyone’s immediate household. Praying for my daughter’s deliverance.

    I ask of the Savior’s forgiveness of all my transgressions, blessed Lord come in to my heart and permeate my life. Let the Beauty of Jesus be seen in us.

    Lord please cover in a multitude of blessings to cover my immediate and extended family, praying continually for my Mother, of whom is in the current process of losing her home due to slipshod work completed on roof year prior and not held accountable.

    **Lord you are in the vessel, we ask for the Soverign God to be at hand when we communicate with an Attorney this today for Counsel, as this Thursday morning will converse with a Judge pertaining restoration of the ability to reside in her home.**

    Dear Lord my Mother has resided in her home which will be 30 years next year, I pray that there will be some recourse or intervention to save her home. I ask of the enlightenment to lean not on our own understanding, but in the sole love and trust of you Heavenly Father. Blessed Savior praying significantly for a positive outcome in this matter in front of the Judge this morning in her favor Dear Father. Praying for increased family love and communication, SDA genuine friendships, for Mother, Daughter and I.

    Ultimately a God fearing, to have devotion and prayer together, kindhearted, transparent, trustworthy, protective, humerus, educated, financially stable in career, etc, non judgmental l, supportive, family oriented, thoughtful, sincere, supportive, understanding of hardships in life future SDA Spouse for me Lord.

    Please Lord do more for us than we can do for ourselves. Lord I ask to please bless this country and the Leadership/transition, bless our communities, our schools, our churches Globally, all whom desire a closer connection with thee, everyone whom we may come in contact each passing day, help to choose our words and actions carefully. Please Dear God I ask to make me exceptionally wise, with guidance as to what to say and how it is said in an assertive and fair manner that will be effective, help me to finish my academic education and obtain a Bachelors and Masters degree, one day if possible Doctoral Degree with certifications debt free.
    Praying for all unspoken prayers.

    Thank you for hearing.

    Amen. 🙏🏽🙏🏽💪🏽🏡🏡💪🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

  90. Please pray for me and so many others in need as I seek God with my whole heart and for wisdom in finances and a creative miracle in finances. Amen

    1. Dear Heavenly Father, We thank You, being here is amazing because You are always with us. There are many of Your followers who are feeling overwhelmed of stressed and I pray that they will realize that You hold nothing good from Your followers. Everything You do is for a reason. Allow them to trust in You and trust in Your promises even when it gets tough. LORD, it is not by our health or genes we are here, but it is by You. Fill us with Your strength, wisdom, guidance, perseverance, endurance, and courage to just keep pushing through. Life is difficult, You path is not easy. You promised to not give up on us, so let us not give up on You. God bless everyone including Mrs. Anne family and the rest of the family around the world struggling. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen!!🩷

  91. Heavenly Father my creator my sheiled and buckler I glorify you and give all the praise thank God for your protection towards me each and every day I’m so grateful Lord your the only one that knows my daily struggles and attacks that I am enduring but through all Im learning to put all my trust and faith in you because I know without you God I would not have made it this far without m according to 2 Corinthians 10 4 the weapons of our warfear is not of our flesh and strength but can become powerful and mighty through the you when we learn soley on you God that’s when we are able to see results so my prayer God is that I will lean on you so that my strength will become more stronger and powerful when I’m leaning on you
    Thank Jesus Amen

  92. Pray for me to convince being pregnant with miracle babies that I desires for long time. God put dreams in me thst I have a beautiful large family, please pray for me to get womb open up and get pregnant this time please amen

  93. Please pray for me. I need a place to live and my transportation given back to me. Please Lord help me!🙏

  94. Prayer Request:
    Praying that God will heal my daughter totally and give her the strength to bel;ieve in herself and Always know that God is with her and give her the knowledge to love herself and others and respect others
    Thanks for the opportunity to request prayer

    1. Thank you Father God/Jesus our Healer for waking my sister Anna up plz keep her Healthy let her have a great testimony Father Cover her life with the Mighty Precious Blood of the LAMB/JESUS CHRIST I LOVE YOU ALWAYS MY KING♥️🙏🏽⭐️😇

    2. Thank you Father God/Jesus our Healer for waking my sister Anna up plz keep her Healthy let her have a great testimony Father Cover her life with the Mighty Precious Blood of the LAMB/JESUS CHRIST I LOVE YOU ALWAYS MY KING♥️🙏🏽⭐️😇

  95. Please pray for Asa 2 years old that God will heal his lungs from asthma and also heal his brother Behnam 5 years old from sensory disorder please pray that Behn can understand articulate and communicate every thing he speaks and everything spoken to him. That Asa and Behn can do all things through Jesus Christ who gives them the ability to do it. That Behn and Asa will grow up to be men of God. In Jesus holy name. Amen

  96. Please pray for Shallen having a double Mastectomy Sept 3,2024 and for Kristyn autistic being treated for cancer of the lymph nodes and liver cancer. Please agree with me for a miracle of healing for them. Amen Psalm 30:2

  97. Dear God I need your favor this day please protect my self and my family we are facing financial difficulties my kids are sacked from school and my business 😢 lord please let me receive your blessing and not getting help from any one except you God.let my family laugh in your name amen

  98. I need prayers for purpose in my life. My only child left for college and I feel so alone and no sense of purpose. I’m trying to save money for a functional medicine course to bridge the gap in my education. If this isn’t what God wants from me, I need Him to remove it from my heart and make it clear what He wants me to do.

  99. My Pray request is to resiste the devil and wicked angel in to the trust past hell form were they come in the name of Jesus .

  100. Dear Friends, I write to ask your prayers for my friend’s 36 yr old son, father to 2 young boys, that fell 30 feet from a tree while putting up a deer stand. This was 25 days ago. He broke 2 vertebraes in his neck and fractured his shoulder. He initiall was unable to feel anything from his head down and was put on breathing. They have repaired his broken vertebraes and found no tear in his spinal cord. He has since had some feeling above his tummy. they have had him in a chemical coma. We are praying for his complete recovery. He had feeling in his toes yesterday and we are elated but he still cannot breath on his own as one of his lungs isn’t functioning. His mother is epic in that she is convinced that God is sovereign and in control and that her faith hasn’t faltered but has grown in leaps and bounds. Our community is rallying around Noble praying he will receive healing as God reveals Himself through this. Praying for Noble’s salvation and his leaning into Jesus.

  101. My dear God, the healer and restorer of everything in this universe. I ask in your loving kindness to keep us in perfect peace as the storms of our life torment us daily. It’s more the demons of the spiritual world through some evil medium trying hard to destroy but your eternal peace is saving us each day just like your word in Isaiah 54:17 promises and delivers that No weapon fashioned against me and my household will ever prosper and any tongue coming against us you will condemn.

    I bring before you every detail of worry doubt and fear that seeks to cripple our minds and hearts. Let there be an awakening in the sleepers concerning our lives so that we can run to the other end of the dead sea and watch it part taking both horse and rider down. We seek to start a new life filled with peace hope and good times. You are preparing us for it. Let us wait patiently and with all the determination possible.

    Lord take away all the guilt shame and regrets and help us to repent for our sins and come back to you naturally. For if people don’t wish to do the same and disconnect from their sinful actions making it a point to not repeat it again please show it to us and take them right out from our path. Let there be a complete peace and if not a resolution let it come by as a firm confirmation to my heart. I cannot take it any more. I have to move on from all this trauma.

    Thank you for keeping us continually loved focussed and provided for in every single way.

    Thank you Jesus Thank you Father All praise and thanks to you Holy Spirit my advocate guide and deliverer. Amen. JESUS IN TRUST IN YOU!

  102. Mrs. Perkins,
    Did our father in Heaven answered you. I don’t know what yr you wrote this but I hope your son went home on Christmas Day like you asked God God Bless you and your Family ♥️🙏🏽⭐️

  103. Please pray for me to receive miracles to become pregnant that I longly waited for 11 years since I lost so many babies in Heaven, pray for me to stay pregnant with miracles this time this year please please please amen

  104. I pray for God to remove everything and everyone from my life and the lives of my children that are blocking our advancement, restoration, and breakthrough. We have been through a lot already. We want to rest and enjoy the abundant life that God promised us. In Jesus name.

  105. Heavenly Father, I am a very sad mother, knowing that my two sons don’t see eye to eye, especially my younger son Michael
    who always misunderstands his elder brother Nathan (Graham)who is under treatment for mental depression. Please lord open Michael’s heart with kindness and understanding and speak to his brother and be patient. Amen.

  106. Dear God of mercy love and grace. I tire and mourn over the despairing situation I face with a marriage to be restored. It’s been a few years of separation and I understand that this is necessary. What lies on the other side of my prayer qnd if it is your holy will not only with respect to the word marriage but also to it’s meaning, it seems to be all lost damaged and there’s very little room for communication and restoration. Lord, I am on the verge of giving up on it all but it seems you still have me hoping and waiting on your word. You have the final say. I have no heart to go further and cause any further damage to it. I have worked so hard to keep it safe connected and love with all my heart. Please show us what you want us to do. Let not our hearts be troubled while you’re working on it. Keep the covenant intact while you work on it. Whatever the outcome is make definite we have our complete freedom and peace with you.

    Strip away all the hatred anger lust greed deceit manipulation lies dishonesty disloyalty evil works unconsciousness envy most of all PRIDE. If it’s not meant to be remove us completely from the table and clear the path for good.

    Lord I will obey and keep walking. I don’t want to give up but I need my freedom and my children and myself will have it in Jesus’s name. Amen.

    Roll these burdens away I pray you and keep our saltiness alive to preserve and cleanse others in the mighty name of Jesus. We pray for our restoration and your kingdom building.

  107. prayer request for my grandson who I believe has a calling on his life he was shot and should not be here today but God blessed him to be here today. I pray he surrender to the Lord. Also pray for my granddaughter to find peace and comfort in God.

  108. I am desperate for the lord I don’t want to go back any more I am tired of living my life in a pit I am a hot mess help me Jesus and plz forgive me me I want to do your wii in my life and my family as well with you by my side I will be able to say no to the things you want me to leave behind I thank you for my life but to me it seems there is no way out I am losing my self I need you to turn this around I ask and receive in Jesus name take my spirit in your hands thank you Jesus I I only thing I want to be in your presence the rest of my life Amen the only thing I have in my hand is a thank you

    1. I touch and agree with you my sister. I am praying the same thing. Our daddy Father God PROMISED us that we are the victors. So you ARE a MIGHTY woman of God holy and useable by God for the kingdom. Remember, somebody needs you not to quit. Keep fighting the good fight of faith. I’m praying for you over here and Jesus FOREVER lives to pray for us while seated at the right hand of the Father. Your name is VICTORY! Love you and it IS well in Jesus name. And remind yourself, is there ANYTHING to hard for the Lord?!?!

  109. Gracious father I come before you this morning with thanks giving and grace.may you increase in oheavenly father.remove every fear and limitations in my life when I’m praying to you give me words to pray to to you.i refuse to forget words from the holy bible and to be a baby Christian remind me all the verses they must stay in my heart in Jesus Christ name amen and amen

  110. Prayer request – pray for GOD to intervene in my son’s court case and that he be released. Court case is on the 8 August 2024

  111. Prayer requests :pray for the release of my son from prison and for salvation. Pray for opening of closed doors for breakthrough spiritually, physically and financially in JESUS NAME

  112. I am asking for prayer for a
    court case with my next door neighbor that God will come through for me .the court date is 4 September

  113. Request prayer for my son Raymond who is undergoing depression and not able to overcome as he has bitternes hatred and cannot face day to day challenges. He has anger and going in wrong direction lacks in faith no close intimacy with God…peer pressure stagnant with his block mind having no purpose aim or goal towards his career…lacks to take his responsibility and grow forward in life….to remove all curses in his life as he has wrong friends circle leading him wrong and inappropriate ways displeasing to God…full of vengeance and more negative of thoughts we place this intention brother for his healing and deliverance…thank you Praise The Lord 🙏🙏

  114. Please pray for Mervin to be delivered from pride, arrogance, alcohol addiction, unemployment, bad company and controlling spirit

  115. Request prayer for my son Raymond who is undergoing depression and not able to overcome as he has bitternes hatred and cannot face day to day challenges. He has anger and going in wrong direction lacks in faith no close intimacy with God…peer pressure stagnant with his block mind having no purpose aim or goal towards his career…lacks to take his responsibility and grow forward in life….to remove all curses in his life as he has wrong friends circle leading him wrong and inappropriate ways displeasing to God…full of vengeance and more negative of thoughts we place this intention brother for his healing and deliverance…thank you Praise The Lord 🙏🙏

  116. 1. pray for financial breakthrough.
    2. God favor
    3. deliverance from witchcraft
    4. pray for my business breakthrough
    5. pray for brother healing.

  117. Pray closer relationship with God and Jesus Christ. My marriage. My husband and children get save. And pray for my family. And church family and Pastor. And the people in world 🌎 need. God In the name of Jesus Christ

  118. I pray for my sons saftey for his very own father is a danger to him and bad influence. I pray my son doesn’t seek his guidance not follow in his foodsteps. I pray my son will realize he needs a good paying job and a family. That he seeks God in all he does. He will stay on the oath God has ordained for his life. He will be successful in all he does and form healthy Godly relationships with good people who want what is best for him. He will not be tempted but he will be delivered from evil. He finds a awesome woman of God and raises his children to know God. He has wisdom beyond his years, he finds his voicr and speaks truth, he enforces his boundaries.
    I also pray for my sisters. They will be drug and alcohol free. I break the curse of addiction, low self esteem, depression, poverty, mental health problems, diabetes, hypertension, identity disorder, hyperlipidemia, heart irregularities from me and my family. In Jesus name amen

  119. Pray for my mother Mildred who verbally stated that she has unforgiveness in her heart for my dad who cheated on her during their entire marriage of 48 years. Finally, they are seperated. She said that she forgave him for cheating bit has trouble forgiving him for what he did to my brother and I and my grandparents. I was shock to hear her say this because she is the most forgiving person that I know. I want her to forgi e because it is what Christ desires from us. PLEASE, stand in the gap for my mother.

    1. I believe that right now the Lord is taking the taste of alcohol from his mouth in the MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS!!


  120. Please pray for me I need a rent house for my family iam waiting for owners reply to get a positive response thank

    1. God has worked out a financial miracle for you and your family. I believe that he has softened the hearts of the landlords and you will be at peace knowing you and your family’s home is protected. AMEN!!

    I thank God the Father, son,holy spirit creator of the Universe, Wisest God for thr gift of life today as the Lord has granted me life and power to live in every moment his Awesome prefect will.Thsnk you Lord.
    As I proceed on my request I tap into power to do all things and to do it in Jesus Christ prayers answering name Amen.
    My Requests from the Lord as done for me in Jesus Christ name.
    I want to relocate Overseas for work in the U.K speedily this year 2024(Thank you Lord).
    Elevation from the Lord from bacherhood to Marital status as I get married to my dedicated devoted and virtuous wife this year 2024(Thank hou Lord).
    The Lord has granted me power to make wealth (Deuteronomy 8 vs 18) as I am utilising initiatives,God’s wisdom creativity and competence to make wealth and wholly utilise global opportunities and privileges to create multiply and manifest wealth generating multiple streams of income and revenue globally yield my ownership of global assets investments and properties which I will utilise to be lifters of men and humanity as the Lord has lifted me (Thank you Lord).
    To draw closer to the Lord and seek the kingdom of God and it’s righteousness in spirit and in truth (Matthew 6 vs 33) (Thank you Lord).
    To create to pray and fast and grant me access to the voice of the Lord and capacity to be obedient to the voice of the Lord like Abraham was so will I be(Thank uou Lord)

    To propagate the gospel of Jesus Christ and bring more souls to the kingdom of God in spirit and in truth. (Thank you Lord).
    To worship,exalt and glorify God’s name with all my heart,strength,mind and all my being(Thank you Lord).
    To strengthen my spirit man by urilzing the scripture and word of God (Thank you Lord).
    Unusual inspiration to solve problems globally and manifest global ideas that resolve global challenges and problems thereby granting huge wealth to lift my family and humanity (Thank you Lord).
    These are prayers requests which I wholly trust that the Lord has done for me as there is nothing impossible with the Lord ((Matthew 19 vs 26 Luke 19 vs 27).
    Thank you for the prayers above and more of your glory and greatness you have granted to me from henceforth and in every moment of my life granted to me by the Lord in Jesus Christ prayers answering, glorious, wonderful, excellent, precious Victorious and Awesome name Amdn,Amen and Amen.

  122. Nothing seems to be moving in my life. Heavenly father break every evil chains in my life. Whatever the enemy has stolen in my life my finances,my happiness my star , my success. Lord whatever has been used to tie my life Jehova lord break those ties set me free lord. I yearn to live a life of abundance in this life of the living I tired of failing, sickness, wrong decision making,lord deliver me Jehovah lord. What you cannot do does not exist. Please pray for me for deliverance in my life I really need it.

  123. Healing prayers for my sister Lupe, who was diagnosed with breast cancer. She goes to see the surgeon on 7/29/2024; please ABBA Father don’t let the ugly can spread, let the drs remove all traces of the evil disease. I stand before the throne of Glory and mercy of almighty GOD♥️to plead the precious healing Blood of JESUS ♥️for her healing of the breast cancer, this I ask and pray in the Holy Name of Jesus ♥️ I declare and decree the my sister is healed from this evil disease. My praises,honor and glory I give to you alone ABBA Father, Amen ♥️🙏🏼

  124. Prayer for my daughter Yvonne V., for 3 cancers in her body associated with breast cancer. I stand before the throne of Glory and mercy of Almighty GOD♥️to plead the precious healing power of the Blood of JESUS♥️over her body for the healings of the cancers in her body, this I ask and pray in the Holy Name of JESUS. Thank you Father GOD for listening to my prayers. I give you all my praises, honor and glory to you alone ABBA Father. I declare and decree this prayer for my daughter’s ❤️‍🩹 healings. Amen, so be it, IT IS DONE

    1. I stand in agreement with you for the healing of your daughter. In the Book of Isaiah around the 53rd chapter the Word states that by the stripes of Jesus Christ we are healed. It is already done. We just have to believe and receive our healing in Jesus Name.

  125. Please pray for my sister Karen who drinks. She is addicted to alcohol.
    Drinks so much it is destroying her health , she needs deliverance from alcohol, , also pray for me as I approach her for prayer ,that the Lord would give me words of hope for her and that she be willing to pray with me..that she opens her heart for salvation and healing , emotional and physical.thank you Lord for answering and hearing our prayers..

    1. I pray with you for your sister Karen and ask that the words you share with her and the prayer you pray will help her to open up her heart and receive the healing that she needs in both her mind and spirit. I pray that she shares her thoughts that has drove her to this place and receive healing for every aspect of her life and spiritual being. In Jesus’s Name. Amen!!!

  126. Good morning Apostles of Jesus our Lord and Saviour

    Please I need you all join me in prayers against a moving object inside the ceiling of a newly rented apartment I just moved into on Sunday last week with my family.
    Today is the 2nd day this movement is noticed around 3.37am. I pray my my guardian Angels ,locate the object and strike/ set it ablaze and it roast to ashes in Jesus Mighty Name Amen 🙏 🙌

    1. Lord Jesus reveal to Shannon what this object is in her ceiling and remove it from their home. We come against any demonic spirit that may be dwelling inside her home. We bind up that demon and send it to where you want it to go into void and dry place, cast into the sea to drown and never return to her home or any one else’s home in Jesus Christ Name we pray. We stand in agreement! Amen!!!

    1. I stand in agreement with you for the healing of your daughter. In the Book of Isaiah around the 53rd chapter the Word states that by the stripes of Jesus Christ we are healed. It is already done. We just have to believe and receive our healing in Jesus Name.

    2. Lord Jesus reveal to Shannon what this object is in her ceiling and remove it from their home. We come against any demonic spirit that may be dwelling inside her home. We bind up that demon and send it to where you want it to go into void and dry place, cast into the sea to drown and never return to her home or any one else’s stand in agreement! Amen!!!

  127. Dear Heavenly Father, Father God Bless us…Willie and Margaret with your Love…Favor and Holy Spirit. Father God You’re MAGNIFICENT POWERFUL AMAZING AND WONDERFUL!!! …Father God teach us how to LOVE . Father Bless our Territories and Coasts…LORD ORDER our FOOTSTEPS and PROTECT our HEARTS and Lives . LORD BLESS our MIND BODY and SOULS… Father Teach us how to LOVE YOU. FATHER GOD open up the windows of heaven and pour out blessings we can’t imagine or contain according to your Will…LORD WE PRAY ASK AND RECEIVE…AMEN AMEN AND AMEN!!!

  128. I thank God that I join your group and the daily devotional thoughts and prayers really help me.

    Thank you very much and my prayer request is;
    1. Pray for my son he is doing grade 9 this year.

    1. I pray that if anything that is blocking me from receiving a Job will be canceled in the might name of Jesus. I have been without a job since I had my daughter in April and I e never went this long without one. Lord I pray that your blessings will shower over me and the door of a remote job or any job that lines up with your will would be open to me in the might name of Jesus Christ Amen.

  129. I need prayers to heal my husband of Parkinson’s Disease and strengthen his mind and give me and him the patience to wait on is good and perfect will in the healing of my husband. In Jesus Christ almighty name we pray Amen

  130. Dearest Almighty God, I need help ,guidance,money and strength to buy off this I’m currently renting, I got the deed of sale but the loan I qualify for its not enough…please help me in prayer 🙏

  131. Intercede for me and all in need of prayers please.
    Thank you in Jesus name.
    The Lord is God.
    Holy is His name.
    I pray and request that our Merciful and Faithful Lord hear and answer all our prayers. I need spine healing, tinnitus healing. O Father God as Iam incapacitated to work, I plead financial breakthrough to settle my huge debts. In Jesus name I pray.

  132. Lord Jesus, l thank you for waking us up again today. Glory be to your holy name. Everyone who has put their on this platform are looking onto you for answers. Give us the patience to wait on your perfect timing. For you know what benefits us. As we wait, strengthen our faith so that we do not give up.

  133. I am into deep financial trouble now, and I pray for God’s restoration of everything, allowing me to recover all that was scammed of me. I also pray for God’s guidance as I seek for additional source of income. Help me please as I pray, Amen

  134. I request a prayer for my neighbors to leave us alone. To find it with in themselves to leave us alone and stay away from us. Amen.

  135. Prayer request for my sister who is not feeling well ,have kidney problems
    Financial breakthrough
    Upgrading at work

  136. Please pray fir my neice who is battling anxiety and depression. Also restore her relationship with her mother. Thank you

  137. Please pray for my partner and me to be deliver from all the darkness in our live. Pray that the desire on the heart of partner for these other women will be removed. Pray the he will start focusing on himself getting the spiritual help that he needs and put his life right with God. Pray that he will show me more respect and stay faithful and committed to our relationship. Pray that God destroy that narcissistic spirit in . In Jesus mighty name amen.

  138. I would like to request prayer for God to remove all spirits of delay, stagnation, hinderances, frustration, and to move me into the plan and purpose for my life. I pray that God will bring forth a miracle that will move me out of the company that is not beneficial towards my growth spirituality and bring forth justice, vindication and restoration in all areas of my life.
    Thanks in advance for praying for me and God bless you.

  139. PRAYER FOR POSITIVE EXAM RESULTS Dear Lord, I pray that my hard work and dedication will pay off and that I will receive the results I have been striving for. Thank you for your grace and mercy. I trust in your plan for my life, and I know that you will guide me to success.

  140. Heavenly Father , I pray that you will deliver me from the blockage and hinderance in my life. Remove all negative people and thoughts from my life and fill me with the Holy Spirit, wisdom and knowledge. I pray that I will have good health and will be drawn closer to you, mighty God help with this depression / anxiety and make me into a brave a bold person who is without fear in Jesus name I pray. Amen

  141. Prayer Request: Lord please deliver my brother (Theophilus Pupo)who has been an alcoholic for years . He said he dreamed and God told him he needs to be a pastor. May God’s word comes to passed. I lost all my brothers and he’s the only brother I have. Please join me in prayers for his delivering in Jesus Christ name amen. Thanks

  142. I pray for forgiveness from God , help me to stop engaging lustful thoughts and actions. Remove all bad ill, energy and darkness away from my body and soul , the depression I am facing help me to overcome it via your guidance and protection. I want to continue to remain virgin and celibate until the lord above grants me husband of his choosing. In Jesus name, we pray Amen 🙏🏾🙏🏾

  143. Jehovah El-Elyon, l thank you for the gift of life. For without you, we are nothing. I declare that we should give thanks to you for you are good and your mercy endureth forever amen.

  144. Please deliver my husband from years of drinking, 2 or more liters of beer and sometimes it is mix. He is 66 years old mind is felling and drinking it is worse

  145. Nkhensani Mathebula: Prayer Request for my family and siblings, I Need God to give me strength, courage, forgiveness and wisdom to face the world, please pray for my younger sister whom when i look at her she is like possessed by evil spirits, she is so jealous to her own blood siblings to an extend of taking their names to an evil cult. please restore my family prayers.. please i need your prayers because by myself only i would not …

    Thanks to have family like this…

  146. Oh Lord
    This is my first time in a serious relationship that we want it to lead to marriage
    My love story is a little bit complicated
    And I want to let the world know
    That God is the greatest
    When His time in your life has come no man , no power can battle with him
    I’m a little big weak to pray
    It seems we are really getting tired but we are not going to give up because we believe this must work out
    Heavenly Father grant Peace and Eugene their hearts desire
    And all praises belongs to you Amen

  147. Please pray for me for a job as a widow mother of 3. Pray for accomodation, a miracle. I pray for Gods divine favour and Grace and mercy to come upon me, in Jesus name, Amen

  148. Prayer Request. Prayers for positive results on my NCLEX next week. I have put in so much hard work to finish nursing school, and though I am exhausted, passing this exam is crucial for starting my career. Your prayers and support are deeply appreciated. Thank you.

  149. Please pray for my son, Lord Jesus, I believe, you are everywhere, this time you are with me, Father, I am in your presence this time, you are the living Lord. Father thank you for taking time for me and my son. God, the doctor said my son has cerebral palsy since birth, so he can’t do anything. May the Lord give life to their bones. Give him wisdom, knowledge, spirit, Father, have mercy on me, you change the doctor’s report, divine spirit, proclaim healing, remove the burden of debt, give me my house, so that I can live on my island, you are. . Wonderful Lord Jesus. Named Amin.

  150. Please pray for Kanesha. She is addicted to alcohol and drugs. Her friends and family do not understand this. Thank you very much.

  151. Keep my family in prayer my mom has been diagnosed with breast cancer. Also pray for my home also my husband is having health issues. We having financial hardship. Thanks
    God bless

  152. Please Agree With Me And Pray That The LORD Deliver My Nephew Jonathan FarringtonJr. From The Spirit Autism In The Holy Name Of Christ JESUS! Thank YOU LORD YEHOVAH RAPHE’ AMEN 🙌🏾✝️📖🙏🏾🩸 Brother Gardner

  153. Please pray with me for freedom from addiction for my friend Chris and freedom from seizures also. Please pray that he will find the freedom that is in Christ and that he would find the Truth that is in Christ; that his life will be filled with joy, peace and love, and that he will come to know Jesus as a personal
    Friend and Saviour. Thank you, AMEN

  154. Please pray for Leah – a one year old little girl.

    She was born with 6 toes on each foot and now has to go for operations to amputate a toe on each foot. Please pray for wisdom for the specialist when he is in theatre and has to figure out what to do and how. Please pray that Leah won’t suffer any trauma, for her to handle the pain and discomfort and for supernatural healing to take place . Please also pray for her parents, Marko and Kayla. Thank you!

  155. Asking for prayer for my marriage restoration, every time my husband travel to the states he has changed into a monster, he disrespect me and my daughter and wanted me to do an abortion which I declined and from I decline his offer he has changed. His behavior is like he is having an affair with someone else but I’m trusting God to shift things and to turn it around for His good. I’m asking for prayer for him to receive salvation too in Jesus mighty name I pray, Amen.

  156. Prayer Request: Please pray for my daughter struggling with anxiety, depression, and negative thoughts from past emotional trauma. Please pray for healing and unity in my family as the enemy is trying hard to divide us. Thank you so much!

  157. Prayer request: Heavenly father, you know my situation you know what I’m dealing with and you knew this day was coming.
    I asked that you help keep my heart pure that the truth be revealed, and the right thing be done to glorify you. I asked that you move upon the court the family members that you will melt their hearts remove the hate My siblings have towards me all. I wanted to do the right thing and honor my mother and her death and that she finally put in her final resting place.. I don’t know what’s gonna happen from here, but I trust you. It seems like the turn the door slammed in my face.. I love my mom with all my heart, and she deserves to be honored to ask that you intervene in this crazy roller coaster will end.
    I love you and I trust you with all my heart and soul and you give me the strength and wisdom that needs to be to help me not give up cause I’m tired. I feel like I have nothing left to hold onto. Thank you for loving me and forgiving me a mom, who loved you and loved me to not give up on me so that I would come to know you the best thing that ever happened to me was given my life to you even though I know you’re with me I still feel alone and abandoned by my immediate family, including my son I asked that you bless those close friends of mine who have reached out and help me along this journey that I’m on I asked you bless them Lord amen

  158. Father Lord, your daughter comes to You a Grateful and Thankful heart. I pray for a soul mate (husband) destined by God for me, to locate me…Amen

  159. Gracious Father, l thank you for waking us up again today 🙏🏾.
    I commit our dear departed sister Freda Mcfalane into your hands. Father console her loved ones at such a challenging period. 😪

  160. Thank you Lord for keeping on doing great things in our lives .thank you Lord for delivering me and my family in Jesus Christ name amen and amen his grace and mercy.thank you Lord for delivering gomotso from the spirit of drugs in Jesus Christ name amen and amen

  161. Lord I come this morning with thanks giving praises and petitions to you gracious father.cancel every spirit of madness, stagnancy nightmares limitations setbacks disunity premature death prayerlessness disbelieve infirmity affirmity generational curses idol worship joblessness laziness in Jesus Christ name amen

  162. Please pray for me, I am looking for work and am going through a battle with my faith. I want to be closer to God but it seems like I keep getting blockages. Everytime I come to a place where I feel comfortable with the Lord it seems that the devil is trying harder to break me. I believe in Jesus I love God I just need prayer for strength please.

  163. Please pray for my situation, I’ve been self employed 30 years and have never dealt with a person so full of hate. She has constantly berated my employees and me and is now suing me and harassing me. I’ve been in my own heart praying for her to find the love of God and fine joy instead of hate and I’ve asked my employees to do the same. Pray for this to end peacefully and respectfully

  164. Please pray with and for me that there are no cancer cells anywhere in my body, that remission is still present in my body. Feeling weary afraid it’s been almost 9 years since diagnosed and 8 1/2 cancer free. I pray God mercy and grace over me and other cancer patients in the name of Jesus. I have a scan coming up on 7/15 praying clear scan no cancer

  165. Dear Jesus, I need new, fresh miracles. I need space, parking, chairs, and tables to invite family members and friends. I need upgrading comforts and standards. I need to walk out of fear and receive financial and health miracles. I need Jesus’ wisdom to lead my sons. I need to give up old burdens and depressions, and unhealthy circumstances to Jesus over and over again. Thank you, wonderful and precious Jesus, for answered prayers and strengthened character. Bless the strength of my hands and my works.

  166. Dear father
    I place my request at your feet to bless and grant my daughter that you gave me I want your blessings that my daughter get a good life partner and to settle down peacefully and decently
    I know my request is granted thank you father

  167. Happy Sabbath and God bless, can you please pray for my son. He has been waiting for a financial blessing from the father. Last year he had brain surgery and is still recovering from some issues. 6 months ago started fasting and prayer. Can you offer added prayer that his wait is not in vain. We know the father mercy and grace. Additional prayer is most welcome.

    Thanks for reading this and have a bless day.

  168. Please pray that I am approved for the studio apartment, without prejudice, as I am awaiting the confirmation for July or August, as God leads me.

    Thank You!

  169. Dear team,

    I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to request your prayers for my son, Jaydon. He is 17 years old and has grown up in the church. However, lately, he has lost interest in attending church. I am concerned about his spiritual well-being and would greatly appreciate your prayers for his deliverance.

    Thank you for your time and consideration.


    1. Heavenly Father I pray for Jaydon’s mind to turn back towards God and his spiritual walk with You. Whatever has caused him not to want to go to church and be a part of the body of Christ, we come against those negative thoughts and beliefs that he may not need You. This is a crucial time in his life as he about to enter into total adulthood in a few years and needs You to walk into adulthood with him. Father You are a mind regulator and You are able to do anything. Father let him find that determination and zeal he once had to serve You. Let him not be influenced by the people he hang around and those who may not know or love You. Let him look deep in his heart and search for the God he was one time so eager to serve and go to fellowship with his peers and family in the church. Lord God give his parents wisdom on how to speak with and to him. Give them peace in knowing that all things will work together for the good of them who loves the Lord. Please God, don’t let Jaydonget entangled with the wrong people and getting into trouble. We thank You God for hearing our prayer as we stand in agreement with this mom concerning her son. Give this mom peace and let her know that a community of people are standing in prayer with her and believing God that her son’s mind will change. Let him know that he has to abide by his mom’s rules that as for me and my house we will serve the Lord. In Jesus Name Amen! May I make a little suggestion and that is to let him know that in your house he has to to church on Sundays and that he has to attend at least one youth service. Do your church have a lot of young people? If not, search out a church that has a lot of youth (specifically teenagers) and let him go that once a month and you may want to attend with him. That worked for me as the church I grew up in had lost a lot of the youth to the streets and drugs and my mother allowed us to go to a thriving church where the pastor was youthful and had children our age at the time and was flourishing with young people and today I am 67 and still in the church and love the Lord.

  170. I came across this site searching
    for prayers that would help my son today to achieve a good outcome in family court today
    I found more then that. I found
    Prayers for all parties involved

  171. Please pray for God’s anointing on my life as I pray and seek His face that God will give me eyes to see ears to hear and a heart to hear what the Spirit of the Lord is speaking to me, that every step I take will be ordered by the Lord, that I will be debt free and financially stable to be able to sow into God’s kingdom. The Lord Jesus is my Savior, healer and deliverer the lover of my soul. Amen🙏

  172. Good morning Abba Father, l thank you for this day. I pray for our brothers and sisters who are facing challenges this day. Lord Jesus we come to your throne and humbly ask for assistance. Direct our path and make our way straight. For it is by your guidance that we can find direction. Thank you holy spirit, amen.

  173. Please pray for deliverance for Paul from demonic spirits, that God would save him and and change his life from darkness to light that the Love of Jesus would flood his heart and deliver him from bondage and break every chain of sin that has him spiritually blind and bound.

    1. I stand in agreement with you in this prayer request for Paul. We as the body of Christ join together with you in prayer for the Word of the Lord says where two or three are gathered together in prayer touching as agreeing there He is in the midst of us. We touch agree with one mind set that Paul is free from the demonic attacks and hold that the enemy has on him. We come against every witchcraft spell, every hex, jinx, schemes, tactics, doubt unbelief, satanic control, occult, hexes, unclean spirits and anything that is not in the will of our father, Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. We release the spirit of holy freedom on and in his mind in Jesus Name. Every unclean thoughts we cast it out in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. We release total healing of his heart. Soul and body and that Paul will walk in the truth of Your Word and in total healing. Since you freed the man with the legions of demons You can free Paul. We declare and decree by the power of Christ that he is totally free and will walk in his freedom from this day forward never to be entangled again with the yoke of bondage in Jesus Almighty Name we pray. Amen!!!

  174. Lord deliver lerato from this ungodly man who defiles her Lord in Jesus Christ doors of breakthrough , prosperity salvation of her soul, good husband, good job and graduate her Lord in Jesus Christ name amen 🙏🙏

    1. Heavenly father I come to you with thanks giving and praises .thank you Lord for the peace of God that dwells and reigns in my house 🏠..Lord I pray for the cancellation of bad dreams where I’m always fighting with my Jesus Christ name.

  175. I ask the LORD to help me pass my masters degree entrance test which is on Friday. May I come out in fly colors and be giving the admission in Jesus Christ name Amen

  176. Prayer for protection & Blessings for my daughter Erim. Protect her from any evil warfare that may hinder her progression. Provide guidance and Blessings in her new job and guide her on the right path. Let her know that you are only one prayer away. Thank you

  177. Pls pray for my brother Rando and wife Sharmila who are fighting and hate each other after just 1 1/2 years of marriage. Pls. heal their relationship and help them to forgive one another so that there is room to love one another. She has threatened divorce on numerous occasions and now she does not want him to come back home, She has cut his phone line and stopped all communication altogether. I am unable to help him financially as I have no job. I am at a loss what to do but I know my God can miraculously resolve this issue. Pls. God have mercy on all of us and grant them your mercy and grace to forgive one another and reconcile their differences. Take away their arrogance and hatred towards each other. Pls also give salvation to my brother, his wife and her 3 children. Thank you for praying. ❤️

  178. Please saints, help me to thank Almighty GOD for the gift of life and good health.
    Please saints help me to pray for my so Munyaradzi’s complete freedom and to have his immigration status settled
    so that he can work and get married. For him to have peace and full vindication in Jesus Christ’s Mighty Name. Thank you all in anticipation of your great prayers 🙏

  179. Pray for me to the Lord, I have this spirit of laziness and procrastination that delays me from fulfilling my purposes. I’ve left behind so many things with my lame excuses that seems good excuses at the time. I’m blessed, I’m multi talented but nothing is working and whenever I star something I stop and dissappear, please I need your prayers.

    1. We will pray for one another as I have dealt with this and God can do it. Start by doing one thing and take it to completion and then work on the next. If you are opening up a business start out by researching the market complete that step. Write out your mission statement and vision. Then apply for your LLC. You must take one step at a time. If you need someone to talk with to keep you encouraged you can reach out to me.

  180. Lord ,

    I ask that you will be with me during my NClex -RN exam. I believe this is my calling and I need you! Amen thank you Jesus !!

  181. Pray for my niece her name is Judy she is mentally ill. She lives in Canada. She desperately need our prayer

  182. Dear family I pray for the breakthrough prosperity,job for my children gabidi boitumelo lerato gomotso nomthandazo and my husband Sammy. I pray for the paying job for my children. I work alone .Lord bless our businesses in Jesus Christ name. And deliver nomthandazo from drugs Lord she’s going in and out of hospital.set her free in Jesus Christ name amen and amen

  183. Pray with me for restoration of my marriage, and financial break through. We have a lot of anger and hurt towards each other with my husband. I pray and ask God for mercy and intervention to soften our hearts and be able to work on our issues. I pray for peace and for God’s reconciliation and healing to touch our marriage.

  184. A prayer request for a financial breakthrough, breaking the spirit of rejection, breaking all the generation curses, Praying for my Children Mitchelle and Peyton, praying for Unity and love in my Family, praying for Total healing, Praying all this with Faith and Grace,in Jesus name Amen

  185. Pray for my two sons, husband and grand child. Myself as a mother and wife. Please as alcohol and drug abuse is a serious concern, financial strength and stress. Break every curse that is attacking my family in Jesus name

  186. Dear, Heavenly Father I pray for the missing people that you lay your hand on there families and friends that they will be found and come back to there home lord I love you so much that you sent you son to die for us lord I know you dint have to do that but since you care about us and loved us you did thank you so much for that but I pray dear God I just pray so so much that they will come back to there beautiful home and it’s in your precious and heavenly name amen.

  187. I am praying for relief from pain on my right side of my face where I had two root canals and the dentist had to go deep inside my jaw to numb me. Now I have pain in my ear and down my jaw to my chin. This has been happening for two weeks now. I am praying there’s no damage to my nerves and this pain goes away with no other issues.

  188. Nkhensani Mathebula: Prayer Request for Family Restoration, we facing a lot challenges with my siblings we are 4, 3 sisters and 1 brother who is last born, when i look a things 1 of us she mix herself with wrong friends who are using her for their own gain, we need God to restore her heart, to love herself so she can love her family too, because i don’t think she can love another person without loving herself first, please God must restore her heart……

  189. Prayer for complete restoration in my household. This separation has divided our household. Prayer for health, healing of my broken heart, finances, and my sons the life they are living and the drugs they are using.

  190. Thank you lord for christain tt for every day prompting prayers they sent to us to get connected to you. Am so grateful. May you lord continue to bless everyone that is involved to walk with you. Am so blessed whenever Am down, unnsure, or overwhelmed with life Am encouraged through these prayers. And also when am happy and blessed l thank God. Am so blessed today and I pray that everyone who’s going through difficulties may you lord help them out and bless them with your loving hand. Amen 🙏

  191. Please pray for me,I have an abcess in my gum .My face is swollen.Pray that I am healed from the pain and swollenness on my right side of my face.And this abcess ruptures and healing can take place .Amen.

  192. I pray for the deliverance and renewal of boitumelo lerato gomotso gosiame, gabidi, nomthandazo and myself s mind and job for my children in Jesus Christ name amen

  193. Hi, All. God bless you in Jesus Mighty Name Amen. I thank you now for coming in agreement with me for my daughter and Nicole and dog Bella’s mainly my daughter, Nicole’s dog but she’s like my adopted 4 legged daughter too.
    Bella 🐶 has brought comfort to my daughter Nicole in her struggle with overcoming anorexia (👈 its gone!✝️🙏😇) depression, low self esteem, anxiety, and fear.

    Bella 🐶 was recently diagnosed with mast cell tumor (malignant) in her right paw. I curse that cancer in Bella‘s right paw 🐾 to wither up and die in Jesus Holy and Mighty Name, just the way the Lord cursed the fig tree to wither up and die in Matthew 21:18-22 . I speak complete healing and freedom for Bella from the mast cell tumor cancer from the crowd of her head to the her paws and for Nicole as well complete healing and freedom from anxiety, depression, fear, low self-esteem in Jesus Mighty and Holy Name Amen 🙏 ✝️
    I give all the glory to our Lord King 👑 Jesus. ♥️♥️♥️

  194. Please please pray for family restoration my Deaughter in-law is always fighting with family members and angry at little things she starts arguments very angry woman 😭 may the Lord my GOD remove every unforgiving in her heart

    1. Oh, gosh! Your daughter sounds like my mother. I come in agreement in Jesus Holy and Mighty Name Amen ✝️♥️🙏😇

  195. Father I pray for the cancellation of nitemares, stagnant limitations setbacks disunity, hatred near breàkthrough joblessness laziness, sickness heaviness and bad dreams in Jesus Christ name amen 🙏🙏

  196. Please Lord & whoever reads this. I Am asking for prayer for a clear mind, a mended heart. I going through a tuff time with someone. It has my mind & my heart very heavy. I keep crying my chest hurts. He said & did some hurtful things. Its been long time of this trauma. Please I pray for peace & happiness to return.

  197. Please pray for me. I have very stubborn in-laws who don’t leave an opportunity to hurt me and talk ill of me. They seem so sweet but are back biting me. Seems like my sis in law is behind this all. She wants me out of this house while me and my husband are good together.
    I am so feeling low and frustrated now after 13 long years of adjustment. I need a break as a family. Please pray for me that I get my dream job which I have applied as now which I have is temporary one . I desperately want to move out with my kids and husband and grant them their dream of leaving with her daughter who is married yet wants to stay here with her parents… weird . Guys please pray for my deliverance

  198. Good morning my heavenly King, thank you for waking us up again today. I ask for direction in our lives. For my children to be successful in their endeavours. And for my loved ones. Bless our homes, 702, 17, 44 and 1a and all the homes l know. Thank you King Jesus for hearing my prayer
    For it shall come to pass that before they call you will hear and while they are yet speaking you will answer 🙏🏾💖🙏🏾amen.

  199. Please help me pray for my marriage my husband has been cheating on me…his name his Ferdinandise hosea we are not in good heart help me pray that God will soften his heart that he will come back to God …and he will will come back to his family

    1. Good morning my heavenly King, thank you for waking us up again today. I ask for direction in our lives. For my children to be successful in their endeavours. And for my loved ones. Bless our homes, 702, 17, 44 and 1a and all the homes l know. Thank you King Jesus for hearing my prayer
      For it shall come to pass that before they call you will hear and while they are yet speaking you will answer 🙏🏾💖🙏🏾amen.

  200. My prayer is for all my family members to be happy. Blessings and great forthcoming future blessings for them.
    I pray that my weary drooped off spirit is continually given hope peace and joy by the holy spirit who spreads love and happiness through us to this messed up world. May we continue doing good in our community and the people we meet so that every need of this community is addressed.
    I place before you all those people who have chosen their own way over yours heavenly father. I pray a sharp release and flow of love compassion and heaven’s undying commitment to your holy will in them. What God has intended for you will be done but only his way.

    Thank you for protecting loving and caring for us and for helping us in our needs. Continue to bless my children my mum and I and we depend on you to show us out of the impossible and difficult situations we have got ourselves into.
    I thank you for the gift of my loving children and in the mighty name of Jesus I protect their beautiful hearts and minds and pray Isaiah 54:17- No weapon fashioned against me or my household will ever prosper. Any tongue coming against us you will condemn.
    The wealth of scripture is life changing and I only seek to dwell in your word ALL the days of my life. Amen.

  201. Please pray for strength and healing for my friend Veronica, who will be starting radiation and chemo for brain cancer. Thank you

  202. Gracious Father, l thank you for waking us up again today. Fellow Christians, l ask that you join me in praying for my daughter Anna who has sickle cell anaemia. I pray for healing. For the lord said in the bible that where two or more are gathered, you are in their mist. Increase my faith and let me have total trust and assurance in you, my father. Thank you for hearing my prayer this morning 🙏🏾

  203. I am praying to God for open doors and financial breakthrough and for the wellbeing of my unborn child.
    May he open for me a way of getting finances to take care of my unborn child and even prepare well for it.

  204. Heavenly father, i come to you with humility asking for favor with my family undertakings. bless me financially that i may be a blessing to others. Protect me and my family from evil plots of the enemies. Thank you for all the provisions you have blessed me and my family with. protect us from developing any dangerous disease in our lives. Thank you Lord

  205. Pray and agree with me that my wife stop consuming alcohol drinks of any kind and that she commits 100% to Jesus and salvation leaving all worries and troubles at the foot of the cross in Jesus name and that I as a husband and dad will surrender my all to the Lord and be the influence of the way the Lord wants me to be in order to have a home that God wants and inspires me to have.

  206. Lord Jesus, l thank for the month of June. We welcome the sunshine and the nature around us. The flowers blooming, and the wonderful feel of the wind. We thank you for your creation and thank you for waking us up again today to enjoy your creation

  207. Dear Heavenly Father,
    My family comes before you at this moment, as my brother-in-law is having a cardiac catherization procedure done. We place him and the family in your hands to please give the physicians and staff the guidance and care that he needs as they are doing this as we are all praying that he does not have any complications on his kidneys on the outcome of this procedure. Please give my sister strength and the rest of the family present with him. Please let your Holy Spirit be amongst them all and heal his body and their minds from stress. We ask all this in faith believing that you are the greatest healer of all and we place him into your hands. In Jesus holy name we pray. Amen 🙏

  208. Please pray and ask God to reinstate Carl Wiley job. He is a good hard working person who care about others an d like to see them happy and he was sent home because someone is envious of his job. Please ask God to break this evil spirit and reinstate his job as soon as possible as he needs his job to pay his rent and help his son.

    Thank you.

  209. Please join me and pray for breakthrough in all my endeavors, family,and my father’s house.

  210. Heavenly Father i pray that u will grant me favour in this new job.I also pray that u will continue to bless my children and keep them covered under your precious blood.I pray that u bless my son Jamal with a good job because he is out of one.My you open doors for him to find thst job in Jedus name i pray Amen

  211. Father l am asking you for financial assistance. My younger brother has gotten this opportunity to teach abroad. He needs 1500 dollars by the middle of June of this year. Please open the door for him. I want to help him but l do not have the money right now. Help me find a way. Nothing is impossible for you. I am exercising my faith in you, Jehovah.

  212. Dear Heavenly Father,
    I cry daily Lord, please help me to move through this troubled time. I’m at the bottom of the mountain trying to move up but it’s so hard father. Please help me to continue on the right path with faith in you that this is a test and will pass. I love you Lord even though sometimes I may not feel your presence, but I reassure myself that you’re there. Thank you for my family and I pray that they continue to prosper.

  213. Please pray for Bennie – extremely depressed as he suffers from memory loss due to a virus.

  214. I need the holy spirit to help me rid the spirit of laziness and slothfulness from off of me especially in my prayer life. I want to possess more zeal in my prayer and work life whether I’m at home or work. I want prayer for my mental capacity – to consider being more productive in all aspects.

  215. Please bless my sister Ashley with a happy healthy baby girl. I plead the blood of Jesus over her womb and I repeat that she will conceive, carry and give birth in Jesus name I pray Amen 🙏

  216. Good morning win today win tomorrow and win forever in Jesus Christ prayer today is God’s favor in whatever I do.Lord I need u’re protection when I enter my school premices.when I just enter the gate I’ll begin to have sickness,heaviness in my body , my knees and legs start to pain me.breathing will be affected.our principal doesn’t like me .she even went to the department and told them that I must go cs already I’m abaut to retire.but I’m remaining with 4yrs and I need this money cs I’m the only bread husband is a pensioner and children are she humiliate me .I’m not happy.Lord my God have mercy on me.fight for me . vindicate me this morning as I’m going to work.remove every spirit of fear.let u’re Glory shine on me in Jesus Christ name amen and amen

    1. My prayers are for you sister. Our God will fight for you and He always wins. Justice comes from the Lord. Isaiah 54 :15 says “…….whoever assembles against you shall fall for your sake.” Also Read Isaiah 54 verse 17. Believe and hold on to this promise. “No weapon formed against you shall prosper. And every tongue which rises against you in judgement you shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is from Me” says the Lord. Do not be afraid of what man can do. Our God is greate!!

  217. Am a woman in need of financial freedom came across this and I said to my self that this message has come at the right time. I am in huge debts plus school bills to settle. May God see me through

  218. I am facing a car insurance increase and I humbly ask for the Lord’s mercy and peace to handle it.

  219. Please assist me with prayers against the spirit of Rejection, Marriage restoration, against the spirit of poverty and debts🙏

  220. I have a stomach ache , and nausea, I have felt sick and like vomiting for the last 12 days but I belief that if we stand in faith and prayer I would be healed in the Mighty Name of Jesus, join me in prayer, let us resist the devil, rebuke that condition whatever it is and command that sickness to go out in the mighty Name of Jesus Christ we pray

  221. Today 24th of May 2024 is my class 12 board exam results I offer and pray that my results will come out with flying colours I will make my parents proud and happy in Jesus’s name Amen.🤍

  222. Prayers to make the right decisions concerning work and education. Prayer to trust and follow God. Prayer for financial stability through transition.

  223. I pray in Jesus name to be delivered from the many affliction of the enemy also trying the enemy is fighting my relationship. Enough is Enough!

  224. Prayers for deliverance from demonic oppression/voices and spiritual warfare and from witch craft from gang-stalking and monitoring spirits! prayer for protection and strength to be be set free healing for Monica Rodriguez and her children and loved ones .

  225. Good morning family.i pray for my husband to get job he has an Electric company .my adult children to also get job , working alone and I’m abaut to retire in Jesus Christ name amen and amen

  226. Our God and Father, I come before on this day, on behalf of my son, who was discharged from his job earlier this month.
    He was wrongfully terminated due to a toxic and hostile job supervisor. My son stood up for his employees and work rights and he was let go. I ask for prayers and guidance for his job restoration soon. He will be meeting with County Aministrator and Attorney today.
    I pray in faith and in the holy name of Jesus for things to work on his behalf.He has been doing a great job and earned his Commercial Drivers license to do his duties and help our community by cleaning the roads this winter so people could get to work. He has done more than his job requirements and is always ready to work. The whole work team has been devasted and would like him back. The toxic people need to go and deal with their issues out of the workplace and need to find God, I pray for them as well to find peace in their lives. I place this situation in the hands of God and ask for restoration for his job. Please look into the hearts of these officials and help them make the right decision in this situation. No one needs to be afraid of going to work daily to have to deal with vulgar, toxic supervisors. I pray in Jesus name. Amen

  227. Heavenly Father,

    In the mighty name of Jesus, I come before You today with a heart full of hope and a spirit seeking Your guidance. For over eight months, I have been on a journey, a quest for employment that aligns with the skills and experience You have graciously bestowed upon me. As a civil engineer, I yearn to find a position where I can contribute meaningfully and grow professionally.

    Lord, I ask for Your divine intervention in my job search. May Your favor shine upon my path, leading me to opportunities that not only provide for my needs but also allow me to use my talents for the greater good. Grant me the wisdom to navigate through the challenges of job hunting, the patience to wait for the right opportunity, and the perseverance to continue despite the setbacks.

    I pray for the discernment to recognize the doors You open and the courage to walk through them with confidence. Bless the resumes I send, the interviews I attend, and the networks I engage with. May my efforts be met with success and my aspirations be aligned with Your perfect plan for my life.

    In Jesus’ mighty name, I trust that You will provide, and I await Your perfect timing with a hopeful heart.


  228. Gracious God, thank you for waking us up again today. I pray for the sick especially my brother Kwesi, my sister in law Serwaah. Whatever the infirmities, remove it from their bodies for you are our great physician, nothing is impossible for you.
    I pray for increase in careers for my children and their cousins.
    I pray for God fearing partners for my children
    Father l pray for a vehicle for the family in Ghana.
    And it shall come to pass, that before we ask, you will hear and while we are yet speaking, you will answer. Amen.

  229. Please pray for my family. The people I offended knowingly/unknowingly. My neighbors and people that consider themselves a enemy. Friends and acquaintance. Pray for their wellbeing, there health, finance. I ask for pray for peace of mine. And most of all I ask for all of us to love one another. AMEN. Thank you.

  230. Kindly pray for my daughter lucia that the Lord will deliver her from the enemy who is causing problems for her at work in the HR department accusing her falsely, give her victory dear God fight for her for the battle is not hers dear Lord it is yours Amen. Lay a table for her in the presence of her enemies Amen

    1. I Greet you all in the Mighty name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth our Savior.Kindly pray for me I have been sick since November. I was diagnosed with bile duct adenocarcinoma of which I don’t agree with the reports by faith. They recently found out that I have ETB of the urinary system. I believe that by His stripes I am healed.

  231. Praise Jesus, kindly pray for us as a family we are going through financial situation, pray for a way out of debt, pray for a way out of our financial struggles, pray for healing and restoration with my three older children. They have been estranged for years. No communication. Julie, Michael and Rachael. Pray for open doors for employment for sheila she has been in a dry and weary land for so long and good husbands for my daughters in Jesus Name Amen

  232. dear Father
    please help me in the coming two weeks. i have discussions on my work
    please work in peoples heart please protect me
    i apologize for my mistakes
    please forgive me

  233. Lord God, I pray for my children Anthony, Kayla, Kyle, Paris and Jino for them to follow your path and not the ways of the world. Please pray for me for my Savior to remove the spirit of my depression, anxiety and loneliness that I am constantly experiencing. For me to rejoice in the Lord and for my tears to cease. It’s in Jesus name I will continue to pray 🙏🏼. Thank you

  234. Pray for my father who needs God’s totally healing to be able to walk, talk, eat, normally again. Being totally revived in Jesus’s precious name. Amen

  235. Pray for Andrew healing from depression bipolar disorder and protection over mental health and God helps me so I don’t have to check into mental hospital ever again praise God also block the enemy attacking my body mind emotions and remove curses off my life God to help me and spiritual happiness and strength and God to draw himself close to me praise God also remove all spiritual blocks causing blocks to my healing perform this healing maricle for me to strengthen my relationship with God

  236. I ask for prayers for my sister Barb who is waiting results from her biopsy and suspects that she has breast cancer, my brother-in-law Mark who is quite ill and for my cousin Donna who is worried about her health. Thank you.

  237. I pray and hope for good health, financial breakthrough,faithfulness, lovingness,kindness,forgivefulness, mercifulness and being grateful and thankful to all my families and my neighbours in Jesus Mighty Name I prayed amen and amen.

  238. I greet you in the mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ my name is Janet married with three kids but my life has been full of challenges but i would love you to pray for financial breakthrough, i personally and my family, my husband has money but it’s his so i also want God to open doors for me and i also have some thing in the pocket God bless you

  239. I gave birth to a beautiful little girl. I thank God for this precious gift. I ask that he give me the strength, wisdom and guidance to raise this child. I also want to pray for spiritual growth, I struggle to pray at times because of my current circumstances… I am unemployed, raising a child. I’m praying for a breakthrough in all areas of my life ( spiritual growth, career, finances and unspoken).

  240. Good afternoon. I’m requesting prayer for physical, emotional and spiritual healing for me please.

  241. Please do pray for me from being sick physically , skin rashes , symptoms of diabetes, curses and all sin

  242. Pray with me, As I continue to pray for restoration In my marriage for my husband to be set free from the holds on his life. That he would fine the Lord. Break holes over my Finances. For my daughters Khia ,Alvia and Ale’age set free from all things that is not of God that the enemy or the enemies hold would be broken of the lives in Jesus name. And for me to Stay firm In my faith I would not be moved even when it looks like nothing is working.

  243. Lord, my husband Henry needs healing for his shattered body from falling off a high ladder onto concrete. He has a brittle bone condition, almost every bone in his body was broken. He needs Your healing from the pain and cramping preventing him from sleeping.
    He needs healing for the concussion affecting his thinking and memory, his hearing and his double vision.
    Pls help him recover quickly and be able to walk without the walker or canes. He is doing well considering everything, I know You Lord are giving him the strength and determination he needs right now. Thank You Jesus

  244. Prayer for my restoration in my job & for the wisdom to past my state exams. I bought my home this year a blessing from you my lord. I need prayers for my relationship with my with the boyfriend who walk in my life. He struggles with addiction or alcoholism. He has brought much negativety or raw feelings into my life! Pleae restore the pain my mom carrys from grief and loss of her daughter my sister. Give me wisdom to make decisions and to restore my health I pray to be free of worry and anxieties I have from pressures in life I feel daily. Pray for my son. Bring us joy and light our soul. Guide me through all the struggles.

  245. Praying that my daughter is blessed with a life partner who will be her soulmate. Please pray that she meets the right man soon and settles down in life. My husband and I are aging and we would like to see her settled and happy.
    Thank you .

  246. Lord Jesus l thank you for waking us up again today. I thank you for our lives. I connext my brother Kwesi Poku to your altar of Grace. I pray for healing and deliverance for him. I pray for peace in his home.

  247. Pray with me that The Almighty FATHER Yahweh will continue to bring healing for my brother’s children, that they would have the courage to seek responsible partners for marriage. Especially the sons that they would find good women for marriage and have children. I asked this in Yashuwah’s Mighty Name Amen.

  248. I need prayer for my situation now, I need God to interven to my financial problem, and now I’m hopeless in everything, I need power to stand up and do the rite things because God is always there to help, without God I’m nothing

  249. God thank you very much for all blessings you are giving me all my life!! Please bless me more with health and work from home to pay off my debts, buy a car and have security for life!! Thank you in advance for your help every day of my life!! Amen

  250. I need prayer to find a job, my job of 5+ yrs just let me go… I’m a single mom of 48 yrs old an my daughter is 8 yrs… I have no help from child support I raise her on my own… God please open the right door..

  251. Please pray for Bennie. A virus in his brain wiped out his short term memory and he cannot remember what happened 10 minutes ago. Everything around him is “new” each day as he is unable to recognise. He does not know where he is, why, for how long, etc. etc. He cannot find his room or bathroom (or anything else for that matter) on his own. No doctor or psychiatrist or therapist can give any idea of if he will recover and if, when. He needs assisted living as he cannot take care of himself. He is severely depressed, has suicidal thoughts and has given up on life. Only God can heal him. Please pray for his salvation and healing and a suitable place to stay in the meantime as he will soon be discharged from hospital after more than 3 months. Thank you!

  252. I presently have a document already prepared for something in my favour and the CEO refuses to sign it. It has been outstanding for almost 20 months, and now it has reached this point, he refuses to sign. He has been very vindicative towards me due to the position I hold in the organization, and now its an opportunity for him to hold a trump card over me, as he is the last stop before the document is released. But I rebuke the spirit of blockages in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. I am asking for agreement in prayer that tomorrow May 8th 2024 God willing, it will be signed in Jesus name.

  253. Dear children of God, I’m facing similar situations like some of you, financial, family healing and restoration I’m praying for all of you as I wait on God to come through for me And my children. God come through for us. You are our present help in Jesus Name Amen

  254. Please may you pray for my husband, my marriage, myself and my son. My husband has been unfaithful and we have been separated for about a month now. The Lord has granted me peace during this heart wrenching turmoil but it is taking a toll on my son. Please pray for peace and God’s grace on my marriage.

    Thanking you in advance.

  255. I am feeling broken and battered, lost and alone because it seems everything I try is just not working out. I feel helpless. Please pray for me and my family we need a spiritual and financial breakthrough.

  256. Gracious God have mercy on me let ure mercy and favor speak for myself and my family as I come before you with boldness.father I thank for waking me up and all the good things you’ve done for me and my family.Lord I pray for the deliverance and restoration of everything the devil has stolen from my family.cancel every spirit of madness stagnancy, poverty , failure fear nightmares laziness limitations setbacks disunity premature death prayerlessness disbelieve infirmity affirmity generational curses idol worship jealous disappointment limitations lack laziness, joblessness sickness and disease.lord protect nomthandazo thembhekiles melusi in Jesus Christ name amen and amen

    1. I want God to bless me with the fruits of womb, I dreamt that I gave birth to twins, I pray not to see my period this month but tested positive of pregnancy in Jesus name

  257. I’m jasmine Martha tudu I have a prayer request for my 10th result that may due to God grace I could qualify with good marks.

  258. Father God, I’m praying for my grandson he’s 14 years old I’m praying that he be more focused on his schoolwork and that he won’t get caught up in the things of the world that the Lord will keep him safe and let Christ operate in his heart,mind,and soul. In Jesus Name I pray

  259. I declare that no weapon formed against us prosper and every tongue that rises against us you shall condemn. This is the heritage of the Lord and their righteousness is from me. This is my declaration today for us all.

  260. Please help us in prayer. Our landlord is putting his apartment that we are renting up for sale. Before we sign our lease renewal, which is up at the end of June, I pray that the lord will help us find a 3 bedroom like the one we are staying in or even better, in the same price range with a yard and closed garage in the same Wilropark or Roodekrans area where it is safe with friendly neighbours. We have nowhere else to go and no family to help. We trust in god to fight for us, to protect us, to guide us and to provide for us. Please also pray for my mum she is a widow and is struggling financially.

  261. Please pray that I truly overcome porn and masturbation once and for all. Also that God prepares me for a wife.If that’s his will.

    1. Vincent, I stand in agreement with you that the Lord, Our GOD will deliver you from all evil including masturbation and pornography and replace it the grace of self-control. Cast all your cares upon Him for He cares for you. Trust and believe that God is greater than all of your problems and that He will deliver you. The enemy wants to keep in bondage and guilt. The moment you confessed your sin is the first step to your deliverance-rejoice and glorify God in this. His strength is made perfect in our weaknesses. If your desire is be married, the word says to delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart. This means that you will need to stay close to him and rely on Him through prayer and reading His word. Stay away from those things that entangle and lure you into sin —submit to God, resist the devil and he shall flee from you. I pray your strength and help in the Lord, in JESUS CHRIST Mighty Name, Amen.

  262. Hello, I’d like to share with you some background as to why I’m requesting this prayer

    I used to date G. for a few years, he was a good kind hearted person. A baptized believer — he was raised in church and I know for a fact he knows OF Jesus.

    In August, I finally decided to leave him after he couldn’t stop lying and cheating. Suddenly it was like he had a schizophrenic spirit on him NEVER meaning anything he said, constantly double-minded & hateful. His conversation turned to filth and perversion and violence. I had had enough.

    I am a paralegal. He is a prison guard. Less than 24 hours after I told God Im finished with this wickedness & I erased G. out of my contacts, a family comes in to my law office wanting to sue the prison. THE VERY NEXT DAY. Their son is having emergency brain surgery to stop the bleeding after a prison guard stabbed him 4 times in the face and eyes and neck. G. & another prison guard named T. are the 2 guards who are guilty of this attack on my client, M.A.

    Now, I have to continue to think about G. This knocked the wind out of me. I burst into tears & I asked God WHY — out of all the law firms in this area — WHY did this case come to THIS law firm where I will be the one working on it? Why?

    So I figured that God has given me an assignment. I think God has shown me this truth about G. not ONLY to show how psychotic he can be but to pray for him instead of judging him. I don’t hate him — and God knows that he can trust my heart to pray for him because God knows I have seen the good kind G.

    So anyway, God has turned this around for the good for M.A. — I have befriended him — I tell him he’s “my adopted nephew”. I have brought him to Jesus — and he was baptized last month. He also is SUCH a gifted artist that even though he only has a GED this law firm is representing him as a commercial artist and he now has a Fine Arts Scholarship– thanks to the lawyers in this law firm so impressed with his artwork that they are promoting him at an Art Exhibit for Inmates next November called the ‘Miles of Freedom Art Exhibit. What’s more this law firm is represented him at his parole hearing and he will be released in 6 months. Romans 8:28 the Lord promises He will turn ALL things around FOR OUR GOOD and according to His Purpose. So, in a nutshell, a situation that almost killed him ended up getting him a scholarship and paroled to begin anew. God obviously had His Hand in this from begining to now and I think its a beautiful story. God is so good.

    In the meantime, G.s life is a mess all the way around. He has an estranged adult daughter M. that he is terrible towards. Its like he has a hatred of all women. They need a miracle in their relationship. Additionally, by the grace of God, G. — so far — does not know that me or my law firm are behind this case since we have been dealing only with the legal dept of the prison. What’s more, my client M.A. has no idea, either. every time I’m visiting with him almost daily & helping him stay close to Jesus I think to myself that I used to be in love with the man who almost killed him. IDK what either man would do if they found out that I’ve always known.

    Ive been fasting and praying for G.’s deliverance. Despite M.A., my client’s recovery, G. stabbed him in his left eye to where he can barely see — M.A. now has 2 brain aneurisms that are at least 2 ½ inches deep from them’ stabbing him with a ball point pen, per medical records.

    The State Prosecutor has recommended in our favor that G. have criminal charges for aggravated assault and attempted murder. Well, so be it since M.A
    almost died. But I believe that if G. will have a personal encounter with Jesus it will prevent more victims like M.A. and M. and me — AND what a great testimony G. can be of God’s mercy to even the most wicked among us. Its a WIN/WIN. Peace be with you. Thanks for listening & I ask you to be in agreement with me regarding this matter.

  263. Lord I pray for peace favor, pro’s financial breakthrough sound mind in boitumelo my son.give lerato peace Lord open doors of heaven in Jesus Christ name amen and amen

  264. please pray for me to be free from the spirit of delay, stagnation, and setback. Also, please pray that the Lord will bless me with a child.

  265. Please pray for open doors for my husband ,Fabian and I , Brigitta Prayer for a financial breakthrough, breakthrough in our perfume business. My family to know Jesus. Prayer for a car to do business.

  266. Would you please pray for our son Joel who is struggling with depression and drug addiction? He needs a miracle to be set free

  267. Rick please need prayer for mercy and protection God deal with nasty people at work and home thank you and God bless you 😇

  268. I pray 🙏 that
    God Almighty will give me the strength to serve him
    And please God please forgive All my sins please 🥺🥺🥺.
    Also I need wisdom knowledge and understanding
    And I want God to bless my family

  269. I am praying for God to come through for me, I have applied for so many jobs and i have been getting loads of rejections. Please join me in prayers for God to grant me favour in sight of the employers. I need the favour of God. I pray i get a Job before the end of May 2024 in Jesus Name . Amen

    1. Hi Dami
      I am standing in agreement with you that God will give you divine favor with an employer for a new job. God can do this even if you you are not qualified for the job. He can even change the employer’s heart to favor you instead of the person of their own choice for the position. “The heart of the king is in His hands and He can turn it whichever way He wants to. We thank God in advance for your new job and we thank you Father God for Dami’s testimony, in Jesus Name, Amen.


  270. I lift up my two Granddaughters Rose, who is 11 and Scarlet, who is at their mother does what she can to bring them up she’s a single mom, but she’s always verbally abusing them and it’s hurts. It’s very hurtful to see that because she verbally uses unkind words to call them names they’re innocent little girls and so I asked that You pray for them to be protected by their mother once in a while she’ll spank them, but not beat them, but she’ll spank them, but I think it’s mostly just verbal abuse that she to little angels🙏🏼

    1. Praying God will get ahold of your daughter and give her a new heart that she may be a Spirit filled mother to your grand children. In Jesus name

  271. Please pray for me and my son and grandsons that the Will remember us all for good. The Lord to give us all grace, mercy, peace, knowledge, understanding, wisdom, abundance blessings and protection. We have no one except the Lord and you our Christian family. So pray for us.

  272. god bless all my enemy and the who don’t like me
    may god give so much blessing and favor
    god bless all kids
    god bless all elder people
    god bless all religion faith
    god bless everybody bosses may everybody
    have so much favor with their bosses all the time
    god bless everybody family
    god bless everybody friends
    god bless all christianity
    god bless all lds mormon
    god bless all house
    god bless everybody neighbor
    god bless all jehovah’s witnesses
    god bless all churches
    god bless all pastors and churches leader
    god bless all plants
    god all kinds of foods
    god all pets and animals
    god bless all neighborhood
    god bless everybody jobs
    god bless all parks
    god bless this whole amazing world
    god bless all places of worships
    god bless all power line and Electrical grid so nobody
    will never be with out power again
    god all school

  273. I am in counseling..I am hurting bad inside. I admit it…I am constantly depressed and in inner pain….My friends have started to exclude me from things…I am also extremely desirious of finding a wife and getting married. I am 47..48 in June…I want a wife and child of my own…I need that in my life…I am missing that…Pray for my inner healing and GOD to show me I matter..Pray I am accepted by people, by my friends. Pray GOD connects me to the woman He has for me somehow. Pray someone or some way it happens soon….i believe a woman named Deanna could be the one..Pray If she is GOd connects us together. PRay also that I marry her if she is the one soon..Pray she sees the value in me and GOD plan in this area…Pray GOD just makes this happen for me…Pray GOD shows me if Deanna is the one without me getting hurt..Pray also that He leads and guides me to the right one…her deanna or whoever the right lady is…Pray I got revelation on this and where to find my spouse and GOD brings it together…for me….Please also pray for increased income..

  274. Please pray for us We Need A Financial Miracle to pay for our Bills and Everyday Living Expenses Also We rely on the Food Bank to Feed our Family Thank-you Michael and Family

  275. I pray to have good interaction with Jesus my savior again .I pray that Jesus bring light and prosperity in my life again.I am praying to be born again to have good communication with my father Jehovah.I pray Jesus to bring back my sight of prophecy and power to work for him.

  276. my prayers request, God of mercy suprise nd support my final exam results God pls let me pass nd come outside with a good gpa ,God pls am d only that remains all my friends have all graduated and go to another class ,God pls don’t let my sufferings be in vain God pls shower ur mercy in my exam results God pls 🥺let me able to come back for thanksgiving thank you Jesus

  277. Father God the strongholds with my fiance and myself; relational seems impossible at times like now but you promise all things are possible with you Thank you the battle belongs to you in Jesus’ name Thank you, God!!!

  278. God’s hand is powerful, God is faithful, his mercies are new each morning. I lift up all the prayer requests to God may he touch each one of you and meet your needs, whatever it is you are asking God for he is answering. Giving thanks to God for all the testimonies of what God has done. I believe it is done in Jesus Name Amen.

  279. Kindly for my family for healing and restoration. Pray for open doors for employment. Pray for lost of the flesh , that I will overcome sexual desires. I do not want to sin against my body which is the temple of the holy spirit. Pray that God settles us financially and also bless us with a home in Jesus Name Amen

  280. Please pray for Bennie Naude, 55 years old. On 5 February 2024 he was diagnosed with a fever-blister virus in his brain. His short term memory was totally wiped out. He spent two months in hospital and is now in a rehabilitation center for another few weeks. Life at the moment is a living hell as he cannot remember anything. He will wake up in the morning and he won’t know where he is or why or for how long. People will visit him or tell him something but he is not able to recall. He really needs a God-working miracle to enable him to lead a “normal” life without assisted living and return to work again. At the moment it is no work no pay – needless to say there are huge financial implications. Bennie is very depressed and has lost hope to recover. He really needs all our prayers! Thank you

  281. ABBA father, please hear my prayers for my struggling son. Father my son is extremely talented, traumatized and doesn’t know his way forward. He is going for bail hearing tomorrow, Tuesday 23rd. They are punishing him for a crime he didn’t commit.
    They want to put a tag on him, want him to report to the police three ,(3) times a week and report to immigration reporting centre.
    Lord all I need is your mercy for my son and vindicate him Ameen

  282. Good evening…lwill be praying with you for all these people that are in need of pray..may the Good Lord help them too came to a place of forgiveness with themselves and then others…l prayer for healing in they souls….by the blood of Jesus Christ

  283. Dear God please heal my adoptive and God mother because they are having health issues. I pray for full healing of their bodies. I pray for myself and the opportunities that you will bless me with. God I give thanks and praise for my own understanding and bringing me out of depression. I pray to move out and into my own place and live a blessed life and follow the word of God. Amen.

  284. Please pray for my son who is battling with law enforcement who are evil and plotting against him with lies
    I’m praying for great favor and victory
    Please pray for him and believing in faith with us that he has victory and favor with the judge also that the judge will drop charges against my son and all the police tries to do will be thrown out of court against my son
    As I see everyone requests on this site I pray victory in Jesus Name for all who serves and loves Jesus believing in agreement that it is done that all we ask for because when 2 or more pray in agreement it is already done! He is in our midst! Answering our prayers before we open our mouths! For who puts his trust in Christ will never be put to shame! God will always triumph over the enemy and the enemy has to pay back seven fold for what he has stolen from us! In the mighty name of Jesus! I plead the blood of Jesus over every request spoken and unspoken! Praise be to our God ! Who never fails!!

  285. I’m bless and inspire by these prayers and decorations moust of your prayers speak personally in my life thanks to God our heavenly father who speak words of powerful encouragement support to embrace me in this war fair moments as I intercede and standing in the gap for my one and only daughter specially for healing from drugs drinking smoking steeling sexabuse of her body which is the temple of of the holy spirit of God i pray God our Father keep on using you and your team to help people around the globe spreading the good news to his people love you all in Jesus powerful and mighty name. ♥️

  286. I’m praying for myself and family for emotional, physical ,financial and spiritual breakthrough, and for the removal of any hindrance that is blocking us from being close to you and serving you lord 🙏 I thank you for hearing and answering my prayers in Jesus’s name amen

  287. I ask prayers for my sons Paul, Joshua and Zee a man I love. I ask Paul be released from wicked courts, exploiting, conspiring, false statement. stealing his money. From pot, pills and addictions..he needs baptized in Jesus name. joshua needs to repent too be baptized in Jesus Christ name, leave a fornicative relationship. Kayla his girl friend needs salvation. Angel needs salvation, red, Wendy and husband, Hailey and family too. Zee needs salvation too and his family. Ibrahim Yasir sandimoor, Christy, Nadeem Muhammad many more. I need also a new truck for work and a home.

  288. I come into prayer 🙏 🙌 of agreement and alignment for God to release favor, deliverance, protection and abundance upon my life.

    I am praying for protection in my current job and environment and security as well as favor and annointing to do the work equally favor and annointing with people i work with and work for….

    I ask the Lord to continue to direct my paths and release me into bigger and broader spaces where I will be utilized meaningfully and purposely with financial rewards and enablement to support my family and those around me…

    I am praying for God’s restoration and security in my husband’s job and career declaring provision and protection in his work life and finances…declaring that no weapon formed against him and us as a family will prosper.

    I pray that God will protect and guide my children in all things and through all things….I release healing and wholeness in our lives.

    I thank God for how far he has brought us as a family 👪 and how far he is taking us with covering, sustainance, provision and due care.

    I thank God that as he opens up doors and decrees and releases favor daily and annointing daily and protection daily that we will grow from Glory to Glory as this family and be a blessing to others.

    I thank God for the people he sends into our lives to be prayer warriors and intercessors and stand in the gap for us so we may receive God’s unmerited favor and abundance.

    I pray for healing, health, longevity and continual overflow of blessings 🙏.

    In Jesus Name.


  289. Prayer for my friend in Christ daughter of my pastor. She is going through court has suffered domestic violence and is in need of prayers. Looking for favor in court for her. So many lies are coming against her please lift her in prayer and for the children involved.

  290. Dear heavenly father. My mind is in turmoil. Father l pray for peace and tranquility for me and my loved ones. In all my circumstances, l thank you for blessing us with this new day.

  291. Please agree with me in prayer for Salvation deliverance spiritual and emotional healing for my children, grandchildren and great grand children

  292. Please pray for my son, whose business has stalled. Pray for customers and clients that can utilize his services. I also ask prayer for my sister who is facing challenges on her job. Thank you

    1. Yes praying in agreement with you please pray for my business as well also and I will continue to pray for Jackie as well .
      I declare and decree that this day these things we ask for will be done in Jesus Name for if God is for us who can be against us!
      Greater is he that is for us than he that is in this world!

  293. Pray for my son junior my daughter Shanice so we can be together and not fighting please pray for me I have to much pain in my knee and also for my citizenship in Jesus amen

  294. Please pray for me. I have suicidal thoughts. My daughters ignore me. I feel so unloved. Jesus help me and them too. So we can be a family again. Amen.

  295. More grace and anointing.
    1. I need God’s divine healing on a girl called Deborah who has chronic sickle cell anemia.
    2. I need God to revive and flourish my business to the glory of His Name, amen 🙏

  296. Please pray that God through His Holy Spirit will keep me mindful of everything I say look at or listen to. Pray that everything I say and do will honor and glorify Jesus Christ. Amen and God bless

  297. Please pray for me and my partner, I am going through trying time with him. He is insisting to bring another woman into our relationship and I don’t approve of it all how I tell him I am not happy with it. And woman doesn’t care she keep coming behind him. Please pray that God will remove that desire from his heart and remove that woman in Jesus mighty name amen.

  298. Financial problems and financial backward and good health and family blessings and what is my life and what is my sins and cursed and bless my job and clear for my loans and my life is gone plz pray for me

  299. I seek divine intervention for a new job that is within my God given calling ( counseling/ teaching).
    I seek breakthrough from heavy attacks on my job, health and finances. The enemy knows that if I am placed in the right job I will exceed mightily.
    I thank you in advance Lord for these blessings, in your mighty name Jesus!

  300. Please stand with me in prayer. My son is currently in jail. Please stand with me in prayer for his release and for all his charges to be dropped. He is only 17 and needs guidance. He needs to get closer to God and change his life around. Thank you yours Respectfully Ofelia

  301. Please join me, I’m praying for financial breakthrough and deliverance. I’ve no steady job so may the Lord grant me economic means so that I may experience wealth in abundance.

  302. I pray for this young man who’s in jail his mom passed 6 months before he went to jail her spirit come to me asking to pray for him and that what I do ,he have court coming up soon but I stand in prayer for him he ask me have i been praying I told him yes,he is such a nice young man respectful but his so called friends is NOT his friends and i refuse to let the weapon performed against him prosper that wespon is condemn bend shattered and destroyed the mouth of the wicked is close shut and seal ,I pray God will open the jail doors and set him free ,and the young man JJ,will be whole and holy wise and strong in Jesus mighty name

  303. Please pray for complete healing of my sister/BFF of breast cancer and husband and marriage restored with peace love joy healed and family friends world salvation. Peace in Israel Pakistan Haiti world. Those stoking violence division racism in Washington. In Jesus Name it is done Amen🙏🙏

  304. Father I lift up all of the above requests to you and ask for Your favour and intervention upon those seeking prayer ~ In the mighty name of Jesus Amen 🙏

  305. Anger is most addictive in men if their ego is linked to it. Men don’t know how to control it and being in an environment like that can make you want to be dead. It takes years to know that someone is an emotional wreck collecting the emotions instead of letting them go and constantly filtering them out. Family becomes the most painful victims of such unmanaged male problems.

    In this case has been separated for the best through a deep realisation or awakening of this person’s character. Handing this person back to God has been the best thing ever and the truth that such people are present in this world and that violence is intolerable at any time. There’s no excuses whatsover.

    I need prayers to go on. We have been saved for a reason and a ransom of blood was shed for this freedom.

    Thank you Jesus. Thank you Father Thank you Holy Spirit.

  306. In Jesus’s powerful name please pray for Pearl Ayala with employment and financial 🙏 thank you Lord and ChristiansTT for prayers

  307. In Jesus’s powerful name please pray for Jayden Ayala to get a job thank you Lord and the prayers from Christians TT

  308. Please pray that God destroys the root of pornography and masturbation that is taking over my life no matter how hard I try and is causing me to backslide. Pray that I am finally healed once and for all and disconnected from sin forever

  309. Ron is in need of salvation. He has pushed everyone away because he hates himself and doesn’t think he’s worthy. He has expressed openness to learning about God, but just as we were getting close, he pushed me away too. The enemy must love the rift between us because now Ron is cut off from hearing about God. He has no other close relationships, he says, and lives his life working all the time without any emotional connections. With your agreement, I pray to our Lord, thanking Him for loving Ron, and ask that the Lord bring Ron to his knees. May Ron cry his heart out for the Lord and be answered profoundly, in a way that sticks. May he also seek me out once more so the Lord may use me to minister to Ron, as it is my heart’s desire, and I believe it will not only bring Ron closer to Him, but me closer to Him also. Thanks be to our wise and all-knowing Lord. In Christ, Amen.

  310. Good morning, iam Daniel Chandra. Please, prayer request for me specially in the area of prosperity. Iam in lack of finances and prosperity over a very long time. Also for deliverance from satanic, evil /monitoring spirits. they are demonic, evil, monitoring spirits, spirits who torment me physically, emotionally started in year 2013 ,maybe originated from either witchcraft, ancestral spirits or generational curses or through utterances made by the use of hindu idols, iam a born again Christian, thank you.

  311. I pray God reconciles my marriage. My husband Trevor has filed for divorce. We have been separated for 7 months. I pray my husband turns back to God. I pray my husband finds forgiveness in his heart. I pray God takes away his pride and bitterness. I pray God stops him from lusting after other women and that he stops lying. I pray my husband comes back to me as we are one flesh. In Jesus Name Amen

    1. I agree with you in this prayer of Trevor coming home. When he sees any other woman, may his heart be sickened if he even thinks of her at all. May his heart be consumed with missing you and may he turn and forgive you so you two can reconcile and be stronger than ever before. In Christ I pray. When two or more gather in prayer, there He is. Amen.

  312. Prayer request in the area of deliverance from demon as iam opressed by demons and would like this demons to be casted out. Sir iam Daniel Chandra from Fiji island and iam born again christian, Iam also in debt and Iam suffering, as well as my children, these evil spirits are monitoring me day and night and their purpose is my destruction, everyday i undergo physical torture and from last ten years iam hearing their voices day and night, thank you.

  313. Dear Lord, please save me from torturers and doers. Please save me from reclaiming and revenging. Please save me from jealousy and my enemies. In Jesus name. Amen

  314. My name’s Julian I am asking for prayers for peace and protection over me and my family members! Please pray in agreement with me. Amen.Thank you and God bless you family!

  315. Please pray, I get Off Court amicable Financial Settlement, Compensation from Corporate Company, for their Breach of Contract, for their Structural Destruction and Complete Shutdown of both my running Hotels for 4 years, for my Business and Goodwill losses, many people lost their jobs, please pray, I restart my Hotel business again in Mighty Jesus Name Amen.

  316. Dear friends, Please pray to God in the name of Jesus Christ that my friend Julio be healed from all his illnesses and delivers him from harm. Also please pray for me that God grants me victory and success in school in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen

  317. Lord Jesus, you know my family in deep financial & health crisis, totally devastated with curses and evil tests. I beg you Holy Trinity, to deliver us from all evil and its wrathful attacks. Come Lord to our immediate rescue with necessary financial and health blessings by your unconditional mercy & love.

  318. Please pray for my Grandson He’s taking a National Exam today Praying for a passing grade It will be life changing for him and his career In Jesus name I pray ❤️

  319. Hevenly father, I pray to You through Your son Jesus Christ. Holy spirit please intercede now on my and Arnold’s behalf. I pray for our salvation. Use me o God. Hear my cry and deliver us from all evil. I submit my idea to You and pray that it is in Your will and plan. Amen

  320. Lord Jesus please be with the lawyer and judge that they will sentence Nyree to drug court. with mental counseling.. and a job,. In Jesus name Amen

  321. My name is Christine and I have been fighting cancer for 3 years now l am praying for God’s miracle healing for God to touch me and heal me for God to restore me with good health God is a healer and nothing is impossible with him l trust you lord l leave all my fears and the future of my children and grandchildren in your hands lord l waiting for my miracle to happen praise the lord

  322. Good Afternoon.
    I’m Mary Susanna, from Pune, India. I am suffering from Spine pain, baldness, please pray for me, i’m a Diadetic, Hypertension patient.
    My son Shawn Anthony 30 years old, is being ditched by his girlfriend, and they were 5 years in relationship, he is not able to move on in life please pray for.


  324. Am kindly requesting for marriage restoration prayers.
    I separated with my husband for 15months now he remarried and got a baby with the other woman who has been troubling our union for so long.
    My parents inlaw blocked me in their phones without hearing my part of the story.
    Am praying for my marriage restoration in Jesus name.
    Please help me pray am loosing it.
    Am at the edge of everything depression is taking over me.and I still love him and his family.
    May God see me through

  325. please pray god performs a miracle of hope, mercy,and healing in my life and delivers me from my suffering and saves me in this world and the next by whatever means necessary, please pray he firmly guides me, comforts and gives me mighty hope, faith, answers and solutions and heals, restores, and cures me physically/spiritually of all afflictions, illnesses, impurities, and toxins and gives me another chance even if he has to send me back in time or bend reality itself, pray the same for my online friend also. please ask god to help me to the fullest extent that he is willing. please pray he has mercy on me. Please pray he sends powerful angels to protect and watch over me

  326. Please pray for the restoration of my marriage. Keep us from divorce Father God. I pray our marriage, our relationship, our love will be stronger than it ever was. Bind us together in love, through Jesus mighty and powerful name, amen. Thank you Lord for answering my prayer. No weapon formed against this shall prosper. The blood of Jesus will prevail. In Jesus Christ name, amen.

  327. I need prayer for my marriage my wife is listening to the outside world to much from other people on social media and people are trying to destroy are marriage why I don’t no I thank jealousy and I love her so much I am asking for prayer please

  328. Please pray I will be safe and peaceful, during this very trying time with the law enforcement. I am homeless and have no where to go at this moment and the law enforcement is completely harassing me. They are truly messing with my sleep and rest and it is being done intentionally. I respect them no matter what, but they are doing cruelty towards the less fortunate. I will not resort in being disrespectful, but I do need to sleep somewhere. Please pray I find a job, so I get my own place. As a result, hopefully, the law enforcement will stop harassing me; if I do. In the meantime, please keep me in prayer for my peace and safety.

    Thank you and Yahweh God bless…

  329. God, You always know what was happened because You see everything a most hidden corner , I come with a broken heart,. God if you deign, please God soften and touch damianus aditya christie heart for me.

  330. Dear Father God, please pour out Your Holy Spirit on me and my children may we receive deliverance.
    May Your power of deliverance work through me and cast out demons keeping us affected and captivated by evil spirits, and relieve us of Satan’s trap and antagonism.
    Lord Jesus, may nothing come in the way of following Your will and way. May my earthly duties and cares never take over Your call to follow You in service and to do Your will.
    Father, today I speak love, peace, favour, happiness and prosperity into my life and that of my children not only myself but those that surround me as well.
    Lord, as I wait on You for that supernatural healing and freedom from abuse, poverty, waiting, and old season Father God, I step out boldly in faith and ask to be filled with the holy spirit and repent and ask for forgiveness if I ever stray from your path as I wait for God. I’m hurting Lord I Just want to be free Father God please Father God I am so tired of waiting and losing hope, please do not test me on what my forefathers did and worshiped false idols I do not want to do it please Father God set us free, in Jesus’ Almighty, Powerful, Holy name, Amen!

  331. Joseph is suffering from a condition where any physical activity will cause him to become physically sick. Doctors have not been able to diagnose his illness. Please pray for his recovery.

  332. Please, I plead with you to pray for my marriage. I’ve been having a lot of complications and issues with my spouse and I’ve been very discouraged. It’s also affecting my children. Please pray for us.

  333. Hai sir, please pray for my fathers health Mr. Gurreddy age about 58 who is suffering from Ear pain since two years …. He undergone two surgeries for inside ear due to heavy pain unable to sleep every night time …some time he will feel with pressing like needles , he is crying with out sleeping … We dont know as well doctors also unable to find what happened inside his ear , I can only trust in precious heavenly father can heal heal my fathers pain permanently pls pray for in this regard , in Jesus Christ name I pray Amen.

  334. Pls. pray for me for God’s provisions to be freed from the bondage of debts, to be freed from anger, resentment. Pls. pray for Hanna Grace Gonzales to be hired from the job she is applying, that God touches the hearts of the companies staff /interviewer to choose her among the applicants and pls.pray for Mr.Mark Pajila, that God touches his heart to be merciful, to be understanding and helpful to me. Pls. pray for me for all the confusions I am facing now due to my difficult situation.

  335. May you please pray this for me? Thank you so much!Our Heavenly Father, I pray for this person asking me a prayer. Praying that You would have mercy on the person and the heart of the person would turn to God. Through this, would You replace the heart with a new heart and be filled with the Holy Spirit? Let the person follow You and glorify You for the rest of the person’s life. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen

  336. i’m not gay but Satan temptation me to choose women and not men. i’m a 26 year old women who never been in a relationship. takes these thoughts away.

  337. I ask prayer for my husband Paul salvation and a softened heart towards me. That he will communicate with me and we be reconciled, restored and that he will come home to me and our family. Please Lord make this impossible, possible..In Jesus name, Amen…Thank you..

  338. Please I urgently need prayer for healing, a job and for God’s mercy. Please also pray for my dear cat’s safety and safe return.

  339. Please pray every curse, word curse ever spoken over me or casted to be destroyed, bound on earth as it is in heaven forever. In Jesus name.

  340. I will like to sincerely thank for your help for Elisabeth Bannerman during and still on going Radioactive Therapy for breast Cancer and the spread to other bodily parts organs and bones. i will be very greatful and thankful for further prayer help for my full recovery through complete and permanent Godly healing Amen

  341. I ask them first for protection and preservation and for healing of soul and body. And for mental and spiritual healing for Sophie, that she can leave the hospital and that she finds inner peace, thanks for praying for Andu, because it got better for a while, but he also needs prayers and healing again at the moment and has for Mrs. Letesgie Broke her arm and also needs medical healing. I also have two little relatives who are doing very badly and who also need healing. Their names are Fahrat and Maria, they both need psychic healin

  342. I feel a Harvest of many souls is coming soon upon this Earth. Please pray for me that I am worthy to meet the Lord and be with him. My name is Delbert Hilling II. I live in Morgantown Wv. Thank you.

  343. Prayer against the worries of existing as Christ manages them as in Psalms that a righteous family’s belly is full of good, living a life richer than a banquet, and forgiven of their doubts that hurt their cell health. Comfort us Lord when the Devil abuses our mental health that were are lacking in things earthly or heavenly, for his dark mission in Revelation warns that He tries us if we have faith in provision. Yet while still fleshly as Elijah, Sampson, and so, we must ask You for powering us up because we sin, even if we know better we ought to thank you Christ our brother that you redeemed us before we were yet sinners. All we must do is renew our love to reset our days to find fullness and supernaturaliy.

  344. Please pray for the healing of mental illness, deliverance from multi-generational curses, and protection against evil spirits and witchcraft of my daughter Lauren

    Please pray for Michael so that like the Prodigal Son he returns to the Faith and becomes the Divine Partner worthy of his Father and me. May his iniquities be forgiven and his sin accounts imputed.

    Please pray that my niece Samantha is healed of rheumatoid arthritis and finds a Godly husband

  345. Praying that Katie gets a new apartment or house. she’s a woman with autism she had to move from her first apartment because of the weather and her landlord wanted to move from the aera.

  346. Please, please, help me pray for my grandson, Jonathon, who has Sickle Cell, grieving the loss of his mother, and back spasms; his sister who has fibromyalgia and anxiety, my husband–their grandfather, whose kidneys are to the point where dialysis is being considered, and a multitude of other ailments, and for me who tries to take care of all of us.

    I ask the Lord to delivered us from all of these ailments and to restore our joy. All of us are Christians. Jonathon has gone astray. He’s having a rough time with school, enjoys smoking weed, and likes being a jerk.

    I pray for all of us daily, all through the day. Today has been a rough day. Help me pray for deliverance and peace.

    In the name of Jesus. Amen

  347. Please pray I can be free am being held hostage by ex and an ex friend. I need deliverance from these men . They’re evil and want to hurt/ harm me.

  348. Please I need prayers…I have been used, betrayed, stabbed in the back by the person I knew would never do that. I have been taken advantage of my generosity. I’m trying my best to move on in life but I cannot. I feel like a failure. Oh Lord please help me!


  350. Keisha: I am asking for prayer, that God will bless me with remote employment that is suited for my needs this day. I have applied to so many jobs and still nothing, I am praying for the right opportunity for God to make me whole again for restoration, and for a financial breakthrough.

  351. Praying for D’Angelo he needs a job that he can handle and likes. he also wants a job to be off on weekends and holidays. he wants a job that he can have a life and not work all the time. he’s a 31 years man with special needs.

  352. I feel there’s a spirit of witchcraft with a person i do not know but come across sometimes. she’s 10 years younger than me and it seems everytime i come across her she has something i think it about it’s unusually unexpected or unlikely. it’s awkward because there’s no way she can get something i’m thinking about and gets it “with a snap of a finger” and i don’t think it’s a coincidence either it’s like she is reading my mind or something. i find it creepy. her behavior is disrespectful and she make videos with toys to make a living. nothing wrong with that but her viewers are children and with her behavior that’s not good. i block her months ago and i don’t know she use witchcraft on me because when i first discover her i knew something was off about her. she swears too. she also a part of the homosexual community and say she has pronouns which in reality i know she a young lady. God i ask to heal this young lady. she 16 and she is using witchcraft and in the homosexual community i pray that God heal her. i think she lives with her parents or guardian. the fact she 16 and i’m 26 isn’t normal. she so young and to use witchcraft on people who you don’t know and try to get their attention isn’t good. whatever going on with her i hope God heal her. she also autistic. pray for this young lady. she lost and needs to be heal. amen. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  353. With God all things are possible just trust him he promise to supply your needs according to his riches in glory through christ christ Jesus our Lord. Amen

  354. Good morning for all the members who work in this ministry thank you Jesus that I got connect with these group every single days I got new things in prayer it makes me hope so much even I face in problem and I want to request to all of you please kindly pray for me in my new business I’m just starting only one weeks and I face so many difficult to communicate with the client sometimes I was very embarrass myself I feel like I don’t have any knowledge and wisdom to co operate with people’s please pray for me .thank you and god bless you all

  355. Public prayer — Not blushing at this being shared with everyone at the awkwardness — against sexual harassment in my neighborhood by some bad comments all the time. Jesus, you can upbraid them with Proverbs through their unturnable heart to hear the truth as a father does to his child’s friend when the other might causes a fights.

  356. Please pray for my court day today. I ask for grace and mercy to be granted upon me. I ask for protection from a creditor who who has not mercy. I ask for prayer for the judge to see the truth of not granting him his request.

    Thank you for praying for me.

  357. Vernell hello my sisters and brothers ❤️ thank you for your love and support .will you join in with in prayer for spiritual healing and protection, to let go the past playing on my mind. That God would raise up the holy spirit to take charge again Amen thank you 😊 🙏

  358. Heavenly Father and my GOD, i ask for forgiveness of all my sins today, My GOD bless me with a job, I’m jobless since the COVID started. Bless me again. I come and pray in the name your beloved son my Jesus Christ. Amen

  359. I thank GOD i found comfort words for the solo moms. Im handling a group of solo moms . Pls pray for me to give me strength so that i can guide & lead to the path of righteousness by knowing God & acknowledge JESUS to be their savior. Pray for me.

  360. I stubbed my right small toe on tuesday and I so now i command any broken bones to go back into place in my toe in jesus name. I speak to all swelling and pain to leave my toe in jesus name. So I come into agreement with you that I will have no broken bones in my toe and that all pain and swelling leave now in jesus name. I believe jesus has healed me according to Isaiah53:4,5. Please come into agreement with me according to Matthew 18:19. I shall give a testimony of jesus healing power. Amen.

  361. God is able.. He said in His Word..He will never leave you nor forsake you. Keep trusting and believing in the Name of Jesus.

  362. First I would like to thank God for blessing me with another day. I thank God for Christianstt and well as all of you. I’m needing prayer for strength to help fight my addiction to cocaine. Never felt I had an addiction until I tried to stop as it has caused drastic changes in my life. I thank God in advance for healing me from all addictions, in Jesus’s name. Amen

  363. Today is my birthday. i just turned 26. i pray that this year will be a good one because last year was really bad. i pray that i’ll be able to go out and meet new friends and that maybe i will find myself a boyfriend. i don’t know whatever or not God want me to have kids or not or get married but i just turned 26 and 4 more years i’m gonna be 30. so i really need some answers. i’m a woman with special needs and major depression. i thank God for having me being alive for 26 years. i always thought ending my life but God has kept me going. praise him! amen! ????????????????????????????????

  364. i need to know what type of eyes fit for my art style. i know my art style is chibi but i’m not sure about the eyes. God told me my art style is chibi but i need him help me with my art style eyes.

  365. Father , you know what I bath need of before asking . A reliable, yet affordable vehicle. In the name of Jesus.


  366. For a job as surgical sterile processer 7-3:30pm at the Antioch Kaiser for my daughter Doni . Increase her faith and finances in you God . I pray and ask it in Jesus name amen
    Help my son and grandson with anger and grief over loss of brother and uncle. Help them to be forgiving to others. Help my grandson Dayvion to not return to jail but get the mental, physical and spiritual help he needs

  367. Please pray for God to show me his will for my life. I am restless and weary. I have an offer pending from a job with a great salary however in order to obtain the job a passing score on a test of 270 is required. I am about to began my studying but first I wanted to pray . The job is set to start August 1. I pray in the name of Jesus that the test is taking on July 26 as I want and passed on that day . Lord my finances are shot. My service engine light is on in my vehicle . Other things are wrong with my vehicle as well . Lord my mind goes constant as if Im failing to trust and look to you . Lord on yesterday my hopes where high after prayer and I woke up this morning from seemly awful attacks from the enemy. Lord hlep in the name of Jesus . Amen

  368. Dear Heavenly father i pray that you bless me financially am going thru a difficult time without finances and business gone down i pray

  369. Heavenly Father I ask that you renew my strength. My motivation to do anything is nill. I rush to care for others , but am unable to move myself into a happy life ,one that I want in my heart. I am doing nothing to accomplish the simplest things. I ask you to strengthen me to become the person I was and to always do you will , not mine. I thank you Lord for the most greatest gift you gave me , which is my gift of faith in you. I do not understand myself and I am scared . Please renew me Lord and I thank you for all you have give me, and all you have taken away for my sake . Please bless the people I say I will pray for and let me show them you through my daily actions . Please , Lord ,help me to do your will. I thank your beautiful Mother, who I can physically feel helping me daily . Thank you Lord . I pray for all the other people who have come here for your help. Please bring my beautiful mother to your glory and I thank you for her . Amen.

  370. thank you for this prayer board. I am praying for income I need for bills and to safely take my Mom to visit family. I am praying that I drive safely literally and figuratively. I am praying for a nice peaceful visit. I am also praying that I will be able to trust my husband again. thank you for your prayers and agreement. May God’s grace and peace be with you.

    1. Hi Sue I will intercede for you.
      Pray that God will answer your pray request.
      Keep trusting him and wait patiently. He will give you your breakthrough.

  371. Good morning my father in heaven, please my family and I need your help in our lives, please forgive us for anything we have done, protect, guide, Good health and also I put our finances into your hands daddy God, it hasn’t been easy this past months, with my partner being sick,please restore our financial situation, I need you in my family in and out, you have been faithful but we need you God in everything we do, thank you.

  372. Grace and peace be unto you. I’m living in fear due to that my trust issues in people around me is increasing daily. Some people are taking advantage of kindness and patience. I don’t have any one to call a best friend. There is too much spiritual attacks and witchcraft surrounding. I believe in God and sometimes I get confused when bad situations arise. Please pray for me to be free from worries, fear, spiritual attacks and witchcraft.

  373. need prayer for me and my sister.
    she is entangled with a guy who does not appriciate her uses her and she still goes back to him.she has fallen so far it is hard for her to let this guy go.
    i need prayer for finances and relationship of 8 years is getting worser and worser he wont marry me and always acuses me of cheating.

  374. Need prayer for a financial blessing for my husband in the hospital in Sakhalin Russia with a broke leg and needs help with his medical bills there its put me in a hard ship so please pray for him a financial blessing

  375. My name is Elisabeth Bannerman asking for a prayer for Gods Divine healing for Cancer of the Breast ,with the spread of the cells in the Body and i am starting a Radioactive Therapy for Cancer i am hoping with your prayer Gods healing power will heal me completely.

  376. Please pray for my finances and be able to find a lucrative job and career.Please bring resources and provisions in my life,family and church.

  377. My dear in Christ please help me to pray for my son Thapelo his not well mentally I really need prayers

  378. Dear heavenly father I pray in the name of Jesus Christ you will help me and my lawyer to win this court suit case settled out of court in the name of Jesus Christ.

  379. my wife of 20years was strickened with the Alzheimers, i have been very lonely as she has been confined to a long term facility by her friends who do not want me to know her whereabouts. Hence i have been on my own and very lonely. Can u please offer prayers for me to meet a companion to accompany me in life from here on

  380. Heavenly father i pray for a financial breakthrough, i pray that i get out in this difficult time of debt, and i pray for restoration in my marriage so that my wife will come back to me. praise the lord Jesus Christ.

  381. Please pray for my husband Anish for deliverance from alcoholism and also from depression. Please pray for peace in our family.

  382. Please pray for me my marriage will be 7yrs this year & I want God to bless me with blessed & highly favored children & let me concieve b4 my next birthday may 28th has he did it for Sarah, Hannah, Rachel, Elizabeth. & Let me concieve with the Holy spirit as Mary concieved. I pray that He get a job this may too in Jesus mighty name. I believed that He has answered all my private prayers & petition through Christ our Lord. Amen

  383. Please pray for my daughter she has been trying to conceive over 7 years no success, pray that God cancel the plans of the enemy and she bear a healthy child. Thank you her name is Abejah. Pray for peace and unity in her marriage

  384. Please pray for God to heal my marriage and thar He put a fresh hunger for His presence and His word in me.

  385. “It’s URGENT, please!! My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, I’m suffering, I’m ill and I need your prayers. Please, pray for my healing as I believe in the immense power in Jesus Christ’ name. Amen.”

  386. I am asking for traveling grace as I head out of town for a graduation. I also ask for a harmonious and plenty visit with family and friends. Thank you

  387. I will like prayers for me to get a job my contract recently ended and am starting to get frustrated because am just home also I will like prayers for my family

  388. Asking prayers that my husband will unblock communicate with me. I ask prayer for positive open lines of communication, reconciliation and restoration of my marriage to my husband Paul that he will come back home to me and our family.Amen.

  389. Dear family I’m praying for my son to get a job we under a lot of stress and financial burdens. He lost his job during COVID and it’s almost two years he’s struggling to get a job. He has a diploma in hotel management and I’m extremely worried that if he doesn’t find employment soon I don’t know what we going to do. He ha been for interviews but nothing has come through yet. I am trusting in God for a breakthrough

  390. I ask for prayers for my son Dante so that he will have clarity in his mine and life and that whomever is blocking his thinking process will be stopped. In the name of Jesus cover him with Your blood from the top of his head to the sole of his feet . Cover him from all negativity with a shield of armor. Thank you Heavenly Father for your grace and mercy for my child. Amen Amen

  391. Please pray with me for my son to stop drinking.i believe in the almighty God that he will be set free .I plead the blood of Jesus directly at age of drinking to stop and I break that curse of drinking from his life in Jesus name.As a mother I’m praying for him to seek the almighty God than a bottle .please ???? with me

  392. please please pray for restoration of my daughter’s marriage,attack attack on her marriage It seems as if they want her marriage to be ruin.Pray that the lord and the angels visit their homes now and declare peace and reconcile their marriage.No separation no divorce.Pray that her husband may apologize and started treating her right.Pray that the love, the respect and the honesty may come back forever.Healing now, children are affected.It is paining my heart

  393. Please pray that I can leave K.Please pray to get things into place; a car,money,a new place to live and a lucrative job with benefits.Pray I still can go to church and go to pray meetings.

  394. Please pray for my father. He has congestive heart failure, diabetes and peripheral vascular disease which is complicating healing of a wound on his foot. The doctors have all but given up on his healing, but I have faith though our savior Jesus Christ that he will be healed. Please say a prayer of healing and restoration for him. In Jesus name. Amen.

  395. I am requesting prayer for an insurance approval for my IVIG treatments. I need the treatments to stay healthy and mobile.

    Thank you,


  396. Dear Faith A.,
    The dream you had could be the opposite, your shelves were empty because you sold everything that you had. I am not a prophetess but that is the message I received from reading your prayer request. Of course you know to leave everything in God’s hand. Peace be with you. Amen.

  397. Pls pray for business breakthrough for and my family. I had a dream a neighbour of mine in the shop was in my village n got a very big shop filled with goods while mine was empty. I jokingly said why should u come n aquire more than me he just laughed. Whatever it means, pls pray for me for success n breakthrough in business ????. God bless u all IJN,Amen.

  398. I am seeking prayer for a random man that pulled up beside me on the road and flashed a gun. Then he begin calling me all kind of disrespectful names. There was space for me to get over between him and the other driver. When he seen I was getting over he tried to speed up and stop me. By the time he tried I was already in the lane. I didn’t hit his vehicle or nothing. He just got angry about it and I was scared of him at all. I rolled the window down and just kept looking at him with a straight face. He seemed very bothered and intimidated I believe. I had my Dad in the car and he didn’t say anything to him either. I supposed this person is used to bullying people and thought it would work on me today which that was unsuccessful. I pray that God teaches him a very valuable lesson about disrespecting women and on the road bothering random people in Jesus Name. I don’t wish nothing bad on him I just pray God shows him his actions are unacceptable that they need to change in Jesus Name. May God be with him and his loved ones along with get him some personal help with his issues whatever they maybe in Jesus Name Amen.

  399. Please pray for my marriage. My husband doesn’t want to live with me. But I love him. I’m Christian n hub is Hindu. Please pray that my hub get face to face encounter with Jesus

  400. Please pray that my daughter mends her relationship with her father.Please pray that we can be a real family and engage with each other and do things together.

  401. My Fiancee is going back to Dr for a diagnosis to see if it’s cancer! Please help with that it is not. But please continue prayers anyway for great health for Barbara A. regardless. Thank You

  402. I need Prayer for my relationship with my husband it’s been Years that we have no feelings for each other just fight fight for ever day over tiny issues He gets so angry with me for little things A Devil is surrounding is in Him ,Please Please ???? Help me

  403. I ask dear Lord that my brothers And sisters agree with me in prayer for healing of svt. Agree that my heart functions the way God intended And heal any abnormalities in Jesus name!

  404. Dear lord I pray for a call for a permanent job for I know with this my life will never be the same again and I pray for a happy marital breakthrough this year.

  405. IAm pray for a baby I want to have a baby but the doctors thinks that I can not have a baby I won’t lose my hope I will be a mother again that’s what I am praying for

  406. Father, I pray for clarity to move from St. Maarten to North Carolina in July. I pray that I leave this toxic relationship peacefully in Jesus name. Amen

  407. I have been honestly struggling financially, emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically for the past few months and I have been so drained and exhausted beyond words. I am very self aware. I really am trying and doing my best. I have been trying so hard. I really need to get my life together. But no one understands my depression and anxiety as I’m clinically diagnosed as well. I have been really trying my best for so long but I’m only human. I am also human. Please pray for me. Please help me. I haven’t seen my family and friends for so long back home. I honestly have been through so much and I have gone through a lot. No one understands my journey. I am humbly and desperately praying and asking for help with all of my heart and soul.

  408. Hello. I need Healing prayer for God to remove a tumor from my left sinus & mouth palate/Need Financial prayer for God to bless me with a Major Financial Breakthrough so I can pay for my surgery, to buy my medications, to pay my rent & utilities & other bills, and to pay off large debts

  409. Father God, thank you for the love, protection, provision, and daily forgiveness you have shown and provided daily for my family. I trust your divine providence and know you work on every situation in my and my family’s life, so I have no excuse or should have no doubt when my finances and my credit woes and my health issues plague my mind through the day. I can’t see or know when you’re going to provide a solution but I know you will take care of all my worries and cares. Thank you Father for all you have solved in my life and will today and tomorrow interven and bring about for my good and my family’s good. Thank you for making a way out that is right and pleasing in your sight and all involved.
    The lord is my shepherd I shall not be in want.
    Bless You Father God, Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit, Holy Mary, Angel’s, and Saint’s who intervene on our behalf. Thank You.

  410. Praying for the spirit of poverty and immigration issues,also pray for my daughter Eliane cherline Pochette she want to suicide herself
    I know God can break that spirit of suicidal from my daughter in jesus name Amen ????????????????????????????

  411. The prayer of the righteous avail much. Please pray for me. Anxiety, insomnia and depression. Thank you for your prayers.

  412. Praying for the peace of God in my life and for my family. Also for me to hear the voice of God and his will for my life. Praying that God my Almighty Father will send a healing upon all my children and grandchildren. In Jesus name.

  413. please remember me in your prayers,for financial breakthrough,marriage,peace in our family and job opportunities

  414. good day family.
    Please pray with me my husband and i have being poor for more than 10 years now.everything we try doesnt work out.i am emotionally damaged i have no strength to pray.

  415. Please pray for my son derek. He has been falsly accused of inappropriately touching his 6 year old daughter. He has been cleared by Children in Youth, but the ex brought a PFA against him. His hearing is April 6th. Please God be with him and his counsel for this go in his favor. He is innocent and God knows the truth. Please let my son and granddaughter be reunited. This has taken a huge toll on our family and we need normalcy restored. In Jesus name, amen

  416. Great website and I pray that all people reached their goals with GOD. Pray that GOD spirits would come on me. Pray that depression would leave and anxiety to leave. Pray that all my prayers come through and even for my enemies too. That they so how wonderful GOD is.

  417. Heavenly father, I thank you for all the blessings you have given me lord I really want my own house. I am blessed to live with my daughter ❤️ you have sent me blessings after blessings. Please sent me a financial blessings so I can pay off my new house ???? I am claiming it. In Jesus’ name, amen.

  418. I pray that you stay with your children that you Jesus Christ hear your prayers and remove all obstacle and give you discernment to find the path he has created for you and your family. Love children as the Lord loves you. Amen

  419. Lord I humbly pray that Jesus Christ your Son and our Savior heal my broken body, I ask this for the sake of my son who will have no one without me. Lord I know nothing is beyond your abilities. To grant us courage and perseverance through what tribulations that may lay ahead. That we find comfort in your word and have faith in what you have planned for our lives Amen

  420. Father I pray for victory in the courtroom tomorrow. It has been for long years and I need to reunite with my baby with my daughter Emma Lord I pray that she come home that we could be a family again. So that I could be whole again I pray for Restoration in my marriage too I pray for restoration and everyone’s marriage and everyone’s life who’s in need and thank you for answering my prayers in advance I want to walk in your grace Lord! I pray for the strongholds to be released from my husband Lord. We love each other! Bring us back to your light and love peace and joy. I believe that you are as faithful as we want to be! Thank you father for loving us first!! Amen

  421. Please help me to pray for my son who is continually facing false accusations and numerous custodial sentences for crimes not committed.
    Lord please hear me and my children’s prayers. We are stuck and continue leaning on your word that surpasses all understanding.Amen

  422. Pray with me for restoration of my marriage. My wife has just leave her house without telling or talking to me. I do not know where she is staying. She has block me on all means of communicating with her. We have a lot of anger and hurt against each other. She had leave with our three beautiful girls 16, 15 and 8 years olds.I pray for softening of our hearts and minds to be able to work on our issues. For our girls who are caught in between. I pray for peace and for God’s reconciling and healing on our marriage.

  423. Pray with me for restoration of my marriage. My wife has just leave her house without telling or talking to me. I do not know where she is staying. She has block me on all means of communicating with her. We have a lot of anger and hurt against each other. She had leave with our three beautiful girls 16, 15 and 8 years olds.I pray for softening of our hearts and minds to be able to work on our issues. For our girls who are caught in between. I pray for peace and for God’s reconciling and healing touch on our marriage.

  424. Dear, Father God I ask you bless, my womb with another baby and i have a mircale baby.. i pray that one day soon i can carry a child. A healthy beautiful son/daughter. There is nothing i want more than to be blessed with children.

  425. Please pray for me
    I pray for the fruit of the womb. Children are blessings from God, Lord bless me with a child. You’re my only hope.

  426. Please help me in prayer to get my visitor visa and children’s birth certificates and passports sorted out. And pray for my father’s financial stability.

  427. Please help me pray to God for finances that will help me pay my debts and House Rent. i have no where to get money from and also make me be financially stable so i can be a blessing to other people who need my help. Amen

  428. I pray to our Heavenly Father through His one and only Son Jesus Christ for my dear granddaughter who has brain injury. I am sad and worried, and fearful for my dear girl. I pray that God will prevail and make her well. Jessica is not in long term care. I give thanks that Father God in Heaven is working through her caregivers to make her comfortable. I pray for peace for my dear granddaughter. Please pray for Jessica that she will improve. It has been five months since she was injured with no change. I ask every day that God’s angels surround her bed as she lies not able to communicate with anyone. I pray that she is resting well, and that she is in no pain, or any kind of discomfort. I pray this in the most precious name of the Lord Jesus.

  429. I like to think of how you for praying with me and accessory prayer for the car God blessing with it first for financial blessings spiritual blessings the savings are the saving of the Bell family and Jester the family Smith family thank you for touching the Bank First investors didn’t know that God is still on the throne throne thank you for debts paid in full thank you for everything he’s done for me and doing I love you Jesus thank you for loving me no weapon formed against me shall prosper and there’s nothing too hard for the Lord thank you Jesus for being Jesus the Christ the son of the living God on your blood decree this amen and I apply for SSID disability I pray Lord it comes through amen amen yay and not nay Amen brother and sister safe and healing in the arms of Jesus

  430. I need prayers my lord Jesus christ . ive had so much of life pain as i do blessing too but over the last 3 to 4 yrs seem seem to alway end in sadness ive been told that a evil person put a blockage on me to where i wouldnt get any fully happiness . lord i ask you to help take any blockage or evil doing out of my life anf my familys lifes

  431. I pray for God’s grace to open new job opportunities for me. I also seek divine wisdom and guidance in planning my retirement project. Heavenly Father, hear my prayers in the mighty name of our Lord Jesus.

  432. Lord Jesus, I adore you as the amazing,awesome and almighty God that you are. I bless your holy name. I acknowledge my unrighteousness and repent of my in iniquities and sin. Please forgive me from all unrighteousness. Thank you for your mercy and grace.
    Lords Jesus, as I interview for better suited employment opportunities, thank you for every phone screen and every interview. As I prepare to participate in 2nd 3rd round interviews, I ask for your wisdom, guidance and direction. Help me discern the reality of potential opportunities rather than relying solely on the words of the recruiter’s words. Give me clarity on the opportunity that aligns best for your plans for me and a platform to bring more glory to you and your name. I trust in you with all of my heart and lean not unto my own understanding. In all my ways, I acknowledge you and fully trust in and depend on you to direct my path. I praise you in advance for a job offer that is abundantly more than I can ask or imagine. Bless job seekers across nation with your favor .

  433. Mighty jesus, thank you for letting my family wake up every morning, , and for my family each day and good health, and that we have peace , love, for my son to get this new job & to work out all well, so he can provide for his family, god bless my beautiful daughter, give her the faith , that she is a beautiful , worth beautiful woman, a big faithful Amen

  434. Praying for complete healing and recovery over my dad Alvin from the bed of affliction. May God restore his overall health, body, mind and soul quickly so he may come home to his family as a healed man as soon as possible. Praise Jesus, Amen.

  435. Abba Father I pray for a closure to my financial
    and peace burdens as the year come to an end. You are a faithful Father, I thank you for answered prayers. Amen

  436. For the past five years Spanish people have bullied me everyday. Spanish people do not want to leave me alone. They have also tried to force me into prostitution and have tried to kill me. Please help me pray that all Spanish people leave me alone and let me live my life.

  437. Pray for me please i just started a sales job and need to make 5 deals a day ,currrently sitting on 4 sales for 1 an d a half week. I really need this job .I also need prayer for my family to be saved and healed in Jesus name .

  438. I pray for God’s grace on my family and I. I can’t relax because of my financial burden .God please make way for me where there is no way. My children look up to me for their needs . God of all graces be merciful and give us peace of mind and body . I make this prayer through Christ our Lord .

  439. In the name of Jesus I prayer that God in his infinite mercies send my daughter’s soul mate to her before she turns 30. My scripture made me understand in Gen 2:18 that it is not good for man to be alone but you will make him/her a helper. Lord have mercy and grant this prayer request.
    The plans you have for us God in Jer 29: 11 to give us future and hope but not disaster .Dear God bless your children financially as well ,as our knocking will not go unanswered .Thank you Lord Jesus for answered prayers,Amen

  440. Lord I ask that you be with me during my court hearing to allow my children to be placed back in my home. I ask that you see me through this difficult time and continue to work on me to seek your word daily and keep me strong. For I know I am not alone lord and I know with you by my side my children will be placed back with me. In Jesus name I pray amen!

  441. Please help me Jesus to have better days. Cure my mind. In this holy season of Christmas please give me peace and see the love of my kinds. Please allow me to accept that I have been cured by you thru the doctors. Please allow the mental health issues worries that have hurt me to go away so I can have peace. Thank you in Jesus name Anen

    1. Dear brethren,help me pray for financial breakthrough to God. My debt is huge, can’t see to be focused. My lenders are at my neck. I am a single parent as my husband has abandoned his family.

  442. My husband Paul and I have been separated 6 months and just recently started talking. I asked to see each other for Christmas and he said no. That he is never going to see me anymore. I ask for prayer for a softened heart and that he will agree to see me for Christmas and New Years. Also for reconciliation and restoration of our marriage. I love and miss my husband very much.

  443. I praise and bless God almighty for his mercies and faithfulness upon me and my family.
    I’m praying for divine intervention on my physical and financial health.
    Almighty father, I pray for your abundant blessings to destroy my heavy financial debt burden. I come to you to free me from the shackles of debts.
    Endow me with the anointing to aattract and access divine opportunities for my fincial breakthrough.
    Manifest your authority and presence in my business.
    I pray total healing to my health.
    Heal and strengthen my mother.
    I pray for your protection and blessings over my wife and children.
    Bless my brother and his wife with Godly children.
    All these I pray for in the mighty name of Jesus, Amen.


    Pray for me need a peace of mind and God to intervene in my daily life with my children have lost my husband to Covid on the 18th of August 2021. Need God’s love for emotional healing and care


  445. Dear friends please pray for my son Brian he abuses alcohol because of this addiction his family left him he is a policeman please pray for his marriage he has two beautiful intelligent children for their sake .Please help me pray for Brian’s deliverance from alchohol…I pray that God will send his holy angels to touch and clean him up. .in Jesus name amen.

  446. Hello, family please pray for me that God blesses me with a fruit of the womb,how I can raise the child in God’s way and he shows me what kind of business I can do and how I can spread His Word through it.pray for my husband get a Job

  447. I thank God for this opportunity to request prayers. I ask for prayers to remove every blockage in my way/life and my siblings lives, and every evil spirt that is causing enemy and discomfort among and between my family members/siblings to vanish/leave us in Jesus Christ’s mighty/wonderful name and powerful red blood, Amen. Lord Jesus, let peace and love reign among and between us always, Amen.

  448. I give my Lord thanks and I give him glory for health and healing for still raising the dead for redemption and for the Holyspirit salvation forgives and do overs loving us and that’s just small things he has doing thanks Lord

  449. Dear Lord, This is your favorite daughter. I’ve tried to stop masturbating on my own and I discovered that I’ve been foolish and wrong all along. I’m to ask you to help me to stop it and learn to control my urges and kill every evil urge in me. Lord that’s what I’m here to do now. Cleanse me and make me pure. Be the consciousness inside of me that’ll stop me from doing it every single time. Whatever will trigger this urge again, dear spirit of God, disconnect me from that. Help me to stop masturbation and pornography and destroy every evil spirit assigned to convince me to do it always. Thank you sweet lover for In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen!!!

  450. Hi family, am requesting you to help me intercede. I have been trying to conceive for quite long am drained emotionally but I trust and believe that God is the giver of life. Help me to pray God to open my womb and bless me with triplets 2 boys and a girl. Praying for super natural conception and financial breakthrough

  451. My friend, Alaina, is in need of an intercession prayer. Pray Alaina receives a divine encounter with the Holy Spirit and that she receives an understanding of the need for salvation to be radically transformed in Christ’s image. Pray against the principalities of darkness over her life, and that Jesus would remove the demonic strongholds that have enslaved her. I believe transformation will occur in Alaina’s life.

  452. John-Heavenly Father, I pray for physical and mental health for my son Ebiarede. I pray that you will lay your mighty hand on him and heal him of his Accademic problems. Praying for the rest of my kids and for myself for emotional, physical and financial healing in your precious name I pray.
    The storms in our lives keep increasing oh Lord, Please bring a Peace and Answered Prayers as you Calm them all; This I ask in your Mighty Name AMEN.

    1. Dear Lord, I come to you today asking of a miracle, I’m nearing the end of my childbearing age, as I am 38yr old. I pray to you that you will open my womb and plant a healthy seed. As I have been longing for my miracle child, a child I will bring up to honor and cherish you Lord, so today I pray to become a mother for the first time. Please Lord, hear my prayer and bless me with this baby that I’ve waited so long to meet. I have faith and know it Gods will, that my womb will bec ol me blessed and my seed planted, I ask anyone to help me with this prayer, I to thank You Lord for All you have blessed me with as of today, as I speak to you very often. Please oh please Dear Lord, grant me the ability to have a healthy pregnancy and my miracle baby. I will remain patient as I know your work in due time will Bless me with this miracle. Today I pray, in Jesus name, Amen

  453. I’m in desperate need of prayers for marriage restoration my husband says he loves me but seems to be moving on at the same time and it’s hurting the children also I know there’s nothing to big for the God I serve I decree reconciliation between us quickly in the mighty name of Jesus

  454. Dear God, please help us influence our new potential land-lord to approve our rental application. Our house has been sold and we have until the 16/12/2021 to move out. You are a God who provides, please show me a sign, we need answers and we are all agitated and hurting from the uncertainty.
    I pray this in your name.AMEN.

  455. I’m asking for prayer because i have only 1 kidney my left kidney was removed december 12th/2019 /and my right kidney has to work for two now /even though i’m grateful to still be alive but i truly need you to help pray for me i need my right kidney to move forward/ i ask God to bless me with a kidney from his storehouse from heaven.

  456. Ooh I pray for my family ooh Lord grant us good health, wealth and Ooh Lord my Lord grant us financial breakthrough
    In this I prayer Amen

  457. I am requesting your prayes please i am feeling chest pain for many years Doctors cannot found any problem, i am tired of getting medication i need my full term recovery.
    I also need your help with prayes i am going through rejections and incomplete breakthrough.
    From Malawi Africa


    Joe Mayembe

  458. Heavenly father,you said in your word that those who seek you will not seek you in vain.I ask today oh lord that you grant my family victory in this court case.I pray that every evidence my sister will tender will work in her favour.She would come out victorious and all praise be unto your name.

  459. Thank you lord for my life God and the life of my family. I pray today that God restore our financial situation and the debts am owing that he unterced for me and provide us a profitable business so that we can help ourselves and also others who are in need. I ask all these through christ our lord amen

  460. Please pray that I will obey God s will . Pray that my soul will be saved & that I will accept this. Pray that I will stop disobeying God & accept his will.

  461. I am asking prayer for the people in the area I work with. They are racist and try to act as if their not.
    I see it clearly and have been trying to set me up to fail far as doing my job. I have already been warned about my team lead and the person that told me didn’t lie cause I have observed it for myself. She’s says smart stuff under her breath and try’s to get another co-worker to be mean toward me too. She doesn’t know I am aware of it and I have been quiet regarding that too. I have been nothing but hard-working and polite since starting so I am not sure what is their problem outside of being racist which is part of it. I pray that God will help them learn to treat other people correctly no matter the skin color and stop trying to spread hatred to innocent people.
    I pray whatever issues they have at home or personally would stop bringing it to work in Jesus Name. I pray that as I work around these individuals in my area that God will keep shining a light where it is dark in Jesus Name Amen.

  462. Prayer for marriage restoration for God to change my husband’s ways and heart prayers for me to receive my disability I’ve been diagnosed with stage for colon cancer my disability was denied because of my Assets I’ve appealed and never heard anything from them in almost a month prayers for my children to succeed in school for laziness to be removed from them prayers for myself to be healed of cancer in the mighty name of Jesus

  463. I am praying for my sister friend Kgomotso, she is sick. I pray that God may heal her for her glory for God’s word says by his stripes we are healed. This whole thing is now affecting the kids studies. May God see her through…

  464. God Almighty, maker of heaven & earth. Tell me what to do concerning my son, Alan. Is it in his best interest to press charges? Or is there another way to handle my son’s behavior? Send me any sign , now, please. I beg of you, tell me what to do!

  465. Im going tru a dificult time right now in life everything seem to be down love life finalcial life and all got my little daughter so would like for you to keep praying so i can have the strenth to get up and get over these issue just for my little girl i love soo much and just want to make her happy and can have everything she wants i need you to pray for my mother and baby mother as well ask the lord to keep them in his hands shep his blood over them for proctection and keep them from harms way thanks ian paddyfoot

  466. my name is Diana, i am ask pray for my stomach. my whole family. health, speed recovery so goes back to work. and continue believing in name jesus christ. for is great healing powers. my daughter underage stop smoking, understanding. ( every morning hear negative voices stop or the negative voices send my way. about negative in my life and keep me safe under is wings.

  467. Heavenly Father I’m praying to conceive no more empty womb no more tube blockage no more fibroids I’m praying that it’s my time and my turn no more barrenness it’s my time to conceive Holy Spirt I decree and declare that I am pregnant and when I take this pregnancy test it’s going to say positive in the mighty name of Jesus Amen

  468. I need a financial breakthrough cus I have too much debts and it’s affecting my doors for a job cus am jobless now

  469. Since the begining of this year my finance and love life is not going well at all. Can you please put me in your prayers as i feel likd praying alone is not helping instead am losing my mind.

  470. First giving honor to God who is the head of my life. I have an Urgent Financial Breakthrough prayer request. I need prayer for God to bless me with an instant Large Financial Breakthrough to come to me now from all sources, come to me through the mail and come to my bank account. I am having severe financial hardship and I am struggling. My job doesn’t pay enough. I have health problems also and I am ready to retire now. Social Security turned me down twice for disability in 2003 and 2005. Thank you in advance for praying for me and with me

  471. Dear Lord, There’s nothing to big for my God and Explosive blessings are my prayer. Thank you for what you’ve done, doing and about to do in my life good or bad. I love you father God and you are the head of my life and my families life. This is my prayer, Amen and Amen.

  472. Hey women and men of God please pray for me for the fruit of the womb,I want to give a testimony by the end of this month in Jesus Christ name

  473. I am praying for Financial so I can pay my bills Just having a hard time at the moment praying for my son praying that God will turn his case around and let him out of prison I am spraying for my mom to get better she is on dialysis at the age of 87 at this moment I’m just going through a lotAt this time just behind my bills but I think God that I’m still here I’m still standing Strong

  474. I am praying for Financial so I can pay my bills Just having a hard time at the moment praying for my son praying that God will turn his case around and let him out of prison I am spraying for my mom to get better she is on dialysis at the age of 87 at this moment I’m just going through a lotAt this time just behind my bills

  475. I ask prayer that God soften my husband Pauls heart and he’ll want to communicate with me. That he will give our marriage another chance and come home…Thank you..

  476. Please pray for healing from addiction for my daughter Chloe. May God perform a miracle in her life.
    God bless you friends

  477. I am asking every to join with me in prayer for my brother,Martin George ,who is sick and presently in hospital .

  478. Praying for healing and deliverance from spiritual oppression. Praying for God’s favor, healing and restoration for me and my family. Thank you

  479. Please pray with me for the restoration of my children’s lives
    Drug abuse
    Salvation and peace in the family
    Thank you Lord for your mercies

  480. Dear Lord

    I come before you as a humble person and sinner ,Lord please bless my husband who lost his job and was diagnosed with a severe heart condition, father God I need you help and blessing to save our home, Lord bless my work , my income as I’m the only bread winner and its not easy, Please pray for us. In Jesus name I pray Amen

  481. I work with a woman who is always trying to interfere with my success. She schedules me appointments for people who don’t want to purchase our products. She’s aware of what’s she’s doing. She schedules the better appointments for another person so they can be successful. Please remove her evil ways towards me in Jesus name.

  482. I pray that God intervene in my new relationship, and may my new love be financially stable so that he can fulfil all what he’s promised me!and I pray that no obstacles will come between us in Jesus’s name Amen

  483. I pray for the release of my later of introduction from my office in Jesus name.
    Oh Lord my father grant me nursing job in UK in Jesus name.
    Oh Lord my God grant my relocation abroad a success.

  484. Please pray the lord will favor me and my family on this apartment I applied for, pray that we will get approve and that there will not be a high deposit for this place in Jesus name

  485. Restoration in the marriage of floyd lafountain and claudia serafin. The all unGodly sexual and soul ties be uprooted right now. That Floyd lafountain be set free and be head of household in this marriage..restoration on intamicy as it became painful to me which led to him committing countless repeated adultery. That our marriage will be restored. He touch me and look at me again and sleep in our bed.

  486. Please pray for me for good health. Lord Jesus to heal my body, free from health problem. I having problems with high blood pressure, prediabete, and abnormal blood disease,. Lord I know you are healer . Please heal me in Jesus name

  487. Please pray that God delivers me from porn and masturbation. That he also helps me to hate this sin and see it as he does. Thank you.

  488. Heavenly Father, I humbly come to you today with a heavy heart Lord. I pray for my daughter this morning, father that whatsoever is going on with her body that you touch it Lord and change the situation right now Father God in the name of Jesus Lord I pray out on my part of life financially Lord, touch my situation father God in the name of Jesus I pray for my community Lord Jesus where I live Lord that you touch my neighbors and keep them strong Father God in the name of Jesus Lord all this shall be done under you father God we wait for you Lord Jesus and thank you for what you doing right now and what you are about to do in the name of Jesus I rebuked the devil right now thank you Father God I love you so much Amen

  489. Please pray for me and my little boy for breakthrough. We have been held in constant bondage . constant court cases, lies , manipulation that has impacted on our joy and peace. Please pray for us enough is enough we are tired but I will not give up. He is a covenant child and I know God will not forsake us. Amen

  490. Praying that God allows me to pass my matric year this year with an aps score of 49 so that l can get into nursing school next year at any universities l applied too.

  491. Am Vivian and i would love you to pray for me and my dad to get reunited and for my mum to get the job at the US embassy in Uganda. Please help me.

  492. I request urgent divine prayer from our Heavenly Father for my crumbling financial situation. Rent is due, bills are piling up, job scarcity due covid19 and fear and worry consume my mind daily. Health is in decline. But the Almighty God is able. In Him I have put my unwavering trust. Thank you. Andrew

  493. My Husband’s friend from work is coming into town to visit his Family.He invited my Husband Paul, told him he’d drop him off for the weekend to visit but he refused. Im not sure what weekend but it doesnt matter. Please I ask for prayers that God will soften, change my Husband’s hardened heart. That he will want to come home.I want to see my Husband, I haven’t seen him since June 1st. When we separated. We all miss him so much.

  494. Please pray for unity, peace, joy and happiness for my immediate family members. My marriage needs God’s help. I need God now more than ever. Financial crisis needs saving. I need a job. God help me become more in tune with you to be a blessing to others along life’s path. Amen!

  495. Thanks Good Lord for your love endures forever
    My prayer in this new month is that you help me grow stronger in your faith and love and to be contented with all the blessings you have given unto me.
    Help me to know that you have the best plans for me , plans of prosperity not disaster (Jeremiah 29:11) and that you teach me what is best for me and lead on the way to go ( Isaiah 48;17) . As i look for a permanent Job,Scholarship (Masters) Let your good will be done in my Life …

  496. Please pray for positive open lines of communication, reconciliation and restoration of my 31 yr marriage to my husband Paul. Also for God to soften his hardened heart. Thank you, Amen..

  497. Heavenly father I thank you for this day I thank you for my life health and strength today the devil tried to step in this morning but Lord I know that you have me protected my mind protected my body protected and I thank you Father God and I rebuke the devil in the name of Jesus to think he would have any hold on me God you are so good and I continue to pray that you keep me and my family covered and protected and erase all the negative thoughts in your name Amen.

  498. Pls I really need your prayer and assistance for financial break through and well being of my entire family and wisdom for my two sons to excel in life and presently we need accommodation to put our heads, I need your blessings father lord of heaven and earth, through your son Jesus Christ I pray Amen.

  499. Heavenly Father, my prayer today is strongly for my family and friends as we deal with new comings today, new issues and ongoing but thru prayer will descend, I leave them with you today. I pray for my own health and strength as new things have come about that you will lead me to better health. I love you Lord and this is my asking today, have your way Lord. Amen.

  500. I pray for my marriage that my husband stop being his friend come between us Let us get our finances together let him know they’re closing everything pray for my son to be coming home N heal my mom been on my job for 24 years Supervalu she doesn’t like me I haven’t gave me a raise let her appreciate me

  501. Dear Lord, I need help I’m alone and lost. I’ve been having troubles with my relationship and my husband is very jealous and accusing me of so much nonsense. It’s breaking our family Apart.. I’m asking for a powerful prayer over our family and to help cleanse his head soul and body.. I can’t continue my life like this anymore. My son needs me stronger than ever. Not weak and crying and stressing every day. I need strength Lord! This is a nightmare already and I know we love each other but jealously is taking over our family. I believe all those drugs he’s pumped has a big huge impact in his life as well. St . Juda heal him from what ever misery he’s facing for 21 years… please I beg you for miracle and strong prayers for us and our family. I love him very much. I don’t want to lose him God . Lift us up on your Precious hands pouring your Blessings over our family

  502. Please, pray for me so that our Father would send me my husband he has for me, so that my tears turn into joy and happiness in Him!

  503. Please join me in prayers for peace unity and love amongst my children grandchildren, and for God to disconnect us from any evil covenant made from my parents and Ancestors that cause problems in my children grandchildren and myself lives and pray for God intervention in Jesus name.

  504. i pray for Gods intervention in my life. I am going through financial challenges and i ask for his divine intervention in my life to change my situation. I am working and i have tried different businesses. At the moment i have a business opportunity on ground i am working on. i ask that he blesses the hands of my work and my labor shall not be in vain. He will make way where there seems to be no way. right now i pray that he go before me and establish this business and make it a success. it will be shout of everlasting joy. i humbly ask that my prayers are being heard and answered in the mighty name of jesus. Amen.

  505. Father God, I have been tested and Father God I am working through my anxiety and stress situations because of your word. I pray for strength and continued guidance in my time of growth. need you Lord in these hard & troubling times. My family need you as well. I pray for family and friends in whatever situations they’re dealing with. As I continue to try and be the servant you want me to be Father God please give my family and me the continued mind to do what’s right. Amen.

  506. Please pray in agreement with me for God to help me financially.
    I am currently paying so many medical bills that belong to me and one of my daughters . It seems that financial hardships keep attacking my household. I need prayer for debt cancellation . I want to feel some freedom! In Jesus name, I believe He will supply my needs accordingly to His riches! Amen!

  507. Please pray for my family. We’ve been facing a huge Goliath in our lives amongst one another. My children need peace, unity, compassion, mercy and love to saturate through their hearts! They need healing from broken-heartedness healing . The power of God to erase the scars of rejection and allow forgiveness into their hearts. The enemy has come to kill steal and destroy but God has another plan for my family!! My heart aches . Father God you are in control. Greater is he who is in us than he who is in the world; No weapon formed against you shall prosper .

  508. I have a huge debt which forced me to hide from home, I lost my job, my businesses and even friends. I want to be released from debt bondages ,am worn out and malnourished.
    I cant see or find any financial breakthrough for my rescue.
    Kindly pray for me ,am feeling discouraged and depressed but my hopes are in my lord.

  509. Please pray for my fiancé, Fadi. He has suffered from depression since a child and is no longer a believer. Please pray for Fadi to accept Jesus as his savior.


  511. Please pray for me and my family for good health, Lord Jesus to heal my body, free from sickness diseases. Thank you Jesus, You are my divine healer, protector and deliverer. In Jesus Mighty Name. Amen and Amen

  512. I would like to pray for my son who is going through a child custody petition to get guardianship of his four month old son. I would like to place this situation into God’s hands and pray that the courts and judge help him and guide him through this process and allows him and myself as grandma to give us the strength and wisdom to help raise this child. Please pray for us as we begin this process and for the mother to help her as well. Thank you Jesus and for those that will be praying for us, we ask this in faith believing that God will take care of this situation in Jesus name, Amen.

  513. Please pray that The LORD helps me with the trials that U am going through, and that He protects & delivers me from The Devil and all of my enemies. Please pray that The LORD provides for all of my spiritual and material needs and that any bondages that I am under are broken. Please also pray for healing ( spiritual and material) in my life and that I am able to get my life back in order. Please pray that The LORD turns away my captivity and restores me unto Himself and blesses me like He did Job. Thank you and God bless you.

  514. My husband has to change..and cancel the divorce process.we have to get back together as a family. And those who are giving wrong ideas to my husband should be punished. I need new satisfying job with good pay and new apartment as soon as possible.

  515. My name Jay
    God has just delivered me from alcoholism, gambling, smoking and porn.
    Its now 15 days, pray with me that the enemy will be resisted by me reading,meditating on God’s word, worshipping and praying in the Spirit at all times, I also want to say I am praying for all those sisters who are having marital problems. Remember all things are possible to us believers, we must not give up.
    In due time God will answer us, we just need to confess our sin and repent with a sincere heart, amen

  516. Your prayers are very powerful and anointed. Please pray for healing of various ailments in my body. I believe God is still Healer. God bless you.

  517. Good Day Everyone, I need Some Prayer Warriors to help me pray for my son Messiah Donat, His In A Coma at ICU, Since the 9th of july.
    Thanks In advance everyone

  518. Having sleepless nights cause from depression and anxiety but I declare I will no longer suffer I am healed pains in my head body am asking for prayers full healing and for my kids especially my little son to speak fully and understand at his age for breakthrough health fully restored and marriage Jason amen

  519. I ask for prayers in communication, reconciliation and restoration of my marriage to my Husband Paul. He left us back in the beginning of June, with no communication since. We miss him very much. Amen..Thank you.

  520. Lord God, I humbly empty my heart in prayer for Amanda’s husband to locate her. I pray for her to secure a job that we give her joy and a husband that you God has reserve for her. Gen 2:18 says that it is not good for man to be alone,bless her with her helpmate. Father bless her with her heart desires in Jesus name.

  521. Heaveanlyn Father,
    I ask your healing hands to heal my physical sickness that Iam suffering now and please guide me and protect me with your precious blood.. In Jesus Name I pray ..Amen

  522. Lord I need Victory in this custody battle and I need the truth to be known. Open the Judges heart and mind to question the past and see that I deserve Victory in this custody battle and the other side has lied and has a hidden past of losing my 2 oldest grandsons to DSS in NC and history of mental illness and drug addiction. So far the devil has won and the GAL has not told the Judge about the past .
    I have had my granddaughter since birth she was born with drugs in her system and my daughter wished for her to die before birth and abused her.
    Lord please give me Full custody and give us peace and protection from the other side of this battle.
    Let my granddaughter and I live with out fear .
    I Thank you God for everything you do for us.

  523. My daughter has separated after 25 years with her first School heart love !
    Has 3 children and has been living these years under his thumb (Narcissists)
    We hardly seen her or her children, which I thought she was happy and all was good. He has money to keep trying to control her life, Parental alienation with her two teenage sons and 1 daughter, to get out from under him, she had to move out and agree 50/50 custody which was only to be temporary, 2 years separated and finally been out from under his roof a little over a year .. and still he controls what he wants with their children .. He has lied, manipulated and can see he wants revenge, just wearing her down.
    All she wants is more time with her daughter age 7 and have her boys understand she loves them, and they blame her for leaving.. He stepped out of his marriage and she could not except his lies anymore. So Sad and all she has wanted is too be a good mom and is beautiful inside and out .. Please Pray that someone can get her into the Family courts with a good lawyer to help her get what is best for her and their children .. Some how they are in arbitration which she thought was only signing things for mediation and now cannot go into the courts .. We really believe he is paying people off, I know it sounds ridiculous but he has money and runs a very well to do business so please pray God has his hands on this … Amen She needs a miracle

  524. Good day, I need a breakthrough in my life. I am being physically abused and enslaved by my son’s father. I want to leave but I don’t know-how. I am suffering from anxiety and depression. Please pray for me.

  525. I thank God for his blessings in my family so far. My prayer request here is financial prosperity. I need money to take care my needs and help the less privileged

  526. Please pray for me and my wife we split up back in March and now realise that we love each other and need to be with each other please I need to find a house to rent around the drogheda area and quickly in Jesus name amen

  527. Father God I give you all the praise, glory, and honor. I have been celibate practicing abstinence for 15 years now waiting for my divine mate. I know God is preparing me for my husband and preparing my husband for me. It gets difficult sometimes and I find myself lonely and entertaining men from my past and I know it’s wrong and they’re not for me. I’m asking for prayer for strength to continue to honor my body temple for the appointed time and the mate God has chosen for me. God please let me keep my focus on you and not get impatient and remember I am never alone and you will restore what the locusts have eaten. Let me remain strong in my faith believing in the unknown and that ALL things are working together for my good. Amen

  528. Thank you Father God for all that I am and all that you allow me to be. I ask for prayer concerning employment. God blessed me as I stepped out in faith and left corporate America 4 years ago. I am an accountant and I started offering accounting and bookkeeping services and partnered with two tax accountants. Unfortunately, my workload has been reduced from full-time to part-time and I need prayer for direction to where God really wants me (divine employment, divine clients, divine relationships, divine employer). I know He will never leave me or forsake me. And where two or more are united in prayer God is in the midst.

  529. Please Lord I need forgiveness for cheating on myself and on my fiance bc there is no excuse except loneliness and it’s not good enough. I am wrong and feel I’m a failure to my fiance and to my children. Lord help me to gain the tools to help myself and my children as well as my fiance. May he give me a chance to prove my worthiness of his love and theirs as well as yours.

  530. Pray for for me to get back my salary…i have been working for 28 months now and not being paid…. life is not easy for me.i feel like givig up.

  531. I need prayers..I have to go for an MRI for my brain..they see something abnormal..maybe a mass that turns to cancer..please pray for me that I hear good news..I know our Lord is our healer..and I know he is the one that will give me strength in this time of waiting on what I truly have..I pray that the Lord will restore my health and no mass is matter what..I praise my God!

    In Jesus name

  532. My Heavenly Father, the Creator of the Heavens and the earth, the God of all flesh.
    I come to the throne of your GRACE seeking for your MERCY through the Precious Blood of your Dear Son JESUS Christ that was sheared for me/us on the cross of Calvary.
    I pray that you deliver me and my household from every curse, afflictions and iniquities brought upon us by our Ancestors as a result of their disobedience by serving other gods in the past.

    Your Word Speaking in
    Ezekiel 18:20
    [20]The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him.

    Because we have accepted your Son Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, we have been declared RIGHTEOUS AND HOLY.
    So Heavenly Father, let our righteousness in Christ Speak for us and the Precious Blood Deliver us today IN JESUS POWERFUL NAME.

  533. please pray for me our company is going through restructuring process and soon there will be retrenchments in august. play assist me in prayers so that my name shall not be on retrenchments list, demoted or any harm should not come on y way. i have responsibilities to care of.

  534. I am in need of a financial miracle to pay bills, bring my bank account balance to a positive and have money left over for gas to begin a new place of work. I really need help and I am leaning on God along with prayers in Jesus Name Amen.

  535. Please pray for me and my wife, we split up back in March because I was not showing her love but im regretting this now she is with some 1 but it dosent mean anything, I taught I was over it but I love my wife and she loves me, please pray for us dat we get back together and we get stronger in the faith so dat the enemy can’t get in please in Jesus name amen

  536. I keep repeating the same sin. No matter how I try to navigate the situation, I fail every time. It’s this one thing, that for some reason, I fail at. I need prayers for strength, wisdom, discernment and to be able to overcome the enemy when faced with the same temptation. Above all, I need to learn to trust god. To stop doubting him, and to know that he is in control.

  537. lord help me to do in my life that i can be a business..and partner in my life that i will be happy lord god. and my children can work for good companies

  538. Hi

    Please pray for me and Hennie van Rooyen so that we can get married soon, our salvation, impatience’s , frustrations and for a financial breakthrough. I thanks God that he died for ours since and that he love us.

    1. Praying for financial breakthrough to own a home and earn enough to pay for it and to help my family. Healing for mum and my family esp my 2 grand children. Long life for all. Praying for relationship restoration and evil 3rd party ties to be severed in Jesus name.Amen

  539. I pray that the Lord will bless me with a good working loving kindness man that’s going to love me for me for who I’m am and respect me through it all no matter what’s the problem is a man that’s going to love me take good care of me and my daughter never leave my side. Praying to remove all of the bad cures off me and let the Lord bless me what’s in the store for me

  540. Prayer for my daughter who keep getting involved in the same situation in relationships that ends up violental, please pray with me that she comes out of this situation freely and get counseling and any help that is needed.
    Pray over my marriage that The hurt and brokenness can be revised.
    Prayers for financial blessings over myself and family during this stressful storm that my daughter has brought our way. I know that Jesus said he will never leave or forsaken us and that’s he’s will is always done. Cover my daughter while she faces this trial and allow God to move those mountains and she can have another chance to be who God attend for her to be.

  541. Please pray for the restoration of my marriage to Rocio.
    Nothing is impossible for our Lord Jesus Christ

  542. Please pray for my son Matthew, for god to heal his diabetes, to lift the dark cloud of trauma, to bring him friends into his life and to find love.

  543. May the Lord Jesus rearrange my life and help me to get out of debts so that I can have peace

    1. Lord, I came before you lord to ask you a total miracle of my partner and my children for them to have peace in their hearts. Wash the hatred in their hearts, wash the tongue of my partner because sometimes it’s too much for me lord, all the swearing, the cursing, I want peace , joy and happiness in my hearts and in my mind. In jesus name

    2. Dear God please the loads are too much on me now, I have been owing several people now, my rent is due and to feed my wife is too much for me, I can’t even make sales in my shop anymore Dear Lord please get me out of this, the loads are too much for me.please pray for me

  544. Please pray for me i need a job urgently Lord i trust in in you..please help me oh God i need an income..

  545. I’m having a difficult time at the moment, win it comes to prayer waiting on Deliverance movie am

    1. My name is Wanda I am asking prayer for my brother Jimmy he has colon cancer please pray for him a message out to give him the strength and willpower to get up and make it thanks and God bless all of us amen

    2. My dear christianstt brothers and sisters I am requesting prayer for my children, for a health, for a FINANCIAL breakthrough in Jesus mighty name.
      Thank you in advance my brothers and sisters.

  546. Praying for the spirit of hinderance and blockage be lifted. I attempt to go around family or seek jobs and this spirit blocks my ability to reach believers, discourages my ability to get jobs, and opportunities. Sometimes it feels like prayers are being hindered. People even seem to turn on me without reason, pointing out my flaws, putting me down. Business partnerships are effected. I pray but I receive no answer from God about what is happening. No church person seems to understand what is going on. I’m asking for prayer now, but it just seems like nooone is established in authority by God to break this yoke. It seems like no one is wise in Christ to understand. I’m overwhelmed because I don’t understand, what is happening or why it is happening. I’ve sent my sister information on the importance of fellowship, she says that is not true and she has refused to talk to me. There is constantly misunderstandings, and confusion where people are determined to see me in a negative way.

  547. Pray for my daughter who is going through depression. She feels she has reached the end. May the Lord lift her up from the pit of depression.

  548. Please pray for the restoration of my marriage and that my wife return home to me from North Carolina

  549. Heavenly father I pray for financial breakthrough I m drained in debts so father help me, let this pass. Father I m praying for safe delivery and become a happy mother. Father let this baby brings joy into my life.
    Lord I m asking you to blessed my boyfriend with permanent job father, I need his support father as we are especting our baby.. Hear me lord when I calling your name Lord Jesus Amen!

  550. Prayer for my job. I have been there over 16 years. Things are not good. I have tried to be a good employee. I don’t know if I should stay or look for something different but I’m scared. I ask for His direction and peace that I do the right thing. Amen

  551. Praise God, my prayer is for God to dismiss the court case that is against me and my husband. We need a financial breakthrough, and we need jobs that will glorify the name of the Lord.

  552. I don’t want to divorce. For this reason I have been standing for my marriage. It’s been 14 months since my husband left me. He now has a house and is only concerned about our kids. I have prayed and cried out to God these last 14 months, trusting and believing Him for a miracle. I know God doesn’t lead one to divorce but what am I to do now? It’s getting worse. He has moved on and doesn’t care for me.

  553. Father God
    Lord as my son will be moving out some time soon I’m trusting in you Lord you will not leave me on my own in my home please provide me with a loverly Christian lady to come and board in my home prefably Asian must be working long term just wants the room for herself is quite understanding friendly lord if its your will for this person to come and live with me you will bring her to my home father God also for a job to come my way 2-3 days a week to serve you and your kingdom and eventually loving man a companion or husband to come into my life lord I ask you to bless me with a family my sons marriages and grandchildren and loving trust worthy friends thankyou Lord that you are my provider jehovar Korea all praise glory to you Father God in jesus name amen

  554. My name is Darlene Ester, and I’d like to know, Would Y’all pray for my grandson Greg on Robinson, he goes to court on 06/2/2021, The Judge, and the States Attorney trying to give him 5 years in prison, for something he didn’t do, They are trying to accuse him of a crime he didn’t do, They said the crime of carjacking happen on 05/12/2021, which he was at home on the above date, because he got his sister off the school bus; They’re trying to blame him because they don’t want to catch the person or persons who did it; Would Y’all pray and ask GOD, to please soften the judge and the states attorney hearts, and change their minds and let him go home on the above date; He need an emergency miracle on the above date; Bless them to call his mother and tell her come nd pick him up before 5:00p.m. on the above date. May GOD Bess all of you, and Thank Y’all very much. Darlene Ester

  555. Please pray for healing and restoration of my marriage… it’s been almost 5-6 months and I’m having a really hard time.. I’m now waiting on the Lord and my heart is so hurt. My one year old daughter sees it all. Please also pray for my husband to accept the Lord.

  556. Brenda: I pray God will restore my brother. COVID took his ability to walk and he has many illnesses. His children has forsaken him, his daughter moved out of the house. She comes to get him up but doesn’t bath him or feed him like she should. But he wants to stay home so I don’t know what to do. They say he is competent to make his decisions but he is not. I pray God will touch their heart to remember all he did does for them to take better care of him. She needs to come to see about him more in Jesus mighty name. I need Only God can fix this. She is well but using his income to pay her bills. Thanks for the prayers.

  557. Heavenly Father,

    I pray for healing in our marriage. I pray that peace, love, joy and respect is renewed and overflowing in our marriage. I rebuke any outside influences and that our marriage shouldn’t be defiled by outside women or men.

    I pray for your support in allowing my husband to lead and protect as you have designed him to and to be a man of his word.

  558. Please pray for me, my heart is broken. I just found a great man, I prayed for someone like him all my life, I found him and he is having problems with his previous relationship. He needs closer. He asked me for time to heal. He can’t give me his percent. Please pray for us. Thank you.

  559. I ask prayers for healing of high blood pressure and diabetes and any disease the devil is trying to place on me. I renounce such evil and trust that God will look beyond my faults and see my need. Also prayers for my children and grand children. I give God all the praises and the glory unto his holy name.
    God bless

  560. Father God I pray for patience and understanding with my life Jesus please show me the way to go heal me lord protect me from anything that is not of you thank you Jesus for never giving up on me teach me to only depend on you even when I can’t see the outcome in Jesus name I pray amen

  561. I ask for prayers for me and my husbands marriage be restored. I ask for our love to grow even stronger than it once was and for us to love and trust and forgive each other and ourselves. For any foul words or actions made against us by the other. I ask that we forgive each other and that I become a better wife and stronger than ever and trust.

  562. Pray for my son Ricardo. He isn’t married,but is living with a physical
    abusive ,controlling, Mapunitive, ungodly women. I am praying for God to put a Godly women who Ricardo can marry. Who will love Ricardo the way God intended a relationship to be. It pains me to see him in this relationship that isn’t of God. This women has turned him away from God and the church. This women is pushing him to get married to her soon. This relationship he is in is of the devil and needs to be stopped. I know God had a plan and a purpose for my son Ricardo. This women is ruining my sons life. Please stand with me in prayer about this situation. Blessing in His love.

  563. Hello. I am asking for prayer for myself and my husband. My husband is disabled and has been diagnosed with an enlarged heart, Antisynthetase, Diabetes, Hypertension, Clotting disorder, Arthritis, Chronic respiratory failure, Congestive heart failure, Hyperlipidemia, Interstitial lung disease, and Peripheral neuropathy. I’ve been diagnosed with Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome (CVS), Hypertension, Diabetes, and Degenerative Disc Disease. Walking for me is very painful because of the pain in my back. Sometimes I am on the verge of tears. We are also in need of a financial blessing as well. Thank you.

    1. Hi there my brothers and sisters in christ,iam enjoying all the players,thank you so much ,for everything every prayer,thank u for your time ,my the Lord bless you in everything you do.

  564. Pray for me as I walk in this spiritual path of righteousness. I fail so many times, I backslide and I’m asking for spiritual restoration

  565. I have a dream for a small house.i have twins daughter who are suffered in severe autism.please pray for me to get a financial miracle.thank you

  566. My brother Nelson who was admitted in the hospital on May 10, 2021 had been extremely sick and was put on a ventilator as his oxygen levels had gone down. He is being healed and his health is getting better and better day by day. Thank you Lord Yeshua for all your mercies and grace.
    You are a Living God. You are a God in whom I trust.

    My 84 year old Mother had been admitted in the same hospital on May 15, 2021 She had been extremely sick, lonely and was experiencing trauma over her son being admitted in the hospital. She too is being healed day by day all praise and glory to our Lord Jesus Christ.

    Thank you Thank you Thank you Lord Jesus . You are our Saving God our Healing God Our Protector and our Savior.

    I love you Lord Jesus and am filled with so much gratitude at your great mercies and protection over my family.
    Thank you for your healing touch over Nelson and my Mother Lord and I pray for complete and full restoration of their body mind and soul.
    Thank you Jesus, Love you Jesus. Amen Amen Amen

  567. Please help me lift up your voice with me to God for my right marriage partner. I pray that God should speedly connect me with that man He had predestined for me to marry and bond us with His eternal love. May He grant my request without any delay so that I will settle down this year in Jesus Christ mighty name,Amen

  568. Please pray for my brother Nelson who is admitted in ICU today. I pray to Lord Jesus for restoration and healing from his illness and bless him with renewed strength. “Nothing is impossible with our Lord.” Amen

  569. Please pray for restoration, reconciliation and healing of our family. I pray for my youngest son and his family to be restored and reconciled
    with us, most especially with his Father. May there be healing and forgiveness within each one’s hearts and the Lord’s love be restored with one another. For nothing is impossible with the Lord, in Jesus name in union with the Holy Spirit ❤❤❤

    Thank you, appreciate the prayers we have a good God!!!

  570. I am praying lord bless me with the right new apartment to live for me my loving pets I’m praying lord divinely work in my behalf to reveal this blessed nice place a nice place meet my needs a place with very animal loving landlord laidback place with neighbors that keep to themselves not meddle in your life pray god govern take control of my situation pray god cast out enemy enemies negativity withholding my good situation pra god reveal this blessed place through realestate agent some special way pray lord the house my present landlord will not sell house pray god grant time ways.for me lord cast our enemy’s work attacks on all my personal life jeses thanks letting me share Jennifer

  571. Please Lord help my grandson on his final exámenes in college, today and tomorrow.
    He is a very responsible young man, working and studying at the same time.
    Specially the one tomorrow that was a mistake in the computer and have to take again, and is the one he is having problems with.
    Thanks , a proud grandmother.

  572. Heavenly Father,
    We come to you in Jesus mighty name that you would grant our son Kenneth favor of God in court to get full custody of his daughter. Thank you, Jesus for revealing the truth to the Judge. Our trust is in you, Lord.
    Most of All, we want your will to be done. In Jesus name. Amen

  573. Please pray for me, I just found out I have an enlarged liver and I am terrified, I’ve been asking God to help me to get to know him better, I’ve been asking him to please heal me. I am very sorry my Lord Jesus for displeasing you in anyway, for disobeying your word for not getting close to you, please My Lord Jesus, I am here to serve you please help me to get to know you more, please heal me my Lord! In your name my Lord Jesus, in your name please help me. Amen! Amen my father almighty!

  574. Please pray for me to have strength and courage in this court case. Please grant me full custody of my daughter. She is afraid of him and needs to know that she is finally safe and no longer threatened by him. She needs to be allowed to heal. I pray for him to leave us alone and let us heal. I pray for him to do the right thing. Please God I pray for you to keep me strong for my family. Please pray for me. Thank you for your time and prayers.

  575. I ask for prayer that God of the the KJ Bible will open the eyes minds and understandings and comprehensions of all the prayers/and prayer requesters on here to the truths of His word! I ask for prayer that God of the KJ Bible will surround them with Christians that are in the light that hold Jesus Christ as Lord that are wise in the word to help them in anywhey they need help and to show them what God’s like! God blessNshalom.

  576. Pray for our family needs. We were managing and earning our livelihood through the functioning of an upcoming school, all was well with our finances until the covid-19 attack. All activities were declared lockdown and we are not able to open up till now since last April’2020, hence our only income through the school became defunct. God is good and has provided abundantly in all areas of our need. We pray for new opportunities in getting a job and business. We ask for Pray IN”JESUS’ MIGHTY NAME. Amen.

  577. Praying for transportation to be able to get a Jeep 2011 or 2015 in Black or Dark Forest Green To Buy with cash or a monthly payment I can Afford.

  578. I Need PRAYER To Heal My Heart From Being Hurt In A Relationship He Really Hurt Me. I Also Ask That You Pray For Him For Hurting Me Jose Phillps. Thank You

  579. Please pray for me because a group of witches and wizards have been really trying to disturb my life and my family’s lives, I say trying only because I know that God will win this battle but please still pray that God wins it faster. in the name of jesus

    1. I need divine intervention of God in providing apartment I can call my own in this coming month of May 2021 because I am tired of people hosting me in their house I need a good apartment that God should bless me financially to be able to get an apartment for my self. All I need is Gods help

  580. I pray that God shall bless my business and that of my daughter. Enlarge our territory Lord. In the same way you gave us the idea and the means to fund it, please give us an abundance of customers to make it successful. Bless us oh Lord. I pray in Jesus mighty name.

  581. I pray for direction, I feel so confused . God please help me live life properly. And Lord I want to marry right.

  582. Desperately seeking prayers for my extreme child custody battle. I am trying with everything I can to keep my son safe from his father who is a known drug user and child abuser. The courts don’t seem to care. I am desperately seeking a miracle.

  583. Pray for myself and family and my lovers and two lovely daughters that we all can be good health happiness loving and caring
    And that my dreams come thru
    At this moment i need help with my life so i can succed in this life amen

  584. prayers for my son he isolate himyself in the shed and smoke doesn’t eat he works only to gamble and smoke am tired Jemus change my son aveer he was such a lovely boy

    My daughter Malini two years since her husband passed away he was 40 years left two sons Ashill and Ansha n five years old hyperactive goes to bed 5 am and wake at 2pm during the day Ashill 13 years since the fathers death he is very disobedient my daugh terms used to work in bank she left her job very stressful
    Am going through HARD TIME

  585. I need your prayers for healing of my (Benjamin)eye pressure due to glaucoma. Also pray for my daughter Esther for healing from abcess infection in her leg.

    1. I need prayers for my children my so n Aveer
      And my daught Maldini
      Grand children Ashil and Anshan

  586. Please Pray for peace in my mental health, Sleep, And Family Restoration, it keeps me so sad, But The Lord is My Rock!
    Thy will be done
    Amen & Amen


  588. Isabella I’m praying for restoration and protection in my love life.
    For too many times I lose this fight.Im now becoming old my God your word said favour surrounds me as a shield. Pray for Gods favour over kernel and I in Jesus name amen.

  589. Pray with me that we find a lawyer to take our case. That justice and righteousness be told in the courts of law and victory is ours to share. In this time we see more and more dishonest lawyers, judge and people that hold office in high places. They use their tile, position and their group to destroy a persons dignity, honesty and faith. As we hold on to our mustard seed of Faith I know with prayer and prayers from all who haveFaith we will have Victory!!! That mountain will be dissolve ito the sea in Jesus Name. Those who were bought out to this scheme will be recognize and be put to shame.

  590. Hello, I am asking for prayers for the restoration of my marraige, that God bless me with a child and for God’s blessings and protection over my family. I have had a few miscarraiges and a ectopic pregnancy. I am believing for a miracle because he is the creator of all things and has the final say.

  591. Hi. Please pray with me to be able to conceive a child. I had 2 miscarriages 3 years back and now struggling to conceive. Please pray for my partner as well for God to renew and create a new reproductive system for both of us to bare a child. It’s my heart desire to be a mother. Being infertile has created a void in me and affected my prayer life and hunger for God. But I know God is the giver of life and am nothing without Him.

  592. My brother have braintumour since 15 yrs now he is very weak and my father&mother old,my husbands died with cardiac attack so pls pray for my brother health recovery

  593. Of all the many testimonies I could have read this morning, this was the one I needed to read to focus my faith. I will visit a urologist soon about a cyst found on my left kidney. And if that is’nt concerning, this same kidney had a cyst on it in 2013. It was removed. Please agree with me in a prayer of faith and declaration that God would do what He can only do; remove the cyst supernaturally! Also, there is a stone on my right kidney. Our God can remove both for his glory! Than you for your prayers.

  594. Please pray for my babies. I am having twins and they are 2 days past due now. I am in a lot of physical back pain and am ready for them to be born.

    May God Bless everyone of you prayer warriors


  595. Please pray that I be able to conceive a baby/babies now. I have been trying for 2 years with no result. I pray for forgiveness for my sins and that the lord have mercy on me. I pray that my partner has healthy sperm as well to be able to conceive. I pray to be able to raise healthy God fearing children. In Jesus’s name amen! Please pray for me

    1. Prayers for you. I also am wanting to conceive my 3rd child. In Jesus name i pray for both of us and to the couples affected by infertility.. amen amen forever amen.

    2. I pray the prayer of agreement… Mat 18:19  Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.
      Mat 18:20  For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

      I agree with you that you may conceive. May God Bless you and your children to come.

    1. Praying for you Chitra, and your family that God’s blessings will provide you meaningful work that will provide for you and your family.

  596. I praise you God the Father,God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Thank you for the gift of life and good health. Thank you for salvation, thank you for protection,deliverance and provision for my family. Thank you for protecting and providing for my children and everyone else. You are God Almighty. You are worthy. Be exalted, be magnified. You are Holy Holy Holy.

  597. Hello, may Adonai fulfill the prayers of everybody

    Will you please pray for my infertility, and for my relationship, and my daughter, and my health, and last but not least my longing to make Adonai happy, and my guardian angel proud

    Thank you and may Adonai bless you all eternally beyond understanding

  598. God please bless me my mom and my children with our own homes I need a stay at home lucrative and legit job to take care of my mom and my children. I pray for total healing and restoration for my mom in her health her finances her daily needs and provisions God I want to go deeper in my walk with You Please pray for us I’m extremely stressed depressed me my kids and my mom are being verbally abused by my niece and my nephew I take care of my mom 24 hours a day I tried getting child support and get denied every time I pray every day for financial increase miracles and blessings to come our way

  599. Hi. Mine’s quite serious. Help me join in prayer for deliverance from curses done by witchcraft, close or far. My finances and well being are dilapidated. On the verge of being evicted from my home due to lack of rent. I need prayers. God bless you as you intercede on my behalf. Thanks.

  600. My lord and my saviour Jesus Christ, please deliver my family and I from spiritual attacks from family demons, witches, marine kingdoms and all manipulations…. AMEN

  601. Hello, I hope all is well with everyone.
    I come here to ask for prayer for my brother. He was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer this past December.
    It has spread since then. He has lost a tremendous amount of weight due to this cancer, chemo, loss of appetite and etc.
    This is my big brother. I love him very much. He’s also done service for this country years ago in the military.
    Since then, he’s pretty much been working for the post office for almo27-28 years.
    Even triple overtime at times.
    Never really taken a vacation. It hurts me that he has to go through this.
    Of course it hurts our mother too.
    My brother is an independent person.
    To see that he hasn’t had the energy to check his Mail all the time and even start the process with applying for disability, I decided to do all of those things for him.
    From keeping up with his appointments, his online MyChart account for Dr.’s visits, chemo and symptom management appointments and Emails from His Doctor and nurses, applying for Disability insurance/ benefits, clinical trails, and anything to help him get to a path of healing.
    Most definitely less worrying and stress. Especially for his condition and that type of cancer.
    I’ve been doing everything in my power to help get him to not get worried or put his focus on anything else, except for healing and hopefully coming out of this by the grace of God.
    I know our Heavenly Father can work miracles on situations that at times, have been doubted by even some of the best medical professionals (Doctors). I definitely am a strong believer that God can make anything happen even when we don’t think it’s possible.
    So I just ask for your prayers for his healing to get through this and I’m just gonna keep praying and doing my part of also being his power of attorney and doing most of the speaking for him, paperwork, finances and medical info.
    Anything that can takeoff any stress or worries he has, I definitely will try my hardest to remove that from him so he could focus on healing.
    So again I ask for you all’s prayers. I thank you so much and God bless you all.

  602. Lord i thank you Father for restoring my marriage. Father i pray in Jesus name that You remove the spirit of lies and pride and self righteousness far from my husband. Set him free Lord from all this lies that the enemy is fedding my husband. Bless my husband with the fruits of righteousness my he be truthful and admit his wrong and stop blaming other people for his wrong doings..i thank You Lord for all you doing and for what is still to come in Jesus name Amen.
    I ask that u pray for us and stand in agreement with me in prayer. I will not let the enemy steal our joy and happiness.

  603. Heavenly Father the most high! I want to pray for my upcoming marriage, I want to pray that you give the head of this household strength and coverage! I pray that all ungodly soul ties are released no bondage allowed within this man! I pray you give him the strength to be the king and lead us upon righteousness through this journey and into marriage! Please father god give us protection and covering over this relationship and this family! Don’t let the spirits blind him from his throne & I asked these prayers through your son Christ Jesus! Amen

  604. I pray in agreement with all petitions, praying for God’s mercy and healing. I am holding my son up in prayer because he called today, wanting to leave treatment because he is having cravings for alcohol. The devil cannot have my son! Thank you.

  605. Prayer for my son Isa to draw back close to God and to stop liming with boys so much older than him who is negatively influencing him. Prayer for him to stop falling after the world and to surrender his heart and come back to Christ.

  606. Hey I need prayer for my daughters to be save and for God to take over my whole life I want him to take over complete (god)

  607. can I please get some prayers , I already been praying hard but I feel like u can never go wrong wit extra prayers , im currently praying that I am pregnant , I need this change in life more than anything

  608. My life changed alot since my house was taken unfairly.My lawyer is still disputing my Case in High Court.I’m still staying in it by Gods grace.My possessions were all stolen House breaking by the same perpetrators who wants to steal my property.Till this day the Police are not helping me.They know the perpetrators and covering up for them.Everyone is turning a blind eye.The perpetrators are missing and the Police know they whereabouts.My lawyer got me a High Court Order that they must stay away till the High Court decides my Case fairly.And the Sheriff summoned the Main perpetrator who ran away.My possessions still gone since 15 February 2021 and in the Order the Police was told to help but nothing.Now 3 months nearly I’m sitting in a empty house and no clothes to wear.And there’s guy’s coming anytime to violate my life.They vandalize my house yesterday with Police presence.I showed the Police the High Court Order but they don’t care about the Order.They trying everything to make me walk out of my house but I won’t. They only do this with single mom’s that are easy target’s. God is with me in this fight now 3 years nearly and l believe there’s a purpose He put me in this situation. I’ve been made to stay in my house with strangers total strangers.They shared kitchen, toilet, bath everything with me.I lived with a woman and her 4years old daughter total strangers. She’ll cook they food in my kitchen as if it’s her house. Do everything while I look on and say nothing because the perpetrators said it’s they house. They gone finally last year and then something happened. A couple was put in my house to stay new owners as they said.But I put them out immediately instructions from my lawyer. They gone aswell and I hope forever because the perpetrators owes that couple a r600 000.00.They paid the perpetrators already last year August 2020 but the couple asked they monies back from the perpetrators.Thanks God they saw something is wrong in the deal of my house and I told them it’s not yours this house. I am owner and I’m going nowhere I told them and the perpetrators. They gone and I ask God to keep them away they strangers and they dealings must go with the perpetrators. But now there’s 2 guy’s that still come and I told them they not allowed. They broke my palet gate, my burglar gate and entered my empty house. The neighbor’s help them and they all laughed at me as if I’m a fool.The Police refused to open a Case against these guy’s yesterday told me I have no right. I just looked at them and kept silent.My lawyer said he’ll open a new Case aswell and against the Police.My windows are open no covers they broke the rails where I hanged the curtains. So people can look through and see the empty house. But I still stay in it my sister offered that I sleep at her place until my possessions is recovered.I can’t even cry anymore I feel nothing luckily my children are safe at family members. My son’s life for 3 years was messed up his Education aswell. His sitting at home no Education it’s so painful all this I feel sorry for my son.He wants to further school again but he lost 3 years because of strangers and perpetrators. He is really broken aswell but after all this I feel there’s new Blessings coming for all of me and my children and grandchildren. I want my son to be stronger and positive through all this and that God makes him a better person going forward. My daughter feels sad and my grandchildren are confused with my living because it was not like this before.But I know God is in it with me I sometimes get flashbacks of everything and I’m hurting. Thinking but God He kept me and He kept me safe how was that possible. I don’t think anyone will face this like I do still and I’m standing strong whatever they try. It’s not finished in the flesh but spiritually I won. All I just want now is stronger prayers honestly. I know the children of God when praying together it’s also very powerful. And I would really appreciate it if all will pray for me,my family, my children and grandchildren. It’s been a long time now and I want all to be finished if you can always keep praying for me so I keep the faith and pushing through until it’s over. I need stronger support from my Christian brothers and sisters in prayer. God bless everyone praying for me…Amen

  609. In need of prayer for my husband and marriage. We have been married 10 years together 15. He’s addicted to a drug that’s taking over his life! He’s no longer a part of our life he comes and goes at times doesn’t come home at all. I’m in need of prayer of what to do! I feel I can’t do this anymore. He’s a good man just a bad addiction! I need guidance

  610. My son’s marriage is under attack please we God will restore their MARRIAGE AGAIN who he join together let no man put asunder please unite them together lord

  611. Prayer request for Justin R Garcia to come to the cross ✝️ .. Also for God to break the chains of drug addiction and mental illness .. I ask God to put a good Godly woman in his life. I ask that he finds a job to give him fulfillment. I humbly ask in the mighty name of Jesus.

  612. Prayer request for Justin R Garcia to come to the cross ✝️ .. Also for God to break the chains of drug addiction and mental illness .. I also pray that God puts in his path a Godly woman to share his life. I pray he finds a job and gets fulfillment to help stay off the drugs. In Jesus mighty name I pray . Amen

  613. Hello,

    Don’t be discouraged, that’s the enemy speaking to you. Prayers for the right job, not just any job.
    I am 55 years old and every job I get, I spend three or four months on it. The enemy uses a person on that job to drive me out. I always thank God and thank him that it was not the right job. I pray that you find the right job with other christians, and that the Holy Spirit will lead and guide you. You are special, precious and make by our Creator, who loves you unconditionally. Pray, pray, and pray without ceasing. With god’s love and blessings.

  614. Good Morning everyone,
    I am requesting prayers for myself. I am having a heart stress test Wednesday, March 31,2021 because of an abnormal findings on a routing EKG. I am having this exam because I am preparing for a total knee replacement surgery on April 12, 2021.

    Thank you and I am trusting in God

  615. I recently had a biopsy done last week and am awaiting results. Please God I pray that everything comes back clear. If you all could please pray with me that everything comes back clear. I would greatly appreciate it. Amen.

  616. Please I’m married for two years now and no child yet,I’m praying for God’s divine intervention and visitation to plant a holy and healthy seed of image of God in my womb so I can concieve and have my own children..

  617. Heavenly Father, let me find favour in all my lecturer’s courses as they are marking my scripts.
    Lord grant me with good results with no carry over.

  618. I need to request for prayer that God will be in control in every aspect of my life and my family.
    I want divine healing to be healed of any form of illness and disease. I want him to transform me to be the woman that I should be by changing anything unclean. Whatever I say or do may I do it for the glory of God. I want God Almighty to soften the heart of my family and open their eyes so that they can accept Jesus as their Lord and saviour. Glory be to God and Jesus. Thank you Jesus. So shall it be in Jesus name Amen.

  619. Pleasant good morning ChristiansTT I come to you guys to help me pray to accept God in my life in my relationship and to pray for me to get married and to be baptized by the holy spirit I want to be a child of God I want to be born again with a clean heart and do the right thing and live and follow God and live by his powerful word I strongly need the break through of pray, I also need some prayer in getting a loan to start back my business due to the pandemic I don’t have my business up and running any more so I will like to get some strong prayers as I also pray for this break through in my life this I declare in Jesus almighty name. Amen.

  620. Father god i pray that I continue to keep you on my side lord I pray that I stay healthy and live long for my kids to see me I pray for me and gregorys relationship to stay strong lord and I pray one day that he will understand were I’m coming from with his ex girlfriend lord I pray we just be a good couple again and we move on with are life with peace….thank you Lord for everything that you have given meeh because of you I stand strong and will not give up in your name jesus Amen.

  621. Pls pray for my cousin Louis Raj that he will recover from his illness and come back strongly. In Jesus name we pray

    1. I will pray for your cousin May God be his comforter.
      Always remember Jesus is the Great Healer. What is impossible with men possible with God.

  622. Pls pray for my son Darren Isaac to get tis coaching job that he had applied. Pls pray that he will be called soon to join the badmintin coaching job. In Jesus name.

  623. Pls pray for my husband Desmond that Jesus will deliver him from spirit of akcholism and nikotin and his life will be transformed and he will start reading wordof god and will be set free from every bondages.

  624. Please pray for my son Luke. He is 16 and headed down a very dark path. Please pray for God’s will to be done in r lives. Thank u.

  625. Heavenly Lord please give me grace and power to serve you. Forgive all my sins, don’t let my sins work against me and my family. Fight my battle for me. KING of kings please destroy every power of darkness in my life. Let your name glorify in my life and my home. I everywhere I go please let your grace and mercy speak for me. Thank you God, I appreciate you LORD. Thanks for answering prayers. Thanks for everything you have done in my life, what you are doing presently and what you are going to do. Amen.

  626. Thank you for reaching out, I am so heavily burdened with debt and am unable to pay them off, all of my salary goes to paying some of them but the rest no payment is going to them, I do not know what to do with them, the finance companies keep coming to me, some even told me that they will take me to court, I do not know what to say to them or what to do, please help me pray about my debts. I am also praying for my debts as well, but your prayers can help me in the long run. The only person who can help and get me out of my debt is the LORD AND LORD ALONE, AMEN///. Thank you.


  627. Heaven father I’m ask you
    Please open my worm
    Guide me to get pregnant with two heath babies
    In jesus name amen

  628. Lord, I ask you to bless my new relationship with the man i prayed for . We are getting stressed and anxious. Please clear our paths of people who don’t want us to succeed as a couple. Keep us clear of preying eyes. Keep him focused on work, us and our boys. We will praise your name forever . Amen amen forever amen

  629. I am praying and believing for big breakthroughs in my life. This is not easy, I ask myself is God listening to me, will he answer me specifically???

  630. Please help me o Lord with my marriage and my son lord we are separated from each other, I pray that my wife and son are helped and keept safe under the mighty blood of Jesus myself and my wife split up recently and it’s affecting my daughter’s and son please please help US Jesus we are good people been ripped apart in Jesus name amen

  631. Please pray for me my son and his family haven’t spoken to me in 9 months I miss my son his wife and my 2 grandsons please pray that they talk to us this is so emotionally heartbreaking. Thank you for this opportunity to ask for prayers. This is a very heavy burden that I am carrying.

  632. I want to ask everyone here reading to pray for a healthy recovery for Colby West. He had a accident some months back. He still isn’t move on his own an isnt strong enough we are touching and agreeing he will be walking in April on his own with minimal assistance. I know one thing when two or more agree in Jesus name he will be able to do all things thru the Lord . The devil is a lie., the Insurance company also needs to fix the situation that cause this horrific accident. Compensation or not he wasn’t at fault states the police record let justice prevail. Please everyone reading this Give Colby strength by prayer to recover and walk again. His mother also needs lifting up she is a great help for helping her son during these trying times keep her strong and healthy. In Jesus name Amen.

    1. Prayers for each and every one of you, I believe in God with all that is in me. I believe in him and his miracles with all my heart, as hard as I can. Sending love and light. Stay strong, never give up and always trust God and his timing. Even when we think he is not listening . He really is. Believe in the power of prayer. Ask with all your heart. Believe it and affirm it.

  633. I am asking p.o rayer for my 86 year old mother. She is a cancer patient. She has pre leukemia. She has 2 wounds that are in stage 3. I ask for everyone reading please say a prayer to heal her from the top if her head to the bottom of her feet. I want her to nit worry so much that we do so much for her. We are her children we dont mind. I ask for healing right now in Jesus name for my mother Frances E Gainor. Thank everyone reading and agreeing for her well being.

  634. I am in need of corporate prayer. I’m under a true demonic attack straight from Satan and the pits of hell. I could have never imagined an attack like this in my wildest nightmares. It’s daily, 24/7, and what I know to do is pray, no matter what it looks like. My whole life is under attack by evil. It’s a hate group that has targeted me, and is trying to destroy my life. Idk why it started, and don’t care. I know that I serve a risen Savior who’s in the world, and He can do anything but fail. So I need a turn around of this situation. Your help is appreciated. Thank you!!

  635. I need a miracle to restore my marriage and family! My husband is having an affair and wants to leave me because he’s “happier”. He has an alcohol problem and possibly more based on things I have found. He hasn’t seen his children in 2 months. He doesn’t even call them. They are old enough to text him and he will text back with them. I am so broken and I believe God wants our family to stay together. I filed for divorce because I have to have financials in place in order to protect my children and our home. We have our court hearing this week and I am praying for a miracle and for God to make him see what he is losing.

  636. Morning my name is Veronica and I am asking for prayers for my children two of them are mentally ill and the rest of them are really struggling another one is always feeling sick but don’t know what is wrong and we also need a financial breakthrough so please pray for us I believe everything will change in Jesus name

  637. Shallon,

    I pray for a God fearing spouse, who will lead me to God. I stand in Genesis 2:18, “Its not good for a man to live alone , I will make him a helper suitable for him”, I believe God has already prepared a spouse for me. All I pray for is God to release him and make us know each other and live in the presence of God. I pray for marriage where death will only do us apart, marriage of God’s service that we will have peace and testify for God’s goodness. Amen.

  638. Hai, I’m from lusaka Zambia.please Pray for me, every time I get in a relationship I keep getting my heart broken…. I really want to settle down and raise a family. Thank you for your prayers

  639. I’m asking that you add your faith with mine in the area of marriage restoration,there has been trust broken and betrayal on both sides however My prayer is that God can bring things back in order that we Love each other and cherish each other again.

  640. I request a prayer for me & my relationship with my son he understands that I’m trying to be the best mother possible, I want him to have a great life. Be smarter in school that why I push him so hard. He loves to just play his game . A prayer request for my financial situation becomes greater, happy & peaceful & lovable, healthy life I pray for safety & protection for my mother & father & son & my whole family. I pray for safety & peace on my birthday trip to Miami & that God allows me to get there with no problems. I pray for a true love, loyal, faithful, passionate relationship with Yoshua my soon to be husband ❤. We get a better connection & understanding of each other feelings & flaws. I pray for wisdom, knowledge, understanding, love, logic & courage Amen ❤

  641. I’m praying for my boyfriend he’s a good person he just needs God and his back past was not to good especially the people that was in his life….They are evil but you Father God are our Lord and savior you are the victory we are healed and covered in your blood ….In Jesus Name Amen….Thank you Father God

  642. I thank God for the salvation if my soul.
    2016 was a very traumatic year for my family. I thank God Almighty for how far He’s brought my family. May His precious name be praised for ever.
    My prayer point is the God will bring to manifestation His divine purpose in the life of my eldest son.

  643. Lord jesus Thank you for everything,thank you for life,for my family,protection
    Thank you for been my savior.Amen

  644. Hi there. I’m in desperate need of help. Plz pray for my marriage of 25 yrs that I’m trying to save.

  645. I’m in need to heal a broken marriage and family. My stepson who has mental issues has always tried to break my husband’s n my marriage. I have managed to keep us together for 25 yrs but I’m losing faith now. He has been to prison 3 times n has an anger issue as well. 2 wks ago he physically fought with my husband n son n he left da house. Now my in laws blame us bcuz he twists da story ALL THE TIME. They won’t talk to us n have blocked our numbers. I’m so sad n my heart aches bcuz they still believe him. He has no job, no friends n is just freeloading off of us. I’m living a horrible life bcuz of him. We have given him 5 vehicles n has wrecked them so now doesn’t have any. (DWI) We don’t know where he is bcuz I disconnected his phone. We were paying for that too. On top of anger n personality issues, he drinks, does steroids n 2 other drugs. He verbally abuses everyone. I hate to see my husband so sad but I don’t want him back in my house that my father gave me. My husband has a very poor prognosis. He has an immunodeficiency condition that is exacerbated with STRESS!!! PLEASE HELP US!!! I love my husband n I don’t wanna lose him.

  646. Brethren pls join hands to pray for me not lose this wanted baby to menstrual flow,I so much hoped and I still wish for it to stay in Jesus Name I pray,St Giannah interceed for me,Motge Mary interceed for me to you son Jesus Christ,St Joseph interceed for me too.
    Lord God Forgive me and grant me this wonderful baby pls.

    1. I plead the Blood of Jesus over your pregnancy. No weapon formed against the baby and it’s mother shall prosper in Jesus Mighty name.

  647. In name of my Lord Jesus please pray for me poverty financial breakthrough I’m not working pray for me for a permanent job i only get jobs that last three months only

  648. Heavenly father I come to you tonight for prayers for James H. A woman name Wanda put a evil spirit on him she threaten to take her life if he wont be with her. I pray for protection over his life. I rebuke the evil spirit that was put on him. I pray that you Lord bring him back to you because he knows you and he walked away. Lord I ask you to be in every aspect of his life. Please anointed his eyes that he may see the things you want him to see. I pray that you will annointed his heart that he will have a clean heart and also annointed his ears that he may hear your voice only. And blessed our union. In Jesus holy name I pray Amen. Please restore and heal us Lord.Amen Amen Amen May no weapon form against us in Jesus holy name. Amen

  649. I would like to thank ChristiansTT with the help I have received to be able to improve my praying daily builď a relationship with God, to know that God hears our prayers and understands our burden. God blessings pouring in my marriage through the marriage prayers and for my beautiful children. His mercies endures every day. I’m really grateful and blessed to be part of this family. Amen

  650. Thanks Jesus i pray for family financial breakthrough in this year 2021 and Jesus thank you for always taking care of our lives.Your so gracious to me I pray in Jesus mighty name Amen

  651. Hello I am having problems sleeping well at night. I usually experience attacks which I suspect are demonic or witches attacks. At times I wake up with scratches on my body. Help me overcome this. This is causing a lot of pain to me. It has also affected my dream life. Most of the time I wake up and all my dreams are erased. In my mind, I would be knowing that I dreamnt of something but cannot remember the dream. I need to redeem my dream-life and be delivered from witchcraft attacks. Help me renew my relationship with God and rekindle my dream life. in Jesus Name

  652. Hi everyone please pray for the village of Pendeen, Cornwall United Kingdom to come to know Jesus alot of people are sick and need saving.

  653. I need prayer for my new job that I’ll be starting in this month. I’ve applied for an internal position in another department in the same company that I am working and with the grace of God, I’ve got that role. I had a difficult time with my current boss and I want that she doesn’t say anything against me in this process of transitioning into new role. I thanked her for her support and guidance and want her to be understanding and share nothing negative about me to anyone in this process.
    Please pray for me that I shine in my new role and make a good connection with my new team members and work hard as well as smart to achieve goals and make contribution towards the company’s success. I want to stay in this company and make this new job a success so that everyone speaks high of me. God, please help me to achieve this goal. Amen!

  654. Prayer for multiple sick family members and dear friends. Some have liver cancer, bladder cancer, lung cancer, intestinal cancer, back problems, eating disorders. We know about the Holy healing power of Jesus. We have the confidence by His stripes we are healed. Praying for everyone known and unknown who are sick. Men, women and children. God loves us all!

  655. Praise God,I come before for my children it seems their is certain which is blocking their expansion. Jesus christ remember especially son whi engage with alcohol due to frustration. Give a firm family and helps all those underlying issues.Amen and Anen

  656. Please stand in agreement with me (believe/pray) for God’s miracle for the restoration and healing of my marriage and family (2 children) with Carlos. We have been divorced for about 2 years. Everything is possible with God! May Jesus Christ deliver us form any strongholds holding us back from God’s will and purpose. May everything glorify our Lord Jesus Christ!
    God bless you all!

  657. I need prayer for my daughter who needs to apply for college scholarship program, Jesus can provide everything she needs . Also, for Susana’s marriage. (My sister). For my husband , who is struggling on knowing Jesus . Amen.

  658. Pray for me that God should grant me a financial helper to settle all my bills and debts.

  659. Prayer request. My husband wants to leave his girlfriend and come back home to me and our baby. But he feels guilty for leaving her coz she has helped him pay rent where they now staying together. Pls pray for my husband to leave her once and for all and return to me his wife.

  660. Hello, I am in need of a good full-time job. I lost my job to Covid last year and moved across the state for a new job that only lasted 10 weeks. It has been a nightmare, as I was regularly put down at that job. I am 65, in debt without retirement and need to work. I prayed over one year that God would guide me in this job, and it’s all fallen apart. I had a job interview and thought I had the job, but now I don’t. I don’t know what to do. I am trying not to commit suicide…it’s just me…no one would miss me, but feel God does not want that. I so appreciate your prayers. I thank God for you. Thank you.

    1. I join you in this prayer of job seeking
      I also pray the same prayer for my son who also is in need of a job. May God Almighty grant you with the best jobs ever. May He Handpick your jobs to satisfy your desires in Jesus Mighty Name

    2. Our Almighty and Gracious Heavenly Father will soon bless you with a desired job. You are His precious child. Have faith in Him and He will take you through. God bless you dear, Karen. Will pray for you.

    3. I found this thread to pray for a family member who is struggling with finding a job due to Covid as well. I immediately felt drawn to pray for you and trust that by lifting you up, the Lord would meet my need. Karen, your Hope and Provision and Worth come from the Lord God Almighty Who recognizes you as His child. What good Father would not provide for His own or give good gifts or ignore the cries of His child? Our Father in heaven is a good father; He owns the cattle on a thousand hills and is faithful in that the righteous are not forsaken and His seed does not beg for bread. You, Karen, are well loved and shall be well cared for in Jesus name. I speak hope, provision, abundance of open doors and wisdom to know which path to take into the next glorious chapter God is writing in your story. Prepare yourself now that you will boldly testify of God’s faithfulness for He will move on your behalf! You are His and He has a good plan and purpose ahead for you… and though you may feel lonely, you are NEVER ALONE!

    4. I hold you up in the name of our Holy Father Jehovah Jirah God I pray for Karen I stand in agreement with your prescious daughter ..For our Holy Father sets a place for Karen in the presence of her enemies for Our most Holy and prescious Saviour Jesus Christ will lay Karen beside still waters.. This is the day our Lord has made we will rejoice and be glad in it!!!!!You have victory on this day my blessed sister Hallelujah!!Amen..

    5. God shall supply your needs according to His riches in glory. You shall not want,just keep trusting Him and your breakthrough is around the corner. Stop worrying. Convert your worries to praise and WORSHIP. He is faithful. Just speak the word and all shall come to pass. Confess the promises even when it feels awkward and senseless. You will see great things unfold in front of your eyes. Stay blessed

    6. Praying for you, Karen, to find a great job surrounded by loving God-fearing people with whom you will have fellowship.

  661. Lord I pray for all who need you today wherever they ABBA keep them covered under your feathers in Jesus name

  662. Help pray for my wife who has been applying for a prospective job for the past 5 years without success. Pray her breakthrough. Pray for her success and destiny.

  663. Please pray for me, am from Cameroon, but now in Cyprus seeking for asylum because of the civil war in the English part of Cameroon where I am coming from , for more than four years today, Please pray for me that the European Union in collaboration with the Cyprus government should grant me international protection, I have gone for the interview three times , am waiting for the results now. Thanks, God bless you all,

  664. Dear Father, I come before your heavenly throne praying for the healing of my daughter. Please send your word to heal her dear God. I pray that your healing power will rest upon her today and let her come back home safely to her family. I have faith and trust you for her healing. Thank you our Father and may your Holy name be glorified forever and ever This I ask through our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ our King, Amen!

  665. Prayers for my daughters Erin and Kristin. Provide them with kindness, love , guidance and understanding. In God’s precious name. Amen

  666. I do pray for healing for my mom Sheila. I ask God to protect her and lighten her heart that she may appreciate life more even though she is unable to see. Guide , guard and continue to fill her heart with love for all. In God’s name amen

  667. Thanks for allowing me to join you. I am praying for my son to excel in his exams with 10 aggregates and I also pray for financial breakthrough and to get out of debts that I have right now, in Jesus name.

  668. Pray for Richard and Elizabeth to obtain custody of their 4 year old precious grand-daughter, Sophia Rose, to raise her with care, in their loving Christ-centered home. Her mom, Claire (R and E’s daughter) is a single parent, doing drugs and neglectful towards her own little girl, which is so heartbreaking for this family. Pray for Claire’s salvation, recovery and healing. Pray angels protect, guide and lovingly comfort Sophia Rose. Pray for God’s compassion, presence, grace, wisdom and reconciliation within this family. Thank you for your prayers.

  669. I am gonna talk to my Doctor in two hours from Now But I pray first to G-d almighty Elohim Adonai our L-rd jesus Christ of Nazareth to keep me in good & perfect Health keep my Blood pressure STEADY to Stop the DIZZINESS I am Having get Rid of my Diabetes type 2 and all SICKNESS from my Body GARY RESIL please People of faith Pray for Me Amen Amen Hallelujah There’s Power in the name of jesus Christ of Nazareth Amen Amen

  670. Needing prayer for me and my Boyfriend he and I are in a new relationship and he suffers from bipolar disorder he is in a bad place right now and I want to of help to him and I just need strength and wisdom and patients

  671. Praying for restoration in my marriage asking God to soften my husband heart send laborers across his path and keep the negative people out of his ear and away from him.

  672. Father I pray and ask you to please save my family keep us together I pray you release my family give us a chance heal my daughter and myself heal my family. Father don’t let Satan destroy my family don’t let Satan tear us apart oh Father please keep us together Father please let this court cast be successful in my favor please Father release my daughter release my family from this nightmare this witch hunt. Father send my daughter home with me with us her family let us win this case. And Father please gave us justice for my son for his murder please bring these people to justice. Father please give my family peace and blessings and a Financial blessings in the name of Jesus Amen

  673. Please pray for me, my daughter has taken my grandchildren and I don’t know where she is supposed to be living, I filed for my grandparents rights with the stipulation that they stay with me for a year until she gets herself together. Kyle is 9 and Kayden is 4.. I’m asking the lord for the court to grant custody to me. My daughter is mean and has tormented Kyle by calling him gay all the time, by telling him to stop acting like a girl. The other day she dropped them off and he didnt want to go with her. I told her that he didnt want to go and she started yelling. He told me she punched him for crying. She abuses Kyle all the time.

  674. Please pray for my heart that is overwhelmed with worry and depressed as I am unable to pay for my loans as they are too many, I have too many debts and finance is scares. not enough to pay for the debts I have, Please Lord release me from the burden of all my financial hardships and deliver me that I will be out of debt. Please help pray for my debt. My life is always down because I worry too much of my debts which I am unable to pay. This debt is the problem in my Christian Life and I need to get out of debt to be fully devoted and committed. Please help me pray.,

  675. Oh gracious lord of host,praise be your name for this day,I ask for calmness in my spirit and ability to trust you more everyday of my life.
    Lord, exams almost over touch the heart of the examiners and give me victory at last that my sleepless nights and hardworks may not be in vain.Amen!

  676. Praying For financial favor from God . We are retired and always willing to help when we can even in our lack .We Need a Miracle Financial breakthrough. We live taking from one bill to pay another . A vicious cycle

  677. Please pray for my financial status as well as my partner’s we are struggling and expecting s second child bills are piling up an expenses getting high..also pray that my faith is lifted and my partner becomes more close to God and truly believe in him..peace,safety and prosperity throught my household.

  678. Abba Father, I sincerely ask that You bless me with the job that I’ve tested for to work from home. I pray that I’m contacted by next week the begin training, work, etc. I pray that I’m given a great shift, provided the equipment that’s needed through the company and assemble what I need to get the job done, I do a great job doing what’s required for me to fulfill my duties, etc. I also ask You Abba to bless my family and friends with all their needs. Look over our faults and see our needs, bless those in need of Your love and guidance. Protect us from all harm and danger, please bless us Spiritually, physically, financially, and emotionally. I praise You Abba Father and thank You. Amen.

  679. I come before you Oh help me in my ongoing 3 year battle with my medical insurance who terminated my membership without notification. i pray that the decision is in my Favour in your mighty name Lord Jesus…Amen!!! Thank you Christian TT for all Prayers and uplifting words n more.

  680. I pray to God to have a financial breakthrough. Lord I pray for my career, I have been stuck without a job for so many years and all I need is your deliverance right now. I pray Lord to open the doors of opportunities in my life. All I need is your mercy and your grace..Amen

  681. God help me achieve my dreams

    I can’t do anything without you

    So lord help me

    Heavenly Father I am a sinner have mercy on me

  682. O lord pray for your servant Vijin to transform from wordly thoughts and lay your miracle hands on him and give him your knowledge and forgiveness. Please pray for him

  683. Merciful and ever living God,have mercy on me and grant me miracle babies this year,please,let me conceive and bear healthy babies to your glory,put my enemies and laughers to shame as they are ridiculing and laughing at my age ,criticising and mocking me that am yet to give birth to babies,Heavenly Father,whatever or wherever the problem is in my body obstructing me of getting pregnant,i don’t care to know because what You cannot solve does not exist,i believe and trust in you to make me a happy woman.Thank you Jesus for everything good comes from You. Aen

  684. My family and I have been going through sickness after sickness over 7 years please pray for us that these attacks will stop in the name of Jesus

  685. Father God thank you for all your blessings and for your forgiveness when I’ve let you down by being disobedient. Lord I want to wrap that hedge of protection around my son while he is out in this world living dangerously. I pray for strength that I can get through each day knowing that you have him Lord and he’ll be ok and one day he’ll find his way back to you. Lord you tAke care of everything I need you never let me do without. But I’m going to live a life of abundance and help people who have lived a life of lack and financial struggles like I’ve always have until now. Use me Lord where the wisdom I have can be used. All for your glory. In Jesus name I pray. Amen!

  686. Thank you all for the amazing support and the prayers.

    If you have some time on your hands please uphold me in your prayers so that God can show me if there’s a way out of the hell hole im in. In a way that suits me and is in his will. And to tell me what i should do.

    Also to experience the least amount of suffering or agony while im on this Earth until the time comes that Christ decides to take me home. And that i would die in the least painful, least agonizing death he can grant me as i am in tremendous emotional pain, along with a ton of other physical problems that are just delaying my agony.

    So please pray that he takes me home in the most unagonizing way, and without suffering as much as he wills.

    As well as grace, peace, and mercy for everyone as much as he wills. And for Him to save my friends and family. And to not punish us for our sins as much as His will allows.

  687. Heavenly Father, I have sinned against you as I get in to many housing loan debts that I need to pay monthly. I see no way out now from this debts please give me wisdom to get out of this debts. I declare not to get into debt again.

  688. Good morning my my brothers and sisters. I thank God for waking us up again this day. My mother is very ill. I pray for healing. Please remember her in your prayers.

  689. Thanks for wonderful people on this God bless your wonderful work you do. Can l ask for a prayer for all my desires to come to pass especially my New house have been searching for along time, and also peace of mind, my children and my status in UK.

  690. I ask for prayers for my marriage, my husband and my kids. My husband has left the home. He is angry and lost his way as leader of our home. I pray for God to soften his heart and of my children and my own. He forgot that I am here to solve all problems together. Lead him to you God and back to his family. In God’s name. Amen

  691. Lord my son has been in dfcs care for seven year,have did everything on case plan,dfcs caseworkers,caseworker, and foster moms who had him made up lies to tell the judge so he will in the system and a family member can adopt him ,pray Ill get him back with me
    when I go back to court next
    Month,its all about money,pray that my lawyer will take legal action for falsify documents,pray that ill get finicinally compensated for it,pray my son will be mentally and physically ok.

  692. my mother Celeste was rush to the hospital with Confusion today jan 28th is her 69th Birthday she doesn’t know who she is please pray God Heals my mother.

  693. Father God, in Jesus name and blood, I come before your throne. Because in my own name, I am not known. And in my own blood, I am not worthy. I have failed You again. I am sorry. Please forgive all my sins, debts, and mistakes against You.
    God, please have mercy upon me. I ask that myself and my family are saved and live lives that make You happy. Please help us not sin, but be good people, by Your kindness. Please bless me and restore my youth and the all of the blessings that the enemy, the world, and my own sin has robbed from me.
    And please bless me with the other blessings I have asked, like protecting my family and the other things You know I have asked. I pray that all these things are given to honor and please my mother and father. So that believers can be encouraged. So that non believers can believe, and a witness against them if they never do. To discourage Your enemies God. And strengthen Your heavenly host.
    I pray I can use these gifts to uplift and help those around me. And I pray that it can glorify You in all things. All by Your grace and mercy even now may it be given and kept. Please help me believe. Thank you God. Amen.

  694. This is the day that the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it. Abba Father, I pray that you will change the high level radon test to normal. I pray that You are the creator of the universe and nothing is too difficult for you. I declare and decree that You will restore fresh air to us to breathe and believe it is done in your name. You are a miracle Worker and Promise keeper. I pray for restoration into every single room in my house. You have give this house for a purpose and You will protect us from harms and dangers and in You are in control. In the name of Jesus, I renounce those thoughts that hold my mind captive. In your sweet name I pray Jehovah-Shalom. Amen..

  695. I am requesting and praying Heavenly Father shall plant seed of child in my womb. I am going for my second IUI and it shall be a success. I shall praise His name and glorify His name. Everything is possible with Him. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

  696. I am requesting prayer for my husband’s salvation and for our marriage; he has stepped out of our marriage and I am praying that God moves the mountains in my husband’s life so that he can turn his life to God and remain in our marriage and be faithful, also asking for prayer over our family we need protection.

  697. Please pray for me. I am stuck in a marriage to a horrible narcissist who seizes every opportunity to hurt me emotionally and mentally. Last year, I ended up in a mental institution after his stalking me using my phone. When I was unhappy and abused, I’d talk with the few friends and family I have left and even caught him sitting in the driveway in his truck, replaying the whole conversation. I could do or say nothing, as I was completely paralyzed in shock and fear. Now, he bullies me whenever I have anything to do with that same confidant. He keeps a voice activated recorder and GPS system in my car, so I listen to Christian music and sing badly along. He has suggested that he has recording devices in my home. If he hears me talking about him, I will be punished and tormented until I redeem myself in his eyes. So I stay isolated most of the time. I tried last year to tell the police and I tried to tell the mental health hospital and I tried to tell my adult girls. He called my daughters crying and saying how worried he was about me, as if he really cared. His narcissistic lies got them to believe how much he loved me and how the whole problem was all my sickness. My kids wouldn’t let me see my Grandsons, as I was crazy, but they were going to let him see them. Because of that, I had to come back home and stuff it all down and try to forget the evil things he did to me, to protect my grandchildren. He is a registered child molester, I learned the truth about that through my own investigations and refused to take chances with my grandsons. I am disabled since 50 years old. I sold my 3 bedroom, 3 bath home of 20 years with a $560 mortgage, because he didn’t like the traffic noise, and now cannot afford a place to live on my own. I used to be so strong. He is a sadistic monster who wants my full dependence and servitude. I am broken physically and emotionally, but spiritually I am growing stronger, thanks to the good Lord. Now I can only pray for a miracle to free me from his clutches. Please pray for miracles for me, emotionally, mentally, physically, and financially. Thank you and God bless you.

  698. A prayer request for family unity..I pray that my oldest son and middle daughter become as close as they once were…I pray for the Lord to soften each of their hearts, especially my daughter’s. Let them be friends as well as siblings, let them reach out to one another as they once did many years ago, let their children be friends to one another. My son is warm and reaches out; however, becomes very discouraged when his sister does not acknowledge him is the same way. I have been praying for their unity for the past 5 years and while I believe that our Father God will answer my prayers, I also believe that in more and more prayers, there is strength..please pray for unity between my son and daughter.

    I ask this is the name of your Son and our Saviour Jesus Christ..and I give Him ALL the Glory and Honor and thank Him for answering my prayers.

  699. Dear Lord, I’ve been having bad dreams in which I saw opposition to my plan to go back to Atlanta, Georgia. Because of the sadness I saw when someone said in the dream “make a u’turn”. I rebuke the devil in my life and ask you to please don’t allow evil to enter in my mind; in my business, and my children who are rebellious. Also, I SAW in another dream that someone did witchcraft to me, please destroy the power of curses, and witchcraft, i implore you LORD, IN THE NAME OF Jesus CHRIST. Amen.

  700. Please pray4my sister evet she has no children & shes wait4God to send her mate4marriage a God fearing man who also wants to be married who is financially stable

  701. Dear Lord, I know I’m a sinner saved by your grace. I’m very sorry Lord Jesus for every sin past, present and future I’ve sinned against you LORD. I fall so very short of your glory FATHER. Please LORD Jesus PLEASE DELIVER ME from the snares of the enemy as there’s more and more evil comes against me everyday no matter how hard I pray, quote scriptures, annoint myself, ask others to pray for me, deliverance. Please Heavenly Father, have MERCY upon my soul and make me free from the snares of the evil that keeps coming against me everyday, every night no matter how hard I pray or ask the LORD. HELP me please, please LORD Jesus. In YOUR HOLY name FATHER, AMEN. THANK YOU LORD. I TRULY NEED YOU. NOW!

  702. Father God I pray and to receive your salvation. Protect me from spiritual ties of created by my past and current relationship. Give me strength to let go and let you be the one who help me to identify my life partner. I feel lost, used and dirty. I know I am not suppose to be here. Break every chain and attachments that make me remain in this relationship. Give me strength and patience to trust that you God you know wat is best for me. And when the time is right u will locate my Godly given partner. Who will bring joy in my life. A partner who will be with through it all and lead me to follow your comment meant. Seek God’s kingdom and all things will be added to you. U are my Shepherd, you will direct my life to the destined lover who will be with up to my old age. I am strained of being in wrongly motivated relationships. Forgive me God for I even thought of settling for this less as ur child. I thank u for ur presence, your light and the blood of Jesus. For I am cleansed and free. My spiritual life will open my eyes to see and to things your way. I pray and thank you.

    Amen and Amen

  703. Prayer for God’s help with my financial problems and I request my job back that I loved and did with so much passion at the beauty therapy salon. Amen, I receive, in Jesus name. Thank you for hearing my prayers.

  704. Pray for peace inside my house, heart and mind.
    Ask God to protect me and my Granddaughter from any harm, danger or sickness.
    Thank you in advance for praying for us and be blessed.

  705. Please take away the haggish spirits that haunt my family and me through the days and nights. They are spirits sent from the Columbia SC area. Please help! Pray that those spirits will leave before it’s too late.Before they cause me to die.

  706. Father God please forgive me for all my sins. Lord im not perfect I make alot of mistakes. Father God my husband has had a mistress and left.Glory be Jesus name my husband came back home. He has stress,anger,unforgiveness,.Father God I see he is unstable. Lord God heal my marriage. Don’t let the evil one rip him from our home.Lord God I know you are working on my marriage on my family..Father God thank you may your will be done in Jesus mighty name. I know my husband jose will find you Father God and will be the husband I need and the dad he needs to be to his kids. Thank you in the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit..

  707. Please pray for me not to be abused by people. I get so agitated at times. Please pray for me to build a business that would create over 1 million jobs in the USA. And please pray for my family and friends to get saved and to get a relationship with Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Thanks in advance.

  708. I need prayer for evils eye sprit that’s following me ,in my body & in my house keeping life is blocked can’t see no way my prayers r not heard & I am a widow.

    1. Don’t be afraid Carmen Barker…Our Lord God is with us. I don’t know how to pray. I am barley finding our God myself. But I do know if you call out to God in his Sons holy name Jesus. He will hear. You are not alone… Your my sister in christ…

  709. God I Give you all the Glory without you zi do not know what will I do.I thank you for providing for me and my family .God just asking you to continue blessing my business and family.I THANK YOU GOD. NOTHING BUT MY GOD
    MY MY MY

  710. I am requesting urgent prayers for a job. I applied for the position of human resource coordinator at a well established company. My first and second interviews went very well. My third interview went south really quick. The regional (third interview)manager was very rude and had an arrogance. She made it perfectly clear that hundreds of individuals had applied for the position. She also talked about the person who held the position previously just walking out on her. I only wanted a job and did not wish to have frustrations taken out on me. I kept my cool and continued to be positive and answer all questions. I was very happy about this interview as I thought that I had finally gotten a job after a year of being unemployed. Instead I left my home happy and returned sad and unemployed. Being in a position of power does not give anyone a reason to be rude to anyone in need. I pray that God opens a better door for me.

  711. please pray for us !! we trust that prayer is all that we have and the one and only place to turn when we are in need of devine intervention .my name is Ty and my husbands name is Justin and we have been with eachother for 20 yrs now .We have loved eachother since our first date and our hearts desire is to have a child of our own . i have some medical issues that are preventing us from conceiving .I have had my surgery rescheduled twice due to the covid 19 virus .but now we are running out of time because my tumors are growing and im in pain every day now.i believe that im just loving our baby before it is even here and that helps me to endure ,please pray that we would be blessed with the opportunity to bring love into this world that needs it .and if not let it be over ask god to please bless us with a chance to serve him by having a child of love ,to teach to love and send love out into the world.thank you Amen

  712. Please pray tor Ellen my wife that all outside pressure to divorce me is removed and we are restored to a loving happy couple in God, In Jesus name I pray.

  713. Please pray for me and my wife Ellen, restore our marriage, allow us the pleasure of love, happiness, joy and inner peace that God wants us to have. Allow Ellen and myself, be leaders of healing in broken marriages by showing what God has done for us. I ask in the name of Jesus CHRIST, our LORD. Amen and Amen,

  714. I am asking for prayer. I have anxiety and I am constantly worried about everything. I feel angry sometimes about my failures and mistakes. I feel lost in this season. I want to know what is my next move. I need direction and peace. I want to wake up and feel refresh and to know what God wants me to do every day.

  715. I pray that may God release and heal my heart from all the hurt i went through my life. I also pray that this anger that i have over my in law’s perish and i pray that whatever spirit that is blocking my success, employment be removed in Jesus mighty name Amen!

  716. Dear God. Please help that my son-in-law gets the job he applied for. He has not been working for over one year because of the corona virus. Please God that all his financial matters may run smoothly especially with selling of house
    Ithank youGod for all your blessings and mercies.
    Dear God please help my daughter who is anxious about life to be calm.
    I thank you Jesus

  717. Please pray for me. I need to restore my destiny. I need to recover it. I feel somebody has stolen my destiny. Amen.

  718. Please pray for Tulela to be at peace with his family. He does not want to listen to them. He doesn’t want anything to do with prayers. He needs deliverance. Amen.

  719. Please pray for my son who is dealing with depression , fear and anxiety as he adjust to college and performing with is athletic scholarship.

  720. Please pray with me that the almighty God will help me fight against the addiction to pornography,I want God to come and make all things new in my life.

  721. Hello family.

    I have been on separation for almost 18 months and it has been the worst period in my life. I feel empty and dirty. We are trying to work things out but there is still so much pain that is lying in each of us. I love my wife and I want us to be back together as a family.

  722. I’m asking for a prayer request for my fianc’e Roderick hickmon too be deliver from whatever bondage & spells they have in him please pray deliverance over him& pray that whomever that did this too will be punish& will reap what they sow& that his mind as well will be delivered. Amen

  723. I take the covid-19 vaccine tomorrow, i pray that God will give me strength and peace to not worry and fear and to know God will protect me.

  724. Heavenly Father I ask that you relieve me from this spiritual battle that has been going on for too long with me and my neighbor Ms.Dee I am tired I ask that you take the jealousy out of her that she has for me and set her free. And i all so ask that you set me free from this spiritual battle that,s with me every day all day I ask to be free from this jealousy and fear spiritual battle that is affecting my body and my life and how i go about doing thing,s I ask for relief and freedom from this spiritual battle Now. And to be free for ever from the spiritual and fear battle now IF you do not free or help me GOD from this spiritual battle I will die and not be free I ask to be free NOW in the name of your son my savior Jesus CHRIST AMEN.

  725. Praying for a stable relationship that will lead to marriage. Above all,may God grant me a God fearing loving husband.
    Additionally,may God help me spend my money wisely. Amen

  726. Heavenly Father , I’m praying for a new personal accommodation, I pray that by February I will move to my own apartment in Jesus name. Amen..

  727. Dear brethren. I thank God because He healed me when I was of dizziness and headache. Thank you Lord.
    I pray God to help me raise money and pay all the bank loans and give me money for business. In Jesus name Amen.

  728. Heavenly father i Pray for a miracle job for me and my husband so that we don’t beg to eat any more in Jesus name i prayed Amen

  729. Almighty and eternal God, I have been battling with lustful thoughts for some time now, please send your holy Spirit to dwell in my heart, mind, spirit and body so as to direct my thoughts towards things that gives glory to Your name and You alone.
    I ask this with Thanksgiving through Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior. Amen.

  730. Please pray for me I desperately need a miracle in finances set to move in 10 days my helper my lord I need you ..ur word says you will supply all my needs according to your riches and glory I need you now lord please provide the money so I can move in Jesus name I pray en

  731. Father am praying in this year 2021 that I become all you desire for me to be for you. To bring you glory you are you are all I need I have been disappointed so many times in life all I want is to walk in your will for my life please put in the right position with the right people bless me Father so that I may be a blessing to others so they will believe that you are a God that is Faithful and full of Grace. Amen

  732. Hello my name is Diana Salinas , I’m in the need of prayer .. I’m a single mother of 4 … and I’m talking to a Godly guy and I’m real into God too!! we are starting to get to know each other and we really like each other I’m praying that this relationship can go further on and prosper into marriage his name is Luis Sanchez… can you guys pray that together with Christ being the Knot in this relationship that it’ll prosper and we can get married one day. please !!!.

  733. Please, I would be grateful if special prayers can be pray for my two sons- Richard and Prosper for them to get their green card especially every demonic spirit of DELAY to get away from them. Again open doors and divine restorations.

  734. Please pray for me and my three sons that God will shield us in His precious divine blood of Jesus christ from destruction and death, witchcraft from our life and destiny, from our finances, cars, possessions, place of where we sleep and live, from our jobs, from our relationships, from our atmosphere and environment…from monitoring agents, spirits, demons, curses, and evildoers, witches, wizards, warlocks, and manipulators, from bad evil and demonic dreams from sexual demons, familiar spirits, dead people. Snakes, jezebels and whom feeding and giving us drinks in our, animals and critters etc that monitoring us in our dreams…and that God place encamp around my three sons and me everyday, and for to place the right people into our paths especially for salvation for my three sons and protect us from all hurt evil and danger and our homes, cars, , possessions, jobs, finances, relationships etc..from all hurt, evil and danger and protect us from evil and all witchcraft and demonic entities…Thanks God bless

  735. Lord Jesus I have come before you dis morning,I want to be great,i want my soulmate to locate me,i want u to give me a song of victory dis year,i turn my life around that men we see and glorify my father who is at heaven,and forgive my sin
    Thank you Jesus.

  736. Hello my name is Diana Salinas, I’m in the need of prayer. I’m talking to a Godly guy and I’m really into God too. We are starting to date, and we really like each other I’m praying that this relationship can go further on and prosper into marriage his name is Luis Sanchez… can you guys pray that together with Christ being the Knot in this relationship that it’ll prosper, and we can get married please !!!

  737. Please pray for my marriage, my wife wants a divorce but I don’t want to, we are married in ANC with accrual, now she wants to sign a new a ANC without accrual, she said if I sign it she will try and work on saving the marriage, she will try for another 6 months, I don’t want my marriage to be based on a contract, I don’t want it to be a financial transaction, I want it based on love, pray that my wife will have a total turn around and God’s love will manifest and over flow from her, I have been retrenched from work due to covid and she has kicked me out of her house,

  738. Hello. Today I request you to pray for me to have inner peace. I recently lost someone who was so dear to me and my heart is hurting. Grief is something that takes long to deal with. But I trust God that everything will be okay and that I will have peace of mind and soul. Amen.

  739. Please pray for me I’m going through some situations right now. Pray for restoration for the members of my church that God will intervene in this situation regarding leadership and transition of the church.
    Please pray for my sons have turned their backs on God and are know going through some serious struggles.
    Pray for my 4 year old granddaughter who is in the middle of a court case between her parents which now involves me as I have the child with me.
    Pray for me as I struggle back problem that doesn’t seem to be going away. Also pray that God will increase my territory financially.

  740. Hello and Good Early Morning to you:) I’m asking if you can PLEASE Pray for my Uncle Gregory Haynes Sr. We found out he has stage 4 cancer and this is so very hard on ALL OF US AS A WHOLE… he’s like a Father to me, such a Great Man and Such a Happy Giver and ALWAYS been since I was a little girl… He’s my heart and I don’t know what I will do if I lost him… I know prayers work and I know God has the last day so… Please I need ALL my Prayer Warriors to come together for this one please… Thanks for your time…

  741. My family especially my spouse, who is going through a very tough trial. Pray that all charges will be dropped and the truth will be revealed. Healing for our families and marriage of 44 years. Restoration of all the thousand of dollars I had to pay for the case/trial. All financial bleedings be stopped. God’s strength even the more in 2021 for all of us, as the families are totally devastated. SALVATION

  742. Please Christians TT help me prayer for me to have the right church ⛪ to pray. with my family’,

    One thing again i am going on with some problems in my life and family, like evil and enemies eyes on us please help me prayer to remove the all out of my life and family please,

    I need a miracle praying for my documents to stay and my daughter Elizabeth to return back in my care and have a great life with my family please,

    I need education in my life and my two daughter’s with good health and happiness in us please,

    One big thing again i need a miracle house. a big and nice one piece,

    And remember my husband in USA in prayer for love and piece in us,

    Thank you so much Christian TT
    From Ms Victoria

  743. Pray for me an my children an grandchildren please may god guide us an protect my family pray for my daughters to get a job am praying for wisdom and understanding in Jesus name amen

  744. Please pray me to have twins a boy and a girl those children should bring love and happiness to my life

  745. Thank you Lord for given me the opportunity to witness the year 2021. I ask for healing for my mum who is suffering from serious illness. I ask God’s love and protection for myself, parents, siblings, my husband to be, family, friends and my work people.
    I pray that God will open my martial door for me this year through this and other things in Jesus name Amen
    Maame Esi

  746. Pray for my wife and I who are both battling addiction and so desperately need help and deliverance, strength, and to be healed mind, body, and spirit. Thank you

  747. Dear heavenly father
    I thank you for your love and protection over me all through the year and today I pray for your guidance on me as I go through the year 2021

  748. My husband needs work he has a small bussiness it has been affected for a whole year we have our daughter in college our mortgage and lots of bills could you pray that his bussiness gets work

    1. Prayer request for removal of evil hindrances. Since the pandemic I am unable to attend church and I feel like something is holding me back from my success. No job no income and my bank account is now completely empty. i pray for removal of it in Jesus name amen

  749. Dear family in Jesus Christ,
    Please remember me in your prayers. I desperately need a job, for 10 months now I’m out of employment. This unemployment problem has affected my family financially. I’m married with two daughters, I hold a Bachelor degree in Business Administration (Accounting major) with 5+ years experience in accounting.
    I pray for the Grace of Almighty God to be up on me so that I may be able to find a job to support my family.

  750. Shalom

    My prayer requests is for marriage…a God fearing husband…to help me with ministry work…I pray that antiamarriage curses that runs in my family,not to overcome me,for I am approaching 40yrs now..I love Jesus a lot and works for him day and night,I have full hope that one day,will rejoice and become the first in my family for wedding bells…

    Thank you TT family,your devotionals helps a lot and I have dotted them down,to help others during my mission visits…and there has been breakthroughs and mouth full testimonies…

    I believe Jesus is still at work &by 2021 ends,I shall be traveling with my God fearing husband to do mission work,moreover living for Christ…
    Thank you for prayers family…!!!

  751. My husband left me and our kids last April. My kids and I have been so hurt. I need prayer because i have tried counseling and alot of prayer but nothing seems to be working. He is still separated from me and doesn’t show any signs of wanting to come back to us. Have my prayers for his return and for God to reconcile us back together been wrong? Should I accept reality and let go? I am so frustrated and angry. I just don’t know what to pray anymore.

  752. Dear Lord, I soooo need you in this moment. I am calling upon you for a miracle healing Lord. Both of my parents have been diagnosed of cancer this month. The whole family is devastated. All I could hope for is miracle Lord. I know you could do it. I know you have done it before to people. I beg you to consider my parents also. Just save them from this storm. Heal them oh Lord. Heal our whole family… pleeeeaassse Lord pleasssseeee. Do a miracle Lordddddd pleeeeaasseee.

  753. I want to thank God for all he has done ✅ for me and my family for this year 2020 with all this things going on he save our life he protect direct our path in and out
    Thank you for all sisters and brothers who send me inspiration prayer every day to recomfort me grow me spiritualy
    And I wich you all merry Christmas.
    Stay bless in the name of Jesus Amen.

  754. Heavenly father thank you for this grecious day and gift of life. Dear brethren help me to worship God. Pray for me. I need GOD’s intervention to re open my insurance company. Father I’m on my knees pleading for your divine intervention for I need financial breakthrough. I’m terribly stress up. Thank you Lord for answering me. In Jesus mighty name l pray.

  755. Hello Dear Christian family,
    I truly need your help. I have been praying about a situation with my neighbor. Ok I live in an apartment and my neighbor is not a Christian. In fact I just moved in about a month ago. This young lady and her mother somehow automatically know that I’m a Christian person because of the way I dress, what I say out of my mouth, and how I praise the Lord. I don’t yell or shout but the walls are thin and they get irritated by it. They say that I’m a hypocrite because they say that I’m an attractive woman and I should be married for a person my age. They also say that I have an attitude and that I’m not an honest person. They also question why I don’t have children yet. And to add insult to injury, the young lady (she’s Hispanic) doesn’t like me because I’m Black. They think that I need to be finding a man and going out and having sex and shacking up with him. I’ve been a Christian all of my life and I was taught Christian values and morals. I know that it’s wrong to do those things and I choose not to it. I currently live with my brother and sister and we all live together to help each other out financially and emotionally. We’ve been living together for nearly 6 years and it works out for all of of us. I’m a middle age woman and I take care of myself. I realize that I’m not getting any younger so I make sure that I go to the doctor regularly and I take my vitamins everyday. Yes, I am an attractive woman but I am not looking to date anyone right now. But I don’t go run the streets, flirt,or be sexually promiscuous because there are sexually transmitted diseases and HIV and AIDS out there and I don’t want to get any of that. I also don’t want an unwanted pregnancy. I’ve been praying to God about this situation and it seems to be getting worse. I’m starting to lose hope. I need some prayer warriors to pray for me and this situation that I’m in because I don’t want to move because I just moved into this apartment last month. I really appreciate it. Thank you and may God bless you.

  756. I pray that God will bless my marriage, allow me the strength to deal with the pain in my heart and bring my wife and myself back together and build a stronger bond befor

  757. Please pray that me and my family will unite in unconditional love as God has ordained families. Also, for God’s protection in my home to remove and block all manner of negativity and evilness so that His true love will abide within my walls. Also, that He will unite me with the man that He hand picked just for me as my husband and bless my finances abundantly. In the Name Lord Jesus!

  758. I pray that God my touch the heart of my husband so that he can come back to our family. I don’t want a divorce. I pray that a God changes me to become a better wife that can be loved and cherished..

  759. I pray for my lost relationship with Richard to get back to me and care for our baby. I have much debts God,give me a way through it’s too much. Qh God give me a new job that can sustain me and my baby. Father I commend myself to your Care and guidance. I believe all will be well in the name of Jesus. Amen

  760. Asking for prayers for my son’s and myself to be United in person next year 2021, healing of my son Kedon. Deliverance and protection over my son Stephano, financial breakthrough for me and my son’s. Thank you all GOD BLESS!

  761. Please pray for emotional, physical, and financial healing for our family. Please take away the anxiety and pain that makes it difficult to even complete simple tasks. Guide us on our paths, keep us safe and steer evil and I’ll willed individuals away from us. Thank and may God bless you also

  762. Please pray for my family that our family have harmony and peaceful. I have my eldest sister full of evilness, envy, hatred, selfish, and lies. They quarrel with my 3rd sister and she curse my 3rd sister. Please pray that my eldest sister will repent all of her sins and learn from her mistakes. I hope God give her wisdom and knowledge to touch her heart to be good.

    Thank you. Amen.

  763. Father God, my life of 66 years has been endless pain and suffering of every kind. I remember you”calling me” at the age of just 4 years old. I was very young, but still, I somehow know it was You. At the age of barely 23 I came to know you as Savior of my very soul and rejoiced beyond measure that You found me. Since that very moment, life has been one torment piling on top of another, absolutely never ending. I don’t understand Lord, I simply don’t understand. My Christian friends have even become afraid to be around me fearing “it will rub off on them”! I have been completely home bound for over 10 years with no hope of “socializing” again, and my children have even abandoned me due to my health issues. All but 1 has turned against You Lord. My family has all died Lord, and I am orphaned, and incredibly alone. I can’t find You anymore God,..are You still there? I try to comfort myself with Your Word, yet can no longer find relief from my pain. Lord, Please let me die? Please? These 4 diseases I have keep me terribly sick 24/7 and we know there is no cure without a Miracle.

  764. My wife of 38 years filed for divorce nearly 5 months ago, and this process has caused me much grief and created a depressed state of mind. Please pray for us to be reconciled and our marriage restored, either before or after the divorce happens.

  765. Precious Father I come to you weary, a mustard seed, I am going to soar like the eagle, mount up on wings, please give me your favorable Grace for this probation to be over, for restoration in my family, to serve you, as you guide me daily
    For the surgery I have to deal with
    I let go and let god
    No weapon formed against me shall prosper
    Thy will be done
    I love you Lord
    Amen & Amen?❤❤

  766. Hi! My name is Philip Robert Obin. My birth date is July 9th, 1991, am 29 years old, and lived in Queens Village, NY my entire life, and about to move to Florida soon. I’m a grandson to famous Haitian artist Philomé Obin, and a cousin to former Haitian president Paul Eugene Magloire, 4 times removed. I was born with autism and a learning disability because of a speech delay. Didn’t talked much back then when I was a kid. Didn’t even know I had a voice back then. Because of my autism, my life is going nowhere. I’ve been having these voices in my head since I was 7, telling me that I’m no good for some reason. Don’t know where they came from, I just want them all to stop for good. Also, I was diagnosed with diabetes since 2015. The doctor said I was drinking too much juice. I was losing too much weight because of this. It’s like all these years, my life was a total waste. I have no job experience, failed college, being duped by the system, and I keep on getting worse every single day. Any advice or words of encouragement? Please tell me, what has my entire life been like? Please help me out! I want to get rid of all my problems, and live a better, normal life! Thank You So Much And God Bless!


    Philip Robert Obin

    1. Pray with alot of faith & don’t let the enemy whisper those word in your ears. He uses our weakest points to tell us we are no good, but remember we are all special to got & he created us with a purpose in life . just simply you sharing your story with people when god turns things around for you is alot , because through your testamony you will help people turn to god .pray when you hear those voices pray & rebuke them in the name iof Jesus .pray to the lord about your problems or look up prayer on pinterest for your problems. The lord is always with you , but the enemy like to make us think he is far from us ,but he is not. Pray for godly friend & people that can help you. Church is a good place to start .

  767. Please pray that my husband, Brian, opens his heart to forgive me. That the Holy Spirit defeats any lies that the devil feeds him about me, Michele, not being worthy of his love. Pray that my marriage can be restored to honor God and the beautiful children he entrusted us with. I need God to work a miracle and save my marriage.

  768. Please pray that my ex will see reason and settle our divorce. He has been repeatedly unfaithful and abusive. Please i am desperate for this to be finalized so that i can move on with my life, raise my children and be of help to others going through something as difficult as this. He stalks me and makes threats on our lives.

  769. Please pray for my wife Herty, myself and our son. I have not been the Christian leader in our home I should have been and this has allowed satan to set the seeds of mistrust, hurt and anger in us both. As I have come back to seeing Gods will in my life. I ask that any who would pray on our behalf pray for my wife to be protected from satans lies, to look only to God and guidance and his will in her life and to learn to forgive. For me and our son to pray we both stay the course to get our lives in Gods will and that with Gods healing and love he can work in my wife’s life to restore our marriage.

  770. Please put my family in your prayers.
    We need financial breakthrough. Our rent will be due this December, if we dont pay by 31st dec, we will evicted.
    We have 2 bank loans that we are paying.
    My husband has not done any contract in the last 3 years.
    I have 4 children please.
    I am very desperate for Gods move.

    I will come back to testify

  771. I thank thee Heavenly Father for every single one of these children of yours here .
    Lord we come before you in agreement as yiu say where there are two or three are gathered you personally is in our mist without respect for men , time or space. You are the MIGHTY creator of this vast universe.
    My father I lift up everyone prayer before you in this glorious Sunday you have made with your bare hands and declare it’s good.
    My father I prayer in the glorious and mighty name of my Lord King Jesus that you’re a God without respects for persons and you mercy and love in untestable.
    We lift you in the heavens of all heavens and I declare and decree that every broken marriage will be restored, every needs will be met as all chain are shattered by the power of the cross of your unconditional love for a sinner like myself wash in your precious blood and made totally whole and free.
    No Devil or the whole kingdom of hell can dare compare dare to challenge you mighty righteous right hand that fight for us your children.
    Father as you did for me saving my marriage my family kids , I gave you all the honour and glory none else but you Lord Jesus.
    You hold the key and the gates of hell not dare prevail as you said it is finished.
    That force you use that smashed the Devil while brushing your heal there are None to compare my father.
    Today father I come into agreement with everyone that is calling on you and even the ones that doesn’t have the strength I stand in for them and there love ones for total and complete breakthrough by the blood of Jesus my lord .
    Every marriage restored, every family restored all old thing are passed away as you make us new by the Undtoppable power of your love through your precious blood.
    I love you Lord and thank you for loving us first.
    Today I claim victory in the name that is above every other name .
    Health breakthrough, financial breakthrough and everyone that is bound be free In Jesus sweet and precious name. Amen .
    We give it all to you father ALL THE HONOUR, praises AND GLORY.. AMEN.✝️.❤️?

    Love you all .
    Be still for Jesus got you .
    Thank you my father.

  772. Lord, have mercy on me and my marriage. My husband is hurting because of me and my ways. Change me and show me how to be the wife I need to be for him. Take out the resentment and replace it with the love he once had for me. Restore our marriage, bring beauty to these ashes. I can’t do this alone and only have you always and forever. Please bring him back home to me and our family. In Jesus name restore us, Amen.

    1. I declare a decree this by the grace of our Lord Jesus and the power and for of his love through his precious and glorious blood pure and limitless power that makes all things possible.
      I prayer and agree with you as it is written in the sweet and MIGHTY NAME OF Jesus. Amen

  773. Father I pray that I will be in my own home and have my own car and not have to worry about money. I also pray that the person I live with right now will stop making my life total hell. I don’t have the finances to move, but I know I will have it soon. In Jesus name I pray. Amen

    1. I come in total agreement with you as a member in the body of Christ Jesus preaching and claiming the gospel of Jesus Christ Amen! ! Lord as you have done for me so much it is countless blessings I ask for your favour in this situation as your son in the mighty name of Jesus as you make all things work together for a good to all that love you and are called according to your purpose Amen.!
      In all this I declare and decree as it is written in the most powerful and mighty name that is above every other name. Amen..
      Today I declare breakthrough for you in Jesus name. It is done, all this I prayer accordingly to your will Aba father and not our Amen!.❤️✝️
      Love you and Jesus loves you unconditionally and it’s his heart desire to set the captive free and bring healing, total health, love, joy, peace that is incomprehensible surpasses all our Mine , financial freedom and every strong hold be shattered In Jesus Christ sweet and mighty name. Amen..
      The favour of the Jesus Christ be with you. Amen. ❤️.?✝️

    2. The lord bless thee and keep thee The lord make his face to shine upon thee
      “The Lord bless thee, and keep thee:

      The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.”
      ‭‭Numbers‬ ‭6:24, 26‬ ‭KJV‬‬


  774. Mercy,Mercy my father i needs prayers for spiritual healing & deliverance for my mother’s mind,body & her soul & i pray for the healing & deliverance for Arthur Moore Amen Thank U Lord Amen ?

  775. I give you thanks Abba father for all the benefits I receive from you . You always make ways for me where there are no ways. You set a table for me before my enemies and allows my cup to overflow with your goodness. Lord who am i sinner that you are mindful of me?
    I can’t do without you neither can I thank you enough. I just want to say, thank you my omnipotent and omniscient God .

  776. I want to give my dear Lord all the thanks and praise for every blessing in my life! You are a Merciful Gracious Loving God, and I thank you! I want to lift up the mentally ill, the addicted, the incarcerated and the homeless to you oh Lord in prayer for your precious blessings in their lives. I know you will never leave them nor forsake them! Hold them near so they come to know you and love you. In God’s Loving, Great and Matchless name, Amen!!

  777. Oh Lord i pray for success, more knowledge and wisdom upon my life, give me the gift to understand everything i read and the grace to pass all my exams in Jesus name i pray amen.

  778. I am praying for my child to be free from drug addiction, drinking alcohol, lying and stealing. free him Jesus from the strong hold of a person that is using evil and demonic spirits to hold onto him, keep him on drugs, away from his kids and family. Provide a way of escape in his mind to think clear a way of escape for him to walk away from all this evilness. Please Lord free him. Lord open his eyes to see you. cleanse his mind soul and body back to the person he is to be in your name in your name. Amen

  779. I have been always a strong beliver in the lord Jesus christ. I am asking for prayers for my son Karl to soften his heart towards his mother. He has been mean towards me for what ever reason.

  780. I Have always been a strong believer in the power of prayer and now find I am the situation where because I was not fully focused on God my marriage has fell apart. My wife has been gone since the beginning of September and it was not until the end of October that I finally started praying for God to help me see what was needed to fix our marriage instead of just praying for her to come back. I felt it was all her problems and once God opened my eyes when I spoke with her one night by text I finally realized I had been listening to her but not hearing what was hurting her. I have rededicated my life to God and asking God to fix in me my errors. But my wife has taken the view of it is over she is to hurt to angry and does not want me in her life. Currently she has asked me to leave her alone. So prayer is my only path to her. I ask all that would pray, pray that God would protect my wife Herty from Satan and help her to look to God and Godly counsel. For God to help heal her of the hurt to look to Gods will. It is Gods will to remain married though God cannot change ones will he can heal the heart and reopen it and restore our marriage. Thank you

  781. Thank you dear God for sending words of wisdom in different prayers and in different chapters I do appreciate them so much l was lost but after sending the prayers to my mail l do belong to Jesus almighty

  782. Thank you Father God for waking me this morning. Father I pray and ask for marriage restoration and for you to pour your spirit into my children and ex spouse to align with your will and holy ways concerning this life. Bring peace to my home and life. Show my husband how to lead in you father and write your laws on our hearts so we never forget your ways all the days of our lives. I’m believing my entire household to be saved and I receive it as done in Jesus holy and mighty name. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.

  783. Father, Thank You for blessing us with another new day. We give you all the praise, the glory and honor.

    Our greatest strength and desire is to be in your presence. Let the power of the Holy Spirit fill our minds with love & peace.
    May nothing separate us from You today. Teach us how to choose only Your way today so that each step will lead us closer to You. Guide us in the way of your divine and supreme wisdom. Help us to keep our hearts pure and undivided, for you have blessed it with a wellspring of life.

    You are the Master and the Comforter of our soul. To the glory and praise of God.
    We ask all this in the mighty name of Jesus.

  784. Heavenly Father i pray for restoration in my life deliverance immigration issues and guerizon for my son Taylher heal him from diabetic tyrod
    Deliverance for the rest of my childrens Jeremiah annius
    My daughter’s Cherline and Nadia
    In Jesus name Amen.

  785. Abba father I thank you for your loving kindness on my family and I. I commit Nonso you son into your hands as he starts his exams today .Father bless him with understanding, reasoning and ability to know the requirements for each question. Father cause him to remember all that he read and was taught .Bless him with excellent results in Jesus might name.

  786. Heavenly father, i bow down before you with a beger heart. Searching for your love and gracious protection. Gaurd my tought, my work, and my words. Direct me to the right patener that fear you, love you and can be able passvere the condition that may come in our life and let us only depend on you forever and ever

  787. Hello pastor, please I need your prayers so every curse placed on certificate to be considered for when there is recruitment that I apply with my certificate. Thank you

  788. Eternal Father, you know my past, present and future, nothing is unknown to you. When I worry about what is ahead of me, please calm my fears with the knowledge that you go before me. I will never be alone because you will always be with me. You have promised that you will not fail me or forsake me and you are faithful to keep all your promises. Take away my fear and replace it with faith in your unending love. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

  789. Dear Heavenly Father,
    I come to you to ask of you to please direct my steps. Lord I ask for guidance and perseverance to change my life and desires. I beg you lord to come into my children lives full force Marquan and Carion. To remove anything that’s hindering them . To give them guidance to remove all generational curses that have been passed through our family. I beg you to please former for any hurt or pain I have caused. I ask you to let my children know that you have set a path for them to live abduntly. Force the steps to change their way of living and seeing how life can be with you. I ask for protection and guidance. I ask for forgiveness and mercy on myself and my family. I thank you God for everything.

  790. Dear Heavenly Father I want to thank you in advance for breaking the generational curse and giving us the generational blessings and sending your angels of love peace prosperity abundance happiness favor supernatural windfall and a peace of mind for me my children grandchildren family friends in the Mighty Name of Jesus Amen

  791. Been married 36 yrs.and still praying for God to do a healing in our marriage to make us one in spirit soul and mind. This is both our 2nd marriage.I was widowed and he is divorced..I dont believe he ever got over his 1st wife.He has had emotional affairs most of our marriage,looking for someone to fill a void in his life only God can fill. He is very controlling and manipulative.I’m tired of his games,lies,etc. I am very discouraged and don’t know how to pray anymore. I need a counselor for me to build me up again..

    1. Jesus is a wonderful counselor. He will and can be your husband. Get the book: The Power of Prayer by Stormie Omartian. Also, the Power of a Praying Wife. Pray, pray, pray daily and speak over your husband, not what you see him as now but what Christ can make of him in the future.

      Ephesians 6 must be read daily to build you up and remind you that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but darkness spiritual wickedness not seen. Take every thought captive that doesn’t align with the power Jesus has left on earth with each and everyone of us….believe and trust him at his word of what he can and will do.
      When you feel like you can’t, ask the Holy Spirit to help your unbelief. Find you an elderly couple that’s rooted in the lord, trustworthy, and have been married for at least thirty years or more and work on being a Proverbs 31 wife.
      Take your eyes off your husband and leave your petitions with the lord each day, he will fight for you. He is not bound by time, we are as mankind just trust and know he cannot and does not lie in his word.
      Look to Abraham as the father of our faith…I mean he really trusted God. Marriages and families bring him glory so it is his will that you have the fullness in yours, please be of good cheer beloved. The saints are standing and praying for marriages and families during these last days. With love!

  792. Please pray for me and my family for God’s grace, guidance protection and prosperity. Especially for my elder son and his wife, who are desperately seeking God’s favour for the fruit of the womb for the past nine years of their marriage.

  793. STEPHANIE : please join me in prayer, asking the Lord to open doors of opportunity to find a suitable job, in this new season of my life.

    1. Oh merciful Jesus ,trustful Father ,In honour of your name the Son of living God which I the name above all the names ,Here we present the case of your child Noela calling upon your intervention in her family .Jehovah Jireh ,the one who provides fulfill her heart desire by extending providing hand ,We plea in His merciful.and to open doors of opportunities in the side of business for long term solution.and employment to carry their destiny .When.Peter was drowning immediately you provided help by extending your hand let it be their portion now ,with you we won’t go wrong ,with you we are Victors Jehovah Nissi.We thank you for lucrative opportunities in Jesus name let it be . Amen

  794. By the power of God almighty through his son Jesus remove any blockage and spell which is preventing me from my progress in life unknowingly.

  795. I ask can you pray for my confidence in spirit and in truth because I feel like I need the Holy Spirit to take over my life because I haven’t been live in the way that I should and I know that I just haven’t changed it so I asked me to pray for my confidence and may you pray for my soul to be healed in Jesus Christ name

  796. Heavenly Father I pray for a good night sleep. Block all bad dreams. Cover me with your precious blood. Protect my family, in Jesus Christ name. Amen.

  797. I pray and ask precious Jesus to help my family reunite and not argue and fight please put love and kindness in their hearts so we can all be a family once again please hear my prayers disappear and ask in Jesus Almighty name amen. I ask for financial broke through in Jesus mighty name Amen.

  798. Dear Lord,
    I come to you today and pray that you will bless me and my fiance with a healthy lil baby. I pray I will have a healthy pregnancy and delivery. I know it’s said… You ask and you shall receive!! I’m asking and praying heavenly Father.


  799. Thank you Father God in advance..I know you are working on my husband, my marriage even though I would like it done now .I have to understand its your will. And your time is different than my time. Please bring my husband home soon Father God. With a soften heart for his kids and for me. May he be filled with love for me and his kids. Please bring him home. Thank you God

    1. Take the time while he is gone to work on you. It takes two to make marriage. Just pray and GOD will show you your part. God bless you! Good luck.
      I’m speaking from experience. This January we’ll be happily married for 38 years. It hasn’t been easy but we made it through.Just keep your faith in GOD and pray.
      I’m praying for you.

  800. Giving honor and praise to God for his mercy and grace, I want to thank Him for being in my life. I pray that he will continues to shield and protect me and my children from the dangers and evilness of some people in this world. I decree and declare no harm will come to my children or me in the name of Jesus. God you know my personal needs I am asking you to grant my heart’s desires as you see fit for me. Let your will be done not mine Lord as you know what I need. Thank you Jesus for loving me unconditionally. Amen

  801. – I would like prayers to find a job in a media library in Brittany, to restore my marriage, find my accommodation and be freed from financial worries and spiritual oppressions! May I learn humility and eat well. May I be a good witness to You Lord !! That I do not fall into flesh and lust. May I not be shameless according to You Lord !! That I speak of all things to the Lord. That I be careful and be decent. Let me not be undecided. That I am sexually pure. That I do not sulk my pleasure. That I practice hospitality. That I save money and earn more money. May I don’t force and be generous. That I don’t overdo it. That I keep the divine commandments. That I am honest and flexible. Let me play the guitar. That I don’t hurt anyone. May I have the fear and wisdom of God. That I stop lying, judging people and smoking! Make me humble and break my pride, oh Lord !! Whether I am healed, do not be stressed or distressed. May my relationships be restored. Let the world be baptized with the Holy Ghost. May the separation go as well as possible. May I feel loved by the Lord and know his true nature, may I be happy !! That I confess my feelings to her and contact her, that I have a happy marriage. That I carpool and generous evening. May I not be confused. May I be healed and become kinder. That I fast collectively and feel better, less anxious. That I pay my debts and be justified, that I manage my money. May I intercede for the world and find a church. May I take care of my neighbor and repent of my sins, of my mistreatment. May I be more compassionate and find the passion, the fire for You and my wife, Lord !! Be blessed !

  802. Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

    – I would like prayers to find a job, have money, restore my marriage, regain health and be a good Christian. Be blessed !

  803. Please pray with me to overcome my tensions of exam failure. I have failed 5 times in Chartered Accountants exam. I desperately want to clear this exam, since I have to support my family and presently my family is running in financial crises.
    Almighty God please strengthen me and help me to concentrate well.
    I humbly request you all to remember me in yours prayers please.

  804. My righteous father,I thank and praise for who you are . You are God that does not change .I commit my son and his classmates into your hands as they continue with their exams . Abba father bless them with understanding, reasoning and recall of what they read and were taught in Jesus name..

  805. 1Peter 5:7. Casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.
    Blessed morning please pray with me in finding a job for my son whom just graduated from university.

  806. Please family help me pray that God should give me a job. I have hard lucks when it comes to getting a job and also there are huge loads of bills and debts weighing me down which I cannot pay due to joblessness.. PPlease I need your intercession. Thank you and God bless you all.

  807. Dear family, my son is 30 years old and have survived brain tumour, cancer 10 years ago but have developed a chronic anxiety and insomnia they prevent him ever to get a job or leave his home.. Please pray for compte healing ?

  808. I am believing God for another baby and financial breakthrough. It has not been easy, it seems like things are getting hard the more I get closer to God but this is not the time for me to give up, I trust the Lord’s time is the best. Please pray for me and join your faith with me.

    Thank you

  809. Good day admin,
    My prayers request is that may Almighty Yahweh give me victory and rest in my life
    Marriage, financial, spiritual and physical

  810. My prayer request is to help me find someone to spend my life with. I’m very lonely and I’m tired of waking up alone every morning. God please answer my prayer. I believe in you God the heavenly Father. As soon as my prayer is answered I will announce it so others know that you did Amen.

    1. Believe that he has already here, feel happy and grateful every morning for waking up, having feet to walk eyes to see- appreciate the things you have and you will see that God will bless you more. Gratitude and appreciation first- and when he delivers thank him.
      I pray that God will deliver you with the right person, to be with you for the rest of your life. In Jesus name, Amen.

  811. G’Morning I am requesting prayers for my three adult children Ryan, Crystal and Tevin. Please help me to lift them before the Lord and let the Lord have His way in their lives.

  812. Heavenly Father, I thank you for this special day Lord. I praise you for the life you’ve giving me. Dear God, I have come to you this day to ask for more Favour and Opportunities. Father please heal me from rejection and depression. Calm me and help me control myself in times of anger and failure. This and many more I ask through Christ Our Lord.

  813. Dear brethren in the Lord, please join me to pray for my son to have excellent results as he resumes with he NECO examinations tomorrow .I know my God has done it , because he made me understand that the plans he has for my son (Chidera) is good and not evil, plans to give him hope and a future. Thank you for praying with me for his success.

  814. Dear brethren in the Lord, please join me to pray for my son’s excellent results as he resumes with he NECO examinations today

  815. Abba father I give you all the praises for you are God forever .I thank you for the gift of my children ,the health of mind and body that you have given us. Father do not abandon nor forsake my children because of my failings .I thank you my God for My son’s success in the past examinations,I commit him into your might hands as he resumes with his NECO examinations tomorrow. Bless him with understanding of the questions,bless his reasoning, cause him to remember all he read and was taught, cause him to Marshall out his points and not to make mistakes. Abba father,may you bless him and his classmates with excellent results in Jesus most precious name.
    Father cause me to smile and testify of result . Thank you almighty for I know you have done it for him and us in Jesus name.

  816. Heavenly Father I’m Praying for physical and mental healing for myself. I was in a car accident a week ago, suffering excruciating pain. Back, neck, chest and shoulder pain.
    Please lay your hands on me snd heal me speedily. In your Mighty Name I pray Amen?

  817. Dear Brothers & Sisters In Christ
    Please stand in prayer for me and my boyfriend for complete Restoration and Reconciliation and Our Relationship right now. He is communicating and seeing with a Malay woman, Rozy. I have been trying and been praying every single day of Restoration and Reconciliation In Our Relationship and I’m asking for Help because God said when 2 or more come together is shall done. Therefore please pray for me for a Miracle Blessing for Peace of Mind Love Joy Forgiveness and Restoration and Reconciliation In Our Relationship that the Enemy has been Removed and my boyfriend no longer Communicate and See Rozy.

    Also Please pray for me for Money and Financial Breakthrough right now.

    In Jesus Name


  818. Please pray and agree with me that GOD will give me a FINANCIAL BREAKTHROUGH and BLESS ME with a new position , close to my home, good benefits, salary , good work environment and that GOD WILL DO THIS SPEEDILY BEFORE November ENDS and that I will be able to pay all my bills from this day forward , I will have no want or lack. IN Jesus MIGHTY NAME I PRAY. amen and amen.

  819. Greetings in Jesus name
    My name is Charlotte. my husband Vishal and I have been separated for almost 2 months, and we hardly communicate which didn’t allow us to discuss our problem and to work on it. I’ve been praying every day since but please pray with me for my marriage to be restored. Vishal was the best husband to me. we had problems like every normal couple, but he was loving and caring. I pray he could go back to that way.

  820. I request a prayare for Marilyn Dewindt . She has no brain activity and is on life support . I pray for a miracle. She is also battling Lymphoma cancer .

  821. Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

    – I would like prayers to find a job, regain health and be a good Christian. Be blessed !

  822. I pray my daughter stop drinking alcohol. I pray God takes away the taste and the urge to even want to drink. I pray she stops running the streets and know home is where she belongs. I pray that God keep her protected when she’s not home. In Jesus name I pray Amen, Amen.

  823. Please stand in prayer for me and my husband for complete restoration and reconciliation and our marriage right now he is looking for a place to move tea he’s been approved an apartment and he says that he’s done with me and he’s going to take our kids for me I have been trying and been praying every day of Restoration and reconciliation In our marriage and I’m asking for help because God saidWhen 2 or more come together is shall be done so please pray for a miracle blessing for peace of mind love joy forgiveness and reconciliation and restoration in our marriage that the enemy has been removed and my husband no longer tries to move out leaving our family home in Jesus name

  824. Please remember my twins pelumi and mayowa in your prayers that the will read hard and pass their GCSE mock exams this month and the final exam in June. as they are not interested in school work. For God to help them to show interest and understanding in school work. And passing in flying colours. Miracle working God, my sons and my whole family needs your grace right now. I also commit my health in the hands of God for total healing and mercy.
    My uncle Emanuel for God mercy and healing with his family. My Auntie Eugenia for total health and healing. My work and family. Our hydrotherapy bath from my housing authorities for God to answer our prayers and remove all block in our way. My son Tobi for his mental health and healing. Amen

  825. Heavenly Father I pray for restoration, touch my son Taylher Annius physically and mentally, and straight your mighty hand on him control his health issues like diabetic tyrod also his behavior,give him brain to focus and study . And I pray for the rest of my kids Nadia,Cherline,Jeremiah,cover them with your precious blood. and direct their path
    Commend all the storms around us to obey you

    In Jesus name I pray


  826. Pray that I may last the Yr, pray that my two babies will be born unto me. Pray that I may be reunited with my family. Pray for the souls of my loved ones.
    Pray that I will be safe and live the next 50 yrs with my husband, two teenage boys, my joejoe, and my hercules and odessa, that I carry.
    Pray that all will be well.

  827. Please pray for my son. He had completely lost his way and the world has come crashing down on him. He is heavily in debt, financial indiscipline, got into unhealthy toxic sexual relationships, has lost all respect for others especially parents, has a spirit of lying and suicidal thoughts, insecurities and depression. He strayed away from God and bad things have been happening in his life. He is always anxious. His family doesn’t recognize him anymore. They are shocked at what he has become and things he has done to fulfill the flesh. He almost lost his job too. He has realised his mistakes and made a lot of confessions, started slowly attending church but lacks real will-power and commitment to action and sustain change; to disconnect from things and people that do not serve him. Miracle working God, my son needs your grace right now. Praying family, please help. I need my son back. Thank you Jesus in advance for answered prayer because I know You are a living God.

    1. You see he is lost, but this is when the Lord is Truelly carrying him.
      I pray for your son, I ask Gabriel and Micheal to watch over him, protect him and guide him.

  828. Yes lord I put my trust in you alone I’m hide under your shadow
    I surrender my self my family in hand take my battle
    In Jesus name Amen.

  829. I have huge financial difficulties and hope with God all things are possible has God did it for Abraham He do for me Amen

  830. Please pray for my grandchild. I don’t understand what she is going through but it worries me every day. There are so many crazy hurtful things out there that she can get into. Please pray that God will save her soul from a burning hell. Teach, train, and walk with her every day of her life.

  831. I am asking prayers for my Sister who is currently in ICU with a severe heart and lung issues. Requesting prayer for my cousin who is currently getting chemo for cancer. Prayer for multiple friends suffering through COVID-19. Prayer for a dear friend of mine suffering with Alzheimer’s disease/suicidal ideation, and daily renewed strength for his wife. Prayers for a young man with depression/bipolar, and another that has to have multiple eye surgeries. Prayer for wide world repentance and healing, for the loss and homeless, for those suffering with cancer, mental health, Veterans and those incarnated, for our leaders in this Nation. And finally for myself (Mary Margaret) as I prepare for surgery on November 11, 2020. In the Mighty and Matchless Name of Jesus I ask all these Blessings and Miracles! Amen

    1. Dear Mary I pray, that our Precious Lord Jesus Christ will meet all the needs of yourself family and friends. According to His riches in Glory, Prayers for His Wisdom and healing and restoration that Jesus will make a way where we see no way. HIS LOVE CONQUERS ALL. Blessings Sylvia

  832. Please pray for my mental, physical and spiritual healing. Pray for my husband Andrew salvation he is lost & in the wilderness. For restoration of our marriage we are separated divorce pending. In Jesus mighty powerful name I pray amen.Thank you for your prayers.

  833. Pray for our meeting with the people whom my niece borrowed huge amount of money, Please pray that everything will be ok, that God will touch their hearts and they will understand us,, no heated arguments or anger among us. That this meeting the God will be the center of our discussion and mediator. That the meeting will come up with for the good of everyone. Pray for all us to give us strength specially my niece , that someday she will recover and redeem her name. We already claiming the victory. Lord I pray all of this through the mighty name of Jesus , our savior. Amen.

  834. Father, In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I pray for restoration of my relationship with my son Rosmound. I pray that You release him from the bondage of the enemy which is holding him hostage under the infirmity of depression and anxiety. I come against the spirit of the enemy that causes him to despise his family. Lord, restore his peace,joy and happiness, in Jesus’name. I thank You in advance for answered prayers,Lord. Amen.

  835. Please pray for me. My name is Amy. I am so weak, both mentally and physically. I am addicted to heroin and can’t get free from it, I surrender all. I am to u my lord. Please save me from death, in Jesus name amen.

  836. Pray with me I am not working i need the Job so that I can support my family.pray with me there is no peace in my family we always fight over small thing there one who works earns R350 every week but she dont buy us food to eat were struggling but I trust my God he will rescue us Amen.

  837. I pray that God helps me break through my financial struggles I pray and hope he will send a guardian angel inform of a human being Amen

  838. Please may you pray for my salvation, Jesus I pray that he will redeem my soul from the hands of the enemy, I pray that you deliver me from anxiety and depression, increase my faith in you Jesus oh God please deliver me from destruction and heal my heart renew my mind thank you Lord.

  839. Lord almighty in the mighty name of Jesus christ I pray for my father in-laws zankewu, my mom inlaw Paulina and my brother inlaw madala and family as a whole that they must accept Jesus christ as their lord and family in Jesus christ name amen

    1. Dear lord I Glorify your precious name for all you have done ✅ in my life my family life ,Thank you for this year 2021 you let me see
      In the name of Jesus I declare this beginning year 2021 it’s my year for the kingdom of God to manifest in my life life and my family
      Happy new year.. you all

  840. Hello,

    Am from Philippines but been here in NZ for 22 years. Am 54 now. I got married to a kiwi and have 3 boys. I got divorce 10 yrs ago. Losing our house and taxi business was the reason we got divorced. Lots of arguments and misunderstandings. The boys are still little by then. Because of the divorce, we moved to Waimate then Oamaru. Moving lots of times and changing schools didnt have a good impact on my second and youngest son. They developed anxiety & depression. My life has become so stressful . Because of stress, I had so many ills as well. IBS, eye problems and high blood pressure. We moved back to Chch. My ex husband also left me a big debt in my name which I got nothing to do with because he run the business himself.

    Am just trying to digest all these and am not getting ahead, I got no job, I homeschooled the 2 boys as they cant take High School in Oamaru. Nothing is going right in my life. I felt some kind of curses, spells & witchcraft has been casted on me and my family.

    On top of that, I am in a long distance relationship. He’s from Utah. We been communicating for 3 yrs. We met once but just 3 days in America. All is going well but when I’m supposed to see him again this June, it didn’t happen because of covid. We are both Christians. We didn’t even have sex when we met because we both believe in getting married first. But my world came crushing down one month today when he emailed me saying that our relationship is not working. The covid might take years. I didn’t see it coming, we are so in love. We video call everyday. Emails and chats also everyday. he is my only joy while going through all my trials. Now its slowly going. He still message me but very seldom. He did say, he’s started dating this lady and he is not rushing into making decisions. So thats why he still messages me very short messages saying he is still thinking of me.

    Please pray for me in all areas of my life. Supernatural healing for me and my boys, financial miracle as we are really struggling ( we don’t even have a car & just renting). And relationship restoration. Am not getting any younger and I dont want another man in my life, Troy is amazing guy. Kind, generous, very loving and caring. he also lost his job during this covid and has not found one as of now. He lost it 3 months ago. He’s also in deep depression having lost his job. I want us reconciled and bein harmony with each other and eventually get married next year. I dont think he can just shift his feelings for another woman in just a month or two. I was just thinking could that other woman put a spell on me and my Troy to break us up. Please pray for me and my boys. I believe that when 2 or more people are praying then its more effective.

    Thanks for listening to my story. Zylla

  841. I’m trying to have faith in Gods plan. There seems to be so much of the d bike work surrounding me. I feel very alone and it’s hard to know what the right answers are. I pray for God’s wisdom and strength because I need it more than ever.

  842. Please prayer for me to get a good job, I studied BSc in Airlines Tourism Hospitality Management and I completed in 2014 and till today there is no job, please pray. And please pray for my wedding which will be in 14 November 2020 for the finances for the wedding because we are both not working

  843. Abba father ,the great provider,I thank you for all your showed blessings upon my life and my children’s . Thank you O my God.

  844. Thank you dear God, for this beautiful morning. I have a job interview today. Prayer request I get this job offer with better pay and with a much better support system from upper management. God please lead me in the right direction.

  845. Thank you almighty for you are a covenant keeping God. Thank you for your endless blessings and love. Thank you father for no one will steal my joy and peace from me.
    Brethren pray for me and my children. My son will continue with his WAEC exams on Monday.

    1. I have been reading your beautiful prayers for your children and their classmates. Your trust in God and belief in his provision for you and your children, your adoring childlike faith in your Abba Father has been a blessing to read and oozes out in your prayers. I believe God is very pleased with your beautiful simple, courageous trust in his willingness and ability to hear and answer your prayers. May he give you your hearts desires and continue to protect and care for you and your children. God Bless sister in Christ.

      1. Thank you Jesus for all the blessings in my life. Please answer our prayers in this page. May you give us your peace and give us our breakthroughs as according to your will in Jesus Mighty Name


  846. Help me to overcome my God guilt shame is bombarding me I believe in you and your word that I am forgiven but my heart is hurting cos I continue to listen to the lies of the enemy that tell me I’m not a real Christian and am a failure I want to be all that God has planned for me but its like the is blockage I ask discernment and wisdom from you my Father, I ask that you help me to accept that I am who you say I am forgiven I love you Jesus and need you SEL

  847. Pray with me for breakthrough in every area of my life. It’s been quite a long time since I have been experiencing failure, rejection and fear. I surrender all my life to the almighty father of all to pour his blessings upon me. Thank you for your help. May God bless you. Amen

  848. Please say a prayer for the broken hearted people in this. Sometimes life throws curve balls at us and catches us completely off guard. The ending being pain and despair. I pray for your minds and your heart’s to be healed. And for the protection of your mind from the devil’s lies and scheme’s. In Jesus name, Amen

  849. My prayers go out to any and all persons that not only are dealing with drug addiction but are dealing with mental health disorders. Some due to the fact that they used drugs and it has forever changed them. I pray for their recovery and for the devil to stop playing tricks are their mind. I pray defeat all evil. In Jesus name, Amen

  850. Please pray for permanent work offer and Work Visa to go through before 20 September 2020, I am desperately trying to stay in New Zealand and not have to return to South Africa, where I will be homeless and it is impossible to get a job to survive. PLEASE PRAY FOR ME, THANK YOU , MAY GOD BLESS ALL WHO DO, AMEN

  851. Father your plans for me is good, plans to give me a future and hope. Your promise towards me is to provide all my needs according to your heavenly riches . Father my financial position is embarrassing ,make a way for me Lord and bless me with financial break through so as not to allow your children to be homeless. I wait patiently for your divine favour in Jesus name

  852. Father let your light shine on me and may I be light and bring blessings to the people I meet with on my daily interaction in Jesus name

  853. Please brethren,help me as we jointly seek for God’s intervention upon my life ,I pray that God wipes away my tears and gives me that joy that comes from him.

  854. I humbly ask for God’s mercy, grace and discernment. I am wrought w/anxiety as I need to find a place to live and I don’t have any savings. I filed for bankruptcy earlier this year so no credit.

    I am also scared because there are layoffs @ my job and my position is @ risk. Waiting to know if I will be laid off is unbearable. There is no exact timetable for when I will know. I am scared. I thank the Lord for keeping the job I love so far. It’s been a blessing.

    The apartment I live in now has been a blessing too for the past 18 months. I know I’ve taken it for granted. It’s a great price and close to work. Now it’s all in jeopardy. I pray the Lord speaks to my landlords and appeals to them to have mercy on me to change their minds about me having to leave because they would like a relative who is ill to move in. My landlord’s wife is particularly intimidating. Lord, I humbly ask you to fill me w/your peace. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

  855. Brethren in the Lord,join as we thank God for his daily guidance,provision and protection .Let us focus and believe that God in his infinite mercy will never leave nor abandon us as we continually present our hearts desires before him .May God hear our prayers in Jesus’ name.

  856. – I would like prayers to find a job in a media library in Brittany, to restore my marriage, find my accommodation and be freed from financial worries and spiritual oppressions! May I learn humility and eat well. May I be a good witness for You Lord !! That I do not fall into flesh and lust. May I not be shameless according to You Lord !! That I speak of all things to the Lord. That I take care of myself and be decent. Let me not be undecided. That I am sexually pure. That I do not sulk my pleasure. That I practice hospitality. May I be authentic. That I save money and earn more money. That I don’t overdo it. That I keep the divine commandments. That I am honest and flexible. Let me play the guitar. That I don’t hurt anyone. May I have the fear and wisdom of God. That I stop lying, judging people and smoking! Make me humble and break my pride, oh Lord !! Whether I am healed, do not be stressed or distressed. May my relationships be restored. Let the world be baptized with the Holy Ghost. May the separation go as well as possible. May I feel loved by the Lord and know his true nature, may I be happy !! That I confess my feelings to her and contact her, that I have a happy marriage. That I carpool and generous evening. May I not be confused. May I be healed and become kinder. That I fast collectively and feel better, less anxious. That I pay my debts and be justified, that I manage my money. May I intercede for the world and find a church. May I take care of my neighbor and repent of my sins, of my mistreatment. May I be more compassionate and find the passion, the fire for You and my wife, Lord !! Be blessed !

  857. I thank you ABBA Father for the ability, wisdom and understanding you bestowed on my son and his classmates during their exams .Thank you my redeemer because the holy spirit ministered to them and they didn’t lack what to write but were filled with inspirations. Continue to bless them as they study for other subjects. May excellent grades be their portion in Jesus name. Amen

  858. Hello and thank you. I am already traumatized by my husband divorcing me after asked for forgiveness and sought the Lord, I prayed and fought got reconciliation only to have him reject me and pursue a marriage to another woman. I am trying to be like the persistent widow but I feel like a fool as people think I am crazy to continue praying for him and our family while hes preparing a wedding with someone less than a year after our court date.

  859. God thank You for everything You have blessed me with in my life. I pray for a God fearing partner one who will love me through it all, one who will stick with me till death do us part, understanding and loves and cherishes me and the rest of our family. Amen

  860. Abba Father you know me more than I know myself.My husband has abandoned my children and I, I thank you the magnificent God because you have not abandoned nor forsaken us.Thank you for your unlimited provision and protection .Father continue to direct every of our step,action and.thought as we continue to believe that you are always with and for us. Make ways for us where there are no ways and blessed us spiritually, socially, healthily,and financially in Jesus name Amen
    Help my daughter with the present challenges with her goods.The factory will call to accept the goods in Jesus name .

  861. Heavenly father I praise and adore you for you are God. Thank you for the gift of life and for the gift of one another . Thank you for the ability you gave my son and his classmates during their mathematics Waec examination..
    I commit them into your hands today as they write Economics.. Abba father give them the ability to remember all that they were taught and all the have read in preparation for this exam. Father bless them with wisdom, understanding, correct answers,and speed in writing.O God we trust and believe that you have answered my prayers in Jesus most precious name Amen

  862. Please I need everyone’s prayer today because my lecturers are making decision regarding my grades for the essay I have written. Please God help them make a decision that will favour me. I do not want to fail. I must pass this course in Jesus Name.? I worked so hard for this particular course. Lord God, please Grant my heart desires in Jesus Name. Amen.

  863. Please followers of Christ pray for me to have financial breakthrough and to have my own family I believe every good wordd of prayer you made to God on my behalf will be answered in Jesus mighty name…I need a job

  864. Please brethren pray for my son Adrian as he starts his WAEC today.He will be writing Mathematics this morning. I pray for God intervention, correct calculations, retentive memory, understanding of every question and the right steps .God Adrian needs you , don’t abandon him,be at his side to instruct and direct him to correct answers in Jesus name .I also commit all his class mates into God hands for his divine mercy upon them.
    I commit the invigilator into God’s hands for divine mercy, Amen.

  865. Abba Father ,thank you for a new day . Thank you for protection during the night and for providing for us.
    I commit my son Adrian into your hands as he starts his Exams tomorrow .Father bless him with retentive memory, understanding, knowledge, wisdom, concentration, right answers and speed in writing. Father I trust that you wipe away my tears as you bless him with excellent grades and results in Jesus mighty name.

  866. Please pray for my children studies, to pay their Varsity fees
    Financial breakthrough for my family
    Pray for my company, it is still new, I am going to add it to the government for job offer
    And lastly pray for company that owns my husband money to release the money urgently in Jesus Christ name

  867. – I would like prayers to find a job in a media library in Brittany, to restore my marriage, find my accommodation and be freed from financial worries and spiritual oppressions! May I learn humility and eat well. May I be a good witness for You Lord !! May I find brothers and sisters in Christ. May my spirit be tranquilized. May I not fall into flesh and lust. May I not be angry with my feelings. May I don’t be religious and pray for others. May I trust people. May I not be shameless according to You Lord !! May I succeed in my applications. That I speak of all things to the Lord. That I take care of myself and be decent. Let me not be undecided. That I save money and earn more money. May I have the fear and wisdom of God. That I stop lying, judging people and smoking! Make me humble and break my pride, oh Lord !! Whether I am healed, do not be stressed or distressed. May my relationships be restored. Let the world be baptized with the Holy Ghost. May the separation go as well as possible. May I feel loved by the Lord and know his true nature, may I be happy !! That I confess my feelings to her and contact her, that I have a happy marriage. That I carpool and generous evening. May I be healed and become kinder. That I fast collectively and feel better, less anxious. That I pay my debts and be justified, that I manage my money. May I intercede for the world and find a church. May I take care of my neighbor and repent of my sins, of my mistreatment. May I be more compassionate and find the passion, the fire for You and my wife, Lord !! Be blessed !

  868. Heavenly father i pray for your protection, guidance, wisdom and knowledge, your favour, unconditional love, grace for me and my entire family, please daddy you said we will eat the fruit of our labour God please help me and my brother so that our mother who has been there for us since our childhood will eat the fruit of her labour give her longlife so that she will see us all again in Jesus mighty name i pray amen and amen thank you everlasting father.

  869. I would like prayer for my daughter who is great at her job, but she have the enemy who is trying to create chaos among the workers and between the boss and my daughter.
    This girl is a troublemaker and news carrier and God does not approve of that.
    Please.pray that the enemy will.leave the camp and it will become peaceful again

  870. – I would like prayers to find a job in a media library in Brittany, to restore my marriage, find my accommodation and be freed from financial worries and spiritual oppressions! May I learn humility and eat well. May I be a good witness for You Lord !! May I find brothers and sisters in Christ. May my spirit be tranquilized. May I not fall into flesh and lust. May I not be angry with my feelings. May I don’t be religious and pray for others. May I trust people. May I not be shameless according to You Lord !! That I speak of all things to the Lord. That I take care of myself and be decent. Let me not be undecided. That I save money and earn more money. May I have the fear and wisdom of God. That I stop lying, judging people and smoking! Make me humble and break my pride, oh Lord !! Whether I am healed, do not be stressed or distressed. May my relationships be restored. Let the world be baptized with the Holy Ghost. May the separation go as well as possible. May I feel loved by the Lord and know his true nature, may I be happy !! That I confess my feelings to her and contact her, that I have a happy marriage. That I carpool and generous evening. May I be healed and become kinder. That I fast collectively and feel better, less anxious. That I pay my debts and be justified, that I manage my money. May I intercede for the world and find a church. May I take care of my neighbor and repent of my sins, of my mistreatment. May I be more compassionate and find the passion, the fire for You and my wife, Lord !! Be blessed !

  871. Amen. I received this prayer and i declare it over me and my childrens
    Thank you lord for the blood. of Jesus A Amen.

  872. Lord I pour my heart and cry to you and I ask you for a financial miracle Father I have tremendous financial strain please help me Lord in Jesus name I praise thanks and trust you Lord amen and amen

    Trishel Ramnath

  873. I want healing from fibroids.I have long periods and bleeding every day.I am ALWAYS wearing pads,all the time,every day and dark coloured clothing,in case I mess up my clothes it won’t be that visible and embarassing.I feel like an old lady ,crappy. Also I am always tired and weak sometimes.I take iron supplements and vitamins but still I don’t have that much energy….

  874. Aug.9,2020 Dear God I know I have asked you previously for past 12 years. I will always ask and have hope you will bless & shine down on my addicted son that he will recover and go to church, AA or NA meetings. He knows what to do but he needs a crutch. I live to far away from him in another state recently divorce after 37 yrs.and I don’t have the financial means to support him.

  875. Please pray for me and my family for protection and healing. Right now, I’m having problems with my hands and feet and legs. My job requires me a lot of standing and using of my hands as a theater nurse. Thank you.

  876. The plan you have for me is good and not evil, plan to give me hope and future is you declaration to me O Lord. Abba father I surrender everything that concerns me to you. You are my Alfa and Omega, my beginning and end,.On my own I can do nothing , with you everything is possible.O Lord have your way in my life as we beginning another day, week and chapter

  877. Please man and women of God help me prayer. for the blood of Jesus to cover me and my family’s and long life with happiness,

    And i have a court hearing coming up in UK London next week let me have victory over it and good health for me to have my daughter back ,

    Thank you very much for your help and support

  878. Praise God!

    Thank you Father for your unconditional love. I am truly grateful.

    Thank you for the wonderful blessings you have bestowed upon me.

    I pray for excellence for my children in every area of their life.

    I pray my son will pass his exams with distinction and be accepted into the university of his choice.

    I pray for your continuing guidance Father in all areas of my life that are concerning me.

    I pray not to deal with the matters personally but to always leave my burdens into your hands as you are a Faithful God.

    Thank you In Jesus Matchless Name.

    Amen ?

  879. Complete & total healing for my husband Clyde in W central Florida, No more lung diease. Wiped Clean in Jesus name!

  880. Dear family Im a single mother of two kids from different fathers who are not helping me with maintenance. Which is why I have a yearning and desire to give them a good loving and stable home. Help me in praying for a husband, someone who will love me,spoil me, cherish, hon our n respect me, someone faithful, a cheerful giver, a man that loves and fears God. Also for me to start taking my academics seriously,to prosper and excel academically so I can take care of my kids financially.

  881. Please pray for me my husband left me for another woman and they have two kids he stays with her and he took all his clothes plz pray for me

  882. Family of God please pray with me. I am at a situation of loosing my job for no clear reasons from my employer which I depend on to pay for my home loan.
    On the other hand I am going through divorce from a very abusive relationship. Things get so overwhelming and I am sure I need a miracle intervention from God Almighty. Amen

  883. Fatima
    Join me in praying for God to console and heal my hurt and send helper to me. My partner deceived and wasted my time, i brainwashed me,suffered emotional abuse for several years he has been the cause of my unhappiness.
    Praying for Gods intervention and healing over myself and child .

  884. Thanks for all blessings Lord Jesus.I am the only breadwinner in my family also a cancer patient.
    I believe I am healed now I need a good job to run the family.
    Fill our family with the holy spirit and let your plan fulfill through us.

  885. I took my nclex RN Exam on july 21st & please keep in prayers to pass the exam & work as an RN in NYC

  886. Thanks for reaching up with me ,am praying to God to get anew job and favour ,protection in my family and in financial ways amen God bless you all

  887. Thanks for the prayers. I feel frustrated and under lots of stress at school. Cause I’m a teacher at the same school where my son is going. Whenever he has problems at school I feel so frustrated. So help me lord.

  888. Pray for God to remove all pains and moving object in my body. For God to heal me complete deliever me from every attacks of the enemy in Jesus name Amen

  889. Am praying for God to open my heart let me know him more and breakthrough in my family, finance and let God take me to the next level and let love lead me in Jesus name amen

  890. Im in a good relationship and im praying and believing God Almighty that my boyfriend Lloyd will ask for my hand in marriage by end of this year…please help me pray for this wish to come true.

  891. Dear God I thank you for my life.
    Lord Jesus I feel my life is a mess. I have been up and down when it comes to settling in relationships. Please Lord hear my cries and send me a partner whom you know he’s perfect for me.
    Forgive all my inequities that are leading me into arms of other people’s partners.
    Please Lord hear my cries because I don’t think I can move on with this guilt anymore. Thank you Jesus for hearing my cries

  892. My prayer request, kindly help me pray for financial breakthrough, things are really tough. Silver and Gold belong to our God, i trust that He is going to provide accordingly, let His will be done in our lives. Let’s also remember my dear sisters and brothers going through a similar problem……..Shalom

    1. Lord God almighty, I thank you for this morning you have given us, God please help me take good care of your children you have given me, let me train them in your way so that when they grow, they will never depart from it, you are the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end, there’s noo other God like, my family is yours forever God almighty, and thank you for answering my prayers,amen and amen.

  893. I bless the name of the Lord for all the prayer requests, how i pray that we walk together as Christ’s body. May the Almighty God hear all our cries, may He wipe all our tears and above all may He answer all our prayers

  894. Thank you for your site and your willingness to pray. Please pray for my best friend Robert. He has some deep hurt/issues revolving around racism since he was a child. Just the way he was raised. He’s black and I’m white. Our friendship has turned into love for each other but the interracial relationship is a concern for him. He’s trying to work through it. Please pray God work through this for him. Thank you

  895. Oh Our Lord Christ Jesus!
    We always pray for you to help the Family financial crisis and protection according to Philliphians 4:19 as you said that,” Through your glory to supply all the needs of our life.”
    And “Until now you have not asked for everything in my name. Ask and you will received and your Joy will be complete.”John 16:24
    “Believe in the LORD Christ Jesus and you will be saved-you and your household.”
    Acts 16:31
    We are facing lot of trouble and we need your help by given us opportunity to serve in the family and for the society.
    I pray this through the name of our LORD Christ Jesus as our saviour for ever. Amen.

  896. Holy God, Holy and Mighty, Holy and Immortal One have mercy on all of us. Lord hear our prayers this day. Lord I ask in faith and In your name to restore my sisters health, to give her peace and long life, to also heal Cassie and guide their doctors hands to tend to their physical ailments so that they may receive your healing grace and serve as testament to your mercy. Amen.

  897. Please pray for my wife and I. I did some horrible things by sending messages to others and it has devastated my wife Janet. I am praying these prayers on this site over our marriage continuously. Please join me in praying for reconciliation and that my wife will not file for divorce. I have repented of my sin and asked her for forgiveness. Please pray with me for God to speak to her now.

  898. Lord I know your the one who brought me In this word for a purpose, please grant my heart desire, bless me with divine breakthrough, wisdom, knowledge and understanding. Also to every of my families grant their heart desire, I commit my life, the life of my family and the life of every son’s and daughter’s which you created into this word into your able hands. Thanks for answering my prayers and the prayers of others through Christ our Lord Amen!

  899. Please people of God pray for me, am having health issue chest pain and chronic headache always. I need’s your prayer’s that Almighty God should deliver me from these problems. And also I need your prayer’s towards Job opportunity that God should provide me a good job, before September of this year. I know that nothing is impossible for God to do and I trust in his miraculous work towards my life that his going to surprise me in a different Way’s.

  900. I need prayers for my health condition(heart & arthritist & eyes cataract problems)
    I have the faith for complete healing.

    Thank you.

    Saia Lua

  901. Can you please pray for me, devil is deeply involved in my life, blocking all directions of my life at my business and my family there is no happiness in my family, no money coming in from my business am actually blocked, please help with prayers, I thank you

  902. Hi my brothers and sisters of christ we need prayers badly the more i pray the worst he becomes i need prayers an god’s intervention for my husband to come back home to us and to soften his heart towards me and his kids to put God first in his life an to turn his heart and mind back to us as his family and leave that ungodly relationship with the woman he’s with and god to convict him in that sin for restoration reconciliation recommitment between us again as a family it’s so hard he doesn’t care about me as he use to don’t call no morning to check up don’t pay me no mind just lives for money lie vanity an says he’s doing good by us but i know god is a restorer and god is a fair God amen it’s done in Jesus mighty name Amen

  903. God the Father along with this prayer community, I raise my Son Rick Roger Serrao up to you to get his passport renewed right away by Indian Consulate in the US and all the required paperwork to be completed and hold success in his immigration process to the USA without leaving the country. You are a supernatural God, still on the throne making impossible things possible. Whenever he had called down and lost hope, this mother knocked at your door and You brought him so far & I know you will take him further victorious and successful, gratefully in Jesus’ Name, Amen.
    I declare In the mighty name of Jesus victory and absolute success in all areas in Rick’s life Hallelujah … Hosannah…Glory to God, Amen.

  904. Father Lord I thank for your grace and the miracle you are about to perform in my life .Dear Lord ,I pray for the fruit of the womb. I know there is nothing too hard for you .You did for Hannah ,Sarah and many more and I believe my miracle is on the way .Dear Lord ,give me a miracle and your praise will be in my mouth forever. I know it is already done in Jesus name . Amen

  905. I thanks God for everything in my life and family in Jesus name amen, I ask God to return back my daughter Elizabeth in my care in Jesus name amen, I ask my lord to bless me money. right now because of what is going on with me, I ask the lord for good health in my life and children’s, family’s in Jesus name amen

  906. I Declare and Decree in the Mighty Name of Jesus that this Coronovirus will suddenly disappear. Lord please cover Us under Your Mighty Wing. I pray for our marriage restored reconciled forever peace joy love No weapons formed against us shall prosper. Amen

  907. Heavenly Father,

    The radiologist gave me a bad report but I believe the report of the Lord. This disease that has been diagnosed in my body is not of You but you will use if for your glory because I am HEALED, totally HEALED in Jesus’ name. I surrender completely to Your will and purpose for this season and know without a doubt that it is Your will for me to be whole and HEALED that I might declare Your good works and power. The grave cannot praise You so, I will bless You at all times and Your praise will be in my mouth throughout my long and fulfilled life. I will see my children and children’s children and my children’s children grow up.

    I am HEALED. I will LIVE and not die, and I will declare the works of the Lord for decades to come. This is only a test and I will pass. I will be victorious because Jesus has already declared it. By His stripes I AM HEALED. In Jesus’ name. AMEN

  908. I am not sleeping it’s driving me crazy also I have not a husband a home or any income as am 54 recovering alcoholic trying do right thing but life is very challenging so am praying and believing for a husband a home and a reason to be,and I will give all Glory to the Lord.Right now though I am SO angry as not been sleeping,have got blood disease and mental illness so I guess should be just grateful that am still alive and Trust that the Heavenly Father has a good plan.Thank you for hearing me.God Bless

    1. Tanya, my name is Ty i am in New mexico .and i stumbled across ur prayer this beautiful morning .as i awoke this morning I could feel the waves of fear and anxieties pass over me as I started to be scared and panicked i began to pray because I KNOW that it is not of God and he has told me that he is always with me and there has and is always a plan for each and every one of us !and I trust in what the lord has said again and again .that we are his and and nothing can stand in his way and plans .and then those feeling are gone because I trust him. The one thing that we can trust and believe in this world and it is our LORD !!
      We are his today and everyday good or bad right and wrong he has always had a loving plan weather we realize or see it can touch it its still his plan and nothing can stop his love of his plans .he knew who we were going to be before we were even alive .and so i say
      THANK YOU Jesus !!
      Have a blessed day and rebuke the enemy out of your every thought .and every night when you can not sleep know that ,thats the enemy attacking you because night is time to rest and sleep .take a deep breath or two and see that there is always spiritual warfare going on around us and anger , sadness ,fear sleepless ,anxieties THESE FEELINGS ARE NOT OF GOD ! so WE REBUKE YOU ENEMY IN THE NAME OF THE LORD YOU HAVE NO HOLD ON TANYA, SHE IS MADE FROM THE LOVE OF OUR LORD AND NOTHING CAN CHANGE THAT OR YOUR HIS PLANS FOR HER FUTURE FOR IT HAS ALREADY BEEN LAYED OUT BEFORE HER .THANK U Jesus ..?walk everyday with purpose tanya you are his ! Have a blessed day! with love Ty

    1. Omoniyi you are definitely in my prayers pray the same for me. My water is currently shut off and i got 3 kids and i know how you feel but always remember dont let your faith slip no matter what.

  909. Hello, please everyone pray for me and my family. We are passing through a rough time me and my husband. We are having financial issue and we have some depth to pay and my father is in hospital. So all of this is throwing me down but I have trust in god because he said he will never leave me nor forsake me so please children of God put me in pray so that we can come out victory. Thank u

  910. I pray that today that I give thanks to, Abba Holy Father, that no weapon formed against us prospered. Every tongue that rose up in judgement was proven to be in the wrong. Lies and false judgements were used to without large amounts of money that I was due to receive. I face foreclosure after two long years of unemployment with adult sons who are unable to function alone. I lived s a widow and sought the company of Christ instead of trouble. I may not see a way at this point, Oh Lord, my God, but I know You will make a way. My dawn is drawing near, I can feel the financial breakthrough right around the corner and the blessings are going to rain down upon me. I stand on your promises, oh Lord, that you alone protect the innocent from harm for I have no other stronghold or defense. You have promised that whatsoever I need and ask for, you will provide to your child and humble servant. I thank You in advance, for my destined victory is on the way. I want only to help others and bless them as I have been blessed. Let your blessings pour to others thru my humbled self. In Jesus’ mighty name I pray, Amen!

  911. I want to first give thanks for He that is greater, Jehovah. I have seen him this past week.
    I am still trusting him for increase in business and finances, for life partner and for peace of mind. Please pray for me. Amen

  912. I am praying for another Father God. I had some medical issues last year. My vehicle stopped. I really didn’t have a way to work. I could not get help from my family. I am praying that things come through for me to move with my friend so i can get back on my feet. The last few months been rough. My finances are running low. I am living with my mom been trying to help her out. I pray that God pulls me out this storm. I pray that God make a way for me and my mom. I pray that God remove and obstacles or blockages or chains that is hindering me from receiving my blessings. I pray that God show his purpose for my life.

  913. I’m in need of a new job in the next month. My current job of 3 years went from full time and now they have cut my hours down to 3 days a week, which has killed my finances. It is also a very hostile , cruel & bullying work environment. I desire a position as a sales rep for an aesthetic company that will not only get me out of this financial hole my current job has gotten me into but bless me financially with more a year than I’m making now.

  914. May God gives you a job in his gratutude name we pray.
    Our father has given me like me a rejected one with no defender,
    As he defended me he will give you a job at his right time.

  915. Recently divorced after 14 years I pray for guidance in my new chapter in life. Restore my faith in love! I pray that God would bless me with love that will put God first in our relationship and would love and appreciate me for all that I am.

    1. Can you please pray for me? My name is Isiah and I live with my grandparents, I used to live with a recent ex of mine, I hope she is doing good, aside from our constant arguing and fighting, financial stress is big thing with me and constantly not having the money for anything, I want to recover from drinking alcohol and not be led by temptation or evil anymore, my love life is severely damaged as well and I want to recover from all of this stuff im going through, thanks if you can pray for me, that will really help

  916. I pray that I may know him and hear his voice clearly, and my relationship with Abba Father, will grow stronger and stronger . I pray that each day that we meet he orders my steps and let his light shine upon us
    I also ask for wisdom, knowledge and understanding when I read his word, but most of all to bring peace of mind, body and spirit and also peace in this world.
    Heavenly father, let no weapon form against prosper.
    Father I also give thanks for my church and this website, that encourages me on my journey, to continue on and not give up

  917. Please lift up our marriage for restoration reconciliation forever in Jesus Name for peace joy love. For husband, family, friends, set free mind body spirit for Salvation for them. God please answer prayers for All here. Amen. Hello Martin thanks for prayers here.

  918. Please help pray for me and my husband to have our own child this year. We have been praying and begging our Good Lord for 6 solid years but nothing is happening. I am now impatient. I know that I am lacking something in my faith with God that is why I am being like this. Please beloved Christians, do help us with your prayers.
    Thankyou and May God continue to heal our wounds and fill our homes with blessings and happiness all the time! Amen!

  919. Hello people of God. I just wanted to ask that you please pray for me. I’ve been dealing with sexual immorality spirits for the past 3 years. I continue to go back and forth with God and sin. Every time I commit the sin, I feel disappointed and ashamed with myself. I just want to be right with God and live my life for him. Thank you ?.

  920. Good morning pastor

    I am very very despondent an broken hearted an my faith is failing me now badly – I have prayed begged plead yelled cried to God to pse pse help me with this situation for the last couple of months an ess what God has not come through for me why pastor why can’t He come through for me He sees my tears my heartache the pain why – I am in a relationship with Hermanus Rudolph Steyn For the last nearly 4 years – supposedly engaged but ya – he an his x rosemary caroline Trollip nee smit has been chatting lately an they are talking about me she is married with a child they have a one son When they were to together – now all of a sudden she’s back in the picture after he sworn he will never go back or talk to her I have been begging for him to stop as I am a very sensitive soft hearted person An will neva hurt a person especially destroy a relationship my father has taught me better im not that kind of person that will interfere in another relationship its not right. Pastor I have been on my knees An begging God pse to servere all communication between them as it is tearing me apart – I feel an know he is lying to me hys skelm an I don’t deserve this but I love him with a pure honest heart without any doubt Or regrets – pse pse Pastor ask God to help me pse – I am on the brink of folding it’s broken inside me.

    Thank you for listening

  921. I ask for prayer that God will touch my eyes and heal them that I will see as clearly as I did when I was born 59 yrs ago! Thank God bless,Shalom!

  922. please pray with me for restoration of my marriage.we have been seperated for 4 months and there has been so much bitterness and resentment.I pray that my husbands heart may soften and he may be willing to work through our issues and lead his family as God would have it.I pray for leadership and honesty and accountability and understanding.I need a miracle for my marriage to turn around and for us to live as a family again.

  923. First let me say how grateful and blessed by this site and all prayer warriors I thank God daily for all
    Today I am asking for prayer as our landlord just informed us that he might be selling the home we are living in and renting for the past 5 years. We are just so shocked and in complete disbelief. If we r not out in few months he says he will evict us. Please pray for us to either be able to stay where we r or be able to find affordable housing as we do not have much money….Thank you in advance and may God’s will be done.

  924. Praise GOD! Thank you for making this possible to meet the needs of those who are facing challenges. Aug 2019 we lost our son to cancer, then mh trucking company I had to file bankruptcy, Oct 2019 Mama die on impact from a car accident, our father had heart attack thanksgiving week 2019. When losing our family and searching for work. I realize GOD hide me because HE is the POTTER and I’m the clay. Im using all this time to become more closer to him. I apply for a youth pastor and no I dont have the degrees or all the criteria they are requesting, but I have GOD who is the head of my life. I’m so excited that I was so confident to take that step of faith and trust GOD. No matter the outcome, now everyone knows my heart. Personally I’m tired that so many people are suffering and this is why we must pray for our enemies bless our enemies and have compassion for all who is in need. I speak life to all and may your lives prosper abundantly.
    In Jesus, Amen

  925. Good morning brothers and sisters of Christ. Let me say that I thank God for this forum. I’m blessed to have these prayers to pray daily. My grandson, who is in the Air Force, is leaving for Qatar this morning, therefore I am asking everyone to keep him, us and the family in your prayers and thoughts. I’m thanking the Lord for bringing him back the way he left, also to keep my grandson as well as the other courageous men and women protected and covered in Jesus name. Amen!

  926. Martin…your page is awesome!!!! Your prayer leading is inspiring…keep up the Blessed work in spreading GOD’S word which is our life in HIM and the saving grace that comes with it. Thank You…and God bless and keep you and yours and Always.

    1. Amen
      We prayed with you 2019 and God came through for me for I was struggling financially and also my prayer life but since I found your page I am at a better place now. May God continually bless you and your family.

      My prayer request is since the beginning of this year am kind of anxious and I can’t understand why please pray for me on this and also I want have a deeper relationship with God.

  927. I thank you for making me aware that life without ❤️ is nothing. I was having the spirit of unforgiveness and bitterness against people that have hurt me in my life. Through the messages I received from I am free and have reconciled with them that have hurt me. According to Luke 4:4 And Jesus answered unto him, It is written.Man shall not live by bread alone.but by the word of God”. I thank God for making me what I am now. Psalm 27:14 Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD. Amen.

  928. I have been by myself for holidays, Birthdays everything for 10 years due to my siblings taking NY Daddy’s money
    I pray for restoration I pray for peace, love and joy
    And to get me to a home where I can have water and heat, a financial blessing by gods grace
    I know he is always with me
    And has great plans for me
    I miss my family
    Merry Christmas yo all of you BEAUTIFULL people and Thank you #ChristianTT
    You have been a great Blessing to me

  929. First of all, thank you very much for opening this platform for people like me to share our prayer requests.
    Keep me in your prayers for my career as I am just too confused about what should I be doing for the next steps as I have currently done with my Master’s in History. I sincerely have a zeal to work for the Lord but that’s not working out as for some reasons. Keep me in your prayers please.
    Thank You.

  930. First of all, thank you so much for being a guiding light in my prayer life. There are times I am dumbfounded and cannot find the words to pray. However, when I refer to your website there’s always a prayer that fits perfectly. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart.

    My prayer request is to have a restoration in my family’s relationships. My mother, brothers, and I are currently estranged. I tried to make recompense but my plans fell through. Now I leave it to God to restore our familial bond. Another request is for God to open doors in my job search. I look forward to favorable responses from my job applications as I continue to sharpen my skills and improve my qualifications. I pray this through Christ Jesus, my Lord and Savior. Amen.

  931. God is able! My fiance and I were down to almost being evicted due to jobs not wanting to pay. They were sticking to it. God stepped in and made it alright. I was hopeless, emotional and exhausted. God showed me once again he’s able. Thank you Lord.

  932. I am so thankful for the prayers. They have given me strength in times of weakness and brokenness. I read many of the other prayers and know that I am praying with you guys.

    Please pray for my strength in the Lord, to keep going. Sometimes I feel very discouraged, and forgotten. Please pray for my marriage and my children. I’m believing God for complete restoration in my marriage. In the meantime I’m asking God to help me to be a woman after his own heart and who he created me to truly be.

  933. I request for prayers for an upcoming hearing about custody for my youngest son, which is only being brought against me strictly because of discrimination of my family. There’s nothing I have done wrong, NOTHING. My family is good and honest and loving and we follow God and his rules. Pray that this will pass by us without any undeserved repercussions on me and my family. The hearing is December 16 2019. I appreciate all prayers and I have prayed for you all as well

  934. I go on my birthday (23-09-2019) to South Africa with my husband for a few weeks, for the first time togheter, he has worked there in the past as missionary. Please pray for me for I still need many many many graces and miracles so I can deliver soon from my problems also in economic, finance, and employment. Pray please also that God will Lead me this time to work that I love, and that has value. Guide me to a place with an atmosphere of respect and cooperation, in a (very important to me ->)safe and happy environment. Help me to find fulfillment mentally and above all also very much in the financially aspect. Please continue to pray for a new job for me and for finances. Please pray for us. Thanks in advance and wish you all Gods blessings. Amanda

  935. I have a son that is 22 years old and was in an auto accident. He is not expected to live. Over 50 piece of his skull was removed that was embedded in his brain. The bible says “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much” and I great covet any prayers. His name is Nicholas “Blake” Cox and is in St. John’s hospital in Springfield, Il.

    1. Morning Marcus, I stand in agreement for Nicholas, it may take time, but God is in control, He knows the end from the beginning…

    2. In April 2019 i had a 24yr old son in a motorcycle accident w/ no helmet! The whole right side of his skull was crushed into a bunch of pieces & trauma to 4 places on brain. He was non responsive & in a coma & the docs & nurses were nottt optimistic, telling us he would have a 2yr recovery if he evn pulled thru or wasn’t a vegetable. But i would stand over him & whisper prayers over him, NVR doubting that God wouldn’t pull him through & 3wks later he woke from coma, unaware of his surroundings for abt a month, going thru heartbreaking stages of a TBI..& then once at inpatient rehab his memory started coming bk, he was walking better & better & on June 20th , 3mos later he walked out of rehab & you’d nvr know anything happened or was wrong!! NVR GIVE UP ON YOUR BABYBOY NO MATTER HOW NEGATIVE ANY doc or family members try to be. You declare Mark 11:23 over that boy that he WILL pull thru this, there WILL NOT be any perm damage, he WILL get up & walk out of there & so on & belieeeevvee it w/ all your heart & do not doubt it for a sec. God is ABLE!! IF HE CAN CREATE THE UNIVERSE, PART A SEA OR BRING WATER OUT OF A ROCK HE CAN BRING YOUR BABY THROUGH THIS! PRAY, BELIEVE & DO NOT DOUBT.

  936. Please pray for my son Mike, for God to give him the wisdom and guidance at this time and a Mira+le so he can see he is loved. Thank you. God Blessed to all.

    1. I want to thank and praise God for you and using you to bless my spirit and all spiritual blessing that has guide me and encouraged me along the way ..
      From Chicago,Illinois

  937. Praise be to Almighty GOD for His favour and mercy that makes me to be among the blessed partaker of this ministry thanks alot for your prayers that is being posted to me it’s indeed a comfort to my soul and my tranquillity since I’ve been feeling lonesome and abandon without love and no one to console me spiritually with prayers and bible passages for guidance i blessed the day that i discover this ministry thanks alot and my prayer life has changed i can now meditate on the biblical passages with all the prayer points thank you may God continues to strengthen and fortified your ministry with the divine empowerment in Jesus mighty name AMEN

  938. Thank you so much for powerful prayers that help me to walk closely with him and obedience to his word. Our God is compassionate with everlasting love to his children and ever ready for our calls and in him we trust for he will never forsake us. Thank you and God bless you too.

  939. I am blessed by your prayers.
    I look forward to being further blessed, Spiritually, materially, financially so as to become a blessing to mankind.
    .. God bless.

  940. Good Evening.
    I give you many thanks,for this wonderful emails,dear Christiantt,and dear Martin F.
    Thank you for everything you have sending me.
    I thank you for you sending me,the word of God,every morning and every evening.
    May Our Lord Jesus Christ bless you with many blessings,now and forever.
    In Jesus mighty name.

  941. Just saying thank you.
    I love and look forward to your email each week.
    I love the greetings, when you say Good morning and God’s blessings.
    It gives me courage and hope to face the day ahead and to trust Jesus in all of life’s daily challenges.
    May God bless you for the work that you do.
    I also pray that Jesus shines his light brightly and penetrate its Ray’s deeply in any darkness that attempts to shadow over my life, my children, my grandchildren, and my family.
    In the name of Jesus Amen.

  942. NEED a job: I’m over 55 yrs. and seems like age discrimination. Finally got interview for 10/2. Pray for help/wisdom answering interview questions; find favor with hiring people, and get a job offer.

    1. You know How I got a job in my late forties? I asked God then got every Christian I knew and asked every Christian I could at every website that had Christians in the light to pray! I was looking at a Christians magazine article about praying and the Holy Spirit spoke to me through this statement in it-when you pray for something from God ”be specific. So I did, I told God I wanted an exercise job. That’s exactly what I got!
      I was standing in line later on in the supermarket and when my eyes drifted in boredom onto the custom services desk. I literally heard God speak and say ”apply there.Then I remembered there was a job opening there in the meat dept.