Prayer To Overcome Depression

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Almighty and Everlasting Father in Heaven, I come before you with a heavy heart, burdened by the weight of depression. I feel lost and alone, struggling to find the strength to face each day.

Uplift my spirit today as I go out to face this cold world. Strengthen what is weak within me. Fix what is broken within me. Redeem that which I lack, and restore what has died in me.

My God, I ask for your help in overcoming this depression. Please lift the veil of sadness that has enveloped me and fill me with your peace and joy. Remind me that I am fearfully and wonderfully made in your image, and that I have a purpose and a plan that you have designed for me.

3 John 1:2 Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul.

John 16:33 – These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.

Depression – Praying For Those Who Have Been Abused

I pray for those who have been abused emotionally, physically and mentally. I REJECT the spirits of depression, anxiety, fear, stress, tiredness. Through the power of Your Son Jesus CHRIST, I bind, crush and leave these tools of the devil bruised and powerless under Your Mighty feet, oh Lord my God.

Restore happiness in my life today as I embrace the comfort and blessings of Your Word. Bind the works of the enemy, break every chain, and set me free from bondage.

I believe, Oh Great Father, that You will take me through this. I know it, for the battle is Yours. Help me to not dwell on the negativity of this world, but to embrace the positivity of Your Grace.

Psalm 42:5Why are you cast down, O my soul? And why are you disquieted within me? Hope in God, for I shall yet praise Him for the help of His countenance.

2 Timothy 1:7For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

Feeling The Comfort Of God

We acknowledge Your presence with us each and everyday, Great King. Help us to feel Your love and warm embrace especially in these difficult times. Let the sunshine beam down from the heavens through those dark thunderous clouds, for only victory lies ahead.

We declare today that the battle is already won and we shall find joy, peace, love, hope and rest in You, both now and for eternity. In Jesus’ most precious name, Amen and Amen!

Romans 8:38-39 – For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Romans 15:13 – May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Prayer To Overcome Depression

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  1. Good Morning God, I thank you for another. I wake this morning and I still breathing by your Holy Spirit. I pray that guide me throughout the day and remaining week. Thank you for blessing me with your love, I pray my daughter studies while she’s preparing to submit her applications for medical school, God please provide her your guidance and support of what she needs to do to make her process successful. I pray for for Holy Spirit blessings to her a peaceful minded for good scores on her MCAT. Thank you for giving me clarity and strength to get my work done. Thank you for your protection and safety you have been so so good me and I really appreciated with all do in my life and my family. I prayer salvation for my unsaved family. I pray that will keep focus on this life in your divine favor I pray amen.

  2. God in you i depend on.
    Help me to know all your ways of righteous.
    Holy spirit shape me and mold me with your teaching.

  3. Good morning father god thank you for another day of life. Thank you for protecting us through the night. Father hod lead us to what you want us to do today. Holy Spirit take your will .. in Jesus name amen

  4. Lord
    You alone know my heart
    And the pain I feel deep inside
    But I thank You my Lord
    That with You I have come thus far

  5. I have seen people who go through depression. At times it’s so frightening. But this are the times we have to surround them with our love and affection and trust Our Living God Jesus Christ. He is Our Healer. Amen.

  6. God’s mercies are new every morning. Thanks for your prayers. I keep looking out for it as i wake each day. Your will never understand how much it has helped me to grow in faith.God bless you all.

    1. Dear Father God.
      I thank You Lord Jesus Christ.for everything You have done for me today,bless me,bring peace in my life.
      In Jesus blessed name :
      I break every chain.
      I am set free from bondage.
      I am blessed.
      I declare that today.
      The battle has already been won.
      Our Lord Jesus Christ,has not given me the spirit of fear,but of live,peace and joy.
      Thank You Lord,for guiding me to walk in Your way and in Your truth.
      I trust that Lord,You will lead me to victory.
      Take my hand for I can not make it myself.I am nothing without You.
      In Jesus mighty name I pray.
      Amen and Amen.

    1. All will be well in Jesus name..Everything happen for good for those who are called by his purpose.May your will be done

      1. This prayers are Awesome uplifting it’s POWERFUL working I thank God for you ,I know that testimonies will flow ,more prayers .May be you.

  7. Thank U Lord for uplifting prayer I give God the glory and thanks for the prayers is really good now when I read this my stress and all bad thinking has gone away glory be to God. I give God the glory u are warding you be praise lord,Heavenly father I thank you for my life and everything Ameen .Please help me pray for my children to succeed in there programme I give God the glory

  8. Thnk u for all the uplifting prayers they really come in handy ..n may god bless each as nd every one of u that reads these prayers n also for the one giving the prayers..n Jesus NAME AMEN.

  9. I give You thanks my dear Father in Heaven.
    For today ,I feel that my day is so hard to through it.For I have many problem.I feel like I am in depression,stress and tiredness.
    I thank you dear Father God,for You bless me and comfort me and restore happiness in my lives today.
    Dear God,Help me today ,In Jesus name,I break every chain and set free from bondage.
    I bind the works of the enemy.
    We reject the Spirit of depression,stress,fear,and tiredness.
    Thank you Lord,for bless me with Your peace and joy in my life.
    In Jesus mighty name.
    Amen and Amen.

  10. I pray that,God bind the works of the enemies,break every chain and set my family free from bondage.

  11. You need to do some research. This prayer is very judgemental to people who suffer from depression. Depression is a physical ailment in exactly the same way diabetes, heart disease, etc.are physical diseases. In depression the brain is not producing enough Serotonin, in diabetes the body does not produce enough insulin, in heart disease there is often physical damage to the system. When you pray to bind satan for depression, you can just substitute satan to bind diabetes, or bind heart disease or bind a common cold. Most people would not think to do that. We live in a world where sin was brought in and sickness is part of that – it does not mean the illness is an attack by satan. God is LOVE so pray for his comfort and love and support for someone who is going through illness. Jesus died for our healing and we need to direct our prayer to him who loves us so much.

  12. I sent out a prayer request about two weeks ago for you to pray for me to find a job where I will be happy, I must say Jesus is awesome, he always deliver on time , his works are flawless, I have seen it before and seeing it now, I got another job I got that email today asking me when I can start, thank you guys for your prayers and all praise to the Lord

    1. Oh, Praise God for His mercies and love!! His timing is a perfect time, I have been praying for a job where I will be happy too and I am trusting the Lord will come through for me too.