Prayer of Surrender:  Surrender All to Jesus

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This is a prayer when you need a closer, deeper relationship with the Lord. Surrendering your life and allowing God to guide and direct you will lead to an intimacy with God. It’s not about religion. But it’s about my personal relationship with Christ.

Prayer of Surrender: Surrendering All to Jesus

Heavenly Father, I completely surrender all my life to You! I adore You, for You are mighty and all-powerful, worthy of all my praise.

As I kneel in worship to You, Lord, sometimes I am so overwhelmed by what is going on around me that I am lost for words.

By the working power of the Holy Spirit, I know that all I need to do is call on the beautiful, sweet-sounding name of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Thank You for that privilege!

Romans 12:1 I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.

Complete Surrender: my finances, my thoughts, my will

Today, as I come to the point of total submission to Your will, I completely surrender my will to yours. I thank You for the gift of life and for filling me with purpose.

No matter what You place on my heart Lord, I declare it will be done to the best of my ability, by the leading of the Holy Spirit.

I surrender my finances. I surrender my thoughts. Help me, Almighty God, to always think good thoughts, even when the pressure is on, as this will magnify and glorify You.

I pray Father, that when temptation comes my way, the Holy Spirit will guide me and help me to triumph over whatever situations I face.

I thank You for the opportunities I have to live for You and You only, and to walk in complete obedience.

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.

Jesus’ Prayer

In the mighty name of Jesus Christ, who has taught me to pray…
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name,
Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
And forgive us of our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
Lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from evil,
For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory.
Forever and ever, AMEN! SO BE IT!

Read also: Prayer: Deeper Relationship with God and A Prayer to Walk with God

James 4:8 Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.

Prayer of Surrender:  Surrender All to Jesus

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  1. I needed that…Thank You. My God is so good to me, yet I know I’m a disappointment to Him daily. Surrendering my all to Him was needed, again. My worry is, what’s happening w inflation, Biden corruption, President Trumps unfair treatment, but instead of praying I dive into other things. Crafting, cleaning, anything to take me away from this world of reality. Focus on prayer, believing God has a plan for the right outcome, my faith needs an uplift, revitalizing n I got it back tonight. THANKS again.

  2. My dearest brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ, please I beg for your prayers that I may be healed from Covid 19. I am already suffering from stage 4 metastatic breast cancer and I have high comorbidity. I surrender my life to God. At this point, I need His hand to touch me and declare me healed. Please pray for me, too.

  3. Thank you lord Jesus. for making me to know you on time thank you God Almighty for ur grace lord guide me true as I preach the kingdom gospel to all nation Amen

  4. Ease my troubled heart, heavenly Father
    Give me the peace that only you can give
    I claim all a new beginning, by the precious blood of Jesus
    No weapon formed against me shall prosper
    Thy will be done
    Amen & Amen

  5. Amen thank you god for helping me in my life and always be with me . Let your Holy Spirit always guide me and my family in Jesus name amen.

  6. Hi what scriptures can I stand I’m believing for me to get my son back he’s 6 years old I’m supposed to have him from Wednesday to Wednesday but I haven’t been able to really have money to be goin to pick him up from his dad’s house so I have only been able to get him Friday to Sunday and I can tell that I hurts him I want him back plz ? help

    1. I surrender all to you my beloved Father in Jesus mighty name. My life,my thoughts, my wishes and desires, my family my marriage and children.
      I put my whole in you my trust is in you Jesus christ. Amen.

  7. I praise You my dear Lord Jesus Christ.
    I love You Lord,with all my heart.
    I need You,Lord Jesus, today,right now.
    I am not well,today,I don’t know why.
    Everything I eat,throughout again.
    Help me,lord Jesus.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

  8. God Almighty, I surrender my life to you today, take charge of my life. May I live in accordance to your will, break the chains that have kept me in bondage, give unto me the opportunities that my come my way. I pray all this in the might name of Jesus Christ! Amen ?

    A lot of Job opportunities have eluded me and I can’t seem to know the reason why but I leave all in your name Lord for you alone are worthy.

  9. I surrender all to Thee my blessed Saviour. I surrender all, my will and my life into Your hands O Lord. My family and children all I give to You my Lord. I know that in Thee do I put my trust. You are a way maker, miracle worker promise keeper. My trust is in You, Lilly of the valley, my trust is in Your Alfa and Omega. The beginning and the end, I put it all in You.

    1. I stand by today’s declaration that I am God’s servant and He takes pleasure in my prosperity. I surrender my finances to Him and declare that it has already been fulfilled. Thank you Lord for all these encouraging prayers and I lift them up all to you for your heavenly blessings upon all of us seeking your living presence in our lived. Good morning Lord Jesus! Thank you for this blessed day! Amen!

  10. Lord Jesus, I totally surrender my life and that of my family members; Wezzie, Yasinta, Paul, Pauline and my wife Mode unto you. Forgive us and take away any curse that is before us. protect us from all the powers of darkness. Cover us with your precious blood that you shed on the cross. Holly Spirit minister to our lives in Jesus’s name, Amen.

    1. I praise You my dear Lord Jesus.Christ,I thank You for everything You have done for me.
      I love You with all my heart.
      I completely surrender my life into Your precious hands.
      I surrender my burdens,my worries and my fears.
      I find peace in my hearts,in my thoughts and in my mind and in my soul,after I read hearing Your Word. Amen.
      I thank You for the opportunities,I have to live for You and You only,and to walk in complete obedience.
      I believe in You,Lord Jesus,for blessing me, bring peace and remove the heaviness within my heart.
      Thank You Lord,for guiding me to walk in Your way of righteousness.
      In Jesus mighty name I pray.
      Amen and Amen..

  11. Dear Father God.
    I thank you Your loving kindness and faithfulness in my life.
    Thank you for blessing me with a new day. And always be with me in everything I do.
    I completely surrender all my life to You.I love You dear Lord Jesus. Amen
    I place my life into Your hands,depend on You to light and guide my way,Amen.
    I believe in You dear Lord Jesus,for blessings me,bring peace,and remove the heaviness within my heart.
    Thank You Lord Jesus,for guiding me to walk in Your truth.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray
    Amen and Amen

  12. All the glory belong to Jesus.

    I have decided to give all my burden to God; surely know that all my problems will be solve by Jesus Amen.

    Thank you Jesus.

  13. Amen. Lord thank you for fighting my battles. I surrender all to you. I will be still and trust your process. I will always find the good and positive in every situation for I know You Lord is in control and everything works for my highest good. Thank you Lord for the guidance everyday, for the strength, confidence and wisdom. Direct my path Oh Lord, teach me Your ways. Bless me and my family with good health and continuous healing and restoration. In Jesus Name, Amen.

  14. I surrender MY life to you Lord Jesus, everything in my life, for I am your child, I can do nothing without you And YOUR Love, Guidance , Healing, favor and Grace.
    I Love you I know you carry me and hold my hand everyday, u protect me and mine, I praise you Dear Heavenly Father, let me be a vessel a witness, teach me, tell me, show me what you want me to you, for I know YOU have s special purpose for my life, thy will be done
    Amen & Amen

  15. Recognising the need of the Holy Spirit help to truly summit & surrender to God & his will for my life on A daily base.

    1. Yahweh you are GREAT and GREATLY to be praised. I surrender ALL to you ….EVERYTHING I give to you withholding mothing. …

      1. My Sweet Glorious Lord of my life, I surrender all that I have into your loving supporting arms.
        Your lamp at my feet will burn for evermore.
        Thank you my Glorious Father for blessing me, guiding me, supporting me with your steadfast love, your tender mercies, and your patience.
        Can’t wait to meet with you see your beautiful face, and to thank you in person.
        All my love?