Prayer To Supply My Daily Needs

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Supplying All Your Needs

As a child of the living God, Philippians 4:19 tells us that the Lord will supply our every need out of his riches. Not some, but all. This is not limited to financial needs but to all your needs.

Have faith and trust in the Lord to do as his word promises. Some of you have seen his wonders in your life. Share with others by replying in the comments below.

Psalm 23: 5 Thou prepares a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anoints my head with oil; my cup runs over…..

2 Peter 1:3 seeing that His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness, through the true knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence.

Prayer To Supply All My Needs

Trusting God with All My Needs

Jehovah Jireh, O God who Provides! The Lord is my shepherd, how can I ever want! You shall supply all my needs, according to Your bountiful and limitless riches in glory. El-Roi, the God Who Sees, You have given your angels charge over me.

Loving Father, I acknowledge Your unmatched sovereignty and Your power to provide. Each blessing I have experienced stems from Your hands. But amidst life’s ceaseless demands and uncertainties, I sometimes feel burdened by worries about the future and the challenge to meet my daily needs.

In my time of greatest need, I can always come to my Father’s place where there are many mansions. All I need do is ask of my father, Abba Father.

Lord, I admit that I often rely too much on my efforts, trying to secure all my needs through my strength. Instead, I want to embrace a simple, childlike faith, confident in the knowledge that You understand and will provide for all my needs, as You’ve always promised. (Prayer: Trusting GOD for His Blessings)

Matthew 6:26 Look at the birds of the air, that they do not sow, nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they?

Psalm 34:10 The young lions do lack and suffer hunger; But they who seek the Lord shall not be in want of any good thing.

Daily Nourishment for Body and Spirit

Heavenly Provider, I bring before You my daily needs for physical sustenance and spiritual enrichment. Just as You provided manna in the desert, I pray for the daily bread that meets both my physical and spiritual needs.

Let me relish and find gratitude in each meal and recognize Your hand in every provision. Alongside that, may Your Word feed my spirit, acting as my constant guide and strength throughout life’s journey.

In this world teeming with distractions and false sustenance, guard my heart and soul from being swayed. Let me always prioritize feasting on Your Word, drawing deep from its well of wisdom and strength.

John 6:35 Jesus said to them, ‘I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst.’

Psalm 119:103 How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!

Meeting All My Material and Financial Needs

Lord of Abundance, my daily needs also encompass material and financial provisions. In a world where materialism reigns, grant me a heart that remains content and thankful.

Let me remember that money and possessions are tools designed to serve and glorify You. Provide sufficiently for all my needs, so I may also be a blessing to others.

Help me avoid the trap of making money my master or my security. Instead, guide me to make wise financial choices, save diligently, give with an open heart, and spend responsibly, acknowledging You as the source of all I have. (Prayer for God’s Blessings Throughout The Year)

Proverbs 30:8-9 Remove far from me falsehood and lying; give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me with the food that is needful for me, lest I be full and deny you and say, ‘Who is the LORD?’ or lest I be poor and steal and profane the name of my God.

1 Timothy 6:10 For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs.

Seeking Shelter and Protection

Faithful Protector, I pray for shelter – a sanctuary where I can rest, recharge, and feel safe. Whether it’s a physical home, a community, or spiritual refuge, I desire a space where Your presence is palpable.

As I rest each night, remind me to be thankful for the protection you offer, acknowledging the shelter You provide against life’s storms.

Even though earthly shelters might change, in You, I find an eternal and unchanging refuge. Guard me from placing undue value on temporal dwellings, and help me recognize that my true home is with You.

Psalm 91:1 He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.

John 14:2 In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you?

Giving Thanks

I give thanks to you Oh God, for this blessed day. Today, my dreams will abundantly flourish. My plans will surely succeed.

My destiny will be assured. And my heart’s desires will be granted. All this, in accordance with the will of you, Oh Father, in Jesus’ holy name. I will continue trusting in You with all my heart and soul.

3 John 1:2 Beloved, I wish above all things that you will prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospers.

John 14:13-14 And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14 If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.

Making My Ways Prosperous

As I awaken this morning, may my life be clean, calm, and clear as the early morning dew. The finances I need will know my name and address. The right people and right opportunities present themselves to me today.

Exalted and Majestic Creator, You have freely made Your Abounding Grace available to me, so that I shall have all sufficiency in everything from You.

You are my source, my power, my healer, my deliverer, the Author and Finisher of my Faith. Though you, my ways are being made prosperous, and I shall Achieve Success in all my endeavors.

Love the LORD your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your strength, and all your mind. Have a wonderful day in His name! Amen! (Prayer for God’s Financial Favor)

Philippians 4:19 And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.

Psalm 5:3 In the morning, LORD, you hear my voice. In the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly.

Daily Prayer To Supply All My Needs

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  1. Just recently the Lord supernaturally erased over $225,000 worth of student loan debt! My God, My Savior, and the Holy Spirit are faithful


  2. Honestly, as I look back I can see my needs were always met. Rent was paid, food was on the table, bills paid and health restored. I’m ashamed to say I did a lot of grumbling & complaing and never being able to see the trees before the proverbial forest. Forgive me Father and thank You for ALL OF YOUR MIGHTY BLESSINGS!! I love and worship ❤️ You ✝️✝️✝️

  3. Lord, Today I come to as a humble servant. I thank you for all the promises you have kept in the lives of my family and friends. Thank you for being a merciful God. Thank You for sending your son to be our Savior so we may recieve you Love and Grace. Father I pray in the Name of Jesus that you continue to provide all of our needs. Right now things seem impossible but I have faith that you will make a way. For all of your blessings upon my life, I will glorify your name. Praise be to you Abba Father. In the name of Jesus Christ I Pray Amen.

  4. Lord Jesus, You are my provider and my fortress. I need you every moment of my life. Thank you for your abundant blessings, your mercy and your grace Lord. Please help me to stay strong and fill me with the Holy Spirit. You are the Living God of the impossible, the healer, the provider, the protector. Thank you for your mercy and your presence in our lives. I pray for success in my career. I pray to break every stronghold, every barrier in your name I praise you, I adore you and I love you in the mighty name of Lord Jesus. Amen

  5. I thank GOD through his son JESUS CHRIST, who has made it possible for me today also for his abundance on every aspect of my life, I know he will continue to do everything that he has promised to me concerning my travel back home, Thank you LORD GOD almighty in JESUS CHRIST name the son of the living GOD Amen and Amen Hallelujah glory be to GOD in the highest.

  6. Dear lord i pray and ask for your devine protection over me and my Family life especially my daughter who is due to give birth in December God a pray that you will bless her good and safe delivery of her baby so that she and her baby both will be in good health especially in these trying times where the pandemic is still in thee air God i just pray for your intervention in my family life in Jesus mighty name amen

  7. God s Word is Powerful im a living testimony I am a 27yr breast cancer survivor Praise God. And my sister has been fighting this cancer not so known But God with Our prayers family friends she finished her treatment doing good Praise God. Hold on and Trust. Amen

  8. Dear heavenly father
    Please protect me in everything I do and say please give to me your powerful favour and send your angles before me let me walk in your strength to heal the sick and raise the dead in your name .renewe my youth like the eagles replenish me with your love cover me with your wings .I ask in Jesus name Amen
    Your loving daughter sarah Jane

    • Jehovah Jireh,how much I love you. Thank you my father for the gift of life and thank you for all you have done,I don’t take it for granted. Father Lord you have said that you will provide all my needs,I bring my requests to you this morning please provide for me and my family. I ask this in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen
  9. My dear Lord Jesus Christ
    I give You thanks for this beautiful blessed new day.
    Today,my dreams will abundantly flourish.
    My plans will surely succeed. Amen.
    My dear Lord Jesus Christ,is my Shepherd,there is nothing I shall want. All I want has already be supplied.I have everything I need.Everything I need will always be supplied. Amen.
    I pray for my daily needs will be always be supplied. Amen.
    Through our Lord Jesus Christ,
    My ways are being made prosperous. Amen.
    Today,I will start my day with a grateful heart,calm and clear as the early morning dew.
    I love You,my dear Lord Jesus Christ,You are all I need. Amen.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen..

  10. Thank you lord for you speak to me this morning
    According to Philippians 4:19 you will meet all my needs
    I am inter in agreement with this prayer today I believe and I receive all provisions you has promised me and my family. Thank you because you has done ✅ for me
    In Jesus mighty name Amen.

  11. Thank you lord for this day. Please forgive my sins. Please give me a good day. Give me patience. And dont let evil harm me or break every stronghold that Is keeping me from my success and my true love.

  12. On this precious day, I thank you Lord for supplying all of my needs. I thank you that I am here, healthy, and still have a job through this all. Thank you for supplying my needs and keeping me protected. I pray for your continued protection over my family, friends, and loved ones.May your will for my life continue to be manifested each day.

  13. I want to first THANK GOD ALMIGHTY for Christianstt. I tell you when you dont know what to say or how to say words in prayer to GOD this site really really helps. I am so thankful for all the prayers that I could read and say out loud. I thank GOD again for this site and all the men and women of GOD through Christ Jesus who are praying for not only me but for all who are trying to find thier way in Christ. GOD RICHLY BLESS you all

  14. I praise and give You thanks my dear Lord Jesus Christ,for this blessed morning.
    I thank You for this new day.
    I am surely goodness and mercy will follow me all day long. Amen.
    My dear Lord Jesus Christ,is my Shepherd,there is nothing I shall want. All I want has already be supplied.
    I have everything I need.
    Everything I need will always be supplied. Amen.
    I pray for my daily needs has already be supplied. Amen.
    I thank You Lord,for You already in store for me my daily needs.
    Lord Jesus,through You,my ways are being prosperous. Amen.
    Today,I will start my day with a grateful heart,calm and clear as the early morning dew.
    Thank You Lord,for You are The Way,The Truth and The Life.
    In Jesus mughty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

  15. Through you my ways are being made prosperous, Please Give me favorable Grace, today with my Dr.
    Give me the peace that only you can give.
    Thank you Jesus
    Thy will be done
    Amen & Amen

  16. As I awaken on This Friday the last day of January 31, 2020, may my spirit be Calm, Clean, and Clear
    I praise you Lord Jesus
    Peace I know you will give
    I receive by the precious blood of Jesus.
    Amen & Amen❤❤

  17. Dear Father, I want to thank you for waking me up this morning to see another day. Father God i love with you all mind, my soul,my heart and strength. Father God with you anything is possible. Though you, my ways are being made prosperous, and I shall Achieve Success in all my endeavours. Father God i know with you anything is possible. Father God you know the path for my life. Father God you know which direction i should go. Father i asked that you help me. Show me Father God. I have trust and faith in you Father God. Father God i lean on you with understanding i know you will never leave me or forsaken me. Father i know you will supply all needs. I pray that surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life. Father you are first in my life. Father you are my everything. Amen

    1. Father God I thank you for everything in my life and my children lives. Please continue to bless us and protect us. God I know you will supply us with all our needs. Bless you Father God.

  18. Dear God,
    Lord Jesus,You are my Lord and my Savior,my love in my life,my everything,You are all I need. Amen.
    The Lord is my Shepherd,there is nothing I shall want.
    I have everything I need.
    Everything I need will always be supplied. Amen.
    I pray that today,dear God,
    May my Lord Jesus,
    Fill my daily needs,and in store for me my everyday needs.My everyday needs will always be supplied. Amen.
    So today,I will start my day with a clean heart,calm and be grateful throughout the day.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen..

  19. I can’t even express the goodness of God in me and my family life.To God be the glory. I met my wife as a Muslim with the name Sento,but today she is Ruth Mariam Mattia Yongai,with an anointing oil purring on her head as a born again Christian.My God your so good to us.

  20. Great are you Lord. Thank you Jehovah Jireh for all my needs you are a great provider. I bless you your name Oh Lord. I pray for your continual words and works in my life and family/families in Jesus name So Be It amen and amen. Glory to God ✌?✌?✌?

  21. Dear Father God,
    I thank You Father,to supply all my needs,according to the riches of Your glory in Christ Jesus. Amen
    The Lord is my Shepherd,there is nothing I shall want.I have everything I need.
    Everything I need will always be supliedAmen
    I pray that today,dear God,
    My everyday daily needs will always be supplied. Amen.
    The good things are coming on my ways. Amen.
    Through Our Lord Jesus Christ.
    My ways are being made prosperous.
    Thank You Lord Jesus,for in store for me my everyday needs.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

    1. Thank you Lord for supplying my needs everyday after I lose my job. I have never been worried.You are ever faithful. Thank you Jesus

    2. This God is my God.
      I Thank God for His promise and Blessing which He have given to us in advance….
      I stand on the promise of God, I stand on the blessings of God, The Blessed Shall Call me BLESSED in Jesus name Amen

    1. God my Father I pray for Your consumption by The power and holy fire of The precious Holy Spirit removed every stain every form of fear doubt discouragement frustration and saturate me with pure true worship overtake me with Your mantle of prayer. that I make an impact that I be effective for Your glory alone in the name of Jesus Christ give me a clean pure humble humble heart ❤️ I ask

      1. Christian are to finish prayers in Jesus Christs name…it’s a spiritual legal thing..Christians in the light know this! God bless and shalom.

    2. Good day dear Sakuwaha,
      I believe deep in my heart, the fact you asked for a prayer request it is sign that you believe that our Lord Jesus-Christ is able to grant whatever your heart desires for His glory. As I believe that a specific problem has a specific way of solving it. So, let me share with you this simple prayer which can be a pattern in asking for job opportunities and financial break through which is your request.

      Dear Lord Jesus-Christ, incline your ear and hear, I do not present my supplications before you because of my righteous deeds, but because of your great mercies. O Lord You said in your word that we should not be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplications, with thanksgiving, we should make our demand known to You. O Jehovah Jireh, I thank You for giving me this opportunity today to ask for a job which will get me out of the snare of poverty and be a blessing for others.
      Thank you Abba, Father for you everlasting love!

  22. Good day,
    I have been using this devotional site since my friend introduced it to me.

    I recently got diagnosed with CML Leukemia but I’ve been through the worst and currently in recovery stage. Now even though there is possibility of permanent hearing loss I am hopeful and optimistic my hearing will come back because the Almighty has already shown his grace and faithfulness in my life because currently I should not be alive but I believe God wanted me alive and saved me. So he will continue his work. I lost all my senses they are currently all back except vision which the Drs are optimistic will fully return (I have about 50% now) and the hearing which I have already started hearing 1 or 2 pitches.
    So I just want to say keep praying for me to recover fully and thank you for your devotionals which keep me company and to praise and appreciate the name of the living God, he is real !!!!!
    Thank you.

    1. I thank God for your life and I believe He that saw you through the surgery will perfect the rest in Jesus name. It is well with you. Remain blessed

    2. God and ask God and explain to Him why you should be healed! That’s what the prophets and disciples did and how they prayed! There are many examples how to pray in the KJ Bible. God bless and shalom.

  23. Is there a God out there. I feel like committing suicide. My problems are just too much. Please pray for me. Going through financial difficulties.

    1. There is a God out there my dear if I tell you there is a God I am honest with you
      My financial difficulties was like mount Everest but God is bigger than the highest mountain keep the faith pray unceasing on your knees wright all your debt on a paper or papers speak to God about them face your debtors be grateful for even on dollar
      God can cancell debt he can soften your debtors hearts he can present the right people and opportunities never give up
      I will keep you in prayer

    2. I was going through a similar situation. I wake up every morning declaring him as the Lordship over my life. He will prove His Lord. Declare it everyday

    3. You have a demon of suicide in you,and demons standing next you telling you in your mind everything is bad and going to be worse.Their lying. Go to God in prayer and just believe what He said in the KJ Bible.”Everything that the devil and demons say contradicts the KJ bible. I’ve seen God’s word come true over and over for decade after decade. God knows and sees everything, and Christians in the light say ”everything in life is a test and lesson to see if a person will believe God over every lie of the devil and circumstances and to learn the spiritual lessons to do better in worshipping God! God bless N shalom!

  24. Blessed day my Lord God. Ameen and Ameen. Thank you Lord for another day bless me and my family Ameen

  25. I thank God for today and also for this ministry. You always have the exact words to nourish my soul. May God’s name be praise forever and ever.