Where Are You? Prayer For Missing Persons

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We lift our eyes to You, Heavenly and Most Gracious Father, from where our hope and help comes. You are the maker of heaven and earth. Today Lord, we cry out to You on behalf of those persons who are missing. We, their family and friends, anxiously and patiently await their safe return or just to hear news of their whereabouts.

Even though You said “be anxious for nothing, but in everything, by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let our request be known“, it is heart-wrenching not knowing where our loved ones are.

We pray fervently for the safe return of those who are lost, asking for Your guiding hand to lead them back to safety and into the loving arms of their families.

Grant wisdom and discernment to those who search, that they may be led by Your light in their efforts to find the missing. Strengthen the resolve of communities and authorities as they work together in hope and determination.

Psalm 139:7-10 Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.

Romans 5:5 – Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.

Feeling Helpless

We feel so overwhelmed and helpless. Give us the peace that surpasses our understanding so our hearts can be guarded from negative thoughts, Lord.

You said You would never leave us or forsake us. And therefore we continue to trust and hope in the mighty working power of the Holy Spirit. We trust You, Lord Jesus, for the safe return of our loved ones.

2 Corinthians 1:3-4 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.

Psalm 34:18 The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.

Praying For Safety Of Our Missing Loved One

Abba Father, You are our Great, All-knowing God, All-powerful creator of the universe. And You know that our loved ones are somewhere out there, needing to be touched by the Holy Spirit to find their way back home.

If for some reason Lord, they are being held against their will, we command the abductors to release them unharmed, in the name of Jesus Christ!

Romans 15:4 – For whatever things were written before were written for our learning. That we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope.

Strength And Hope In Waiting

In this time of waiting, grant us the strength to endure and the hope to believe in a joyful reunion. Comfort our troubled hearts, soothe our weary spirits, and keep alive the flame of hope within us.

Let us not be overcome by fear but be uplifted by Your promise of comfort and healing. Empower us, Lord, to support one another in love and prayer, to be pillars of strength for each other as we navigate this difficult journey.

May our faith in You and in the power of Your love remain unshaken, serving as a beacon of hope that guides us through the darkest of times.

Isaiah 40:31 But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

Hebrews 6:19 We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain.

Ask And You Will Receive

Father, You said whatever we ask for in pray, we will receive once we believe and have faith. We declare today Lord that we continue to stand strong in faith, believing that our loved ones are safe and will come home.

Until then, wherever they are Almighty God, cover them in the precious blood of Your Son, Jesus Christ. We pray they find grace to survive whatever ordeal they are facing right now.

In the name of Jesus, we thank You for Your everlasting mercies, SO BE IT… Amen and Amen.

1 Peter 1:20-21He indeed was foreordained before the foundation of the world. But was manifest in these last times for you, who through Him believe in God. Who raised Him from the dead and gave Him glory, so that your faith and hope are in God.

Prayer for missing persons

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  1. I can’t find my brother.
    I am stuck in a situation and I need help to get out of this. I have no place to go. No income, I feel so alone.

  2. Please pray for my sister Ginger that we will get to meet soon. My brother and sister, and cousin have been looking all over the world and we only know her by her name and birthday. We never meet or seen her before. We were all adopted into different families so she is the last to be found.


  3. Dear God, Please don’t let me lose sight of you or your precious promises. Even though I don’t know where my son Christopher is, you have your hand on him just like the day he accepted you as his Lord and Savior. Please comfort him and touch the hearts of the people who may have him held captive. Please have mercy. Bring him back to his sons Dear God. Bring him back to me. Please be a hedge of protection around him. I pray he has food and warmth. I pray he is alive. I plead the blood of Jesus for his safe return. I miss him so much and I am trying to keep my eyes focused on you ,but the terrible thoughts and images in my mind are trying to take over. Strengthen me. Give him strength as well to get back to us. I love you Lord, your mercy never fails. Please forgive us for our transgressions and keep us safely under your watchful eyes and outstretched arms. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit I pray.

    1. My boyfriend is missing and your post touched me as it is exactly how I feel. Has your son come home? 🙏

  4. My fiance Joshua was kidnapped in the middle east on 5/23/22. 3 days before his flight home. I am believing God to bring him home to me as He promised. Pls pray for Josh! By God’s grace, after not hearing from him for about 6 months I prayed I prayed 1/24/23 and told God that I needed to hear his voice. That very night the Muslim called and left me speak with Josh a few minutes! Josh said he is getting very little to eat. I’m standing on scripture and claiming it for him. Psalm 146: 7 says He upholds the cause of the oppressed and gives food to the hungry and Psalm 144: 7&8 Reach down your hand from on high ; deliver Joshua from the hands of foreigners whose mouths are full of lies whose right hands are deceitful. Pls pray with me for Josh to be delivered out of there and fly home to me! TY, Brenda

  5. Please help me pray for my brother James who went missing a month ago to return home safe we haven’t heard or seen him , Lord Jesus please pour you’re holy precious blood from the top of he’s head to the bottom of the his feet and protect him bring him home safe ,I have faith and believe in you lord in Jesus name I pray Amen.

  6. Please pray for my Best friend Brooke that went missing a few days ago . We are so worried about her. Please pray for her to return safely home to her family & friends that love her & miss her greatly. ❤

  7. Heavenly Most graciously king Emmannuel i ask you humbly to please protect my step-dad whom is my everything. please send your angels to touch him with their blessed hands that he will return home safely from where ever he is, also return in good health and spirit. may the good got of mosses bless him and shower him with his holy blood. in Jesus Christ Mighty name we pray Amen.

  8. Please pray for the return of Carl Whitney, he went missing Friday. Pray strength, peace and comfort for the family.
    Thank you.

  9. I pray Lord for my wife Shila, Please protect her and let her come home before we know it – safe and unharmed. I pray this in the Mighty Name of Lord Jesus Christ, Amen. Holy Mary Mother of God intercede for us please

  10. heavenly Father God ofall please lord as i sit under you please you who are able to do all thing help me &my family to understand the meaning of you being a just god and your will being done please heavenly bfather you who knows and see all bring my son patrickjr. back to his earthly family lord i know you did not bless me with him just to take him from meyou covered saved and protected me from the grip of death i know you have done the same for my son i just pray you bring him back in Jesus name amen amen amen

    1. Praying for Patrick’s protection, provision and soon safe return as I do for my grandson and all who are missing. With God, noone is missing…He knows right where everyone is and holds them in the palms of His hands.
      Keeping you and your family in our prayers too! Never lose Hope!
      Mark 11:22

  11. Please Father God in the name of your Son Jesus Christ I pray my son Michael is well and protected by you wherever he is . He disappeared 12 days ago. He is 22 and I’m worried. Bring him back soon to us I pray Amen.

  12. Please lord help find and bring my granddaughter back home. She went missing after her mother was arrested during a safety check for her mental health. Police refuse to get involved. Mother told police the children including my granddaughter and her half brother ages 18 mos and 4 were with her sister. Sister claims she doesnt have the children that another family member does. The other family members also claim they never had them. Please keep these babies safely wrapped in your arms until they can be found and returned home

  13. Father God l lift my precious brother Patrick Ida b4 you that you unite him back to our family and for you to locate my son’s father as you are the Gid of all flesh.

  14. Thanking God for this wonderful prayer warrior and all of those whose loved ones have been returned and those who are on their way back home. Thank you Jesus! My request is a little different, I am asking Holy Spirit to help in the search of my grandfather’s brothers who were all separated from each other during turbulent times. I have searched for them and so far nothing of this original family. My grandfather’s children are all dying out one by one. I pray that God will send the help I need in locating these brothers and getting to the root of our family tree. I am so grateful to God my heavenly Father and my ancestry with him but would like to help my elderly family find their heritage as asked.

  15. Heavenly Father I know that you always fulfill your promises. Whatever we ask in hope and faith you will grant. In the mighty name of our Saviour Jesus Christ I pray for the return of my elder son Teboho Ishmael Maduna (South Africa) who disappeared in October 2003 (16 years ago, when he was 27 years old). Let the Holy Spirit lead him safely home.

    Teboho I have hope that you are still alive and healthy, I will accept you in whatever state you are in, I love you.

  16. Please pray for my father who was abducted on his way to church. Please pray for those who did this to us that they will release him unharmed soon in Jesus Name Amen

  17. Fatther in the name of Jesus I come lifting up all those who are going through this painful and heart wrenching experience. Jehovah God I you know are able to find these loved ones. You was concerned for Saul’s lost Asses, and when the axe head was lost the Man of God caused it to swim. Our loved ones are so much more important and of greater value and you said whatever we ask in Jesus name it shall be done. So I thank you for bringing them home out of obscurity, bondage or whatever situation in Jesus name. Amen

  18. Please pray for a safe return of my adult son.
    He left home on Thursday,01 November,visiting the township.
    We haven’t heard from him ever since.
    We don’t now where he is and how he is doing
    His cellphone is off.
    Please pray for the safe return of Luthando Khonkwane.

  19. DEAR father Yahweh I come to you this hour. My son is missing. You know where he is. Father I ask to get my son back home alive and well. Wherever he is I pray that he is safe.

  20. Will you touch and agree with me that my son Calvin will find his way back home, by leading of the Holy Spirit. I pray for divine healing, he is not harmed and God touches his ear that he listen to the holy spirit.

  21. Please pray for the safety of my grandfather Oscar Chuniesingh who has left home one month now he has early stages of alzheimers – please pray that our family can get guidance in that location wherever he may be and for his safe return or a call that will lead us to him.

    thanks in advance

  22. Please pray for a friend whos missing now seven days drew cato to come home to his family and friends

  23. Please pray for a beautiful man named Robert. His mother and I love him but have no idea where he is being held captive and tortured. Please pray for his safe return.

  24. I pray in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, for there is no other name by which we shall be saved. Lord Jesus Christ I pray for my husband Tony who has been missing for 11 months now that my God will shine his light on his way so as to be save where ever he is now. May the Lord Jesus Christ locate him and set him free from anywhere he is now. He will not be condemned and whoever the son of God set free is free indeed I declare freedom upon his life now, my husband is free now and will come home safe and sound in Jesus name Amen.

    1. I agree
      I pray he will come back today. Show you love and know you care for him and needs you. I pray this in Jesus name Amen God Bless

  25. Dear Jesus, there is no other name under heaven whereby we might be saved , but You. Please Lord, find my friend Moses Edmund, and let your Holy Spirit touch him wherever he is. Jesus , release him this day and bring him back to us, his friends and family.Nothing is impossible with You Father. Show Your might and power AMD be His personal deliverer. Bring him to safety and cause a way for us to find him.Thank you Jesus. Amen.

  26. I pray in the name of our lord that my brother Mark Danniel J. Soriano who is missing for three weeks. I pray and hope that God help us to find my brother.. pls guide him to our home and pls take care of him..God please protect him…

  27. Please pray for me. My son is not answering his emails and seems missing since July 27th 2017. I noticed he is not communicating with his girlfriend either. He is 18. I am trapped at my home waiting for God to open a door for a new car. I have a job but my ride is not reliable. Her van is getting repairs done today. I have three more weeks probation in a new job before banks open that financial door. I need a miracle. Please pray with me as I keep a vigilant prayer going day and night. I need to know my son is fine and I need to have a car. I don’t even have a phone. Pray curses off of me too.

  28. Father in the mighty name of Jesus, I pray for my dear son Richmond and his grandad that you bring them back safely and also cause us to hear from them. For two months we haven’t heard from them but I believe that with you all things are possible. We’re patiently waiting for them in Jesus Name. Amen

  29. Lord haste to help me, that my missing brother will be found and returned safe home. In ur beloved son’s name Jesus Christ. Amen

  30. I pray in name of our lord that my missing brother will be returned home safe. He might be going by the name Raphael jr Contreras. Last seen with stepfather Rafael Contreras in area Delano CA. I really need prayers urgently to hear positive news of him. In name Jesus Christ. Thank you.

    1. Hi Elizabeth,
      Joining you in prayer for news of your brother and for his safe return to his family. May God bless you and your family, Amen.

  31. Lord Jesus i know nothing is imposible pls bring back my husband mario buen back to me. We had no communication for four days now. I trust in you.

  32. A young woman named Elizabeth Salgado went missing 2 years ago and 1 day. Today is Easter, please pray that God would intervene and shine the light on her whereabouts, that this mystery would be solved, and that she would be rescued and returned to her family. Please dear Heavenly Father, you know all things. I join my brothers and sisters in Christ in agreement that this prayer has reached your ears and heart, and that this nightmare is in your hands and in process of being resolved in the name above all names, Jesus Christ the Lord.

  33. HALLELUJAH! God thank You! They have been found! The Cortez brothers are back home! We know You answer prayers! HALLELUJAH to our God! To all discouraged, this is proof, God will make a way! We stand with you for your loved ones and plead the blood of Christ and His Resurrection power to conquer over all. In Jesus name!

    1. Wonderful! Thank you for the great news! It’s so good to hear that they are safe and well.

  34. For the Cortez brother’s to be returned safe and soundly to their family and all missing, please God we pray protection, safety and MIRACLES for these and all of your children. You are our Rescuer-please Lord Your mighty hand does not fail-may we always see your glory surpass our own mind and turn off the voices of darkness, may Your light conquer all and restore, reconcile and forgive us all of any offenses against you and fellow mankind. Please set the mind of any involved to release and regain the humanity You have given through the precious Cross-God we cry out to You and trust You now and forever in Jesus name!

  35. Oh Lord please let my brother Nnamdi Promise Sibigem come back to us safe and sound in the mighty name of Jesus. Please Lord we earnestly pray you protect and shield him against what over obstacle or person’s that have held him against his will. Forgive all his iniquities and set him free from whatever challenge he is facing right now. Amen

  36. For Emily Paige Moore, my precious daughter, who went missing this afternoon and still has not returned 1:30am. Father, I trust you will bring her home to us safe and sound.

  37. Dear Evie, God can find people who have been kidnapped or is missing. God decided to make His Second Coming and wants to make many miracles in order people to believe in the power and love of God for people. My name is Petros Koumasonas, i live in Athens, Greece.

  38. I pray by the blood of Jesus and the good grace of God, Michael Anthony Pomes Jr return home safely to his family and especially his Father.

  39. My father is missing since thirteen days it is rightly said that prayers and blessings have the power to create a miracle please pray for my father safety and his return .

  40. Please help me. I’m praying for my father- in-law’s safe return. He went missing 9 days ago. Hoping that he will found unharmed. Thank you all. God bless!!!

  41. Dearest Father, The Patterson family surrender all of their fearful thoughts to You. They call upon Your perfect wisdom to guide everything to ensure the complete safety and protection of Glen Swaby. No one can be harmed, threatened or in danger when they are surrounded by the light and protection of Your powerful love. Please take the fears of those waiting at home for Glen and replace them with Your certainty of a peaceful outcome. Glen is in Your hands Lord and no weapon raised against him will prosper, please reurn him safely into the loving arms of his family soon. Amen.

  42. Please, please pray for Mert Akgoz, 20 years old, who went missing.
    Please pray that he will be found alive.

    Thank you,

    God bless you all!!!

    1. Dear Lord, Gerda places her loved one Mert Akgoz,in Your capable hands and trusts with all her heart, that they are safe and secure. Thank You, in advance, for their safe and immediate return to those loved ones that wait for them at home. Father please here Gerda and answer.. Amen

    1. Father in Heaven, I ask You tonight for the safe return home of Delaine Copenace
      To the cradle of her family’s arms And the refuge of their home Speedily, in life and in health. Please watch over her. Protect her and shelter her from harm.
      Deliver Delaine from evil acts and evil intent. It has been 8 months now since this loved one went missing, I pray that by now You Lord have returned her home into the arms of her loved ones.. Thank You Father in Jesus name. Amen.

    1. Dear God hear our prayer as we pray for the safety and return of Ashma Naimool .May the bonds of love and concern that we build this evening reach out to her wherever she may be and send her feet in the direction of her home. Father we know You will guide this person safely homeward. Please protect them from all danger and harm. Lead them home Father….we ask You this in Jesus name. Amen

    1. Father I pray by now that Ron is safely back in the arms of his loving family and peace is once more restored to his loved ones. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

    1. In Jesus name Father I pray that Kirby is safely with her loved ones this Thanksgiving time. Amen

    1. I pray Lord by now Kirby is back within the loving arms of his/her family. In Jesus name I ask this Father. Amen.