Prayers for Safety and Protection

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Prayer for Protection

My Father, these are perilous times we live in, but I know You are God. When others fear the devourer, I rebuke him in the name of Jesus, because You said no weapon formed against me shall prosper.

I stand on your promises, oh Father. I believe that You are more than able to keep me safe during these times.

2 Samuel 22:3-4 The God of my rock. In Him will I trust. He is my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my high tower, and my refuge, my savior. You saved me from violence. I will call on the LORD, who is worthy to be praised: so shall I be saved from mine enemies.

Psalm 91:14 “Because he loves me,” says the LORD, “I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.

Prayer – Claiming Sweet and Peaceful Sleep

Heavenly Father, I claim sweet sleep, because I know my life is in Your hands and I can close my eyes knowing that You have covered me in Your blood.

I rest assured in the knowledge that my family is covered by the blood of the Lamb.

Grant me peaceful and rejuvenating sleep, that I may arise in the morning, full of energy and well-rested. I thank You for keeping us safe all these years and I know You will continue to do so, my Lord. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Psalm 5:11 But let all those rejoice who put their trust in You; let them ever shout for joy, because You defend them; let those also who love Your name be joyful in You.

Psalm 18:2 The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower.

Prayer for God’s Shield of Protection

Father, I worship You, for You are great. I extol Your wonders because You are an amazing God! You keep us, You shield us, You defend us.

When the enemy comes in, You are my shield and I find joy in knowing how You ensure my safety. I love You Abba and I thank You for our continuous protection. In Jesus name, Amen!

2 Timothy 4:18: The Lord will rescue me from every evil deed and bring me safely into his heavenly kingdom. To him be the glory forever and ever. Amen.

Psalm 25:19,20 See how many enemies I have; see how much they hate me. Protect me and save me; keep me from defeat. I come to you for safety.

Simple Prayer of Protection

Thank you once again, God! You never cease to amaze me! Please continue to give me the strength to endure the hard battle ahead. I pray for my enemies, dear Lord. Protect me from their evil deeds.

Deliver me from all evil. Thanks for another blessed day. Protect and guide me. In Jesus name I pray, Amen!

Exodus 23:20 “See, I am sending an angel ahead of you to guard you along the way and to bring you to the place I have prepared.”

Psalm 4:8 In peace I will both lie down and sleep; for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety.

Just as Jesus spoke to the wind, I say, “Peace, be still” to my mind, emotions, body and family (Mark 4:39).

Evening Prayer for Safety and Protection

Lord of Hosts, Gracious Father, and Protector of mankind, I pray to You today for safety and protection.

Knowing Your promise to keep us from harm, I believe and trust that my family and myself are safe in Your protective arms.

Lord, I come against every mind-binding spirit and every other evil spirit, in the name of Jesus. I pray for your covering as we sleep.

Send your angels to guard over and protect us. Thank You for providing protection and safety even before I asked. I pray this, believing in Your goodness and love, now and forever, Amen.

Colossians 3:15 Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.

2 Thessalonians 3:3 – But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one.

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  1. Thank you lord for this day and life. Please protect me now and from my trip this week.please help me solve the problem I have now with a good solution. Amen

  2. Thank you father hod for your protection peace and love. Grant me and my family a beautiful peaceful sleep full of your presence and reveals lots of blessings in Jesus name amen amen amen

  3. Good morning Father God thank you for another day and thank you for your protection through the night sleep . Pls I ask you to protect and guide me today and my whole family in Jesus mighty name amen…

  4. My dear Lord Jesus Christ
    Today,I pray to You for safety and protection. Amen.
    I thank You Lord,for always take care me throughout the day and keeping me safety wherever I go.
    Strengthen me and protect me from the evil one. Amen.
    Lord Jesus,please guide and lead me to walking in Your ways of truth to follow Your word to start my everyday life. Amen.
    I thank You Lord,for teaching me to learn The Word of God to follow The Will of God in my daily life.
    Dear God,please help me to increased my faith in You,to learn,hear and understand The Word of God.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray
    Amen and Amen..

  5. I pray for peace and protection from my enemies and those who choose to show hate towards me give me joy knowing you got me Lord . And protect my children from harm and evil in Jesus name

  6. I thank You lord Jesus,for You take care me throughout the day and keeping me safety. Amen.
    I pray for today,dear God,
    May You,Lord Jesus,protect me and keep me safety,Amen.
    I choose to stay focus on You today.
    I am nothing and will have nothing without You.
    I love You Lord Jesus,You are my amazing God,You keep me,You shield me,and You take control my life Amen.
    Thank You Lord Jesus,for Yoy give me the strength to stand firm through my faith in Christ Jesus.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

  7. Thank you Father for your protection in everything i do in my life.
    I ask you to remember me in money problem in my family.

  8. Dear God,
    I give You thanks my dear Father in Heaven,for keeping me safe throughout these years.
    I thank You for Your great plan fo us all.
    Help me in all my needs,and grant me knowledge to do what is right. Advise me in my doubts,strengthen me in my weakness,protect me when I am tempted and console me when I am afraid.
    I thank You Lord,for hear me and pour Your light into my heart,mind and soul.
    Thank You Lord,to help me live a holy life and grow in goodness and grace.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen..

  9. Thank you Jesus I know you protect me and my family, sweet Peace and joyful sleep. Oh how glorious you are, I Love you Lord
    Thank you and your Guardian Angels for always protecting me, and mine, by the precious blood of Jesus, I decree and declare Peace Lord Jesus, Peaceful Sleep Lord Jesus Amen & Amen?❤❤

  10. I am asking anyone reading this, come into agreement with myself and family for my brother TOMMY to be covered by the blood of Jesus, Angels surrounding him keeping him safe while in Iraq. God beside him, on his right and left, in front of him behind him! Bringing him home safely. in Jesus mighty name I pray. AMEN & AMEN!

  11. Lord Jesus thank you for never failing me.. you are my God and my lord. I will continue to say thank you to you for the rest of my life. Amen…

    1. Dear Father God,
      I thank you,Father,for Your protection upon me each day.
      Keeping me safe,love me and hold me in Your protective arms.
      I love You, Lord Jesus,and thank you for the blessings and amazing things You do for me each day.
      Dear Father, So that now, I am going to the end of this day.
      Please give me,and help me to rest completely in Your unfailing love.
      I claiming sweet sleep,Amen.
      Thank You Lord Jesus,for all the blessings You have given to us all.
      Our helper is in the name of our Lord.
      The Father.The Son and The Holy Spirit.
      In Jesus mighty name I pray.
      Smen and Amen

  12. Father lord I thank you for protecting my family all this times and I pray oh Lord that you will continue to protect guide and save us from all bad hands. Father as we are about to go to bed you will be our watch man and nothing not even a scratch will happen to us in Jesus mighty name I pray amen.

  13. Amen. I pray for your protection, God I pray you to continue to guide me on the right path and closer to you. Let me be the light to others. Hope we all have a bless week. I rebuke him in the name of Jesus, no weapon formed against us shall prosper. Amen

  14. Thank you Lord Jesus for showing my brother mercy and saving his life.We return all the glory to you in Jesus mighty name. Amen!!!

  15. Good morning everyone thank you so much for your website prayer.. this helped me a lot…. please whoever reading my messages please pray for me keep in your prayer

    Thank you very much God bless you all and thank you so much for sending me everyday morning and evening the prayer helps me a lot!

    1. I pray whatever you’re going through isn’t bigger than our mighty God. I pray for the light at the end of the tunnel is brighter than you can ever imagine. Amen.

  16. Thank you for always keeping me and mine safe Lord. I give you all the Glory and Love, Thy will be Done.
    Amen & Amen

  17. Amen. Amen!! All mighty God is on the throne!! Praise His holiness ! He is worthy. Thank you Abba for sending our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ!!!

  18. My dear Heavenly Father.
    I thank you for Your faithfulness,thank you for showing me Your love.
    I thank you for keeping me safe
    though day and night.
    I thank you have a rest praceful night and have a sweet dream and good sleep.
    Dear Father,We all be bless,according to our faith.No one can help me or love me like my Lord Jesus love me.
    Our Help is in the name of the Lord,who made Heaven and Earth.
    Thank you for this Amazing prayer to start my day.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.