Receiving Healing From God – Release His Healing Power!

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What’s Your Declaration?

Did you know that a verbal declaration of healing, spoken out loud, feeds your inner person? It reminds your mind of what you are believing.

Please, let me encourage you to keep on praying your Personal Prayer of healing, daily and out loudly, truly believing in the confession of healing for yourself. Rest in Him and watch how Your Holy Father will work in your life.

I’ve heard people say: “It’s God’s will”, or “I’ll just leave it up to God“, when faced with a serious illness or tragedy. Please don’t fall into that trap.

God wants us to pray to Him for help. In Luke 18:1, Jesus told his disciples that they should always pray and not give up. And then Jesus asked: “Will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night?”

  • Pray to God from your heart for healing for yourself or your loved one.
  • Don’t stop.
  • Don’t give up.
  • Get rid of personal doubt.

God wants us to ask Him for help, because He loves us so very much. “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed” sounds a little like hope to me, and that’s a very good start!

The Gospel and Healing

Over 20 percent of the Gospel is about the Healing Ministry of Jesus Christ. Jesus taught his disciples how to pray and heal. He sent them to carry on his work.

Wouldn’t Jesus want his followers to pray to be healed today? Many spiritual writers have defined the call of healing so narrowly that some people feel they don’t qualify.

But today, a new awakening in faith has made us realize we are not only called into healing for ourselves, but also in various degrees into healing each other.

Only someone who is facing or sharing a serious sickness, pain or tragedy knows how hard it is. That person knows how hard it is to cope with the fear and uncertainty.

He knows how absurd it sounds when someone first tells him to keep a positive attitude. Only they know how terrifying it is when the doubt comes. They know how hard it is to throw a mountain into the sea.

But remember what Jesus told us in Matthew 17:19-20 when he said: “I tell you the truth. If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘move from here to there’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible!”

Get rid of personal doubt.

Doubt is one of the main things that blocks the flow of healing. Understanding your inheritance from the Scriptures releases healing.

We all can have doubt. That’s why dwelling on the scriptures and writing them in your heart is important. There are ministers who heal others when they pray for them, but face difficulties to heal themselves.

You are not going under, because you are going over! Declare this out loud each day: I’m not going under because I’m going over! Jesus has given me authority over my health and I am going to get well!

How to Receive Healing From God Today – Release His Healing Power!

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  1. Dear Jesus,

    I am filled with gratitude at the wonders you have bestowed O Lord. I thank you for the progress Nelson is making since his transfer to another hospital and I pray that his condition improves day after day to full recovery all according to your will.

    I thank you for your mercy and grace on me and my family including my brother and my mother. Bless us all and cover us with your precious blood Lord. Protect us from all kinds of harm, danger, evil temptation and sin. I pray for the doctors, nurses and staff who are treating Nelson . Help them to have compassion in their hearts and help them with knowledge and wisdom to make the right judgement.

    I rebuke reject all negative forces hurled towards me and my family including my mother and my brother to be cast away in the mighty name of Jesus. Please protect my family from all dangers harm and negativity.

    I pray for good health for me and my family in the name of Jesus.
    Thank you Jesus, Praise you Jesus, Amen and Amen

  2. Today I declare that I am not “going under” by God,s grace “I am going over”
    I am the head and not the tale ~ Lord I pray for,all these ppl here who have asked for healing prayer today may they receive complete healing in Your mighty name.
    Father, I ask also that this pain in my right knee be banished from my body, it is very painful and disrupting my life and taking over ~
    Today I declare and believe that by His stripes I am healed, I am the daughter of a King , i have been created for a purpose and and the Lord will to it that that purpose will be fulfilled for His Glory ~ Amen.

  3. Father almighty God,I highly appreciate you for this peace which you have blessed my day with.I was stressed out but had a wonderful time with God.He took away my burden and asked me to be free.Indeed I am free.Thank you Jesus

  4. I am praying for my daughter who is going to have thyroid surgery on Sunday
    I believe and know that Jesus has already performed his miracle all is well
    Amen ?

  5. I am so blessed by all these prayers and emails. Thank you and may God pour His blessings out over this ministry and each and every person involved with this ministey.

  6. Hello,
    I am requesting healing prayers for thyroid disorders and all the issues that are involved with this disease. I believe by faith that Jesus took my sickness away and by His stripes I am healed. I will continue to speak it until it manifests in the natural.

    1. Through His Jesus stripes u ARE healed. No where in the Word will u read “will be healed” or “will be saved” It has been done for u before u where born my sister. Take it. Speak it. Proclaim it. Claim it. Amen

  7. I am a retired widow, 71yo and living alone. Last August 2017, I was diagnosed with stage IV metastatic cancer of the liver and bones. I am cuŕrently under chemotherapy. It has been very difficult for me. My son whose family lives in Canada is unable to see me as often as we we would like. He’s been to see me twice since i got sick. My daughter, divorced, lives 45km away from me but with a fulltime job, a 4 year old son and a huge mortgage is also having great difficulty still suffering from post partum depression snd under medication. I would request you to help pray for me. Msy God bless you.

  8. I really blessed by the inspirational Gospel truth of God’s Word. I really wants to know Him the more.

  9. Please prayer for my grandson Juan Jose Gutierrez. He has had a terrible life history since he was a little boy. He has a life full of bitterness, unloved, hate, trust, resentment, lies, jealousy, lack of trusting people, lack of forgiveness, and much more. Without any proof but the word of a little boy who was special ED. the CPS took him and his other twin brother and sister from their mother. He has been in prison to. We’re praying for him , there is too much hurt that it’s been so hard. He says no one loves nor believe in him. This is too personal, but he is in desperate need of prayers and he badly needs a job soon. Thank you all and Lord bless you ALL. Receive my love in Jesus name.

  10. Please pray for my niece Willie Mae Russell in Palms West Hospital in Florida. She had a heart attack yesterday and fell into a coma. Please help me and my family pray for a full God Blessed recovery for her. Please pray she will recover with no brain damage. She will be 100% whole through the Blood of Jesus Christ. Thank you Christians TT Family

    1. Joining you and your family in prayer for Willie Mae Russell ‘s complete healing. God’s healing hands are upon her….

  11. Please pray for healing for my brother James who need emotional healing and healing from generational curses.
    Please pray for healing for my daughter tO to be able to get pregnant and be able to carry the baby to full term. She and her husband already lost 2 babies.

    1. Mary, What a joy when we find that God really answers our prayers and heals the people and especially those we love! The praise of God spontaneously rises from our hearts. If you have confidence that Jesus might use your prayers in healing then pray with all your heart for it to be manifest.
      I have just been reading in my Bible about the woman that was bleeding for 12 years and could find no cure. She came up behind Jesus and reached out and touched the edge of His Cloak and her bleeding stopped immediately. ‘Who touched me” Jesus asked but everyone denied it was them. But our Lord said “someone touched me. I felt the Power go out of me”. What a great uplifting story, and every time I read it it gives me hope and a surety that the power of healing does work even today.