Prayer For My New Apartment

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I truly thank God for this prayer site. I pray even more, that God will continue to bless and prosper this site. May He also bless those who are seeking prayers and reading the prayers. My request is for a blessing of an apartment.

The Word says that if two or three are gathered together in Jesus’ name, that Jesus will be in the midst. Join me in prayer that the apartment I am seeking for. I pray that it will be right at the soles of my feet. Amen.

Joshua 24:15 … But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.

Prayer For My New Apartment/Flat

Heavenly Father, you said that whatever we ask for in prayer believing that we have it, it will be ours. And so l humbly ask for an apartment which will be my home, my safe place, my secret place where I will dwell in safety.

I know you have already provided that place. And now I will like the manifestation of that apartment to come forth. I pray that it is a good apartment, one that is affordable and within my means.

Isaiah 43:19 See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.

Proverbs 24:3-4 “By wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established; by knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches.”

Praying For Approval

Lord, I pray that my application is approved without prejudice. I pray that I am blessed with a wonderful landlord/lady.

Fill me with the confidence to know that you will supply my needs. Bless me and my family. Give us this peace of mind of somewhere good to come home to.

Numbers 6:24-26 “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.”

Prayer To Bless My New Home

Bless my home to be. May it be a harbor of peace and love. Thank you for liberally supplying all my needs according to your riches in Christ Jesus.

Thank you for loving me unconditionally and making room for the blessings you have already provided and for the generous gifts you constantly bestow upon me.

I declare that all good things come to those who wait. My soul waits in silence for you alone God, for my hope is in You. In Jesus name, so be it, Amen!

Luke 10:5 “Whatever house you enter, first say, ‘Peace be to this house!’”

2 Chronicles 7:15-16 “Now my eyes will be open and my ears attentive to the prayer that is made in this place. For now I have chosen and consecrated this house that my name may be there forever. My eyes and my heart will be there for all time.”

Prayer For My New Apartment

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  1. I’m believing God for A new apartment that’s a new build for my 3 year old son and I . I believe that it is already mine and his but I know that when 2 or more are gathered the prayers are heard as well . I just want to provide a healthy environment for my son to thrive and so I can began healing . Thank you Jesus and I know that by Faith it is already done in Jesus precious name

  2. Please join me in prayer that I get chosen for the apartment I applied for on Sept. 6th 2024. This would be a great move for me and my daughter. It’s time for a new beginning and to let go of the old. I pray that I get this opportunity and The Lord is with me in this situation.

  3. Prayer agreement that our move to a new apartment will be smooth, organized, easy, safe and affordable. Touch the hands of the moving men,
    internet technician, the weather and anything needed for a swift transition.
    Give us the strength we need that day and keep us in Your care, dear Lord.

    May August 2024 be our “new dwelling place” time of movement.

  4. Please join me in prayer for my new apartment
    and being in my financial bracket. As senior
    citizens we want peace to to be blessings to
    our new landlord. Dear Jesus provide the desire of our hearts. We did not expect to be
    moving at our senior ages. Give us the strength and means to do this. May the apartment we looked at be the one, in Jesus’ name.

  5. Bless me lord with a new apart ment thats beautiful clean and all the appliances working and a nice landlord and a protected area where I can come home safe to and live In peace and comfortness and enjoy life and be covered with the blood of Jesus Christ all the days of mylife and keep my bills paid on time every month and have beautiful furniture and bed kitchen appliances forks,knives, spoons,plates,cups,dish towels and lots of face towels bath towels drying towels lots of personal hygiene products soap tooth paste dish washing liquid mop broom tissue etc. And a keep my apartment or house clean and reliable car transportation to get me to work and anywhere in the world and washer dryer

  6. Thank You for the prayers, I stand in agreement with these prayers, and I ask God to continue bless you my brothers and sisters. I’m actually seeking a one bedroom apartment that is in my means, also very nice in a quiet good neighborhood. I asked for prayers for God to be the one to lead me to an apartment that has been approved by Himself. It is rough, finances are not where they need to be. It is a struggle right now, I’m asking for in prayer for a financial miracle blessing so that I can move. God knows, He is our supplier and all things are possible with our Heavenly Father God. I’m going to place this prayer in the palm of the Lord righteous right hand and be still and know that He is God. God Bless us all in our apartment searching, and endeavors.

  7. Please all put me and my family in Prayer. That I reside and live in this nice and peaceful apartment. Please lift me up in prayer. i so much need it. for this safe place directly next door to my family. only God and prayer can supply. god in Jesus name. Thanks be the Glory.

  8. Please Pray for me. I’m seeking a 1 bedroom apartment that is affordable and within my means. I am Thanking God for my name to be called up on the housing list in the next 30 days. I am wanting the property that God has for me.

  9. please pray for my son and I that we will find apartment to live in that is in our budget and I will be approved for the apartment we have put in an application former.please pray that i will get the apartment i have to move out this place ASAP Open up the doors God for new place that my son and I can live in that we can call our home.In Jesus mighty name we are pray Amen 🙏🏻

  10. Please join in prayer and agreement with me that my daughter and I will be approved for the apartment we have put in an application for. We have been saddened after the lost of my mother and are ready to come together as a family under your love. I ask that the application is approved and we can be together soon. All things are possible through you lord and I know you’re always listening. Please lord we need this in these hard times. Thank you for all the blessing you have bestowed to us. In Jesus name I pray, amen.

  11. Can you please pray for my son and I that we will find apartment to live in that is in our budget that accepts pets, but special pray that my application for low cost housing for the new building gets approved without prejudice or any other application that I fill out for apartments. Open up the doors God for new place that my son and I can live in that we can call our home.

  12. Lord, I ask that you grant us the blessing of this apartment my family has applied to. We have been separated and are ready to come back as a family under your love. I ask that the application is approved and we can be together soon. All things are possible through you lord and I know you’re always listening. Please lord we need this in these hard times. Thank you for all the blessing you have bestowed to us. In jesus name I pray, amen.

  13. Dear Lord,

    In the times of uncertainty, I come before you to forgive us for our sins both knowingly and unknowingly. I also come to you to ask that you grant us the ability to secure this home in your name father that we are able to be approved and granted security for myself and my family. We ask that the place we are hoping for, is surrounded with the Holy Spirit, that brings us comfort security and love. That we are in a peaceful place where we are able to grow as individuals in Christ and we are able to make a difference in our lives for the better. In the name of Jesus I pray, Amen.

  14. Please join in prayer and agreement with me that my daughter and I will be approved for the apartment we have put in an application for. We have been displaced for so long and need a safe, clean stable environment to live. May the Lords Grace and Mercy cover us so that we will be approved for this apartment. Amen

  15. I,m seeking prayers for apartment i fill out application and waiting to here from the landlord about the apartment please pray that i get this apartment i have to move out this place where im at by may1st,2023 please pray for me and jesus name i pray Amen

  16. My name is Gabriel Lemus .please pray for me and my kids for a new beginning and doors to be opened for a new apartment.thank you. God bless

  17. Dear God u know our needs before we coming u 🙏🙏 u supply our need according to rich and glory praying for Lincoln Sherwood apartment in little rock Arkansas a comfort place for me and My family I asked your name Jesus Christ name amen

  18. Lord u said in your words two agree in your name you in the midst my daughter Jessica Nicole Ross been trying to find a apartment in little rock Arkansas in Lincoln Sherwood God you in control of everything touch they heart 💜 landlord give her apartment in Jesus Christ name amen

  19. Please pray with me by the Glory Of Our Father in Heaven that i get one of the apartments I applied for soon . Praise him and thank you.

  20. I found this looking for prayers as I wait for my application to new housing to be approved! By faith I prayed for years for a new start in a suburban town in Weschester NY .. I prayed for 5 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms and this place called is! I am so excited and thank you for your prayers that the application will go through! amen thank you💜

  21. Please pray with me that God will bless me with an apartment. I made an application and I pray the Mercy and grace of God will speak for me and I will be given this apartment, a place to call home and be comfortable in Jesus Name. Amen

  22. Please pray with me that God will bless me with an apartment. I made an application and I pray the Mercy and grace of God will speak for me and I will be given this apartment, a place to call home and be comfortable in Jesus Name.

    1. Please pray with me that God will bless me with an apartment. I made an application and I pray the Mercy and grace of God will speak for me and I will be given this apartment, a place to call home and be comfortable in Jesus name Amen🙏.

  23. Hi please pray for me as I am in search of a new apartment. I got called for one in BK off of housingconnect and continuing to pray to God THAT I get approved to move in. So I come today to ask that you please pray I get this new apartment that will allow my son and I to be safe. I thank you in advance. I know that whatever I ask God for he will manifest it
    I believe in the power of prayer🙏🏽

  24. Yes, Please Stand In Agreement With Me That God, Bless Me With My New Apartment Soon.
    A Piece Where I Can Call My Own And Feel Safe And Comfortable And At Peace
    With No Confusion.
    In Jesus Christ Mighty Name! Amen

    1. I am standing in agreement with you for the Lord to provide the right apartment or home for you. God bless you. Jesus loves you. Don’t give up, the Lord provided me with a place to call home my new apartment and I know He will do the same for you. God bless sister.

  25. Hello,

    Praying for my first apartment in Queens New York. I’ve applied and praying that the Lord will grant me this blessing. Jesus I petition for housing and I pray that you will hear this prayer. I believe God will give me this gift!

    Thank you in advance Jesus,


    1. Please pray for me need new apartment. I alway every day I pray to God about need apartment because need safe place. Honestly I am deaf and please keep pray need new apartment for me. God bless you in jesus name amen..

      1. GBU and I pray and hood you find an apartment that is to your liking. You asked and God said let it be so. Congratulations to you for the new apartment THATS coming your way. Amen

    2. Dear Marie
      Oh you live in Massachusetts and thank pray for me daily that will get new apartment. Yes I alway Trust in the Lord with all my heart. God bless you.

  26. I am pleased to come upon this site this morning. I too am seeking and have applied to an apt by Faith. I am believing for approval and I am packing up to move. Please add me in prayer for this affordable for me, safe, quiet and comfortable new home with an understanding owner/ management. Thank you.

  27. They just sold my Mom’s house, and I have applied to a few apartments and they say it will take a while, please pray that I find a nice and safe place to live, but come sooner rather than later, I would like it to come before the fall.Please Lord, help me. I trust in you. Help me Blessed Mother and St. Joseph.
    I love you all soo much!!❤️❤️❤️

  28. I’m trying to get apartment they say its first come first serve the end time is March 5th i have to call everyday to see have they recieved any notices so i can apply Please pray for me to get a vacancy by the 5th i really need an apartment.

  29. I trying to get approved for 3 bedroom house this will be our first house together we really want this place we can afford it too we really appreciate all of your prayers we want to block all applications or contact for this house we really need to get this place we really want to move as soon as possible we know God knows our circumstances situations and we know that God will provide this place for our family they’re supposed to let us know in 48 hours if we get approved for this place or not my husband is putting half of the deposit down today after work to hold this place and they said if we don’t get approved I’ll give her money back but I really believe that this is going to come through for our family it’s going to be in a good neighborhood and the kids will be able to go to school at a good school on south east 8th street in Evansville in

    1. Lord bless me to get
      approved for this apartment I’m applying for tomorrow as I turn in my application thank you lord for manifestation

  30. Please pray For me i move to Massachusetts from puerto rico and I’m wait for my apartment and i dont want back puertorico. Please pray for me amen.

    1. Dear Migdalia,

      I’m also in Massachusetts and will pray for you daily that you get your apartment. Trust in the Lord with all your heart. God bless you.

    2. Trust in the Lord with all your heart ❤️ do not lean on your own understanding
      In all your ways looked to God and He will direct you

  31. Please pray For me I’m in a shelter I got my Cityfheps Voucher and approved for my apartment and I’m waiting on HRA to approve and cut the checks I been in the shelter over a year now I’m growing aggravated I want out and move into my apartment in Coney Island Brooklyn area I don’t wanna lose my apartment at all Amen.

    1. Please I ask for a prayer request fir me and my children we are currently in the shelter we got a lease already and apartment just waiting for them to cut the checks and give us our key so we may leave the shelter in Jesus name I ask for you to shower us with blessing and prayer amen !!

    2. God’s will be done in your life
      Right now it’s a matter of urgency that the glorious gospel is preached
      People need the Lord

      Look after God’s things and He will take care of yours

  32. Please pray that I get approve for this apartment and that there will not be a high deposit, that the lord will favor me and my family for this new safe place.

    1. Rejoice in the Lord and again I say rejoice
      Praise and worship the Lord always

      Focus on worship of our almighty God
      He knows your need He will provide

  33. Prayer request for an affordable place to call home (low income housing ASAP) where I’m able to afford on my own no help of others I request faith, peace, love, joy, happiness, a better mother, new car, better marriage and all but not least to have the lord in my heart mind and soul Thank you!

  34. Dear God the house goes on the market today. Divorce almost over please I desperately seek a new, affordable apartment that I can call my own. Please help me find and get this apartment that You know is best for me

  35. Dear God I pray that 15 Washington Ave in amityville ny. Become my new address. Apartment #3. God please answer my prayers. God please bless us thank you God Amen

  36. Dear God I pray that 15 Washington Ave in amityville ny. Become my new address. Apartment #3. God please answer my prayers. Me and my sons need a new place to live and new environment God please bless us thank you God Amen

  37. Thank you for this prayer as my sister and I start a new journey living together in a apartment. I will really need the peace in my new place and environment as I have a new baby. I pray God continues to bless us above and beyond what we can think or imagine. Thank you Father!

  38. I have faith in God that he will take me and my family out of the environment we are in and place us in a new environment and a new apartment to call home Amen. I thank u God in advance ❤️

  39. GOD, will bless all of you, just leave in his hands. He will see y’all through. Just keep the faith and believe y’all already have it.

  40. I ask that i am able to buy a condo within the next year. A financial blessing comes my way in a good way.

  41. i need a new apartment for rent between now and december. please pray for me for financial help from unexpected quarters. amen

    1. Jesus says where 2 or more agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of My Father who is in heaven. So Jenny I stand in agreement with you in prayer request and I pray that the Holy Spirit guides your footsteps and gives you the discernment to make the right decisions in this season. I pray Abba Father abounds in His grace towards you and provides all the necessary finances you require from unexpected places for a place that He has already prepared for you to move into in Jesus Mighty Name. And I pray that Abba Father makes His grace abound towards me as well and show me favour during the credit check and approval to move into the property I have already seen and liked in Jesus Name. Abba Father we thank you so much for all of Your kindness and all Your daily provisions!
      Jenny remain faithful my sister.

      Love in Christ

  42. I struggle with trying to pray on my own about things that are going on in my life please pray for my job and my approval for my apartment today, and that my enemies will be scattered and that God will give me peace on the job and that no weapon that formed against me shall prosper thank you Lord in Jesus name

  43. Heavenly Father Thank you for this community! Thank you Lord for not just allowing us to serve you on our own but together. Lord I ask that your will be done and that you answer prayers for everyone here to receive the new home you have for them. Lord, I’ve been looking and can’t find what I need in an apartment. I pray that you give me the studio apartment of my hearts desires in Memphis where I believe you’re calling me to. I pray Lord that you make a way financially for us to live secure in you and not struggle. Have your way Lord. Give us the tools we need to succeed and follow what you’ve called us to do. Thank You Mighty Lord. I love you. We love you. In Jesus name, Amen. I love yall all as well!!

  44. Lord Jesus I ask that you give me and my family the approval we need for this new home we have applied for. I ask that you bless us with this new beginning I thank you for you and your son Jesus Christ and it is in your sons name I prey these things amen.

  45. Lord thank you for your many blessings you have given me. I’m praying for a safe place for me and my family to live right now. You have the almighty power I’m humble just lead me in the right direction. Thank you lord and thank you for your son Jesus who died for us Amen

  46. Lord Jesus I am praying that I get accepted for the application on the apartment I’ve applied for. I humbly ask for this apartment for my family so that we have our own space and have a loving home. Please put it on the landlords heart to accept my application although there are a few complications.

    I thank you so much for everything you do in my life and without you I’d have nothing that I do. Once again please move their hearts
    I pray this in Jesus‘ name
    AMEN ?

  47. Lord, I ask you in faith for an apartment in my name. I am fasting for it. I do not even earn an income yet but the ” how ” is not my concern. Nothing is impossible to you. Lord, you cannot deny faith. Honor my faith today for both financial freedom to acquire an apartment. Do it, Lord. Hear me oh Father.

  48. Lord Jesus, Please hear my cry. Bless my son and I with our new home in The Vireo Apartments as soon as possible. That my application is approved with no issues and the monthly payment is within my budget.
    In your name I pray Lord Jesus Amen

    1. Dear Jesus.

      I’m praying my children and I move into our new apartment soon please let the document my new landlord is waiting for come ASAP. Amen

  49. Lord Jesus I praying that I find a apartment or House this month where it’s nice and comfortable for my kids and myself that we can calls ours like you blessed us before but better Lord bless me to be able to afford it monthly payment in advance (bless my house)

  50. LORD Jesus, my family is searching for an apartment that we will call a home, grant us a place where we will have peace that is from you. Amen