Prayer For Victory Over Disappointments

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There is none like you, Oh Magnificent Father. Even when filled with disappointments, no one else can touch our hearts the way that you do. We can search all eternity, Lord and find there is none like You.

You are King of kings and Lord of Lords. You reign over all the earth. Worthy is your precious name, Jesus, lamb of God. We surrender all the glory, honor and praise to you, withholding nothing.

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

I Corinthians 15:57 But thanks be to God, who gives me the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Heal Our Hearts

Lord, we ask that you heal our broken hearts and crushed spirits of the disappointments we face everyday. Remove the heaviness within our hearts and give us the strength to forgive. Help us to release the past and continue moving forward.

Give us the power to look beyond the disappointments of now and remind us that everything happens for a reason. Remind us that you, oh Father, will make all things work together for our good.

Help us to remember that You always have great things in store for us. Lord, help us to be still and remember that you are God.

Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

Romans 5 : 5 Hope does not disappoint, because the love of God is shed abroad in my heart by the Holy Spirit who is given to me!

Dwelling On Disappointments

Omnipotent Lord, this is where we start our comeback. We will spend no more time reminiscing on our present disappointments. No more time questioning You as to why doors have been closed, because we’ll be too busy praising you for the magnificent ones that are about to be opened.

Help us to dance in the rain as life’s toughest storms emerge. Give us wisdom, understanding and grace to embrace the wonderful blessings ahead. We declare that all that was taken away, be replaced with even better, in Jesus mighty name. Amen!!

Isaiah 43:2
When you pass through the waters, I will be with you;
and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you;
when you walk through fire you shall not be burned,
and the flame shall not consume you.

John 16:33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

Download a PDF version of this prayer: Prayer for Victory over Disappointments

Lord, we ask that you heal our broken hearts and crushed spirits of the disappointments we face everyday. Remove the heaviness within our hearts and give us the strength to forgive. Help us to release the past and continue moving forward. Give us the power to look beyond the disappointments of now and remind us that everything happens for a reason. Remind us that you, oh Father, will make all things work together for our good. Help us to remember that You always have great things in store for us. Lord, help us to be still and remember that you are God.

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  1. Heavenly Father, I give thank to you for this new day and for these empowering readings, and prayers. They uplift me to have a blessed day. Lord, I pray that you bless the sick today, remembering Effie, who is battling Cancer. Let me remember always our dear Jessica, who is brain injured since August 2021. I pray Lord Jesus that you heal her inside and I ask that you forgive Jessica of all her sins. Please remove all fear from their hearts. Lord, may Your will be done. I pray for the many people who are in ill in many ways. Lord of Hosts, you know them all. All this I beg in Your Most Precious Name. Amen

    1. Amen Amen amen amen. Lord heal and deliver my children Boitumelo kgabidi lerato gosiame, gomotso, my husband Sammy, myself, khosi and nomthandazo in Jesus christ name amen

  2. In JESUS name amen thank you LORD for all the blessings that are coming through I love and worship you amen


    1. Amen. Lord i pray for the salvation of my my enemies soul. All those who plots against me. Father God help me to forgive them may they see you’re goodness in me. In Jesus christ name amen amen amen amen

      1. Father God I thank you this morning that even my when Im tested above but you lord, you bless me and family with you’re peace, love, sound mind, happiness, good health, good sleep and joy in Jesus christ name amen amen amen amen

        1. Lord I pray for Dalephi salvation of her soul. I pray that she will not practice idol worship in my house and marriage in Jesus christ name amen amen amen

  4. Thank you father GOD for today’s prayer . I praise and worship you lord father . You are an amazing GOD . Thank you for all the heavenly blessings that are coming my way overflowing with blessings thank you father I worship you I love you . Father GOD help today to make a decision about my future going forward help my sister and my family too . Give us signs lord father I trust I you Jesus . Let it be your will amen amen amen . Thank you father GOD . I love you

  5. Please thank our Heavenly Father for his favor over my son Robert Daniel Boyd and nephew Brain Alexander Penney. They are both facing felony charges.

  6. Father
    Due to various circumstances that surround us, I pray that you will silence our fears and encourage our faith.
    Your word O God, is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. We depend on your presence with us. Strength us, guide us and comfort us and be with us at all times.
    Let us not fear, for you are with us and you are our God. Help us Lord to overcome every difficult situation triumphantly.
    To the glory and praise of God, I pray in Jesus mighty name. AMEN

  7. My dear Lord Jesus Christ,
    Today,I ask Your help,please help me to remove the heaviness within my heart and give the strength to forgive those who has done me wrong.
    Dear God,I pray for You today,please heal my broken hearts and crushed spirit of the disappointments I face everyday. Amen
    I thank You Lord,to help me release the past and continue moving forward.
    Through our Lord Jesus Christ,
    Today,I am blessed and healthy.Victory is mine and the good things is coming on my way. Amen.
    I declare that today,my heart and my mind are clean and pure.
    Thank You Lord,for give me the strength enough for today,that I will overcome.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen..

  8. Another stirring Prayer from a lady that appears to really understand the hearts and minds of those in heavy need, thank you Cheryce. Scripture says that all things work together for good. but sometimes it is very hard to recognize this when we are in the middle of some misfortune,setback or downfall and that is why we must lean on Him at these times, as nothing that happens to us is random, everything has already been planned and our Heavenly Father WILL bring us to understanding of what is going on with us is happening for a reason. The Word of God is truth indeed and is the most pleasant of words, therefore we can expect sweetness to our soul, mind and emotions, as well as health to our flesh.

  9. May your name be praised Lord. Thank you father for the gift of life,thank you for all that you do in my life I know you will never dissapoint me. I surrender all to you.

  10. Please pray that God will open a door for a new career so that I can continue to support my baby and myself. I work for the DOE and was just told that I’ll be on call starting the new school year. I thank God that I wasn’t laid off, and pray for all who were. I pray for restoration for all that I lost during this pandemic. I know that God has already turned things around and that I need only be still and wait on His timing, but sometimes that weight gets so heavy and I struggle in my faith. So many have lost so much and there is a need for prayer for everyone. So please pray for me that I will not faint and continue to trust God and follow His lead that I can walk into every open door He has placed for me, as I pray for you all. Thank you.

  11. God I thank you for the gift of life you given to me, may your name be highly be praise, Lord I thank you for opening closed door in my life and my families life, I also thank you what you prepared ahead of me Glory Glory be to your name, Amen