Wonderful Prayer Of A Thankful Heart!

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Dear Heavenly Father, Lord God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit of the living God, I just want to take this moment to be thankful and give gratitude for everything you have given to me.

Both the good things and the seemingly bad things. I really do appreciate everything, even the most littlest thing.

Hebrews 12:28-29 Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our “God is a consuming fire.”

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

Being Thankful For Your Testimony

Thank you for transforming me to be like this. Lord, help me become what You’ve planned and would love me to be. I am grateful and blessed to have You and to know You deeply.

Thank You God, for trusting me and for choosing me to be one of Your leaders, to preach Your goodness and to share the testimony of my life that can touch many lives of Your people.

Ephesians 5:20 – and to give thanks to God the Father every day through the name of our Lord Jesus the Anointed for all He has done.

Psalm 103:10 – Thankfully, God does not punish us for our sins and depravity as we deserve. In His mercy, He tempers justice with peace.

Thankfulness for Provision and Protection

Lord, I am deeply grateful for Your provision and protection. In a world filled with uncertainty, Your provision has been my assurance. You have supplied my needs according to Your riches in glory and have never let me lack any good thing.

In times of scarcity and in moments of abundance, You have been my Jehovah Jireh, my Provider. For this, my heart sings praises to Your name. Your protection has been my shield and buckler, guarding me in times of danger and guiding me through life’s perils.

You have been my refuge and fortress, a constant shelter in times of trouble. Thank You for Your angelic guardians that watch over me, keeping me safe in all my ways.

Philippians 4:19 And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.

Psalm 91:11-12 For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways.

Appreciation for Spiritual Growth and Guidance

Father, I am profoundly thankful for the spiritual growth and guidance You have granted me. Through Your Word and Your Spirit, You have led me on a path of spiritual maturity, teaching me Your truths and deepening my understanding of Your ways.

This journey of faith has brought me closer to You, shaping me into the image of Your Son, Jesus Christ.

Thank You for the mentors, teachers, and spiritual leaders You have placed in my life to guide and nurture my faith. Their wisdom and encouragement have been instrumental in my spiritual journey. I am grateful for the community of believers You have surrounded me with, providing fellowship, support, and accountability.

Ephesians 4:15 Rather, speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ.

Proverbs 27:17 Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.

Prayer For The Lord’s Will In Your Life

Lord, all I want is You, forever and ever. I adore You. I praise You. And God, right now I bring back all the glory and praises to You everlasting Father.

I love You more than anyone else knows and could. I am with You forever. Let me finish this race fine. I want You to be proud of me.

And my biggest desire is to be with You someday, one day! Your daughter/son needs You. And all this I ask and pray in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen and Amen!

Colossians 4:2 – Pray, and keep praying. Be alert and thankful when you pray.

Psalm 7:17 I will give thanks to the Lord because of his righteousness; I will sing the praises of the name of the Lord Most High.

Prayer for a Thankful Heart

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  1. Thank you Lord for this new day
    I will testify your word daily to whom ever I come in contact with
    Thy will be done
    Amen & Amen

  2. Dear God,
    I thank You,Father,for You are always so good for me.Bless me with Your love and take care me.
    Lord Jesus,You are my God,my love in this life,my rock,my strong tower,my everything. Amen
    Today,My relationship with my Father God is my first focus.
    I am so grateful and blessed to have You and to know You deeply. Amen.
    I thank You Lord,for You hear my humble cry and bring peace within my heart and soul,heal me and save me and make me whole.
    Thank You Lord,for You are meeting all of my needs today and everyday.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

  3. I am so grateful to be loved by you
    Father God, its me and you father, no weapon formed against me shall prosper
    Thy will be done
    Amen & Amen

  4. Thankyou brother in Christ Brother Martin thanks for the prayer as everything is not going right at home due to land issues but am thanking the Lord for this because everything has his own timing. I believe in my heart that he’s working out everything for me, The battle is the Lord am patient as every enemy and opposition we face in life carries a silent message . It is that unspoken massage that they are trying to sell. If we buy the message we surrender our victory. Therefore we come in agreement with you tonight and give thanks as the battle has already been won by the resurrection of his Son our Lord Jesus Christ who died and was buried and rose again on the third day. Amen

  5. Thank you Father for giving me another day on this earth. Father i asked that you guide me on this journey and help me to find my way. Father open new opportunities and give me the wisdom i need. Father i asked that you take care of my family and friends across the world. In your name, Amen???

  6. I praise You my dear Lord Jesus Christ.I am so grateful and blessed to have You and to know You deeply.
    I thank You for Your abundant blessings,You have given to me today and always.
    I want to place my trust in You entirely each and everyday.
    I thank You Lord,for You give me grace,wisdom,knowledge and understanding.
    I know Your grace is sufficient,You will help me overcome whatever this life may bring my way.
    Thank You Lord,for You are always so good to me.
    In Jesus mighty name.
    Amen and Amen

  7. God thank you for loving me an putting up with me when my life is in such a mess that only you can sort out thanks for what you have done for me an what your doing for me an what you are going to do for me…. An thanks because I know in you loving mercy you will set me free from all this mental torment an anguish an darkness im going through at the moment.. You promise never to leave me or forsake me an i believe you won’t… Thank you Lord for your grace to get through another day.. Amen

  8. Most Righteous and Eternal God! I come to You, this very day, in no other name, but the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth! The one and only true and living God, who was wounded, bruised, and chastised for us sinners.

    Lord, I asked that You could healed our family and nation, in a time like this.
    Let your people who are called by Your name, humble themselve and pray, turn from their wicked ways.

    Let all families who are not together, come together because of their selfish ways, bitterness and envy, come together as one. For the family who pray shall never depart from You.

    So Lord, please let your will be done. Back! Back! Every dark clouds of the enemy! And let Your name be Glorify. High and lifted up.

    Save our family! Nation! Unsaved! Backsliders! And Christians who are struggling in the faith.

  9. I love you Jesus! I give thanks for all you have done here on earth and thank you father in heaven for loving me and sending your son Jesus to save us all. Father I love you and I ask that your Angels will deliver my love to you in heaven till one day we meet again.

    1. Abba Father, all praise, glory and honor belong to you only through Jesus Christ my Lord. Thank you for loving me and choosing me. Thank you for healing and restoring me and saving me from the terrible pit of the enemy. Thank you for your great love. Oh bless the Lord O my soul and with all that is within me I bless your holy name. Thank you that I am more than a conqueror through Christ who loves me. Thank you for forgiving all my iniquities and healing all my diseases. Thank you for your will to prosper me and keep me in good health even as my soul prospers. Thank you that I am the head and not the tail. Thank you for renewing my youth as the eagle’s. Thank you for your precious Holy Spirit that makes intercessions for me with groanings that cannot be uttered. Thank you for family and friends. Thank you for your exceeding great promises by which I can partake of Your divine nature. Thank you Lord. Thank you for drawing me unto you even from my youth when I felt I was nothing and had no sense of direction. Thank you for your loving arms that have never failed me. I love you Abba Father in Jesus name Amen.

      1. Abba Father, I may not k niinow what to pray but I am so greatfull for You always send Holy Spirit as my helper, change me, renew my Spirit and take the will in me so Your will may be fulfilled in me. Lord I abandon myself unto You. Abby Father take over now and forever Amen

  10. Thank you father for your love and kindness,thank you for you mercy we are alive because of you. We bless your holy name

  11. Thank you Father for everything good that is happening in my life and thank you for all the good things that are about to happen in my life, please pray with me and for me to receive all Gods plans for me. Amen

  12. Please kindly pray for my family so that we should have peace in the house i have been going through financial problems

  13. Lord Father God and my Lord Jesus Christ thank you for showing me the way through you both and knowing who are thank you for giving me the chances in life and knowing that you are always there for me and watching over me I will always have Faith in you in all I do thank you. I hope and pray that you will continue to work on me in Jesus name I pray Amen Amen.

    1. I thank God for His goodness and mercy. I am grateful for His love for me and my family. May His name be blessed forever. Amen.

  14. Holy Father, all that I am and all that I, have is because of, You.To God be the Glory great things He has done and great things He will do. Amen

  15. I give You thanks my dear Heavenly Father,for You are always be with me,always loving me,always helping me.Thank you for being my refuge and my strength.I am so thankful that I can trust my life in Your strong hands.I thank you for whatever I wish it will be given to me.Thank You Lord Jesus,for everything You have done for me,today and always. AmenYes Lord Jesus,please help me to live a holy life and grow in goodness and peace.In Jesus mighty name I pray.Amen and Amen.


  17. I give You many thanks and Praise You my great Lord Jesus Christ.
    I place my life today in Your strong hands.
    I thank you for whatever I wish it will be given to me.
    I am grateful to You for what You have done for me.
    I thank you for the gift of this beautiful day.
    I pray that today,I will keeping my mind focused on You,my dear Lord Jesus.
    So that today,my mind clear as my thoughts.
    I choosing today,it depend on You to light and guide my way.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

  18. I praise and give thanks to You my dear Lord God Jesus Christ,for Your faithfulness in me.
    Dear Lord,all I want is You,You are my everything.I am belong to You.Let You will and Your word be done in my life.
    Thank you for bringing the word of God to me,each and every day.
    I am so grateful and so thankful for every day,because
    I know that my dear God is there for me,no matter what.
    My Lord Jesus is the Fulness of our joy.
    Thank you for Your goodness in my life.
    In Jesus mighty name.
    Amen and Amen.

  19. Yes Thank you Lord, I want to please you, love the life of Obedience, and make you and the people I need and know and love, know we can do nothing without our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ
    Thank you Lord
    I Love you So Much
    Amen & Amen

  20. We give you thanks for all things, Dear Lord God, that You have not taken away Your mercies and your compassion’s from us; but in every succeeding generation You save, and deliver, and assist, and protect. .
    Help us all who love you so much to trust and not be afraid. In Jesus Loving Name. Amen

  21. Thank you LORD for a full cup of coffee every morning. You help my worn body work and the coffee machine too. This reminding me that you are in everything and everywhere,. AMEN.