Prayers for Students for Success In Studies and Exams

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Success in examination as in any other aspect of our life is multi-factorial! Good health, divine guidance, supply of basic needs, serenity, sound mind and brain are some of the important factors that could impart the outcome of any examination.

Although one may be intelligent, God forbid the individual falls sick during the examination or concentrated on the minor and paid less attention on the major during preparation? What if his soul was buffeted with anxiety during the examination or he suffers major material lack.

Should any of these happened, we know that the outcome of that exam will not be a true reflection or measure of his strength. Prayer can help avert some of these challenges and give us access into the supernatural.

Prayer for success in exams as well as studying

We believe in prayer for success in examination as much as we believe in serious studying. We trust that you too believe in prayer and that is why you are here.

Our intention is to lead you in short prayers for holistic success in your examination. The prayer is divided into four sections which are;

Prayer during preparation is divided into four, viz.

  • Prayers for divine leading and guidance,
  • Prayer for divine strength to prepare,
  • Prayers for provision/supply of your needs and
  • Prayers for understanding and retentive memory.

Each of these prayers is short and self contained. You can decide to pray all or one of it as you may choose.

Each of these prayers is short and self contained. You can decide to pray all or one of it as you may choose.

Prayer during the examination is divided into three parts namely, prayer for supernatural recall, prayer for coordination and calmness, and prayer against anxiety and worry. These are also short and self contained. You may pray all or one of them depending on your need.

We have included prayer of thanksgiving because we believe your prayers will be answered and you will come back to share testimony. So we included short thanksgiving prayer. We are people of faith and we trust that you also believe with us for answers to your prayers.

The word of God

Every section is ladened with the word of God. Effectual fervent prayer though may be short, is known to take God by his words. God honors his words even above his names. He said until heaven and earth passed away a smallest letter in his word will not go unfulfilled.

For the same reason, we present a scriptural verse before each prayer to strengthen your faith. You can take the advantage of this. As you say the prayers, you will be reminding God of his words concerning you or your circumstances. Let your heart take hold of these scripture as you pray.

Lastly, we know you definitely have some needs that were not directly mentioned in the words of these prayers. In every section, we included prompts to mention your request to God. Things that bother you!

This makes the prayer lively and non-mechanical. Take the advantage of this and say your personal needs in one or more sentences.

Prayers while preparing for exam

Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed. Prov 16:3 (NIV)

Asking for Divine Guidance

Dear Father, I commit my examination to you, especially now that I am at the preparation stage. Daddy, I want you to guide me in my preparation.

I do not want to read amiss. Lead me to the right materials to study. Help me to concentrate my energy on the majors and give the appropriate attention to the minors.

Let my heart be in sync with those of my examiners, so that I can read in line of questions they have set.

You promised in your word that you will instruct me and teach me in the way that I should go; counsel me and watch over me (Ps 32:8). Lord, perform this promise as I prepare for this exam. Do as you have said.

Let your spirit guide me into all truth concerning this exam. Since you are my rock and fortress, for your name’s sake, lead me and guide me in this examination and afterward bring me into glory. (At this juncture you can add your own requests). In Jesus name I pray, amen.

Praying for Strength to prepare

Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isa 40:30-31 NIV

Dear Father, it is written that you give strength to your people. Give me sufficient strength to prepare for my exam. I confess my weakness as human before you; strength me with your might.

Lord I am ready to do my part as human, please give me your strength to do all that is required of me to pass this exam. Give me the grace to leave no stone unturned.

Help me to stay awake when I need to and deny myself of any pleasure when it is necessary, so that I can cover all that will come out during this examination.

During this period let me not experience any weakness or sickness in my body. Give me good health. Strengthen my brain and mind.

Help me to avoid foods and any other thing that will affect me negatively. Help me to maintain those attitudes that will make me stay healthy.

(If you have any specific weakness or health challenge, tell it to God now). Healing and health is my heritage. I claim my right in Christ Jesus. Thank you Lord because I know you have heard and answered. In Jesus name I pray, amen.

Prayer to supply everything needed for success

My God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus. Phil 4:19 (NIV).

Dear Father, You are the Jehovah Jireh. I am here before you with my needs and wants. The earth is yours and everything in it, the world and all who live in it.

Provide all that I need to perform excellently in this examination. You are my sufficiency; fortify me with men and materials. Lord make ways for me and send me provisions.

Provide for me abundantly according to your riches in glory. It is written that you are able to make all grace abound to me, so that in all things at all times, having all that I need, I will abound in every good work.

Do this for me lord. Lord, let no need limit my success in this exam. (Mention those needs that you have). Lord, take care of all my needs even those that I am not aware of. I thank you because I know you have heard and answered. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Understanding and retentive memory

there is a spirit in man, and the breath of the Almighty gives him understanding. Job 32:8 NKJV

Dear Father, it is written in your word that if anyone lacks wisdom, he should ask from you who gives liberally to all men and does not upbraid. I am here before you today. I need understanding heart and a retentive memory.

Lord, if my labour would not be in vain, as you promised, I must understand and retain things that I read. Let you breath give me understanding. Let your light shine on every difficult concept and give me understanding of everything I read.

Give me supernatural insight. Give me revelation. Teach me strategies to present my answers in the examination.

At the end of their study, the King found none equal to Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah because they trusted in you. In every matter of wisdom and understanding about which the king questioned them, he found them ten times better than all the magicians and enchanters in his whole kingdom (Dan 1:20).

Do this for me because I am trusting in you. Give me excellent spirit. I thank you Father because I know you have heard and answered. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Prayers during the exam

Prayer for Supernatural recall

For I will give you the right words and such logic that none of your opponents will be able to reply! Luke 21:15-16 TLB

Dear Father, bless my memory and let me remember all that I have read. Lord, you have helped me to read and prepare for this examination.

Now it is time to prove to my teachers that I understood what they have taught me. Do not let my memory fail me. Pour out your spirit on me and let my mind be renewed. Quicken my brain and mind.

I say no to forgetfulness and dullness. I say no to barrenness and dryness.

Lord, help me to surpass the expectations of my teachers in this examination. Give me outstanding success. (You can add your requests). Thank you lord because I know you have heard and answered. In Jesus name I pray. Amen

Praying for coordination and calmness

…And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Phil 4:7 NIV

Lord, it is written that you establish peace for us; all that we have accomplished you have done for us. I commit my spirit into your hands.

Let your peace that surpasses understanding rule my heart as I write my exam. Let the assurance of you love calm my spirit. Remind me of how much you love me. Help me to be coordinated.

I quiet my soul and give strength to my heart. Let me see you throughout this exam. Let the power of your love surround me. Give me grace and glory.

As I rest in you, prove your wonder working power in my life. Help to stay organized. (You can say more personal requests here). I thank you lord because I know you have heard and answered. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Coming against against anxiety and worry

For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship. And by him we cry, “Abba, Father. Rom 8:15 NIV

Dear Father, You have not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind (2 Tim 1:7). I, therefore, cast out of my life the spirit of fear and anxiety in Jesus name.

Lord, at this time shield my heart from fear and anxiety. Lord, banish fear out of my life. I cast my burdens on you. Please take care of them for me.

Lord, give me sound mind in Jesus name. Give me courage; help me to manage my work load and prioritizing my schedules.

You said that I should be careful for nothing but by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving I should make my request known unto you. (You can mention thing that you care about, things that are raising your heart beat).

Lord, I thank you because I know you have heard and answered. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Praying after exam

For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him. 2 Chron 16:9 NIV

Dear Father, I thank you for all the support I received during the preparation and the examination. Thank you for helping me out.

I now commit my papers into your hands; let your eyes watch over them. And let your favor be upon my works. Let there be no any negative influence on the examiners while marking my papers.

I have great expectations for this exam; let not my hope be dashed. Your word says my hope will not be cut off. Do as you have said. You said that whoever hopes in you will not be ashamed; lord I have put my trust in you let me not be confounded. Let me rejoice when the result is announced.

I lay at your feet my fears and worries over the results. I will no longer carry them.

(You can tell the lord anything about your exam that worries you). I thank you Lord because I know you have heard and answered. In Jesus name I pray, amen.

Prayer of thanksgiving after you have checked the results.

I love the LORD, for he heard my voice; He heard my cry for mercy. Because he turned his ear to me, I will call on him as long as I live. Ps 116:1-2 NIV

Father, Thank you lord for been dependable. I called on you for success in my exams and you heard me. Thank you for the leadings during the preparation. Thank you for the sound mind.

Lord, you blessed me with supernatural recall during the exams. And you took care of my needs and fears. Thank you for prospering my works.

All of this outstanding success is due to you, Lord. You have done more than I asked. Thank you lord! If I have a thousand tongues it would still not be enough to praise you. All I have to say is that I am grateful for your supports. (You can sing a song of praise to God).

Lord let this success help me to love you more and more. Help me to believe you for something bigger in the future. Help me to trust you for more success in all my endeavors.

I thank you because I know you have accepted my praises. In Jesus name I worship. Amen.

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  1. Am so scared about results coming back but the almighty reigns in me and with him all is possible
    May he bless those results amen.

  2. Lord,give me grace and have mercy on me to succeed in the Estonian language B1 examination,i desire to score 80%,let me speak boldly and understand clearly.

  3. To pass my studies in science,business,matha,english and computer.Open my mind to read and understand to applied.My siblings and I can finish our education.

  4. Please pray for me that I will pass the Associate Social Work Exam on October 2, 2019. I need strength, energy and knowledge to pass the exam. I want to feel Gods presence so I can also help others enhance their faith in GOD. Thanks Angelica Rangel