Powerful Night Prayers For Peaceful Sleep And Rest

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Praying For A Peaceful Night’s Sleep

Oh Heavenly Father, as I lay my head down to sleep, I ask for your comfort and strength. Ease my mind. Help me to let everything go, and leave it all in your hands. Give me peace that I may sleep without tossing and turning.

Encamp your angels around me, that no harm will come to me or my household. I cover each and every member of my household in the blood of Jesus.

Matthew 6:34 So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.

Psalm 46:10 Be still, and know that I am God.

In Gratitude for Today

Heavenly Father, as I lay my head down this night, I first pause to give thanks for the gift of today. For every moment, every lesson, and every breath, I am grateful. The day has brought its challenges, triumphs, and even moments of uncertainty.

Yet, through it all, Your guiding hand has been evident, leading me, comforting me, and reminding me of Your unfailing love.

Lord, for the times today when I may have missed the mark, when my patience waned, or when my thoughts wandered from You, I seek Your forgiveness. Cleanse my heart and renew my spirit, so I may rise again tomorrow, fresh and renewed, eager to walk in Your ways.

Psalm 4:8 In peace I will both lie down and sleep; for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety.

1 Thessalonians 5:18 Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

Praying For A Restful Night

Almighty God, bless my night and bless the coming day. I’m so tired and anxious, burdened by the cares of the day. Lay your hand upon me and quiet my restless soul. Cradle me in your protective arms, dear Lord. Give me rest that tomorrow will be a very productive day.

1 Peter 5:7Cast all your anxiety on him because He cares for you.

Philippians 4:6-7 – Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Prayer For
A Restful Night

Release from the Worries of the Day

Dear Lord, I bring before You the worries that weigh on my heart this night. Concerns about health, work, family, and the uncertainties of tomorrow.

I lay them at Your feet, trusting that You are bigger than any challenge and more powerful than any fear. Your Word says that by casting all my anxieties on You, I can find peace, for You care for me deeply.

As the darkness envelops the world outside, may Your light shine brightly within my heart and mind. Let every troubling thought be replaced with reflections of Your promises and every anxiety be calmed by the assurance of Your presence.

Philippians 4:6-7 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

1 Peter 5:7 Casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.

Refresh Me, Lord

Refresh me fully and fill me with your joy, oh Heavenly Father. Wipe away my tears of today. I repent of my sins and look to your Holy Spirit for guidance and protection. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen!

Psalm 56:3 When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.”

Psalm 46:1-2, 10-11 God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble, therefore we will not fear…Be still, and know that I am God…the Lord Almighty is with us.”

For Protection and Comfort in the Night

Mighty Protector, as I close my eyes, I seek Your divine protection over my life and my loved ones. May Your angels encamp around my dwelling, keeping away any harm.

In the quiet of the night, when fears may arise or loneliness sets in, remind me of Your eternal presence. Let the knowledge that You watch over me bring comfort to my soul.

In the hush of the evening, let Your Holy Spirit be the blanket that warms me, the lullaby that soothes me, and the peace that ensures a restful sleep. May dreams of Your love, promises, and grace fill my mind, and may any plans of the enemy to disrupt my sleep be thwarted.

Psalm 91:1-2 He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the Lord, ‘My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.’

Proverbs 3:24 When you lie down, you will not be afraid; when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet.

Anticipation for the Blessings of Tomorrow

Heavenly Father, as today comes to an end, I look with hopeful eyes to tomorrow. Each new day brings the promise of new mercies, fresh beginnings, and opportunities to experience Your love in new ways. Let my sleep tonight be restorative, preparing me physically, emotionally, and spiritually for the day ahead.

May I wake up refreshed, with a heart ready to embrace Your plans and a spirit eager to seek Your face. As I drift into sleep, let my last thoughts be of gratitude for Your love, anticipation for Your blessings, and trust in Your perfect timing.

Lamentations 3:22-23 The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.

Psalm 59:16 But I will sing of your strength; I will sing aloud of your steadfast love in the morning. For you have been to me a fortress and a refuge in the day of my distress.

Night Prayer For The Blessings Of Tomorrow

Prayer For When You Feel Afraid

“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” (Isaiah 41:10)

Heavenly and Gracious Father, tonight I feel so afraid and uncertain about the future. But I know that you are always with me, and that you are my rock and my fortress.

Please, help me to remember that I am not alone, and that you are always watching over me. Give me the strength and courage to face my fears, knowing that you are by my side.

Fill me with your peace, which surpasses all understanding, and help me to trust in your plan for my life. Give me the wisdom to know the right path to take, and the faith to follow it, even when it seems difficult or uncertain.

Lord, You are my strength and my salvation, in you I can find refuge from all my fears. So, be with me now, and bless me with courage to face whatever challenges may come my way. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

Here are some more evening prayers

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  1. Thank you father god . Pls give me and my family a peaceful night rest forgive us for any wrong doing and keep us under your wings in Jesus name amen thank you father god for hearing my prayers amen amen amen . I love you

  2. Good night Father God and thank you for today. As we lay down to sleep pls protect us and give us a peaceful night rest in Jesus name amen

  3. Amen & Amen
    Praise be to my Precious Father.
    Rest my weary mind, let me sleep in peace, wake up refreshed, feeling beautifully brand new, by your Right Hand Lord Jesus and The Beautiful Guardian Angels that are protecting me and mine right now
    Thy Will be done
    Amen & Amen

  4. Dear God,
    I thank You,Lord Jesus,for You always be with me in the time when I need You. Amen.
    Thank You for the many blessing You have bless me today and always. Amen.
    So now it’s time for me come to the end this day.
    I pray that for You,Lord Jesus,may You give me a restful and peaceful sleep till the breaking of a new morning. Amen.
    Thank You Lord,for the gift of Your Word,which is a light to my path and help me to grow my faith in You.
    Thank You for another beautiful sunrise and a blessed new day.
    You are a wonderful God,ful of grace and mercy.
    I praise You,Lord Jesus,for allowing me another blessed new day.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

  5. Please! Pray for me for ungodly soul ties. I would like God to give me power to rebuke anything bad in my sleep that I don’t do in the day time. I am not sexual active for 13 years. I don’t care or ever think about it but sometimes at night I dreamed having sex with different kind of friends; even my late husband that been gone for years. I am prayer woman. I pray nights and days but this problem is trouble me a lot. Please, help! God bless!

    1. In Jesus name I pray for you that you are able to overcome this feeling and to understand that the flesh will always be flesh in us no matter what the more you seek GODS PRESENCE IN YOUR LIFE THE MORE ATTACKS YOU WILL GET FROM YOUR ENEMY. JUST REMEMBER GIVE IT TOO GOD AND DON’T WORRY REMEMBER THAT JESUS ALREADY PAID THE PRIZE FOR ME AND YOU. ALL WE NEED TO DO IS FOLLOW HIM.

  6. Dear God,
    Lord Jesus,I come to You whole heartedly.I love You truly,You are my God and my Savior.
    I thank You Lord Jesus, for the many blessings You have bless me today and always. Amen.
    Now that,I come to the end this day.
    I ask You,Lord Jesus,
    Please give me a restful and peaceful sleep till the breaking of a new day Amen.
    Thank You Lord Jesus,for the love and support,for always being there when I have needed You the most.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen..

  7. Father please gift me tonight with restful sleep and no waking up in the night. Please take away the pain in my knee so that may sleep. I love You Father and I know You will bless me in this. Send Your angels to watch over me and as I awaken in the morrow I will be rested, refreshed and pain free. They will be done Father ~ AMEN

  8. I will both lay me down in Peace and Sleep for you Lord are the only one who makes me dwell in safely
    Amen & Amen❤❤

  9. Dear Father God,
    I thank You Father,for You always bless me and take care me,guiding me to walking in Your truth,in Your righteousness,in Your way. Amen.
    Now that,dear Father,at the time to close the day.
    I ask You,dear Father God,
    Please give me and help me to have rest completely in Your unfailing love. Amen.
    I thank You Father,I have a peaceful sleep till the breaking of a new day.
    Thank You Father,for give me a restful sleep ,that tomorrow will be a very productive day.
    So that today,I will start my day with a grateful heart.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen..

      1. Always remember sister that the word of GOD tells us to rejoice in him when we are going threw trails and tribulations
        Sing praiseid him and you will see how that shifts the whole atmosphere. Remember that his words says he will never leave us or forsake us.

  10. Thank you Lord Jesus peace, Peaceful sleep and rest, I claim by the blood of Jesus.
    Thy will be done
    Amen & Amen

  11. Lord Thank you putting me under you new management. Thank you Father for your work of comfort and grace. Thank you for showing me the way and that is through you. In Jesus’ name I pray Amen

    1. My dear Heavenly Father.
      I give You many thanks,for You always take care me,protect me,guiding me to walk in Your truth,in Your way.
      And blessing me with Your unfailing love and amazing things,You have for me each and everyday.
      Dear Lord Jesus Christ,At the time to close the day.
      I come to the end of this day.
      I ask You one more thing.
      Please give me and help me to have rest completely in Your unfailing love.
      So that tonight.I have a peaceful sleep till the breaking of a new day.
      Thank You Father,for give me restful sleep,that tomorrow will be a very productive day.
      In Jesus mighty name I pray.
      Amen and Amen

  12. Dear Father God,I thank you dear God,for Your protection upon me each day.I love You dear Lord Jesus,and thank you for the blessing and amazing things You do for me each day.Now dear Father God, I come to the close of another day.I go to the end of this day.Dear God,I ask You to give me and help me to rest completely in Your unfailing love.Give me peaceful sleep till the breaking of a new day.Thank You Lord Jesus,for Your protection and surround me with Your warrior angels.In Jesus mighty name I pray.Amen and Amen.

  13. Please will you pray with me for the release of alcohol addiction in my husband. Please also would you send me some prayers on WhatsApp to pray over my husband to ask for God to help and heal him. He is not abusive just drinks to forget his worries and help him to sleep. Thank you in Jesus Name. Amen. Patricia

    1. Dear Patricia please know that you and your husband were both humbly prayed for today.
      ‘He that lives in you is greater than he that lives in this fallen world’.
      Yvonne Marie Miller

  14. Dear Jesus, Bless our trip tomorrow to Florida May we arrive safe and sound..and also asking for your healing fully in your name AMEN…

  15. Father i thank you for your love please watch over me and my son and cast out any negative and bad dreams remove any night crawling pestilence from me and give me restful and peaceful night rest communicate with me O God speak to me and reveal secret things to me and renew the right spirit within me in the morning i shall glorify your faithfulness in Jesus mighty name AMEN

  16. Please lord thank you for being a wonderful lord please protect me and my family from any harm and start being more of a loving family with each other and please keep peace in my heart and mind thank you dear lord amen

  17. I praise and give You many thanks my dear Heavenly Father,for today I have already throughout my day,and now I go to the end of the day.
    I ask You dear God,May You give me peace,and have a restful and peaceful sleep through the night.
    Bless my night and the coming day. Amen.
    May tomorrow I will have a fresh mind,body and soul to start my day.
    Thank you Lord Jesus,for Refrest me fully and filled me with a grateful heart.
    Bless me with Happy day and night.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

  18. Father l ask for you love and grace to cover us as we rest our bodies and souls. And glorious Father be the lamp to our feet as we step out in the morning. For your grace is sufficient for us all. In Jesus’s precious name l pray.

  19. I give thanks to You my dear Heavenly Father.to give me a restful sleep.
    And thanks again for bless my night and the coming day.
    Thank you for Refresh me fully and filled me with Your joy.
    Thank you Lord,for give me rest,that tomorrow will be a very productive day.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen

  20. Father Lord, i want your presence to be with me as i go to bed this night , oh LORD I Pray that u Shut down the teeth of the enemies like Lion trying to Hurt me. i Pray that no evil Weapon Formed against me shall Prosper
    I thank u LORD for i know You have answered my Prayer.

  21. I praise You my dear Heavenly Father,Thank you for everything You have done for me,so that I can throughout this day and back home with a grateful heart.
    Dear God,I ask You to night,please give me a restful and peaceful night.Bless my night and bless the coming day.Give me the rest that tomorrow will be a very productive day.
    Help me to let everything go,and leave it all in Your hands.
    Thank you Lord,for giving me a good sleep to night.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

  22. Thanks for your prayers in a timely manner. Deliver us from all that is wicked and bad, cover us by means of your holy spirit. Take away all our burdens and free our minds, keep us safe in your arms in Jesus name we pray, Amen

    1. I will lay me down both in sleep and peace for you precious father are the only one that gives me peace
      Thy will be done
      Amen & Amen

  23. Hi There,
    I’m interested about prayer sleep rest and angels protection us while sleep well. I loved this good prayer. Thank you from Anthony Renda Sr

  24. Thank you Lord for my son and familys to see other bless day and night, lord please help me to sleep in peace tonight so I can wake up tonight tomorrow to see all the blessing u have in store for us in Jesus name amen

  25. Lord I thank you for peaceful sleep tonight and for the blood that covers us. Thank you Holy father.

  26. Thank you Father God for your hedge of protection over my life and my family’s lives as well as our homes. Assign our Guardian Angels to our sleep lives and our dreams to Bless and protect us from all evil and all harm, so that we can rest peacefully Father God through your Perfect Will. No Weapons Formed or Fashioned against us shall prosper. Goodnight Father God, Goodnight ChristiansTT Family. I Love you but God loves you best.

  27. my first time of reading this prayer here and I believe in it so much. I know my God will protect me and my entire household because he is indeed Lord or Lords. i pray he will continue to heal me from all the weird feelings i have been having because i trust him so much, in Jesus name. Amen

  28. Thank You I am praying and really hoping for a miracle to get a new car. I was told today my car is really not safe by a mechanic. I know God is never late but I really need his protection and discernment what to do.
    I just have to wait and trust.
    I know God is good.

  29. Thank you for your encouragement.I believe God is about to raise me up like he did Joseph in the Bible. Pray for discernment for immediate family matter to be resolved and peace to finally come and last, forgiveness to be attempted and restoration of family relationships completed . In Jesus Name

  30. Lord God Almighty through your Son, our Savior Jesus Christ, give us rest this day of stress as we in the northeast deal with your beauty in snowflake, AMEN

  31. Lord I accept Your peace. Surround me, my children and my household with your angels. Embrace us with Your loving arms in Jesus name Amen.

  32. This is an awesome prayer! I pray this prayer every night and wake up with the peace and joy of the Lord! God bless the writer of this prayer.