Testimony – How A 10 pound Miracle changed my life!

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The large cyst

22nd September marks a very important day in my life. The day I found out I was going to be a parent. On this day 11 years ago, my life changed instantly. Little did I know of the eventual 180 degree turn my life was going to take, pointing me to the one true living God. Jesus Christ – the Savior of all the world.

My son Marley is now 10 years old and so full of life. But it wasn’t always that way. You see, God had a plan but so did the enemy. Even from in the womb, satan tried to get Marley out of the way.

Having irregular cycles, I went to check myself out in August 2008, only to have a popular doctor tell me I had a large cyst on my ovary that needed to be burnt off.

The procedure was scheduled for October. Not knowing of my true state, and being the person I was at the time, I continued with the binge drinking, smoking and partying.

Until one day I had strange uncontrollable cravings and a weird metallic taste in my mouth. I decided to take a pregnancy test and it confirmed I was pregnant. That cyst to be burnt off was MARLEY.

When Abortion was the “best” option

I was scared, I was confused and most of all, I was alone. I had recently broken up with my son’s dad and he left to stay at his parent’s house.

  • When I went to the doctor, he advised that, based on my medical history and the state of my body, I should consider abortion. But I DECLINED.
  • The doctor said the baby would probably abort itself. But I DECLINED.
  • The doctor said if the baby made it to full term that it would most likely be deformed and the bones won’t be strong enough. But I DECLINED.

You see, I had seen Marley on the screen, and my son already had a heartbeat. And there was nothing about that heartbeat that said “GIVE UP!”. Marley never aborted himself. As a matter of fact, he was in my womb for 10 months, 2 weeks over the normal gestational period.

He went on to become the LARGEST natural birth at Gulf View Medical. He was born 2 ounces shy of 10 POUNDS. No deformities, no medical problems.

Sasha and Marley

About To Give Up

Satan kept trying to come at Marley up to 2012, when my son was hospitalized for “food poisoning”. It was the most bizarre case and still was not concluded.

He was keeping nothing in and was dropping pounds by the day. Seeing his frail little body on the bed, and not knowing the God I serve now, I was so close to giving my life to the enemy to have it rectified. BUT GOD……..

The Plans He has For Me

Since Marley came into existence, God has used him in so many ways. Through my pregnancy, God healed me from anemia and irregular period cycles. I haven’t taken another iron tablet or birth control pill.

Through Marley’s hospitalization, God called out to me, amidst my grief and desperation. And I was able to actually hear Him and come out of the kingdom of darkness.

I tell you. God knew the plans he had for my life involving my son. Satan had an idea and tried to deal with it, but as expected, God got the victory.

God’s plan and purpose for Marley has just begun, believe it or not. At such a tender age, God was able to use him to change his mother’s life FOREVER. And God will continue to use him to change the lives of the people around him.

I love my son, my God-blessed miracle child of God.

Bless the Lord , O my soul. And all that is within me, bless his holy name.
Bless the Lord , O my soul, and forget not all his benefits.
Who forgiveth all thine iniquities. Who healeth all thy diseases;
He redeemed my life from destruction and crowned me with lovingkindness and tender mercies.
He satisfies my mouth with good things; so that my youth is renewed like the eagle’s.

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  1. Sasha, what an amazing testimony!! Sister, your faith in our Awesome God is a blessing and encouragement to know that all things are possible if we believe. Thanks ? be to God who has given you the victory. May God’s Blessings and favor continue to be with you and Marley. Will be praying ?!!! Love you Sister!!

  2. Dear Sasha,
    My prayer for you today,
    I pray that may God would answer your prayer today.
    In Jesus name,

  3. Yes,thank you dear Sasha,
    It’s a good Testimony.
    May we always give thanks to God for everything.
    He is our great God,help us in all our trouble.
    May He continue to bless you and your son Marley today and always.
    Glory Be To Our Lord,The Father,The Son and the Holy Spirit.

  4. Amazing story Sasha. God is good. Marley is a child of God. This story really touch my heart. Sasha you are a strong woman and God is with you. May God continue to bless you and marley!!!

  5. I rebuke by the blood of Jesus all negativity all , false prophets, all false friends, all that is not Good and True
    God is Love
    May You Have Peace and all The ❤Your
    Heart Can Hold❤

  6. I am big I have a great and mighty God, I will move that mountain myself, by Gods Grace.
    Thy will be done.
    Amen & Amen

  7. What an incredible story and what an amazing amount of courage you have. May God always bless you and your son.

    1. Bless you Shawn. Thanks for your kind words. It is also amazing that Marley celebrated his 8th birthday yesterday. Glory to God. He is so good. Blessings

      1. I was reading your testimony I am so happy for you that you didn’t give up God is our strong tower in everything. I have been praying to God for my marriage reconciliation since 4 and half years ago and sometimes I feel discouraged but I know he his able may God continue to bless you and your family

  8. What a fascinating and wondrous testimony Sasha, Marley is our lovingly God’s Divine Gift made and sent especially for you, Marley was always coming in to your life,even long before you were born, just think about that! Marley changed your life and will continue to have an amazing effect upon your life as he will always put a smile upon your heart, God knew this and that is why Marley was sent. Your Heavenly Father wanted to change your life for the better Sasha so He sent a little child to bring about that great change in you, just like once before He sent us all a little child, that time it was to bring vast and immense change to the people of the world and His name was Jesus. God Bless You both. Evie