Warfare Prayer to Break Demonic Activity In Your Life

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Are you experiencing demonic attacks? Generational curses just seem to persist? Nothing is moving in your life accordingly to your plans? Maybe you are trying your best but to no avail? You may be experiencing spiritual attacks.

Jeremiah 51:20. “You are My battle-ax and weapons of war: For with you I will break the nation in pieces; With you I will destroy kingdoms;”

God can use YOU as His battle-ax and His weapons of war. He will use you to break in pieces every evil attack of the enemy. He will destroy demonic patterns with you and shake the kingdom of darkness. God will cause you to tear down every stronghold that is holding down.

In Isaiah 41:15, He says He will make you into a new threshing sledge. He will use you to thresh the MOUNTAINS of impossibility and beat them small. You shall make those limitations and setbacks like nothing. The wind shall carry them away and you shall see them no more!

Let Us Pray

Oh Lord Jehovah! I praise and magnify You today. I lift the banner of Your name high. You are the Most High God: higher than the highest. You are mightier than the mightiest and stronger than the strongest.

You are Jehovah Kanna, the jealous God and You will not share your glory with any one. Thus Lord I sing your song and proclaim Your goodness. I praise and magnify You, for You are my glory and the lifter of my head. By You, I can run against any troop, and leap over any wall.

1 Peter 5:8-9 Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings.

2 Thessalonians 3:3 “But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one.”

Break Every Demonic Attack

Heavenly Father, I come against all demonic attacks in my life and that of my family. I break any stronghold they may have on my life, in the name of Jesus Christ. Every evil family pattern is now destroyed. All spirits of stagnation, be gone, in the name of Jesus Christ.

Some trust in chariots, some trust in horses, and some trust in the strength of their bows. But I will trust in your name, my God.

Arise, oh Jehovah Nissi and let your enemies be scattered. Let them who rise up against me fall, for my sake my God. Those who gather against me, may they be scattered apart.

Every evil stronghold in my life, let the Rock of ages fall upon you and ground you to powder. Every limitation, set back and demonic circle, I command you to break now in the name of Jesus Christ. Every evil eye monitoring my life and destiny, be blinded, in the name of Jesus Christ.

Jeremiah 1:19. They will fight against you, But they shall not prevail against you. For I am with you,” says the Lord, “to deliver you.”

Ephesians 6:10-11Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.

The Enemy Will Not Prosper In My Life

I am a fortified city and an iron pillar. I am a bronze wall against every enemy of my family. Though the enemy try, he shall not prosper in my life. I am hidden with Christ in God, and the Lord will perfect everything that concerns me.

I declare light in my life. Light in my dreams. Light in my spiritual life. Light in my business. Light in my career. Light in my marriage. Let the light of God illuminate me, in the name of Jesus Christ I pray, Amen.

Psalms 18:29. For by You I can run against a troop, by my God I can leap over a wall.

James 4:7 Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

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  1. My job just fired me for things i didn’t do without hearing from me.
    I always see myself in the dreams as a housemaide running errands for people. I’ve also been seeing myself in the dreams going back to former places i lived, former work position lower than my qualifications and former schools and not even able to write my exams within the allotted time.
    I want God to reverse and destroy the demonic attack of slavery, stagnation, backwardness, setback, obstacles and poverty against myself in the name of Jesus Christ amen!

  2. Glory Hallelujah! We agree, believe, and we receive this prayer over our lives, and all of God’s children it is so by faith in Christ Jesus mighty and powerful name, thank God, Amen.

  3. I believe Father Lord Jesus Christ will free me from any satanic attack that is willing to destroy my life.
    Jesus Christ is my Rock.

  4. This special prayer came in at the right time for me. The time when I’m eliminating all the familiar spirits in my life and my family life. Christian help me to rebuke and destroy the chains of the strong holds from my life. They have tormented me for a long time. Help me to rise the weapon of war to shatter and crush the rules of darkness and higher officials

  5. Thank you so very very much for all of your help. I truly appreciate this website. And I return every single morning to pray. And I’m so grateful for you all. May Abba Father continue to Bless, Keep, Watch Over, Guide & Protect you & your families & your ministry Always Abundantly in Jesus name I pray, Amen!

  6. Dear Lord My Keeper My way Maker You are a awesome God even I hard times u are a present help in the time of need Your Love is so pure that I soothes my soul weeping may endure for a night but Joy comes in the Morning thank u for that joy thank u for going through good and bad times cause I trust u through them both .Lord God keep me shield me guide me I need your direction not my own strengthen me create in me a clean heart as i vow to praise u no matter how this look or maybe I trust u Jesus come into my heart Holy Spirit u are welcome have your way at times I don’t understand things but my God is doing a good thing even when it feels bad so Bless u my father I thank u Thank u Thank u Thank u Thank u Thank u and I’ll keep thanking u for everything Lord Bless everyone even the people who don’t wish me well Lord they don’t know what they do I forgive them My trust is in u My Keeper My God My love My strength My Fortess My Light My way Maker My Joy My Peace Lord u are my Everything keep using me I need u to stay with me In Jesus Name I Trust U Amen

  7. I Vernell Hill need God protection from my own family!! Have brought me down to poverty and sickness God has been with me for many years as I face these battles say a prayer for me and Dwight Hill my son thank you for your love and support

    1. God is a very present help in the time of need I pray for u All things are possible with God strums may rise winds may blow Jesus is there he will and shall make away in the mighty name of Jesus we Bind sickness he’s not our friend we Bind sickness and confusion we speak life in your situation ain’t Nothing I said Ain’t Nothing to harm for My God Our God count it all joy when u go through various trails ..God is there I pray that things are way better than they were I true God for u he is a deliver and a way maker even in difficult times …God please answer her prayers please keep her strengthen her guide her for we are Nothing with out u Jesus ..Reminder ….GOD SAYS FOR HE KNOWS THE PLANS HE HAVE FOR U…AMEN