Prayer When You Feel Far Away From God

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Sometimes, we experience a life-changing situation which makes it very difficult for us to bounce back from. God feels very far away. At these moments, we begin to ask questions…

  • Where did it go wrong?
  • What should I have done that I didn’t?
  • Where is life as I know it?
  • Where is God?

You find yourself drowning as the days go by. Depression sets in. You just feel like ending it all.

It seems that God doesn’t listen. He seems to be far away. Is he really listening? You feel that you cannot hear God’s voice. And that he doesn’t hear your cries.

I want you to know that God is not behind your problems or suffering. But he is standing there to lift you out of it. All you need to do is take a leap of faith and trust in him. God wants to brag about you just like his servant Job in the Bible.

1 Cor 10:13 No temptation has come upon you except what is common to humanity. But God is faithful. He will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able. But, with the temptation, he will also provide a way out so that you may be able to bear it.

Don’t Give Up

You are the apple of God’s eyes. Our Heavenly Father loves you too much to neglect you. He wouldn’t give you what you cannot handle. Don’t give up!

He allows us to go through some things so, at the end of it, his name is glorified. In Matthew 28:20 we are told “… I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. “. In Hebrews 7:25 we are reminded that he intercedes on our behalf. He is in prayer for you!

Romans 5:3 And not only this, but [with joy] let us exult in our sufferings and rejoice in our hardships, knowing that hardship (distress, pressure, trouble) produces patient endurance.

Don’t Give Up – God’s Not Far Away

Don’t give up, my dear. Trust in God and believe in yourself. With God on your side, You are stronger than you think. Believe in your heart that God will answer whenever you pray or call on him. Shalom!!!

Testimony – by Glorie Fourie

I would like to thank God for this day, His protection towards my family and everyone else. When I accepted Jesus I was a mess. I didn’t know how to pray. I didn’t feel Him or His presence in times of healing or comfort.

At that time, I didn’t know how to communicate with Him when I was down and out. I was angry, bitter, full of tears every time when I try to explain myself.

Being Submissive To The Lord

But because we are serving an amazing God, I was given 3 chapters by one of the Prayer Warriors to read and use them as a prayer as well. Those were Psalms 51, 71 and 91.

Those chapters worked a miracle in my life. I ended up understanding that before I could even think of what I am going through, I needed to be submissive in front of Jesus and everyone else.

As a sinner, I needed to accept my sins and also acknowledge that I am a sinner and I am prepared to change and be a new person in Jesus’ Name.

Humbling Myself

Then God started to work in me by showing me the right path and directing me in doing good to others without expecting anything back. I had to humble myself as I used to walk with pride and taking other people for granted.

Today I am a down-to-earth person. I understand each and every situation that a person is going through. When a person is hungry, I know how it feels. When someone is going under rejection, I know how it is

Having problems and not having anyone to turn to? I know how it feels. I am from there and I am a witness of all of this in Jesus’ Name.

So my brothers and sisters, let us all unite as one under the umbrella of Jesus. Let us help one another in prayer and ask God our Father to have mercy on all of us and help us to cross this river Jordan being protected under His Wings.

I am saying all of this in the Wonderful Name of our Lord Jesus Christ Amen. Your sister in Christ – Glorie Fourie

When You Feel Like God is Far Away

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  1. Thank you Glorie for this beautiful testimony and encouragement. May the Lord continue to be your guide in all that you say and do. May he bless you abundantly so that you can preach the word of God to others.

  2. Most amazing testimony, staying humble and grateful, giving all glory to God our Father and Jesus Christ.
    Amen !!

  3. Hello everyone please pray for my family and I. We have been experiencing warfare for the pass 5 yrs and not even the children have even been at peace.I will continue to fast and pray for my family as well. I definitely need angelic as

  4. Am blessed to be part of this team.
    All the scriptures you share are spirit-filled.
    I have been taking the emails you send via my inbox for granted.
    But from the time I took a chance to read and follow them, my life has not been the same again.
    I even share them on my whatsapp status each time I read.
    Because they bless me, I share them to also bless others.

    I thank everyone behind this team.
    God bless you all.

  5. My dear Lord Jesus Christ,
    I thank You,dear God,for You are always be with me wherever I go and thank You for bring peace in my life.
    Today,my first focus is my relationship with my Lord Jesus.Amen..
    Dear God,I thank You,for being my refuge and strength.
    I am so grateful to have You,Lord Jesus,Amen..
    In Jesus mighty name,

  6. Good night my father . Thank you for always being near me and my family . Protect us this night my father and give us beautiful dreams in Jesus Christ name amen

  7. Good morning Father God I just want to say thank you for everything for all your blessings carry on protecting every part of me and my life and my family in Jesus name amen amen amen…

  8. Dear God,
    I praise You my dear Lord Jesus Christ.I always love You. Amen.
    I always feel that,Lord,You are be with me,be by my side,in me,and live in me,stay in my heart.
    Lord Jesus,all I want is being close to You.
    Yes Lord Jesus,You promise never leave me alone,always be with me,wherever I go. Amen.
    I pray that today,dear God,
    My relationship with my Lord Jesus,is my first focus.
    I never feel far from You,dear God. Amen.
    My Lord Jesus always stay in my heart and in my mind.
    He is always be with me wherever I go.
    Thank You Lord Jesus,for bring peace in my life.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

    1. Heavenly Father i am so grateful for everything that you have done for me. Father God i prayed that you take full control of my life. Father God give me the strength, wisdom and guidance to get through this storm. Help me Father to continue to be better person. I am learning how to let go and let God. Father you are my fortress, my provider, my healer, my guider, my rock, my savior. Father God i know you are by my side each and every day. I pray that the Holy Spirit use me on this journey. Father God you know the pain, aches, stress, worries, down falls, broken promises, people lying to me on lying on me, people trying to use me and take my kindness for my weakness, you know the things i have went through and dealing with now. Father God i prayed that you help me. I put all my trust into you Father. I surrender myself to you Father God. In your name Amen

  9. Praise Him, Praise Him
    Like you I was lost but now I’m found, blind but now I See, I was a WRECK AND HE SAVED ME!

  10. Good Day

    I feel like God is far away from me most of the time. I’m trying my best in everything and I have given my heart to God, but still I feel so empty and alone. Thank you for this testimony it has build up my faith again.