Testimony – Because Christ lives, I will live!

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It all started with chest-pains, followed by difficulty in breathing. As time went on, I became allergic to cold, dust and strong smells. I started having attacks, which were mistaken for asthma.The chest-pains, accompanied by pains in my ribs, got intense, especially at night.

A few months after that, I started coughing, had constant headaches, fever as well as other symptoms. I used different drugs but I only got worse. I still went on my daily activities, burying myself with work. Meanwhile, I was slowly dying.

I was always dreading nightfall because as the darkness falls, my condition would worsen and daybreak would bring welcomed relief.

My parents became so worried that they asked me to take a break and come back home, (we lived in separate cities) so we can seek a solution.

They rushed me to the hospital and, after much examination and tests, I was diagnosed

My life came crashing down

The day I was to come back home (home is where momma lives), I was faced with so many challenges. But I made up my mind I was going to go, no matter what. They were not happy when they saw me because I looked so sick and I had lost weight drastically.

They couldn’t sleep at night. I would cough for so many hours nonstop and, coupled with the fever, I was in terrible pains. They rushed me to the hospital and, after much examination and tests, I was diagnosed with inflammation of the lungs .

My life came crashing down at that point. How can I have lung disease? Where did I go wrong? Why do bad things happen to good people?

I had so many questions in my head. I was to undergo six months therapy. My condition worsened after I started treatment. Guys, I saw hell.

The pains in my chest, ribs, back, loin, muscles can’t be described. I wept day and night. I slipped into depression. My nightmare came when I lost the ability to walk. Who did I offend? Who did this to me? “Lord, please take this pain away!” I would cry.

Isaiah 53:5 He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed

Because Christ lives, I will live

Men of God, relations, friends and all never stopped praying for me. I became an object of pity, being carried like a baby everywhere or in a wheelchair.

I watched my parents and siblings cry when they thought I wasn’t looking

Sometimes I passed out because I was too weak. I threw up whatever I ate, including water. Different tests and scans (from ordinary to MRI) were undertaken, yet nothing could show why I couldn’t walk.

At one point, the doctors got tired and asked my family to resort to prayers, because there was nothing science could do for me.

Four months of sorrow, agony and sadness. I lost my job, relationships with people I thought were my lifeline, and almost everything I held dear. At a point, dying felt like the best option because I couldn’t handle the pain.

But then I saw the hope in the eyes of my family and a few other people. Their faith fed my faith.

I had to come back to my senses. Remembering the story of Job in the Bible, I told myself because Christ lives, I will live. I began to trust in God and I continued to remind him of His promises concerning me. I promised him I would share this testimony when he heals me.

Exodus 15:2 The LORD is my strength and song, and He has become my salvation; He is my God, and I will praise Him; My father’s God, and I will exalt Him.

The Healing

Gradually, I began to notice some changes in my body. The fever reduced alongside the pains. I began to do things I couldn’t do before. I started using a walking aid… LOL!

I am proud to say that I am getting better. I have improved greatly and I can’t wait for God to perfect my healing and restore all that I lost in a hundred fold, because He promised me He would.

Never doubt God!!

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  1. Hallelujah! Thank the Lord for this big testimony. God, you are Good all the time. I know you will never fail us. In Jesus name Amen. ??❤️

  2. We join you to praise God for the gift of healing he has started and he will surely bring it to completion be cause he is faithful continue singing your praises and his glory will shine through

  3. My dear Lord Jesus Christ,
    I praise You,I thank You,I bless Your Holy Name and I worship You.
    Heaven and Earth are full of Your glory. Amen.
    I thank You,Lord Jesus,for You always be with me,for me,in me and I in You.
    You are not only in me,but You live in me and I live in You.You are my everything,my love in this life.
    Because Christ Jesus lives in me.I will live. Amen.
    So today,dear God,
    I give my life into Your precious hands.
    I pray that today,dear God,
    May You,Lord Jesus,give healing to us all. Amen.
    I believe and trust that my Lord Jesus will come and arise to give His Supernatural Healing Power to heal us all. Amen.
    Thank You Lord,for all Your blessing and Your healing power.
    I always love You,Amen.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

  4. Praise be to God! He is the Way Maker, Miracle Worker, Promise Keeper, Light in the darkness my God, that is who YOU ARE…..!❤

  5. Dear Father God.
    I praise You,my dear Heavenly Father.
    Heaven and Earth are full of Your glory.
    I thank You,Father,for You always take care me,be by my side,taking away my pain and heal me.
    I know that,my dear Father God,because Christ Jesus lives.I will live.
    We all can face for tomorrow,because He lives,all our fears are gone.
    I give my life into Your gracious hands,dear Father God. Amen.
    I believe and trust in You with all my heart.
    I believe in supernatural Healing Power.
    God will arise and give healing to us all. Amen.
    I pray that today.
    May God bless you always. Amen.
    Thank You Lord Jesus,for Your goodness and healing.I love You forever dear Father God.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

  6. I praise You my dear Heavenly Father,for You are my life,my everything.So today I give my life into Your gracious hands,my dear God.
    We know that,because Christ lives,we all can face for tomorrow,because He lives,all our fears are gone.
    I thank you for You always taking away our pain and heal me.
    Heaven and earth are full of Your Glory,my dear Holy God.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

  7. I would also like to relate to that statement because Christ lives I am living .14 July 2015 on my sons birthday after being diagnosed with breast cancer i reacted to my first treatment of chemotherapy becoming very unwell a few days later with deadly outcome due to the negligence of the hospital from an over dose and drug interaction with the other medications I was on.i was in intensive care and in hospital for almost two months I was burnt from inside to outside of my body I couldn’t eat or walk i was in so much pain I can’t even describe I had 50 to 50 chance of survival.i have never been so sick in my life I cried and asked God to heal me I told God about my children who will look after them and my loved ones. GOD heard my cry and healed me it was a gradual process but I got there though I still have problems with swallowing but I have recovered I can eat and walk ,then on 12January 2016 I lost my grandmother who raised me and I was close to.Then I feel into depression asking God questions. But I thank God that am alive today and I know that my Father lives.i have beaten cancer twice 2015 and in1999 also when I heard advanced stage of lymphoma I was never sick on both diagnoses untill when tests came through which was a surprise to my doctors.This is my testimony I am a living miracle because of God my Heavenly Father and l love him and is always with me. When I was in intensive care I would silently sing Great is thy Faithfulness that kept me going and the will to survive but I owe to God and Jesus everything. I pray for everyone suffering and in pain don’t give up God heals and is a miracle worker.May God bless everyone Amen.

  8. The great physician that has started that work of healing in you, will perfect your healing in the nameof Jesus!


  10. I want to give thanks to my dear Lord Jesus Christ, for always forgive everyone, and answered prayer. I put my trust in my dear Lord Jesus, if I have a problem or something’s not good in my life.
    Because He lives, we all can face for tomorrow, because He lives all our fears are gone. And thank you for always taking away our pain and heal me, when I have a fever or something
    not good in my body.
    Thank you Lord for Your Goodness and Your Healing.
    In Jesus mighty name.
    Amen and Amen.

  11. Thank you for your testimony and yes we all have different types trials, tests. If we passed, God blesses us abundantly. Two years ago, without any waring or previous illness collapsed and fractured my face, teeth, had opened wound, bleeding, but I never had experienced any pain. I stayed in the hospital for three days and right after 5 days my opened wound healed, teeth stayed tact. Who could do all these things? The mighty God, my heavenly Father!!

  12. May God through the blood of Jesus Christ heal all those who are ill. God Bless you all the Lord will arise and give healing. His word will never return to him void. Amen

  13. “And if the spirit of Him who raised Christ from the dead is living in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit, who lives in YOU.” Romans 8:11.
    This is my anchor scripture,hold on to God, declare His word in your life everyday, don’t give up on God because He’ll never give up on you. It is well with you my sister.

  14. “And if the spirit of Him who raised Christ from the dead is living in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit, who lives in YOU.” Romans 8:11.
    This is my anchor scripture,hold on to God, declare His word in your life everyday, don’t give up on God because He’ll never give up on you. It is well with you my sister.

  15. The great work God has begun in your life and that of your family will be brought to perfection. Thanks for this beautiful testimony of Hope amidst life’s trying times. It can only get better from here. Love you.

  16. Glory to the king of kings, very touching story and encouraging …Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world!! Thank you Lord for a testimony.

  17. This testimony about hope, healing, and trust in the Lord is beautiful. Let’s not take life for granted and let our Savior Jesus Christ lead us and take us to the wonderful journeys He has for everyone of us. God is love and lets love Him back !

  18. I will lift up mine eyes unto the hill for whence cometh my help. My help comes from the Lord!! To God be the glory.. Heal all of these people Lord who comes to you in prayer..

  19. What beautiful encouragement to those like my husband who is suffering from chronic kidney disease. We are waiting for God’s divine healing to come or a kidney transplant. Yes! Because HE lives we will live to see tomorrow! Amen and continued healing to you Huldah.

  20. Trust God, with all your ❤ heart and with all your soul. He is not a man that he will lie. God keeps his promises. He will give you the desires of your heart. ❤ Hallelujah!!!!

  21. Because he lives, u can face tomorrow, because he lives, all fears is gone, O yes I knw He hold ur future, ur life is worth to lives more years ahead because he lives. Amen

  22. Thank God for you and your faith, your is permanent and all restored back in Jesus name, so inspired and I use you as a point of contact to any one God who needs the touch of God, cheers

  23. Praise God when we cry to Him in our trouble, He saves us from our distress. Thank you Father for healing your beautiful child.