Prayer For Comfort -When I Need God’s Peace

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Prayer For Comfort When Heartache Weighs Me Down

Heavenly Father, in the stillness of this moment, my spirit feels heavy with the burdens of the world. The cacophony of uncertainties, losses, and disappointments reverberates within me, creating a storm of emotions that threatens to overtake me.

In these times, when heartache weighs me down, and the shadows of sorrow engulf me, I yearn for the soothing touch of Your love – a love that comforts like no other.

The challenges and trials of life, whether monumental or mundane, have the power to unsettle even the sturdiest of souls. However, in my moments of profound vulnerability, I am reminded of Your promise to never leave nor forsake me. To know that I am held in the embrace of the eternal, amidst the fleeting pains of the temporal, brings solace to my weary heart.

Psalm 23:4 Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

2 Corinthians 1:3-4 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.

Comfort Through His Word

In moments of despair, I turn to Your Word, O Lord, a timeless testament to Your unwavering love and faithfulness. Within its pages, I encounter stories of individuals who, just like me, faced overwhelming challenges yet found solace in Your promises.

Your scriptures, which have comforted generations before me, become the balm for my wounded spirit, reminding me of Your unchanging nature.

The promises penned down centuries ago continue to echo with relevance in my present circumstances. Every verse, every chapter illuminates the depth of Your commitment to Your children.

As I meditate upon Your Word, let its truths seep into the deepest recesses of my heart, dispelling the darkness and filling me with a peace that surpasses all understanding.

You, Lord, are the Great Comforter, my refuge and my strength. You hold me in Your tender arms where I am always comforted when I need it most.

Thank You for holding me and keeping me safe, protected, and comforted, away from negative thoughts and external forces.

Psalm 119:50 This is my comfort in my affliction, that Your promise gives me life.

Matthew 11:28 Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.

My Prayer, My Need Today

Almighty God, today I need to be comforted in the midst of my storm. I need to feel Your tender touch, Lord, to know that You are here and would never leave me nor forsake me.

Holy Spirit, I pray that You would reveal Yourself so I would know that You are real. You were sent by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ to be our Comforter, our Intercessor, and Standby.

Show me, Father, how to seek Your face and look to You for wisdom and understanding. Help me to experience the peace of God which can only come from You.

Psalms 55:22 – Cast your burden on the LORD, and he will sustain you. He never permits the righteous to be moved. His Arms Hold the Universe, Let Him Hold You.

Ephesians 1:12-14 – In Him also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will, that we who first trusted in Christ should be to the praise of His glory.

Giving Thanks and Praise

Thank You, Father God, for all that You continue to do in our lives. I thank you that we can call upon you at all times, whether in times of need or simply to say, Thank You Abba for being our God, our Father, who guides us, feeds us, and shields us from the kingdom of darkness.

All praise be to You! Hallelujah to the King of Glory, King of Kings, Lord of Lords! Hallelujah to the Lamb, Jesus!

In the name of Jesus Christ, thank You for Your everlasting mercies and blessings, SO BE IT…Amen and AMEN!

Psalms 46:1God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.

1 Peter 5:6-7 – Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time: Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.

Now over to you!

If this prayer has been a blessing in any way, please let us know. Leave a comment below. Give thanks and praise. How have you been comforted and blessed?

Prayer when I need to be comforted

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  1. Lord God I pray that the enemy puts his sword down rests his fight causing unity and protection to take place. That we reconcile with those who have hurt us in the presence of the holy of holies. May the enemy lose his grip upon the one who is stubborn and arrogant and won’t surrender to God.

    I ask this prayer in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.

  2. Thank you for following the leading and being obedient to voice of the Lord, and for bringing God’s word to us. These prayers helps us immensely. When you are a babe in Christ and don’t know how to put words together to pray, the prayers that you have given us is what I pray. I do say my own sometimes, a lot of times your prayers is exactly matching what I’m facing at that time in my life. Thank you and God Bless you. Pls continue to be obedient to the Lord.

  3. All praise be to You! Hallelujah to the King of Glory, King of Kings, Lord of Lords! Hallelujah to the Lamb, Jesus!

    In the name of Jesus Christ, thank You for Your everlasting mercies and blessings, SO BE IT…Amen and AMEN!

    Amen Lord Jesus Christ 🙏
    Hallelujah 🙌
    Praise The Mighty Name of our Lord Jesus Christ Amen and Amen 🙏

  4. It really amazing prayer for me because everytime when I want to pray about comforting myself I don’t know how to express a word .thank you

  5. Father God you are so full grace and forgiveness that is why I love you so much
    I admit that I often fail you at times but thank you for loving me and choosing to forgive me everytime I sin against although I don’t deserve it but I’m asking you to please open my heart tso that I can receive what you are teaching me this morning I surrender my whole heart to you and my day God I ask you to help me to become more and more like you and to become the person you want me to be this I ask in your name Amen

  6. I’m blessed to be comforted by this prayer. It just what I need at the moment. I was drifting away a little and the Lord Almighty twisted the situation and let stop me into a big mess. He works in mysterious ways even if you were in a very bad situation he use it to make it right. Amen

  7. Thank you father for today . I am greatful for everything that you have given to us . Please I ask you for forgiveness if I’ve done something wrong and if I’ve done something right pls except it in the name of Jesus . Father god as I fall asleep tonight pls protect me and my family from evil give us a peaceful night rest in Jesus name I pray amen amen amen so be it . I live you father god good night

  8. I thank you, I thank the Lord for all that I have & waking me & my son & my parents up this morning. Please I need financial help bit my faith is in the Lord’s hands. Amen ❤ I pray your prayers twice a day, 3xs I’d we include the video prayers as well. I love you ChristiansTT family. Your prayers pulled me through A LOT. I am a walking testimony. I thank the Lord for you. ✝️♥️

  9. May God bless you and take care of you all. These prayers are beautiful and give great hope comfort and peace. M

  10. Dear lord, I give you thanks and praise for holding me through the storms. Lord I give you praise for all the times you held me and my sons hands when the enemy came to harm us. Lord there is none like you anywhere, you have no equal, your formed the earth with your hands so taking care of our smallest needs you have done also. Lord my sweet God, you know my son Ash who is need of permanent job contract, Lord open the right doors for his life, heavenly father he also hasn’t passed his driving. Lord ignite his heart for you, Lord show him the way to move forward in driving and guide his feet. Lord we have been struggling financially, my lord help us with this house that is desperately needed to be repaired from mould and leaking roof. Lord send the right people to do the job. Lord you know it all from beginning to end. I Lord humbly ask for favour Lord to get the house completed. All this I ask in jesus precious name amen amen

  11. I want to Praise you Jesus because you are always there even when we don’t see it ir feel it!! To you be the glory Father for ever and ever! AMEN!

  12. Dear God,
    I give You thanks for bring peace and comfort me in the midst of the storm.
    I need You,dear Father God,
    Please fill me with Your strength,peace and joy,so that I can press through to victory.
    Thank You Lord,for bring peace in my life,that passes all understanding,which can only come from You.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen..

  13. I praise You my dear Heavenly Father.I need You dear God to bring me peace and comfort me in the midst of my storm.
    I thank you dear God, for You are always being here for me, never leave me and forsake me.
    Thank you Lord, for let me experience the Peace of God and feel Your tender touch.
    Both of that which can only come from You.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen..

  14. Hallelujah! Thank you God Shining upon your children each everyday for our needs, thank for all these encouragement prays and bible verse they have help me in many ways cause sometime idk what to pray for or how to pray it y’all away have a pray I need that going through that moment thanks ,Tonia. Akatobi

  15. Dear God,
    Today,I need to be comforted in the midst of my storm.
    Lord Jesus,I ask You today,please comfort me,fill me with Your peace and give me the courage I need to go on. Amen.
    I thank You Lord,for You fill me with Your strength,peace and joy,so that I can press through to vivtory.
    I pray for peace in my daily life and help me to experience the peace of God which can only come from You. Amen.
    Today,I glory in Your presence,with peace of mind,peace in my heart and my soul.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

  16. God’s Holy Spirit has truly been amazing. It comforts me when I wake up in the middle of the night and feeling lonely.

  17. Dear Father God, I want to thank you for giving 35 years on this each day. Father God I am grateful for the things that you showed me gave me over years. I realized Father I messed up. I let myself slip away from you Father God. I was not right with you. Father God i have sin. I have called out my sins and I repent for everything i have done. Father God I asked that you give the guidance, wisdom and strength. Father at times I feel giving up. Father God I pray that you give me peace in my body, soul, mind, heart. Father I cast all my burdens on you. I understand Father i can’t fix my own problems. Father I put all my trust in you. I am patiently waiting on you Father God. Father God I asked that you let your light shine on my journey I am about to begin. Father give me the courage to do what i need to do. I rebuke the devil and all enemies and people that talked bad about who said i would not be able to do this and do that. Father you are my fortress, my provider, my guider, my healer, my refuge,my redeemer. In Jesus mighty name. Amen.

  18. Dear lord & heavenly father I come before tonight lord asking you for mercy upon my life father am asking you for faith for my journey father please I beg you lord to go before in my day of delivery & touch the doctor lord please give me a safe delivery & a healthy angel of yours lord touch me tonight father & heal me from my head to my bottom of my feet I bring before you my husband father touch Petterson tonight lord let him know that there are none before you & none greater than you father please take control of my life I leave my life in your hands father as I pray to you tonight father cover my whole family under your precious blood of Jesus Amen

  19. Thank you Bev Joy for this wonderful set of prayers, very much needed. Thank you Abba Father for being my everlasting Comforter. To God be the Glory.
    In Jesus Christ’s Precious name

  20. Dear Father God,
    I thank You Father,for I have a new life in Jesus Christ.He bring peace and comfort me with His love.
    The Peace of God that surpasses all understanding,be upon my life wherever I go.
    I will follow You,Lord Jesus,all the time of my life.
    Allow me to be a light in this dark and gloomy world.May I be a blessing to others, wherever I go and whatever I do. Amen.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

  21. Thank you Father almighty maker of heaven and earth that you would love me a sinner and send your only son to save me. Thank you for never leaving me or forsaking me. Thank you for you comfort and peace in this season of my life journey. Thank you for drawing me closer to you and putting girlfriends in God in my life to help me along this journey. You are so amazing Father. I love you, I adore you , I glorify you above all else. In Jesus mighty name Amen and Amen.

  22. This prayer gives me comfort knowing god is and will always be with me. He is always there when I’m going thru difficult times this prayer makes me feel at ease. Thank u

  23. Thank you so much for this heartfelt prayer Bevjoy.

    I believe some problems are not for us to solve but to give to our Lord. All we have to do is remember to cast all our Burdens on Him and He will take care of them for us. Do not just give some of your troubles to Him please give them all. Trust in Him for their is nothing impossible for our Almighty Father.

    Give your burdens to the Lord,and He will take care of you. He will not permit the godly to slip and fall. Psalm 55:22

  24. Father, Abba, I thank you O Lord, for the abundant Blessings, Peace and comfort you bestow upon me and my family amidst trials.
    Father, You are an Awesome God!
    You are my refuge, my fortress, my strength and my Redeemer.

    I will always Praise and Worship you, because I know You will never Forsake me. Amen and Amen!

    1. Thank you Lord for your faithfulness. Today, I needed to be comforted, just as I opened the site to read, I came across this prayer of comfort. Our Lord is really close by as He has said that; I will not leave you neither will I forsake you, Thank you Father for your love and faithfulness in Jesus name, Amen.

      1. My dear Heavenly Father God, l adore Your Holy name l give You praises and honours I Love you sweet Jesus I thank you for everything you are doing in my life, I worship You Abba and by Your grace all my heart desires will surely come to pass in Mighty Precious name of Jesus I pray Amen and Amen…

      2. I need you Lord Jesus I know you will never leave me or forsake me
        I love you
        Walk by faith and not by sight
        Thy will be done.
        Amen & Amen

    1. I really want to thank God for the wonders He is doing in my life and to thank my brothers and sisters for the prayers they have delivered to me may His will be done to me accordingly

  25. Amen. Thank you Jesus. My peace and comfort comes from the Lord. Nothing I face is too much for me. God is with me..

    1. Dear Father God.
      I thank you Lord Jesus,for this blessed day.
      Thank you Father,for blessed me with the peace of mind,bring peace in my heart.The peace of the Lord be upon my life,wherever I go.The peace that surpasses all understanding.
      The peace of God which can only come from You.
      I love You Father.
      I will do my best to please You. Amen
      I declare that today.
      Peace is mine today. Amen
      Thank You Lord Jesus,for bring peace in my life
      In Jesus mighty name I pray.
      Amen and Amen.

  26. It is well with my soul. Thru hardship, pain and suffering God is with you holding your hand. God promised to provide for all your needs, Trust and obey. May your faith grow stronger everyday. Thank you Jesus. AMEN.

  27. I Thank God for your Ministry the Prayers I Read makes me feel Gods Presence every time.May God continue to Bless your Ministry. In the Name of Jesus

  28. Thank you Lord
    I know you are holding my hand, I claim healing today
    This 3rd day of March, 2019
    I surrender, I am set free
    Thank you Jesus
    Thy will be done
    Amen & Amen

  29. Almighty Father God I pray to you in the name of Jesus help me with your mighty hands hold me father touch my soul father touch my mind touch my heart heal me father whatever is in me that’s trying to take my life father comfort me father with the Holy spirit of the heavens not this earth cleanse from all evil and Envy Father I live through you and your word Thank you father for all your wonderful blessing In wonderful Name of Jesus I Pray Amen

  30. Dear Father God.
    I thank you dear Lord,for always being with me,even in the midst of my storm.
    Thank you Lord Jesus to bring peace in my heart and comfort me with Your love.
    Let me experience The Peace of God and feel Your tender touch.
    Both of that which can only come from You dear Father.
    Bless Jesus for dying on the cross.So that we may be saved.
    Father,I love You and I will do my best to please You,from this day forward.
    Thank You Lord,for blessed me with peace of mind,strengthens me and give me Your divine favor and mercy to start my day.
    In Jesus mighty name.
    Amen and Amen.

  31. Thank so so much for your beautiful prayers I’m new Christ I’m thankful for your message each I looking forward to learning more thank you it’s helping me so much thank you. sending blessings and love to everyone most of all the the person who sit and share God’s word blessings to you.

  32. Thank you Lord and Savior for your love and peace of mind that surpasses all understanding,my joy and comforter in Jesus Mighty name Amen

  33. I need prayer to get through a difficult time in my life and make the right decisions. Holy Spirit I ask you to guide me and show me God’s will. My husband of just one year has become controlling, hypercritical of my appearance, is demanding that I do everything to make him happy, yet refuses to help me financially. What do I do with the emotional, verbal and financial abuse? I give it to you God and I surrender this marriage to you.

  34. I praise and give thanks to You my dear Lord God Jesus Christ, You are my strength,my refuge,my strong tower.
    Thank you for always help me in my trouble times.
    Thank you fill me being comfort be in Your present.
    I need to feel Your tender touch and being comforted.
    Thank you Lord,for all that You continue to do in our lives.
    May the peace of God be with me always and forever.
    Glory be to Our Lord Jesus Christ.Hallelujah.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

  35. This is truly a blessing and a tremendous insight for spiritual growth and for strength and God’s word and walking and it’s worth as well thank you so much for providing this information

  36. Thank you for being my refuge & very present help in time of trouble, I give Glory and honor to your precious name.