Wednesday Morning Prayer & Blessings to Start Your Day

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Oh Heavenly Father, this blessed Wednesday is the day You have made. I will rejoice and be glad in it. I give you all the praise you deserve for the gift of another blessed day. Your steadfast love never ceases. Your mercies never come to an end. They are new every morning.

Lord, you have a plan for me, for my life. Help me to keep the faith and walk steadfastly in the ways that you lead me. Guide my thoughts today in the midst of this week, and even as the week progresses, may I always take time to commune with you and praise your name.

Psalm 143:8 – Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life.

Psalm 30:5 – Weeping may last through the night, but joy comes with the morning.

Seeking God’s Guidance And Blessings

As I embark on the tasks and responsibilities of this Wednesday, I pray for Your guidance, Lord. Your word in Proverbs urges me to trust in You with all my heart and not to lean on my own understanding. I submit this day and all my ways to You, and I trust that You will direct my paths.

May my actions today reflect Your light, Lord, that my light will shine before others so that they may see our good deeds and glorify You. May every word I speak and every task I undertake be filled with love, kindness, and integrity. May my life today be a testament to Your goodness and grace.

Proverbs 3:5-6 – Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

Matthew 5:16 – In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

What Was Meant For Evil, God Uses For Good

Father, clear my mind and energize me with purpose and direction. Fill me with love and fire up my spirit with hope and promise. You take what was meant to harm me, and You use it for my benefit!

Thank you, Lord, that they cannot harm me, though they may try, because:

Heavenly Father, the burdens of my life seems to overwhelm me at times when I don’t feel to pray or even come out of bed. Lord, on this Wednesday morning, help me to give it all to you.

Your word says come all who are weary and burdened and you will give rest to our weary souls. Lord, help me to receive that rest. Abba Father, when I don’t know what to do about a situation, let me just turn it over to you because you care for me.

Psalm 92:2 It is good to proclaim your unfailing love in the morning, your faithfulness in the evening.

Lamentations 3:22–23 The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases. His mercies never come to an end. They are new every morning. Great is your faithfulness.

Wednesday Blessings And Release: We Turn It All Over To You

So today, on this Wednesday morning, I give everything over to you. Help me to leave it in your hands and rest on your promise to give me rest.

Today I choose joy because you are in control. I declare great things are going to happen today:

Lord, I give you praise, for you alone are worthy. You woke me up this morning. You have blessed my daily life, and there’s so much more you are going to do. And so Lord, take over this day, my mind, thoughts, and heart. I give you all the praise, honor and glory, in Jesus name, Amen.

Genesis 50:20 But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive.

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your path.

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  1. Good Morning World, another fine day the lord has given us, and let us be glad in it, God thank you for the journey mercies and peace let it continue being in my family.


  2. Good Morning world, Father we thank you for the gift of life, we thank you for this day, the love and peace, we ask for forgiveness for what we might have done during the week, please lord forgive us.

    Amen and Amen.

  3. Thank you lord for the gift of life, family and loved ones, bless the work of my hands dear lord, protect my children and wife from every evil spirit, we thank you for this day.


  4. Good Morning, week two in my new place of work, I thank you God for this opportunity. Protect my family as they get to work and school. I pray for wisdom to fix the issues that are ahead of me. In the mighty name of Jesus i pray and believe.


  5. Good Morning My brothers and sisters, God has allowed us see 2023, I praise and worship him for that.Than you for the love and peace in my life, I honor and lift up your mighty name for ever and ever. Amen

  6. Amen And Amen, it is yet another Wednesday, as we move towards the holidays, father i pray that my holiday is peaceful, let is not be like the last one lord where there was no peace at all, i pray this trusting in you Jesus.


    AMEN 🙏

  8. Thank You Lord for another Wednesday, I want to seek your guidance and protection in everything that I do today, I again want to put my sister and brother in my prayer please heal them, God. Amen

  9. Heavenly Father thank you for blessing us with this new day. Thank you for your loving kindness and tender mercies which are new every morning. The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him. So dear God we surrender our lives to you. Take control. Guide and direct us along the right pathway. May all we do and say today bring honour and glory to your name. Amen.

  10. This prayer and the declarations were such a Blessing and a reminder that God not only knows but cares about my situation.

  11. Heavenly Father, thank you so much for woken me up this morning. Thank you for this beautiful day. I am grateful for your loving kindness. May your love, righteousness, and wisdom filled my heart. Thank so much for blessing my family and I. You are a faithful God. Carry me through this day with a caring heart. Holly spirit, I thank you for everything! Amen!

  12. My Heavenly and Beautiful Father, thank you for another blessed and wonderful day! May you please keep blessing my family and anyone else that reads this, you are loved! God is good, good is God! Amen!

  13. Most Gracious, and Heavenly Father, I thank You this evening for being the type of God that you are full of knowledge, wisdom, love, and Your Presence is in every area of this world at one time, Thank You for allowing Your Son to die on the cross for our sins so, we can have a second chance with you to be the type of God fearing people you need us to be. Father God it’s so much going on in this world right now, sickness and death is knocking at people’s front door, and I ask You to take charge of this negative situation that COVID19 is trying to do control people”s health, and Please turn this evil into a good, turn it into our favor, Oh Lord, In Jesus Christ name I pray Amen! Amen! and Amen!

  14. Thanks so much for this prayer. God is great. He’s so marvellous. I need prayers for my kids to change their attitudes and behaviour. Amen.

  15. Dear Father God,
    I praise and give You thanks for bring peace in my morning and bless me with Your love.
    I will always stand by Your Words to do everything to start my day.
    I will triumph over every situation in my daily life.
    I pray for peace in my daily life, that You,Lord Jesus, give me wisdom courage to deal with everything that comes my way. Amen.
    Today, I am blessed and my life has been made whole.
    I am blessed when I come in and blessed when I go out. Amen.
    Thank You Lord, for Your love towards me.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen..

  16. I thank you, Dear Heavenly Father, for waking me up this morning, to see another blessed day… I am so happy to have this wonderful beautiful Wednesday morning prayer to brighten my day. Your steadfast love never ceases, Your mercies never come to an end.
    They are new every morning. Thank you, Lord. In Jesus mighty name. Amen.

  17. Good morning. Thank you so much for taking the time to share what God put in your ❤️ for us to read and to always share with others and to learn about the Bible what we did not understand and question we may have so thank you, God bless in the name of Jesus Christ amen.

  18. I thank you, Dear Heavenly Father, for waking me up this morning, to see another blessed day… I am so happy to have this wonderful beautiful Wednesday morning prayer to brighten my day. Your steadfast love never ceases, Your mercies never come to an end.
    They are new every morning. Thank you, Lord. In Jesus mighty name. Amen.

  19. I plead the blood of Jesus over my home, family, and neighborhood. Lord, You already know about the spiritual warfare my husband has encountered. We need your deliverance, protection, and power in all aspects of our lives. Lord Jesus I declare that You are Lord over my life, marriage, and home. Cast out all demons from my husband’s path. Heal him from his past. Free him to do your will. I also pray for our enemies, those people who don’t like us, and perpetuate mental health stigmas. Lord, You know that some of those people are Church leaders. Open their eyes. Show us all that stigma, bigotry, and racism are not of God. I also pray for women in the church who hold anger towards men. This too is not of God. Lord, I thank for giving Your life in exchange for our sins. We love you and give you all the honor, praise, and glory. In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen!

  20. We thank God for this morning devotions and prayers, Truly God is Faithful and Loving.
    God bless CHRISTIANSTT.

  21. Thank you Lord for another day even know I don’t want to get out of bed as I’m so low with depression and anxiety. But I praise an thank you an give you glory that your grace is sufficient to get me through this…. Lord please let me have a good sleep as you know I Struggle to sleep every night…. I know you have a plan for me just give me the strength and patience to carry on an that you will be glorified when you bring me through this storm….. Im trusting in you Lord even when it dosnt make sense your will be done not mine… In your mercy help me Lord Amen

  22. Jesus I surrender all to You today. I don’t want to drive anymore, Jesus take the wheel.
    Jesus, You know my pain and how bad it gets and how desperate we are to find new living accommodations . I surrender all to You Lord doing it on my own is not working so, as of this moment forgive me for thinking I can do it on my own. I love You Father and I entrust my needs to You and I know You will bless me in the mighty name of Jesus ~AMEN

  23. I have been up all night, but I am blessed by your love , grace precious mercies
    I give it all to you Lord
    Peace be still.
    Amen & Amen

    1. Thank you Jesus for waking me up. I praise your holy name. Please open a way for my husband on his status in this country. Remove any obstacles. We ask in your name. Amen