Christmas Prayers – The True Spirit of Christmas 2023

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Heavenly Father, We Glorify You, Father, Son and Spirit in One, through whom life on earth is begotten and through whom goodwill and peace on earth is restored. We come before You in this Holy Season of Christmas.

Long before the ages and generations, You promised a ‘holy birth’ and a sign of peace and reconciliation between You, our God, and we, Your people. Though mankind does not know the exact date of the birth of Your beloved Son Jesus, we take this time to rejoice in His birth.

We rejoice that through Him we are one with You, as we come in belief, in repentance and in reconciliation.

Isaiah 7:14 Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son. And will call him Immanuel.

Prayer – Our Family Will Serve You

We declare that our family will serve You our God all the days of our lives. Lord, Jesus, we welcome you into our lives. We dedicate to You our families and our household and everything concerning us. Make Your power and presence manifest in our homes and in our lives.

Prayer Acknowledging The True Meaning Of Christmas

Father, the world is using this time to commercialize the greatest event in the history of mankind, the birth of our Lord Jesus. But, in our hearts we acknowledge the true meaning of Christmas.

May we welcome Jesus, the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, a Great Savior and Redeemer of mankind, into our hearts and home. May we acknowledge the Grace, Peace and Love Jesus is about.

We pray to take this day and time to make peace. Lord, we forgive those who have hurt us. We take this opportunity to reconcile with those who have fallen out. Lord, we choose to bring love and unity into our homes.

Teach Us, Father

Teach us Father, how to live according to Your will. Heal us, bind all our wounds and reconcile our relationships.

Bless us Father and let our hearts overflow with Your grace so that we may extend this grace to one another and love each one the way You have loved us.

Luke 2: 11-12 For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. And this will be the sign to you: You will find a babe wrapped in swaddling cloths, lying in a manger.”

Reflecting On The Birth Of Christ

Father, as we pray, we reflect on the lowly manger where Jesus was born. There, no riches of the world welcomed His royal birth.

We reflect on the reason He was born unto us and follow His life and footsteps. We make His mission an everlasting act of the way we lead our lives.

May we live with integrity, respect, truth, honor and justice. May love and humility be our first tools, in all aspects of life.

Father, we take this time to give thanks for all the blessings You have showered upon us. In appreciation of all that we have, may we have a heart for the poor and the underprivileged.

Prayer to Bless Others

May this time be one for bringing good news to the poor. In alms-giving, may we reach and touch their lives and bring Jesus into their hearts.

May we reach out to the prisoners and bring the joys of the season into their hearts.

May we also bring to those caught in sin, the reason for Jesus’s birth, the Light of hope and grace and Your everlasting love and mercy and compassion towards us, sinners.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

We thank You Father for this great gift of Jesus, that in His birth, life and resurrection, we are restored in Grace in eternal life with You. We make this our prayer in the blessed name of Jesus, Amen!!

Read Also:
* Prayers for Christmas 2023
* Christmas Prayers – 3 Powerful Prayers to celebrate Christmas
* A Christmas Prayer – The Message of Love

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