Spiritual Warfare Prayer for Victory over Strongholds

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In Jesus mighty name, every stronghold in my life will be destroyed when I call upon You, Oh Father. According to You oh Lord, victory over strongholds is mine today and I will rejoice in it.

I will overcome any, and everything, that tries to hinder me from the path which You have set before me, just as You overcame the grave!

Colossians 1:13 The Father has delivered and drawn us to Himself out of the control and the dominion of darkness and has transferred us into the kingdom of the Son of His love.

Psalm 56:13 For You have delivered my life from death, yes, and my feet from falling, that I may walk before God in the light of life and of the living.

Victory Over Strongholds

No demon on earth will prosper, for I am equipped and ready to charge into battle. I’m clothed in Your mighty armor and stepping out in faith, for the battle is already won.

You are always by my side. Therefore I cannot, and will not, ever be defeated. Yet, if I do stumble and fall or lose my way, I can rest assured knowing that You will pick me up and comfort me.

2 Samuel 22:2 And he said: “The LORD is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer.

2 Corinthians 10:4-5 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds. Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.

Rejoicing in God’s Faithfulness

O Lord, my Rock and Redeemer, I rejoice in the faithfulness You have shown throughout my life. Time and again, You have proven that Your love and power know no bounds.

As I face these strongholds, let me recall the victories of the past, drawing strength and happiness from the knowledge that You are the same God yesterday, today, and forever. Your arm is not too short to save, nor Your ear too dull to hear my cries for deliverance.

I declare that my joy is not dependent on my circumstances but on the steadfast character of my God. I sing praises to Your name, even in the face of challenges, for I know that praise is a weapon that weakens the enemy’s grip.

I stand firm in the assurance that no stronghold is impenetrable when You march before me. Your faithfulness is my shield and rampart, and in Your promises, I find the victory I seek.

Psalm 18:2 The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.

Deuteronomy 20:4 For the Lord your God is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory.

Holding Fast to Victory in Jesus

Mighty Savior, I hold fast to the victory You secured on the cross. Your resurrection power is at work within me, giving me the authority to claim victory over every stronghold.

As I walk in this truth, I do so with a happy and grateful heart, knowing that Your grace is sufficient and Your power is perfected in my weakness. I will not be shaken, for I am grounded in the love of Christ, which surpasses all understanding.

The enemy’s tactics are futile against the sovereign power of my God. In the name of Jesus, every stronghold is being overcome, every barrier to happiness is being removed, and every shadow is being illuminated by the light of Your presence.

1 Corinthians 15:57 But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Philippians 4:7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

I Will Not Yield

Set my path straight, Oh Lord. Draw near to me, closer and closer each day. Let no evil befall me. In temptation I will not yield, for my strength in You will conquer defeat, as I dance in my victory.

Oh Father, I pray that You change my heart to yield to you. Shield my mind from sin and evil and the distractions of this world. Keep me safe and focused on you and Your Word.

Break every chain that attempts to bind me. Remove distractions from my path so that the plans You have laid before me will surely come to pass. Because it is my destiny to be victorious, in Christ Jesus. Amen!

Declaration: – I am dead to sin and have a victorious DNA in me

2 Timothy 4:18 And indeed the Lord will certainly deliver and draw me to Himself from every assault of evil. He will preserve and bring me safe unto His heavenly kingdom. To Him be the glory forever and ever. Amen.

Psalm 68:20 God is to us a God of deliverances and salvation; and to God the Lord belongs escape from death [setting us free].

Spiritual Warfare Prayer For Victory Over Strongholds

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  1. Good evening Loving GOD ,I am grateful for the love and opportunities you give me always to grow.please GOD guide me .may I be retained at work where I am doing internship .may I grow professionally and you avail me with finances ,ideas ,developmental ,virtous and alpha woman .salary increament . Almighty GOD please protect me with good faith ,health ,love ,life and guidance .Amen Father GOD please keep me focused on achieving wealth goals so I can support my mother and father plus my siblings .GOD please show me the way in this relationship with Malcom Sennyonjo ,guide ,bless and strengthen me .I trust you Father GOD .I thank you for the opportunities I have ,I am receiving and yet to receive .lead and guide my Father ,bless me forever . Almighty GOD .Amen Thank you my Father GOD .Amen .

  2. Thank you Lord for your mercy and favor.and for ever winning and fighting battles for me in Jesus Christ name amen and amen

  3. Thankyou Lord all the kingdoms of the earth will know that you are Lord. The GOD of Israel. Set the crooked paths straight lord & keep me & my family covered under the blood. I am the head & not the tail the top and not the bottom, the same spirit that redirected Christ is in me. Abba you are my shield and buckler, a stronghold in time of trouble. I thank you Lord in Jesus name I pray. 🙏🏽

  4. Good morning father GOD thank you for another day of life . I praise you and worship your holy name . Thank you Jesus . Protect guide us today let your Holy Spirit be the light in our path . Thank you lord I love you . I pray this in JESUS name amen amen amen

  5. In jesus mighty name I declare victory over stronghold I will not died I will leave and to declare the glory of God,No weapons from against me will prosper Amen

  6. Thank you Jesus for this morning prayer . Pls be with me and my family always and forever . Thank you Jesus lead me always to godly things in this life . Deliver us from evil and always give us our daily bread . We need help lord pls bring the right help in my life to love me and my family forward . Always we need the blessings of your strength comfort love in Jesus mighty name amen amen amen

  7. Good morning Father God thank you for another day thank you for your nightly protection in Jesus mighty name amen… Father God I ask you humbly in Jesus mighty name to protect my day today as I go to fulfill my duties pls take care of my family too make sure they are protected under your wings send your angels to protect them and your holy Spirit may he be with them forever and ever guide their lives and their steps in life. Deliver them from evil in Jesus mighty name amen…Father God thank you for always be there for me and my family I love you and I appreciate you . Glory be to God amen amen amen…

  8. Father God you know I’m a sinner i beg of your forgiveness..I pray for restoration in my marriage. My husband carries so much anger, hurt help him to forgive. I pray forgiveness, love, peace, happiness, and unity for my family. Don’t let him break up our family. Let him see he is the head of our family. We need him as a husband and father to lead us.amen may your will be done in Jesus mighty name..amen

  9. I would love to give thanks to a friend who introduced me to this praying website when I felt that I’m down and out. But this website carried me from the deep end and uplifted me spiritual I didn’t know how to pray..you brought me to life christiantt. Praise be to God..

      1. Amen! Me as well, thank you from my whole hear. Many blessings to everyone here. Glory and praises be to our Lord Jesus. I love ❤️ you Lord for what you have done for me and my family and my marriage. I thank you in advance for you massive deliverance from bondage and darkness of the enemy. All the Glory honor and praises be to you Amen ❤️❤️❤️ ❤️❤️ ❤️ Shalom.
        Jehovah Shalom.

  10. thank you for the lovely prayers that strengthen us every morning. I am blessed every time I read a prayer that comes to me every day. May our lord Jesus bless you and your ministry

  11. Help me please. I’m constantly being taunted by evilness everyday all day for over 5yrs. No one has been able to help me. Praying fasting deliverance prayers someone please help me or show me what I’m doing wrong.

  12. I pray and ask precious Jesus to help my family reunite and not argue and fight please put love and kindness in their hearts so we can all be a family once again please hear my prayers disappear and ask in Jesus Almighty name amen

  13. Pray for my daughter she had super dry skin and lot of itching, may Lord Jesus restored her health in His powerful Name amen

  14. Dear God,
    Today,I am in Christ Jesus.
    I am a child of The Living God.The Victory is mine.
    I am more than a conqueror.
    No Weapon Formed against me shall prosper.
    Through our Lord Jesus Christ,Victory over Strongholds is mine and I will rejoice it,Amen.
    I pray for You,Lord Jesus,
    May every strongholds in my life will be destroyed,in Jesus Name,Amen.
    Glory Be To Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,who strengthens me.
    Amen and Amen.

  15. I thank you for your prayers you send each day. I share with my friends on the social networks. Some say the prayers come just in time, others say that the prayers touch them. I thank you, at least I can see that me sharing these prayers help someone out there.

    What about me? I say them and I am still down, depressed and stressed out. I am fighting some problems here and I see that these prayers are not helping me. What’s wrong with me? Seems like God is not hearing me crying out to Him for help. When is my time Lord, when?

  16. Amen!!! Thank you Jesus. I really needed this prayer this morning as im fighting battles with darkness but no demon on this earth has a stronghold over my life. I am victorious hallelujah! This prayer came in time as they do everyday to help me get stronger in the lord. Im glad to have ran across this website.

    1. Thank you Lord for victory over strongholds thank you for the hand of Mercy upon my Life in Jesus holy Name Amen

  17. Yes Lord the victory is mine in Christ Jesus for I am more than a conquerer for no weapon formed against me shall prosper in Jesus mighty Amen and Amen

  18. Dear God,
    God in Heaven.I lift up my hands to You in praise this morning.
    I thank You for loving me,for walking with me and for blessing me with a new day.
    So today, I choose to surrender my all to You,and ask that You fill me with Your mercy and grace.
    Through our Lord Jesus Christ,Victory over stronghold is mine,and I will rejoice it. Amen.
    Every stronghold in my life will be destroyed,in Jesus name. Amen .
    Thank You Lord Jesus,for lead me to Victory.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen..

  19. In d name of Jesus Christ, no evil shall befall all my son and I own. No evil shall befall my son and I. I claim over my son and I, victory thru d Blood of Jesus Christ! VICTORY is ours, all for d glory of Almighty God. No weapon formed against us shall prosper. Every tongue rising against us in judgement, I condemn

  20. Thank you lord Jesus
    I know if I stumble and fall , I know you will pick me up!
    All Glory be to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who strengthens me, Peace is mine Peace is yours, My Brothers and Sister’s that only God’s Glory can give! PRAISE HIM!!
    Amen and Amen
    Thank you, Jesus
    Thy will be done!!

  21. Dear Father God.
    I Thank You Father,for this day.
    I woke up to another day,to ask God to forgive me for any trespasses against Him and others,and to say :
    Thank You,Lord,Amen.
    I give thanks to You,dear Father,for today,
    I am completely in Your boundless love,as I walk in Your never ending grace.
    Through our Lord Jesus Christ.
    I am set free from all evil forces.
    Every stronghold in my life will be destroyed.
    So today,Victory over stronghold is mine
    The battle is won ,with You,Lord,by my side
    I break every chain that attempts to bind me.
    I will overcome anything that tries to hinder me from the path the Lord has set for me. Amen
    Thank You Lord Jesus,
    I am happy and rejoice to throughout my day.
    In Jesus mighty name.
    Amen and Amen.

  22. Amen! I claim this prayer into my life and my family as well.
    Thanks Martin and all the praying ministry of Christians TT. May you be blessed Lord. Blessed be your glorious and holy name, all praised and glory to you forever, for the knowledge, wisdom ,and discernment you have bestow on Martin and his team at Christians TT. Where they are like a light house set up on a mountain top for small dinghies and ships who are lost in the rough sea at sea and finding their way into the harbour. Therefore we’ll always go back to the source as there is always light at the end of the tunnel as I Declare Daniel 3: 52:53, 54, 55, 56
    52 May you be blessed, Lord, God of our ancestors, be praised and extolled forever. Blessed be your glorious and holy name, praised and extolled forever.
    53 May you be blessed in the Temple of your sacred glory, exalted and glorified above all forever:
    54 blessed on the throne of your kingdom, exalted above all, glorified forever:
    55 blessed are you who fathom the abyss, enthroned on the winged creatures, praised and exalted above all forever:
    56 blessed in the expanse of the heavens, exalted and glorified forever.

  23. Praise the Lord Glory to God
    Thank you very much for these powerful prayers
    Much appreciate
    Am in poor health Jesus is my healer and deliverer
    I want to pray always and sing praises to God
    Playing worship songs
    sometimes i do not want to pray or read the word
    Then i recieve greeting prayers from you and others
    It really lifts me up
    I dont like feeling down
    I just feel like that sometimes
    Heavenly Father i need your help
    Also all last week i keep dreaming of people who was alive they are now deceased
    I dont under the dreams because it looks confusing
    Usually i wonder what it is
    But i started praying
    saying Jesus
    These people are dead am in the land of the living
    I kept saying i will not die but live to declare the glory of God including my household and family also

    These dreams are disturbing
    I cannot fast because of the medication am taking
    I know one day God will deliver me from these tablets i will take it no more
    By Jesus strips am healed and made whole
    No weapon that is fashion against me my family shall prosper
    Every tongue that rises against me and my family is condemned

    In Jesus Christ I am strong in Jesus name
    I can do all things in God that strengthens me
    Thank you my Lord for everything

    Thank You men and women of God bless you all more for the prayers word of God you sent to us each day
    God bless you all
    Thank you all always❤️

  24. Thank you, Jesus, for bringing me thus far praying for health and strength help us to be good stewards we thank you for this ministry to release our victories over strongholds in the name of Jesus for Avalyn, Aundrea, and families thank you to God be the glory