Warfare Prayer Of Repentance

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Merciful Heavenly Father, You are so great, greater than what we can imagine. You are the Father of fathers, God of gods, King of Kings. You deserve our praise. All that You have created bow to You and say, You are a real God, and above all things, You are Glorious.

Father, we lift up our hearts and souls in repentance, seeking Your face and asking for forgiveness. We know that You offer love, forgiveness, and restoration. Because of Your love, You sent Your only Son, Jesus Christ to come and submit Himself for our sins.

He did. For us, he accepted to be called a sinner while He was not a sinner. He accepted our shame and carried our cross for us. For us, he was beaten up and hung on the cross.

Had it not been for His grace, where would we be? We believe that He is a Son of God, who died for our sins on the cross, buried but on the third day, He rose from the dead and ascended to Heaven.

Jesus Is Alive!

He is alive! We thank You, Jesus, our Saviour, that You are our Arbiter, and, with Your graceful blood, we are able to enter freely to the throne of our Father and ask forgiveness for our bad deeds.

Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, we come and kneel down in front of Your Holy place, confessing that we are all held accountable to You, as we are all sinners, and have fallen short of Your glory.

We have all stumbled in many ways. We have aroused Your wrath in many different ways. And we have made a distance from You. Psalm 106: 6-7, reads: “We have sinned, even as our ancestors did; we have done wrong and acted wickedly… They did not remember Your many kindnesses, and they rebelled by the sea, the Red Sea.”

Repentance Of All Sins

Just like them, our choices have led us to the wrong places. Father, we have heard Your Holy Spirit’s voice a thousand times but we have paid no heed.

Instead, we have been listening to the voice of the enemy and entering into temptations and deceits that always lead us away from You. And as a result, we have been in disasters.

We have wasted Your possessions. We have buried the talents You entrusted us with. Lord, we have not made any return.

We have hidden even what does not belong to us, as did Ananiah and Sapphire, and thus we have come to be in debt. Our debt is more than what we can pay.

Wrath Of The Lord

Your wrath has come upon us. Woe to us! We have involved ourselves in fornication; legitimizing homosexuality and lesbianism, calling it ‘civilization.

Raping even our own young children has become normal, committing adultery even publicly has been given all rights. We have killed Your creation Father; numberless abortion, killings, and other deeds, just for bodily things.

We have been worshiping gods. Your law insists on not worshiping gods, but we have not wanted to hear that. We search for other gods’ power. But in the book of Jeremiah 17: 5-6 it is written: “….. Cursed is the one who trusts in man, who depends on flesh for his strength, and whose heart turns away from the LORD. He will be like a bush in the wastelands and he will not see prosperity when it comes. He will dwell in the parched places of the desert, in a salt land where no one lives.”

Also, it is written in Mark 12:30-31 “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’

Repentance Of Selfishness

There is no commandment greater than these.” In spite of knowing that, We have not loved You, but instead we have loved ourselves and turned our hearts to the love of things and money, to the extent of worshiping them.

We have been so selfish. We do not love our neighbors as we do to ourselves. Lord, we have done nothing to help people in need. O woe to us!

Father, we have sinned much! We have sought after schemes and being in pomp. We have not abided by Your laws, but we have become like beasts. And now look at us; we are startled and quivering here and there, searching for help.

But blessed be our God, that there is a way found out, of agreeing with our accuser, for if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous, who is the Propitiation for our sins. For His sake, we entreat You, Father, blot out all our transgressions, and enter not into judgment with us.

If we confess our sins…

Jesus is our Guarantor who restored all for us. Father, it is written in 1 John 1:9 – “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and cleans us from all unrighteousness.” His mercy and grace is a gift He offers to us due to His great Love, not based on anything good we have done.

As it is written, in Psalm 107:6“Then they cried out to the Lord in their troubles and He delivered them from their distresses.” We humbly come to Your Holy throne Father, covered with Jesus’ blood. We are in desperate need of Your forgiveness.

You have promised in 2 Chronicles 7:14” If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” Father, we humble ourselves. We have decided to turn to You.

Hear Our Cries

Hear our cries of repentance and cleanse us with Your Son’s precious blood. Through Your Son, let us be reconciled to You Father.

Let the record of our debts that stand against us with legal demands be canceled with His blood and set aside, to be nailed to the cross of Christ, so that we may be made alive together again with Him.

Be merciful toward our iniquities and remember our sins no more Father. Speak peace to us and let us hear joy and happiness again.

Let the blood of Jesus purify our conscience from dead works to serve the living God. Lord, heal our land. Heal the air we breathe. Heal also our dead bodies, Heavenly Father. In Jesus mighty name, Amen.

Acts 3:19 “Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord.”

Luke 13:3 “I tell you, no! But unless you repent, you too will all perish.”


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  1. Good morning blessed Father I thank you for waking up me and my family thank you for your patience with us and your love for us. Amen THANK YOU LORD🙏❤️🥰

  2. Merciful God, you promised that if we confess our sins to you, that we will be forgiven and be cleansed from all unrighteousness.
    I confess that I have sinned against you in thought, word and deed and I humbly come before your throne of grace asking for your forgiveness and your cleansing in the blood of Jesus. Amen. Thanks be to God.

  3. Thank you Jesus for your love and mercies that endures forever thank for dying on the cross me that I through the your redemption now saved thank you Jesus for your love and care you have for me I’m so greatly God that I have a father is so understanding and forgiving towards l love so much God thank you again ❤️

  4. Father you know my sins and they are many. I lay them at the foot of the cross and ask for Your forgiveness. I truly love You with all of my heart and my desire is to serve You will all of my being. My greatest fear is that when I face You on my day of judgment I do not hear the words. “DEPART FROM ME I NEVER KNEW YOU.”

    1. If you don’t hear those words “DEPART FROM ME, I NEVER KNEW YOU” , you’re good for eternity. My thoughts as well. GOD BLESS.

  5. Thank you father GOD for this prayer . Let our December be filled with your blessings and abundance good health love and prosperity . I ask for your Devine guide ice and protection for my family also cover us with the precious blood of JESUS CHRIST . In JESUS matchless name I pray amen amen amen . So it is . Thank you father GOD for listening to my prayers I love you

  6. Good morning father god thank you for another day of life . Father hod I ask humbly for your forgiveness against my sins and family sins . We ask for forgiveness through the kind heart of Jesus Christ our lord and saviour amen father god we ask for your Devine protection today as we go on about our daily duties and deliver us always from evil give us our daily bread father god. Thank you father god for listening to my prayers in Jesus name amen amen amen

  7. Thank you Lord Jesus for coming in to my life. I pray for knowledge and wisdom to continue flowing in to me and my families life. Help me to overcome all kinds of temptations and stay away from sin.

    I seek forgiveness Lord for all my past sins. I repent and seek your pardon Jesus. I want to stand strong and rebuke and reject all kinds of temptations which could lead me to sin. Thank you for all your grace and mercy.
    Please bless and protect me and my family

    I love you, I adore you and I worship you in the mighty name of Lord Jesus. Amen

  8. I’m shame to be called your child because of my sins,but today my dear father in heaven,i am humbly asking for your forgiveness as sinner,i repent for all things I’ve done in my past life even today,i know nothing is hidden from u,,here I am,i was blind but now I see,i surrender my all to u,cleanse me with the blood of the Christ who made everything possible for me to have a new life,thank u father in heaven,i pray in Jesus name Amen

  9. Father, I repent for all my sins. Father forgive for all my sins. Father I surrender myself to you. You are my everything Father God. I put everything in your hands. Father God set me free. Give me a pure clean heart. Father I pray for peace, happiness and love in my life. Father God you are my first resort. Father, You are my Healer, Redeemer, Protector, Guider, Refugee, Lord in Savior. Father guide me on Your path. Father show me Your will for my life. Father God I love you. In Your Name I Pray, Amen.

  10. God forgive me all the sins I have committed. Save my husband and my children. I pray for God to be merciful and give an income. In Jesus Christ mightily name. Amen

    1. Dear Father God
      Thank you for your prescious son Jesus who bore all my sins and died for a sinful me even when He had no single sin. He bled for me so that I can be washed clean in His prescious blood. Today I am called the righteous of God because He paid for my debts. Today I am able to come to You because of Him setting me free. I repent of my sins today. Please help me not to grieve the Holy spirit
      I want to do right but always find myself doing the opposite. So help me my God. In Jesus Mighty Name

  11. I praise You,my dear Father in Heaven,because You are so good.
    I surrender my all to You.
    I give my life into Your hands.
    You are my all,my everything.
    I want to let everyone know that I serve a big God and a Living God of Truth.
    He is great and bigger than everything in the world.
    Dear God,I am so sorry for all of my sins.
    I repent for all of my sins. Amen.
    Thank You Lord Jesus,for You always be patient with me,lead me to walk in Your way of righteousness.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray
    Amen and Amen

  12. I ask for the forgiveness of my sins , that God should have mercy on me. Pray that God will restore back all that have lost back to me , in Jesus name amen

  13. Gracious Lord ,I surrender into thee that you may have your way in my life.
    Forgive my sns and set me free.
    Heal my wounded soul and Strengthen my spirit and open my eyes to see thy wonderous deeds.

    In Jesus name

  14. I repent of my sins , ask for Mercy from our God creator of all things, the beginning and the End , Heal our world from this dark cloud hovering around us .
    Mercy Lord God, Mercy for the world, Mercy for our families , Mercy Lord Mercy . In Jesus Name we pray . Amen and Amen . So be it

  15. I repent I surrender to you Lord Jesus
    Please Forgive and renew in me a new Denise
    I claim Peace by the precious blood of Jesus
    It is done
    No weapon formed against me shall prosper
    Thy will be done.
    Amen & Amen

    1. Forgive me Jesus of all my sin. Sins of conmission, onmission, private, and public sins. Cast them as far as east is to west, and remember them no more.