Prayer: For Success in Exams and Life

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Oh Divine Creator, we bow before you, for You are magnificent, righteous, and so worthy of all our praise. You reign over all the earth. Protect us, Oh Olam, as we leave our homes today, to go out to face this unrighteous world.

Guard our hearts, minds and bodies from all iniquities. Cleanse us, Oh Father, so we can be present at Your table to dine with You when we depart from this world.

Proverbs 16:20 The one who understands a matter finds success, and the one who trusts in the Lord will be happy.

Jehovah Nissi, give us supernatural recall and revelation knowledge as You guide us as we write our exams. Invade our minds and move our hands as we apply the correct answers to our papers.

Help us to be calm and relaxed so all nervousness will fall away at the thought of Your great name. Assist us in becoming successful, not only in exams but our future as well.

Psalms 118:25-26 Lord, save us! Lord, please grant us success! He who comes in the name of the Lord is blessed. From the house of the Lord we bless you.

Proverbs 1:7 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and discipline.

Lord, Guide us to success

Lead us all in becoming who You created us to be as we know that Your plan for our lives is greater than we can even dare to imagine. I know your plan for me is for success, victory, and abundance.

Your plan may not be the plan we desire for ourselves. But we pray that Your Will will be great as You alone can give the best to those who seek you! Teach us to be patient as we await your answers.

Joshua 1:8 This book of instruction must not depart from your mouth; you are to recite it day and night so that you may carefully observe everything written in it. For then you will prosper and succeed in whatever you do.

Ease our minds

Ease the minds of the parents and families of those who are writing exams, Oh High King of Heaven. Help them to be confident in these times give them peace.

Also help those who have not prepared themselves properly. Let them feel your comforting presence and not feel as though they are failures for they are all victorious in Christ Jesus.

Help them to keep holding on and never give up for they can always try again. Bless them and keep them Oh Lord wrapped in Your loving arms and we declare that all will be successful and victorious through Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour, Amen!!

1 Samuel 18:14 and he continued to be successful in all his activities because the Lord was with him.

Prayer: For Success in Exams and the Trials of Life

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  1. Please pray for me.. I wrote my exams of B1 level German exam on August 5th… Im waiting for my results…. May be the results will be out on September 1st week….. I pray for complete pass for me and all those who wrote exam with me…. Please remember me in your prayers…. Thank you…

    I believe in Jesus…

  2. I am facing financial problems please help me Jesus and my work also save my house and my family I don’t know how to make it this problem is troubling me lot please help me

  3. Please join me in prayers I am starting my exams on the 23rd of April up to the 29th. These are my final exams hoping and praying that I pass and Graduate in June. May the Dear Lord continue to bless all of you. Thanks for the exam message and prayer.

  4. Thank you so much for this. I have found comfort in the Lord.
    I am facing trials and exams presently, I really needed this. May the Dear Lord continue to bless whoever is behind this powerful message.

  5. Please Join in my prayers as I start my final exams on the 10th of June. I ask for wisdom, understanding and retentive memory and favor in the eyes of my examiners. I pray that no evil shall befall me or any of my classmates and by Gods grace I pray for a 100% pass for me and all my classmates. In Jesus name.

  6. Please pray for David, my grandson, who will be taking exams in April 12-16th in college abroad. He had some setback as he was born with asthma and they treated him with a substance through his nose which damaged his brain slowing his learning. He is so anxious to pass his exams and is so grateful to be in college, please pray for him to get “A” in all subjects to build his self confidence.

  7. am so loving your exam prayers thanks please join me in prayers as I start my exams tomorrow being 1st of April thanks

  8. Please Join me in prayer for Divine intervention and favor. My God who sees in secret shall be with me.

  9. O loving Jesus, I attended my CA inter exams on last November. I am sure that I didn’t do my best. I apologize for all the wrong doings. However, give me one last chance and help me succeed in this exam for both groups.The results are to be declared on 5th February. I pray for all my fellowbeings to pass in this exam. Amen

  10. I wrote an exam last month (ICAN) have been praying for a miracle and favour from God…I had a dream today that my enemy failed all the papers….please, house help join your faith with mine, result should be out January. Please, help pray for a reversal to this terrifying dream. Thank you

  11. Saint Joseph de Cupertino ,pray for my son ,to pass the NCLEX nursing board exam tha he is about to take ,help him focus and concentrate and guide him to have the right answers to the questions ,We pray for all the takers to do the same ,we ask for your prayers through Christ our Lord ,Amen

  12. Please pray for me ..My last semester’s grade were very bad n I pray to God Almighty to see me through this coming semester’s exams which is just some few weeks ahead n also pray to finish with a first class honour.

  13. Hi, I’m Terese. I pray to God to give me his favour and grace so that I’ll graduate with a first class.

    1. Dear Father…I hold up in prayer today Maria-Terese and ask that You help her to achieve that which she requires the most…Love….Faith and Trust in You and a first class Graduation from her class. She will honer You Lord and give all the Glory to You. In Jesus Name I ask You this. Amen

      What ever you ask for in Prayer Maria….Believe you have it and it will be yours in Jesus name.

      1. Please pray for me as i am going for my exam today. I need the Lord’s guidance and wisdom to go through this exam. Thank you. God bless you all.

  14. My daughter will be taking the sea exams on Thursday 7th May,2015. The teacher says that she is a bit slow, but am asking you to lift her up in prayer, that she will pass her exam.

  15. My dear Lord
    I lift up my children
    I pray for Your blessings
    In their education may they succeed
    May wisdom and knowledge be theirs in understanding

    In all their success may they remember
    Your blessings and teachings to revere
    May they walk a path of discipline
    And give You glory in all their doing.
    In Jesus precious name I pray, Amen