Prayer For A Tired Soul

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Dear Father, today I woke up, I’m alive and blessed but tired and exhausted. I apologize for all my complaining. But I couldn’t help it because You are my Father. Didn’t You say that I could tell anything to You?

You know my heart is heavy and I am so tired. I am weak and lack many things. I am tired of trying to feel invincible and being ignored.

Oh Lord, I’m tired of being sad and needing help. I am tired of pitying myself. I am tired of doing things in my own strength.

Psalm 73:26 My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.

Hebrews 4:16 Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.

Feeling Tired and Frustrated

Father, can You stop all the tests in my life? I know that not all these tests are because of You, it is all because of my own. I know that some of these trials are for Your Purpose to make me stronger.

But Father, I am your child. If I can choose, can this test be taken away from me? If You need this test in my life, will You stay by my side while the test is going? I just want to know You are there, standing by me while I am doing this.

Psalm 4:8 In peace I will lie down and sleep, for You alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety.

Isaiah 40:29 He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.

Gratefulness For God’s Invitation To Rest

Gracious and Loving Father, Your Word echoes in my weary heart, inviting me to find rest in You. How grateful I am for this invitation! I am filled with gratitude that You are not a distant God, but One who knows our frame, understands our weaknesses, and extends a loving hand to offer us rest.

I praise You for Your tender care, for Your kindness in granting us a Sabbath rest and spiritual renewal. Your merciful heart draws me, and I am thankful that in Your presence, I can lay down my burdens and receive Your peace.

Exodus 33:14 The LORD replied, ‘My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.’

Psalm 4:8 In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, LORD, make me dwell in safety.

Claiming God’s Promises Of Rest

In the midst of fatigue and weariness, I cling to Your promises, my God. You assure me that when I am weary, I can come to You and find rest. I claim this promise now, trusting in Your goodness and faithfulness to replenish my strength and revive my tired soul.

As I navigate through life’s storms and pressures, I declare Your promise that You will be my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom I trust. Despite the fatigue that sets in, I proclaim that in You, I have the victory and can find the strength to continue my journey.

Psalm 91:1-2 Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD, ‘He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.’

Isaiah 40:29 He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.

Choosing To Rest In God

Eternal and Everlasting God, I choose to rest in You. In the midst of life’s storms and challenges, I choose to trust in Your promises. I lay down my burdens at Your feet and let go of my anxieties and fears. I choose to take Your yoke upon me, knowing that it is light, and in You, I find rest for my weary soul.

You, O God, are my shelter and my fortress, the One in whom I find peace and tranquility. I rest in the assurance of Your love, knowing that You are more than enough for me.

Hebrews 4:9-10 There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God; for anyone who enters God’s rest also rests from their works, just as God did from his.

Philippians 4:6-7 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Praying For Strength

Please, Father, I cannot do this alone, I am weak. Though I am tired, I know You are not tired of loving me. I know that all that happens in my life is not about me. It is all about YOU. I still believe You have a beautiful plan for my life.

Humbly I call out to You: help me to start doing things in Your way. I invite You into my life to fill the emptiness in me. God, renew my heart and soul. I don’t want to feel this way.

Dear Father, I am sorry for my childish prayer. But I know I can tell You everything because You are my Father. Thank You, Father. I am ready to start my day now. Please lead me, okay? Only In the mighty name of your Son, Jesus Christ, I pray and give thanks. Amen!

Psalm 13:2 How long must I wrestle with my thoughts and day after day have sorrow in my heart? How long will my enemy triumph over me?

Isaiah 40:31 But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings like eagles. They shall run and not be weary. And, they shall walk and not faint.

Prayer for a tired soul-pin

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  1. Good morning, Loving Father. Guide me, O great Redeemer. Free me from this barren land. Though I am weak, with Your mighty hold, keep me in Your powerful hand. Bread of heaven, fill me till I want no more.

    I pray that You bless and protect me always. Strengthen me, fill me with love, and grant me a breakthrough in my life and studies. I hope to enjoy tomorrow to its fullest and seek Your guidance and protection always. Bless, lead, and guide me forever. Amen.

    I also pray for the well-being of my mother and father. Please keep them sober, blessed, and strengthened, filled with joy and love. I ask for Your healing, love, and mercy upon them, and pray for their good health and long life. Amen.

    Thank you, my God. Amen.

    1. Please pray for me to find a job and a place to live. I lost my job in June, and I’m praying that God will lead me to find another one soon. I’m in dire need of a breakthrough before I have a breakdown. Thank you!

  2. Me and my family going through storm. My son in jail these people’s stalking him hurt him through a apps they talk to him with their phone they want my son to go crazy but my the grace of God he still stand God help me and my family. They knick me and my daughter out our apartment we been going to court to try to keep it we got to go back 12-1-22. we are going to get put out of our apartment we be homeless. We don’t have no one to stay with. Please pray for me and my family. We stay in Hugo Oklahoma pray for use God help us amen.

    1. I’ll pray for you and your family I know God can help turn things around if you have faith in him. I went from using drugs and alcohol smoking cigarettes had many bad habits and God took all those bad habits away. Reason I’m telling you this is because if he can do that for me I know he has the power to fix anything. I’ve been to rehab’s and I’ve done so many things for so long to try and get rid of my bad habits and all it took was for me to have a sincere relationship with God. I still struggle and probably always will but as long as I have him on my side I know I will come out ahead and life’s struggles can only make us stronger through our Lord and Savior. Stay strong and talk to God pray hard and he will work things out. I’ll pray for you hope nothing but the best for you! 🙏

  3. Please prayer for my son and his wife going through alot at this time..l am believing that God will be the centre of they life’s ..they want to divorce..and they have 3young children..thanks Lynette God bless

  4. Amen thank you lord for everything I love and appreciate you give me strength lord to do my duties to help people for your glory give me wisdom let your Holy Spirit speak through me in Jesus name amen

  5. Lord Jesus,
    Each and every moment of my time is spent in praying for my brother Nelson who is in the ICU due to Covid-19. I feel weary and tired and fearful Lord but I know that fear does not come from you. I rebuke and reject all negative and fearful thoughts which come in mind and cast it away in the mighty name of Jesus.
    I pray for your mercy and grace to bless Nelson and heal him fully out of this present illness. From the crown of his head to the sole of his feet, heal him Lord. He is your child Jesus. He has repented for his sins Lord. Please bless him on a road to recovery and help him regain his health.
    I pray to cast away from his body lung infections, breathlessness, pneumonia patches, cough and rebuke and reject it in the mighty name of Jesus. Fill his body with the Holy Spirit for a health body with renewed strength and spirit. I thank you Jesus for all your mercies upon me and my family. I love you Jesus, I adore you and I worship you in the mighty name of Lord Jesus Amen..

  6. Heavenly LORD pls forgive me and forget all my sins. THANK YOU GOD for your support and protection over my life. Lord wear my with garments of grace and divine collection

  7. Dear Lord please take this infection in my mouth away by the precious blood of Jesus
    I claim healing
    Thy will be done
    Amen & Amen

  8. Good morning Father God thank you for another day . I love you and apriciate you Father God thank you for everything in my life in Jesus mighty name I pray amen.


    Heavenly Father,
    To you, O Lord, I lift up my soul, in you I trust, with all my heart. I praise you in your holy sanctuary, I praise you for your surpassing greatness.

    Lord this morning I come to you with a heavy heart and ask you O God to remove the yoke that has been laden upon me. Release me from the drudgery of sin, for I am weak and need your rest.

    Strengthen me O God, in mind, spirit and body and bring that passion of fire back to my soul. Protect me against every weapon that is formed against me. I belong to you O God and to you only. Drench me Lord, in your precious blood and shield me with your light of protection. Keep me safe from all spiritual attacks. Lord I pray that you will destroy any stronghold that hinders me from getting close to you. Loose me from and bondage of any evil domination. In the mighty name of Jesus, let the fire of God consume every hindrance in my spiritual breakthrough.

    Thank you Father for listening to my prayer, thank you Lord for your divine intervention and thank you Holy Spirit for you constant guidance. AMEN

  10. LORD I know you love me in spite of my moaning groaning questions of WHY? Thank you FATHER, In spite of. In Jesus name, AMEN.

  11. Dear Father God,
    Today,I desire to grow spiritually and to have a greater relationship with You. Amen.
    Lord Jesus,I need You,today and everyday,every minute,every hour.
    I am nothing wirhout You.
    My dear Father God said:to ask and it will be given to you,seek and it will find;knock and the door will be opened to you.
    So today,I am never feel stressed. Amen.
    I believe You,Lord,have a purpose for my life.
    I believe Your purpose for me is amazing.
    Because You have created me as an amazing person.
    I receive today the gift of joy.
    I know that You are going before me to prepare the way as I walk in Your favor all the days of my life.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen..

  12. Heavenly Father,I surrender all you… I give you everything use me as a living sacrifice. Thank you Lord for who you are…

  13. Dear Lord,thank you for everything I pray that you should please keep my marriage safe,with love and togetherness full with trust,peace. please God grant my husband his resident permit and bless our marriage with God fearing Children,keep me and my husband alive to raise up our children in your ways and directions Amen…thank you my Father

  14. On waking up this morning with heaviness and challenges. I stumbled on this prayer. Thank you! I am not alone through it all I trust in YOU LORD. AMEN

  15. Your prayers just complete my heart when it’s heavy. After I pray there’s just something that tells me all the time, that whatever I’m going through it shall come to pass in mighty name of Jesus Christ.