Prayer – Stand Against Alcoholism And Rebuke

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Dear Jesus, I am a child of God and I have the power and authority that you gave me and I will use it for the glory of you. I come against all strongholds of alcoholism.

I pray against every attack of the enemy in the lives of your children. In the name of Jesus, I rebuke the spirit of drunkenness.

I break all bondage and ties that the enemy has set up before your sons and daughters. I send back every work assigned by the devil and I say that alcoholism was a thing of the past and will be no more.

2 Corinthians 5:17 “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.”

Alcohol And Temptation

Lord, this is not your will for your children and we want your will in our lives this day. Clean us this day from consuming alcohol. I ask that you wipe out every unclean spirit inside us.

You oh God is faithful. You will not let us be tempted beyond what we can bear.

But when we are tempted, you provide a way out so that we can endure. Lord, there is no excuses for alcoholism and I ask that you remove it from our thoughts and actions.

For everything in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, comes not from the Father but from the world.

Lord, we don’t want anything of the world in us but we want the holy things of you Jesus. We don’t want to be a slave to the world but we want to be slaves to you lord. This day I proclaim holiness and I say no more of alcoholism.

Ephesians 5:18-20 “And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord, giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Plea For Deliverance And Freedom

Lord, I cry out for deliverance from the clutches of alcoholism. Open doors to rehabilitation and recovery, making a way where there seems to be no way. Let each step taken towards healing be accompanied by Your presence, reassuring those afflicted that they are not alone in this fight.

Transform lives marred by alcoholism into powerful testimonies of Your grace and redemption. Use these stories to bring hope to others who struggle, showing that with You, change is possible, and freedom is attainable.

Psalm 34:17-18 The righteous cry out, and the LORD hears them; he delivers them from all their troubles. The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.

2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!

Bind The Spirit Of Alcohol Abuse

I chase the spirit of alcohol dependence. I bind and cast out every spirit of alcohol abuse. Heavenly father, in this day of trouble I call on you. I seek your face for righteousness in our lives and I believe that you would banish all forms of alcohol intake, in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Prayer -Standing against and rebuking alcoholism

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  1. Please pray for my younger son who is addicted to drinking and smoking so he may stop it.
    Also pray for my elder son who had a breakup he may find a partner who would serve the lord and support him in his ministry, he is worship leader.
    My nephew has anxiety and fear to go for interviews, need to be free from it so he can go bodily for interviews.

  2. Please pray for husband.
    Is in denial. Sees no wrong in his excessive drinking. Quotes scriptures out of context to justify his drinking. How does one pray as a wife and keep the faith?

  3. Please pray for my husband who is going through addiction of alcohol and tobacco. Lord help him to be strong and rebuke alcohol and tobacco

    1. I will keep you in my prayers. I’m praying for my husband’s sobriety. His drinking is destroying our lives and getting worse.

  4. Hi my name is rey Joe Hernandez and I’m struggling with alcohol how can this be im a child of yahusha Hebrew for Jesus. Been saved since I was twelve and baptize at about 15. Please pray for me ,I have prayed for so many people and introduced them to the prayer of salvation through the blood of Jesus. I consider my self a prayer warrior and pray for people at every opportunity like jail streets hospitals stores ect. Now I am needing help and guidance clarity please help brothers and sisters out there,help help us Jesus we are your family. If you don’t help us who will ,you are the ever present help.please help me Jesus again set me free from this alcohol spirit whatever it is. May you join together and pray for family and home as a whole dad rey Joe hernandez/mom Jessica ann hernandez/daughter Joanne hernandez.thank you family in yahusha name amen

  5. Heavenly Father, I thank you in advance for healing my son Teddy with alcohol addiction and gambling addiction, through the blood of Jesus he is healed, and with the authority of Jesus I rebuke any all strongholds over my son, we are you children and we trust you, thank for allowing him to realize he needs you and cannot do this on his own,
    And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil, through the power of the Holy Spirit, with the precious blood of Jesus covering my son and his son,
    It’s been finished, it’s been done
    Through our Lord and savior Jesus Christ 🙏🏻 Amen and Amen 🙏🏻

  6. Please pray for Breana that she will be delivered from drunkenness and Keyonzae from drugs and alcohol. I ask that God will fill them both with His spirit in Jesus name Amen.

  7. all this is well and good, praying that is. however God still requires the addicted person to walk by faith and not by sight. One day at a time there is a choice not to drink again and its upon this choice that becomes a sober persons heart desire. and that is not to drink or use again. when our desires line up with Gods desires only then can there be peace within oneself.

  8. Praise the lord
    Please for my bro Sujit Daniel Dive struggling with alcohol addiction. All bad habits. For deliverance. Working in Railway govt job. Not going to job. For marriage life Sarika his wife.

  9. Please pray for my son Jerry who is struggling with alcohol addiction since he was a teenager and is now showing signs of the bad affects of alcoholism in his body at such a young age of 33. Father God please break that ugly spirit of alcoholism and free him from craving it. Heal his body Lord, restore his health and Father God please help him recognize that the alcohol is destroying his organs, his body, your temple Lord. Father, please bring good doctors, elder’s, vessels of God to help him through and may he see You Lord through them and accept you as his Lord and savior. Free him from this ugly disease Lord.
    I rebuke this spirit of alcoholism in Jesus holy name l pray, Amen

    1. My Husband Anthony has been struggling with alcoholism and cigarettes for so very very long, I’m asking God and for your prayers with me to help save my Husband life.

  10. Please pray with me my only daughter drinks alcohol and smokes. She also suffers from depression. She once went to a mental clinic trying to heal from this. Only God can dig deep down and uproot all of this. She can’t even clean her room or make her bed_ it’s all chaotic. May the Lord God deliver my child from this. She has become dependent on alcohol and smoking.

  11. Please pray for three of my brothers and one sister they are alcoholic and its affecting my parents, Two of them and they are over sixty years they don’t have wives they left because of alcohol

  12. Please pray for my alcoholic husband and son. Things are bad right now and I need as much prayer as possible. Thank you

  13. Thank you this was timely and It helped me find the right words to pray against this ungodly spirit.
    Also to loose the Holy Spirit.

  14. My husband is on hour 19 since his last alcohol intake. He has been in the process of reducing for weeks, but awoke this morning believing that God has it for him to quit completely now. He is going through all of the typical withdrawal effects. I ask that you would join me in praying for him, asking for God’s healing of his body, and a settling of the symptoms so that he can rest.

  15. Please pray for my son alcohol problem. I am overwhelmed and recently I have become afraid for him. He needs help and I don’t know what else to do but pray. I need you God. You have never failed me before. Please deliver my son and spare his life. My heart is aching Look at me Jesus. Hear my heart even though I can’t speak because of the pain I feel inside and answer my Prayer oh gracious one. I thank you in advance for all you are doing. If you choose not to answer my Prayer. I will still love you and bless you and thank you and praise you and lift up your name and give you all the praise and serve you for the rest of my life. In the name of Jesus I pray. AMEN AND AMEN

  16. Dear God Heavenly Father I ask that you remove the bondage of alcohol and cigarettes from my life once and for all. I have struggled with this addiction for more than 15 years. I also ask that you remove this demon from my wife Denise as she continues to drink even though she knows what damage it is doing to her body. I rebuke this stronghold in the name of Jesus . Please remove the temptation from my mind, the taste from my mouth and the desire from my spirit . Wash me in your blood lord and purify my body mind and soul. It is my desire to be a servant to you lord not a slave to alcohol or other addictions that hender me from having a relationship with you lord Jesus. I ask that you send your strength down to me and to all the people on this thread to elevate our hearts and heal our families. Please have mercy on our souls as we fight this stronghold and please forgive us of these sins as we continue to walk in faith for we know that our only refuge from this spiritual warfare will come from you. I will listen for your voice and read the word every time temptation sets in so I can be free once and for all from this demonic spirit. I thank you and praise your holy name in Jesus Christ I pray. Amen!

  17. Please pray for my husband to be totally delivered from alcohol and be separated from alcohol friends in Jesus name

  18. Please pray for my daughter Valerie.. that all evil Temptation of the alcoholic and alcohol demons leave here to be left only with Gods Holy Spirit .
    Thank you

  19. Please pray for my son Harmon to be delivered from the spirit of drunkenness and alcoholism and destructive behavior. I have been on my knees for God to deliver him and bring him closer to Him with His loving kindness. He is on the verge of losing his wife and kid. Please believe with me for the blood of Jesus Christ deliverance. God bless you

    1. Praying with you and believing in the name of jesus we plead the blood of jesus over alcohol. And ask God that you move in this. In Jesus holy name AMEN AMEN

  20. God i pray for my son jamie and benny that u will touch them and heal them from drugs and alcohol addictions and that they will surrender and be set free with the blood of Jesus and that u will let them see the light and let the darkness be a thing of the past and no more drugs and alcohol and they wont have fall back into their old way and that they be successful in life. Give them wisdom and knowledge and guidance that help them overcome these addictions once and for all. In Jesus Holy name name we pray. Amen!

  21. I am asking for prayers for deliverance that alcohol has over my life. I have been drinking heavily for the past 10 years and every time I have tried to quit I have failed. I am asking For Forgiveness and for Deliverance for my drunkenness and my want for alcohol. Thank you Jesus

  22. Pray my son & daughter & myself will be freed from the spirits of alcohol. I plead the blood of Jesus on our lives and rebuke all powers of darkness from us. I claim healing from the top of our heads to the bottom of our feet from all bad effects of alcohol. In Jesus mighty name.

  23. Thanks so much for the prays. I pray them all the time. God bless please help me pray for my sons. Deliver my sons from Alcohol. God bless you all

    1. I pray that my son Adrian and his friend Dave will be delivered from alcoholism and set free and resist all feelings or temptations for alcohol in the MIGHTY NAME OF Jesus

  24. I’ve been up alcoholic for 12 years knocked up a 12-pack 218 path a day as far as smoking cigarettes a month-and-a-half ago and already smoked a carton I want to completly stop stress anxiety fear I need a complete deliverance and

  25. Father in the name of Jesus Christ, show up for Jabulani, he needs you. Jesus you came to set the captives free and to give us life, even more abundantly.
    I decree and declare that Jabu is looses from the demon of alcoholism right now in the name of Jesus Christ. Forgive him his sins and go back 7 generations in his family line both maternal and paternal and uproot every evil covenants entered into by his ancestors.
    Devil I command you right now in the name of Jesus Christ… Loose Jabu, take your hands off of him, he is the property of the Most High God. I send down fire of God in the camp of the enemy right now to crash and burn into ashes every evil plan of the devil against Jabu. Get out devil, you were defeated more than 2000 years ago and no weapon formed against Jabu shall prosper.
    We thank you Lord for your faithful and that you shall never leave Jabu nor forsake him.

  26. Please stand in agreement with me as I trust the Lord Jesus to set my friend Thobby free from alcoholism and cigarettes. Also praying for his mom to be freed from alcoholism. Trusting for healing, deliverance and full and complete freedom for them to walk in their true God-given identities. Amen and Amen.

  27. Asking in Jesus name to join me in prayer for salvation and liberation of alcohol for my brother Adolfo. I agree with you in prayer that the bonds of his alcoholism will be smashed, never to return to my brother’s life. In Jesus Christ name. And may Jesus answer all prayers and petitions on this page.


  28. Hi Sacha
    God bless you for this lovely prayer most needed for our youths of today. I believe this prayer to help me in my prayers for my youngsters. Thank you so much. God continue to bless your works
    yours in Jesus

  29. I have given up drinking alcohol today as I have had enough of this bondage in my life.
    I was downing 2-3 bottles of wine per day.
    It is going to be a hard climb to total recovery, but I am ready with the Creator of the Universe, the Living God, to carry me through.

    1. Praying in agreement with you that Jesus will help you, heal you and deliver you by His Mighty Power and in His Mighty Name. Amen